8:45 AM - 4:30 PM - Diocese of Grand Rapids


8:45 AM - 4:30 PM - Diocese of Grand Rapids
Parish Ministry & Catechetical
SEPTEMBER 27, 2014
8:45 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
MASS AT 11:45 A.M.
Office of Pastoral Services
Oficina de Servicios Pastorales
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference 2014 Registration Form
Anyone wishing to take part in this conference must pre-register. There is limited space so register early
to ensure a place. Registration deadline is September 22, 2014
Las personas que desean participar en esta conferencia necesitan inscribirse. El cupo es limitado,
inscríbase temprano para asegurar su espacio. La fecha límite es Septiembre 22, 2014.
Home Address/Dirección: ___________________________________________________________________
Parish/School/Parroquia/Escuela: _____________________________________________________________
Phone/Teléfono: ______________________ Email: _________________________________________________
Dietary Restrictions/Special Needs/Dieta/necesidades especiales:
Please indicate your choice of workshops by number:
Por favor indique con el número correspondiente, su opción de clases en cada sesión:
Session A________ Session B_________ Session C ________ Institute 1________ Institute 2_________
Please check the appropriate box indicating your major responsibility.
Por favor marque el cuadro que indica tu responsabilidad principal:
Catholic School Teacher/Profesor de Escuela Católica
Parish Catechetical Leader/Líder Catequético Parroquial
Parish Youth Ministry Leader /Líder Pastoral Juvenil
Youth Minister /Pastoral Juvenil
Adult Faith Formation /Formación de Adultos
Associate Pastor/Deacon/Asociado/Diacono
Pastoral Musician /Ministro de Música
Liturgical Minister/Ministro de Liturgia
Other / Otra _________________________
(Please fill in if checked)
Payment - Please check one:
 My $40 payment is included with my registration. Make checks payable to Diocese of Grand
 My $40 payment has been paid online through Raiser’s Edge. Here is my registration form.
 Parish/School Option: We are registering 6 persons from our parish/school for $200. Deadline
for group registration is September 22. I understand this option will not apply to late
There is a $10 late fee per person if paid after September 22.
Those who are fully paid prior to the conference will have stream-line
registration. You will receive an Express Admission Ticket by email. Please
print your ticket before coming to the Conference. There will be no long line,
no waiting if you have your ticket!
You may register by email at: [email protected]. Please complete this registration form
and send as an attachment. Registration by email will be considered complete when your payment is
You may register by postal mail by sending completed registration form(s) and payment to:
Office of Faith Formation | Cathedral Square Center | 360 Division Ave. S | Grand Rapids, MI 49503-4501
All registrations must be on this official registration form.
Todas las inscripciones deben estar en este formulario de registro oficial.
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Bishop’s Welcome | Bienvenida del obispo
The theme for this year’s Parish Ministry and Catechetical
Conference is “The Gift of Reconciliation”. This could not
come at a better time as we look at the reconciliation that is
needed all around the world, between countries, between
cultures, between peoples. But the main reconciliation has to
happen between people and God, between us, all of us, and God.
We usually don’t look at reconciliation as a gift, particularly when
we think of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the sacrament
given us by Christ through which we come back into a deeper
relationship with the Father who forgives. We seldom think of
the estrangement from God that occurs because of our personal
sins. It is through the process and grace of coming back to God
that will demonstrate to the world the true gift of reconciliation.
Without our willingness to be signs of reconciliation where will
the world learn to forgive? We are responsible for our brother
and sister, we must be signs of the hope that all are called to
embrace, even in the midst of bitter and prolonged conflict.
We, as a Church, have been blessed with the gift of this
Sacrament and the gift of true reconciliation. Let us not
squander it and refuse to give to the world the sign of which they
are in need!
Bishop David Walkowiak will be the
principal celebrant and homilist at the
11:30 Mass offered for all Conference
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. David J. Walkowiak
Bishop of Grand Rapids
El tema para este año en la Conferencia de Ministerios Parroquiales y Catequéticos es “ El don de la
Reconciliación”. Esto no podía llegar en mejor momento si nos fijamos en la reconciliación que se necesita
alrededor del mundo, entre países, culturas y entre las personas. Pero la reconciliación primeramente debería
acontecer entre las personas y Dios, entre todos nosotros y Dios. Usualmente no miramos a la Reconciliación
como un regalo, sobre todo cuando pensamos en el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. Es el sacramento que nos ha
dado Dios mediante el cual volvemos a una profunda relación con el Dios que nos perdona. Rara vez pensamos en
el distanciamiento de Dios que se da a causa de nuestros pecados personales. Es a través del proceso y la gracia de
regresar a Dios que nosotros demostramos al mundo el verdadero don de la reconciliación. Sin nuestro deseo de
ser signos de reconciliación ¿Donde el mundo puede aprender a perdonar? Somos responsables de nuestros
hermanos y hermanas; por lo que debemos ser signos de esperanza y donde todos somos llamados a acogerla,
aun en medio de un conflicto desgastante y prolongado.
Nosotros como Iglesia hemos sido bendecidos con el don de este Sacramento y el regalo de la verdadera
reconciliación. ¡Por lo que no debemos desperdiciar y negarnos a dar al mundo el signo del cual ellos están en
Sinceramente suyo en Cristo,
Most Rev. David J. Walkowiak
Obispo de Grand Rapids
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
General Information | Información General
Welcome! to the 31st annual Parish Ministry and Catechetical Conference, sponsored by the Diocesan Office
of Pastoral Services. This conference provides an opportunity for persons involved in all forms of parish ministry
to pray, reflect and to learn with and from one another. We specifically welcome our parish musicians and
liturgists who will be joining us. We look forward to seeing old friends: catechists, school teachers, parish
catechetical leaders, coordinators, youth ministry leaders and volunteers, pastoral associates, principals, RCIA
teams, prison and jail ministry volunteers and adult faith formation teams.
Exhibits – featuring publishers and organizations; please be sure to visit them for valuable information and for a chance
to win prizes.
Spanish Translation – Instantaneous translation will be available for the keynote presentation and the homily at Mass.
There will also be workshops offered in Spanish throughout the day.
Facilities are accessible and barrier free. We ask that you refrain from wearing perfumes or other scents.
¡Bienvenidos! a la trigésima Conferencia de Ministerio Parroquial y Catequesis, patrocinada por la Oficina
de Servicios Pastorales. Esta conferencia les da a los ministros parroquiales la oportunidad de orar, reflexionar y
aprender juntos. Queremos darles una bienvenida especial a los músicos y liturgistas parroquiales que van a
participar este año. También tendremos el gusto de ver viejos amigos: catequistas, profesores, líderes de catequesis
parroquial, coordinadores, líderes y voluntarios de pastoral juvenil, asociados pastorales, directores de escuela,
equipos de RICA, voluntarios del ministerio de cárceles y equipos de formación en la fe para adultos.
Exhibiciones - Tendremos editores y organizaciones; por favor visítenlos para obtener información importante y la
oportunidad de ganar premios.
Traducción en español - Habrá traducción simultánea durante la presentación del orador principal y la homilía de la
Misa. Se ofrecerán también talleres en español a lo largo del día.
Las instalaciones son accesibles y fáciles de usar. Le pedimos que se abstenga de usar perfumes u otras fragancias pues
hay personas alérgicas.
Conference Schedule | Programa de la Conferencia
Registration & Hospitality
Inscripción y hospitalidad
Morning Prayer
Oración de la mañana
Entrance Hallway,
Exhibits in Main Gym
10:15 - 4:30
Institutes (see page 6)
Salón de Clase
Workshop Session A (see page 7)
Sesión A
Salón de Clase
Mass with Bishop Walkowiak
Misa con el Obispo Walkowiak
Almuerzo y Exhibiciones
Workshop Session B (see page 13)
Sesión B
Salón de Clase
Workshop Session C (see page 19)
Sesión C
Salón de Clase
Each workshop is 75 minutes in length. Each institute is 4 hours in length.
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Keynote Address | Presentación Principal
Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio - director of the Crossroads
Initiative - is the father of five and a business owner.
Dr. D’Ambrosio brings to his teaching a practical, down-toearth, and humorous perspective that makes his words easy
to understand and enjoyable to hear. He is a world renowned
commentator on Catholic issues having appeared on Fox
News. His book The Guide to the Passion, answering 100
questions about Mel Gibson’s film, hit #6 on the New York
Times best-sellers list with over a million copies sold. He
appears frequently on a variety of Catholic TV and radio
networks where he is known as “Dr. Italy.”
Nine years of graduate teaching and hundreds of published
articles provide Dr. D’Ambrosio with an uncommon wealth
of knowledge on a variety of spiritual and theological topics.
But his uncanny ability to make profound subjects
understandable and relevant to everyday life makes him the
perfect speaker for a wide range of events: convocations for
Clergy and Catholic Educators, Parish Missions and
Conferences, Men’s and Women’s Conferences.
