Dossier Corporativo 2016


Dossier Corporativo 2016
índice contents
ecoEnergías del Guadiana
ecoIniciativas del Guadiana
Villar del Rey
Mérida: Proyecto SPEX
ecoGestión del Guadiana
Opinan de nosotros
What others think of us
energía limpia:
energía que se obtiene de fuentes naturales
virtualmente inagotables, unas por la inmensa
cantidad de energía que contienen, y otras
porque son capaces de regenerarse por medios
We generate
clean energy:
energy obtained from natural sources that are
virtually inexhaustible, either because of the
vast amount of energy they contain or because
they are capable of self regeneration by natural
El nuevo símbolo de la Energía
The new energy symbol
Introducción / Introduction
Grupo ECO fue constituido en el año
2006, fruto de la unión de profesionales
altamente cualificados y sensibilizados
con la idea de aportar soluciones
energéticas integrales para nuestros
GrupoECO was set up in 2006 from the
merger of highly skilled professionals
keen to come up with all-in energy solutions for our clients.
La actividad del GrupoECO está encaminada a preservar los recursos naturales del
planeta a través del desarrollo, promoción, realización y operación de plantas de
energías renovables.
GrupoECO’s activity is geared towards
preserving the planet’s natural resources
through the development, promotion,
building and operating of renewable
energy plants.
El compromiso medioambiental y el desarrollo industrial marcan las líneas básicas
de actuación del GrupoECO. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se ha creado un grupo
de empresas capaces de generar valor
añadido y que contribuirán a posicionar al
Grupo definitivamente en el ámbito de las
energías renovables.
Environmental commitment and industrial
development are the keynote business
principles of GrupoECO. In pursuit of this
twofold objective a group of companies
has been set up capable of generating
added value and winning the Group a
definitive foothold in the field of renewable energy.
Cadena de valor EERR
Renewable Energy Value Chain
Turn Key - LLeM
Selección de
Selection of
Organisation Chart
Nuevos Proyectos
New Projects
Identificación y
Desarrollo de nuevos
Identification and
Development of new
Activos Energéticos
Energy Assets
O&M integral
Integral O&M
Prod. Energía de fuentes
renovables en Reg. Especial
Instalaciones y
Personal cualificado con
garantía total
Energy production from
renewable resources in
Special Regime
Operation and maintenance
Skilled personnel offering
cast-iron guarantees
Fuente de energía
Energy Source
ecoEnergías del Guadiana, S.A. es la matriz del grupo y su rama de actividad principal se centra en la producción de energía
de fuente renovable en Régimen Especial.
Actualmente produce energía de origen
solar en las instalaciones desarrolladas por
el GrupoECO en Villar del Rey (1,6 MW),
Cáceres (2,5 MW) y Mérida (30 MW), la cual
es vertida a la red eléctrica local.
Extremadura se sitúa entre los lugares de
Europa con mayor índice de horas de sol
anuales, superando las 3.200 horas. Valores como éstos hacen de ella una de las
regiones más ricas en este recurso natural y
hacen viable la selección del emplazamiento
asegurando las mejores condiciones para la
inversión en energía solar.
ecoEnergías del Guadiana, S.A. is
the group’s parent company. Its main
business activity is the production of
energy from renewable sources under
Spain’s Special Regime (for production
of energy by renewable and alternative
sources of less than 50 MW). It is
currently producing solar energy in the
plants developed by GrupoECO in Villar
del Rey (1,6 MW), Cáceres (2,5 MW)
and Mérida (30 MW), which is pumped
into the local grid.
Extremadura boasts some of the highest
yearly sunshine hour indices in Europe,
adding up to over 3200 hours. This
makes it one of the richest regions in
this natural resource. With proper site
selection any investment in solar power
in this region is a safe bet.
Presente y Futuro
Present and Future
ecoIniciativas del Guadiana, S.L. es la
división del GrupoECO encargada de la
identificación, desarrollo y construcción
llave en mano de proyectos de Energías
Renovables, tanto en España como en
otras regiones del mundo como Europa y
Desde ecoIniciativas prospectamos nuevas
líneas de negocio dentro del sector, así
como identificamos nuevas tecnologías
aplicables a la producción de energía de
fuentes renovables mediante proyectos de
ecoIniciativas del Guadiana, S.L. is
the GrupoECO division in charge of the
identification, development and turnkey
construction of renewable energy projects
both in Spain and elsewhere in the world,
like Europe and Latin America.
We at ecoIniciativas search out new
business lines within the sector. Our
R&D projects identify new technologies
applicable to energy production from
renewable sources.
Services that help us
stand out from the
• Análisis de emplazamientos / Site analysis.
• Pre-estudio de viabilidad del proyecto / Pre-project feasibility study.
• Diseño de ingeniería a medida de las plantas solares, para maximizar el binomio
emplazamiento/recurso disponible / Bespoke design of solar plant engineering to get
the very most out of the site and its available resources
• Selección de elementos clave basados en criterios de ingeniería y en realidades de
rendimiento comprobado / Selection of key elements on the basis of engineering
criteria and proven yield figures.
• Comunicación directa con fabricantes y transferencia de Know How / Direct liaison
with manufacturers and transfer of knowhow.
