St. Mary`s Catholic Church


St. Mary`s Catholic Church
July 24, 2016 — Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year C
St. Mary’s
Catholic Church
St. Mary's is a community of believers dedicated to the living
worship of God. As the only Catholic Church in Limestone
County, our faith community reflects the ethnic diversity of the
towns in which we live. We gather to fulfill our mission as
disciples of Jesus Christ: we hear His Word, we celebrate the
Sacraments and we witness His love to others. Our Christian
witness consists of sharing our spiritual gifts with the grace of
God and the example and prayers of our patron saint, the
Immaculate Conception, among us and with others - striving
to grow in Holiness.
606 North Bonham St., Mexia, TX 76667
Phone:(254)562-3619 Fax:(254)562-6377
Web page:
Sunday: 9:30AM - 11:30AM
4th Sunday: Closed
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
10:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
(Summer: Wednesday 10:00 AM – 4:00PM)
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Justin Nguyen
Email: [email protected]
Deacon Richard Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Deacon Dwight Mahoney
Phone: (254) 729-2573
Deacon Daniel Ramirez
Phone: (254) 562-9196
Secretary: Juanita Rodriguez
Email: [email protected]
Finance Manager: Mary Seale
Email: [email protected]
CCE Directors: Filo Contreras and Gladys Mendoza
Parish Council Chairman: Mary Jane Mehringer
Finance Council Chairman: Don Altland
Sunday Masses:
8:00 & 10:00 AM (English); 12:00 PM (Spanish)
Weekday Masses: Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM
Established 1886
Adoration: 1st Fridays 11:00 AM
3rd Saturday 7:00PM (Spanish)
Rosary: 30 minutes before Sunday Masses
Wednesday 5:00PM – 6:00PM
Sunday AM : 7:15-7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:15-11:45
During office hours or by appointment.
Miércoles 5:00PM – 6:00PM
Domingo AM: 7:15-7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:15-11:45
Durante las horas de la oficina o con cita.
Baptism is after Sunday Masses.
Baptismal classes:
English class: By appointment.
Spanish class: 3rd Sunday of each month at
Bautismos: después de la Santa Misa en Domingo.
Las clases pre-bautismales para Padres y Padrinos.
Clases en Ingles: son con cita
Clases en Español: El tercer Domingo
de cada mes a las 9:00AM-11:00AM
Contact the office at least 6 months in advance.
Contact the priest immediately if you or your family
members are seriously ill or will have a major surgery.
or are old aged or in danger of death.
Comunicasen al despacho parroquial con 6 meses de anticipó.
Comunicasen con el padre inmediatamente si usted o un
familiar esta grabe o va tener una operación seria o si es
una persona de la tercer edad o peligro de muerte.
Altar Servers:
8:00AM: Belen Hernández, Bradley Gragg, Quang Nguyen,
Charles Benford & Amanda Howard.
10:00AM: Jimmy Nguyen, Johnny Nguyen, Jose Contreras
Makayla Contreras & Mani Contreras.
12:00PM: Misael Arvizu, Isela Arvizu, Dionico Azuara,
Diego Hernández & Stephanie Hernández.
8:00AM: Jo Mahoney (L) & Pat Simmons (A)
10:00AM: George Satsky (L) & Therese Nguyen (A)
12:00PM: Abraham García (L) & Teresa Carrillo (A)
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 AM: Pro Populo
10:00 AM: Tinnie Wilson Health Intentions
12:00 PM: +Reymundo Sánchez & +José Antonio Ortiz
Tuesday: +All Souls
Wednesday: +Merlene Turman
Thursday: +Msgr. Emilian Folty
Friday: Thanksgiving of: Sharon & Matt Wilson
Wedding Anniversary
Extraordinary Minister of the Cup:
8:00AM: Sharlot Parker
10:00AM: Enrique Crosby
12:00PM: Rosa Guerrero
Pastoral Council members: Marie Keale, Enrique Crosby, Michael Gragg, Margaret May, Matt Wilson, Linda Kuborn, Darlene
Arrington, Filo Contreras, Jeanette Estrada, Mary Jane Mehringer,
and Daniel Mata III.