Marcellino and his twin brother Anthony know intimately the challenges confronting the youth today.
They were raised with strong Catholic teaching and an understanding of the moral life. They have been
unafraid to challenge cliques, “social hierarchy” and the idolization of appearance. They promote
abstinence, the value of family, true masculinity and femininity and above all a radical love for the person
of Jesus Christ.
El Doctor Marcelino D’Ambrosio es el Director de Crossroads Initiative, además de ser un hombre de negocios
y padre de cinco. El Doctor D’Ambrosio enseña desde una perspectiva práctica, sencilla y humorística que hace
que sus palabras sean fáciles de entender y agradables de escuchar. Es un reconocido comentador a nivel
internacional en temas católicos de actualidad y que ha aparecido en los noticiarios de FOX. Su libro, The Guide
to the Passion (La Guía sobre la Pasión) en donde ha podido responder a 100 preguntas sobre la película de Mel
Gibson, ha sido catalogado como el # 6 en la lista de los libros más vendidos del New York Times con más de
un millón de copias. Frecuentemente, él aparece en una variedad de programas católicos de televisión y radio
donde es conocido como “El doctor Italia”.
Nueve años enseñando postgrado y cientos de artículos publicados proveen al Doctor D'Ambrosio con una
cantidad incalculable de conocimientos en una variedad de temas sobre espiritualidad y teología. Pero su
asombrosa habilidad para hacer que temas de mucha profundidad sean entendibles y relevantes para el diario
vivir hacen de él un presentador ideal para una serie de eventos como convocatorias para sacerdotes, misiones y
conferencias parroquiales, así como conferencias de hombres y mujeres.
Marcellino y su hermano gemelo Anthony conocen íntimamente los desafíos que enfrentan los jóvenes de hoy.
Ellos crecieron con una fuerte enseñanza católica y un entendimiento de la vida moral que los han ayudado a no
tener miedo a desafiar a los grupos de poder, a las “jerarquías sociales” y la idolatría de la apariencia. Ellos
promueven la abstinencia, el valor de la familia, la verdadera masculinidad y feminidad y sobre todo un amor
radical a la persona de Jesucristo.
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Institutes | Institutos
This year for the first time there will be two full-day institutes tailored for those professionals who need
professional theology for their certification. Five and 1/2 hours of professional theology will be offered for each of
the Institutes, including the keynote address. Each institute will be held 10:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., breaking for the
conference Mass and lunch.
Institute on Biblical Study
This institute will look briefly at the origins of the Bible and the canonicity of
Sacred Scripture. Catechetical methods of interpreting the Bible: literal,
allegorical, anagogical, eschatological will also be discussed.
The Revelation of a merciful and loving God is examined in the Old Testament
and how these manifestations of divine love are fulfilled in Christ. What does it
mean to forgive and have mercy in the New Testament? Certain symbols will be
explained in terms of reconciliation such as “finding the lost pearl”, “the paschal
lamb,” “forgiveness of the prodigal son,” and “the woman caught in adultery”.
God is seen as Reconciler on the Cross. This will be seen through the exegesis
of “His Hour” in the Gospel of John. Christ is a model of both leader and
reconciler as “Head of the Mystical Body” and “Suffering Servant” on the Cross. Focus will be made on how the
prophets’ writings especially Isaiah, is prefigured in Christ through the interpretation of St. Paul’s Letters. Christ is
a model of reconciliation for the numerous vocations found in the Church.
Dr. Alphonso Lopez Pinto received his doctorate in Sacred Theology from The Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce
in 2008, with a dissertation entitled, “The Theological Vision of Sacred Art in Gabriele Paleotti’s Discorso intorno alle
imagini sacre et profane (1582): Guido Reni’s Trinitarian Depictions as seen in its Light. Currently Dr. Pinto is an
associate professor of theology, at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. His main field
of research is the relationship between art and theology during the Counter-Reformation in Rome and Bologna.
If you plan to attend the Institute on Biblical Study, please mark “Institute 1” on the registration form.
Institute on Liturgical Music
Singing for Discipleship: Liturgical Music and Catholic Identity
As we worship, liturgy little-by-little shapes our identity as Christ’s disciples.
How can the music we sing (and the way we sing it) help to shape a well-rounded
Catholic sensibility and inspire us to step out of our comfort zones and serve
others with generous and loving hearts? This Institute will explore in practical
ways how the choices we make about musical styles and genres, texts, modes of
performance, frequency of use, etc., contribute to liturgy’s long-term effectiveness
in forming disciples who are ready to embrace the challenges of our diverse and
changing world.
Dr. Steven Janco is associate professor and director of the Rensselaer Program of
Church Music and Liturgy at Saint Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, Indiana; and part-time director of liturgy and
music at St. Eulalia, a multicultural parish in Maywood, IL. Dr. Janco is a well-known composer of liturgical
music: Mass of the Angels and Saints, published by GIA in 1996, and Mass of Redemption, published by World Library
Publications in 2000, are sung widely in the United States and beyond. He has had articles and reviews published in
Pastoral Music, AIM, Modern Liturgy, New Theology Review, and GIA Quarterly.
Dr. Janco earned a master's degrees in theology and church music and a doctor of ministry degree at the Catholic
Theological Union in Chicago. He lives in Forest Park, Illinois.
If you plan to attend the Institute on Liturgical Music, please mark “Institute 2” on the registration form.
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Workshops | Clases
There is the opportunity to attend three workshops during the conference. The keynote address and workshops
are applicable toward catechist certification: each workshop counts as 1.25 clock hours and the keynote for 1 hour;
a total of 4.75 hours for the day. All workshops have been designated according to the relevant dimension of
formation (spirituality, theology and methodology). Where two dimensions are recommended, you may choose
one or the other to apply to certification. Be sure to keep a record of which workshops you attend. For more
information regarding catechetical certification, go to www.dioceseofgrandrapids.org.
Habrá la oportunidad de participar en tres clases durante la conferencia. La presentación general y las clases son
válidas para la certificación de catequistas: cada clase se cuenta como 1.25 horas/reloj y la presentación general
como 1 hora; se acumula así un total de 4.75 horas en el día. Para cada clase se señala la dimensión
correspondiente de formación (catequista, contenido, método, y aprendiz). Cuando se recomiendan dos
dimensiones usted debe escoger una de las dos al momento de aplicar para la certificación. Asegúrese de guardar
una constancia de las clases a las que participa. Para más información respecto a la certificación de catequistas, vaya
a www.dioceseofgrandrapids.org.
Session A | 10:15-11:30 a.m.
Sesión A | 10:15-11:30 a.m.
A-1 Las inteligencias múltiples
La teoría de las inteligencias múltiples en un modelo propuesto en su libro de 1983 por Howard
Gardner en al que la inteligencia no es vista como algo unitario que agrupa diferentes capacidades
específicas con distinto nivel de generalidad, sino como un conjunto de inteligencias múltiples, distintas
y semi-independientes. Esta plática se trata de cómo los maestros pueden incluir las inteligencias
múltiples en su instrucción cotidiana.
TJ Burdick es miembro de la fraternidad Dominica de la tercera orden y catequista en la parroquia de San José Obrero.
Además es columnas en IgnitumToday.com autor de dos libros en inglés sobre las nuevas medias de comunicación para la
Universidad de los Santo Apóstoles en el estado de Connecticut.
Dimensión: Metodología
A-2 Esperanza radical: La oración del Señor
El “Padre Nuestro” es una oración de alabanza, una petición para pan y perdón, para fuerza en medio
de la tentación y para la venida del reino de Dios. En ostras palabras, es una oración de esperanza
El Padre Esteban Cron es el párroco de la iglesia San Jose Obrero en Wyoming, MI.
Dimensión: Espiritualidad
A-3 El rol de la mujer en el Evangelio de Lucas y en la obra misionera de la Iglesia
A través de esta conferencia revisaremos el papel (rol) de las mujeres en el Evangelio de Lucas y
analizando algunos pasajes del evangelio podremos recordar la importancia de ellas en el ministerio
público de Jesús y en la obra misionera. (Evangelización)
El Padre Garcia atendió sus estudios del seminario mayor en la Universidad de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein IL
donde obtuvo una Maestría en Divinidad. El Padre Garcia es actualmente asociado pastoral de San Eduardo en Lake
Odessa y en la parroquia de San Pedro y San Pablo en Ionia
Dimensión: Espiritualidad
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
A-4 Media and Parish Ministry and Catechesis
No matter what parish ministry or catechesis you are involved in today you are likely using or wanting
to use media or technology. This presentation will have some presentation of concepts and trends. But
most of our time will be spent sharing ideas, dreams, successes and even failures. To keep the ideas
flowing after the conference let’s talk Hashtag!
Richard Drabik has an MA in Theology and is the assistant director for the VLCFF at the University of Dayton. He
is involved in the national level promoting the use of communication technology in its various forms.
