April 17, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center


April 17, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center
April 17, 2016
1738 W. University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32603-1839
catholicgators.org | (352) 372-3533 | Fax (352) 378-9010
Parish Office Hours : M-F 10am-5pm
Home of the
fourth sunday of easter - Good shepherd Sunday
10,000 MEALS!
9:00am Family Mass
1:30pm (Spanish)
12:00pm | 5:30pm
5:30pm Vigil
M-F 5:00pm
Sun 4:45pm
M-F 4:30pm-5:20pm
5:30pm Mass of the Sacred Heart
and Eucharistic Adoration
Monday-Friday 11:25am
New Members:
To be a member of our parish requires registration and participation in worship, sacraments, the life
of the parish, and regular financial
support of the parish. This is a basic
consideration when requesting
marriage, baptism, or to act as a
godparent/sponsor. Register in the
front office or on-line.
Last Saturday our parish hosted its second Helping Hands event
in which we packaged over 10,000 meals to be sent to Burkina Faso,
and also helped fund Catholic Relief Service's economic development
programs for the people of that country.
Thanks to all who participated!
FOR THE WEEK OF april 17, 2016
The Tabernacle Candle is being sponsored this week
in thanksgiving by Emma Labrador.
The deceased are indicated by a cross in front of their names.
Masses said for the living are for their special intentions.
Sunday, April 17 - Good Shepherd Sunday/World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Acts 13:14, 43-52 | Rev 7:9, 14b-17 | Jn 10:27-30
Gary Ervin by Debby Cherwak
 Rachel Mignon by her cousin, Aurore
 Veronique and  Beliard by their daughters
Santa Barbara by Jose Lugo
 Rachel Mignon by her cousin, Aurore
For the Parish
Monday, April 18 - Easter Weekday
Acts 11:1-18 | Jn 10:1-10
Tuesday, April 19 - Easter Weekday
Acts 11:19-26 | Jn 10:22-30
 Rosa Rabell by Paco Rabell
Wednesday, April 20 - Easter Weekday
Acts 12:24—13:5a | Jn 12:44-50
For birthdays and anniversaries for staff, clergy and friends
Thursday, April 21 - St. Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Acts 13:13-25 | Jn 13:16-20
 Harold Wise by Mary Wise
Friday, April 22 - Easter Weekday
Acts 13:26-33 | Jn 14:1-6
Saturday, April 23 - St. George, Martyr; St. Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr
Acts 13:44-52 | Jn 14:7-14
The Catholic
Student Center
St. Augustine Church
Clergy & Staff Members
Father Marek Dzien
Parochial Vicar
Father Anthony Eseke
Wilson Colmenares
Administrative Assistant to the Pastor
Gail Fitzsimmons
RCIA & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
Sabrina Sy
Liturgy & Music Director
Doug Ghizzoni
Religious Education Coordinator
Anne Vieira
Hispanic RCIA Coordinator
Sr. Teresa Gomez, HMSS
Facilities & Operations Manager
Mary T. Wise
Sara Geiser
Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor
Julie Schilling
Rosa Nakamatsu
Director of the Catholic Student Center
Father David Ruchinski
Sunday, April 17 – Good Shepherd Sunday
9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
10:15am Religious Education
2:30pm Cafecito
3:00pm Spanish RCIA
3:00pm Hispanic Baptism prep class
5:30pm RCIA Mystagogia
April 18
Men’s Book Group
Exposition and Holy Hour
Dinner for Catechists (Sac. Prep.)
