
Til£ Pf
Honorable Shelby M. Jackson. State Superintendent of Kducation
John S. Patton, Superintendent
Mrs. Betty J. Arbour, Secretary
Mrs. Belle Greidenwise. Bookkeeper
Kenneth F. Hull. Principal
Mrs. A. Gibson. Secretary
Albert G. Seal. Vocational Counselor
Miss Frances Messina. Secretary
Academic Department
Mrs. Lillian R. Jones. Supervising Teacher, Primary Grades
Mrs. VV/C. Gill
Mrs. Vera T. Baldwin
Mrs. T. K. Houston
Mrs. A. S. Courrene
Mrs. Betty luleheart
Mrs. Maud M. Crews
Mrs. Wilfic B. McKnccly
Miss Marie Curtis
Mrs. Bessie C. RodrUue
Mrs. Ku^enia Ford
Mrs. Helen N. Jackson
Miss Lord t a Galli^an
Mrs. Dorothy Strieby
Mrs. Ruth C. (Jay
Charles C. Sturtevant, Supervising Teacher. Intermediate and Advanced Grades
Mrs. Mildred W. McDonald
Mrs. Mary P. Conrad
Miss Ruby Moore
Edward S. Foli/
Mrs. Thelnia Morris Myers
Harvey J. Gremillion
Miss Mildred P. Sturdevant
Mrs. Harvey Gremillion
George H. Thompson
Mrs. LaVera Guillory
Mrs. Anna II. Hurt
Vocational Department
Lawrence R. Warren. Woodworking
Mrs M .u, M \Vilton. Handicraft
. .
,. roil »> .,
,,Ml>d, A. Bl' art!, - f'
Hranny Aid
Ml's - Iv;i '' Dnsdale. Rhythm
Mrs. Ku^enia Ford. Audiometrist
Mrs. Wilmah Seal. Librarian
George H. Thompson. Individual
Hearing Aids
Mrs. Mae M Wilton. Visual Aids
Mrs. Lena Barron, Beauty Culture
Fred A. Beard. Mechanical Drawing
Shoe Repair
K. Binklev.
A. B. Burch.
Mrs. Lucille Bryan. Clothing I
A. S. Courre^e, Printing
Mrs. Velma Jones. Foods
Mrs. J. K. St Amant, Clothing II
Kdward L. Strieby. I'pholstery
Miss Betty Taylor. Commercial Arts
Athletic Department
Kdward S. Foil/. Athletic Director
Luther Stack. Assistant Coach
Lawrence R. Warren, Assistant Football Coach
Frank Ber^eron, Coach of Midget Football and Basketball
Prentice Downs. Coach of Midget Football and Basketball
Mrs. Harvey Gremillion, Girls' Coach
Household Department
Supervisors of Older Boys
Luther Stack. Dean <>l Boys
Joel Lee Tarver, Assistant
Prentice Downs
Frank BeiReron
Supervisors, Primary Building
Supervisors of Older Girls
A^nes Roberts. Dean of Girls
Claudia L. Robertson. Assistant
Anna Belle Merrill
Vvonne Henderson
Mary J. Cutrer. Ni.ubt Supervisor
Carolyn Ford, N'inht Supervisor
Mrs. Bernice Ward. Head Housemother Miss Kmma Broiissard. Assistant
Mrs. Mary Steuall
Miss Wilma Freeman
Mrs. Augusta Lynn, Relief Supervisor
Mrs. Pearl W. Kelly N'iuht Supervisor
Mrs. Carolyn Ford, Niyht Supervisor
Dr. .1. A. Thorn. School Physician
Dr. Colin A. McHardy. Dentist
Mrs. Vivian Moore. Nurse
Mrs. Kmma I). Ware. Nurse
Mrs. Mora Robertson. Dietitian
Mrs. J. S. Kent. Assistant
Mrs. Kdith (J. Thomas, Seamstress
K. J. Wyatt. Building Maintenance Superintendent
Cilton J. Villemarette. Laundry
John Shirey. Assistant
John B. Wriyht, Storekeeper
K. P. Rabalais. Assistant
Louis I). Clement, Ninhtwatchman
Maurice Boney, Assistant
* *
ti'd In ihc nifrri'.sf.s oj tlic Louisiana .S'.ife Scliool /or the Deaf. But an
Volume LXXI
Published monthly during the school year. October
to May. inclusive,' by the State School 'for the Dr;if.
Baton Roune. La. Kr.tcred as second-"lass mutter
September 26. 1921, at the (Mist office at Bnt"ti Rou^e.
La., ;:ndcr the Act <>I March :i. IS"!).
Si:bscr ! ntlon Rate: Kifl.v rents per school \«-ar.
T.'c purpose of this publication Is:
1. To inform the parent.- of our pupils what is beiiu'
done in the school and what the leading educators
of tills special type of education are thinking.
L'. To ntt'er opportunities for teaching printing.
:; To encourage composition and reading amonq
our pupils.
1. To ;.ct as a contact for former pupils of this
diaries C. Sturt'jvant. Editor
!l. rvi-y J. Cniiilllion, Circulation Man:u;er
A S Citv>-e ,e. i-Mr-.'rtor of Printing and Linotyping
Xumher 4
n.\ S\M u ( K.\I<;.
Siipn ir.trmlrnl.
IViinst l\ ania
QJ X AXY si'liool sy.sifiii tlir ;i\vakI'lini^ (it a (K'.-'irt- fur higher rclucatiiUi
in i! pupil is a \vnrihy prujtrt. To pn-p:irr liini to take advantage of rullt-.mtrainini; is an r<|ually iniportant part
ol schoo! \vork. A hoariiiL1, child may
l>c m.spirc'1 by Ins ivlativ»'s or Iricnds
or may he enrouraL;r.l hy an intorrstrd
t( achcr to want tu yo on to colli-.ut'. His
sc'hool is prepared to unidi- liini in his
studies and then- is a numhor of colleges \vaitin«', to admit him.
The pio!)U-!M is not so simple for the
draf fluid. He atti-nds a relatively small
school vhere the t^ri'atest numher of
pupils will not he interested in higher
educi'tion and \vlu-re the authorities
may leel that the program should he
adjusted to the needs of the greatest
nufiher thus l«-avin^ almost no chance
lor the preparation of those who aspire
to a college education. While graduates
of a school for the deaf are not harred
from regular colleges and a few do
succeed in such schools in competition
with hearing students, it is generally
Clallaudet College in Washington. I). C'..
that \Ve consider when approaching tlupn.!;lem of college preparation. To KHadmitted to Clallaudet. students must
t ke competitive examinations and
n;ve to the authorities at the college
i! e;r ability to do work on a college
It was my privilege to live on the
campus of the famous old institution
for twenty-two years and to have close
. -sociation with several college .ueneratiens of students and alumni and to my
minr! one of the lines! things in the
Ann I'ican pro'^rain of education for the
deaf is the opportunity provided there
f-.ir college trainini;.
It is regrettable that more students
It'.ve not availed themselves ol the <>prortt: n.i1y prosenti'd at (lallaudi't and
we wonder why they do not. Is it
because tlvre are too lew boys and
."iris with ability to do college work or
is it because not enough attention has
t een gi\en to the preparation of potential students in the lower schools?