Dimension: Methodology
A-5 Praying with Body, Mind and Spirit: Prayer for Children and Youth
Children and youth of all ages reap benefits from engaging their whole selves in prayer. Increased focus,
deeper understanding of concepts, as well as encounters with God can result from embodied prayer.
Traditional prayers such as the Hail Mary and Our Father, as well as Scripture verses and key Christian
concepts will be experienced through movement and music. Participants who minister to children and
youth, preschool through high school will gain resources from utilizing movement prayer with these age
Janene Ternes is a commissioned spiritual director from the Ann Arbor area and founded Prayer in Motion, LLC in
2003. She has developed and presented a variety of workshops and individualized programs which teach and inspire
holistic forms of prayer for people of all ages. Janene’s goal is to help others experience their connection with God, leading
to a more peaceful, joyful and fulfilled life. Find out more about the ministry of Prayer in Motion by visiting
Dimension: Methodology
A– 6 Unleashing the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit was there at creation; there at the Immaculate Conception; there at the Nativity; there
at the Temptation of Christ; there at the crucifixion; given to the Church at Pentecost and here with us
today. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, in the world, and in your heart? How can we
identify the Holy Spirit over amongst the thoughts and ideas that float in our minds? A better
understanding of the Holy spirit can greatly influence our prayer, our work, our volunteering,
our family, our world. Come, unleash the Spirit!
Dianna Rottiers is pastoral associate at Holy Trinity, Comstock Park where she works in a variety of ministries. She and
her husband live in Grandville; they have 3 grown children and a host of furry ‘kids’.
Dimension: Spirituality
The Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry
Explore the ways that a Parish can effectively minister to young people within the context of the Parish,
including the Family and wider community. This workshop is especially helpful for parishes that
currently have no youth ministry, or who have a limited approach.
Mary Evett is currently serving as the coordinator of youth and young adult ministries at St. Mary Magdalen Parish in
Dimension: Methodology
Keeping the FAITH while teaching the FAITH
Practical and inspiring ways to find ourselves refreshed by the Faith as we are tasked to proclaim and
teach it to others. Using terrific insights from St. Ignatius, St. Francis de Sales, and other Masters of
Spiritual Direction, this workshop is a mini-retreat for all those who serve in ministry!
Todd Gale is a husband, father and convert to the Catholic Faith who works at Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish
in Jackson.
Dimension: Spirituality
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Teaching Folks About Confession (The Sacrament of Reconciliation)
Many in the Church are puzzled about “going to confession.” When should we go? What do we do
when we enter a confessional? How do we make a good confession? What is the Easter Duty? What is
the responsibility of the person ministering the sacrament? Father Geaney will discuss the nitty-gritty of
the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how to prepare people, children, youth, adults and those newly
celebrating our faith to what should be a joyous event, but is too often shrouded in fear. Catechists,
teachers and RCIA leaders will find the session particularly useful.
Father John Geaney, CSP is currently director of the Catholic Information Center and the rector of the Cathedral of Saint
Andrew. A priest for more than 50 years he has an extensive background in media, as well as having been a seminary
professor, a pastor of a black Catholic parish in Memphis and the priest director of Catholic Relief Services.
Dimension: Spirituality or Methodology
Planning a First Eucharist Retreat that Involves Parents
Most parishes are offering a First Eucharist Retreat as part of the preparation process. How do you
involve parents in a meaningful way so that they learn and present to their child? This workshop will
offer some practical ways to involve both children and parents in hands-on reflective activities that
foster understanding of and participation in Sunday Worship.
Nancy Hardy is the director of faith formation at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Holland. She works with Debbie
Kraus, the preschool/elementary faith formation coordinator and Mary Ann Hensley, the family/parent faith formation
coordinator. Between them they have over 75 years of experience in catechetical ministry.
Dimension: Methodology
Whatever Happened to Original Sin?
Pope St. John Paul II has stated that Catholics can accept the scientific teaching on human evolution.
Granting that we need not take Genesis 1-3 literally, how then do we teach about concepts like the
Garden of Eden, original perfection and the Fall?
Father John Kenny, CSP is a Paulist Priest at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew and teaches at the Catholic Information
Dimension: Theology
What Youth and Young Adults Want to Hear
What is missing in the lives of our middle-school and high-school youth and college-and-beyond young
adults? A look at the words of encouragement and recognition that these young men and women need
in order to become leaders in the Church and reach their full potential.
Rachel Krug is passionate about working with middle- and high school aged youth as a youth minister at Holy Redeemer
Parish, Jenison.
Dimension: Methodology
A-13 Being Tech Savvy: Tools for Us, and How Young People Use Technology
Being able to understand the technology being used by young people today can be a useful tool in being
pastorally present with them. Also, technology can be a huge help to us in being more productive,
relevant, and engaging as ministers of the Catholic Church. In this workshop we will discuss technology
tools for ministry and the technology the young people are using today.
Dave Laidlaw is director of youth ministry at Our Lady of the Lake in Holland, MI. He has been working
professionally in youth ministry for six years and spent six years before that as a youth ministry volunteer.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
A-14 Climb Out of Your Teaching Comfort Zone
People approach tasks differently based on their learning style. This engaging presentation will help you
identify your learning style and the various learning styles of the children/youth that you teach. Take
home practical suggestions for teaching techniques and activities that will meet the learning styles of
each child/youth you teach.
Ron Lamping is currently a senior sales representative for RCL Benziger, and also worked as a senior editor on many
products at RCLB. Ron was a junior high teacher and also a DRE in his hometown of Cincinnati, OH. He holds a
Masters in religious education and also a M.Ed. Degree.
Dimension: Methodology
A-15 The Francis Moment: The Reconciling Gift of Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the Church
While in clear continuity with his predecessors Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI in evangelizing
our culture in light of Vatican II, Pope Francis given his Ignatian spirituality and Latin American
pastoral experience has attracted many alienated from the Church. We will consider the symbolic
actions of and some themes from writings and interviews of Pope Francis a humble man seen as a Big
Heart Open to the World.
Dr. Robert Marko, a husband, father and grandfather is chair and professor of theology at Aquinas College and has been
a US Fulbright Scholar in newsworthy post-Soviet Ukraine. A grateful cradle Catholic, Dr. Marko first experienced the
rich tradition as a child educated by Dominican sisters and then Vatican II’s renewal in spirituality and the practice of
Catholic social teaching as a young adult by growing up in Western Pennsylvania.
Dimension: Spirituality
A-16 Marriage: Gift, Reconciliation, and the Obligations and Responsibilities of the Faithful
This presentation will attempt to address from the canonical perspective what marriage provides not
only for the individuals who choose marriage but also for common good of the Church including the
obligations and rights of all of the faithful as all members of the Church are called upon to support
marriage as not only a natural right but also a sacrament reflecting the Kingdom of God.
Father Kevin Niehoff , OP, JCL is a Dominican Father who was ordained in May of 1993. He studied canon law at
the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (commonly known as the Angelicum after the angelic Doctor,
St. Thomas Aquinas. He presently works as a Tribunal Judge for the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
Dimension: Professional Theology
A-17 Where Do We Start? How Do We Begin? (7 Steps to Successfully Start Adult Formation)
All Church documents remind us that adult faith formation is primary, is at the center of all our
educational enterprises within the parish/diocese. Adult faith formation can seem like such an immense
(and exciting) endeavor. Let’s look at seven steps to brilliantly begin, successfully start and effectively
establish adult faith formation in a parish.
Janet Schaeffler, OP, former director of adult faith formation for the archdiocese of Detroit, is a retreat and workshop
presenter and the author of several books and articles, including a monthly e-newsletter on effective practices in adult faith
formation. Janet is included as a person who has made a significant contribution to religious education in the North
American context by the Christian Educator of the 21st Century Project, Talbot School of Theology.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
A-18 Storytelling a Powerful Teaching Tool
Storytelling is a powerful teaching tool; just look at what our youth learn from the movies and TV. This
workshop provides practical and hands-on techniques to share bible stories and our own testimonies with
students in a manner that reflects and encourages full participation in our rich Catholic heritage. With a
3-part story preparation formula, the use of props, and several other formats, those in attendance will feel
more comfortable returning home or to the classroom prepared to break open the mysteries of our faith
through the sharing of a simple story.
Jessica Schaub is a former teacher and current homeschooling mom of four from Grand Rapids, but is now living in Lansing.
She is the author of three books and speaks extensively about storytelling, writing and sharing faith.
Dimension: Methodology
The Discipline and Practice of Evangelization
We are transformed to transform our family, our Church, our neighbors and our society. What does the
Church teach about evangelization? Can we make a difference to those we catechize? What are some
practical tips we can use to bring the message to the students and adults we come into contact with?
What methods did Jesus use?