Music Ministry Jam session
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer
Alpha Leaders retreat
Tuesday, April 19
4:30pm Student Choir rehearsal
6:15pm Newman Club Dinner
Wednesday, April 20
12:40pm Sacred Heart Devotion
6:15pm Adult Confirmation
7:00pm Middle School Religious Education
7:00pm Journey Couples meeting
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
7:00pm Cursillo
9:30pm Ministry Formation
Thursday, April 21
6:00pm Upper Room
6:15pm CSF
7:00pm Lay Dominican meeting
7:30pm Spanish Exposition
7:30pm Spanish Choir rehearsal
Friday, April 22
8:15am Exposition and Holy Hour
3:00pm Wedding rehearsal
6:30pm Confirmation rehearsal
Saturday, April 23
10:00am Hispanic Faith Formation
10:30am Private baptism
1:00pm Eagle Court of Honor
3:30pm Wedding
5:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass – Confirmation with
Bishop Estevez
Contact Sabrina Sy at [email protected]
Call the office for information on First Reconciliation/First Communion, High School Confirmation, & Adult Confirmation preparation.
Campus Ministers - Ashley D’Emo and Sandra DeTeresa
Couples should meet with a priest at least eight (8) months prior to the
wedding. We follow the requirements of the Diocese of St. Augustine in
our marriage preparation program. Contact Gail Fitzsimmons at
Ext. 113 or [email protected]
Campus Ministry Assistant - Daniel Conigliaro
Baptism Preparation is required and both parents should attend our
monthly preparation class and coordinate with the parish secretary.
Please call the parish office to arrange for Baptism and preparation,
preferably before the baby’s birth.
Alumni Outreach Coordinator - Lauren Troncoso
FOCUS Missionaries (Fellowship of Catholic University Students}
Katelyn Miller | Ariadna Ruiz | Nolan Schmidt | Joseph West
Around the parish and
the Diocese
April 17, 2016
with Fr. Sean Davidson & Fr. Barry Braum
Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer
Requirement to Publish Notices of How to Report Abuse
As part of the Charter for the Protection of Children and
Young People, approved by the U.S. Bishops in 6446, each
parish is required to publish notices in their bulletins that
explain how and where people can report allegations of
sexual child abuse. A Victim Assistance Program has been
established by the Diocese of St. Augustine and pamphlets
are currently available in the hallway outside the parish office and in the church vestibule. Please make a call to report
any suspicions of abuse.
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2016 - 8:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $20.00 - includes hot breakfast and lunch, spiritual
meditations, Mass and Adoration, Confession and individual Benedictions.
The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a
prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report
Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (904)
262-3200, ext. 129, or the Department of Children and Families at 1-800-96-Abuse (800) 962-2873.
Location: Marywood Retreat and Conference Center
235 Marywood Drive
St. Johns, FL 32259
Registration and payment are required before the event.
Call to reserve: 904-287-2525.
La Diocesis de San Agustín le da seria consideracion a toda
acusacion de mala conducta sexual y dispone de todos
dichos casos de manera pronta, completa y confidencial.
Para reportar tal abuso, llame a: Coordinador Diocesano de
Auxilio a Victimas (904) 262-3200, ext. 129 o Departamento
de Ninos y Familias del Estado de la Florida1-800-96Abuse
(800) 962-2873.
The parish continues to provide Monday dinner at the Grace Marketplace center for the homeless.
You can participate in a couple of ways:
1. We are running low on funding to pay for the food
and supplies. You can donate using E-Giving or by
dropping a check into the offertory basket. Make
checks payable to the parish and put “Grace” on
the memo line.
2. Our second Monday team needs some dependable
help with food preparation. This involves
showing up at the Grace kitchen around 2:00 p.m.
on the afternoon of May 9th and subsequent second Mondays, whenever you can. The food preparation is finished by 5:30 p.m. You can participate
other days, too!
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Bishop Estévez
Bishop Felipe Estevez will lead a group of 50 pilgrims to a
journey to the Holy Land, the birthplace of Christianity. October 20-29, 2016, $3,695.00 per person, based on
double occupancy.
If you are interested, contact Bill Nessmith at
[email protected] to get on board.
For brochure & registration form:
E-mail [email protected]
or call (904) 501-8657.