• Compra o arrendamiento de los terrenos seleccionados / Purchase or lease of selected
• Selección de empresas constructoras e instaladoras con reconocida reputación en el
sector y con total garantía de servicios / Selection of construction and installation firms
with acknowledged reputation within the sector and cast-iron service guarantee.
• Ágil tramitación de permisos e inscripción en registros oficiales / Swift expediting of
permits and entry in official registers
• Auditorías energéticas, certificación y puesta en marcha de la planta / Energy audits,
certification and plant commissioning.
• I+D+i / R&D
del Rey
1,6 MW
2,5 MW
30 MW
Dehesa Solar
Villar del Rey 1,6 MW
Esta Planta Solar está situada en Extremadura, en
el término municipal de Villar del Rey, provincia de
Badajoz. La instalación se emplaza en la parte superior
de una escombrera de las empresas Pizarras Villar del
Rey y Negro Villar. Se trata de un lugar privilegiado
para la producción de energía fotovoltaica, dada la
elevada radiación solar de la zona, la alta exposición
y la ausencia total de sombras externas al parque,
la facilidad de conexión a la línea eléctrica de MT,
la disponibilidad de terreno y el positivo impacto
This solar plant lies in Extremadura, in the municipality
of Villar del Rey in the province of Badajoz. It sits
high on the dump of the slate producing companies
Pizarras Villar del Rey and Negro Villar. It is a prime site
for the production of photovoltaic energy due to all
the following favourable factors: a totally unshaded
high-exposure site set in a high solar-radiation
area with easy connection to the medium voltage
network, good land availability conditions and positive
environmental impact.
Datos Técnicos / Technical Data:
Valores anuales / Annual figures:
Se evita la emisión de 924 tm CO2 por utilización de hidrocarburos
Se evita la emisión de 1.188 tm CO2 por combustión de carbón
Se evita la emisión de 660 tm CO2 por combustión de gas natural
Se genera energía suficiente para abastecer durante un año a 745 familias de 4
integrantes (2.980 habitantes)
It avoids the emission of 924 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be produced
by oil-burning plant
It avoids the emission of 1188 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be produced
by coal-burning plant
It avoids the emission of 660 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be produced
by gas-burning plant
Sufficient energy is produced for one year’s supply of 745 four-member families
(2980 inhabitants)
Valores durante la vida útil / Figures during the whole useful life:
Se evitará la emisión de 32.340 tm CO2 por utilización de hidrocarburos
Se evitará la emisión de 41.580 tm CO2 por combustión de carbón
Se evitará la emisión de 23.100 tm CO2 por combustión de gas natural
Se genera energía suficiente para abastecer durante un año a 26.075 familias de
4 integrantes (104.300 habitantes)
It will avoid the emission of 32,340 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by oil-burning plant
It will avoid the emission of 41,580 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by coal-burning plant
It will avoid the emission of 23,100 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by gas-burning plant
Sufficient energy will be produced for one year’s supply of 26,075 four-member
families (104,300 inhabitants)
Dehesa Solar
Villar del Rey 1,6 MW
Aunando esfuerzos, ecoEnergías del Guadiana, S.A. y
Pizarras Villar del Rey han integrado esta Planta Solar en un
Plan Global de Restauración y Rehabilitación de una escombrera
de origen minero, perteneciente a la cantera de pizarra que se
sitúa al norte del emplazamiento.
Una de las principales actuaciones de esta iniciativa es la
ejecución de una pantalla perimetral de tierra vegetal, que
cumple tres funciones fundamentales:
Integrar la escombrera en la orografía natural del terreno.
Mitigar el impacto visual de la planta en los alrededores.
Actuar como barrera física de protección.
Joining forces, ecoEnergías del Guadiana, S.A. and
Pizarras Villar del Rey have integrated this solar plant
into an Overall Restoration Plan of an old dump from
the slate quarry lying to the north of the site.
One of the main features of this initiative is the
construction of perimeter screen of topsoil, which fulfils
three main functions:
Blend the dump tip into the natural lie of the land.
Lessen the site’s visual impact.
Act as a physical protection barrier.
Instalación fotovoltaica de 1,6 MWn dividida 16 instalaciones de 110,25 kWp.
1.6 MW photovoltaic plant divided into sixteen 110.25 kWp plants.
10.752 Paneles Fotovoltaicos monocristalinos de 165 Wp, conectados a inversores de trifásicos. Tecnología alemana.
10,752 monocrystalline photovoltaic modules of 165 Wp, connected to three-phase inverters. German technology.
Sistema de seguimiento solar a 2 ejes. Fabricado en Alemania, cumple con los más elevados estándares de cálculo estructural, cuenta con más de 1
década de funcionamiento.
Dual axis sun tracker system. Made in Germany. Meets the highest standards of structural calculation and boasts a proven track record of over one
decade of operation.
Con un ratio de rendimiento de más de 1.850 kWh por kW instalado, la planta producirá 3.300 MWh año. Durante toda la vida útil se producirán
165.000 MWh.
With an energy generation ratio of over 1850 kWh per installed kW, the plant will produce 3300 MWh a year. Throughout its whole useful life it will
produce 165,000 MWh.
