demonstrative adjectives


demonstrative adjectives
Masculine (singular)
Feminine (singular)
Masculine (plural)
Feminine (Plural)
this / these
este vestido
(this dress)
esta falda
(this skirt)
estos vestidos
(these dresses)
estas faldas
(these skirts)
that / those
ese vestido
(that dress)
esa falda
(that skirt)
esos vestidos
(those dresses)
esas faldas
(those skirts)
that / those
aquel vestido
(that dress over
aquella falda
(that skirt over
aquellos vestidos
(those dresses over
aquellas faldas
(those skirts over
1. When pointing out people or objects that are nearby, use este, esta, estos or estas (this/these).
2. Use ese, esa, esos or esas (that/those) to draw attention to people or objects that are farther away.
3. Call attention to people or objects that are even farther away (“over there”) by using aquel, aquella,
aquellos or aquellas (that/those over there).
near speaker (aquí)
Me gusta este vestido.
I like this dress.
away from speaker (allí)
Me gustan esos vestidos.
I like those dresses.
far away from speaker
Me gusta aquel vestido.
I like that dress (over there).
Fill in the blank with the correct from of the demonstrative adjective.
1. (Those) ______________ abrigos allí son muy caros.
2. (That) _______________ sombrero allá es muy elegante.
3. ¿Quieres ir a (that) _________________ tienda allá?
4. Quiero comprar (these) _________________ blusas.
5. No me gustan (this) ___________________ traje de baño.
6. (This) ________________ falda es muy corta.
7. Voy a leer (these) _________________ revistas.
8. (Those) ________________ estudiantes allí son muy trabajadores.
9. Yo prefiero (that) _________________ carro allí.
10. (This) _________________ almacén es muy bueno.

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