Determination of Lead in Waters of Parana River by Solid Phase


Determination of Lead in Waters of Parana River by Solid Phase
Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 52, 501 (2007)
Determination of Lead in Waters of Parana River
by Solid Phase Spectrophotometry
by Roberto Gerardo Pellerano1, Cesar Hamilton Romero1,
Hugo Arnoldo Acevedo1, Francisco Antonio Vazquez1
and Eduardo Marchevsky2*
LABQUIAM, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura,
Av. Libertad 5.450, Corrientes (3400) Argentina
Universidad Nacional de San Luis,
Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia, Chacabuco y Pedernera,
San Luis (5700) Argentina
Lead; Natural waters; Solid Phase Spectrophotometry; Parana River
This paper presents the procedure for determination of lead in water samples by solid phase
spectrophotometry. The procedure is based on reaction of Pb(II) ion with 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-(diethylamino)phenol immobilized on an anion-exchange resin. Absorbance
of the resulting coloured complex was measured directly at the solid phase. Detection limit
of the method and sample throughput were 0.8 µg L–1 and 2 h –1, respectively. Relative
standard deviation was 1.7% for 10.0 µg L–1 Pb(II) concentration. The obtained calibration
plot was linear within the analyte's concentration range starting from detection limit up to
at least 100 µg L–1, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9995. The proposed method was
successfully applied to the determination of Pb(II) in natural water samples from Parana
River in Argentina.
Opisano metodê oznaczania o³owiu w wodzie za pomoc¹ spektrometrii w fazie sta³ej.
W procedurze wykorzystano reakcjê jonu Pb(II) z 2-(5-bromo-2-pirydylazo)-5-(dietyloamino)fenolem osadzonym na ¿ywicy anionowymiennej. Absorbancjê powsta³ego, barwnego
kompleksu mierzono bezpoœrednio na fazie sta³ej. Metoda pozwala na analizê 2 próbek
w ci¹gu godziny. Uzyskana granica wykrywalnoœci wynosi³a 0,8 µg L –1. Wzglêdne
odchylenie standardowe, mierzone przy zawartoœci Pb(II) 10,0 µg L–1, wynosi³o 1,7%.
Otrzymany wykres kalibracyjny by³ liniowy w zakresie od 0,8 do 100 µg L–1; wspó³czynnik
korelacji by³ równy 0,9995. Proponowan¹ metodê zastosowano z powodzeniem do
oznaczania Pb(II) w wodzie z rzeki Parany w Argentynie.
* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

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