Greg Sokolowski is a master catechist and a graduate of the Catholic Evangelization Training Center, Denver, CO,
taught by the Sisters of the New Covenant. Cheryl Sokolowski has been the director of religious education at
Assumption BVM for 22 years.
Dimension: Methodology
Prayer Journaling with Late Elementary/Middle School Students
Prayer is the raising of our minds and hearts to God; it is developing a love relationship with God.
Teaching children how to pray is one of our most important tasks as teachers and catechists. If they can
know and speak to God on a personal level, beyond memorized and formal prayer, they will develop a
close relationship with God which will grow throughout their lifetime. One of the ways to teach this is
through prayer journaling. This workshop will address the need for us to be in intimate prayerful union
with God as we teach others to do so. Aspects of prayer journaling will be taught and experienced in this
session. Examples from children will be shared.
Sister Ann Frances Thompson, FSE, is a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist teaching religion and music at
Divine Providence Academy. She is a Master Catechist in the Diocese of Grand Rapids, holds an MA in Musicology from
the University of Michigan and is a certified teacher in the State of Michigan.
Dimension: Methodology
The Hallway in Between
When we experience life’s struggles, well meaning people often say, “Don’t worry; when one door closes,
another opens.” That may be true, but how do we get through the time we spend in the hallway between?
This presentation will employ scripture, humor, story, discussion and song as a means of helping all participants to survive that time in the hallway.
Mary Vaccaro serves as a spiritual care coordinator for Gentiva hospice and adjunct professor of Theology and Women’s
Studies at Aquinas College. In September 2013, she founded “A Good Word Said Well”, through which she does public
speaking, writing and leads life celebrations. Mary holds a BA in Religious Studies from Aquinas College, a MA in
Pastoral Ministry from Boston College and a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Dominican Center in Grand Rapids.
Dimension: Theology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Reconciliation: Essential for Clustering & Merging Parishes
This session will explore what happens to the dynamics of a parish when it is clustered or merged with
one or more other parishes. The process includes letting go of many of the “always” factors and replaces
the factors with a willingness to work together in a peace-filled and prayerful manner that respects the
best qualities of parishes. The Gift of Reconciliation allows people to work together to achieve a
worshipping and educational environment that is shared by all of the People of God. The parishes
become growing, open, prayerful places where all are welcome!
Nancy Woodcock is the Pastoral Director of St. Mary/St. John the Baptist Parishes in Carson City/Hubbardston. She
provides leadership in all areas of parish life and schedules retired priests as Sacramental Ministers.
Dimension: Methodology
Catholic Evangelization
Some people have experienced “evangelists” as pushy, obnoxious or in other ways counterproductive.
I suggest there are some principles for evangelization that are more Catholic, more friendly, and more
holistic. There is no need to be afraid.
Father James Wyse has been a priest for the Diocese of Grand Rapids for 26 years. He is the pastor of
Christ the King-St. Francis de Sales in Howard City and Lakeview and St. Michael in Remus. He believes this is an
exciting time to be Catholic.
Dimension: Methodology
Intro to Theology of the Body
The “Theology of the Body” is St. John Paul II’s integrated vision of the human person - body, soul, and
spirit. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the Theology of the Body and is intended as an
introduction for those who have little or no background in this teaching. All are welcome.
DJ Florian is the director of pastoral services for the Diocese of Grand Rapids and is a graduate of the Pontifical John Paul
II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family. He is married and has five children.
Dimension: Theology
Answering Protestant Objections to the Apocrypha
Protestants often object to the presence of the Apocrypha as part of the Sacred Scriptures. Learn what
those objections are and how you can respond to them in a gracious and intelligent manner. We will also
cover the positive case that the Deuterocanonical books do belong in the Christian canon.
Louis McBride has worked for 14 years at Baker Book House as the Bible buyer for the store. He is involved in buying,
selling and staff training for all things Bible related.
Dimension: Theology
A-26 A Parent says YES! To the sacrament of Reconciliation for their child
Preparation for the parent to share a lifetime of regular participation of God’s love and mercy in the
sacrament of Reconciliation. A how-to for adults not only about cognitive learning but also spiritual
preparation. The workshop will focus on a Parent Retreat in preparation for their child’s celebration of
the sacrament. Help parents (re)-discover their unique ability to teach, guide and model the practice of
the faith.
Claudia Dombrowski has been a director of faith formation and catechetics for 21 years; 15 years at her current parish;
RCIA coordinator as well as extraordinary minister of the Eucharist and lector at St. Paul of Tarsus in Clinton
Township. Wife of 45 years to Ken, mother of four and grandmother of 5. This workshop is provided by Sadlier.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Session B | 1:45-3:00 p.m.
Sesión B | 1:45-3:00 p.m.
B-1 Parte 1 de 2: Lucas, Evangelista de la Ternura de Dios
El evangelio de San Lucas es un evangelio que nos habla muy de cerca sobre el tema de la misericordia.
Este taller esta dividido en dos parte, durante la primera parte haremos una breve presentación general
sobre los temas más importantes que desarrolla San Lucas en su evangelio y en una segunda parte
dedicaremos tiempo en presentar algunos pasajes que nos ayuden a entender que Jesus es el Señor que
actúa en nuestra vida mediante la misericordia y como Jesus nos revela y nos presenta el rostro
misericordioso de Dios Padre. A través de la lectura de este evangelio nosotros podremos responder a la
pregunta ¿Dónde puedo yo encontrarme con el Señor de la misericordia?
Juan Carlos Farias-Gonzalez es el director del ministerio Hispano para la Diócesis de Grand Rapids, MI. Previamente
estuvo trabajando para la Arquidiócesis de Chicago como parte del personal de la Oficina para la Catequesis y el Ministerio
Juvenil donde desarrollo carias responsabilidades por más de 16 años.
Dimensión: Teología
B-2 La preparación para celebrar por primera vez el Sacramento de Reconciliación de niños y niñas
requiere la participación de los Padres de Familia
La participación de los Padres de familia en la preparación de la Primera Reconciliación de niños y niñas es
necesaria. Al preparar a los niños debemos tener en cuenta que El Sacramento de Reconciliación es un
Don de Dios dado con generosidad por un dios compasivo y amoroso, que quiere que crezcamos en el
amor. Requiere mirar con cuidado nuestra vida y nuestra relaciones. El Sacramento de Reconciliación es
una bendición que restaura la paz y la armonía en nuestras relaciones en familia, y con las demás
personas. ¿Cual es el deber de la familia en la preparación a la recepción de este Sacramento?
Sister Guadalupe Moreno CCVI es coordinadora del ministerio Hispano del decanato Noroeste de la Diócesis de Grand
Rapids. Tiene Maestría en Pedagogía y psicología. 26 anos de experiencia trabajando en ministerio Hispano.
Dimensión: Metodología
B-3 Dios Recuerda
Dios recuerda los de abajo: la mujer, los niños y los inmigrantes. Las Buenas Noticias que Dios trae a los
que sufren por ser mujer, niño o inmigrante.
Padre Marcos Zamora, CSP, es el director del ministerio Hispano para la Catedral de San Andrés.
Dimensión: Metodología
B-4 Radical Hope: The Lord’s Prayer
The “Our Father” is a prayer of praise, a prayer for bread and forgiveness, a prayer for strength in the
midst of temptation, and a prayer for the coming of God’s kingdom. In other words, it is a prayer of
radical hope.
Father Steve Cron is the pastor of St. Joseph the Worker parish in Wyoming, MI.
Dimension: Spirituality
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
B-5 The Journey Toward Acceptance of God’s Unconditional and Unmerited Love
Given our human experience growing up, how does one begin to take in the breadth and depth of God’s
love? How do we let go of all those messages we carry around inside our head about the need to earn
that love? How do we come to peace with the parts of ourselves we aren’t so fond of? Drawing from the
writings of Henri Nouwen, Richard Rohr, and Ron Rolheiser we will look at ways to claim this first love,
by growing in our comfort with the person we have been created to be.
Nancy Hardy is the director of faith formation at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Holland. She has an MTS in theology,
a diploma in spirituality from the Jesuit School of Theology, a master’s degree in guidance and counseling. She has been in
parish ministry 36 years and previously spent six years as the diocesan director of parish faith formation in Orange, CA.
Dimension: Spirituality
B-6 How to Plan a Successful Eucharist Retreat for Children
An exploration of the purpose of a retreat as part of the preparation for the sacrament of Eucharist as
well as various forms that a retreat can take dependent on the needs of your community. A practical
approach to determining the content and the schedule for the retreat will be a component of this
workshop as well. Our goal will be for each participant to leave ready to put the points learned into
planning a retreat.
Marinell High is a former DRE at St. Joseph Parish, Dexter, MI and currently serves as director of RCIA and adult
faith formation. She is married to Thomas; they have three children and 10 grandchildren.