Stewardship in the
fourth Sunday of easter
Good Shepherd Sunday
Masses on April 10, 2016
Third Sunday of Easter
Offertory from baskets :
Offertory from Parish Pay:
Poor Box:
Catholic Student Center (CSC):
Sanctuary Renovation:
Specified Donations:
Catholic Schools:
Courtesy of: store.augsburgfortress.org
On Saturday, April 9, something very special happened in the lounge. Over 50 parishioners of St. Augustine’s measured soy, rice, dried vegetables, and spices, distributed it into plastic bags of 6 meals, and packed them into boxes destined for starving people in Burkina Faso via Stop Hunger Now and Catholic Relief Services. In less than 2 hours, we packaged 10,000 meals! It was a joyous and glorious example of God’s children working together as a family to be his loving
presence among his people. Thank you to everyone who helped out, either by their manual labor or their financial contributions that paid for the food. If you missed this opportunity to do good, please visit the web page of Catholic Relief Services (www.crs.org) and donate online. CRS is one of the best charities in terms of ensuring that your contribution goes
to helping people in need, not paying for fundraising or high salaries of administrators.
The Saturday before that was the Gainesville Catholic Charities Gala, the major fundraising event for this charity. In
contrast to Catholic Relief Services, it is those in need in our local region who benefit directly from Catholic Charities. Please visit its web page (catholiccharitiesgainesville.org) to check out its many and varied missions and to make a
donation. As is CRS, Catholic Charities is among the best in putting your contribution towards aid and not administration.
Another way to contribute to Catholic Charities is through the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. Sure, the campaign occurred back in January, but if you didn’t complete the pledge card or contribute online, it’s not too late. The BASA
is used to fund Catholic Charities, seminarian training (of which we have been a direct recipient via seminarians in their
pastoral training year for many years), Catholic education, and evangelization. Although our parish met its goal in terms
of percent of parishioners contributing, the total amount pledged decreased from 2015. Please go online
to www.givecentral.org/dosa2016 to donate. These are all worthy endeavors.
Finally, our improved e-giving for the parish was initiated last fall. Please go to e-giving.org/egivinglogin.asp?
id=4179 or visit our web page, catholicgators.org, to get started. Support of our parish and student center should be regular and scheduled, not dependent on if we are present at mass or have some spare cash in our wallets when the basket
comes around. It’s easy, and there is no minimum contribution.
Thank you for your support of God’s work throughout the world, in our diocese, and in our parish/student center.
Paul Gulig,
Chair of Stewardship Committee
Catholic student
April 17, 2016
Prayer for Vocations
From the Office for Vocations
God Our Father,
we thank you for calling men and women
to serve in your Son’s Kingdom
as priests, deacons, and consecrated persons.
Send your Holy Spirit to help others
to respond generously
and courageously to your call.
May our community of faith
support vocations of sacrificial love
in our youth and young adults.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
April 17, 2016 - Good Shepherd Sunday
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
The purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publically fulfill the Lord’s instruction to, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send
laborers into his harvest.” (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2) If
you have a question about a vocation to the
priesthood or religious life, contact Father David Ruchinski, Vocation Director, at (904) 2623200 ext. 101, or email him at [email protected].
fourth Sunday of easter
Good Shepherd Sunday
Miinisterio hispano
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Cursillo, en espanol quiere decir “curso pequeno” o “corto.”
Es de tres días para hombres y mujeres de cualquier edad.
¿Deseas tener un encuentro real con Cristo? Es una experiencia maravillosa. ¿Deseas ser parte de una comunidad
Cristiana comenzando desde tu propio hogar?
Cantar es Orar Dos Veces
Nuestro coro - sigue creciendo y otorgando a la Misa en
espanol la musica que mas nos acerca a Dios. Siempre se
buscan y desean nuevos miembros. Si quiere unirse al coro,
por favor comuníquese con Doug Ghizzoni. El coro ensaya
a las 12:30 p.m. cada domingo en la biblioteca de la iglesia.