17.000.000 €.
Conectada bajo las directrices del R.D. 436/2.004.
Grid-connected under the guidelines of Royal Decree 436/2.004.
Dehesa Solar
Cáceres 2,5 MW
La Dehesa Solar Cáceres está situada en el término
municipal de Cáceres, cercana a la localidad de Casar de
Cáceres. Se ha implantado en un terreno agrícola con
excepcionales condiciones para la generación de energía de
origen solar, por su orientación franca al sur, su orografía y
la ausencia total de sombras.
Ubicada en los Llanos de Cáceres, éste es un lugar
privilegiado dentro de Extremadura por los elevados índices
de radiación solar y las horas anuales de sol.
The Dehesa Solar Cáceres lies in the municipal district of
Cáceres, close to the town of Casar de Cáceres. It has
been set up in farmland with exceptional properties for
generating solar power, south-facing, completely unshaded
and with a favourable lie of the land.
It lies in the plain called Llanos de Cáceres, one of the best
solar power sites within Extremadura due to the high solar
radiation indices and annual sunshine hours.
Datos Técnicos / Technical Data:
Valores anuales / Annual figures:
Se evita la emisión de 1.344 tm CO2 por utilización de hidrocarburos.
Se evita la emisión de 1.728 tm CO2 por combustión de carbón.
Se evita la emisión de 960 tm CO2 por combustión de gas natural.
Se genera energía suficiente para abastecer durante un año a 1.038 familias de 4
integrantes (2.980 habitantes).
It avoids the emission of 1344 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be produced
by oil-burning plant
It avoids the emission of 1728 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be produced
by coal-burning plant
It avoids the emission of 960 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be produced
by gas-burning plant
Sufficient energy is produced for one year’s supply of 1038 four-member families
(2980 inhabitants)
Valores durante la vida útil / Figures during the whole useful life:
Se evitará la emisión de 46.200 tm CO2 por utilización de hidrocarburos..
Se evitará la emisión de 59.400 tm CO2 por combustión de carbón.
Se evitará la emisión de 33.000 tm CO2 por combustión de gas natural.
Se genera energía suficiente para abastecer durante un año a 37.246 familias de
4 integrantes (148.984 habitantes).
It will avoid the emission of 46,200 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by oil-burning plant
It will avoid the emission of 59,400 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by coal-burning plant
It will avoid the emission of 33,000 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by gas-burning plant
Sufficient energy will be produced for one year’s supply of 37,246 four-member
families (148,984 inhabitants)
Dehesa Solar
Cáceres 2,5 MW
Se trata de una planta solar fotovoltaica de 2,5 MWn, con paneles solares en posición fija (orientado a SUR puro e inclinación de 30º), conformada por
treinta instalaciones de 101,5 kWp.
This is a 2.5 MW photovoltaic solar plant with solar panels in a fixed position (facing due south and inclination of 30º), made up by thirty 101.5 kWp
15.000 Paneles Fotovoltaicos policristalinos de 220 Wp, conectados a inversores trifásicos. Tecnología alemana.
15,000 polycrystalline photovoltaic solar panels of 220 Wp, connected to three-phase inverters. German technology.
Sistema de montaje telescópico con inclinación fija, construido íntegramente de acero galvanizado y aluminio. Fabricado en Alemania, cumple con los
más elevados estándares de cálculo estructural.
Telescopic assembly system with fixed inclination, made entirely from galvanised steel and aluminium. Made in Germany, meets the highest standards
of structural calculation.
Con un ratio de rendimiento de más de 1.500 kWh por kW instalado, la planta producirá 4.800 MWh (4,8 GWh) al año. Durante toda la vida útil se
producirán 165.000 MWh (165 GWh).
With an energy generation ratio of over 1500 kWh per installed kW, the plant will produce 4800 MWh (4.8 GWh) a year. Throughout its whole useful
life it will produce 165,000 MWh (165 GWh).
24.360.000 €
Conectada bajo las directrices del R.D. 661/2.007
Grid connected under the guidelines of Royal Decree 661/2007
La totalidad de la obra ha sido realizada en un tiempo récord de 3 meses aliando la experiencia de ecoEnergías del Guadiana en este tipo de proyectos con los recursos de las empresas que han colaborado en su
construcción e instalación.
The whole work was carried out in the record time of 3 months on the strength of ecoEnergías del
Guadiana’s proven expertise in projects of this type and the invaluable collaboration of the construction and
installation companies.
Mérida 30 MW
El Parque Solar SPEX ocupa una extensión de 195 Ha.
entre los términos municipales de Mérida y Don Álvaro.
Situado en un terreno de pasto con unas condiciones
muy favorables para la producción de energía solar,
debido a la orografía y accesibilidad a la red eléctrica.
Por tecnología aplicada, con su sistema de seguimiento
solar a dos ejes, es la mayor planta proyectada a nivel
mundial, con una potencia de 30 MW y una inversión
total cercana a los 250 millones de euros.
Solar Parks of Extremadura, S.L es una joint venture
al 50% con sede social en Badajoz, formada por la
empresa extremeña ecoEnergías del Guadiana, S.A. y la
financiera alemana Deutsche Bank AG. El parque se ha
conectado en su totalidad dentro de la tarifa regulada
por R.D. 661/2007, lo cual ha significado un importante
hito y una referencia de ejecución a nivel mundial.