Dimension: Methodology
B-7 Partners in Protection: an interdependent approach to internet safety and education for love
Synthesizing the Theology of the Body, Pope Benedict XVI’s theology of love, attachment psychology
and the brain science behind addiction, Father Sean will unpack the Church’s teaching on love, marriage
and human sexuality. Pope Benedict XVI reminded us that “the new evangelization is inseparable from
family life...because it is the human space in which we encounter Christ.” Our efforts to evangelize in
schools and religious education programs can often be stifled by the environment our students face at
home, and more often by the media they are exposed to on television, computers and hand-held devices.
This talk will provide a direction for a continuing conversation about the role we play as religious
educators in both teaching the virtue of chastity and guarding our students against an amoral culture.
Father Sean Kilcawley is the newly appointed director of evangelization and family life for the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Father Kilcawley graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point with a BS degree in Middle East
Studies. After serving three years in active duty Army as an Infantry Officer, he entered Seminary Studies. Father Sean was
assigned to study the human person, marriage and the family at the John Paul II Institute for marriage and family in
Rome, Italy completing a License in Sacred Theology in 2013.
Dimension: Methodology
B-8 The Sinner’s Return to God: Confession, the Eucharist and Prayer
When the soul turns toward God and wishes to unite itself with Him, Satan springs into action. This
workshop not only looks at the most common methods the devil uses to keep us from doing God’s will
but it also focuses on, and will deepen your understanding of, three foolproof ways we can overcome his
traps: 1) regular confession, 2) worthy reception of the Eucharist at Mass, and 3) cultivating the interior
life of prayer. By drawing upon the writings of the Saints, the Gospels, the life of Mary and the teachings
of the popes, this presentation will allow you to view these three interrelated gifts like never before.
Stephen Kokx is a graduate of Aquinas College and Loyola University Chicago. Stephen is currently an adjunct instructor
at Grand Rapids Community College. He has previously worked for the Archdiocese of Chicago’s office for peace and justice.
Dimension: Spirituality
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
B-9 Praying as Jesus Taught Us: Our…
Jesus was a man of prayer. He knew the Hebrew Scriptures, he had a personal relationship with God,
whom he called, “Abba.” We are called to be pray-ers. The Lord’s Prayer offers us a model for praising
and petitioning our grace-ious God by listening, reflecting and responding. By reflecting on each phrase
of this prayer, we hope to come to a better understanding of the appreciation for a variety of prayer styles
whether we are praying “in secret” or with a community of believers. Let us pray together…
Sister Mary Ann Barrett, OP is a Dominican Sister, a member of the Leadership Team for the Grand Rapids Dominican
Sisters. She has ministered as a campus minister and vocation director, and has been involved in retreat work with youth,
young adults and parish communities.
Dimension: Spirituality
B-10 Daily Reconciliation: Loving the ADHD Child
Unfortunately, the struggle of ADHD for the child and for the family or class can leave behind a trail of
painful brokenness. While we will review some typical areas of brokenness, emphasis will be on
reconciling and healing the pain so that “tears may be turned into gladness.” Come be open, receive and
lovingly grow in a spirit of reconciliation.
Peter Birkeland, Ph.D. Has practiced as a clinical psychologist for over 30 years with a specialty in the assessment and
treatment of ADHD. He and his family attend Our Lady of Consolation in Rockford and enjoy catechetical involvement
with youth.
Dimension: Methodology
B-11 Dominican Spirituality and the Soul of an Effective Teacher
“If you are [teaching] how you should be, you’ll set the world on fire!” - St. Catherine of Sienna.
TJ Burdick is a Lay Dominican and catechist from St. Joseph the Worker Parish. He is a columnist at IgnitumToday.com,
author of the books, Teach Like Him and One Body, Many Blogs and soon to be social media director for
Holy Apostles College and Seminary.
Dimension: Spirituality
B-12 Using Small Groups with the VLCFF
Ever want to know how to do effective online small group learning and faith formation? Did you know
that the Diocese of Grand Rapids is a partner with the largest and premier online faith formation program
in the world? Join us for a conversation on effective small group use of the Virtual Learning Community
for Faith Formation.
Richard Drabik has an MA in Theology and is the assistant director for the VLCFF at the University of Dayton. He is
involved in the national level promoting the use of communication technology in its various forms.
Dimension: Methodology
B-13 Understanding Youth
This workshop helps parish leaders understand the developmental changes that young people are
experiencing during early and older adolescence and how these changes affect the type of ministry that
we offer. Participants will also explore how faith changes during these adolescent years and ways that
ministry can address and support these changes.
Cheryl Emmette is currently the youth ministry coordinator and pastoral associate at St. Patrick Parish in Parnell, MI.
Cheryl has worked with adolescents for the past 14 years through her experience being a high school teacher, religious
education catechist, high school youth ministry coordinator, and as a therapist/social worker.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
B-14 Part 1 of 2: The Foundations of Marriage - Marriage in the Old and New Testaments
Marriage cannot be redefined to accommodate whatever sexual preferences one might entertain. In
session one the meaning of marriage is explored in the Old Testament.
Dennis Marshall is a professor of theology at Aquinas College.
Dimension: Theology
B-15 Engaging Youth in Service
Our call in our faith is to go out and be the hands and feet of Christ to each person we come in contact
with! It is essential to teach and give our youth opportunities to go out and serve. Through this
workshop we will discuss practical and meaningful ways to incorporate service opportunities and Catholic
social teaching within your programs.
Beth Lowman is the coordinator of youth ministry and confirmation for St. James Parish in Mason, MI. Previously Beth
worked in the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Some of her passions include: service, working with youth and Catholic social
Dimension: Methodology
B-16 The Sacrament of Conversion and Reconciliation in
“The Christian Family in the Modern World”
The celebration of this sacrament acquires special significance for family life. ...the married couple and
the other members of the family are led to an encounter with God, who is rich in mercy. How, then, do
we strive to be “rich in mercy” that leads to conversion?
Sister Colleen Ann Nagle, FSE, a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist, is a therapist and administrator of the Franciscan
Life Process Center in Lowell and Grand Rapids.
Dimension: Spirituality
B-17 They’ll Know We are Christians by Our Love:
Bringing global action into your ministry or classroom
Through the work of Catholic Relief Services, the love of the Catholic community in the US for our
neighbor is made visible in nearly 100 countries around the world. Catholic Relief Services works outside
the US on issues of poverty, hunger and disease - but also peacebuilding and reconciliation. Learn how to
make the connection in your ministry or classroom with Catholic Relief Services work on the ground with
partners in the Holy Land, Central Africa, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Discover practical resources for
living our faith, here at home, in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.
Deacon Thomas F. Breen III, CRS Global Fellow is a native of Boston, spent most of his career as an evaluator and
researcher in education, mostly in Connecticut but also in Latin America and West Virginia. Ordained in 1986, Tom has
served over 20 years in Spanish-speaking parishes in Hartford and parishes in Manchester and East Hartford, devoting
much of his time since retirement to social justice and CRS.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
B-18 Basic Christian Communities: A Primary Tool for the New Evangelization
Everywhere we turn these days, we hear about the “new evangelization”, about our vocation as Catholic
Christians to evangelize the household of faith, those who have left the Church, as well as those who have
no relationship with Jesus at all. Among the many tools available, there is one so basic, so easily grasped,
and so effective that it has been a feature of the work of the Church from the time of its birth in the first
century up to today: the Basic Christian Community. Come and discover an organic, common-sense
approach designed to harness limited time and resources to reach out to your community. Help your
parish make a difference in your community by creating Eucharistic communities of hope in a world
desperately in need of Jesus.
Tomás Nikkel was born and raised in central Iowa. He holds a BA in Spanish from Calvin College (Grand Rapids)
and an M.Div. from the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX). Tomás was a United
Methodist and Vineyard Church pastor for 20 years. He is a trained missionary educator and has served as an instructor
in Spanish, music and theology at elementary, high school and college levels and has worked with the Michigan migrant
community. Tomás joyfully entered the Roman Catholic Faith at the 2010 Easter Vigil and currently serves the Lansing
Diocese as pastoral associate for evangelization at Cristo Rey Church in Lansing, MI.
Dimension: Methodology
B-19 Inspiring Youth to Mission
Teen mission trips are becoming a common aspect of the overall faith formation experience of
adolescents. This workshop will consider the rationale for such trips, some of the nuts and bolts which
go into planning, and a number of ways youth can report back and inform the parish community which
sent them.
Peter Ries is the RCIA director at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church and Student Center in East
Lansing, MI. He is formerly the director of catechesis and director of evangelization, RCIA and adult faith formation for
the Diocese of Lansing.
Dimension: Methodology
B-20 A is for Acceptance: Teaching as Jesus Did
In this session we will look to our Master Catechist, Jesus, and explore some key characteristics, attitudes
and approaches to instruction. Participants will reflect on how we can imitate these attributes and use
them in our catechetical sessions. We will begin with the A, B, C’s.
