2941 Sam Nelson Road , Canton, Georgia 30114


2941 Sam Nelson Road , Canton, Georgia 30114
8:00 and 10:30 am in English
5:30pm en español
2941 Sam Nelson Road , Canton, Georgia 30114
770.479.8923 tel
770.479.6025 fax www.lasalettecanton.com
March 31, 2013
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Rev. Victor J. Reyes, Pastor
[email protected]
Deacon Charlie Carignan
[email protected]
Deacon John Stanley
[email protected]
Lonnie Naylor, Music
[email protected]
Martha Vahanian, Religious Education
[email protected]
María Pérez, Educación Religiosa
[email protected]
Robert Mitchell, RCIA
[email protected]
Macrina Delgado, RICA
[email protected]
Bob Rush, Parish Administrator
[email protected]
Lucia Martin, Bookkeeping
[email protected]
Louise Baker, Maintenance
[email protected]
OLOL St Vincent dePaul Conference
[email protected]
Mike Ditty, Finance Council
Thomas Kelleher, Building Commission
Ellen Brown, Women’s Guild
[email protected] (678-493-4841)
Randall Johnson, Knights of Columbus
[email protected] (770-380-1318)
Dottie Johnson, KofC Ladies’ Auxiliary
[email protected] (770-367-3702)
Barbara Crosson, Stephen Ministry
[email protected] (404-567-0157)
Drew Shurmantine, Ultreya--Cursillo
[email protected]
Bulletin/ Web Site Announcements
bulletineditor@ lasalettecanton.com
Domingo de Pascua del Resurrección del Señor
March 31, 2013
Domingo de Pascua del Resurrección
Resurrecci n del Señor
Page 2
Welcome to our parish!
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra parroquia!
We are glad that you chose to worship with us.
Nos complace que haya elegido celebrar con nosotros.
If you would like to join our parish, please ask one
of the ushers for a ‘Newcomer packet’.
Fill out the registration form and either return it to
an usher, mail it or bring it to the parish office.
Si usted desea unirse a nuestra parroquia, por favor
pregunte a uno de los acomodadores por un ‘Paquete
para nuevos’. Llene el formulario de inscripción y, o bien
devuélvalo a un acomodador, envíelo por correo o tráigalo a la
oficina parroquial.
God Bless!
¡Dios los Bendiga!
Stewardship of Prayer
For our Mass Intentions:...
Saturday, March 30
9:00pm Pro populo
Sunday, March 31
8:00am Guy Herek (RIP)
10:30am Sandra Jarvis (RIP)
5:30pm George Marcheschi (RIP)
Tuesday, April 2
9::00am Communion Service
Wednesday, April 3
6:30pm Imelda Jarrett (L)
Thursday, April 4
9:00am Monteen Varnadore (RIP)
Saturday, April 6
5:30pm Gerald Crosby (RIP)
Sunday, April 7
8:00am Pro populo
10:30am Linda Boyette (RIP)
5:30pm Lou Deluca (RIP)
In Need Of A Prayer? If you or a member of
your family is in need of a prayer, or has been
hospitalized or is homebound, please inform
the parish staff. Call the office or e-mail us at
[email protected]. Also, we
have a Prayer Request book in the back of
the church. These requests will be remembered in prayer during Adoration on Wednesdays.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Wednesday 12:00pm to 6:30pm
We need guardians for every hour.
To volunteer please call
Leslie Beal at 678-925-0748
or Alicia Azula at: 770- 720-6940
Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento
Todos los Miércoles de 12:00pm a 6:30pm
Necesitamos adoradores.
Por favor llamen a Alicia Azula 770-720-6940
We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer… So, we pray ...
Prayers are powerful and important for those in our parish community who are ill or
need our support. We ask you to help us keep the list current by renewing the prayer
request weekly and by letting us know when the person has recovered. In an effort to
ensure our prayer request list is up to date, at the end of each month we will remove
anyone from the list for whom we do not have a current request. Thank you for your
cooperation and your prayers for our parishioners in need.
For our sick and all in need of healing…
Imelda Jarrett, Roberta Solomon, William “Bud” Pixler, Tyler West, Nancy Garner, Edwin
Cronk, Lisa LaFaver, Mary Bonnici, Dennis Larson, Michael Larson, Robert Racine, Caiden,
Donna Bryan, Charles Elliott, Micah Zimmer, Betty Culbreth, Parrie Pinyan, Helen Marshall,
Vicky Murphy Darvish,
For those who serve...