Preparation lor college involves a
planned program, good study habits,
the i'\s;>iratiuM of skilled teachers and
a strung incentive on the part of the
A nm.'il in a school whore little is
The Pelican
known of the College and of what it their time is devoted to regular classes
offers has little chance of becoming and only a small portion is given to
interested in continuing his academic the college preparatory group. Fretraining there. If older students from quently they give of their free time to
his school have not gone to Gallaudet teach these special students, a practice
and if his teachers are not familiar with which is good for neither student nor
Gallaudet's program there is little like- teacher.
lihood that a strong desire for college
In order to consistently and thortraining will be instilled in him.
oughly prepare students for college,
If on the other hand the school has careful planning is necessary. No other
sent its students to college regularly, method is very effective. Boys and girls
if these same students encourage their who are allowed to drift along until the
younger friends to strive for something beginning of their last regular year or,
better, if staff members and school ad- as sometimes happens, their last half
ministrators encourage their young year and then are suddenly confronted
charges to go on as far as they can, then with the idea of taking college entrance
the ground work is laid for higher examinations, are done a grave ineducation for a greater number. The justice. A few weeks of intensive prepaadvantages of higher education that ration may be given and the examinaappeal to one boy or girl may not appeal tion taken. Failure and disappointment
to another, but from the cultural, is apt to be the lot of one who could
economic or social standpoint all worthy just as well have enjoyed the satisfaccandidates will profit.
tion accompanying success if preparaSchools vary from time to time in tion had been well planned and thortheir effort and ability to send pupils to ough. The late decision to take the
college. An examination of the records examinations may have come about
of Gallaudet College will show a large through the casual suggestion of a
attendance from a certain school for a friend or relative when in fact it should
period of time and then an almost total have been the end results of years of
lack of applicants for admission for a thinking and planning. Even if the tests
number of years. Another school will are successfully met the chances are
increase its representation at the college that inadequate preparation will make
year after year. The fluctuating condi- college work difficult and the course
tion can usually be traced directly to will not be complete. Even if an addichanges within the schools and to the tional year of study is offered the proencouragement offered by the admin- gram is apt to be a makeshift one and
istrative and teaching members of the not entirely adequate for the task in
school staff. Let us hope that more hand.
schools will offer the encouragement
A counseling program in a school,
necessary to secure needed scholar- awake to all opportunities for all of its
pupils, should select from the student
Beyond incentive there is need for body those boys and girls who are
the inspiration of a good teacher. Many potential college students. Then one of
capable teachers are to be found in the most stimulating phases of school
our schools but often they do not have work anyone would want will follow:
the opportunity to devote themselves that of inspiring and guiding a selecto the task in question. Due to the ted group of interested young people
distribution of teaching load much of
(Continued 071 Page 8)
The Pelican
Hu/f's PU//S
mighty good to us on Christmas
morn. We found our stockings full and
hope you did, too.
We want to take this opportunity to
thank our many friends, readers and
parents for remembering us at Christmas time and your nice Christmas cards
and other kindnesses.
We read somewhere that in the
entire world there are 946 schools for
the deaf, 549 of which are in Europe.
North America has 223 schools. South
America 23, Africa 10. Asia 131. and
Australia 12. For the 200,000 deaf of
India, there are only three schools
and only 60 schools for the 60,000 deaf
in Japan.
We are happy for the folks at the
Ohio School for the Deaf. They are
going to get a whole brand new school
on a brand new location. We saw a
print of the architect's drawings of the
new buildings, and they are out of
this world. They have had their ground
breaking ceremonies and the actual
construction has started.
Construction of a new school for the
deaf in Southern California, at Riverside, has also been started.
This school is proud to report that
we are 100 per cent in membership
to the Louisiana Educational Association and to the Convention of American
Instructors of the Deaf.
We are happy to note that the National Association of the Deaf has recently opened a full-time office in
Frank Bergeron, our big-time landlord, had a very nice Open House at
one of the houses which he recently
purchased. This home, known as the
Royal House, is a rooming house for
several of our local deaf boys who are
working in town. See the December
issue of the Pelican under the Alumni
news for further information about Mr.
Bergeron and his Royal House.
They tell me that Dean of Boys
Stack has started taking Hadacol to
be a better man. It has been reported
that Mr. Burch. Mr. Binkley, and Mr.
Beard will do the same. Can you picture it?
We still hope your New Year will not
be huffy.
Come see us.
The inspector was extremely annoyed by the amount of noise coming
from the adjoining room while he made
his usual rounds of the school. Unable
to stand it any longer, he opened the
door. Seeing one boy taller than the
others and talking a great deal, he
grabbed him by the collar, dragged
him to another room and stood him in
the corner.
"Now you stand there and be quiet
till I tell you to go back to your room!"
the exasperated school instructor commanded.
A quarter-hour later a small head
appeared around the door and a small
qimering voice a.sked. "Please, sir.
may we have our teacher back now?"
A certain floral shop lost a couple of
customers recently. Wrong cards were
attached to two beautiful floral
wreaths. The one that went to a druggist moving into an expensive new
store read. "Deepest sympathy." and
the one intended for the funeral of a
prominent citizen bore the kind sentiment, "Good luck in your new location."
The Pelican
OfKlRWR"*"STS"St VWJTtfr«:«:«'»!'K XXX X U X
During the Christmas Recess, two
of our family fell by the wayside.
Mrs. Dorothy Strieby underwent
surgery at Lady of the Lake hospital
on New Year's Day and has just lately
returned to her home on the campus,
where she is recovering rapidly. Her
doclor thinks it may be possible for
her to return to her Primary class
within another week. Mrs. Aline Gibson, Mr. Huff's secretary, was also in
the hospital part of the recess, but she
has returned to work, still feeling a
bit wobbly.
_____ J|C _____
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
Helen Jackson has made arrangements
which make it possible for her to return to our staff. It is indeed a pleasure
to have her back among us.
The receiving line at (he reception.
From left to right: Mr. Kenneth F.
HufT. Principal; Mr. John S. P;ilton.
Superintendent; Mrs. I'atton and Mrs.
The reason why worry kills m« unpeople than work is because more people worry than work. Gilcrnjt
State Superintendent of Education Shclby M. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson (right
foreground) among a group of the many guests at the recent reception honoring
Superintendent and Mrs. John S. Patton.
The Pelican
(lirl Scout News
Monday, December llth, was a
proud, happy and exciting day for the
Girl Scouts. It was the day they were
to receive their pins at an investiture
ceremony. Miss Brown and Miss Goff
came to present the pins after each
girl gave her Scout Promise. Miss
Brown and Miss Goff are from the
Baton Rouge Girl Scout Council.
The ceremony took place on the
stage of our gym with all the pupils
and faculty present. The girls looked
so nice; all wore white blouses with
yellow ties. A few days later Mr. Huff
received .$(>2.0() from the business women in town to buy green material
so the girls can have scout skirts. They
had heard how nice the girls looked
and wanted them to have skirts alike.
We will make them as our next project.
Thi 1 girls tilled two bushel baskets
with food, clothes and toys for a poor
family at Christmas. They were happy
to be able to make some other people
happy, too.
La Verne Stack,
Girl Scout Leader
Christmas Card Sales
In the months following September
our senior class showed Christmas card
samples and many teachers ordered
cards and stationery. Our sponsor.
Mrs. Huff ordered them early and we
have received them, we delivered
them to the teachers and friends who
bought them. Oh! we made good profits
and we thank Mrs. Huff for helping us
sell them and also we thank everyone
who bought their cards from us.
Class of '51
The Class of '51's News
The seniors have sold chances on a
wrist watch. The drawing will be December 16th following the movie.
