This week, we will be learning about the letter V,v. This letter has the


This week, we will be learning about the letter V,v. This letter has the
 _ Letter V, v
- Rhymes
This week, we will be learning about the letter
V,v. This letter has the same sound as the V in
English. Also, in Language Arts/ Science, we will
be studying about the jungle, its different
layers and the animals and plants that inhabit
it. In Math, we will be experimenting, practicing
and creating patterns. In Social Studies, we will
be talking about Presidents Day and getting
some information about George Washington
and Abraham Lincoln. We will also do an art
project related to these presidents.
Important Dates
2/8 No school, Lincoln’s Birthday
2/12 Book order due
2/12 Valentine’s Day Party
2/15 No school, Presidents Day
Please remember to return your red folder
every Thursday and your library books every
Friday. Thanks!
_ Letra V,v
- Rimas
Esta semana aprenderemos de la letra V,v. Además,
en Lenguaje/Ciencias Naturales conversaremos de la
selva, de sus diferentes capas y de los diferentes
animales que viven en ella.
En Matemáticas estaremos aprendiendo,
experimentando y creando diferentes seriaciones o
En Ciencias Sociales conversaremos del Día de los
Presidentes y recordaremos a George Washington y
Abraham Lincoln y haremos un proyecto manual
relacionado a ellos.
Fecha s Impo rta nt es
2/8 Día de Lincoln, no hay escuela
2/12 Plazo para pedir libros de Scholastic
2/12 Fiesta de San Valentín
2/15 Día de los Presidentes, no hay escuela
Por favor recuerden de devolver sus libros
de la biblioteca cada viernes y los
archivadores de JRW cada jueves. ¡Gracias!

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