Ryan Halloran, Ben Ball, Michael Fielder, Jeff Goodwin, WOI Martin McCloud,
Rick Savage, Jullian Walker, Julie Key, John A. Minnich, Kasey Mortilaro, Matt
Larson, Brandon Larson, Brandon West, Adam Tokarski, Cody Bilodeau, Nelson “Eddie”
Rivera, Rachel & Scott Palmer.
The Most Reverend David Prescott Talley
Episcopal Ordination
April 2nd
Tuesday of Easter
Cathedral of Christ the King
Our prayers and best wishes in his new ministry.
Nuestras oraciones y Buenos deseos en su nuevo ministerio
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Nuestra comprensión y apreciación de la resurrección debe
comenzar con la tumba vacía. No
tenemos ningún testigo de la
resurrección, tenemos la tumba
vacía anunciando la realidad de
la muerte y para nosotros gente
de fe la realidad de la resurrección. La tumba vacía nos lleva a
creer. La tumba vacía anuncia la
buena nueva de que Jesús está
vivo, resucitado de entre los
muertos. La tumba vacía nos da a
conocer que nosotros también
estamos vivos para Dios en
Cristo Jesús.
Al abrazar el significado de la
tumba vacía nos damos cuenta de
cómo el Señor resucitado viene a
nosotros actuando en medio de
nosotros e impulsándonos a actuar. El Señor ha resucitado, el Señor está activo. Su presencia
esta a nuestro alrededor donde y cuando menos lo esperamos
—en una dulce sonrisa, en una mano que ayuda, en la bondad
y la generosidad de la familia, de los amigos y vecinos y también en el extranjero entre nosotros.
Quizá no entendemos esta realidad del Señor resucitado y,
sin embargo seguimos cantando Aleluya, porque sabemos en
nuestra experiencia de vida y de fe que a través de su misterio
pascual él nos ha hecho libres. ¡Muriendo destruyó nuestra
muerte y resucitando nos devuelve la vida ...! Su resurrección disipa las tinieblas del pecado y la muerte, pero no la
obligación de cada cristiano de morir a sí mismo, ni la obligación de continuar regresando a la tumba vacía.
La gloria de la Pascua nos enseña que nosotros que compartimos la muerte también compartimos la resurrección. Por
lo tanto, compartir en la resurrección implica que debemos
identificarnos con el acto de amor supremo de Jesús. Debemos entregarnos a los demás para los demás. Nuestro misterio
pascual —cantando Aleluya aun cuando morimos a nosotros
mismos delante de la tumba vacía, que promete una nueva
vida nueva y elevada en Cristo Jesús.
e 3
Our understanding and appreciation of the resurrection must
begin with the empty tomb. We
do not have any witnesses to
the resurrection; we have the
empty tomb announcing the
reality of death and for us people of faith the reality of resurrection. The empty tomb brings
us to believe. The empty tomb
announces the good news that
Jesus is alive, risen from the
dead. The empty tomb leads us
to know that we too are alive
for God in Christ Jesus.
As we embrace the meaning
of the empty tomb we realize
how the risen Lord comes to us
acting in our midst and prompting us to act. The Lord is risen,
the Lord is active. His risen
presence all around us where and when we least expect it —in a gentle smile, in a helping hand, in the
goodness and generosity of family, friends and
neighbors and also in the stranger among us.
We may not understand this reality of the risen
Lord and yet we continue to sing Alleluia because we
know in our experience of life and faith that through
his paschal mystery he has made us free. Dying he
destroyed our death and rising he restored our
life...! His resurrection dispels the darkness of sin
and death but not the requirement of every Christian
to die to self, nor the requirement to keep coming to
the empty tomb.
Easter glory teaches us that we who share dying
also share the resurrection. A share in the resurrection implies that we must identify with Jesus’ supreme act of love. We must give ourselves over to
others for others. Our paschal mystery —singing
Alleluia even as we die to ourselves in front of the
empty tomb that promises new risen life in Christ
Paschal Vespers — Vísperas Pascuales
The Easter Triduum ends with the Easter Vespers. This celebration is for all of us a ritual recalling of the paschal sacraments.