Sandy Rigsby is a sales consultant for Saint Mary’s Press and has been involved in catechist formation for over 10 years.
She has published five books on scriptural activities and reflections for youth and adolescents. Sandy and her husband live in
West Bloomfield.
Dimension: Methodology
B-21 Cultivating Compassion in Your Classroom
Participants will explore the meaning of compassion as lived by Jesus. There will be opportunity to
explore and dialogue about pragmatic ways that will cultivate compassion as it relates to the sacrament
of reconciliation.
Sister Ann Walters, OP is a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister who comes with the experience of teaching elementary religion
classes for some 19 years, a formator of women preparing for vowed religious life, a trainer in empathic listening. Her present
primary ministry is companioning others on their faith journey as a spiritual director.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
B-22 Prayer Forms (Inspiring Adults to Pray)
“Prayer Forms” could mean methods of prayer; it could also suggest that we are formed (changed and
deepened) by how, when and why we pray. We will explore both realities as well as looking at possible
adult faith formation opportunities about prayer and a myriad of examples of ways of praying whenever
adults gather at the parish (and suggestions for their 24/7 lives).
Janet Schaeffler, OP, former director of adult faith formation for the archdiocese of Detroit, is a retreat and workshop
presenter and the author of several books and articles, including a monthly e-newsletter on effective practices in adult faith
formation. Janet is included as a person who has made a significant contribution to religious education in the North
American context by the Christian Educator of the 21st Century Project, Talbot School of Theology.
Dimension: Spirituality
B-23 Praying with Body, Mind and Spirit: Renewed in Christ
It is our connection with Christ, whether through the Sacrament of Reconciliation or personal prayer,
that keeps renewing us for the challenges of daily life. Yet, often prayer is the first thing to go when we
get busy. Whether you are in need of refreshment yourself or are seeking ideas for working with the adults
of your parish, come and refresh body and soul with this holistic approach to personal prayer. Deepen
your experience with God by using Scripture, movement, music, and guided meditation to pray. Basic
movements will be taught which can be done by anyone, regardless of experience or physical limitation.
All are invited to relax, reflect, and be renewed!
Janene Ternes is a commissioned spiritual director from the Ann Arbor area and founded Prayer in Motion, LLC in 2003.
She has developed and presented a variety of workshops and individualized programs which teach and inspire holistic forms of
prayer for people of all ages. Janene’s goal is to help others experience their connection with God, leading to a more peaceful,
joyful and fulfilled life. Find out more about the ministry of Prayer in Motion by visiting www.prayer-in-motion.com.
Dimension: Spirituality
B-24 Teaching the Sacrament of Reconciliation to Children
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a real gift of God’s love and forgiveness. It is a joyful and freeing
experience. Can each of us say that from our own experience? As we sometimes struggle with our own
guilty feelings about taking frequent advantage of this Sacrament, how can we teach children to do so?
This workshop will explore ways to help children love and treasure this Sacrament. The society in which
we live has neutralized the concept of sin in many ways. How this happens will be addressed, as well as
the so called “slippery slope.” Examples of examinations of conscience for different age levels will be
Sister Ann Frances Thompson, FSE, is a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist teaching religion and music at Divine
Providence Academy. She is a master catechist in the Diocese of Grand Rapids, MI, holds an MA in musicology from the
University of Michigan, and is a certified teacher in the State of Michigan.
Dimension: Methodology
B-25 Part 1 of 2: Teen Dating Violence 101
One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a
dating partner - nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide each year. In this session, you will learn
about teen dating violence: the statistics, frequent behaviors of teen abusers, warning signs of abuse, the
long-term effects of teen dating violence, and how to respond to an incident of teen dating violence. This
session is modeled after the training Safe Haven offers to high schools and youth groups.
Tara Aday is the prevention and education manager at Safe Haven Ministries, where she develops and leads trainings on
responding to and preventing domestic violence and teen dating violence. Tara has extensive experience working with an array
of audiences, including faith leaders, youth groups, middle and high schools, educators, and administrators.
Dimension: Methodology
B-26 Come Follow Me - The Challenge of Being a Disciple
See description at C-15
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Session C | 3:15-4:30 p.m.
Sesión C | 3:15-4:30 p.m.
C-1 Parte 2 de 2: Lucas, Evangelista de la Ternura de Dios
El evangelio de San Lucas es un evangelio que nos habla muy de cerca sobre el tema de la misericordia.
Este taller esta dividido en dos parte, durante la primera parte haremos una breve presentación general
sobre los temas más importantes que desarrolla San Lucas en su evangelio y en una segunda parte
dedicaremos tiempo en presentar algunos pasajes que nos ayuden a entender que Jesus es el Señor que
actúa en nuestra vida mediante la misericordia y como Jesus nos revela y nos presenta el rostro
misericordioso de Dios Padre. A través de la lectura de este evangelio nosotros podremos responder a la
pregunta ¿Dónde puedo yo encontrarme con el Señor de la misericordia?
Juan Carlos Farias-Gonzalez es el director del ministerio Hispano para la Diócesis de Grand Rapids, MI. Previamente
estuvo trabajando para la Arquidiócesis de Chicago como parte del personal de la oficina para la catequesis y el ministerio
juvenil donde desarrollo carias responsabilidades por más de 16 años.
Dimensión: Teología
C-2 Las Comunidades Básicas Cristianas: Herramienta Idónea para la Nueva Evangelización
Hoy en día todos hablan de la “Nueva Evangelización” y de nuestra vocación como Católicos al
evangelismo de todos - los de nuestra familia, al igual que los que han abandonado la Iglesia y los que no
tienen ningún conocimiento del Señor Jesus. Entra las muchas herramientas a nuestro alcance en esta
labor, hay una tan básica, tan fácilmente comprendida y tan eficaz que ha sido parte integral de la misión
de la Iglesia en el mundo desde su inicio con los Apóstoles hasta hoy: La Comunidad Básica Cristiana.
Venga a descubrir un método orgánico y facil de adquirir cuyo con máximo impacto aún con mínimas
cantidades tiempo y recursos. Aprenda como revitalizar su parroquia con comunidades eucarísticas,
capullos de esperanza en medio mundo desesperado por escuchar la Buena Nueva!
Original del estado de Iowa, Tomás es Licenciado en Literatura Castellana (Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI) y Maestro
de Divinidades (Universidad Metodista del Sur, Dallas, TX). Fue pastor ordenado en varias iglesias Metodistas y
Carismáticas durante más de 20 años. Capacitado como educador y misionero, ha desempañado papeles como maestro del
Español, de música y de teología en todos los niveles y ha disfrutado diversas experiencias de ministerio pastoral con la
comunidad Hispana como intérprete, consultor, mentor y director espiritual. Tras un proceso de conversión a la fe Católica a
lo largo de una década, Tomás fue iniciado en los sagrados misterios en la Vigilia Pascual del 2010. Desde el 2013, sirve
en la Diócesis de Lansing como el Asociado Pastoral para la Nueva Evangelización en la Iglesia Cristo Rey.
Dimensión: Metodología
C-3 La preparación para celebrar por primera vez el Sacramento de Reconciliación de niños y niñas
requiere la participación de los Padres de Familia
La participación de los Padres de familia en la preparación de la Primera Reconciliación de niños y niñas es
necesaria. Al preparar a los niños debemos tener en cuenta que El Sacramento de Reconciliación es un
Don de Dios dado con generosidad por un dios compasivo y amoroso, que quiere que crezcamos en el
amor. Requiere mirar con cuidado nuestra vida y nuestra relaciones. El Sacramento de Reconciliación es
una bendición que restaura la paz y la armonía en nuestras relaciones en familia, y con las demás personas. ?Cual es el deber de la familia en la preparación a la recepción de este Sacramento?
Sister Guadalupe Moreno CCVI es coordinadora del ministerio Hispano del decanato Noroeste de la Diócesis de Grand
Rapids. Tiene Maestría en Pedagogía y psicología. 26 anos de experiencia trabajando en ministerio Hispano.
Dimensiónón: Metodología
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
C-4 Ellos sabrán que somos Cristianos por nuestro amor:
implementando una acción global en su ministerio o salón de clase.
A través del trabajo de Catholic Relief Services, el amor de la comunidad católica de los EE.UU. por el
prójimo se hace visible en casi 100 países de todo el mundo. Catholic Relief Services trabaja fuera de
los EE.UU. en los problemas de la pobreza, el hambre y la enfermedad - sino también la construcción.
Aprende a hacer el vinculo en su ministerio o en el aula con el trabajo de Catholic Relief Services con
sus socios en la Tierra Santa, África Central, Afganistán y otros lugares. Descubra recursos prácticos
para vivir nuestra fe, aquí en el país, en solidaridad con nuestros hermanos y hermanas de
todo el mundo.
