Catalogue Foreign Rights 2012-2013


Catalogue Foreign Rights 2012-2013
Foreign Rights List
Lit erat ure
Francesco SPINO GLIO , Sueños de bols illo (Pocket Dreams )
Francesco SPINO GLIO , Camino de la gloria (Road to Glory)
Claudia BÜRK, Las nueve ventanas de Jeanne Bardèot (The Nine Windows of Jeanne Bardèot)
Fernando RIQUELME, Es perando a que s e abra la mañana (Waiting for the Break of Dawn)
Fernando RIQUELME, Los inmorales (The I mmorals )
Thrille r
Anna BALLABRIGA & David ZAPLANA, Morbo Gótico (Gothic Attraction)
George M . CHRISTOPHER, El protector (The Protector)
George M . CHRISTOPHER, Semilla negra (Black Seed)
Laura LÓPEZ ALFRANCA, La otra cara del es pej o (The Other Side of the Mirror)
Eduardo PÉREZ, El diario de mis sueños (The Diary of my Dreams )
Miguel AGUSTÍ, El niño vacío (The Hollow Child)
Women’s Lit erat ure
Fernando RIQUELME, El paraís o era una canción (Paradis e Was a Song)
Rafael CAUNEDO , Plan B
Rafael CAUNEDO , Helmut
Ferando GARCÍA PAÑEDA, Tres Gymnopedias (Three Gymnopedias )
Hist orical Fict ion
Rubén GARCÍA CEBO LLERO , Los almogávares I (The Almogavars I )
Rubén GARCÍA CEBO LLERO , Ebro 1938. La batalla de la tierra alta (Ebro 1938. The Battle of the High Land)
Román MANRIQ UE DE LARA, Al compás del caos (At Chaos Pace)
J ulián DELGADO , Morir por el Sahara (To Die for Sahara)
Benito CABO , El expediente Sión (The Sion File)
Ruber IGLESIAS, Muerte en La Habana (Death in La Habana)
Spirit ualit y
Germán MARTÍN RAIS, Duna
Ramón VILLERÓ , Viaj e al corazón del Mediterraneo (A J ourney to the Coreo of the Mediterranean)
Ramón VILLERÓ , La s onris a de la Tierra (The Earth’s Smile)
Ramón VILLERÓ , El nudo infinito (The I nfinite Knot)
Antonio GARGALLO GIL , El psicólogo de Nazaret (The Nazareth’s Ps ychologis t)
Short St ories
Fernando CLAUDÍN, La loca como un palo de es cola (A Woman As Mad As a Brooms tick)
Test imony
Anne Smith, Memorias de una prostituta (Memoir of a Pros titute)
A ct ualit y
Merche RO DRÍGUEZ, Colgados . Emociones en la red (Bugged. Emotions in the Net)
Polit ics & Social Science s
Iñaki MO RENO , La conj ura de los genios (The Genious ’ Conspiracy)
Iñaki ARTETA & Alfonso GALLETERO , El infierno vas co (The Basque Hell)
Mauricio RO JAS, Lenin y el totalitarismo (Lenin and Totalitarism)
J uan BATISTA, Si vis pacem, delea violentiam
Fernando J . VAQ UERO , L a ruta del odio. 100 respuestas claves sobre el terrorismo (Way to hate. 100 key
answers about terroris m)
Jes ús LÓPEZ SÁEZ, J uan Pablo I . Caso abierto (John Paul I . O pen case)
Polit ics & Social Science s
Fernando NAVARRO GARCÍA, D iccionario Biográfico de Nazismo y III Reich (Biographic Dictionary of Nazism
and III Reich)
Javier GARCÍA-EGOCHEAGA, Sobrevivir al baile latin (How to survive to the latin dance)
Polit ics & Social Science s
Fernando CLAUDÍN, La banda de Pepo (Pepo’s Friends )
Young Adults
Fant asy
Gala ROMANÍ, La s ombra de los lobos (The Wolves ’ s hadow)
Gay & Lesbian Lit erat ure
Javier HERCE , Matar a un vampiro (Kill A Vampire)
Javier HERCE , Desde aquí a tu ventana (From Here To Your Window)
Íñigo SO TA, Las distancias cortas (Short Distances )
Short St ories
Íñigo SO TA, Mónika s onríe frente al espej o (Monika Smiles I n Front Of The Mirror)
Fict ion
Alex DUSSELDO RP, Atardecer del Faraón (Pharao’s Dus k)
Fant asy
T.C. FERRY, Annabel
Fernando CLAUDÍN, La banda de Pepo (Pepo’s Friends )
Literary Agency
As a lite rary agency we represent national and international authors to distribute the ir work
worldwide. The task of a lite rary agent is to be the filte r be tween write rs and publishing companies
and assure its distribution.
Página Tres Lite rary Age ncy is committed to the author and the ir work, defe nds their inte rests,
ne gotiates their rights, offe rs lite rary advice or the tutoring of proje cts, supe rvises the editing and
adapts the structure of the story to the tone pursue d by the author. It is important to reach the
highest commercial le ve l and prese rve , at the same time, high lite rary value .
Services to writers
Services to
. Representing authors
. Reading re ports
. Style editing
. Pe rsonalised tutoring
. Manuscript with
editorial crite ria
. Structure and plot
. Structure editing
. Chapte r by chapte r editing
Victoria Sanjuan
Inte rnational R ights
Piluca Vega
phone (34) 664 067 304
Fernando Riquelme
phone (34) 677 420 001
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sueños de bolsillo
Pocket Dream s
Based on true events
Initiation novel
192 pages
15 ,50 €
ISBN : 978-84-938733-6-3
Published in:
- Spain: Editorial Eutelequia, Sept. 2011
A magnif icent novel that has concerne d a whole generat ion.
T ranslation rights
A convulsive and moving s tory.
A disciple of John Fant e.
“O ne of the best books of 2011”, El Ciervo magazine
“It won’t let impassive thos e who enjoy lif e and good lit erat ure”, La Vanguardia
Pocket Dreams is the first novel of a tetralogy:
Pocket Dreams (Eutelequia, 2011)
Way to Glory (La Tempestad, 2009)
The Angel’s Blow.
Avatars and The Angel’s Blow are already written and to be published.
Pocket Dreams is an initiation novel, written with an acid and corrosive style that is about childhood, adolescence and youth
of Tommaso Rossi, a shy boy born into a bourgeois family of the North of Italy. The character admires his grand-father
whose business, a furrier’s company, allows him to dream with a fantasy world in which Tommaso finds a refuge, a way to
escape from reality. Actually, the novel starts: “It sta rted this way: I wanted to be a fox. Red, if possible. The human being
disgusted me, filled me of existential emptiness”.
During h is adolescence, he is reveled as an i ntelligent b ut confli ctive student. He prog ressively discovers relationsh ips and
what a mediocre life means. But Tommaso feels that hi s learning needs an escape and decides to move. His purpose i s to
get involved in life or get involved in death.
Francesco Spinoglio (Casale Montferrato, Italy, 1983).
At 20 he left his country and t raveled to Spain with a bag, a few money and lots of dreams. He
lived in Seville where he only found miserable jobs. He then decided to write his works in
He has
El Dorado (Slovento, 2006).
Sueños de Bolsillo / Pocket Dreams (2011).
Camino de la Gloria / Way to Glory (Tempestad, 2009).
“La Gaviota” in Viscerales (Ediciones del Viento, 2009).
Cam ino de la gloria
Way to glory
Based on true e vents
Initiation nove l
181 pages
ISBN: 978-84-7948-095-0
Published in:
- Spain: Ediciones La Tempestad, 2009
Prologue by A ldo Ruffinatto, author and profe ssor of the Unive rsity of
A picaresque nove l of the XXI century.
Trans lation rights available
P ocket Drea ms is the sec ond novel of a tetralogy:
Pocket Dreams (E utelequia, 2011)
Way to Glory (La Tempestad, 2009)
Avatars .
The Angel’s Blow.
Avatars and The Angel’s Blow are already written and to be published.
Tommaso Rossi is a young and c urious man we met in Pocket Dreams who dreams with bec oming a writer. He
leaves his natal city and moves to Seville (Spain), full of expec tations and at the ready as if he were Don
Q uixote. But he only finds miserable jobs to s urvive.
The experience has nothing to do with what he though. His enormous ability to invent stories allows him to
write and self- publish his first novel and thus keep on dreaming. Suddenly, the wors t news : his grandfather
dies .
But T ommas o must go on on his “way to glory” and decides to move to his next des tination: Barcelona.
Francesco Spinoglio (Casale Montferrato, Italy, 1983).
At 20 he left his country and t raveled to Spain with a bag, a few money and lots of dreams. He
lived in Seville where he only found miserable jobs. He then decided to write his works in
He has
El Dorado (Slovento, 2006).
Sueños de Bolsillo / Pocket Dreams (2011).
Camino de la Gloria / Way to Glory (Tempestad, 2009).
“La Gaviota” in Viscerales (Ediciones del Viento, 2009).
Claudia BÜRK
Las nueve ventanas de Jeanne Bardèot
The Nine Windows of Jeanne Bardèot
Fantastical dystopia
434 pages
ISBN : 978-84-938238-1-8
Published in:
- Spain: G rup L oher E ditorial, Feb. 2011
“C laudia is the one who unders tands reality through words , and s he reveals
with this novel her first intimate map of the world”
Javier Sierra, writer and inves tigator
Trans lation rights available
T rans lation available
Jeanne Bardèot is a s hy young girl with a dramatic pas t, full of abuses and bad treatment. She tries to escape
from it within an hos tile professional environment. The only connection she has with reality is a few s ecurity
cameras through which she can observe the world.