We gather again around the fire and then process to the Baptismal Font with the Newly Baptized
El Triduo Pascual culmina con las Visperas de Pascua. Esta celebración es para todos nosotros un memorial de los sacramentos pascuales.
Nos reunimos alrededor del fuego y vamos en procesión a la Fuente Bautismal con los Recién Bautizados
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection —- Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección
March 31, 2013
Domingo de Pascua del Resurrección
Resurrecci n del Señor
Page 4
Thank you to everyone who donated towards our Easter Flowers.
Gracias a todos los que donaron hacia las flores de Pascua.
In Memory of
Anthony Iovino
Iovino, Godino,
Canarella &
Serena Wehnel
Furman Family
Rita & John Gibbons
Agustin Gonzalez
Cotter & Toti Families
Alton E. Korff
Emma Herrera
Antonia Toribio
Bartolo F.J. Mateo Gosulez
Abelino Andrez Puac
Anthony Acito
Rose & Louis Lombardi
McDonald & Lundgard Families
Patricia Long
Jill Joanne Taylor Langhi
Beverly, Gene, Rocky, Samm Berretta
Larry Newman
Bill Pennebaker
David McDonald
Triston Eaton
Anthony & Marie Pilcer
Ken & Sandy Dixon
Gerald Crosby
Monteen Varnadore
Lou DeLuca
Linda Boyette
Halloran & Wood Families
Blandino “Ben” Cespon
Lorenzo P. Di Fabrizio
John U. Zweers
Ivy & James Deering
Pay & Chris Haynes
Peg & Charles Huefner
Pete & Steve Huefner
Lou Wiederhold
Billie Poon
Tom & Helen Collins
Zane Collins
Harold & Jeanette Shiver
Jessica McCartney
Henry Muller
Dennis Evenson
Fern Marcum
En Memoria de
Frank & Anna May Ratajski
Nellie Espinoza
Modesto Avalos
George Marcheschi
Angela & Augustine Piazza
Mary & Charles Grella
Daniel & Silas Garnsey
Mulholland & Brown Families
Donald Johnson
Ma-Haydee de Fernandez
Anna Young
Betty & Marge Diamond
Mary McCann
Lois Ann Rodky
Mr. & Mrs. George Little
Dianne Kirby
Erven Beal
Joan Rooksby
Lindsay Kendziora
Adele Kendziora
Leona Skowronski
Tom Taylor
Anne Haines
William & Virginia Beck
Babula/Horton Parents
Thomas & Sarah Smith
Matthew Smith
Edmond & Cecilian Lapointe
Thomas & Katherine Kelleher
Joan Kelleher
John & Beatrice Utts
Schuts & Lehr Family
Ann & Andrew Discenzo
Tirelli & Ryzkiewicz Families
Rhina Castillo
Jose Casanova
Seguin & Mikill Families
Mikell & Callahan Families
Maruice & Mary Ellen Peters
Virgil R. Smith
Jessica Kerckhof
Kathleen Hatcher
Kump & Klug Families
Costlow/Chunta Family
James C. Rex
Bill Beaudoin
Roselyn Trimble
Edward & Monica Dahl
Tom & Eileen
Anne & John
Florence & Edwin Warnke
Mike, Helen & Paul
Cecil Michael Gibbs Earle
Marcelina Salazar
Joanne Montoro
Dora Urbaez
Norsa Urbaez
M/M James Fenley
Darlene Miekle
Deceased Wadleigh relatives
Patricia Bacon
Joe & Erleine Tofani
Frances Bien
Nunzia Carozza
Lemons, Holthouser, Fink &
Greenbaum Families
Our Soldiers
Joe W. Morris
Pat Dugas
George & Mary Alice Klenke
Gary Hallett
Leon C. Pierro
Lillian Tokarski
Jane Tuma
Victoria & Col. Carlisle B. Cox, Sr.
Nancy Cox & Carlisle B. Cox, Jr.
Bo & Judy Cox
Ursula Gavitsky
Art & Gail Brown
Dorothy Krecl
CJ & Eleanor TemBarge
Jack & Dot Cornell
Rufina Figueroa
Maria Ade Fernandez
Hilda Altuve
Carmen & Joe Blanco
Phillip Brown
Jay Lovelace
Richard Sr., Ursula & Richard Jr.