There is much wondering about who
(Continued on Page 6)
GIHL SCOUTS- Seated left to right: Shirlcy Sue Yelvcrton, Gloria Lantz, Jo Ann
Ikerd. Kae Furlo\v, Margaret Trahan. Peggy Bond, Doverlinc Bijeaux, Martha Lee,
Mary Belle Miller, Audrey Borel, Verda Steen. Standing left to right: Mrs. Stack
Gloria Lope/.. Ada Chevallier, Shirley Acklin, Fay Loster, Virgie Broussard,
Dorothy Frank. Gi*raldiiu> Rome. Sybil Klstcr, Ix*nora Trahan, Mary Louise Slack,
Alicia Roussi'll. Maxim* Chatelain, Klaino Kubanks, Marion Babin, Verda Dartez,
Sylvia Reed, Melva Churchwell, Dorothy Conner, Miss Brown, Miss Goff.
4 I
The Pelican
HERE certainly is no joy no enthusiasm no pleasure, in fact, no
nothing in writing about a basketball
team that has not as yet won a single
victory on the basketball court. Such
is the dilemma we find ourselves in
at present, when the Editor of the
Pelican yells for "copy." How different
the task would be had we at least a
couple of games to chronicle in which
our boys won.
Unfortunately practically all of the
boys who came out for basketball have
had no previous experience and it is
absolutely necessary to teach them the
techniques of passing, shooting, dribbling, pivoting, etc. This naturally takes
time and consequently teamwork does
not function as smoothly as it should.
We are still in the embryo stage of the
game and as mentioned in previous
issues of the Pelican, it will probably
be at least a couple of years before
the team can hope to make a creditable showing. We are far from discouraged, but naturally, like everybody
else, we would like to be able to report
a few victories, at least.
To date, the team has lost four
straight games, all by rather lop-sided
scores. However, we note that in every
game we have been able to narrow
the margin of victory to fewer points.
This in itself is encouraging and we
are going to keep on trying and hope
to be able, before the season closes,
to chalk up maybe one victory, notwithstanding the chances for so doing
appear almost impossible.
We know this report will not go
well with the alumni, nor the friends
of the school, but it is harder on the
Director oj Athletics
coaches and all others connected with
the athletic department of the school.
There is simply nothing that can be
done, but to wait and wait we shall!
The Class of *51's News
(Continued From Pnye 5)
has the lucky number. Everybody has
waited anxiously for this time. Each
girl and boy hopes to win a wrist
The class of 51 certainly misses <«uv
sponsor, Mrs. Huff. She was called to
Illinois to take care of Mr. Huff's
mother who is very ill. We gave her
a farewell gift the day she left here,
and also accompanied her to Hammond
where she caught the train. We feel
lost without her and miss seeing her
everyday. We have heard from her
and we are always glad to get her
Kathcrinc Sample, Si't-ri-tary
The Square Dance at Eunice
The square dance team went to my
hometown, Eunice, to give an exhibition dance at the Square Dance Festival there. I was allowed to go with
them. The dance was held at the St.
Edmund's Gym. There was a crowd of
people there but I recognized my
family. I sat with them while the
square dancers performed. We wero
thrilled to see some of the LSD Alumni
from neighboring towns there, too. I
think our team was the best of all. My
family had never seen our deaf team
dance, and they liked it very much.
On our way back we stopped at Ope(Co7ichtded on Page 9)
The Pelican
Visual Aids
Library Corner
HO ELSE has a birthday this
month? Franklin D. Roosevelt
was born on January 30. He started the
"March of Dimes" to help crippled
children. Robert E. Lee, a famous soldier, was born January 19. Jacob
Grimm was a collector of fairy stories.
"Sleeping Beauty," etc. His birthday is
January 4. Lewis Carrol who wrote
"Alice in Wonderland" was born January 27. Then, we also have
Who comes dancing over the snow,
His sojt little jeet all bare and rosy?
Open the door, though the wild winds
Take the child in and make him cosy.
Take him in and hold him dear,
He is the wonderful, glad New Year.
Now we are ready to turn over a
brand new leaf for a bright new year
is before us. Let us hope that when the
Old Year went out, he gathered up
all of our bad habits, broken promises,
and foolish mistakes and took them
along with him. Then, in place of these
things that we would all like to be a rid
of, the New Year will bring us a nice,
new resolution to make the coming year
the best one we have ever had.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing,
and if you are unemployed and want
a job, please answer the questionnaire
that appeared in the PELICAN in
October and send it at once to Albert
G. Seal, Vocational Counselor, State
School for the Deaf, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana. He may be able to find
suitable employment for you.
HE OUTLINE below was copied
from an article in The Grade
Teacher entitled Sound Films in the
Class Room by Gardiner Gregory.
Outline for Procedure
1. Selection of films
(a) Find out what films are available for your use
(b) Find out the date you may
have films
(c) Know the source of films for
your subjects
(d) Correlate film with subject
matter planning
2. Be sure to find out beforehand what
material is in the picture you are to
show don't rely too much on just
the title. See it for yourself before
showing it to the class. Preview it
and take notes.
(a) If available use study guides.
work make it
(b) Reference
available or tell class where
to look for it.
3. Prepare students for films, through
(a) Text and library work
(b) Teacher material
(c) Pre-test
(d) Call attention to the important problems the film deals
4. Actual use of film
(a) Discussion of film before
(b) Discussion and question after
(c) Test over material in film,
though not necessarily given
as formal examinations but
rather presented to the pupils
as a challenge to their powers
of observation and memory.
The Pelican
Seal's Squeals
EVERAL months ago we had an
article in the Pelican asking' the
deal in the State to lot us know who
were unemployed that wanted jobs.
Only a ( ew answered these questions
and mailed them back to us. This week
wo were able to find jobs for t\vo of
those who answered these questions.
They were placed in employment in
Monroe, Louisiana. II there are any
other unemployed deaf in the State
who did not answer these questions,
please let us hear from you at once
because we may be able to find a job
for you in the near future.
something new and interesting for the
deal thai will appear in this column.
Look lor it in the February /V//r«)i.
We hope you had a very Merry
Christinas and Happy New Year.
February 2 <Fii'la\ > Mardi (Iras Vacation
begins at noon.
February 7 (\Vi"!iv,'s<layi Pupils return to
February ',} (Thursday) Classes beuin.
.March 22 (Thursday) Faster Vacation bruins
at noon.
.March I'lJ (Monday) Children return to
March '11 (Tuesday) Classes hc.uii).
.May ;>i 'Thursday)--School closes. Pupils
jjo home.
Inspiring Teachers and Sound
Kssential to Success
Christmas will soon be here- and we
hope that this Christmas will (ind all along the path of learning that will
of our deal Iriemts at homo with their
i ,,d to college and a broad appreciation
families where they may enjoy all ol < ! ihe liner things of life.
the merry-making that goes with
To many schools this will not be easy
Christinas. If you work away irom 1( r it means a dual program in the upper
home and intend to be away from your grade's. It means teachers selected lor
job Christmas Day, then- are a !ew spvcial subjects and for their ability to
things which you should do before you instruct airl inspire children, teachers
leave. First, get permission from your v.'ho the:nselves l)eheve in what they
employer to be away from your job ; ! . doing and are willing to work. It
during Christinas. Do not leave your .. ej.ns the caivi'iil handling of students
job without getting his permission. Sec- ,' r.evelou good study habit> and a proond, be sure that your bo.--.s knows >vhon ;.',rain that \vill give every one an opporyou are leaving and when you are com:. iiv to work to the limit of his capacing back. This is very important. Third, ..y. h i iay he dillicult, but it is worthin an emergency always advise your
while. If there is any doubt in the minds
boss so that he A'ill not expect \ ou i t ;.ny td' us we netxl only eheck tinback on time. Never tail lo tell your ; » co! ds of tho.-,e who have had such
hos.s when you will not be on the job. oppiirlunities to tei ! i-ertain that more
The boss employed you to \\ork lor i i our pupils should have an opporhim and he expects you to be 1 on the iu:.!'-.' ( 'vr c.)ll«'i;e 1.i\.im'ng. Alumni
job. 'lhat is why it is so important that
you notity your boss when it is impossible for you to be there on time.