Diácono Thomas F. Breen III, Socio Mundial de CRS. El Diácono Tom, nativo de Boston, pasó la mayor parte de su
Carrera como un evaluador e investigador en educación, sobre todo en Connecticut sino también en América Latina y
West Virginia. Ordenado diácono en 1986, Tom ha servido más de 20 años en parroquias donde se habla español en la
ciudad de Hartford y en parroquias de Manchester y East Hartford, dedicando la gran parte de su tiempo desde su retiro
a la justicia social y CRS.
C-5 Keeping the WORD While Teaching the Word
Practical and inspiring ways to find ourselves refreshed by the Living Word as we are tasked to
proclaim and teach it to others. This workshop is a mini-retreat for all those who serve in ministry.
Todd Gale is a husband, father and convert to the Catholic Faith who works at Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish
in Jackson.
Dimension: Spirituality
C-6 Planning a First Eucharist Retreat that Involves Parents
Most parishes are offering a First Eucharist Retreat as part of the preparation process. How do you
involve parents in a meaningful way so that they learn and present to their child? This workshop will
offer some practical ways to involve both children and parents in hands-on reflective activities that
foster understanding of and participation in Sunday Worship.
Nancy Hardy is the director of faith formation at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Holland. She works with Debbie
Kraus, the preschool/elementary faith formation coordinator and Mary Ann Hensley, the family/parent faith formation
coordinator. Between them they have over 75 years of experience in catechetical ministry.
Dimension: Methodology
C-7 How to Plan a Successful Reconciliation Retreat for Children
An exploration of the purpose of a retreat as part of the preparation for the sacrament of
Reconciliation as well as various forms that a retreat can take dependent on the needs of your
community. A practical approach to determining the content and the schedule for the retreat will be a
component of this workshop as well. Our goal will be for each participant to leave ready to put the
points learned into planning a retreat.
Marinell High is a former DRE at St. Joseph Parish, Dexter, MI and currently serves as director of RCIA and adult
faith formation. She is married to Thomas; they have three children and 10 grandchildren.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
C-8 Partners in Protection: an interdependent approach to internet safety and education for love
Synthesizing the Theology of the Body, Pope Benedict XVI’s theology of love, attachment psychology
and the brain science behind addiction, Fr. Sean will unpack the Church’s teaching on love, marriage and
human sexuality. Pope Benedict XVI reminded us that “The new evangelization is inseparable from
family life...because it is the human space in which we encounter Christ.” Our efforts to evangelize in
schools and religious education programs can often be stifled by the environment our students face at
home, and more often by the media they are exposed to on television, computers and hand-held devices.
This talk will provide a direction for a continuing conversation about the role we play as religious
educators in both teaching the virtue of chastity and guarding our students against an amoral culture.
Fr. Sean Kilcawley is the newly appointed director of evangelization and family life for the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Fr. Kilcawley graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point with a BS degree in Middle East Studies.
After serving three years in active duty Army as an Infantry Officer he entered Seminary Studies. Father Sean was assigned
to study the human person, marriage and the family at the John Paul II Institute for marriage and family in Rome, Italy
completing a license in Sacred Theology in 2013.
Dimension: Methodology
C– 9 Drawing Closer to God: Spiritual Advice from St. Alphonsus
By relying on the wisdom of St. Alphonsus, this presentation will provide concrete answers to the
questions all of us have asked at some point during our spiritual journey. Some of the questions we will
look at include: Why do I commit the same sins over and over? How do I grow in holiness? Can I know
for certain that I am doing God’s will? What is the best way to converse with and, ultimately, draw closer
to God?
Stephen Kokx is a graduate of Aquinas College and Loyola University Chicago, he is currently an adjunct instructor at
Grand Rapids Community College. He has previously worked for the Archdiocese of Chicago’s office for peace and justice.
Dimension: Spirituality
C– 10 What Youth and Young Adults Want to Hear
What is missing in the lives of our middle-school and high-school youth and college-and-beyond young
adults? A look at the words of encouragement and recognition that these young men and women need in
order to become leaders in the Church and reach their full potential.
Rachel Krug is passionate about working with middle- and high school aged youth as a youth minister at Holy Redeemer
Parish, Jenison.
Dimension: Methodology
C-11 Praying as Jesus Taught Us: Our…
Jesus was a man of prayer. He knew the Hebrew Scriptures, he had a personal relationship with God,
whom he called, “Abba.” We are called to be pray-ers. The Lord’s Prayer offers us a model for praising
and petitioning our grace-ious God by listening, reflecting and responding. By reflecting on each phrase
of this prayer, we hope to come to a better understanding of the appreciation for a variety of prayer styles
whether we are praying “in secret” or with a community of believers. Let us pray together…
Sister Mary Ann Barrett, OP is a Dominican Sister, a member of the Leadership Team for the Grand Rapids Dominican
Sisters. She has ministered as a campus minister and vocation director, and has been involved in retreat work with youth,
young adults and parish communities.
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
C-12 Daily Reconciliation: Loving the ADHD Child
Unfortunately, the struggle of ADHD for the child and for the family or class can leave behind a trail of
painful brokenness. While we will review some typical areas of brokenness, emphasis will be on
reconciling and healing the pain so that “tears may be turned into gladness.” Come be open, receive and
lovingly grow in a spirit of reconciliation.
Peter Birkeland, Ph.D. Has practiced as a clinical psychologist for over 30 years with a specialty in the assessment and
treatment of ADHD. He and his family attend Our Lady of Consolation in Rockford and enjoy catechetical involvement
with youth.
Dimension: Methodology
C-13 Understanding Youth
This workshop helps parish leaders understand the developmental changes that young people are
experiencing during early and older adolescence and how these changes affect the type of ministry that
we offer. Participants will also explore how faith changes during these adolescent years and ways that
ministry can address and support these changes.
Cheryl Emmette is currently the youth ministry coordinator and pastoral associate at St. Patrick Parish in Parnell, MI.
Cheryl has worked with adolescents for the past 14 years through her experience being a high school teacher, religious
education catechist, high school youth ministry coordinator, and as a therapist/social worker.
Dimension: Methodology
C-14 Being Tech Savvy: Tools for Us, and How Young People Use Technology
Being able to understand the technology being used by young people today can be a useful tool in being
pastorally present with them. Also, technology can be a huge help to us in being more productive,
relevant, and engaging as ministers of the Catholic Church. In this workshop we will discuss technology
tools for ministry and the technology the young people are using today.
Dave Laidlaw is director of youth ministry at Our Lady of the Lake in Holland, MI. He has been working
professionally in youth ministry for six years and spent six years before that as a youth ministry volunteer.
Dimension: Methodology
C-15 Come Follow Me - The Challenge of Being a Disciple
“Come Follow Me” is the invitation Jesus gives to each of us. How do we live out this challenge to be a
disciple? Each account of the Gospel outlines a slightly different way to live out our discipleship, our
workspirituality. This presentation will identify the main themes of discipleship found in the gospel and help
shop is
you discover which spirituality most fits your life today. Please bring Bibles to this workshop.
to the B Ron Lamping is currently a senior sales representative for RCL Benziger, and also worked as a senior editor on many
products at RCLB. Ron was a junior high teacher and also a DRE in his hometown of Cincinnati, OH. He holds a
sign up
for B-26 Masters in religious education and also a M.Ed. Degree.
Dimension: Spirituality
C-16 God Remembers
God’s remembrance of the lowly and the marginalized: women, children and Immigrants is eternal.
This workshop explores the Good News for the hurts and problems faced by women, children and
Father Marcos Zamora, CSP is a Paulist Priest who is at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew. He is also an instructor at the
Catholic Information Center.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
C-17 Family Prayer/Educators in Prayer in Familiaris Consortio, St. John Paul II
Explore opportunities as parents to teach by leading prayer for your family. Your example of honesty in
thought and action, joined to some common prayer, is a lesson for life; an act of worship of singular
value. In this way you bring peace to your homes. Remember, it is thus that you build up the Church.
Sister Colleen Ann Nagle, FSE, is a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist. She is the director of the Franciscan Life Process
Center in Lowell as well as in Grand Rapids. Sister is a counselor and a frequent speaker in parishes.
C-18 Part 2 of 2: The Foundations of Marriage: Marriage in the Old and New Testaments
Marriage cannot be redefined to accommodate whatever sexual preferences one might entertain. In
session one you looked at the meaning of marriage in the Old Testament. This workshop will continue
exploring the meaning of Marriage in the New Testament.
Dennis Marshall is a Professor of Theology at Aquinas College.
Dimension: Theology
C-19 The Social Teaching of Pope Francis
Pope Francis has brought a fresh approach to expressing the Church’s teachings in the area of social
justice. This has caused some controversy both within and outside the Church. Come consider some of
his major themes and how each might be a personal challenge to be wrestled with.