Albert, Alrene & Robert Shubella
Lamar Family
Ruth Kirby
McEntegert & McDonald Families
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
In Memory of
Trossbach & Peel & Families
Mary & Ed Whalen
Gemza & Manley Families
Natale & Marie Parisotto
William T. Miller
George & Esther Stout
Herman J. Henderson, Sr.
Dawn Marie Whitmore
En Memoria de
John E. & Eulalie J. Dawson
Katherine & Gennaro Leonetti
Bill Warren
George Abchal
Ruth Hammell
Barbara Zaffgiro
Diane James
James E. & James M. Wilson
In Honor of
Lisa LaFever
Joe Baird
Joyce Williams
Catherine Muller
Anthony & Carmella Nettuno
Tyler West
Sophie Kuchinski
Martina Ramirez
Familia Herrera Gonzales
Leon C. Pierro
Muenzer & Percheski Families
Casario & Maria Ramirez
Edith & Sidney Spellman
Robert Matthews
Ava Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. Les Baum
En Honor de
Dan & Anna Marie Blume
Betty Jo Morris
Pope Francis and the Church
Joseph Iamanna
Ternes & Collins Families
Joe & Nancy Ragsdale
Imelda Jarrett
Carmen & Barry Young
Donna Hillhouse
Mark & Barbara Kujak
Our Donors
Mary Jo Iovino
Michael & Helen Evenson
Ellen Brown
Jennifer Gronroos
Irene Marco
Don & Ann Furman
Susan Buschur
Berta Cox
Sandra & Alphonse Grella
Phil & Vicki Collins
Nancy Seigler
Charles Knight
Silvina Herrera
Silvestre Puac
Kevin & Suzanne Dixon
Cathy & Charles Hoetink
John & Marge Nettuno
Caroline Ditty
Patti & Gary Johnson
Matt & Dianne Halloran
John & Sue Deering
Mr. & Mrs. F.X. Cotter
Madeline Korff
Petra Herrera
Petrona Mateo
Carol Acito
Dick & Jean McDonald
Dangerfield Family
e 5
Virginia Moore
Deacon John Stanley
Joe Davis
Parrie Pinyan
Helen Marshall
Ruth Kirby
Dennis Schnur
Jenny Langhorst
Rogelio Perez I
Nuestros Donantes
Shari Garnsey
Landine Dominick
Frank & Katie Ratajski
Rosemarie Marcheschi
Lexie-Anne Rodkey
Enid A. Reeves
Jesse & Leslie Beal
Lee & Linda Kendziora
Virginia Wood
Ray & Trudie Horton
Thomas & Jacqueline Smith
Tom & Carol Kelleher
Papp Family
Margaret & Phil Ryzkiewicz
Josefa y Carmen
Robert & Carol Seguin
Joann Callahan
Philip & Mary Beth Smith
Shirley Long
Fred & Jeanne Kump
Michael & Nancy Chunta
Pat & Tim Trimble
Maggie & Tom Reneau
Tom & Julie Shannon
Richard & Pat Warnke
Wendell Henry
Lucila Kelson
Belva Wadleigh
Jane Bacon
Joanne Sklar
Jennifer & Dwight King
Paul & Cheryle Ternes
Frank & Angela Carozza
Jen Holthouser
Jim & Dianna Morris
Leon F. Pierro
Ursula Cox
Laurie & Robert Cooke
Linda Cornell
Joe & Kathy Satterfield
Phil & Sheila Ritter
Jeff & Sandy Matthews
Catherine & John Percheski
George & Angie Stout
Gemza & Manley Families
Hal & Kathy Benson
Mary Peel
Mildred Wilson
Mark Whitmore
Marie McEntegart
Agatha Leonetti Warren
Virginia Henderson
Elizabeth Garner
Michael & Joan Wassberg
Macrina Delgado
David Krecl
March 31, 2013
Domingo de Pascua del Resurrección
Resurrecci n del Señor
Stewardship of Faith
Page 6
Our prayerful response to God’s blessings!
Readings for the Week of March 31, 2013
Easter Sunday, March 31
Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Ps 118:1-2, 16ab-17, 22-23 Col 3:1-4 Jn 20:1-9
On this day of days we offer our joyful sacrifice if praise to the Father who raised hiss Son from the dead.
Let us be intent upon the life Christ offers us, Christ our Passover who has been sacrificed.