Then Jeanne gets in touch with the Arc hangel Mic hael who shows her undeniable and astonishing nature. She
wants to believe him and she then dec ides to use imagination as an escape of reality. Half woman, half angel,
Jeanne Bardeòt is a strong and deep c haracter who has to deal with pain through the unusual.
Claudia BÜRK
Claudia Bürk (Valladolid, Spain, 1971).
From a German father and a Spanis h mother, she grew up in Germany.
At 17 s he came back to Spain, where s he entered in a convent that she
abandoned a few years later. She read the Spanish classics through
whic h she ac quired an extraordinary profic iency of the language, whic h
she decided to use of her works .
After her father’s death, Claudia made literature her way to s urmount
pain and diffuse her c oncerns .
She has publis hed many short s tories and essays , and 2 novels :
- Des de el penúltimo rincón de mi espej o, 2008.
- Las nueve ventantas de Jeanne Bardèot, 2 011 .
Esperando a que se abra la m añana
Waiting for the Break of Dawn
251 pages
ISBN : 978-84-93-2819-0-5
Published in:
- Spain: Alternarrativa E diciones , 2002
An ext raordinary w rit ing.
The reader is t aken by the thoughts of the main character.
Beaut if ul and unf orgett able.
Trans lation rights available
The story takes place during the anti- globalization demonstrations when nobody was aware of the economic
consequences that globalization would have for all the wealthy and powerful nations . A group of friends that
share a traumatic past in the Spanish transition revive the feeling they once had.
An adventure of life, c ompromise, friends hip, love, jealousy, treac heries and death; told by Peter, the main
Fernando Riquelme (Barcelona, Spain, 1952). Economist.
In Apri l 2008 he won the Que Leer-VolkswSagen Literary Award with the novel El paraíso
era una canción (Paradise Was A Song), with an edition of 50,000 copies.
He has published:
Esperando a que se abra la mañana / Waiting for the Brake of Dawn (2002)
“El universo infinito” / “Infinite Universe”, in the magazine Escena.
In 1997, he won the Instituc ió de las Llet res Catalanas Award with the movie sc ript “El
Desconocido” / The Unknown.
Radio presenter and coo rdinator for one year in a weekly radio program about poetry in
Radio Ciutat Vella (Barcelona).
Director of the poetry magazine Set I Mig with the poet Joan Brossa. He coordinates and
directs Els Dil luns del Teatreneu in the Teatreneu Theater (Barcelona).
Los inm orales
The Imm orals
Thriller, Social Critic
?? pages
ISBN : (to be publis hed)
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha E ditorial, M arc h 2013
Violent . Heart breaking. St abbi ng.
A great page-t urner t hrille r with a f ast pace that will let you breat hless.
A deep crit ic of the high s ociety and exclusive circle s.
Trans lation rights available
The I mmorals is a thriller with noir aspec ts and a political and social critic background. It’s a daring novel for
its scandalous content and for the abuse of power and c orruption described in it.
E rnesto Aguilar, a middle- aged journalist gets home to discover that somebody has s pent the day in his
apartment looking for revenge. H is ex-girlfriend, Elisa has been killed. The killer has also sent through his
computer several e- mails with a photo of the c rime scene with the corpse and a man, who seems to be
E rnesto. H e ignores that he is being a vic tim of a c ons piracy.
Led by Roberto and Elisa, Ernes to joins the private c lub La O rquídea Roja, a club for sexual and politic al
meetings in which it is needed to make public a compromising criminal act to be accepted. T his way, all the
members depend on the discretion of the others .
Fernando Riquelme (Barcelona, Spain, 1952), Economist.
In April 2008 he won the Que Leer-VolkswSagen Literary Award with the novel “El
paraíso era una canción” (Paradise Was A Song), with an edition of 50,000 copies.
He has published:
Esperando a que se abra la mañana / Waiting for the Brake of Dawn (2002)
“El universo infinito” / “Infinite Universe”, in the magazine Escena.
In 1997, he won the In stituc ió de las Lletres Catalanas Award with the movie sc ript “El
Desconocido” / The Unknown.
Radio presenter and coordinator for one year in a weekly radio program about poetry in
Radio Ciutat Vella (Barcelona).
Director of the poetry magazine Set I Mig with the poet Joan Brossa. He coordinates and
directs Els Dil luns del Teatreneu in the Teatreneu Theater (Barcelona).
Morbo Gótico
Gothic Attraction
Thriller, Noir, Up-Market
346 pages
ISBN : 978-84-93742-05-8
Published in:
- Spain: Alfaqueque E diciones , 2010
A high-quality literature, with everyday language and a lively pace.
The authors c reate a thrilling plot that engages the readers .
Trans lation rights available
Nicolasa is only eight years old. O ne night s he has an experience that leaves her unable to sleep. T wo decades
later she’s a psyc hologis t living in Lisbon married to Nuno, a Portuguese police officer. Her relations hip goes
through a crisis due to the fact that each one has different priorities in life: she loves her profession and he
wants to start a family.
Their differences arise when the corpse of a brutally raped and murdered woman is found. She wants Nuno to
work hard in the investigation to get promoted. At the same time, a mysterious woman starts a therapy
treatment with Nicolasa. The woman then confesses to be in a painful affair with a married man, a man very
similar to N uno, according to her desc ription.
Ana Ballabriga, Candasnos (Huesca, 1977). Writer and Psychologist.
David Zaplana, Cartagena (Murcia, 1975). Writer with a degree in Telecommunications.
They started together ADN Visual, a company dedicated to audio-visual content,
production, Inte rnet, cinema, and TV. They have produced short movies, some of which
have been granted awards in several contests. Among them, they won the Best Script
Award by Exprésate Sony (Express Yourself, Sony), Second Award in the Festival of
Murcia and Short-listed in the “Festival de Cine de Murcia”.
They have also been granted an award in the Concurso de Relatos Eróticos (Erotic Short
Stories Contest) of the Concejalia de la Juventud de Cartagena (Both editions, 2003 and
2005) and they got the second prize in the “I Concurso de Dramaturgia de Cartagena”.
They have published two fiction books:
- Morbo gótico / Gothic Attraction (2010).
- Tras el sol de Cartagena / Behind Cartagena’s Sun (2007).
El Protector
The Protector
Thrille r
381 pages
ISBN: 978-84-15014-72-0
Published in:
- Spain: Sial Ediciones, 2nd Edition, 2011
A story that will make us wonde r about the limits of se lf-de fence , writte n
with a mode rn and live ly language with flowing dialogues.
Trans lation rights
English Booktrailer: .com/watch?v=2NrNqSjUa20&feature =plcp
A number of corpses from wealthy businessmen, brutally maimed, are found along the West Coast of the
United States . T he FBI is forced to get involved putting in charge of the investigation their most brilliant
agent, Antonio Smithson, and his assistant, the attractive J ay Lee An.
D ue to the unstoppable destruction of the planet, the survival of the Dyarik, is threatened. Malikan, the king
and high pries t, has undertaken the marvellous trans formation that will lead him (according to him) to the
salvation of his people that are s till hidden in the forests in the northeast of Borneo.
In a c ouple of years , this cruel warrior evolves from the darkness of the Neolithic to the more dangerous
universe of world economy in which he himself has plunged into with huge success .
George M. Christopher is the pen name of Jorge Sedeño (Cáceres, Spain, 1969),
Writer, former football player and businessman.
The author, an elite athlete, studied his degree in The United States.
At fourteen he moved to Barcelona to become a tennis player where he shared
club and friendship with Alex Corretja and Albert Costa. He stud ied Economics in
the United States. He worked for years as the di rector of a company until h is
literary vocation made him quit to concentrate in his writing.
In 2011 publishes his first novel El Protector, current ly on its second edition.
And in 2012, Semilla negra / Black Seed by Sepha Editorial.
Sem illa Negra
Black Seed
Thrille r
525 pages
ISBN: 978-84-92974-12-2
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, Septembe r 2012
Thrille r written in a pure American style.
Read it in 2012 or it will be too late .
Trans lation rights available
English Booktrailer: .com/watch?v=UGXKNeohmY8&feature =conte
x t-cha
At the turn of the last mi llennium, a series of st range events led to the abandonment by the Maya people of cities and
temples along a wide stretch of land in the a rea of what is now the state of Chiapas in Mexico. Recent research leads us to
believe that this phenomenon had much to do with the fall of a meteorite that raised a deadly cloud of toxic gas which
affected the area and its population with radioactive emissions lasting several centuries.
The U.S. military, following the tracks of a group of g rave robbers and the advice of an uns crupulous archaeologist named
Markus Sander, is determined to find the meteorite and exploit its rare radioactive qualities within its new defense program.
The members of the “Black Seed” commando have the mission of finding the meteorite with the help of huge military
means, ruthlessly eliminat ing all outside i nterference, leaving along the way the corpses of judges, doctors and witnesses.
But the U.S. military are not the only ones seeking the sanctuary.
The fate of humanity depends on the controversial legacy of the ancient Maya people being shared by all nations and not
monopolized by one of them, such is the power lying in the nuclear core of the meteorite.
The moment of truth is approaching and the future of humanity depends on a group of committed men and women of good
will. Will they be able to outmanoeuvre the powerfull American military-industrial complex?
George M. Christopher is the pen name of Jorge Sedeño (Cáceres, Spain, 1969),
Writer, former football player and businessman.
The author, an elite athlete, s tudied his degree in The United States .
At fourteen he moved to Barcelona to become a tennis player where he shared
club and friendship with Alex Corretja and Albert Costa. He stud ied Economics in
the United States. He worked for years as the di rector of a company until h is
literary vocation made him quit to concentrate in his writing.