Peter Ries is the RCIA director at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church and Student Center in East
Lansing, MI. He is formerly the director of catechesis and director of evangelization, RCIA and adult faith formation for
the Diocese of Lansing.
Dimension: Professional Theology
C-20 Storytelling a Powerful Teaching Tool
Storytelling is a powerful teaching tool; just look at what our youth learn from the movies and TV. This
workshop provides practical and hands-on techniques to share bible stories and our own testimonies with
students in a manner that reflects and encourages full participation in our rich Catholic heritage. With a
3-part story preparation formula, the use of props, and several other formats, participants will feel more
comfortable returning home or to the classroom prepared to break open the mysteries of our faith
through the sharing of a simple story.
Jessica Schaub is a former teacher and current homeschooling mom of four from Grand Rapids, but is now living in Lansing.
She is the author of three books and speaks extensively about storytelling, writing and sharing faith.
Dimension: Methodology
C-21 Part 2 of 2 - Moving Beyond Awareness: Institutionalizing Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Building off the foundational learning of Part 1 (B-25), this session will move beyond awareness building
and begin to look at ways organizations can institutionalize the prevention of teen dating violence.
Participants will learn about a primary prevention model for teen dating violence, including tangible ways
they can incorporate violence prevention into their day-to-day work. Participants will also learn about
new collaborative efforts being offered by Safe Haven to train adult and youth advocates in this
movement, using a train-the-trainer model.
* While attendance during Part 1 is not mandatory, it is highly recommended.
Tara Aday is the prevention and education manager at Safe Haven Ministries, where she develops and leads trainings on
responding to and preventing domestic violence and teen dating violence. Tara has extensive experience working with an array
of audiences, including faith leaders, youth groups, middle and high schools, educators and administrators.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
C-22 The Hallway in Between
When we experience life’s struggles, well meaning people often say, “Don’t worry; when one door closes,
another opens.” That may be true, but how do we get through the time we spend in the hallway between?
This presentation will employ scripture, humor, story, discussion and song as a means of helping all
participants to survive that time in the hallway.
Mary Vaccaro serves as a spiritual care coordinator for Gentiva hospice and adjunct professor of Theology and Women’s
Studies at Aquinas College. In September 2013, she founded “A Good Word Said Well”, through which she does public
speaking, writing and leads life celebrations. Mary holds a BA in Religious Studies from Aquinas College, a MA in
Pastoral Ministry from Boston College and a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Dominican Center in Grand Rapids.
Dimension: Theology
C-23 Cultivating Compassion in Your Classroom
Participants will explore the meaning of compassion as lived by Jesus. There will be opportunity to
explore and dialogue about pragmatic ways that will cultivate compassion as it relates to the sacrament
of reconciliation.
Sister Ann Walters, OP is a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister who comes with the experience of teaching elementary religion
classes for some 19 years, a formator of women preparing for vowed religious life, a trainer in empathic listening. Her present
primary ministry is companioning others on their faith journey as a spiritual director.
Dimension: Methodology
C-24 Catholic Program Resources
Catholic program and activities for all Catholic youth (scouts and non-scouts), their families and youth
ministers. From the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS), this workshop will introduce you
to the 1) rosary patch series, 2) Marian series, 3) Footsteps of American Saints, 4) International Catholic
Awareness and from the Grand Rapids Diocese Catholic Committee (GRCCS) 5) Bishop Baraga
Missionary Trail Award.
Deacon Leo Ferguson, diocesan scouting chaplain and pastoral associate at St. Anthony of Padua, Grand Rapids, has been
involved in Catholic Scouting for over 50 years.
Mr. Scott Harvey, chair of GRCCS, is a parishioner at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Belmont. He serves as
the national representative for he US to the International Catholic Conference on Scouting.
Dimension: Methodology
C-25 Answering Protestant Objections to the Apocrypha
Protestants often object to the presence of the Apocrypha as part of the Sacred Scriptures. Learn what
those objections are and how you can respond to them in a gracious and intelligent manner. We will also
cover the positive case that the Deuterocanonical books do belong in the Christian canon.
Louis McBride has worked for 14 years at Baker Book House as the Bible buyer for the store. He is involved in buying,
selling and staff training for all things Bible related.
Dimension: Theology
C-26 A Parent says YES! To the sacrament of Reconciliation for their child
Preparation for the parent to share a lifetime of regular participation of God’s love and mercy in the
sacrament of Reconciliation. A how-to for adults not only about cognitive learning but also spiritual
preparation. The workshop will focus on a Parent Retreat in preparation for their child’s celebration of
the sacrament. Help parents (re)-discover their unique ability to teach, guide and model the practice of the
Claudia Dombrowski has been a director of faith formation and catechetics for 21 years; 15 years at her current parish;
RCIA coordinator as well as extraordinary minister of the Eucharist and lector at St. Paul of Tarsus in Clinton Township.
Wife of 45 years to Ken, mother of four and grandmother of 5. This workshop is provided by Sadlier.
Dimension: Methodology
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Exhibitors | Exhibiciones
Aquinas College
Brenda Hennink
[email protected]
Baker Book House
Louis McBride
[email protected]
Cards by Anne
Kathy Kovak
[email protected]
Catholic Distance University
Catholic Information Center
Kelly McLaughlin
[email protected]
Catholic Word
Peggy Galus
[email protected]
Covenant Eyes, Inc.
Ryan Foley
[email protected]
Deirdre’s Handcrafted Jewelry
Kathy Kovack
[email protected]
Dominican Center at Marywood
Emily Wcisel
[email protected]
DYMO Ministries
FAITH Magazine
Cami Beecroft
[email protected]
Franciscan Life Process Center
Sister Colleen Ann Nagle FSE
[email protected]
Grand Rapids Catholic
Committee on Scouting
Scott Harvey
[email protected]
Holy Family Radio
Lisa Brown
[email protected]
Jessica Schaub Books &
Rosary Bracelets by Janie
Jessica Schaub & Janie Wood
[email protected]
Life Teen
Chris Epplett
[email protected]
Lighthouse Catholic Media
Tom Carpenter
[email protected]
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Exhibitors | Exhibiciones
Loyola Press
Kathy Shanley
[email protected]
Michigan Church Supply
Dawn Sumner
[email protected]
National Pastoral MusiciansGrand Rapids Chapter
Pamela McKenzie
[email protected]
Office of Pastoral Services
Mary Pereira
[email protected]
Our Sunday Visitor
Tammy Healy
[email protected]
Pflaum Publishing
Matt Lekan
[email protected]
Prayer in Motion
Janene Ternes
[email protected]
RCL Benziger
Paul Schroeder
[email protected]
Retrouvaille—Help for Marriages
Pat Arnold
[email protected]
Dennis Burgio
[email protected]
Saint Mary’s Press
Sandy Rigsby
[email protected]
University of Dayton
Virtual Learning Community
For Faith Formation
Richard Drabik
[email protected]
Women at Risk International
Krystal Meekhof
[email protected]
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Notes | Notas
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference
Directions to West Catholic High School
1801 Bristol Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
From the northwest (Ludington/lakeshore): Follow US-31 south toward Muskegon. Merge onto I-96 east
(exit 110a) toward Grand Rapids/Lansing. Take the Walker Ave (exit 28). Turn right onto Walker Ave NW.
Follow Walker Ave 0.3 miles and then turn left onto 3 Mile Rd NW. Follow 3 Mile Rd east to Bristol Ave NW
and turn right. Follow Bristol Ave NW for 1.3 miles. West Catholic High School is on the right.
From the northeast (Reed City/Big Rapids): Follow US-131 south toward Grand Rapids. Merge onto I-96
west (via exit 89b) toward Muskegon. Follow I-96 west 1.4 miles to Alpine Ave. Take the Alpine Ave south exit
(exit 30a). Merge onto Alpine Ave NW and travel south 0.3 mile to 3 Mile Rd NW. Turn right onto 3 Mile Rd
west for 1.0 mile. Turn left onto Bristol Ave NW and follow for 1.3 miles. West Catholic High School is
on the right.
From the southwest (Holland): Take I-196 east toward Grand Rapids. Take exit 76 toward Lane Ave.
Immediately turn slight left onto 1st St. NW and then turn left onto Lane Ave NW. Turn left onto 2nd St NW.
Follow 0.4 mile and then turn right onto Valley Ave NW. Follow for 0.7 miles and then turn left onto Walker Ave
NW. Follow for a 1/2 mile and turn right onto Bristol Ave NW. Follow Bristol Ave NW ½ mile north. West
Catholic High School is on the left.
From the east (Portland/Ionia): Follow I-96 west to Grand Rapids. Take the Alpine Ave south exit (exit 30a).
Merge onto Alpine Ave NW and travel south 0.3 mile to 3 Mile Rd. Turn right onto 3 Mile Rd west for 1 mile.
Turn left onto Bristol Ave NW and follow for 1.3 miles. West Catholic High School is on the right.
Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference

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