Parque Solar SPEX occupies a 195 hectare site
between the municipal districts of Mérida and Don
Álvaro. It is set in pastureland with very favourable
conditions for the production of solar power, due
to the lie of the land and grid accessibility.
In terms of its applied technology, using a dual axis
sun tracker system, it is the biggest plant ever designed worldwide, with an output of 30 MW and a
total investment of nearly 250 million euros.
Solar Parks of Extremadura, S.L is a 50% joint
venture based in Badajoz, formed by the Extremadura company ecoEnergías del Guadiana, S.A. and
the German bank Deutsche Bank AG. The solar
park has been totally grid connected within the
tariff range regulated by Royal Decree 661/2007,
making it a local milestone and worldwide benchmark.
Magnitudes del proyecto / Key Project Figures:
Instalación eléctrica / Electricity producing system:
Modulos FV / Photovoltaic modules
170.000 inversores / inverters
Potencia / Output
5.625 unidades / off
Cableado / Cabling
1.400 kilómetros / kilometres
Arquetas / Inspection chambers
2.350 unidades / off
Centros de Transformación / Transformer centres
Estructura / Structure:
Acero estructural / Structural steel
Tornillería / Nuts and bolts
7.000 toneladas / tons
1.300.000 unidades / off
Obra Civil / Civil engineering work:
Excavación zanjas / Trench digging
60.000 metros / metres
Hormigón Volumen / Volume of concrete
25.000 m3
Hormigón peso / Weight of concrete
Cerramiento Perimetral / Perimeter fence
60.000.000 kg
7.100 metros / metres
Mov. Tierras para caminos / Earth moving for pathways
Longitud Caminos / Length of pathways
Acero utilizado / Steel used
23 kms
23.000.000 kg
Área sensible / Sensitive area
Personal / Personnel
75.000 m3
243.750 m2
500 operarios especializados / skilled workers
Tiempo de ejecución / Execution time
7 meses / months
RENDIMIENTO: Con un ratio de rendimiento de más de 2.000 kWh
por kW instalado, la planta producirá 63.000 MWh (63 GWh) al
año. Durante toda la vida útil se producirán 2.165 GWh.
YIELD: With an energy generation ratio of over 2000 kWh per
installed kW, the plant will produce 63,000 MWh (63 GWh) a year.
During its whole useful life it will produce 2165 GWh.
Valores anuales / Annual figures:
Se evita la emisión de 17.640 tm CO2 por utilización de hidrocarburos.
Se evita la emisión de 22.680 tm CO2 por combustión de carbón.
Se evita la emisión de 12.600 tm CO2 por combustión de gas natural.
Se genera energía suficiente para abastecer durante un año a 14.221
familias de 4 integrantes (56.884 habitantes).
It avoids the emission of 17,640 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by oil-burning plant
It avoids the emission of 22,680 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by coal-burning plant
It avoids the emission of 12,600 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise be
produced by gas-burning plant
Sufficient energy is produced for one year’s supply of 14,221 fourmember families (56,884 inhabitants)
Valores durante la vida útil / Figures during the whole
useful life:
Se evitará la emisión de 606.375 tm CO2 por utilización de hidrocarburos.
Se evitará la emisión de 779.625 tm CO2 por combustión de carbón.
Se evitará la emisión de 433.125 tm CO2 por combustión de gas natural.
Se genera energía suficiente para abastecer durante un año a 488.854
familias de 4 integrantes (1.955.416 habitantes).
It will avoid the emission of 606,375 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise
be produced by oil-burning plant
It will avoid the emission of 779,625 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise
be produced by coal-burning plant
It will avoid the emission of 433,125 tonnes of CO2 that would otherwise
be produced by gas-burning plant
Sufficient energy will be produced for one year’s supply of 488,854 fourmember families (1,955,416 inhabitants)
Mérida 30 MW
El parque cuenta con una potencia total de 30 MW, con
sistema de seguimiento a dos ejes y evacúa la energía generada en una línea de alta tensión de 132 Kv a través de la
nueva subestación “El Judío“, construida al efecto.
The park has a total output of 30 MW with a dual axis sun
tracker system. The energy is fed into a 132 Kv high voltage
transmission line through a new substation called “El Judío“,
custom built for that purpose.
El material fotovoltaico se ha seleccionado siguiendo los
más rigurosos estándares de calidad y fiabilidad. Nuestros
colaboradores son líderes del sector a nivel mundial.
The photovoltaic material has been handpicked with the
most rigorous standards of quality and reliability in mind.
Our collaborators are sector leaders at world level.
Estructura portante: El seguidor solar de dos ejes ha sido
desarrollado íntegramente en Alemania, y ha sido optimizado y fabricado por el Grupo Eco específicamente para este
proyecto, para lo cual se han habilitado instalaciones de
montaje en Extremadura. Cada uno de los seguidores está
formado por una estructura de acero de alta resistencia que
soporta un panel de 130 m2 de área.
