0-Bibliografía - Theory of Image


0-Bibliografía - Theory of Image
Xavier Ribas
UPV, Feb 2010
“Space begins because we look away from where we are”
Gus Blaisdell
La observación del territorio, tanto de sus componentes naturales como construidos, está íntimamente
relacionada con la fotografía. De hecho, muchas de las imágenes experimentales de los inicios de la
técnica fotográfica son representaciones del espacio exterior desde ventanas de edificios o vistas de
los edificios mismos. Después del retrato como práctica social y artística de la fotografía, la
representación del espacio y del territorio, en sus formas más originales o convulsas, ha sido desde sus
inicios, una de las práctica predominantes de la fotografía, bien como base para una meditación sobre
la belleza de la naturaleza, o para una reflexión en torno a la identidad de la cultura.
Tradicionalmente, la representación fotográfica del territorio suele responder a una mirada distante,
horizontal, objetiva, como ‘hacia afuera’, sugiriendo la separación entre el observador y el territorio.
Estos ‘paisajes fotográficos’ de carácter más o menos topográfico, tienden a sugerir una experiencia del
territorio basada más en la enajenación que de pertenencia, como si el territorio fuera para el fotógrafo
algo se puede ‘observar’ más que ‘habitar’. Este taller propone una alternativa a esta mirada distante,
apuntando hacia experiencias y representaciones fotográficas del territorio a partir de una relectura del
espíritu nómada del land-art y de los procesos creativos performáticos de autores como Ana Mendieta,
Robert Smithson, Richard Long, Denis Oppenheim, Perejaume o Andy Goldsworthy entre otros, y de
las experiencias territoriales urbanas de colectivos como Transurbancia o Stalker.
Adams, R (1996) Beauty in Photography, Aperture
Andrews, M (1999) ‘Land into Landscape’ from landscape and Western Art,
Augé, M (1995) Non-Place. Introduction to An Anthropology of Supermodernity, Verso Baber, Barber,
Bachelard, G (1994) The Poetics of Space (1958) Beacon Press
Barber, S (1995) Fragments of the European City, Rouletge
Benjamin, W (2009) One-Way Street (1928), Penguin Books
Benjamin, W (2004) Libro de los Pasajes (1939)
Bolton, R. (ed.) (1989) The Contest of Meaning, M.I.T. Press
Bright, D (1992), “Of Mother Nature and Marlboro Men: An Enquiry into the Cultural Meanings of
Landscape Photography’. En Richard Bolton, ed; The Contest of Meaning, M.I.T. Press
Burgin, V (2004) ‘La ciudad en pedazos’ (1992). En Ensayos, Gustavo Gili
Campany, D (2006), “Pensar, no pensar y pensar de nuevo la fotografía”. En VVAA, Cruce de Caminos.
Sobre Arte y Fotografía, La casa Encendida, Madrid
Campany, D. (ed.) (2003) Art & Photography, Phaidon
Careri, F (2002) Walkscapes. El andar como práctica estética, Gustavo Gili
Cauquelin, A (1989) L’invention du Paysage, P.U.F
Clément, G (2007) Manifiesto del Tercer Paisaje, Gustavo Gili
Cotton, C. (2004) The Photograph as Contemporary Art, Thames & Hudson
Crang, M and Thrift, N (ed) (2000), Thinking Space. Routledge,
Davis, M (1990) City of Quartz. Excavating the Future of Los Angeles, Verso
Davis, M (2002), Dead Cities, New Press
de Certeau, M (1988) ‘Walking in the City’. En The Practice of Everyday Life (1974)
Foucault, M (1967), De los espacios otros (versión castellana en la red)
Koolhaas, R (2007) La ciudad genérica (1997), Gustavo Gili
Kolhaass, R (2007) Espacio basura (2002), Gustavo Gili
Lefebvre, H (1991), The Production of Space. Blackwell Publishing
Mitchel, D (1995) The Lie of the Land, University of Minesota Press
Poe, E.A, El hombre de la multitud
Ribalta, J (ed) (2004), Efecto Real. Debates posmodernos sobre fotografía, Gustavo Gili
Schama, S (1996), Landscape and Memory, Harper Collins
Sennett, R (1994), Flesh and Stone. The Body and the City in Western Culture. Faber and Faber
Sinclair, I (2003) London Orbital, Penguin
Smithson, R (1996) The Collected Writings. UCP
Smithson, R (2006) Un recorrido por los monumentos de Passaic, Nueva Jersey (1967)
Soja, E (2000) Postmetropolis. Blackwell Publishing
Stahel, U. (2003) Well, What is Photography? Fotomuseum Winterthur, Scalo.
Wells, L. (ed.) (2004) Photography: A Critical Introduction, Third Edition, Routledge.
Wells, L. (ed.) (2003) The Photography Reader, Routledge.