Finance Council members: Rick Schlitt, Richard Greff, Don
Altland, Marcelino Ayala, Janice Davis, Helen Matthews, Polo
Mora, Ray Zies, and Mary Seale.
Let us pray for the sick: Tinnie Wilson, Marie Henderson, Reymunda
Medina Cathy Hickman, Tommy Beard, Jackie Rayner, Paul Thomas
Mahoney, Lisa Hill, Ethel Goolsby, Walter Kimmerling, Dian & David
Frederick, Charles Little and Nelta Little.
Let us pray for the deceased: José Antonio Ortiz, Bernadette Stone,
Peter Luna, Tammy Prejean, Miguel Franco, Eddie Garay, Ed Hoyne &
Javier Olvera.
Please call the parish office to update the list.
Por favor llame al despacho parroquial para actualizar la lista.
The Altar Flowers Were Donated By:
Cele & Hugo Garcia Family
In Thanksgiving of: Ismael & Maria Sanchez
50th Wedding Anniversary
Bishop Vásquez’ Prayer Request
That in our prayer we would allow ourselves time to ask
God’s desire, to seek God’s presence, and to knock that the
gates of God’s Kingdom may be open in our hearts, we
Que en nuestra oración nos permitamos tiempo para pedir
el deseo de Dios, buscar la presencia de Dios, y tocar a la
puerta para que las puertas del Reino de Dios puedan estar
abiertas en nuestros corazones...
Catholic Social Teaching Corner
July 23-24, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time — In today’s Gospel the
disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray and he gives them what we call
“the Lord’s prayer. The Hebrew word which begins the prayer is “Abba”
which translates to “papa” or “daddy”. In other words, Jesus invites us as
disciples to pray intimately with God. This intimacy with God implies
intimacy with one another. If God is our father, then we have many
brothers as sisters. In our prayer, do we remember to pray for their
needs as well as our own? Is our prayer stretching us to embrace the
needs of the poor, the needy and vulnerable throughout our world?
Julio 23 y 24, Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario—En el
Evangelio de hoy los discípulos piden a Jesús que les enseñe a orar y
Él les da lo que llamamos la “Oración del Señor”. La palabra hebrea
que comienza la oración es “Abba” que literalmente se traduce como
“papa” o “papi”. En otras palabras, Jesús nos invita como discípulos a
orar íntimamente con Dios. Esta intimidad con Dios implica la intimidad con el otro. Si Dios es nuestro padre, entonces tenemos muchos
hermanos y hermanas. En nuestra oración ¿recordamos orar por sus
necesidades también, tal como por las nuestras? ¿Se estira nuestra
oración para abarcar las necesidades de los pobres, los necesitados, y
los vulnerables a través de la palabra?
Spanish Prayer Group will have a food booth today selling their famous scrumptious “ Home-made Pupusas” after each Mass.
Grupo de Oración tiene venta hoy después de Misa. Habrá unas ricas
Pupusas caseras.
Study Group “Gospel of John” If you are interested in joining the
upcoming study group “Gospel of John” Please sign up with Deacon
Dwight Mahoney after Mass.
Formación de nuevos ministros extraordinarios Si usted desea ser
Ministro Eucarístico puede asistir cualquiera de los dos días de entrenamiento: hoy después de Misa o el 14 de agosto después de Misa.
Por favor apúntese en la carpeta que está en pasillo de la parroquia.
Extraordinary minister of the cup training for new servers If you
want to serve as an extraordinary minister of the cup, please sign up.
There will be training today after each Mass or you can sign up for
August 14th, after each Mass. Sign-up forms are in the Church foyer.
Altar Server training We are accepting new students for altar server.
Training will be Saturday, August 13th, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00
p.m. This is for both old and new altar servers. Lunch will be provided
at Deacon Dwight’s swimming pool. If you want your child to become
a server, please sign up at the end of the Church.
Lector training for new lectors If you want to serve as a lector, please
sign up for training either on Sunday August 21st or August 28th after
each Mass. Sign-up forms are in the Church foyer.