Supporting structure: The dual axis sun tracker has been
entirely developed in Germany and has then been optimised
and made by Grupo Eco specifically for this project, setting
up an assembly site for that purpose in Extremadura. Each
of the trackers is made up by a structure of high-resistance
steel bearing a 130 m2 panel.
Para la evacuación de la energía generada por las tres plantas ha sido necesaria la construcción de la nueva subestación 132/15 kV ‘El Judío’, con una potencia de 80 MVA,
que conecta con la línea “Mérida–Orellana” de 132 kV.
A new 132/15 kV substation called ‘El Judío’, with an 80
MVA output has been built to lead off the power produced
by the three plants. This substation is connected to the 132
kV “Mérida–Orellana” transmission line.
Eficiencia y profesionalidad
An unfailingly efficient and
professional approach
Integrada en el GrupoECO en el año
2.007, ecoGestión del Guadiana, S.L.U. es
la compañía especializada en la operación
y el mantenimiento integral de los proyectos energéticos en el ámbito de las energías renovables.
Nuestros servicios están especialmente
enfocados a la operación y mantenimiento de instalaciones solares, garantizando
un máximo rendimiento y una respuesta
rápida y personalizada. La eficiencia de
nuestras plantas y un servicio de calidad
son nuestras premisas principales.
Joining the GrupoECO in 2007, ecoGestión del Guadiana, S.L.U. is the company
specialising in the all-in operation and
maintenance of renewable-energy power
production projects.
Our system for the all-in management of
solar plants has been developed from the
know-how built up by our team during
the site design and construction phase
and has obtained the quality certifications
ISO9001:2008 and environmental certification under ISO14001:2004
Basamos nuestra experiencia en gestión
integral de proyectos energéticos en el desempeño de nuestras funciones en las plantas desarrolladas por el Grupo ecoEnergías
del Guadiana S.A., siendo nuestra entera
responsabilidad el mantenimiento integral
de las siguientes instalaciones:
- Dehesa Solar Villar del Rey 1,6 MW con
seguimiento a 2 ejes.
- Dehesa Solar Cáceres 2,5 MW con estructura fija.
- Parque Solar SPEX 30 MW proyecto referencia mundial con seguimiento a 2 ejes.
Our experience in the all-in management
of energy projects has been built up by
running the plants developed by Grupo
ecoEnergías del Guadiana S.A. We are
entirely responsible for the integral maintenance of the following sites:
- Dehesa Solar Villar del Rey 1.6 MW with a
dual axis sun tracker.
- Dehesa Solar Cáceres 2.5 MW with a
fixed structure.
- Parque Solar SPEX 30 MW, worldwide
benchmark project with a dual axis sun
La colaboración con los tecnólogos de mayor
renombre e instituciones de investigación y
desarrollo, en combinación con una contínua
formación del personal, hacen que esta empresa se distinga de la competencia.
Nuestro Sistema de Mantenimiento Integral
de Plantas Solares ha sido desarrollado a
partir del know-how adquirido por nuestro
equipo durante la fase de proyecto y construcción de las instalaciones y ha obtenido las
certificaciones de Calidad ISO 9001:2008 y
de Medioambiente ISO 14001:2004.
We stand out from our competition on the
strength of our collaboration with technologists of the highest prestige and R&D institutions, together with continual top-up training
of our personnel.
Our system for the all-in management of
solar plant has been developed from the
know-how built up by our team during
the site design and construction phase and
has obtained the quality certifications ISO
9001:2008 and environmental certification
under 14001:2004.
Servicios / Services
Entre la multitud de trabajos realizados
en la que nuestro departamento técnico
es experto, detallamos algunos de ellos:
Among the many tasks in which our technical department has proven expertise,
a particular mention could be made of
• Mantenimiento fotovoltaico:
supervisión del funcionamiento
fotovoltaico e infraestructuras.
• Photovoltaic maintenance: supervision
of the photovoltaic operation and
• Mantenimiento eléctrico Baja
Tensión: cuadros eléctricos, placas
solares, servicios auxiliares,…
• Low-voltage electricity maintenance:
switchboards, solar panels, auxiliary
• Mantenimiento eléctrico Media
• Medium voltage electricity maintenance.
• Mantenimiento mecánico de
seguidores solares.
• Monitoring de todos los
parámetros (radiación, rendimiento,
producción, errores…)
• Asesoramiento técnico para
introducir mejoras en el rendimiento
de la instalación
• Mechanical maintenance of sun trackers
• Monitoring of all parameters (radiation,
yield, production, errors…)
• Technical consultancy and advice to
boost the plant’s yield
• Dealing with accidents/warranties: direct
liaison with the manufacturer.
• Tramitación de siniestros/garantías:
contacto directo con el fabricante.
• Detección de incidencias: identificación
de problemas, realización de informes y
propuesta de soluciones.
• Detection of incidents: identification of
problems, writing of reports and solution
• Limpieza general: conservación de
terrenos, poda de árboles y matorrales,
tratamiento protección contra roedores,
• General cleaning: land upkeep, tree pruning,
scrub clearance, rodent protection, etc.•
Cleaning of solar modules with osmosed
• Limpieza de módulos solares mediante el
empleo de agua osmotizada.
• Cleaning of solar modules with osmosed
• Mantenimiento y conservación de los
sistemas de comunicación de datos
instalados en el parque.