People who tliink sir,light don't run
Beginning in February we will have arouiul in ( irHos.- -/ic
The Pelican
lousas whore Mrs. Drisdale bought
our supper. We didn't j.>et hack until
12: ill) A.M. I enjoyed :,oint* with them.
Rdlc'xjli l)n /tec
Class of "52's News
Tin- cla.-s of '52 plan to raflle a cofl'"e
table at the basketball inline- on the
ni^ht of December 15. The- hoys in our
class wont to woodworking shop alter
school and made the table in their o\vn
lUauty ( ulture
F,\er\ Wednesday and Thursday. I
^o to tlv Vocational Building. I yo to
beauty culture. Mv teacher's name is
Mrs. Barron. She is teaching us ho\v
to shampoo and set our hair. I shampoo.
set. and dry my hair. When I tomb it
out it lu:>ks very nice. Then C'laudia
Join, son i^ives me a manicure.
--/.)( i rof/n/ Fi'<tn1;
Kvery Wednc-.^day from S:l") to 9:4.").
I uo to Beauty Culture. I shampoo and
dry my hair. Dorothy Frank skives me
a manicure. Some- ol the skirls shampoo
and set some ol the teachers' hair. We
are aho leaniin'-A u<>od posture. We
certainly enjoy learning al>out so many
hf'lplul things in Beauty Cultuiv.
(."IdinJni Dt'll Johnson
Hcnuly Culture
FA cry Monday mornim-',. I know it
is the day lor tryini; to improvi> our
looks in beauty culture. When the
10:0!) o'clock bell rini^s. I come in
class and shampoo some ol the girls'
hair, or manicure their fingernail-..
Thi\v do the same things lor me.
Once in a \\hile, Mrs. Barron reviews
1 ree tune. Emile St. Romain printed
five hundred tickets to he sold for 2.V
each. We hope to sell all of our tickets.
Wouldn't you like to hold the lucky
Our class will have a Christinas
party in Mrs. Strieby's apartment. December 14. We are so excited about
seeing a wrestling match on television. We al'vay have a s.;ood time ;t
our class parties.
Dorothea Itoeli. .SVrrrfciny
Conthieird I,if
us with questions on the names of
articles which are used in beauty
culture. We should be thankful to
leain this so that we will he able to Lvt
better jobs through our uood appcara i ices. —-Alii i' Joiner
Bt'iiuty (ulture
Every Monday morning. I ;;o to
Bea ity Culture from 10:00 to 11::',0.
This morning Catherine Carter washed
my hair with Prell shampoo. I put a
wave in my hair and pin-curled the
e::t;.-i. u hen i. v lu.ir \*.:s dry. 1 took
the pins ei'.t and tombed it. Oh. I \vas
vroud luvause my hair was
pretty. I hope the boys will say. "Pretty
hair to me.- / '/((nic KiilHiiiIss
Beauty (ulture
All of t'le .^irls in the vocational
classes are required to have Beauty
Culture IIVSOMS al dillerent times. We
are e. r ;i > to l-.-arn ho v to look lovely
and wi l!-,m-oomed. Our teacher i> Mi-s.
Barvon wlio is tndy interested in improvin.1.' our persnnal appearani es. and
also helpin.n lls '" r ut hair and make
(ilainouri/.in.u ourselvivs is not all we
do m Ueautv Culture. We are learn-
The Pelican
ing the names of everything we use in
class. In that way, we will know what
we want and what to ask for in any
outside beauty shop. Yes, Beauty
Culture is a great help to us.
Helen Machen
classes. They have to learn the names
of the things they use every day. I am
very happy to be in Beauty Culture to
learn how to improve my personal
appearance. Shirley Sue Yelverton
Beauty Culture
Beauty Culture
In the Vocational Building, we have a
beauty shop. It has everything like
other beauty shops in town. Our
teacher. Mrs. Barron, likes for the girls
to come to our Beauty Shop to get
their hair shampooed and set, nails
manicured, and a facial.
There are so many things you can
learn in Beauty Culture and it doesn't
cost the girls anything. There is a lot
of work for the girls who go to these
This year I go to Beauty Culture
every afternoon. I have learned how to
shampoo my hair, give a manicure, and
a facial. My teacher shows me how to
set and wave my hair. She teaches me
how to have a good posture, and be
neatly dressed. I am learning how to be
attractive and well groomed. I am
glad to go to beauty culture every afternoon to learn how to care for my face,
hair, and fingernails.
Betty Jean Frederick
tfiasti tlte
We went to the Shrine Circus Friday.
The man gave us tickets. The pet trainer had tigers and lions in the cage. We
saw a woman and men go up a tall ladder. We saw two clowns play with fireworks. Another clown was in a little
car. He pulled out a skunk. Other
clowns boxed. They threw water and
paper from a pail. A man rode a horse
named "Watercloud."
Kenneth O'Brien
Billy Crochet and I went to his home
on November 22nd. I saw much sugar
cane. I ate some cane. I cut my thumb.
It hurt. Billy's brother, sister and I
went to a movie on Saturday night. It
was good. Wilson LeBlanc
____ j|i _ _
Some of the boys went to the country
Saturday at noon. I ran and ran in the
country. I fell and my right leg was
bruised. I walked slowly. I saw a big,
black dead pig. Some of the boys
walked in the muddy water. My shoes
were dirty. I have army shoes. We had
a good time. Some of the boys will go
to the country next Sunday at noon.
Malcolm Thomanon
____£ ____
Monday morning some of the girls
went to the sewing room. I am making
a shirt. It is of figured cloth. It is very
pretty. The material cost 9()c. I will
buy it. I like it. Dorothy Bondreaux
Some boys and girls are in the program for December 20th. Santa Claus
will come and give gifts. We will be
Thirteen boys went to the country
on Sunday afternoon. We jumped the
fence and fell. We played war and
had fun. We had a good time. Then we
came back to school. Some were tired.
On December 21st, all of the boys
The Pelican
and girls will go home for Christmas.
We will be glad for Christmas.
Francis Blanchard
Last Fall I tried to come to school
in September but my father wouldn't
bring me back to school. He wanted me
to help him. He wanted me to work in
the field.
On October 14th, we began to- haul
the cane to the derrick. I asked my
father to let me drive the tractor. He
said. "No." He wanted me to pick up
the cane behind the cane load. I made
three loads.
I came back to school on December
4th. Everybody was glad to see me.
Marion Latino
Eleven boys and I went to the country and forest Sunday afternoon. Oscar
and Malcolm chose some boys to play
war. Oscar's team was the army and
Malcolm's team the Japanese. My army
found a tent in the forest. It was new.
The army fought with the Japanese.
The army team won. We put the Japanese team in jail. We came back to
school. We had lots of fun.
Melvin Ray Crawley
One day Mr. Sturtevant went to see
the game. LSU played football with
Tulane. The score was 14 to 14. He
went to Gulf port, Mississippi. He went
to Biloxi. Somebody stole his car. He
called the police.
Mr. Sturtevant arrived here by bus.
