Christmas List05


Christmas List05
China: Poet and
journalist Shi Tao is
serving a 10 year
sentence for his internet
Sierra Leone:
Journalist Paul
Kamara is being held
incommunicado in
Uzbekistan: Journalist
Muhammed Bekjanov
has been in prison
since 1999
Cuba: Víctor Rolando
Arroyo, 26 year
sentence for dissident
for Writers in Prison or their Families – November 2005
Important notice: the prisoners below represent a variety of
religious faiths. Therefore it is not advised that you send cards
with overtly religious symbolism to any of the prisoners as this
may cause problems. Please send general greetings or tourist
cards from your own town, avoiding any reference to
Christmas or other religious festivals. Email addresses are
given where we have no postal address.
Your message could simply state:
You are a fellow writer/journalist who has learned of
his/her imprisonment;
That you are sending a message of good will in the hope
that your card finds the prisoner in good health/spirits
Give a return address should the prisoner be able to reply
For details of the individuals’ imprisonment, please refer to the
International PEN Writers in Prison Committee Caselist
January – June 2005. These are available from your Centre or
the International PEN web-site
navigating to the Writers in Prison Committee section.
If you get a reply from the prisoner, please copy to:
Sara Whyatt, Writers in Prison Committee, International PEN,
9-10 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7AT, UK
or fax: + 44 20 7253 5711 or email [email protected]
(if possible get addresses transcribed by
Independent Chinese PEN
Ven Ngawang Phulchung, Dawa Gyaltsen: Both held in
Tibet Autonomous Region Prison (formerly Drapchi Prison),
Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, PR China.
Centre, email: [email protected]):
GAO Qinrong: Qixian Prison, Shanxi Province, PR China
Hada: No 4 Prison, Chi Feng (Ulaan-Hada) City, Inner
Mongolia, PR China
Important please note, that all the following Cuban addresses
are home addresses and letters/cards should never be sent to
directly to Cuban prisoners. Communication should
preferably be in Spanish.
Jiang Lijun: Quincheng Prison, Beijing, PR China.
Luo Changfu: No.2 Prison, Chongqing City, PR China.
Luo Yongzhong: No.3 Detention Centre, Changchun, PR
Shi Tao : Chishan Prison, P.O. Box 101, 413104 Yuanjiang
City, Hunan Province, PR China. (photo above)
Tao Haidong: Urumqi Dadaowan Detention Centre, Urumqi,
Xinjiang Autonomous Region, P.R. China.
Pedro Argüelles Morán
Sra. Yolanda Vera Nerey (wife)
Simón Reyes #69 entre Carretera Central y Joaquín de
Agüero, Ciego de Avila, Cuba
Víctor Rolando Arroyo
Sra. Elsa González Padrón (wife)
Tohti Tunyaz: Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Prison
No3, Urumqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, P.R. China
Adela Azcuy #19 e/ Gerardo Medina y 1ro de Mayo, Pinar del
Río, Cuba (photo above)
Xu Zerong: Dongguan prison, P.R.China.
Mijail Bárzaga Lugo
Yu Dongyue: Ruanjian Prison, Hunan Province, PR China.
Sra: Belkis Barzaga Lugo (sister)
Zhao Changqing: Xi’an Municipal Public Security Bureau,
Xi’an, P.R.China.
Calle 17 #213 e/ 6 y 8, Reparto Ampliación de San Matías,
Municipio San Miguel del Padrón, Habana, Cuba
Adolfo Fernández Saínz
Omar Ruiz Hernández
Sra: Julia Núñez Pacheco (esposa-wife)
Sra. Bárbara Maritza Rojo Arias (wife)
Calle Belascoaín No. 465, Apt. 19, 6to. Piso, e/ Zanja y Salud,
Municipio Centro Habana, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
Luz Caballero #18 entre Misioneros y Hospital, Santa Clara,
Villa Clara, Cuba
Miguel Galván Gutiérrez
Sra. Hermana Teresa Galván Gutiérrez (sister)
Calle 52 #9914 e/ 99 y 103, Güines, Provincia Habana, Cuba.