In 2011 publishes his first novel El Protector, current ly on its 2
La otra cara del Espejo
The Other Side Of The Mirror
248 pages
ISBN: 978-84-939744-0-4
Published in:
- Spain: Ediciones Babylon, 2012
Laura López Alfranca is a promising young wr iter that knows
pe rfe ctly how to deal with horror storie s.
A straightforward, addictive and spine-chilling style that keeps the
reade r on tente rhooks until the ve ry last page .
Trans lation rights available
Its descriptions make the reade r take part in the horror, immersed in
the scene s. Fantastic well-drawn characters with deep
The psychiatrist Aidan Hanson, a rdent husband and father, sees himself involved in a set of staggering events related with
his new job, in the luxurious Jackson mental hospital. There, l iving among other patients, is hi s brothe r-in-law that owns a
mirror inherited from his family. This mirror has secret s and a legend that nobody wants to reveal like the skill a painter has
to create terrible nightmares by using his paintb rushes, or the twins capable of driving him insane with their old remarks, or
a young girl traumatized whose mind has forgotten to grow at the same pace as her body.
The author is capable of making unsuspec ted turn s in the sto ry and awakes our deepest fears. It has mystery, sensuality,
and suspense. It is an addictive story with charismatic characters.
La otra cara del Espejo can take us away with the stroke of a pen, leaving us in bed eager to know more of what is going to
happen next.
Laura López Alf ranca, (Madrid, Spain, 1983). Writer and student. She col laborates on a
regular basis with short stories and artic les in the romantic magazine Romantica, ¡No lo
creas! and Ultratumba.
Winner of the “I Short Stories Litera ry Contest of Steampunk y otros retrofuturismos”,
with the short story titled “Los bailes que quedaban lejos” / The Far Away Dance).
Finalist in the following contests:
Descubriendo Nuevos Mundos Contest with La pecul iar his toria de Morgana
Faith (The Odd Story Of Morgana).
Monstruos actuales (Current Monsters) and Domingo Santos.
Novels pending publication are:
- La otra cara del espejo (The Other Side Of The Mirror).
- Cuando la tierra estuvo enferma (When The Earth Was Sick).
Eduardo PÉREZ
El diario de m is sueños
The Diary Of My Dream s
Noir, Detective story
224 pages
ISBN : 978-84-937204-6-9
Published in:
- Spain: Casa Eolo, 2009
Excellent reviews from readers and several national news papers .
An original plot, easy to read and a f ast pace, with well-defined characters .
Trans lation rights available
The detective L azaro will be in t he next novel.
Zaragoza is immersed in its Universal Exhibition's celebration. While some of the residents and thousands of
visitors are enjoying the party, one of them, the young Antonio Aritmendi, s tarts to foresee in dreams his
future. P aradoxically these dreams are s et in places and with people from the pas t.
When there is a murder without clues or logic in the city, nothing seems to make sense until the unruly
inspector Lazaro proves that Antonio’s dreams may have the key to s olve the complicated c rime.
Even when both of them start working together, the killer doesn’t take long to kill again. It will be Sherlock
Holmes , Van G ogh or the cyclist Miguel Induráin from the world of his dreams that will help them in their
desperate counterclockwise run to s top the mysterious killer.
Eduardo PÉREZ
Eduardo Pérez Cebollada, Zaragoza 1972
Degree in Telecommunications E ngineer in the U niversity of Zaragoza.
Technic al columnist in several local news papers (Heraldo de Aragón and
El Periodico de Aragón)
He has published El diario de mis sueños , publis hed in 2009.
El niño v acío
The Hollow Child
200 pages
ISBN : 978-8411-020-6
Published in:
- Spain: Editorial Cims 97 , 2000
The bes t c hoice for the fans of The Tal ent of Mr Ripl ey by Pat ricia
Highsmit h
Thriller with dark humour. Strong and sly language that gives the
dialogues realis m and draws the psyc hology of the characters .
Trans lation rights available
The main c harac ter is , at the same time, his own antagonis t.
The Hollow Child is a noir novel, with a good dose of suspense. Written with a high literary language, the author proves his
grasps of the literary and genre resources. Aimed to an adult audience into noir novels.
Andrés Revés, owner of a bar, attends the funeral of his best friend, Luis Alcañíz, with whom he was also sharing a flat. Luis
was shot to death and had been until his last day a killer-for-hire and so was And rés a long time ago. The corpse has been
found with the mutilated hands and the evidence showed that the murderer wants to give a warning, a punishment, or
wants revenge. The truth is that Lui s had been given an assignment and somebody killed him before he could complete the
job. Luís leaves Andrés the instructions to finish the task and there are some people that have enough reasons not to let
this happen. There are people who are not interested in letting the police find out about this as signment nor why his friend
was murdered.
It’s in the line of The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith.
Miguel Agustí ( Barcelona, 1945). He’s the son of the famous writer Ignacio Agustí,
author of the novels Mariona Rebull and El viudo Rius.
He has written more than a hundred articles and scripts publ ished in several
magazines. He alternates journalism with mystery, fantasy stories, science fiction and
comedy. He has been the editor in chief in different publications and has been also coscriptwrite r of a TV series called “L’ofici d’aprendre” in TV3.
He has been for 18 years editor in La Vanguardia and collaborator in the section El
Burladero in the same newspaper with the pen name, Marqués de Esade. He performs
as an actor in high-budget movies and his novels are published i n Germany, Bulgaria,
and USA.
Published novels:
El organista del cosmos / The Cosmos Organist.
El cazador de brujas / The Witch Hunter, 1983.
Amante muerta no hace daño / A Dead Lover Does Not Hurt, 1989.
Negra y criminal, Black and Criminal, 2003.
Desconfíe de usted mismo / Distrust Yourself, 1997.
Escritu ra para un crimen / Writing For A Crime, 2000.
Crímenes contados, Antología del relato neg ro / Noir Short Stories Anthology
Told Mysteries, 2006
His works have been published in Germany, Bulgaria and the USA.
Women’s Literature
El Paraíso era una canción
Paradise Was A Song
Femenine Thriller
215 pages
Published in:
- Spain: Ed. Q ueleer, 2008
50,000 c opies sold
First Place Novel in the Qué Leer-Wolkswagen Lit erary Cont est in its
1 st edition.
Trans lation rights available
Paradise was a song is an adult fiction feminist novel aimed to an audience with a drive to s ucceed. Anna, a
young woman that quit her job as a manager in an hotel to take care of her daughters and her husband, is
shocked to receive the news about her husband’s death in an accident. The s hock is s tronger when she is
been told that he was run over by a car when getting out from one of her best friend’s hotel. From that
moment, Anna s tarts to unfold the s ecret life of her hus band that cheated on her with her friends and also
spent the family s avings in forbidden art dealings . With her life tore apart, her c readit account that become
delinquent and her self c onfidence at the rock bottom, Anna decides to go on and fight alone to rec over her
money her professional life and her place in the world.
Fernando Riquelme (Barcelona, 1952) Economist
In April 2008 he won the Que Leer-VolkswSagen Literary Award with the novel “El
paraíso era una canción” (Paradise Was A Song), with an edition of 50,000 copies.
He has published:
Esperando a que se abra la mañana / Waiting for the Brake of Dawn (2002)
“El universo infinito” / “Infinite Universe”, in the magazine Escena.
In 1997, he won the In stituc ió de las Lletres Catalanas Award with the movie sc ript “El
Desconocido” / The Unknown.
Radio presenter and coordinator for one year in a weekly radio program about poetry in
Radio Ciutat Vella (Barcelona).
Director of the poetry magazine Set I Mig with the poet Joan Brossa. He coordinates and
directs Els Dil luns del Teatreneu in the Teatreneu Theater (Barcelona).
Women’s Literature
Plan B
Plan B
Romance , Travel & Solidarity
231 páginas
ISBN: 978-84-92594-24-5
Published in:s
- Spain: Editorial Atlantis, 2009
Winner of the Atlantis Isla de Le tras 1st Price
A n extraordinary an evocative plot with we ll-drawn
characters and the pace of a movie.
Trans lation rights available
Warm acceptance from reade rs and sales.
Can a me re coincidence change destiny? An insignificant toy on the floor dramatically changes the
course of e vents in the life of a man. Ram iro has eve rything. He doesn’t have a pre cise dire ction
anymore , but has take n charge of his own life. He starts a path with no re turn. In a place whe re
the most basic things are luxurie s, the look of a we ll-off European will neve r be the same.
Rafael Caunedo
Rafael Caunedo, (Madrid, Spain, 1966).
Writer and teacher in the Carmen Posadas’ literary workshop.
He’s the editor in the Cult uramas magazine and a decorato r. He manages the blog with more than 21.000 visits.
He has more than 5.000 followers in Facebook.
He has published the following novels:
Plan B (2009) winner of the Atlantis Isla de Letras Awards
Helmut (Atlantis 2011)
Both were recommended in publicat ions such as Inte rviú, Arte de Vivir, El Cultural,
Telva, as well as cultural blogs and interviews in Radio Nacional and Onda Madrid.
Woman’s Literature
297 pages
ISBN: 978-84-15228-52-3
Published in:
- Spain: Editorial Atlantis, 2011
Love, passion, abandonment, death and obsession.
A lucid analysis of how someone can be carried away by
uncontrollable passions.
Ex ce llent re vie ws from reade rs and remarkable sales.