He was worried about his car. The
state police found his car in Ocean
Springs, Mississippi and called Mr
Sturtevant by telephone. He was
happy. I think the state police will
bring it here any day. Billy Waller
Thirteen boys went to the country
Sundav afternoon. I ran to a fence and
fell. I tore my tennis shoe. I got cockles
in my hair and on my pants, shirt and
socks. Eleven boys looked for Melvin
and Oscar, but they hid. The eleven
boys saw a big, dead pig. We came back
to school. We were tired.
Huey Leon Ardoin
—— *——
Planting Pine Trees
My father planted seven little pine
trees in our yard. When these little
trees grow my father will put lights
on them at Christmas. It will take
about two years for them to grow to be
Christmas trees. Clyde P. LeBorde
Hiking on the Levee
Last Sunday afternoon Oscar, Melvin, Charles and I went hiking. We
hiked along the levee for 8 miles. We
walked beyond L.S.U. I fell in the mud
and my clothes were muddy. I had to
take a bath when I got back to school.
Donald Broussard
My parents may come for the Christmas program and Christmas tree. I am
on the program. I will sing, "Away in
a Manger" with some other boys and
girls. If my parents come, I will ^o
home with them after the program.
My family may go to Corinth, Mississippi to visit my sisters during the
holidays. Jerry Gray
A Joke on Me
One morning Verda Dartez put hand
lotion on her hands and gave me the
last drop for mine. It was all gone. A
little later Martha Ann Lee came by
with a can marked "Potato sticks," and
I asked for some. She passed the can
to me and I reached into it. Imagine
my surprise when I touched something
wet. It was furniture wax! She didn't
tell me that she had put some furniture
The Pelican
\v,ix into the empty potato sticks can. and we still enjoy the fat. browned
\s I started to wash my hands, Verd;- 1 urkey.
thought I still had hand lotion on my
Almost half of Class C were- here for
hands and asked me to rub some on the holidays and oh! what fun they
hers. Now the joke was on her! Both of had! Geraldine Chevallier, Raymond
us had to wash off the furniture wax. Rome, Rufus Perkins. Lenora Trahan.
Oh! how we all three laughed. Martha Catherine Carter. Allie Joiner and
played :\ joke on me. and Verdti was I.'.laine Eubanks spent lots of time tocaught, too. .Ida ('licraUicr
gether. Elain. 1 had as her house guest,
Allie Jonier, whose home is in Texas.
entertaining her. Elaine also enterThe Il-.vul House
tained the boys and '_;irls who stayed in
Mr. Frank Bergeron and seven boys
the dormtones over the holidays.
live near my home. Their home is called
Bimes took the other three members
"The Royal Ilous.-." Their home is
o! the cl:iss in diflcrent directions. Globeautiful. It has 1(1 rooms. Maxon and
ria Lopex went southwest and arrived
Thomas worked for Mr. Bergeron last
at her home in Xew Iberia that alterwet k. I : aw them cleaning the back
s/on, ciio .s;.i'U' a j^reat deal of time
porch.. Do/!// Comic"
helping h'. r mother. Kasl. to Baxterville, Missis-i;jj>i. Ann McElhatten went
Home fur Christmas
after l:iddin", us i;ood bye. She- took
We are excited because we are go- Mac !^< 11 Franks as her .nuest. They
ing home for Christmas on Dec. 21st. slayeil at home most of the time beWe aiv anxious to see our family.
cause Anns mother was sick. Into the
We will have a program and Christ- cold bli/./.ard headed John Byrd. He
mas trie on December 20th. I am on the live, in Newellton. He wt-nt trapping
program. Louis (JVm nun
and caught one sly mink. His lather
found two raccoons in the traps, too.
(Jir! St-outs
John helped with the farm chores. He
One Friday aiternoon our Girl Scouts ''ad to break the ice in the watering
\vvlked through the gym to the staye. trough so the animals could drink.
We quoted the pledge to the flag.
D :r!iu; tiie vacation we had a marThen e.rjh girl took the Girl Scoi.'.'s vclous time and on Thanksgiving, we
oath and Miss Brown pinned vj.ui; thoui;hl lio\v much we should be thankbadges on our ties. We are proud to ful for our many blessing as the Pilhave them. Mr. Burch took pictures of grims were on this day three hundred
the Scouts. Mrs. Stack, our Scout t\\ ont\ -nine years ago. ('/a.s.s C
Leader, showed us the pictures. They
are very good. She said "The pictures Thanksgiving Vacation
will !.c in the newspaper this evening."
Th.e Pilgrims' Thanksgiving celebra—Sillrid uVc'l
tion lasted tor three days, so history
T h a n k - gi v i n t» Va ca t io n
Hooks, stories and songs have told
:,bout Thanksgiving since the Pilgrims
celebrated the first Thanksgiving in the
fall of 1(121. We do not celebrate tinsame way now but we still 140 to church
tells us. Here on this Thanksgiving we
' elebratcd for six days. Family cars,
train:-:, and buses took the boys and girls
to Xorth Louisiana, East Louisiana and
West Louisiana. Three out of the seven
iii Clas-; B remained here tor the holidays. Marv Ann Broussard, Emile St.
The Pelican
Romain. and Roy Landry enjoyed
The busses were cro .vded all day with
parties, football games, movies with excited boys and girls traveling North.
others who staved here. Of course, South. East, and West and even into
they h"d a big turkey dinner, too. so I' r issi--s'pp' and Tex;.s. Katherine Samno tears were shed.
ple had ti trip to her hometov, n of LexThe bus to New Orleans took Ceeelia ing!, n. Mississippi. She stayed at her
?\icks and William Lambert. Dorothea 'mir.e with her me.'ihcr who was sick.
Roch went to the same city, but she Hitr Eoncru. our A. A. Secretary, made
rode on the streamliner, the Southern a l;»n ; brs tri'i t-> i 1 rt Arthur. Texas.
Belle. All three of them went to Father
Marv L.cu Br;>us ;arcl. Bettv .Jean
Walsh's party Wednesday night. After Fredericks and Cjrner<;n Zcn'ingue took
the party. Ceeelia spent the night at
t'.ie Lafayctt;; bus together. Mary Lou
Dorothea':; home before going home
tnd Cat-:crr<n got off in Lafayette but
for Thanksgiving dinner. We are sorry Betty Jean \.r nt <.:-, ( > Lake Charles.
that William's mother and lather are in Crmiron visited triends in Kaplan.
the hospital in New Orl ans. He visited Betty Jean visiteci her relatives in and
them twice a day.
around SulpJiur.
Leoii Hanks :-.n;! Lutlier Scott t-avelLilly Duhon spent her vacation at
!ed t:> New Orleans with many of the
her home in Lat. yctte. The'-e are man*
deal people in and ; round Lal\uette so other ho\ s an-.l girls. Leoii (o;»k liis
Lilly visited with. them. Joyce Meche buddy. \Vi!lia:n Lambert, to spend the
came to spend <>m> night with her. and holidays with him at his si-:t<'r's no , e.
Lilly went ho.re with Jovce for a !.u!':<r visited triends there, too.
The Slewaris. Le,.i and Lauresa.
night. They are good friends.
.ven! cMU'erent dire-'tions 'out both visThis long vacation was enjoyed by
member:-; "i their familv.
all. at school, al home. or visiting
I'llton TiT.han Iv.id a nice vacation
friends. -C/a.s-.s JJ
!'<-re- at scho-il.
ni»' Yunition
Durin ; our lonv, wonderful v,,cation
of us were happy enjoying it. and
Thanksgiving vacation i> traditional
in all schools and here, at L. S. I), it suddenly pau.-ed to rem'-'mbt>r why the
was enjoyed by young and old alike. I'ilgrir.:s had tlie first Thanksgiving in
Since the Pilgrims held the I'-rst our five country and we. too, gave
Thanksgiving in our count r\- t every th ;.:nks to our Heavenly Father for
year we celebrate this day of thanks e\er\ thing good we h;«ve here t'nl'.iy.