1. Introduction
Jacob van Ruisdael, Views of Harlem with Bleaching Grounds (c1665)
Antoine Watteau, L’Embarquement pour Cythère (1718)
Caspar David Friedrich, El caminante sobre el mar de nubes (1818)
John Costable, The Hay Wain (1880)
Joseph Nicephore Niepce, View from a Window at Gras, c 1826
Fox Talbot, The Ladder, plate XIV of The Pencil of Nature (1843)
Désiré Charnay, Cités et Ruines Americaines (1862-63)
Ferrocarril en el puente, Anonymous, c 1870 (Colección Universidad de Navarra)
Eugène Atget, From Atget: photographe de Paris, Edited by Berenice Abbott (1930)
Portrait of Atget (1857-1927) by Berenice Abbott (1927)
Eugène Atget, dos vistas de París
J. J. Mayal, The Christal Palace at Hide Park, London (1851)
Thomas Annan, The Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow (1900)
Jacob A Riis, How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York (1890)
Peter H Emerson, Gathering Waterlilies. From Life and Landscape on the Norfolk Broads (1886)
John Muir in Yosemite National Park, c1900
John Muir with President Rooseveld in Yosemite, 1903
C.L.Weed, Tu-Toch-Ah-Nu_Lah, 1859
Albert Bierstadt, The Yosemite Valley, 1868
Carleton Watkins, Mirror view of El Capitán, 1872
Carleton Watkins, Cathedral Rock, 1865-66
Carleton Watkins, Union Point, Yosemite Valley, 1863
Edward Muybridge, Union Point, Yosemite Valley, 1872
Geo Fiske, Union Point, The Sentinel, Loya, El Capitán and Valley, 1890s
Ansel Adams, Pictures from Yosemite National Park, circa 1950s
Ansel Adams, Autumn Moon, 1948
John Muir, JOhn Wayne and anonymous tourist
Autumn Moon remake
2. Territorio y Memoria I. Erosión y sedimentación
Robert Adams, The New West (1974)
Lewis Baltz, Candlestick Point (1987)
Lewis Baltz, Park City
Bernd and Hilla becher, Esculturas Anonimas. Una Tipologia de Estructuras Técnicas
Stephen Shore, Uncommon Places (1982)
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Tableaux (1978-1982)
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Bitter Almonds (1997)
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Something is Missing (1998)
Installation of Jean-Marc Bustamante’s Something is Missing (1998) in the Tate Modern London 1999
Manolo Laguillo, Diagonal, 1988
John Davies, The British Landscape (1979-2004)
Richard Misrach, The Desert Cantos
Richard Misrach,
Bravo 20. The Bombimg of the American West. Creating the North American Landscape (1990)
Thomas Struth, Avenue Devin du Village, Geneva 1989
Thomas Struth, South State Street Apartments III, Chicago 1990
Thomas Struth, South State Street Apartments II, Chicago 1990
Thomas Struth, Campo dei Fiori, Rome 1984
Thomas Struth, Campo dei Fiori, Rome 1984
Thomas Struth, Dallas Parking Lot, 2001
Edward Burtinsky, China (old China and new China)
Jem Southam, Rockfalls Rivermouths, Ponds (book cover)
Jem Southam, Rye Harbour, River Rother, 1 April 1999
Jem Southam, Cuckmere Haven, 1999
Jem Southam, River Hayle, 9 January 2000
Jem Southam, Clevedon Blind Yeo, 16 January 2000
Jem Southam, Brampford Speke, 1996 and 1998
Jem Southam, The Painter’s Pool 28th May 2003
Jem Southam, Whale Chine, Lower Greensands, February 2000
Jem Southam, Rockfalls
Toshio Shibata, from the series Landscape (1986)
Thomas Joshua Cooper, Dreaming the Gokstadt (1988)
Thomas Joshua Cooper, The Diamond Rock. The River Findhorn Mrayshire, Scottland 1997. From the
series. The River Works
Thomas Joshua Cooper, Boca Chica. The Mouth of Rio Grande at the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, Mexico
Border 1996-97. From the series. The River Works
Thomas Joshua Cooper
Clouded Moonlight - South, South West - The Mid North Atlantic Ocean, Cabo Trafalgar, Spain
2003-2004. From the series Point of no Return
Thomas Joshua Cooper, North - The Mediterranean Sea, Cap Blanc, # 2, Tunisia 2004. From the series
Point of no Return
Hiroshi Sugimoto, Seascapes
Bleda y Rosa, Campos de Batalla
Bleda y Rosa, Ciudades
Bleda y Rosa, Orígenes
Sophie Ristelhueber, Fait
Sophie Ristelhueber, West Bank
Sophie Ristelhueber, Blow Up
Javier Ayarza, La estrategia del avestruz
Gert Jan Kocken, Defacing. Anna Retable, Utrech, Defacement 7 March 1580
Gert Jan Kocken, Defacing, Madonna with Child and Donnors, Zwolle, Defacement 17 June 1580
Gert Jan Kocken, The Past in the Present
Gert Jan Kocken, Amsterdam
Matt Packer, Ice Rink (2009)
Ulrich Gebert Amerika (2006)
3. Territorio y Memoria II. Narraciones
Michael Schmidt, Waffenruhe (1987)
Volker Heinze, Ahnung (1989)
Gosbert Adler, Sog, 1990
Paul Graham, New Europe (1993)
Rut Blees Luxemburg, Liebeslied 1997
Joachim Koester, Occupied Plots, Abandoned Futures (2007)
Joachim Koester, The Kant’s Walks (2005)
Joachim Koester, The Kant’s Walks. Installation view
Joachim Koester, The Travel of Jonathan Harker (2003)
Joachim Koester, Bilaowieza Forest (2001)
Sven Johne, Ship Cancellation (2004). Installation view in the exhibition Traces, Fundació
Fotocolectania, Barcelona March 2009
Sven Johne, Ship Cancellation (2004)
Sven Johne, Vinta (2004)
Sven Johne, Kleistner’s Archiv, 2006, detail
Roni Horn, Still Water. Ther Rives Thames, for Example (1999- )
Mathew Buckingham, The Six Grandfathers, Paha Sapa, in the Year 502,002 C.E.(2002)
Mathew Buckingham, One Side of Broadway (2005)
Lara Almarcegui, The Ruined Buildings in the Netherlands s XIX - XIX
Lara Almarcegui, Making a Wasteland
Lara Almarcegui, Un descampado en la Ribera del Ebro (Open Ground on the Banks of the Ebro), 2008