Monday, April 1 - Monday within the Octave of Easter
Acts 2:14, 22-32 Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11 Mt 28:8-15
Not undergoing corruption, but raised from death, Jesus instructs the women to announce his resurrection to the disciples.
Tuesday, April 2 - Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
Acts 2:36-41 Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22 Jn 20:11-18
Mary Magdalene proclaims the resurrection of Jesus, delivered from death, and made both Lord and Messiah.
Wednesday, April 3 - Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Acts 3:1-10 Ps 105:1-4, 6-9 Lk 24:13-35
Invoking the name of Jesus, Peter heals the cripple. The disciples recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread.
Thursday, April 4 - Thursday within the Octave of Easter
Acts 3:11-26 Ps 8:2a, 5-9 Lk 24:35-48
Glorified by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets. All things have been put under his power.
Friday, April 5 - Friday within the Octave of Easter
Acts 4:1-12 Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a Jn 21:1-14
His personal experience of the Risen One leads Peter to proclaim salvation in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the stone rejected by the builders.
Saturday, April 6 - Saturday within the Octave of Easter
Acts 4:13-21 Ps 118:1, 14-15, 16ab-21 Mk 16:9-15
Jesus commissions the disciples to go forth and joyfully preach what they ha ve seen and heard.
Sunday, April 7 - Second Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:12-16 Ps 118:2-4,13-15, 22-24 Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 Jn 20:19-31
As Thomas believed because he saw the risen Jesus, so too were many brought to faith through the various signs and wonders wrought by the
apostles. They proclaimed as Lord “the stone rejected by the builders”, “the First and the Last of the one who lives.”
¡Somos un pueblo de resurrección!
Solemnidad de la Resurrección del Señor
Semana del 31 de marzo, 2013
We are a resurrection people!
Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord
Week of March 31, 20013
Escuchar la Palabra (Juan 20:1 — 9)
Al escuchar el evangelio de los eventos del primer día de la semana
cuando las mujeres fueron al sepulcro y lo encontraron vacio, ¿qué
palabras o frases te impactaron? ¿Qué parte del evangelio tocó tu
corazón? ¿Qué se quedó en tu memoria?
Listen to the Word (John 20:1 — 9)
As you hear the gospel reading of the events of that first day of
the week when the women went to the tomb and found it empty,
what words or phrases strike you? What in this gospel reading
touches your heart? What lingers in your memory?
Ve tu vida
Pregunta para los niños: ¿Qué es bueno y nuevo en sus vidas?
Look into your life
Question for children: What is good and new in your life?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: La Resurrección nos recuerda que lo que
parece malo puede conducir a algo bueno. ¿Qué ha resucitado o se ha
transformado de malo en bueno en tu vida durante el último año?
Question for youth: Resurrection reminds us that what looks
bad can lead to something good. What has resurrected, or gone
from bad to good, in your life over the past year?
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿En qué manera han “resucitado de la
“muerte” de sus vidas?
Question for adults: In what way have you risen from
"deadness" in your life?
Actividades para la semana
Tomen estas actividades para reflexionar más:
▪ La Pascua de Resurrección es un tiempo para celebrar la nueva vida.
Planifiquen una cacería de huevos de Pascua de Resurrección para todas las
edades de los miembros de la familia. Llenen huevos plásticos con caramelos
y, en algunos, pongan papelitos que contengan versos alentadores de la Biblia. Pidan que los que encuentren huevos con un verso de la Biblia que lo abra
y lo lea.
▪ Decoren una vela de Pascua de Resurrección para reflejar la resurrección
de Jesús. Dejen que todos contribuyan en algo. Usen la vela como un centro
mes y enciéndanla cada noche durante el tiempo de Pascua de Resurrección.
▪ En familia, hagan un pan de Pascua. Antes de ponerlo en el horno, den
gracias a Dios por enviar a Jesús y por todas las bendiciones que ha concedido a su familia.
▪ En familia, pinten huevos de Pascua de Resurrección y comenten su significado. Expliquen que un huevo es duro como una tumba, pero también da
nueva vida. Mientras hacen la actividad, hablen de las cosas nuevas que hay
en sus vidas.