C/r/.s-s- .-1
in an appropriate way.
For days hctoiv this happv time
I'.ul ,( : "It seems t;> me you've been
suitcases were packed, tickets bought,
Ul> l.'ciore mi> for the o ;st *' '
and a feeling ot excite'nent was everyyears."
where. Early Wednesday morning famOH'endev "Ca.n I iieh> it :f ye.u f',,n't
ily cars began to pull up at our cur!) as get promoted?"
all eyes anxiously watched tor a
familiar license number. Among thes<«
It a pel .-on sp.-mls sixty percent of
were two ol Class A. Luella Brand his time minding his own business and
and Raleigh Dupte. Luella went to her forty percent letting other people's
home-town of CarviHe and Raleigh alone, it's easy to figure how much
told us that he bad a successful hunting time he I.as lor i.-etting into troubli-.
trip out Irom Kunice.
A nt>».
The Pelican
Anthony Mowad, Oakdale
Dime Prudhomme. Lake Charles
Evelyn Jane Adams. Baton Rouge
Grey G. Barham. Oak Ridgp
Mrs. Hebert Mayor. Shrcveport
A. S. COURREGE. Editor
A Christmas party was given by the
Shreveport Silent Bible Class on the 22nd
of December. Some forty deaf people attended, and had an enjoyable time. Refreshments were served.
* * *
The Baton Rouge Silent Athletic Club
was host to a large crowd of deaf people
at a New Year party on Saturday. December
30th. at the W.O.VV. hall. Among those attending were several from out of town.
Dancing and games were indulged in until
one o'clock in the morning.
* * *
Mr. Lloyd Perrine of Alexandria and Miss
Geraldine Deglandon of this city were married on December 30th at the St. Agnes
Catholic Church here. It was a rather quiet
wedding attended by relatives and close
friends of the couple, among whom were
Anthony Mowad of Oakdale. usher, Deloy
Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Season, and
E. J. Lewis, all of Alexandria. The newlyweds are making their home in Alexandria
where Lloyd is employed at the Holsum
* * *
One of the big occasions of New Year's
Day in New Orleans was the party under
the auspices of the Ladies of St. Margaret's
Daughters and St. Mary's Society of the
Deaf in New Orleans. A record-breaking
crowd was in attendance to make a success
of the affair which took place in the Redemptorist's Auditorium. Television showed
the Sugar Bowl game, and there was dancing and games, too. Refreshments in the
form of turkey sandwiches, coffee, ice
cream, cakes and candies were served in
At this party the retiring Father Heidell
was presented with a nice black leather
belt and some money. Incidentally it was his
birthday. Father Walsh also was remembered for his untiring and devoted work
among the Catholic deaf. He received a
fine black traveling bag and a purse of
The new officers of St. Mary's Society
for 1951 are: William Vanderbrook, Presi-
dent; Robert Haydel. Vice-President; Mrs.
Ella Tyler, Secretary; Mrs. Rosemary Haydel, Treasurer, and Louis Vanderbrook,
Social Chairman. Father Walsh continues
as the spiritual director.
* * *
Death overtook Mrs. Adam Wise, one of
our oldest alumni, on November 3rd at the
home of her son in Lafayette. She was in
her 73rd year. Her husband passed away
a few years ago.
* * *
Friends of Thomas Lofaso were shocked
to hear of his sudden demise in New Orleans on December 13. A heart attack was
the cause. He was at work when this hap
pened. He was in his 51st year.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey .1. Gremillion sold
their country home to Harvey's sister
sometime after the New Year, and are now
living in an apartment on S. 12th street in
Baton Rouge. They like it better, because
the frequent long trips between the country
place and this school worked hardships
on them.
* * *
Dan Cupid surely worked fast this last
Christmas season. He must have invented
a bow that shoots arrows like ;i machine
gun because five young couples became
engaged to be married almost simultaneously. They are. Sadie St. I'e to Edgar Landry. .luanita Duhon to Bernard Hankel.
Gerald Blank to Lula Mae Benoit. Mary Lou
Broussard to Herbert Picoti. and Gloria
Halphen to Bobby Sheppard. We are listening for the wedding bells. No, we do not
know yet if it will be a joint wedding affair,
but, anyhow we are wishing each couple a
happy voyage on the Sea of Matrimony, and
our congratulations go along with them.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lahasky are the
proud grandparents of a oaby girl born to
his son and daughter in-law sometime during December.
* * *
The new officers of the New Orleans
The Pelican
Div. No. 33, N.F.S.D., elected at their December meeting are as follows: Gervais
Gaiennie, President; Henry J. Soland, VicePresident; Bernard LaBourie, Treasurer
(re-elected). Leslie Broussard, third trustee;
Francis Brown, Sergeant-at-Arms.
The office of the secretary failed to be
filled at this election, so Oliver Childress
obligingly agreed to continue to serve in
that capacity until the next meeting when
a new secretary is expected to be elected.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mashaw were honored
at a buffet luncheon given by their son and
daughter on Saturday. November 18 to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary.
Mr. Mashaw is believed to be the second
oldest living alumni of our school. The
Pelican wishes the couple many more happy
* * *
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Rhymes (Rebecca Monroc) of Shreveport
on September 25th. It is their fourth child,
named Brenda Gale.
The Crescent City Club of the Deaf in
New Orleans gave a New Year party on
December 31st. A program preceded the
party. Speakers on the program were Mr.
A. J. Sullivan, who delivered the welcome
address to the members as well as the
many local and out-of-town visitors; Mrs.
Sydney Cotirrege. who gave her usual beautiful rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner" in the sign language: Mr. Armand
S. Courregc. whose topic of talk was about
the origins and purposes of different clubs.
A short but laugh provoking play was given
by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daigle, supported by
Anthony Barlotta and Mrs. Angelo Palazzo.
The program was concluded with the award
of cash pri/es to the lucky holders of the
entrance ticket numbers.
About 150 people from almost all points
in Louisiana and some from Texas and Mississippi were present to see the old year
out and the new one in.
* * *
The two fine sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Schneider. Henry. Jr., and Rowland, spent
the Christmas holiday with their parents
in New Orleans. Henry. Jr is an odicer in
the army stationed in California. Rowland
is in San Antonio, studying to be a priest.
.'.-. * *
Mrs. Lena Cafiero of Algiers spent several
delightful days with her son, Edward, and
his family in their new home in St. Louis
It is announced in New Orleans that the
Nita Credeur Russell Drake nupitals will
take place in April. Congratulations!
* * *
Jake Ledbetter of Jackson, Miss., was the
guest of Nick LeFors in Baton Rouge during the Yuletide. Nick took him along to
New Orleans to enjoy the New Year and
the Sugar Bowl game. Jake is known to
many Baton Rougeans. He is employed by
the Coca-Cola firm in Jackson, and Nick
himself is not at all a stranger here, having
come over very frequently from Alexandria where he was working as a printer
before he finally took a job with the StateTimes here. He is a welcome addition to
the local deaf colony.
* * *
We are informed that Curtis Reason is
now working for Cotton Bros., makers of
Holsum bread in Alexandria.
Lloyd Perrine was honored at a
shower at the home of her motherin Alexandria on January 13th.
forty people attended this party.