Formación para los monaguillos Estamos aceptando nuevos niños/as
monaguillos. Habrá practica Sábado 13 de agosto de las 10:00 a.m.
—12:00 p.m.. Este entrenamiento es para monaguillos anteriores y
nuevos. Habrá comida proporcionada en la casa del Diácono Dwight y
luego un pasatiempo de diversión en la piscina. Si usted quiere que su
hijo/a sea monaguillo, por favor apúntelo en, la carpeta que está en
pasillo de la parroquia.
Formación de nuevos Lectores Si usted desea ser Lector, puede asistir a cualquiera de los dos días de entrenamiento el 21 de agosto y 28
de agosto después de Misa. Por favor apúntese en la carpeta que está
en el pasillo de la parroquia.
Mission Appeals Next weekend The Missionary Society of St. Paul
(MSP) is a congregation of priests founded in Nigeria in 1977 by
Dominic Cardinal Ekandem. The Society now has 251 priests and 110
seminarians in Nigeria. Their mission in Malawi provides rehabilitation and support for orphans who lost their parents due to AIDS. Your
support to this worthy cause will be an immense encouragement to the
Missionary Society of St. Paul to pass on the Faith she has received.
Misión Apelacione el próximo domingo La Sociedad Misionera de
St. Paul (MSP) es una congregación de sacerdotes fundada en Nigeria
en 1977 por el cardenal Dominic Ekandem. La Sociedad cuenta ahora
con 251 sacerdotes y 110 seminaristas en Nigeria. Su misión en Malawi ofrece rehabilitación y apoyo a los huérfanos que perdieron a sus
padres a causa del SIDA. Su apoyo a esta noble causa será un inmenso
estímulo para la Sociedad Misionera de St. Paul para transmitir la fe
que ha recibido.
The Pastoral Council will meet Tuesday, August 9th, at 6:00
p.m. Parishioners may contact any member with suggestions or concerns to add to the agenda.
El Concilio Pastoral tendrá junta martes, 9 de agosto a las 6:00 de la
tarde. Si usted tiene alguna sugerencia o inquietudes, póngase en contacto con uno de los miembros para agregarlo en la agenda.
Called for Ministry If you feel in your heart that you need to serve the
Lord by actively being a part of the Religious Education Program of
our children, please come forward. For the upcoming CCE 2016-2017.
Talk to Deacon Dwight or Fr. Justin.
¿Tiene deseo de ayudar? Si usted siente en su corazón que usted necesita servir al Señor a través del programa de educación religiosa de
nuestros hijos, el ano escolar de catecismo 2016-2017, hable con el
Diacono Dwight o con el Padre Justin. Se les aprecia su tiempo y servicio.
CCE NEWS First day of CCE is Wednesday, August 17th, 6:00 p.m.–
7:30 p.m.
4 Degree Knights will have installation of new officers Saturday,
August 13th, at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Church wide Rummage Sale Please begin collecting clean, usable
items for the Rummage Sale on August 5th and 6th. You will be able
to start dropping off your items beginning July 25 th. We will collect
furniture, tools, clothing, etc.… Anyone wishing to help organize and
sort the items can come between 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru
Friday to the Parish Hall. For more information please call Mrs. Cathy
Martin at (254) 729-8055.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) class 2016-2017
Registration is open! We would like to invite all adults who have never
been baptized; who were baptized in another Christian tradition; who
were baptized in the Catholic Church but did not received the sacrament
of Eucharist or Confirmation ; or, who would like to know more about
the Catholic Faith. The registration form is located at the church foyer.
Classes will begin on Tuesday, September 13th, from 6:00 p.m.–
Please help us sell 2016 BBQ Festival raffle tickets Come by the
parish office to pick up tickets to sell. This year we have 3 fabulous
prizes: a 2016 Ford Focus S Sedan, a $2000 vacation package, and an
iPad Air. We need everyone's help to make this a successful fundraiser!
BBQ Coin Jar Drop your loose coins into our coin jar placed at the
Church’s entrance—support this year’s BBQ!