1st price of the Atlantis Awards as best Urban Novel
Trans lation rights available
Helmut is the fascinating story of a deep admiration, the one that Mauro, a young journalist has towards the
Austrian writer Helmut Brandauer. H is efforts in s preading the work of whom he thinks is his master, takes
him to get in touch with him and his daughter Hilda. What Mauro is not aware of is that the meeting with the
writer will trigger a series of events that will deeply affect his relationship with his fiancée, Alejandra, as well
as his professional life. His fascination towards the Austrian writer keeps on growing until Helmut’s death,
when that admiration bec omes a real obsession.
Rafael Caunedo
Rafael Caunedo, (Madrid, Spain, 1966).
Writer and teacher in the Carmen Posadas’ literary workshop.
He’s the editor in the Cult uramas magazine and a decorato r. He manages the blog with more than 21.000 visits.
He has more than 5.000 followers in Facebook.
He has published the following novels:
Plan B (2009) winner of the Atlantis Isla de Letras Awards
Helmut (Atlantis 2011)
Both were recommended in publicat ions such as Inte rviú, Arte de Vivir, El Cultural,
Telva, as well as cultural blogs and interviews in Radio Nacional and Onda Madrid.
Woman’s Literature
Tres Gymnopedias
Three Gym nopedias
Intim ist, Drama, British style
147 pages
ISBN: 978-84-612-3005-1
Pubished in:
- Spain: Opinión Con Valor, 2008
The author has re ce ived ex ce llent re vie ws that can be read in the
nove l’s blog www.tre t
Trans lation rights available
Great literature with an extraordinary intimate writing and a slow
an enjoyable narrative pace and as de lightful as a musical score .
Tres Gymnopedias is the title of a musical piec e for piano by E rik Satie. The content of the novel is fiction but
the struc ture is based on his impressions about the mus ical piece. L istening to that piec e at the same time,
would complement the reading.
The book is about the three decisive moments of three sisters . T hree moments that means the search for a
way out from their vital stagnation.
Emma writes in her notebook thoughts and emotions in which s he tries to desc ribe her recent past and her
present so s he c an make s ense of her life.
Celine suffers from a terrible apathy. She doesn’t have her own point of view, s he’s trapped, muted by her
own c ircumstances . She has an absence of affection since childhood and she’s only able to s how her lack of
love to somebody who is willing to love her back.
Fernando Garcia Pañeda (Bilbao, 1964) writer and lawyer.
He collaborates with the weekly magazine Shalom of Istambul and the cultural
supplement El Amanecer. He has publ ished several a rticles about histo ry and cu lture
in Sephardi language.
In Trama y Textura magazine he published the short story “Robo de libros” (Books
theft): “El crimen no compensa” (Crime is not worth it). Collaborator in Literatura y
Realidad and a member of the jury in the Relatos de mujer Literary Awards, g iven by
the Santurce City Council. Member of Cedro and Asociacion Escritores de Euskadi.
He has
published three novels:
Vientos de guerra / Winds Of War, 2002.
Las lágrimas de Eurídice / Euridice’s Tears, 2007.
Tres Gymnopedias / Three Gymnopedias, 2008.
Historical Fiction
Los almogávares I
The almogavers I
Chris tian Reconquis ta Period
Based on true events
190 pages
ISBN: 97884954 87933
Published in:
- Spain: Delsan, 2009.
Excellent recreat ion of the historical events .
T ranslation rights available
A wonderf ul writ ing what will touch the lovers of this genre.
Epical novel about an exceptional event: the expedition and fight of the Aragon’s Kingdom s oldiers , c alled the
Almogavars , against the Bizantin E mpire (T urquis h soldiers ) and G reeks .
Among the Almogavers there were women who prove their courage as well as the Catalan writer Ramón
The Almogavers I is the firs t part of a great story that mixes bravety, faith and passion with the background of
the Rec onquista expedition.
Rubén García Cebollero (Barcelona, Spain, 1975).
Lawyer of the Public Administ ration, Rubén sta rted to write at 14 and, sin ce
then, he has written poetry, scripts, books about writing and a novel.
He has win many awards in Spain for his poetry Works.
Ebro 1938 was among the first 10 candidates in the Planeta Award in
His relation to the cinema deals him to romanticize the script of the film
Cruz del Sur (South Cross) appearing in Spain in November 2012.
He has
Ebro 1938 (2009)
Almogávares I. Señores de Cornago (2009)
Almogávares II.
Historical Fiction
Ebro 1938. La batalla de la tierra alta
Ebro 1938. The Battle of the High Land
Spanish C ivil War. Ebro Rive r Battle
352 pages
ISBN: 9788497637176
Published in:
- Spain: Nowtilus, 2009
An epic story about the biggest and bloodiest battle of the Spanish
C ivil War.
A fabulous reading with deep characters and intense plot.
Trans lation rights
Ebro 1938 is the story of the biggest battle of the Spanish Civil War. A his torical novel extremely well
documented, with a s ingular s tyle and a risked pace: it is a coral narration with non-stop c hanges of
perspec tives to foc us on the different historical characters , in a way that you feel being in the trenches and
the battle field. But in this novel there is place for love, friends hip and herois m born from pain and hope.
The author has ac hieved an intense, impressive and elegant novel, a reflection of the tragedy and the odyssey
of its characters : a network of c haracters of both sides involved in a terrible and bloody fight.
Rubén García Cebollero (Barcelona, 1975).
Lawyer of the Public Administ ration, Rubén sta rted to write at 14 and, sin ce
then, he has written poetry, scripts, books about writing and a novel.
He has win many awards in Spain for his poetry Works.
Ebro 1938 was among the first 10 candidates in the Planeta Award in 2004.
His relation to the cinema deals him to romanticize the script of the film Cruz
del Sur (South Cross) appearing in Spain in November 2012.
He has
Ebro 1938 (2009)
Almogávares I. Señores de Cornago (2009)
Almogávares II (to be published)
Historical Fiction
Al com pás del Caos
At Chaos Pace
Historical Fiction
358 pages
ISBN: 978-84-96000-03-2
Published in:
- Spain: A la luz de l Candil, 2003
Magnificent reviews from reade rs.
An intimist novel with deep characte rs, straightforward dialogue s and
easy and unde rstandable language.
Trans lation rights available
The action of the novel is set in the most decisive and important years before World War II .
In the year 1917 , after the tensions generated by World War I , a c ris is without precedents unfolded in Spain.
A mistake will make the c haracters live c hange track completely. I t is in 1931 , at the beginning of the
Republic an years in Spain, when these c harac ters decide it is time to make their dreams come true: individual
freedom cannot combine with the freedom of a whole community and that conflict led the c ountry to the Civil
War five years later.
The novel is about loses that can give us the clue to understand the behaviour of society and the recent
ec onomic crisis .
Román Manrique de Lara (Madrid, Spain, 1951) Writer and executive director.
In his earlier years, he parti cipated as a d raftsman in the magazine El Terror.
Scriptwriter and draftsman from the s hort film s toryboard El fantasma de la clase
media (The Middle Class Ghost). Columnist in several local Spanish newspapers
He has
published four novels:
Si se acaba el tiempo, 1998 (If Time Runs Out).
La zarpa del oso, 2000 (The Bear’s Paw).
Al compás del caos, 2003 (At Chaos Pace).
La afilada hoz de la luna, 2010 (The Sharp Sickle Of The Moon).
And the collection of poems Agua y viento (Water And Wind).
Historical Fiction
Morir por el Sahara
To Die for Sahara
Sahara’s De colonization pe riod
300 pages
19 €
ISBN: 978-84-96764-51-4
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, 2009
Nove l that takes place during the Sahara’s De colonization and me rges fiction
with historical facts.
A frenetic plot, full of mystery, se cre ts and intense feelings.
Trans lation rights
A great moment of reading.
Gerardo Alburquerque is a Capitan of Artillery sent to Sahara as a s py with a special mission: to inform about
the situation of the Spanish territory of the Western Sahara once the U nited Nations have ordered its
He discovers the reality of the people of Sahara and integrates in its soc iety. Progressively, he obtains
information with which he can elaborate reports for the Franquist government. But he also finds love, friends ,
misery and the c ruelty of the politics that have to hand over the Western Sahara to Morocco and Mauritania.
Julián Delgado (Huelva, Spain).
In 1957 he get enrolled i n the Military Academy and he was sent to the Legion in
the Sahara until 1965 where he knew the desert and the people living there.
In 1966 he enrolled to the Police of Barcelona while he was studying two
degrees: Psychology and Law.
In 1975 he leaves the Police because he is accused of clandestine political
activities related to the Democratic Military Union, of which is was one of its
He lived in the Basque Count ry and knew the problems of terro rism. In 1982 he
came back to Barcelona where he was in charged of the Local Police until 1997.
He has
Prietas las Filas (1997)
El amor es azul hasta en la Guerra (1998)
El sable roto (2001)
Los grises (2005)
Morir en Paracuellos (2008)
Historical Fiction
Benito CABO
El expediente Sión
The Sion File
Based on true events
Fiction about N azism
311 pages
18 €
ISBN : 978-84-96764-08-8
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha E ditorial, 2007
An extraordinary novel that reveals unknown f act s that could have changed the
course of Hist ory.
Trans lation rights
A great plot which will deal you into real and unpublishe d events and purposes .
In 1941 a group of Zionist Jews , in whic h partic ipates the future Is rael's State P rime Minis ter, suggest to the
German National- Socialist an alliance. T his is the story of the people that could have changed the c ourse of
A frenetic plot about how the countries in war and its sec ret services are playing what seems a chess game.
Its tool will be a few c ourageous men, some members of the Leibstandarte (the elitist divis ion of the SS), and
some c ombatants of Zionis t organisations -such as Irgun- that will risk their life to reach the objectives .
This book will definitely give an unknown vers ion of the facts that will not let us remain indifferent and will
bring up new questions .