Julio César Gálvez Rodríguez
Sra. Beatriz Pedroso León (wife)
Francos # 10 Apto. 53, 4to Piso e/ Estrella y Carlos III, Centro
Habana, Cuba
José Luis García Paneque
Sra. Yamilé Llanez Labrada (wife)
Amir Abbas Fakhravar: Qasr Prison, Tehran, Iran
Akbar Ganji: Evin Prison, Tehran, Iran
Hossein Ghaziyan: Evin Prison, Tehran, Iran
Alireza Jabari: 48 Sarve avenue, Darakeh avenue, University
of Shahid Beheshti Square, Tajrish, Tehran, Iran.
Nasser Zarafshan: Evin Prison, Tehran, Iran
Siamak Pourzand: Evin Prison, Tehran, Iran.
Emilio González No. 63 e/ Eliades Avila y José Licea,
Reparto Aguilera, Municipio Las Tunas, Cuba
Ricardo González Alfonso
Paul Kamara: Pademba Road Prison, Pademba Road,
Freetown, Sierra Leone (photo overleaf)
Sra. Alida Viso Bello (wife)
Calle 11 # 78 Apto. 2, e/ E y Font, Lawton, Habana, Cuba.
Normando Hernández González
(If possible in French)
Sra. Yarai Amparo Reyes Marín (wife)
Abdul Aziz Al-Khayer and Haytham QUTAYSH and
Muhannad QUTAYSH: Sednaya Prison, Damascus, Syria.
Calle Buena Esperanza #18, e/ H y Luz, Reparto Piñerúa,
Vertientes, Camagüey, Cuba
Aref Dalila: ‘Adra Prison, Damascus, Syria.
José Miguel Martínez Hernández
Sra. Sofía del Carmen García Miranda (wife)
Sra. Amada Enelia Hernández Ravelo (mother)
Calle 28 # 2719 e/ 27 y 29, Quivicán, Provincia Habana,
Mario Enrique Mayo
Sra. Nélsida Hernández (mother)
Sra. Mayelín Guerra Alvarez (wife)
Calle San Cipriano #58, Academia y República, Camagüey,
Pablo Pacheco Ávila
Sra. Oleyvys García Echemendía (wife)
Pasaje D #205 A, entre 4ta y 5ta, Reparto 9 de Abril, Ciego de
Avila, Cuba
(if possible in French)
Mohammed Abbou: Mme Samia Abbou (wife), 3 rue 10240,
El Ouardia 1, Tunisia
Mamadali Makhmudov: Chirchik Prison, Chirchik,
Tashkent Oblast, Republic of Uzbekistan
Mukhammad Bekjanov: 64-69 yl, Kagan Prison,
Gallakuduk, Bukhara region, Uzbekistan (updated 05/04) .
(photo overleaf)
Yusif Ruzimuradov: Navoi, Shahar 5, Zhiym 36, 2ne Floor,
21st Brigada, Index: 706800.
Khayrulla Ernazarov: N64/48, Zarafshan Prison, Navoi,
Fabio Prieto Llorente
Sra. Miranta Llorente Torres (mother)
Srta. Clara Lourdes Prieto Llorente (sister)
(contact Nguyên Hoáng Bao Viêt at Suisse Romand PEN for
translation [email protected])
Calle 30 #4903 entre 49 y 51, Nueva Gerona, Isla de Pinos,
Omar Rodríguez Saludes
Sra. Ileana Marrero Joa (wife)
Calle C #41 (altos) Apto. 1, e/ María Regla y Armas, Cuba
Nguyen Vu Binh: Prison B14, Thanh Liet Village, Thanh Tri
District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Pham Hong Son: Yen Dinh Labour Camp, Thanh Hoa
province, Vietnam.
Nguyen Khan Toan: Ba Sao Labour Camp, Ha Dong
Province, northern Vietnam.

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