On December 31 Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Feux were called to Opelousas, the native
home of Mr. Feux, because of the unexpected death of his brother, Lawrence, who
died of heart failure. Here we extend our
sympathy to the Feuxs and the other
members of the bereaved family.
* * *
Mr. Hugo Mat/ner of Meridian. Miss.,
was in New Orleans during the New Year
holidays to attend the Sugar Bowl game.
He is well known to a large circle of deaf
people here in Louisiana. He took in the
New Year party at the Crescent City Club
and the St. Mary's Catholic Club of the
Deaf the next day. His friends were glad
to see him once again.
* * *
Mr. Lafayette Trousdale of Monroe celebrated his birthday on December 31. His
relatives and friends called on him to
congratulate him. We failed to find out
what his milestone was, but we are aware
he is somewhere around the 65th milestone.
He is now a retired pressman. Our best
wishes and congratulations go to him.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gaiennie of Thibo-
The Pelican
deaux enjoyed their Christmas holidays in
New Orleans as the uuests of their kint'olks.
Mr. an 1 ! Mrs. ficrvais Gaiennie.
Mrs. Horace Roy. ruv.v making Chicago
her ho'ne, v as back in New Orleans for the
Christmas holidays. She has a ^ood-payin.^
job P'nkin:; men's garments in Chicago.
Walter Carney. brother uf Mrs. Lcon
Castaing, is in Now Orleans as her ^tu-st
while li'okirv, for a job. (Jood luek to him.
,I r )hM Hirks i'l Shreveport has a better
position now. H:> left his jol) at the C-.tddo
Casket Co. for another at Wolf's Bakery
in Shreyerori.
M>\ and Mrs. Murphy Bourque and their
two sons of Houston spent ihe Christmas
holiday* with the former's aunt in Lake
CtKirl" . and mother in Lafayette.
Mr. and Mrs. Clenn Sco't of Houston, drivii»U through Be-umiont picked up Seward
Smith, and all motored through Baton Roui'e
to New Orlea'ii on New Year's eve. They
attended the Crescent City Club of the
Draf's New Year program and party.
Kvelyn Ada.ii 1-. 1'earl l.auvc-. Mr. and Mr*.
.John Mela'ieon motored to New Orleans on
.Janiiaiv Tth to meet Miss Betty Taylor v. ho
Aas returning by train to B-iton Kouge
after her Christmas vacation in Illinois.
• '.•
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rude (Clementine
Mattel of Koscnberu. Texas spent their
Christ ma* vacation partly with ihe hitter's
parents in Obcrlin. and partly in New Orleans, where they attended the Crescent
City C'.nb's New Year parly.
Mr. and
port were
frk-nrls in
during the
Mrs. Herbert Mayer of Shrevevisitors :>moiu; relatives and
Baton Hou^e and New Orleans
Christmas holidays.
Charles Ileinen, in his brand new car.
motored to Xew Orleans when- he was the
KUCht. of the Bernard LaBouries during ihe
New Year holidays, and took in the Su.'ar
Bowl (lame.
• '.- •',• •'}
(irey (i. liarham wrote that he \\as \\orkin-,r ten to sixteen hour.-, a day all through
the Christmas week at the paper mill. We
do not quite yet what he means, but we kno\v
for certain that he does not work in a
paper mill. Being well known as a brickh'.y.-r. we presume he was working at bis
trade at a paper mill. He said he expects
.;oon to be on the road auain. and will be
eal'ini; on friends along his route.
Va:.co V. Tobey. president of the Crescent
City Club of the Deaf in New Orleans, accommink'd bv Antoine Moreau and Desm md .!. Wecms, was in Baton Rouge on
!,u i'U'ss December 17th. diivitv.: over in
Y\'oems' car.
Mrs. \nihouy \eosta write, that she was
subjected to a major operation for the removal of gallstones last May. but has since
recovered, and is in fine health. Mr. Acosta
is still working at the Jackson Woolen Mill
mar l'asca i;oula. Miss., and doinii fine.
It is reported that Leoval Mcche of
Ruyne is now in the Army located somewhere in Arkansas. He is known to possess
some hearing, ard can ^peak as well as
a normal hcarinv, hoy.
Mr. and Mr-,. Herman Loin iere and
'ittle ,-oti M| |/i!.e Chark.s spent a few
A I'll then 1 parents in l.ocassine and
during the Christrna* holidays. They
as their guests Mr. a.-id .Th'v Kugen'e
'.',!'avr of Baton ROIILV on New Year's
Feriust Brarjuel is now in Lake Charles
.voi'kipg < ! a painter a! Cities Service on
a job thai will lake a few months. Kernest
silent the Chri. (OKI.-, Ivliday* with his parcits in S;':>tt.
Miss Yeni'i 1'reiean of Scott was the
V;iiest of Mi .- Dorothy HeluTt of Houma
for a week, ami together they \\fnt to
N'v'W Orleans. They attended the Crescent
City Club's New Year party.
?dr. and Mrs. Sev ard Smith of Beaumont
n.o'orc 1 In !5:iton Rouge and New Orleans
! u; ing (lie Christmas holidays.
"Jr. and Mrs. .James Taylor (Bernice
Lambeil) of Corpus Christi spent ,heir
Christinas holidays with Bernice's folks in
Lake Charles.
Charles Jlcinen of Rayne. T. .1. Mattinyly
of .!( nnimjs. and Leoval Mechc were in
l.iltle Rock. Ark., for their Christmas holidays.