Benito CABO
Benito CABO (Avilés, Spain, 1963). Lawyer by the Complutense University of
Madrid, he is an special ist i n Private Laws for the last 2 0 years. Histo ry lover, he
is passionate of the pe riod from 1919 to 1945 and investigates about the events
that happened. He is a collector of objects of this time, and he is currently writing
a second novel.
The Sion File is his debut novel.
Historical Fiction
Muerte en La Habana
Death in La Habana
Based on true e vents
190 pages
15 €
ISBN: 978-84-939927-7-4
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, Septembe r 2012
An interactive story: follow the itine rary through Google Maps!
The Cuban revolution is not over.
Trans lation rights available
Death in La Habana is a novel based on true events . I t’s an interactive story: the reader can c heck in
GoogleEarth the places where the action is taking place.
J uan Miguel Figueredo is a student of Engineering who has lived in Madrid and Colonia during the dictatorship
of Batista. During the revolution of 1959, he c omes back to La Habana, like other thousand of exiled people.
He soon realizes that what he dreamt (liberty, democracy and independence) is an illusion and that
totalitaris m in Cuba is even s tronger than Stalin’s or Mao’s .
A group of insurgents get armed with his reads , values and weapons to place a c omplot.
To combine revolution, carpe diem, sex and friends hip are the aims of the plot.
Ruber IGLESIAS (Cuba, 1931).
He has worked in in ternational i nstitut ions and has been a journali st, lawyer,
economist and always a student.
He has written and conducted radio p rogrammes in Europe and has al so
interviewed several personalities.
He has published many articles in journals of Latine America and Germany.
He has lived in Cuba, USA, Hol land, Italy, Germany and Austria. He currently
lives in Spain.
He has published:
Esencias de Mariposa (2009)
“Las lecciones de Segundo” in H ispanoamerican Tales (8th edition ,
Travel and Spirituality Novel
399 pages
20 €
ISBN : 978-84-92974-00-9
Published in:
- Spain: Editorial Sepha, June 2012
A marvellous invitation to a journey t o our int erior, full of adventures that
Trans lation rights
encourages us to surmount obst acles and discover what is inside our soul.
Cristian decides to escape from his routine moving to a Saharawi camp in Tinduf, at the s outheas t of Argelia,
and he gets enrolled in a humanitarian projec t. He strikes up with Sidhamed, Mahmud and Fus ía, a platonic
love. Fearing a war, they set out for a travel around the Mediterranean Sea for 2 years looking to attrac t the
public attention and help.
The s tory explains 3 different moments at the same time, through parallelis m: first, the arrival of Cris tian to
the camp and the facts that deals him to the voyage, secondly, the frenetic ac tion in the territories of the
Western Sahara occupied by Morocco and, thirdly, the long and hard voyage. The three converge in a climax
in the last c hapters of the novel.
Germán Martín Rais (Barcelona, Spain, 1973).
Naturopath, chiromassage specialist, accupuntu rist and practi sian of Chinese
medicine, collaborates in the digital media El Manifiesto and i n the Shukran
He started his literary carreer with Duna, first novel published. His wish is to
apply the principles of the sapiencials books (Bhagavad Gita, I Ching, Tao Te
King, the Evanglists, etc) to concrete actions within a historical event.
Viaje al Corazón del Mediterraneo
A Journey To The Core Of The Mediterranean
Trave l and Spirituality Nove l
Based on true e vents
125 pages
13 €
ISBN: 978-84-7871-688-2
Published in
- Spain: R BA Editores, 2006
Trans lation rights available
The best option for Paulo Coelho or James Redfield’s fans.
A spiritual experience within the sea.
Based on true events . Silvia throws a message in a bottle into the Mediterranean Sea during a trip from
Barcelona to Mallorc a. Days later, after a windstorm, the bottle is found by an American sailor on his way to
Ibiza. Since then, the events that are about to happen will shake the life of the characters , leading them to a
journey to the c ore of the M editerranean.
Ramón Villeró (Andorra La Vella, 1955). Lawyer, writer, travel journalis t and
He has published reports in many of the Spanish travel magazines and directs the
digital magazine He is a collaborator of the radio
programme Gente Viajera (Onda Cero) and columnist of the Diari d’Andorra.
His fiction works explore the sense of existence, and the unconsc ious as the sou l
of the world.
He has published:
La sonrisa de la tierra / The Earth's Smile (RBA, 2005)
Viaje al corazón del Mediterráneo / A Journey to the Core of the
Mediterranean (RBA, 2006)
- El nudo infinito / The Infinite Knot, (Ed. Vergara).
La sonrisa de la Tierra
The Earth’s Sm ile
Travel and Spirituality Novel
94 pages
13 €
ISBN : 978-84-7871-382-4
Published in:
- Spain: RBA Editores , 2005
- G ermany: Rowohlt Verlag G mbH , 2007
The best opt ion for Paulo Coelho or James Redfield’s fans .
Trans lation rights available
Except G erman
A spirit ual experience within the desert .
A book to recover st rengt h and hope.
Abdel is a Bedouin from Timbuktu who starts a trip to the North, pursuing a better life. During his journey he
ac quires the knowledge offered both by adventure and the people he finds along the way. At the end of the
journey, in Barcelona, he discovers the treasure that lies behind his dreams .
A wonderful story where the character experiences the same situation the immigrants are going through,
risking their lives in the Strait of Gibraltar, pursuing a better life.
Ramón Villeró (Andorra La Vella, 1955). Lawyer, writer, travel journalis t and
He has published reports in many of the Spanish travel magazines and directs the
digital magazine He is a collaborator of the radio program
Gente Viajera (Onda Cero) and columnist of the Diari d’Andorra.
His fiction works explore the sense of existence, and the unconsc ious as the sou l
of the world.
He has published:
La sonrisa de la tierra / The Smile of the Earth (RBA, 2005)
Viaje al corazón del Mediterráneo / A Journey to the Core of the
Mediterranean (RBA, 2006)
El nudo infinito / The Infinite Knot, (Ed. Vergara).
El nudo infinito
The Infinite Knot
Travel and Spirituality Novel
240 pages
ISBN : 978-84-666-4317-7
Published in:
- Spain: Editorial Vergara (G rupo Z), March 2010
The best opt ion for Paulo Coelho or James Redfield’s fans .
A spirit ual experience within the Buddhist though and way of life
Trans lation rights
Sofia is an arc haeologist that travels with Juan Vielha, a journalist, to Greece where she works on some
excavations . Sofia, after both dec iding to live together, Sofia buys J uan as a gift, The Infinite Knot, a Buddhist
symbol. The gift lures J uan to everything related to Tibetan culture. The searc h for an ancient manuscript will
allow him to discover the truth about himself and his own purpose in life. Spiritual and romantic novel set in
on exotic setting.
Lawyer, writer, travel journalist and photographer.
He has published reports in many of the Spanish travel magazines and directs the
digital magazine He is a collaborator of the radio program
Gente Viajera (Onda Cero) and columnist of the Diari d’Andorra.
His fiction works explore the sense of existence, and the unconsc ious as the sou l
of the world.
He has published:
La sonrisa de la tierra / The Earth's Smile (RBA, 2005)
Viaje al corazón del Mediterráneo / A Journey to the Core of the
Mediterranean (RBA, 2006)
El nudo infinito / The Infinite Knot, (Ed. Vergara)
El psicólogo de Nazaret
The Nazareth's Psychologist
Trave l and Spirituality Nove l
238 pages
15 €
ISBN: 978-84-929749-9-3
Published in:
- Spain: Editorial Sepha, May 2012
Trans lation rights available
A book to recover strength.
Religion is the source of happiness.
Cristina is a journalist and has lost the faith in life. Sadness and loneliness s o are grafted in her soul that s he
even wants to die to s top seen what her life has become. But destiny will surprise her thanks to Naim, a
ps ychologis t from Nazareth with who s he will do an unconventional therapy through which s he will discover
the essence of life and truth. Cristina will find peace trough the happiest man ever on Earth: J esus of
Antonio Gargallo Gil (Teruel, Spain, 1976)
He has a degree in Translation and in Teaching English, French and Sports and works as
a teacher. He is finishing a Master in Family Mediation.
Adventurer and humanist, lover of nature and sport and, of course, writing.
He has
also published:
Moviola de tres vidas truncadas
La ciudad milagrosa
Daniel, un príncipe valiente
El poder de Joel
Pelopincho y la puerta mágica
Short Stories
Fernando CLAUDÍN
Una loca com o un palo de escoba
A Wom an As Mad As A Broom stick
Dys functional psychological learning
94 pages
ISBN : 978-84-7960-466-2
Published in
- Spain: Ediciones De La Torre, 2 nd Edition, 2011
Eclect ic. Movi ng. Dist urbi ng.
Trans lation rights available
A great narrative that will not let you impassive.
A s hort Story for adult s who want to t hink and get into a diff erent st ory.
This is the author’s debut novel. It talks about the experiences of a frustrated teenager by the feeling that s he
does not belong to any social stereotype. As a start, s he does not want to be a woman like those around her
(mother and stepmothers ) who are considered the best role models . She understands she cannot be like her
ideal father nor she is happy with her relations hip with her maid and other teenagers from her c hildhood. So
Isabel, the main character, suffers from anorexia and Peter Pan c omplex. She c hooses to be a mad woman
living in a mental hospital.
Fernando CLAUDÍN
Fernando Claudín (Madrid, Spain, 1971) was born in a family with a strong
political and literary tradit ion.
His childhood and in his teenage years were surrounded by books. As a selftaught person he soon left school to discover his own way to the truth.