No olviden de Reservar en su calendario la fecha del
Encuentro Regional que es:
Cafecito y dulces
Se les invita a pasar al salon de la iglesia cada domingo
despues de la Misa de la 1:30 p.m. para compartir amistad y
cafecito. Vengan y conozcan mejor a sus hermanos en Cristo. Si desean, pueden traer donaciones de galletas o bebidas.
Abril 22 y 23 del 2016 y esta Diócesis es la coordinadora de este evento.
Y los proximos Cursillos de este ano son:
Octubre 13 al 16 Hombres 2016 #119
Octubre 20 al 23 Mujeres 2016 #118
Círculo de Oración Carismática
El Círculo de Oracion Carismatica en espanol se reune todos
Para mayor informacion comunicarse con: Awilda Merced los lunes a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia para orar, leer la biblia, y
(787) 448-7968 o Angela Chiriboga (352) 331-7616.
alabar al Senor con canticos. No necesitan inscribirse. Los
esperamos. Para mayor informacion, llamen a Wilson ColAdoración del Santisimo
Adoracion esta ofrecido el tercer jueves de cada mes en la menares (561) 260-3422.
Informacion Odontología GRATIS Para Ninos
Economy Dentistry for Children esta ofreciendo odontología gratis
para ninos que cumplan con los requisitos
Educacion de Higiene Dental
Valoracion Dental y Radiografías
Valoracion y Evaluacion Oral
Tratamiento de Fluoruro
Examen y limpieza Dental
Relleno de Caries
Procedimientos quirurgicos limitados
1680 Dunn Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32218
3615 DuPont Ave., Suite 200-400, Jacksonville, FL 32217
Lunes a Viernes, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sabado 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
(855) 974-5437
 20 anos o menos
 Bajos ingresos - 200% de pobreza (Basado en los ingresos y cantidad de personas en el hogar)
 Sin seguro o Infra asegurado (Medicaid no es aceptado)
Sponsored by Economy Dentistry for Children and the State of Florida
Adoración del Santisimo
cada mes en Español,
en la parroquia.
21 Abril, Jueves 7:30pm-8:30pm
19 Mayo, Jueves 7:30pm-8:30pm
¡Todos estan invitados!
The Parish, Catholic
Schools and greater
April 17, 2016
the St. Vincent de Paul Society
April 17 – Good Shepherd Sunday
Today we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday”,
where we reflect on Jesus’ care and love of
us. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de
Paul will show that you are indeed a disciple
of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, as it will bring your love to
those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. If
someone needs assistance, call 352-222-0588. To donate
or volunteer, call Betty Spears at 352-378-3583.
Knight’s Corner
Want to join the Knights?
Our college council is right here at St. A’s parish, Pope John
Paul II -13900 Council, and you can become a member if
you are a practicing Catholic male over 18 years old. Although our council is mostly comprised of college students,
we have members representing all age brackets. Please
contact our Grand Knight, Bradley Nartowt at [email protected].
The Women’ Book Discussion Group will
meet on April 24 in the Conference Room
at 9:15 a.m. We will be reading “Strange
Gods” by Peter Daly and John Myslinski,
priests from the Washington DC area. All
women are welcome to join us.
Memorial Mass for
the Unborn and Infants
On Saturday, May 14, 2016, at 9am, a Memorial Mass for children lost through abortion,
miscarriage, stillbirth, and/or who died in infancy will be celebrated at Holy Faith Catholic
Church in Gainesville. Participants should
be prepared to commend their children to God
by name during this Mass. Healing prayer
teams that are trained in confidentiality will
be available following Mass. All are welcome. For more
information, please contact Karen Dykstra at 352-256-7664
or [email protected]. All inquiries are confidential.
May 19th, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Ave ~ Gainesville, FL
$20 Advance Sales
$25 at the Door
Admission includes meal, beverage
& handmade ceramic bowl.
Purchase tickets at
breadofthemighty.org or
call 352.336.0839
Bulletin deadlines
Bulletin submissions are due by Monday at
12:00 p.m. noon. Please email your requests to
[email protected].

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