• Maintenance and upkeep of the data
communication systems set up in the park.
• Estudios termográficos que permiten un
mayor conocimiento de la instalación,
posibles puntos de actuación
(localización de células en mal estado,
sobrecalentamiento de cableado, etc.).
• Realización de informes periódicos:
rendimiento energético, posibles
incidencias y reparaciones, trabajos
y propuestas de mejora, informes
medioambientales, etc.
• Thermographic studies for a better
knowledge of the site. Trouble shooting
(pinpointing cells in a poor state, cable
overheating, etc.).
• Drawing up periodical reports: yield, possible
incidents and repairs, improvement proposals
and work, environmental reports, etc.
• Accounting, fiscal and corporate
management of power companies.
• Gestión Contable, Fiscal y Societaria de
Sociedades productoras de energía.
de nosotros
What others
think of us
José Luis Joló Marín
EcoEnergías del Guadiana S.A.
Plaza de Santo Domingo 1, 3ª planta
06001 Badajoz
Madrid 4 September 2008
Dear José Luis
I have received from our mutual friend
Vicente Benedicto a copy of the invitation
to attend the opening ceremony of your
solar park, to be held in September.
Miguel Sebastián
Ministerio de Industria,
Turismo y Comercio
First and foremost my heartfelt congratulations for all your work in development photovoltaic power and secondly
my thanks for the invitation to the
opening of what will become Europe’s
biggest solar plant. I am also delighted
to see that your business philosophy and
commitment to the environment goes
even beyond the production of renewable
energy, as shown by your initiative of
setting up the Villar del Rey plant on an
old abandoned mine tailings tip.
Unfortunately other commitments
prevent me from accepting your kind
invitation. Nonetheless I will pass on your
invitation to the Energy Secretary General, Pedro Marín, who will without doubt
be a fine representative of this ministry.
Cordial greetings
Miguel Sebastián
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Guillermo Fernández Vara
Mérida 10 May 2010
José Luis Joló Marín
EcoEnergías del Guadiana S.A.
Plaza de Santo Domingo 1, 3ª planta
06001 Badajoz
Dear friend,
I would like to pass on my congratulations for the new business initiatives you
have set in motion in Extremadura in
the field of renewable energy sources,
keeping up your ongoing commitment to
the environment.
I wish you all the best in this difficult task
of creating wealth and employment. In
this commendable endeavour you can
count on all the support and collaboration that, from the Regional Council I
preside over, might help you achieve the
ends in view.
I reiterate my congratulations and my
best wishes for the future
Fond greetings
Guillermo Fernández Vara
President. Regional Council Of Extremadura
Guillermo Fernández Vara
Presidente. Junta de Extremadura.
José Luis Navarro Ribera
Regional Minister of Industry,
Energy and the Environment
José Luis Joló Marín
EcoEnergías del Guadiana S.A.
Plaza de Santo Domingo 1, 3ª planta
06001 Badajoz
Mérida 6 May 2010
Dear José Luis,
Following our last meeting, when I had
the chance of finding out about the new
projects you are carrying out, I would
like to congratulate you for the various
business initiatives you have carried out
in Extremadura in the field of renewable
José Luis Navarro Ribera
Consejero de Industria, Energía y Medio Ambiente. Junta de Extremadura.
I am delighted to see that an Extremadura firm has successfully promoted
photovoltaic solar parks, which stand
out for their environmental friendliness,
on the one hand, and sheer size on the
other. The former virtue is proven by the
fact that the task of energy production
has been allied to that of restoring and
landscaping unsightly sites, in the case
of Villar de Rey. The plant of Mérida-Don
Álvaro, for its part, proves your capacity
of mounting large scale projects in record
I therefore urge you to continue along
these lines of wealth and job creation,
keeping environment friendliness as
always to the fore.
Please rest assured that you can count on
the support of this Regional Ministry in
carrying out your future projects.
Fondest greetings
José Luis Navarro Ribera
The Mayor of Mérida
Calle Obispo San Juan de Ribera nº 5-1º
Mérida, 17 May 2010
Dear José Luis,
Right from the word go I have followed
the development of your renewable
energy projects with great interest and I
sincerely consider them to be a resounding success.
Extremadura is an ideal site for the production of renewable energy and therefore stands in need of companies that,
like you one you preside over, continue to
promote initiatives that bode so well for
the future of our region.
As mayor of this city, capital of the region
of Extremadura, it has filled me with
pride and great satisfaction to see how
Eco Energías del Guadiana has built in
Mérida a 30 MW solar plant deemed
to be a benchmark and leading light in
Europe due to the applied technology.
I therefore send you my heartfelt congratulations, which extend also to Javier and
Andreas, two young engineers who have
been the authors of this great project,
and also to your firm’s whole team. I
wish you all success in the future.
Cordial greetings
José Ángel Calle Gragera
Mayor of Mérida
José Ángel Calle Gragera
Alcalde de Mérida.
Carmen Heras
José Luis Joló Marín
President of Ecoenergías del Guadiana
Calle Obispo San Juan de Ribera 5-1
06002 Badajoz
Cáceres, 24 May 2010-06-10
Carmen Heras Pablo
Alcaldesa de Cáceres.