He has
published the following novels:
Una loca como un palo de escoba ( la Torre, 1995)
Muertos de la nada (Ed. de la Torre, 1996)
¡Ahueca el ala, urbano! (SM, Colección Alerta Roja, 1997)
A cielo abierto (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2000)
La serpiente de cristal (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2001)
Pacto de sangre (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2002)
La banda de Pepo (Anaya, Colección El duende verde, 2003)
El embrujo de Chalbi (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2004)
Lou Andrea Salomé La bruja de Hainberg (Diálogo, Avatar, 2005)
Upcoming publications:
Autumn 2012: Los ojos de Daimien (Cuadrivium)
Memorias de una pr ostitua
Memoir of a Prostitute
250 pages
15 €
ISBN : 978-84-939927-2-9
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha E ditorial, April 2012
“Extraordinary. Without implicit nor explicit scenes . I t’s related from the point
of view of a person who has experienced the opprobrium of prostitution”
Blanca Mi osi
Sensit ive. Tende r. Heart breaki ng. Unf orget t able.
A book to prevent swindles and broken dreams .
Trans lation rights available
The story of a f ight er and sensible woman.
Bookt railer available at:
There is a place where women are not human beings but c ons ume objects . Frequented by all kind of men,
married and with a high position many of them, the brothels are a dark and blind reality.
Anne Smith opens the door of this drama without morbos ity. She relates the sec rets of night woman’s heart in
an environnement where everybody is using a mask, where girls are alone and love is forbidden. It is a world
easy to get in but without escape. O r is there an exit?
Anne Smith (Brasi l, 1970).
After a hard and difficult live, she finished her studies between Brasil and Italy.
Book lover and eager to know, she has surmounted all the obs tacles she has
found in her life.
Passionate of human soul and natu re, she wants to b roadcast her vision th rough
her experiences and books.
Memorias de una prostituta is her first published book.
Colgados. Em ociones en la red
Bugged. Em otions In The Net
Social Ne tworks and the Ne t
268 pages
18 €
ISBN: 978-84-935121-7-0
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, March 2012
An extraordinary investigation of the human conduct on the Net.
Trans lation rights available
A new vision of the Digital influence in our lifes.
This book is the result of the inves tigation about the motivation of adult users to stablish relations with other
us ers through the Net. Basically foc used on the anonymous navigation and its consequent effects , it is the
res ult of 2 and a half years of reseach of chats , s ocial networks , forums , mailing and analysing profiles and
reasons that lead millions of people to meet unknown ones through the N et.
Bugged. Emotions I n The Net is an excellent choice for a non- fic tion catalogue in whic h c urrent and social
topics have a place.
This book c oncerns people worried about the current world s ituation whic h belong to different s ocial classes
and have different ages .
Merche RODRÍGUEZ (Madrid, Spain, 1966).
She has a degree in Journalism by the Complutense University of Madrid and a
Master in Digital Media by the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Journalist specialized in cultu re and society, she has worked in t he program
“Negro sobre Blanco” (TVE), in Europa Press Agency and has participated in other
medias such as La Clave, Mercurio, Vive, Delibros, El Mundo o Ya among others.
In 2008, she started an investigation about the relationships in the Net. The
result has come three years later, with this book, Bugged, Emotions in the Net.
Politics & Social Sciences
La conjura de los genios
The Genious' Conspiracy
535 pages
20 €
ISBN: 978-84-92974-68-9
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, March 2012
The collapse of the Digital Era is to come.
An actual critic of 2.0 networks, human conducts and a moral
situation that refle cts world’s current situation.
T ranslation rights available
A great and curre nt book, ideal for Occupy Wall Street followe rs.
The world is approaching to chaos by unundertandable errors in computers . A strange conservative boy, a
geek informatitian, a motor machinist and zen mediatator girl, a syndicalist womanizer and a sarchastic and
anarc hist teac her will discuss , like G reek philos ophers , about existencialist topics and will issue s ocial, politic al
and economical c urrent problems .
When the world s eems a madhouse and machines are broken down, may be reflec tion will s ave the human
Iñaki MORENO (Madrid, Spain, 1958).
He lives in the Catalan Pyrenees where he is in charge of the maintenance of
the radio stations.
He has studied Economy and has a degree in Psychology.
He has published:
- Hitler: los años desconocidos.
Politics & Social Sciences
El infierno v asco
The Basque Hell
310 pages
20 €
ISBN : 978-84-96764-50-7
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha E ditorial, 2009
Prologue by the Spanish philosopher and writer Fernando Savat er.
An essay that explains and t hinks the Basque realit y, conf lict s and wishes.
A clear and underst andable reflec tion about s ocial and political Basque’s
T ranslation rights
The Basque Country is one of the riches t regions in E urope, with 2 million people who defend their language
and own culture. Behind a calm weather and georgous landscapes , there is a dramatic reality: since the last
30 years 200 000 citizens have left the territory fearing terroris m, scaping from extortion, s ocial isolation and
nationalistic impos itions .
This book shows a barely known reality, the conflict of a nation and the different political and s ocial points of
views of a same land.
Iñaki ARTETA (Bilba o, Spain, 1959).
Technical Architect.
As an a uthor he combines documental Works with literacy. For the last 15 ye ars, he has
deno unced the Basque terrorism and supported the memory of t heir victims.
He has written the scripts of the films Olvidados (F orgotten) a nd Trece e ntre mil ( Thirtee n
among a thousand). He is a co-a uthor of the book Olvidados (For gotten).
He has bee n rewar ded many times for his documentary works:
Best Director in the New York Inter national Indepe ndent Film & Video F estival
Finalist in the Hollywo od Film Festival
Nominee i n the Goya Awards (2006)
Medal o f the Spa nish Circle o f Writers a nd Critics.
Alfonso GALLETERO (Bar akaldo, S pain, 1959).
He has a degre e in Spa nish P hilology by the University of De usto and he is a teacher of
Spanish la nguage and literatur e in hi gh scho ol. He com bines his teaching activities with
cinematography. He has colla borated with Iñaki ARTETA i n the scripts of:
Euskadi Sur,
Voces sin libertad,
Ibarrola. Entre el arte y la li bertad
Trece entre mil
El infierno vasco
He is co-a uthor of the boo k Olvidados (For gotten), 2006.
Politics & Social Sciences
Mauricio ROJAS
Lenin y el Totalitarism o
Lenin and Totalitarism
166 pages
15 €
ISBN: 978-84-92974-97-9
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, March 2012
An excellent history tool
A brilliant study about Totalitarism in Modernity
Trans lation rights available
An extraordinary re creation of the 1917 Russian Re volution that allows
to unde rstand what happened and which legacy it left.
This book is about the trans formation of revolutionary c onvinced idealists into unc rupulousness genocides . It
analyses how Lenin became into a reality the Russian revolutionary though and the evolution of its movement.
It also details the contribution of L enin to the totalitaris m history, creating the revolutionary party, the
anticipated embodiment of the utopic total s ociety with a human-c ommunity or human-party.
Finally, it is told the bolchevique “c oup d’état” in O ctober 1917 and the c reation of the first totalitarian s ociety
in modernity.
Mauricio ROJAS
Mauricio ROJAS (Santiago de Chile, 1950).
Doctor and teacher of Economical History of the University of Lund (Sweden).
Director in the Observatory for Immigration and Cooperation to the Development of
the Juan Carlos King University and of the School of P rofessionals of Immigration
and Cooperation (EPIC) of Madrid.
He left Chile in September 1973, a few weeks after General Pinochet's “coup d’état”.
He was hosted in Sweden as a political refugee where he lived and worked as a
teacher and investigator of the University of Lund, and the Directo r of the Timbre
Liberal Inst itute until 2008.
He then moved to Spain and since then, he has published in several languages.
Among them, the more recent are:
Reinventar el Estado de Bienestar: La experiencia de Suecia (2010).
Pasión por la Libertad: El Liberalismo integral de Mario Vargas Llosa (2011).
Politics & Social Sciences
Si v is pacem , delea v iolentiam
247 pages
19 €
ISBN: 978-84-92974-85-6
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, March 2012
A revision of the notion “war”.
A new vision to unde rstand why’s and how’s of armed conflicts.
T ranslation rights available
This book is a revision of the term “war”. The author offers a double point of view: first as a militar but also as
an humanitarian agent. He explains that this term is not appropriatly used by analis ts and politians that deal
with wrong analyses and inves tigations .
Furthermore, the center of the work is foc used on a proposition based in a mathematical reasoning whic h,
through and inductive process , deals with the general configuration to detect an armed conflic t in any
Juan BATISTA (Madrid, 1942)
Colonel of Artille ry, Qualified of Major State and Logisti cs, Tecnichal of Organisat ion and
Methods and Master in High International Studies.
He is the D irector of Army's Logis tic School and has coordinated d ifferent projects in
AECI, the Humanitarian Office of the European Comission and in the ACNUR.
He has published:
- La antítesis de la paz (1981).
- La estrategia española en América durante el Siglo de las Luces (1992).
- España y la Antártida (2001).
- Antártida, ayer, hoy, mañana (2002).
- Santiago de Cuba. La batalla que pudo no haberse perdido (2005)
- España estratégica. Guerra y diplomacia en la Historia de España (2007).
Apart from many articles in collec tive Works, magazines and medias. He is a teacher of
different military and civil schools, Spanish and foreign.
Politics & Social Sciences
Fernando J. VAQUERO
La ruta del odio. 100 respuestas clav es sobre el terrorism o
Way to hate. 100 key answers about terrorism
429 pages
22 €
ISBN : 978-84-92974-85-6
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha E ditorial, M arc h 2011
100 ans wers . 100 responses to underst and what it is t errorism.
A excellent t ool to s tudy t errorism, war and conf lict s.
