Airport 01: At Immigration


Airport 01: At Immigration
 Travel | Airport 01 Airport 01: At Immigration Hi! How are you today? Todayʼ’s lesson is about “A t Im m ig ra tio n . ” Letʼ’s make learning English fun! Objetivo de la lección:mantener una conversación con el personal de inmigración Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions (Vocabulario y Expresiones) D ire ctio n s : Listen and repeat. Escucha y repite después de tu profesor. Vocabulary and Expressions Meaning immigration Inmigración passport control arrival card/ entry card/ immigration card Control de pasaporte purpose Propósito May I see your passport? ¿Puedo ver su pasaporte? What is the purpose of your visit? ¿Cuál es el propósito de su visita? For sightseeing. Turismo How long are you going to stay? ¿Cuál es la duración de su estancia? Where are you going to stay? ¿Dónde va a quedarse? Do you have a return ticket? ¿Posee un billete de vuelta? Tarjeta de llegada 1 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Travel | Airport 01 Exercise 2 | Dialogue(Turno de conversar) D ire ctio n s : Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher. Lee el diálogo en voz alta con tu profesor.(En negrita, las palabras estudiadas en el Ejercicio 1) Scene: Mr. Thomas is at immigration. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: M a y I h a v e y o u r p a s s p o rt a n d a rriv a l c a rd , p le a s e ? M r. T h o m a s : Sure, here it is. (Mr. Thomas hasnʼ’t filled out the occupation section) Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: What's your occupation? M r. T h o m a s : What does “occupation” mean? Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: I mean, what do you do for a living? M r. T h o m a s : Oh, I see. Iʼ’m an office worker. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: Okay. W h a t's th e p u rp o se o f y o u r v is it? M r. T h o m a s : For sightseeing. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: H o w lo n g a re y o u g o in g to s ta y h e re ? M r. T h o m a s : I will be here for five days. 2 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Travel | Airport 01 Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: W h e re a re y o u g o in g to sta y ? M r. T h o m a s : At the ABC Hotel. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: D o y o u h a v e a re tu rn tick e t? M r. T h o m a s : Yes. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: Can you show it to me? M r. T h o m a s : No problem. Here it is. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: Okay. Hereʼ’s your passport.(Handing over his passport) M r. T h o m a s : Thank you. 3 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Travel | Airport 01 Exercise 3| Filling the Blanks(Rellenar los espacios) D ire ctio n s : Fill in the blanks below. Have a role play with your teacher. Rellene los espacios que se muestran a continuación. Haz turnos con tu profesor representando los personajes. Scene: A traveler is at the immigration desk. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: May I see your and card, please? T ra v e le r :Yes, here are. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: What is the of your visit?For business? T ra v e le r : No, for . Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: How long you planning to stay in this country? T ra v e le r : For a week, I will go back to Australia on August 7. Im m ig ra tio n o ffice r: Do you have a return ticket? T ra v e le r : Sure. Iʼ’ll you. 4 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Travel | Airport 01 Exercise 4 | Free Conversation(Conversación libre) D ire ctio n s : Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions Haz turnos con tu profesor para contestar a las preguntas. 1. Have you experienced any trouble at immigration? 2. What questions are you usually asked at an airport immigration desk? 3. Do you think immigration officers are doing their duties well? Why or why not? 4. What do you think is the purpose of immigration? 5. What do you want to change about immigration procedures at airports? Why? 5 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. 

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