Mrs. MrKneely's Class
Barrillcaux. Nell
('allies. James
Dubroc. Reca
Foster. Melvin
LeBleu. Jerry
Poiirciau. Don
Starnes. Jean
Trahan. Alpha
Miss Curlis's Class
Broussard. Aline
Fontenot. Dclvin
Kiny-bury Billy
McAcs Daniel
Taylor. Clyde
Th'evis Mars
Trahan. Ethel
Mrs. Slriehj's (lass
Ardoin. Celia
Ber/as. Sandra
Black well Dixie
Haymon Robert
Jacobs John Henry
Kendeinh. (it-raid
River- Martha
Spell Shirley
Tlit-vis. Bi-n
Tht-vis. Ixtni*
Mrs. liclfht-arl's Class
Brous-ard Kenneth Jo-cph
('npit. Donald Andrexx
H.iTlm.in Kinaiuicl
LeJeunc Kdward
Pitre, Linwimtl
Prock. Mary Glenellc
Thoman. Joseph B . Jr
Warner. Mary Evelyn
Mrs. (.ill's Class
Haiikstmi. Waytie
Broussard Keniu-lli
Faluout. Carol
Ctilmort-. Jerry
Patin Mary Ann
Kit-hard Carolyn
Sit-in. Daniel
Taylor Charles
Trahan Harry
Mrs. Kodriniic's Class
Berry, (irady
Bent-he. Betty Jane
Bienvenii. Pauline
Burnside Bobbs
Cook B.irliara Jo
Coleinan HtiKh
Miller C.lcnda
Pala//atto Sain
Keppcl Anne
Warren Tominie
Mrs. Kuril's Class
Corliett Kdward
Frank. Mary Ann
Maney Travis
l.aBry. Winona
I-e,;er. Audrey
Ixinnand. Beverly
Marriante. Ted
OKlesliee. I.antis
Heedt I I'atrifia
Mrs. llniiston's Class
Brown Thomas
('halt lain. Antenna
Cliev;:llier. Susan
D.ii^lf. Barbara
Oupre. Mae
I.ee. Linda (iall
Lt-wi.s. Arthur
Lelt/. Albert
Melift. llnlit-rl
Pitre. Floyd
Mrs. Crew's Class
Acklin. Millie
Cousins. Dolores
Daunis. Mina Faye
Dufore. Shirley
(irit-e. Rayinoijd
(iiiectimin Felix
Kiaemer. Donald
Monroe. Charles
O'Quain. Geraldine
Richard. Elmer
Ilimmler. C L
Siinche/. Barbara
Simon. Maxon
Thomas. Faith
Wills. Jo Ann
Mrs. Jackson's Class
Ber/as. Rol)le\
CharpenUer. Barbara
Chataiunier. Patricia
Kal«out. Norman
(larrison Ann
(iuidry. Allies
Jacobs. VirKinia
White. Rose
Brocato. Joseph
Miss (ialliKan's (lass
Bernard. Joan
Belli and. Raymond
Cannon. l,arry
Fannuy. Marilyn
Martin Joseph
Thoinason Ra\ inond
Vines Rulhie
YiiuiiM. Elwood
Mrs. C'linrreite's Class
Broussard. Eugene
Hi, mil KlMe
Cluldress. James
Dtipuis. Hoy
Herile. Milton
Johnson Jerrv
O'Brien. Ray '
Rink. Dianne
Scott. Walter
Simoneaux Hose
Stansbury. Dolores
Suire. Raymond
Mrs. C.»>'s Class
Bienvenii Jo
Brossel. Roland
Broussard. Way inClement. Richard
(iiiirlando. I.eon
KlU-d^e. I.eora
F'r.ink. J.ici|in-line
Melancon tiarrel
Vea/ey Jean
Mrs. Baldwin's (lass
Anthony. Murphy
Arabic. Mahlc
Benoit Shirline
Broussard. Ruby
Clarke. Hands
lluerlin. Clyde
Iloclnc DiMothy
LeBlanc. Betty Jean
Sa\oie Vt-lma
(lass J o
Mr Thiinipsini
C. union Louis
(".ray. Jerry
I.aBorde Clyde
(lass K »
Mrs Conrad
Abshirt- Damns
Acklin Shirley
Alleman, Ethel
Borel. Audrev
Broussard. Donalil
Uupre. Fred
FerjjiiMin Murray
Funderbiiik. Palsy
Ci in-dim i'l. E van "I'll lie
Miller. Mary Belle
Class I. ti
Mrs. Conrad
Aucoin. Shirley RatConner. Dorothy
(iriilith. Lain, ii
Class M ti
Mrs. McDonald
Brumfield. Jerry
Bordelon. Sylvia
Bertram!. Pernella
Klster. Sibyl
(iirnir. Shirley Mae
Jiineau. Ji>esph
Li-Blanc. Dal Porter
Neese. Philip
Orr. Oscar
Sorrell. Mary
Sinimoiis. Carl
Trahan. Jeannette
Class J in
Miss Moore
Mrs. (iremillion
Pt-rera. \anc\
Keetl. Sylvia'
Rowell Carl
Siimrall Sarah
Spencer. Eldrid^e
Trahan. (Jlaili(lass K m
Mrs. (;rcniillion
Bijeaux. Doverline
Chnrchwell Melva
Darte/ Verda
Frank- Mae Bell
llaK-in Hay Alien
Price. Donald
liiKU-s. (It-raid
Rome, (ieraldine
Steen. Verl.i Mae
Thoma-on. Malcolm
Trahan. Margaret
Clas^ I. m
Miss Moore
Amos Kdward
Ber/as. John
Breaux. Betty Jean
Carpenter. Oneda
Deville Martha Jean
Faulk. Birdie
LeJeune. Sidney
McCullouuh James
Radial. Dou^laSharkey. I.averne
Class M in x
Miss Sturdevaitt
Ardoin Huey Lt-on
Boudreaiix. Dorothy
Craw ley. Melvin
l.andry. Kyle
Li-Blanc, Wilson
O'Brien. Kenneth
Perera Jerry
Class N in \
Miss Sliirdcxant
Beriraml. Homer
Bl.ickmon. Frankie Mae
Bianchaiil. Francis
David. Earl
LcBlanc. (Jussie Mae
Li'BlfVl. John Huey
Meaux. WilliO'Brien. Jame- Willie
Rink Jerrv Donald
Walh-r Bills i William i f'-.-ne
(lass o in s
Miss Sliirdevant
Fust lit i Doimlas Joseph
McKniuht. Patrick Albert
Miley. Fred
Snydt-r. Charles
Waller. Roy Dell
Class A «i v
Mrs. HufT
Boneau. Rita
Brand. Luella
Broussard. Mary Lou
Dupre. Raleinh
Frederick Betty Jean
Hanks I,eon
Mac-hen. Helen
Sample. Kalherine
Scott Luther
Stewart. Laurt-sa
Stewart. Lem
Trahan. Dallon
Zerinnue. Cameron
Class H «
Mr. Kolu
Broussard. Mary Ann
Duhon Lily M '
Lambert. William (i
Landry. Roy
Nick- Cecilia M.
Hooh Dorothea M
St Romain F.milt'
(lass C »
Mrs. M>ers
Byrd. John
Carter. Catherine
Chevallier. Cieraldino
Eubank- Elaine
Joiner Allie
Lope/, (iloria
McElhatten. Ann
Perkins. RufuRome. Raymond
Trahan. Lenora
Class I) m s
Mrs. C.uillory
Bihm. Robert
Bin^haiu Evelyn
Broussard Virnte
Christina. Barbara
Donellan J P
Frank. Dorothy
LaLande. James
O'Brien Werlein
Romano. Raymond
Tinunast>'i. Cienevievp
( lass F o
Mr. (iremillion
Babin Marian
Chevallier. Ada
Fin low. Hae
(iardner. Edward
JotTrion (ieorjie
.Itihn'on Clavitlia Dell
Lester. Faye
Slaydon. Shirley Ann
Class ('• o
Mr. Thompson
Bond. Penny
Crochet. Kdsvard
Hebert William
Lant/. (Iloria
Lee. Martha
Ramses. Thomas
"ome. Donald
Yelverton Shirley Sue
( 'lass tl o
Mrs. HuH
Barhin. Hues
Chatelain Maxine
Fontenot Ellen
Ikerd Jo Ann
Sheffield. Robert Jack
Slack. Mars Louise
Roiissell. Alicia
While. DniHivan
("JtMH'ral Information
This school is supported by tin- state <>t Louisiana to educate
children between the a.ues ot .six and twenty-one who are deaf or
whose hearing is so impaired that they cannot receive instruction
in the public schools.
.Applicants must be ot sound mind, ijood health, ijood character and tree trom contagious diseases. The\ should also In- hona
lide residents ot Louisiana.
Tin- state lurnishes room, board, laundry, books, tuition and
minor medical care for tin- pupils in the school. Parents are expected
to provide transportation to and from tin 1 school, all articles of
clothing, spending money and major hospital bills.
The course ot stuck' is similar to that used in the public
schools with the sanu textbooks bemu used. The school i., under
the 1 control of the Stat' Board of Kdueatioii.
The curriculum in addition to the usual elementary and hi'^li
school subjects includes courses in physical education, handicraft.
Ioods. clothing, beauty culture, typewriting, business machine operation, commercial art. photography, printing, woodworking, shoe
repairing, cleaning and pressing, mechanical drawing and laundering.
Anyone knowing ot deal children who are not in school and
who are leyal resident- ot Louisiana, is ur^ed to notity the superintend.'lit.
For further information write to:
JOHN S PATTON. Superintendent.
Louisiana State School for the Deal.
Baton Kmi^e 1. Louisiana

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