Trans lation rights
100 ans wers responding to:
what is terrorism?
Why does it exist?
Are terrorists unhuman or insane?
Is there any relation between terroris m and totalitaris m?
Can we negociate with terrorists?
What can we do?
O ne of the conclusions is that terrorism appeared in the XIX century with nihilism and anarchism, extrem
nationalism and the revolutionary marxism.
In the XX century it was considered as a “science” thanks to marxism- leninis m.
And finally, in the XXI century, with the globalization, it has taken an universal dimension, with O sama Bin
Laden, yihadis m and other terroris t groups that will accompain us for a long term.
Fernando J. VAQUERO
Fernando J. VAQUERO OROQUIETA (Pamplona, Spain, 1961)
He has a degree in Law by the University of Navarra, Studies in Criminology
and work in the Public Administration.
He is the co-author of the book La tregua de ETA: Mentiras, tópicos,
esperanzas y propuestas, prologued by Fernando García de Cortázar, 2006).
He has founded several cultural institut ions and is current ly the President of
the Leyre Foundation.
He writes in:
Arbil Magazine
Diario Liberal
Aportes, Magazine of Contemporary History
El Semanal Digital
Altar Mayor
Politics & Social Sciences
Juan Pablo I. Caso abierto
John Paul I. Open case
372 pages
22 €
ISBN : 978-84-96764-54-5
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha E ditorial, 2010
Discover Pope John Paul I's deat h with new clues and hypot hesis.
The truth has n not been told at all. Know what really happene d 35 years
T ranslation rights available
When Albino Luc iani, P ope John Paul I , died in 1978 , a month after being elected, lots of questions and
hypothesis took place but anyone of them were res olved. How did he die? Who was he? 35 years ago, the
case is still open.
This book resumes , c ompletes and updates the investigation made by its author over these years .
Jesús López Sáez (Ávila, 1944). He has a degree in Philosophy and Literatu re,
in Theology and Psychology, he is a priest and he is in charge of the
Community of Ayala Association, in Madrid, that p romotes the ecclesiasti cal
renovation through communities and g roups. He is also enrolled in the
Betesda Foundation, which has the purpuse to integrate people with physical
or mental disabilities.
He has published:
Con vosotros está: Catecismo para preadolescentes. Manual de l
educador. Guía doctrinal (1976).
And has
participated in:
Los comienzos de la fe (1990)
Nuevo Diccionario de Catequética (1999).
España, país de misión (1979).
Escuchar la palabra, objetivo catecumenal (1983)
Proyecto catecumenal (1981, 1983).
La incógnita de Juan Pablo I (1985).
La renovación ecclesial (1987)
Se pedirá cuenta. Madre y figura de Juan Pablo I (1990)
El día de la cuenta. Juan Pablo II a examen (2002, 2005)
Memoria histórica, ¿Cruzada o locura? (2006)
The songs of Levantaré la tienda (1999).
Diccionario biográfico de nazism o y III Reich
Biographic Dictionary of Nazism and III Reich
847 pages
33 €
ISBN: 978-84-96764-66-8
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha Editorial, 2010
In 2013, 80 years ago Hitler was e le cted.
T ranslation rights available
A masterpiece of the specialized dictionarie s about the II World
This dic tionary analyzes minutely about 500 lives , inc luding crucial personal features , quotes , passages of
relevant doc uments , main events and a moral assessment of the fac ts .
A c omplete collec tion of lives to unders tand the why’s of the ideology that devastated E urope and changed the
XX c entury thought.
Fernando NAVARRO GARCÍA (Valencia, 1964)
He has a degree in Law and has teached Ethics in several institutions.
In 2001, he lived in Angola where he coordinated a humanitarian Project while its
civil war, finished in 2002.
Currently, he is the Director of Academic Relations of ACH and teacher in
different universities.
He has published:
- Hitler: los años desconocidos (critical Edition to the work of Ernst Hansfstaengl).
Sobrev iv ir en el baile latino
How to surv iv e into the latin dance
64 pages
4,50 €
ISBN: 9788430531578
Published in:
- Spain: Susae ta Editorial, 2002
T ranslation rights available
A n int roduct ion t o Lat in dance and usic
Funny and esay.
How to survive to the Latin dance is an introduction to the latin dance, music and atmosphe re .
It is conce ived for beginne rs of salsa and caribean music. From a European pe rspe ctive , this book
is writte n with an easy and clear language which make it ideal for ge tting into the Latin dances.
Full of humor, practical advice s and written with an unde rstandable language, How to survive to
the Latin dance is the best option for a non-fiction catalogue.
Javier García-Egocheaga (Bilbao, Spain, 1966).
He studied political science.
He has published:
A dozen of manuals of marketing for FORCEM
10 spreading books with Tikal/Susaeta
Minoría Malditas (Tikal Ediciones, 2003) is an etnographic essay with
extraordinary reviews
Presentation of Minorías Malditas and interview in Cuarto Milenio program
(Cuatro TV) by Iker Jiménez:
Pesque usted (sin tener ni idea)
Fishing (without any idea)
Sport, Fishing
150 pages
12 €
ISBN : 9788430534722
Published in:
- Spain: Susaeta E ditorial, 1999
Fant ast ic for beginners.
Trans lation rights available
Easy and underst andable . A clear init iat ion to this sport
This book explains diffe rent te chnique s to fish, including the easiest for beginne rs and amateurs in
orde r to learn and fee l comfortable with this sport.
In this guide , the author share s the basic knowledge to do the first captures in rive rs, rese rvoirs
and in the sea.
C lear and ve ry didactical, suitable for the main public, brilliantly illustrated to be quick to learn.
Javier García-Egocheaga (Bilbao, Spain, 1966).
He studied political science.
He has published:
A dozen of manuals of marketing for FORCEM
10 spreading books with Tikal/Susaeta
Minoría Malditas (Tikal Ediciones, 2003) is an etnographic essay with
extraordinary reviews
Presentation of Minorías Malditas and interview in Cuarto Milenio program
(Cuatro TV) by Iker Jiménez: h?v=ixq6U4--_Kw h?v=Q PcJLLINCcc&feature=relmfu
Young Adult
La som bra de los lobos
The Wolv es' shadow
411 pages
ISBN: 9788415228691
Published in:
- Spain: Ediciones Atlantis, 2011
A great story with wolfs.
Excellent re vie ws in literary blogs about lycanthropy.
Thriller and fantasy live ly pace with accurate de scriptions and
deep characte rs.
Trans lation rights available
Complex but well-finished plot.
The wolfs ' s hadow tells the story of Bianca, who lives far from the reality of her own background, protected by
her family, until a nightmare c hanges the perception of her senses .
The story is further complicated during a party where they are attacked by weird beings , half c row, half
human and Bianca is forced to move away from her family and friends .
When Bianca manages to get home safe s he finds out that the people with whom she has shared her life see
her as a monster.
Since that moment, Bianca has to leave town and look for the place where she belongs while s he starts little
by little finding out who s he really is .
Born in Vigo (Pontevedra, Spain, 1973). Writer and administrative assistant.
She is the fourt h of five siblings and the daughter of a merchant navy captain
from whom she has inherited a passion for travelling and a dance teacher that
passed on her a passion for dancing and music. She is in love with literature since
her childhood, specifically the fantasy genre.
Portadores de sangre (Blood Carriers) is her second novel. The first, La sombra de
los lobos (The Wolfs' Shadow), was published in June 2011.
Gay & Lesbian Literature
Javier HERCE
Matar a un Vam piro
Kill A Vam pire
Gothic horror & Gay
233 pages
ISBN : 978-84-939204-5-6
Published in:
- Spain: Ediciones Babylon, 2011
Influenced by English got hic lit erat ure, with the classical atmos phere of
the stories of its genre.
The story has a sequel in a second part still pending of publication.
The author has more than s ix publis hed novels .
He rec eived an O dissea L iterary A ward and he is the director of a digital
horror magazine called Ul tra tumba , with more than 20,000 f ollowers.
Trans lation rights available
The Burke, after twenty years based in Spain, are forced to come back to London. I t is the year 1838. There
they rebuild their life until the couple’s little girl dies in s trange circumstances .
Doc tor White, a family friend, notices s ome marks on the girl’s neck and a considerable loss of blood. When a
second death confirms his sus picions , the doctor reveals to Wilhelm Burke’s older brother, that a vampire is
behind the murders . T ogether, they decide they will do their best to kill him.
Nowadays , gothic novels are very rare and Killing a vampire has fed itself into gothic classic literature.
Killing a vampire treats the myth the way it is , not the way it is currently shown. A vampire is a wicked,
bloody, and sexual being and this is the way that is depicted on H erce’s novel.
Javier HERCE
Javier Herce, (Logroño, Spain, 1978). Write r, Photographer and
Director of an international fashion company.
He is the founder, editor and di rector of the digi tal magazine Ult ratumba with
about four thousand monthly readers. He has made several photography
expositions acclaimed by the media and the public. He won the Odisea Literary
Contest in 2007 with the book Desde aquí hasta tu ventana (From Here To Your
Window) with great reviews and sales success.
He has
published the following novels:
El cuaderno de Bruno (2006)
Selección (2008)
Cuando acabe el verano (2009)
El chico del gorro rojo (2011)
Matar a un vampiro (2011)
Gay & Lesbian Literature
Javier HERCE
Desde aquí hasta tu v entana
From here to your window
Gay love
200 pages
ISBN: 9788492609932
Published in:
- Spain: Odisea Editorial, 2011
A short but intense story, full of tenderness, with a
humoristic touch.