Activities for the week
Take these activities to further reflect:
▪ Easter is a time to celebrate new life. Plan an Easter egg
hunt for all ages of the family. Fill plastic eggs with candy and put
slips of paper containing uplifting Bible verses in some of the
eggs. Have anyone who finds an egg with a Bible verse open it up
and share what is written on the slip of paper.
▪ Decorate an Easter candle to reflect the resurrection of Jesus. Let everyone contribute in some way. Use the candle as a
table centerpiece and light it every evening during the Easter
▪ Make Easter bread together as a family. Before placing the
bread in the oven, thank God for sending Jesus and for all of the
blessings bestowed on your family.
▪ Color Easter eggs as a family and discuss their meaning.
Point out that an egg is hard like a tomb but it also gives new life.
As the activity is in process, discuss what is new in your life.
A “Close-Knit” Group
Un Grupo “Tupido en Tejido”
Knit & crochet ítems for the elderly.
Las prendas tejidas son donadas a
2nd & 4th Fridays •10am-12pm • Parish Ctr
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Stewardship by the Bible
March 31, 2013. Easter Sunday
Contact Erika Martinez @ (678) 493-2716
In the second reading today, St. Paul reminds
the Colossians that they have been raised with
Christ, exhorting them to “think about the
things above rather than things of earth.” We,
too, have been raised with Christ. Let us rejoice and be glad!
2nd & 4th Fridays • 11:00am • Parish Center
For information call: Dianne: 770704-4954 or Donna: 770-345-5372
Corresponsabilidad en la Biblia
31 de marzo 2013. Domingo de Pascua
2 & 4 viernes• 10am-12pm • Centro Pa-
Celebración de la
Los que participamos en la Celebración de la Palabra los sábados
te hacemos una cordial invitación
para que nos acompañes a escuchar y meditar la palabra de
Dios y alabar su nombre.
¡Ven a celebrar con nosotros!
La celebración comienza a las
7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. Si
necesitas transporte, la van de la
iglesia puede pasar por tí. Para
más información, contactar a
Diego Herrera [678-928-6933], o a
Modesto Cruz [404-492-0377].
En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo les
recuerda a los Colosenses que ellos han sido
resucitados con Cristo, exhortándolos a que
“se preocupen por las cosas de arriba, no por
las de la tierra”. Nosotros también, hemos
sido resucitados con Cristo. ¡Regocijémonos
y alegrémonos!
Wedding Anniversaries:
Congratulations to:
The Parish Lending Library
Check out our lending library in the
entrance of the Parish Center. We
have books, CDs and DVDs, all intended to
deepen your spirituality and add to your
knowledge of our faith. Enjoy them at
home and return them in 2-3 weeks.
Wednesday, April 3rd @ 10:00am
in the Parish Center
New members are always welcome.
Wednesday, April 3rd • 7:00pm
in the Parish Center
Divine Mercy
Next Sunday
Divina Misericordia
Domingo próximo
Promise to Protect
Pledge to Heal
To report abuse by church personnel
Archdiocese of Atlanta
24 Hour Reporting Hotline
You matter. You are family.
We are here to listen and take action!
Parish Office Closed
Communion Service
9:00am in the Sanctuary
Scripture Study
9:30am in the Parish Center
Soup Ministry
10:30am in the Parish Center
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
10:00am & 4:00pm in the Parish Center
5:00pm at Reinhardt U
Discipleship Initiative
7:00pm in the Parish Center
St Vincent dePaul Conf. Meeting
10:00am in the Parish Center
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12:00pm in the Sanctuary
6:30pm in the Parish Center
Knights of Columbus Meeting
7:00pm in the Parish Center
Mark & Erin Schuler
¡Te esperamos!
OLOL Campus Catholics at
Reinhardt University
Celebration of the Eucharist & Fellowship
Tuesdays at 5:00pm Tarpley Hall Prayer Rm.
For info email: [email protected]
e 7
On the first Sunday of each month, one of
our Knights leads the Rosary before each
Mass for pro-life intentions.
9:00am in the Sanctuary
Soup Ministry
9:30am in the Parish Center
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
10:00am - in the Parish Center
Grupo de Renovación Carismática
12:00pm en el Centro Parroquial
4:30pm in the Sanctuary
5:30pm in the Sanctuary
Celebración de la Palabra
7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial
8:00am and 10:30am in the Parish Ctr.
Men’s Bible Study
9:15am in the Parish Center
5:30pm en el Centro Parroquial

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