BBQ Festival 2016 Think now how you can support our October Festival.: Volunteer; Donate an Auction item; Sell tickets; and call past
parishioners for support and participation!
Weekly average needed: $3,400.00
Offering Last Sunday 07/17/16: $ 2,862.34
Thank you for your generosity!
Recordatorio Se le avisa con anticipación que el Catecismo para los
niños empieza el 17 de Agosto. Mismo horario de siempre.
Venta de garaje empiece a recolectar cosas que pueden ser utilizados
para el “Garage Sale” de la Parroquia que será el 5 y 6 de agosto. Pueden dejar sus cosas a partir del 25 de julio. Estamos recolectando muebles para casa, herramientas, ropa etc.… Si usted desea ayudar a organizar las piezas para el día de la venta, pueden venir durante el horario
de las 10 a.m.—4 p.m. de Lunes a Viernes en salón parroquial. Para
más información comuníquese con la Señora Cathy Martin a (254)
¿Tiene el Deseo de ser Católico? O sólo quiere aprender más sobre su
religión o le falta uno de sus Sacramentos? Puede registrase para las
clases de Rito De la Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos. Las Clases
empiezan Martes 13 de Septiembre a las 6:00 p.m.—7:30 p.m. El
formulario se encuentra en el pasillo de la parroquia.
Por favor ayúdenos a vender boletos de la rifa del Festival de la
BBQ 2016 Vaya al despacho parroquial a recoger un un paquete de
boletos para vender. Este año tenemos 3 fabulosos premios: un 2016
Ford Focus S Sedan, un paquete de vacaciones valorado en $ 2,000.00
y un iPad Air (Tableta de la manzanita).Necesitamos la ayuda de
todos para hacer de esto una exitosa recaudación de fondos.
Está un jarrón vacío dentro de la Iglesia. Este jarrón es para que
echen sus monedas extras para que se usen para nuestra Barbacoa en
octubre. Si cada uno de nosotros le echamos unas poquitas monedas
cada domingo, el evento será un éxito.
Festival de barbacoa 2016 Piense ahora cómo puede apoyar a nuestro
Festival en octubre. Puede ser voluntario; Donar un artículo para la
subasta; vender boletos de rifa ; y llamar a los feligreses para el apoyo
y la participación. Se necesita su ayuda!
Si usted y su pareja no están casados por la Iglesia, Por favor hablen
con el Párroco Justin para él pueda darles algún consejo. Recuerden, a
veces hay cosas qué se pueden hacer para validar su matrimonio en la
The Church is Catholic
The word "catholic" means "universal," in the sense of "according to the totality" or "in
keeping with the whole." The Church is catholic in a double sense: First, the Church is catholic
because Christ is present in her. "Where there is Christ Jesus, there is the Catholic Church."(St.
Agnatious of Antioch A.D. 105) In she subsists the fullness of Christ's body united with the head;
this implies she receives from him "the fullness of the means of salvation"(Eph 1:22-23) which
he has willed: correct and complete confession of faith, full sacramental life, and validly ordained
ministry in apostolic succession. The Church was, in this fundamental sense, catholic on the day
of Pentecost and will always be so until the day of the Parousia.
Secondly, the Church is catholic because she has been sent out by Christ on a mission to
the whole of the human race. (Matt 28:19) This, therefore, while remaining one and only one, is
to be spread throughout the whole world and to all ages in order that the design of God's will may
be fulfilled: he made human nature one in the beginning and has decreed that all his children who
were scattered should be finally gathered together as one.
The Church of Christ is really present in all legitimately organized local groups of the
faithful that has apostolic succession, which, in so far as they are united to their pastors. In them
the faithful are gathered together through the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, and the mystery
of the Lord's Supper is celebrated. . . In these communities, though they may be small and poor,
or existing in the diaspora, Christ is present, through whose power and influence the One, Holy,
Catholic, and Apostolic Church is constituted.
Joe Rosas
[email protected]
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President: Cathy Martin
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Vice-President: Mary Demny
(713) 992-6225
Secretary: Margaret May
(254) 562-2641
Treasurer: Darlene Arrington
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