Excellent reviews in gay book-talking online communities
such as:
- unive
Trans lation rights available
J uan is a ordinary boy who is to start, with the attractive Arturo, a trip to the interior that will make him
abandon of his adolescent “I ” and go in searc h of true love. The life of J uan will c ompletely change and be full
of new, s trong and unknown feelings that will trans form him but als o his friend’s life: Alain, Silvia and Nacho.
Javier HERCE
Javier Herce, Logroño (1978). Writer, Photographer and associate director of an
international fashion company.
He is the founder, editor and di rector of the digi tal magazine Ult ratumba with
about four thousand monthly readers. He has made several photography
expositions acclaimed by the media and the public. He won the Odisea Literary
Contest in 2007 with the book Desde aqui hasta tu ventana (From Here To Your
Window) with great reviews and sales success.
He has
published the following novels:
El cuaderno de Bruno (2006)
Selección (2008)
Cuando acabe el verano (2009)
El chico del gorro rojo (2011)
Matar a un vampiro (2011)
Gay & Lesbian Literature
Íñigo SOTA
Las Distancias Cortas
Short Distances
Gay Lit
Young adults
170 pages
Published in:
- Spain: Editorial CoCo!, 2008
Prologue by the write r and mentor Rosetta Forner.
“A fresh, since re and sensible story. A refle ction of the
awakening of a fee ling be yond the sexual gende r that identifies
us that goes what unites us: soul and emotional heart”, Rosetta
Trans lation rights available
An extraordinary nove l about an impossible love, dange rous
frie ndships, sex , frivolity, and carpe diem ideals.
Eduardo moves to Madrid. Naivety leads him to meet all kind of people that make him think about his sexual
identity and s hows us the tenderest side about gay life, the kind of living defended by young people that
believe in love and cannot understand the trivial s ide of existence.
Íñigo SOTA
Iñigo Sota Heras (Pamplona, Spain, 1983) writer, journalist, and scriptwriter.
He has worked for the media as a reporter, editor, and scriptwriter, Canal Cuatro
and CNN among them.
He has collaborated with the writer and sociologist Rosetta Forner in her books
and taught at literary workshops at the University Francisco Yndurain and the
Escuela de Imagen y Sonido CTL.
He won the Francisco Indurain Award of the Letras pa ra Jóvenes Autores and was
Short-listed in the I Certamen de Relato Temático GrupLobher in 2010. His play
“No me molestes mosquito” (Don’t bother me, mosquito) has been p roduced as
well as some movies and short movies.
He has published “Las di stancias cortas” 200 8(Short Distances) and “Monika
Sonríe frente al espejo” 2009(Monika Smiles In Front Of The Mirror).
Short Stories
Íñigo SOTA
Mónika sonríe frente al espejo
Monika Sm iles In Front Of The Mirror
Short Stories
134 pages
ISBN: 978-84-92594-87-0
Published in:
- Spain: Ediciones Atlantis, 2009
Trans lation rights
A ddictive. Clever.
A page-turner.
Includes the short story:
- Su juego favorito (His Favourite Game) 1st A ward in the I Ce rtamen de
Re lato Temático GrupLobhe r.
O bscure and symbolic . Anthology of s hort s tories in which each of them reflect its own narrative voice. I t’s a
tribute to all those little details that are part of big events . Stories about what lies beneath human feelings .
subjec ts such as : love, lack of love, s olitude, aging, s lavery... T alks about s ocial and existential issues from
our century.
Íñigo SOTA
Iñigo Sota Heras (Pamplona 1983) writer, journalist, and scriptwriter. He has
worked for the media as a reporter, edi tor, and s criptwri ter. Canal Cuatro and
CNN among them.
He has collaborated with the writer and sociologist Rosetta Forner in her books
and taught at literary workshops at the University Francisco Yndurain and the
Escuela de Imagen y Sonido CTL.
He won the Francisco Indurain Award of the Letras pa ra Jóvenes Autores and was
finalist in the I Certamen de Relato Temático GrupLobher in 2010. His play “No
me molestes mosquito” (Don’t bother me, mosquito) has been p roduced as well
as some movies and short movies.
He has published “Las di stancias cortas” 200 8(Short Distances) and “Monika
Sonríe frente al espejo” 2009(Monika Smiles In Front Of The Mirror).
Atardecer del Faraón
Pharao’s Dusk
Fantasy, Detective, Adventures , H istory
10 years and up
163 pages
ISBN : to be publis hed
Published in:
- Spain: Sepha E ditorial, February 2013
A delightf ul writ ing. A pleasant reading.
Trans lation rights available
Very didact ical. Easy to read and learn. A n excit ing plot and a f ast pace.
The best opt ion for young rea ders.
Pharao’s D usk is a detective novel based on his toric al c haracters .
Through a dream, the author plunges us into the mystery of the E gypt of the Pharaohs . The story starts with
the scene of the Pharaoh T utankamen’s death and a character called Henry Anto, a man living in the c urrent
era that travels in time to the body of Manu, the police officer in chief of the Pharaoh’s G uard.
The c harac ter of Henry-Mahu, always living between reality and fantasy, is the vehicle to ancient his tory that
unveils the conspiracy perpetrated by General Horemheb. Very well documented and based on true events .
The author rec reates the murder of the Pharaon Tutankamon and his relationship with his wife and sister-inlaw, A nches-en- pa-Aton, daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti.
The author of this thrilling story, through a natural and easy language gives us a mas ter class in history that
makes the novel perfec t for educational purpos es .
Aimed to a young audience. It c an interest history, detec tive and fanstasy readers .
Alicia Eleonor D usseldorp (Buenos Aires , Argentina, 1974), her pen name is
Alex D usseldorp.
Writer and Psychologis t. She studied c reative writing in several schools and
high schools in Argentina. Essayist for different technical magazines of
ps ychology and author of articles about psychoanalysis and psychology.
Pharao’s Dus k is her debut novel.
10 years and up
340 pages
ISBN: 978-84-15425-10-6
Published in:
- Spain: Éride Ediciones, 2nd edition 2012
W ith influences of Disney films
Trans lation rights
A ddictive and magical book .
A page-turner that absorves the reade r.
The old Klaryteelle has always been devoted to Annabel’s education in the diffic ult art of magic , but one day
their lives are altered by a dark event that ends up in a witc h-hunt all over the kingdom.
Since then, Annabel is forced to live on the run and to start a search that will lead her very far from the
kingdom in which s he was born. In addition, she has to live further away from William, the man s he is deeply
in love with.
T.C. Ferri (Yecla, Murcia, 1985) Actor and writer.
He started writ ing and c reating sto ries when he was s ix years old. He studied
Performing Arts.
Columnist for the
dig ital magazine
about young
l iterature
El Ti ramillas
( that soon became a s taple for readers and
writers of that genre.
In March 2010 he publ ished his fi rst novel Annabel, the fi rst edition sold out after
being a finalist in the III Li terary Award from Eride Ediciones. The second edition
with a prologue of Jezz Burning (Raquel Barco) has already been released.
Fernando CLAUDÍN
La Banda de Pepo
Pepo’s Friends
8 years and up
91 pages with illustrations of Fuencisla de l Amo
ISBN: 978-84-678-2915-0
Published in:
- Spain: Grupo Anaya, April 2012
Friendship, adventures, learning.
The best option for Little Nicolas’ fans (Le pe tit Nicolas)
A must in a children’s catalogue.
Trans lation rights
Upcoming publications:
- Autumn 2012: Los ojos de Daimien (Cuadrivium)
It’s a c hildren’s book in the s tyle of E l pequeño N icolas (Little N icolas ), by René Goscinny, that praises the
children of today, with its pranks and tenderness, and the always sparkling c haos around it.
La banda de Pepo is a group of friends that c reates an unruly underworld, outs ide the adult’s world, full of
mischief. P epo, the leader and narrator, s hows the reader the behaviour and the inner world of a child that
has the habit of thinking for himself, ques tioning adults ’ attitudes .
Fernando Claudín
Fernando Claudín (Madrid, Spain, 1971) was born in a family with a strong pol itical
and literary tradition.
His childhood and i n his teenage years were surrounded by books. As a self-taught
person he soon left school to discover his own way to the truth.
He has
published the following novels:
Una loca como un palo de escoba ( la Torre, 1995)
Muertos de la nada (Ed. de la Torre, 1996)
¡Ahueca el ala, urbano! (SM, Colección Alerta Roja, 1997)
A cielo abierto (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2000)
La serpiente de cristal (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2001)
Pacto de sangre (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2002)
La banda de Pepo (Anaya, Colección El duende verde, 2003)
El embrujo de Chalbi (Anaya, Colección Espacio Abierto, 2004)
Lou Andrea Salomé La bruja de Hainberg (Diálogo, Avatar, 2005)
Upcoming publications:
Autumn 2012: Los ojos de Daimien (Cuadrivium)
Literary Agency
As a lite rary agency we represe nt national and international write rs to distribute their work
worldwide. The task of a lite rary agent is to be the filte r be tween write rs and publishing companies
and assure its distribution.
Página Tres Lite rary Age ncy is committed to the author and the ir work, defe nds their inte rests,
ne gotiates their rights, offe rs lite rary advice or the tutoring of proje cts, supe rvises the editing and
adapts the structure of the story to the tone pursue d by the author. It is important to reach the
highest commercial le ve l and prese rve , at the same time, high lite rary value .
Services to writers
Services to
. Representing authors
. Reading re ports
. Style editing
. Pe rsonalised tutoring
. Manuscript with
editorial crite ria
. Structure and plot
. Structure editing
. Chapte r by chapte r editing
Victoria Sanjuan
Inte rnational R ights
Piluca Vega
phone (34) 664 067 304
[email protected]
Fernando Riquelme
phone (34) 677 420 001
[email protected]

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