Dear José Luis
I wish to express my sincere congratulations for the work carried out in recent
years by EcoEnergías del Guadiana, while
also urging you not to slacken in your
efforts, thereby helping in the growth
and development of our region.
In these moments of crisis it is more necessary than ever to embark on job- and
wealth-creation projects. I will always
urge you to continue with the same zeal
and enthusiasm as shown hitherto.
Cordial greetings
Carmen Heras Pablo
Carmen Heras Pablo
Mayoress of Cáceres
Sevillana endesa
Seville, 11 May 2010
Attn. José Luis Joló Marín
President of the Board of Directors of
Ecoenergías del Guadiana S.A.
Dear José Luis,
Ever since we first met nearly four
years ago now, I have always felt
to the need to pass on to you the
feelings aroused in me, as the head of
Endesa in Extremadura, by the many
occasions on which we have worked
together with the firm Ecoenergías del
Right from the start you surprised me
by your clear commitment to renewable energy projects in your home region of Extremadura. Far from taking
a speculative approach, all too frequent in projects of this sort, you set
up at the helm of this initiative two
fine professionals like your son Javier
and your nephew Andreas. Both with
a proven track record elsewhere in
their own right, they did not hesitate
to leave their past jobs and throw in
their lot with the new project born in
Extremadura. A bigger show of commitment at the start is impossible.
I also think that it was a shrewd and
enlightened move on your part to
take on the challenge of setting up
your first Extremadura project on the
old tailings heap of Villar del Rey, choosing this as the site of Ecoenergía del
Guadiana’s first photovoltaic plant.
In this way you nailed your firm’s
eco-friendly colours firmly to the mast
right from the very outset.
The next challenge, the 30 MW photovoltaic plant in Mérida, was without
any doubt a project that demons64
Jesús J. Rodríguez Álvarez
Director Distribución Endesa. División Andalucía Occidental y Extremadura.
trated another of your hallmark traits:
technical and economic solvency. It was
a sterling test, taking on the challenge of setting up and running Spain’s
largest photovoltaic plant in only 18
months. But you came through with
flying colours.
I am also well aware of your keenness
to explore other alleyways of renewable
energy (solar thermal energy, biomass,
windfarms), always with a clear-sighted
view of Ecoenergía del Guadiana’s guiding principles: level-headedness, environment friendliness, strategic alliances
with solvent firms and always looking
out for Extremadura’s interests.
Jesús J. Rodríguez Álvarez
Director Distribución Endesa. División Andalucía Occidental y Extremadura.
Jesús J. Rodríguez Álvarez
Endesa Distribution Manager. Western
Andalucía and Extremadura Division.
I would therefore like to pass on my
sincere congratulations for the work you
have carried out up to now, thanking
you for turning to Endesa as a trusted
ally on some of your projects. I wish you
all the best in the new business challenges that I’m sure you will continue to
take on inside and outside Extremadura. I remain at your full disposal if you
should ever need Endesa’s collaboration
again in the future.
Fondest greetings,
Jesús J. Rodríguez Álvarez
Endesa Distribution Manager. Western
Andalucía and Extremadura Division.
Jesús J. Rodríguez Álvarez
Endesa Distribution Manager. Western
Andalucía and Extremadura Division.
Cooperación entre ecoEnergías y Deutsche
Estimado señor Hinkelmann, estimado señor
El motivo de nuestra carta es ningún otro
que agradecerles la excelente colaboración y
cooperación que nos han brindado a lo largo
de los últimos tres años. Nuestro proyecto
común, la planta fotovoltaica “Solarpark
Extremadura” con 30 MWp de potencia instalada, también llegó a realizarse gracias a
los trabajos de planificación y desarrollo realizados por su empresa. Hemos conocido, en
todo momento, tanto a ustedes como a su
equipo, como socios competentes y fiables.
Asimismo, al trabajar con ustedes hemos
podido beneficiarnos de su experiencia que
previamente habían obtenido con la exitosa
planificación y construcción de las plantas
solares de Villar de Rey y Cáceres.
Gustosamente estaríamos dispuestos a colaborar de nuevo con ustedes, deseándoles
mucho éxito en los proyectos futuros.
Reciban un cordial saludo,
Deutsche Bank AG
Cooperation between ecoEnergías and Deutsche Bank
Dear Mr. Hinkelmann and Mr. Joló:
The reason for writing this letter is none
other than to thank you for your excellent
collaboration and cooperation throughout
the last three years. Our common project, the
photovoltaic solar plant “Solarpark Extremadura” with 30 MWp installed output, was
also carried out on the strength of your firm’s
invaluable planning and development work.
Both your good selves and your teams have
unfailingly proven to be expert and trustworthy partners. We have also been able to
benefit from your experience and expertise as
built up during the successful planning and
construction of the solar plants of Villar de
Rey and Cáceres.
We would be delighted to work with you
again and wish you all success with your
future projects.
Cordial greetings,
Deutsche Bank AG
By delegation
Hasselwander Schmall
Deutsche Bank AG
Ecoenergías del Guadiana, S.A.