4. Territorio y Experiencia. Cartografías del cuerpo y del territorio.
Menhir de Kerloa, Bretagne
Rousseau – Goethe
Hamish Fulton, Geese Flying South (1990)
Hamish Fulton, Installation photograph of Sleep
Hamish Fulton, Warm Dead Bird (1990)
Hamish Fulton, January 2009, Fulton led a group walk around Canterbury city walls
Hamish Fulton, A four day coastal walk, 1980.
Hamish Fulton, installation view, Maureen Paley, 2005
Hamish Fulton, Geronimo Homeland (2006)
Richard Long, A Line Made by Walking, 1967
Richard Long, Text for exhibition in Bristol, 2000
Richard Long, A Line and Tracks in Bolivia. An Eleven Day Crossing and Re-crossing a Lava Plain,
Richard Long, River Po Line, 2001
Richard Long, Dartmoor Riverbeds. A Four-Day Walk Along all the Riverbeds Within a Circle on
Dartmoor, 1978
Richard Long, A Circle in the Andes, 2001
Surrealistas. Visita dadaísta a Saint Julien-le-Pauvre, 14 de abril de 1921
Robert Smithson, A Tour Around the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey (1967)
Robert Smithson, Mirror Displacements (1969)
Robert Smithson, Broken Circle, Emmen, Holland (1971)
Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty (1970)
Michael Heizer, Double Negative (1970)
Ana Mendieta, Untitled (Self-Portrait with Blood) 1973
Ana Mendieta, Hotel Principal (1973)
Ana Mendieta, Silueta series (1978)
Hans Breder, Body Sculpture, 1973
Andy Goldsworthy, Laid down, waited, left a dry shadow. Haarlemmerhout, Holland 29 August 1984
Andy Goldsworthy, River
Andy Goldsworthy, Snowball Middleton Woods, Yorkshire 29 April 1981
Andy Goldsworthy, Grass stalks Swindale Beck Wood, Cumbria 26 November 1981
Andy Goldsworthy,
Rainbow making bright windy sunny days hitting the water with a large stick River Wharfe, Yorkshire 22
December 1980
Andy Goldsworthy, Beech leaves collected only the deepest orange from within the
undergrowth protected from sunlight unfaded each leaf threaded to the next by its own
stalk Hampstead Heath, London 26 December 1985
Andy Goldsworthy, Beech leaves collected only the deepest orange from within the
undergrowth protected from sunlight unfaded each leaf threaded to the next by its own
stalk Hampstead Heath, London 26 December 1985
Andy Goldsworthy, Ice arch Hampstead Heath, London 30 December 1985
Dennis Oppenheim, Reading Position for Second Degree Burn, 1970
Dennis Oppenheim, Annual Rings, 1968
Dennis Oppenheim, Accumulation Cut, 1969
Dennis Oppenheim, One Hour Run, 1968
Francias Alÿs, Paradox of Praxis 1 (Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing) 1997
Francis Alÿs: Seven Walks, 2005
Francis Alÿs: Green Line, 2005
Francis Alÿs, Still from When Faith Moves Mountains, 2002
Jordi Calafell, El Paisatge I la Memòria (1996)
Jordi Calafell, Itineraris de Trànsit (2008)
Jordi Calafell, L’espant de l’alpinista (1996)
Jeremy Millar, A Firework for W G Sebald (2005)
Christian Boltanski, Sachlich
Sophie Calle, from the series La Fillature (1981)
Sophie Calle, from the series Suite Vénitienne (1980)
Michalis Pichler, New York Garbage Flag Profile (2006)
John Gossage, from Thirteen Ways to Miss a Train
Olafur Eliasson, The Fault Series (2001)
Olafur Eliasson, The Glacier Series (1999)
Olafur Eliasson, The Path Series (1999)
Stalker (Francesco Careri)
Osservatorio Nomade (Italy)
Observatori del Paisatge (Joan Nogué) - Observatori Nòmada Barcelona
Walking as Knowing as Making
Post-it City
Egnatia. A Path of Displaced Memories

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