Att. José Luis Joló
C/Obispo nº 5 Badajoz
Badajoz, 16 November 2009
Dear José Luis
Juan Bigeriego
Director Banco Espírito Santo
On behalf of Banco Espirito Santo and
myself I would like to pass on my heartfelt congratulations for the culmination
of the large-scale photovoltaic projects
that Ecoenergías has carried out in Extremadura.
For me it has been both a pride and a
satisfaction to work alongside your firm
and I hope we can continue to do so on
your future projects
Please pass on my congratulations to the
whole Ecoenergías team.
Fondest greetings
Juan Bigeriego
Manager of Banco Espirito Santo
Juan Bigeriego
Manager of Banco Espirito Santo
Badajoz, 27 April 2010
Attn: Board of Directors of ecoEnergías
del Guadiana S.A.
Dear sirs,
From Banco Banif (Grupo Santander) I
wish to express our gratitude to ecoEnergías del Guadiana S.A. for choosing us as
the financing agent of the two epochmaking solar parks built in Extremadura, namely Villar del Rey and Casar de
Cáceres. These two projects have involved
the participation of many Extremadura
investors, who, with Banif’s support, have
plumped for an eco friendly initiative as a
profitable investment outlet.
We would also like to put on record here
the top quality of the two projects and
Grupo ECO’s wealth of experience in the
renewable energies sector. By now it has
become one of the companies making
the biggest contribution to the region’s
economic development, always with a
thoroughgoing and eco friendly outlook.
Lastly we would like to praise the stalwart work of José Luis Joló (President of
ecoEnergías), the driving force behind
this collective investment in Extremadura, who has successfully managed to
knit together the interests of a group of
Extremadura investors. This investment
is bound to be conducive to the interests
of the regional economy as a whole and
the progress of renewable energies in
Cordial greetings
Leopoldo Castillo Cavanilles
Manager of BANCO BANIF, S.A. (Extremadura)
Leopoldo Castillo Cavanilles
Manager of BANCO BANIF, S.A. (Extremadura)
Leopoldo Castillo Cavanilles
Director Banco Banif, S.A. (Extremadura)
Badajoz, 25 May 2010
Mr. José Luis Joló Marín
Dear José Luís
It is a real pleasure for me to send you
this letter, summing up my professional
experience with your good selves.
I remember as though it were yesterday
when, in early 2007, we met up for the
first time in Banif. You told me then
about your intention of setting up a
photovoltaic solar plant of almost 2 MW
in Extremadura. At the time I hadn’t the
faintest idea what this entailed.
But even though I had little idea of such
a complex subject, your enthusiasm was
catching, an enthusiasm and clearsightedness I soon found to be shared
by your son Javier and your nephew
Andreas. I then had no hesitation about
becoming involved in the project.
We sent it up for the consideration of our
central services and as soon as they saw
the thoroughgoingness, feasibility and
quality of the project they gave the green
light. From that moment on we took
on the project as “our own”, both the
bank in general and the Badajoz office in
Javier Bardají
Socio Director Bardají&Asociados
We funded it and offered it to our clients,
then doing likewise with the Cáceres
In both cases, as I had hoped and expected, the operations turned out to be
extremely profitable for our investors.
We feel humbly proud to have done our
bit in helping in the birth of a firm that
is bound to become a heavyweight in
the future, not only in Extremadura but
also, if the drive of Javier and Andreas is
anything to go by, at national and world
level in the not too distant future.
Companies like EcoEnergías and entrepreneurs like yourselves are what our
region needs. And I am very proud to
have chipped at the start of what I augur
to be a highly successful venture.
Fondest greetings
Javier Bardaji
Director of Bardaji & Asociados
En Friburgo, a 29 de abril de 2010
Personas de contacto:
Karl-Heinz Dernbecher / Erika Gutmann
Estimado señor Hinkelmann:
Le agradecemos la excelente colaboración
y la confianza puesta en nosotros en el
desarrollo de la planta fotovoltaica “Villar
del Rey”.
Para nosotros, sería una gran satisfacción si
pudiéramos desarrollar con ustedes, en un
futuro, otros proyectos tan innovadores.
Reciba un cordial saludo desde Friburgo.
Solar Fabrik AG
pp. Karl-Heinz Dernbecher p.d. Erika Gutmann
Director comercial Comercial
In Freiburg on 29 April 2010
Karl-Heinz Dernbecher / Erika Gutmann
Dear Mr. Hinkelmann:
We would like to thank you for your excellent
collaboration and the confidence placed in us
in the development of the photovoltaic plant
“Villar del Rey”.
It would be a great satisfaction for us to work
with you again in the future on such groundbreaking projects.
Cordial greetings from Freiburg.
Solar Fabrik AG
pp. Karl-Heinz Dernbecher By delegation.
Erika Gutmann
Sales Manager
Karl-Heinz Dernbecher | Erika Gutmann
Director comercial | Comercial
Premio Grada a la Empresa. Año 2009
Grada Company Prize. Year 2009
Premio Empresario Extremeño del Año 2009
Extremadura Entrepreneur of the Year
Award 2009
Calle Obispo San Juan de Ribera 5, 1º
06002 Badajoz (Extremadura)
Tel: +34 924 24 14 80
Fax: +34 924 24 88 33

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