November 24 - Ss. Peter and Paul Parish


November 24 - Ss. Peter and Paul Parish
Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Parish
Parroquia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo
720 N Baird St, Green Bay, WI 54302
Fr. Anthony V. Cirignani, OFM
Dcn. Michael C. Vincent
Dcn. Robert F. Ellis (Dianne)
Parish Trustees
Sean Herrio—Trustee Treasurer
David Demro—Trustee Secretary
Pastoral Council / Finance Council
Joseph Uhyrek—P.C. Chairperson
Chuck Gustafson—F.C. Chairperson
Come celebrate with us!
Vengan a celebrar con nosotros
Saturday 4:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am,
12:30pm Spanish
Tuesday - Saturday 8:00am
Misa en Español, cada domingo a las
12:30 por la tarde
Sacrament of Penance/Confession
1/2 hour prior to all weekend masses
First Fridays and Saturdays 7:30am
24 Hr. Perpetual Adora)on Chapel:
Obtain access code in person at office
Parish Office Hours
M CLOSED, T-Th 9:00-4:00,
F 12:00-8:00 (Ministerio Hispano)
Parish Office: 435-7548
Faith Forma)on Office: 437-0651
Email: [email protected]
2013 Vision Statement
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Parish is a
mul<-cultural community, faithful to the
doctrine of the One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church; pursuing the call to holiness. We strive to live in a welcoming and
charitable way by par<cipa<ng in the
Church's new evangeliza<on through
prayerful worship, catechesis,
and community outreach.
November 23rd and 24th, 2013
Monday, November 25 - No Mass
Lk 21:1-4
Tuesday, November 26
Lk 21:5-11
8:00 AM Mass Ronald Richie
Wednesday, November 27
Lk 21:12-19
8:00 AM Mass Members/Inten<ons of Perpetual Adora<on
Thursday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Day
Lk 21:20-28
9:00 AM Mass Living/Deceased of Parish
Friday, November 29 - OFFICE CLOSED
Lk 21:29-33
8:00 AM Mass Francis Schieffer
Saturday, November 30
Mt 4:18-22
8:00 AM Mass Ma<lda A and Robert P Everson
Religious Arcles Blessed
4:00 PM Mass Norbert and Dolores Boncher
Sunday, December 1st - First Sunday of Advent, Wreath
Mt 24:37-44
8:00 AM Mass Craig Derenne
10:00 AM Mass Ronald Konop
12:30 PM Spanish Mass Living/Deceased Members of
Divine Mercy Holy Hour,
Last Sunday of the Month (November 24)
3:00-4:00pm in Church THIS MONTH
Fa)ma Holy Hour for Peace and the Family
1st Friday of the Month, (December 6), 7-8p
Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle
First Thursday of the Month (December 5)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the Mother Teresa Center
Pastor’s Corner
Dear Family,
This weekend we celebrate the closing of the Year of Faith
and the churches liturgical year 2013 with the annual Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Here is
something to think about as we celebrate this Feast day:
A lile girl was standing with her grandfather by an oldfashioned open well. They lowered a bucket and had drawn
some water to drink. "Grandfather," asked the lile girl,
"where does God live?" The old man picked up his granddaughter and held her over the open well.
"Look down in the well," he said "and tell me what you
“I see a reflec<on of myself," said the lile girl.
"That's where God lives," said the grandfather. "He lives
in You."
In order for us to see the reign of God through His son Jesus
in the world, we first have to see that same Jesus in our reflec<on because that's what the world sees. As we reflect on
the lordship of Jesus Christ in our world, have you allowed
him to reign in and through your life? I invite you to come
today on Christ the King Sunday to view the Blessed Sacrament exposed from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. As a community we
will officially end the year of Faith and re-dedicate our parish
to Christ the King. The monthly Divine Mercy Holy Hour will
be held in the church proper this month. Come and join us as
we pray the Chaplet of Mercy.
Peace and all good,
Fr. Tony
KC Breakfast with Santa
Join the Knights of Columbus for their annual KC Breakfast
with Santa at SSPP!
Sunday, December 8th, 2013, 8a-12p
Pancakes, porkies and all the fixins’. Bring the kids to visit
with Santa! Adults $5, Kids 5-8 $3, kids under 5 FREE! Families (with more than 2 children) $15. Join us for this fes<ve
fundraising event!
Advent Giving Tree
The Giving Tree will be in the elevator entrance again this
year. Please pick an ornament lis<ng items needed for A & A
Alexandrina Pregnancy Center or Lovelife. Thank you for your
NOTE: Holiday Bulle)ns
Items for the bulle)n for Advent/Christmas are DUE 2
weeks before the desired weekend bulle)n. No items will
be accepted aEer this )me due to the )ght publishing dates
for the holidays.
Parish Business, Informa)on and Announcements
December First Friday Presenta)on
Lit. Roles November 30 and December 1
Come and hear about the mission work being done in the
Dominican Republic by local parish members.
Friday, December 6th aEer 8a mass
Coffee will be served and we invite you to bring a brunch
item to pass.
4:00pm Lou Anne Roskowski
8:00am Sharon Van Ooyen
10:00am Chuck Gustafson
8:00am Andrew G
10:00am Daniel P and Pallinis
12:30pm Christo S, Eric F
Eucharis)c Ministers
4:00pm Tom Barmrick, Mary Paerson, Aimee
8:00am Joanne Chapados, Dick and Marie Neuses
10:00am Don Patz, Barb Moore, Alice Kanzenbach
4:00pm Tom Bamrick, Mary Paerson
8:00am Dick and Marie Neuses
10:00am Alice Kanzenbach, Joan Cartwright, Barb Moore
New Staff Members
Please welcome our new staff members!
Barb Van Den Busch, our new Care
Ministry Coordinator, is a long-<me
parish member. She is an LPN with a
background in hospital nursing, nursing home care, and home care. She is
a prayer warrior who passionately
cares for the sick and dying. She has 2
adult children and 6 grandchildren ages 17 months to 18
years. She is a member of the Evangeliza<on commiee
here at SSPP. Barb will be working a few hours each week
visi<ng our sick and homebound. If you or a family member are hospitalized or would like a visit, please contact
the parish office. 435-7548.
Mike Mancheski, our new Maintenance Manager, has an
extensive background in maintenance from years in the
manufacturing industry. A graduate from Denmark high
school, he and his family moved back to the area from
Florida in 1994. Mike will be responsible for the maintenance of our school property as well as con<nued support
of the church, rectory, and Mother Teresa center.
Stewardship of Sharing
November 17, 2013
Budget YTD
Collected YTD
God blesses a cheerful giver!
Evangeliza)on CommiJee
The Evangeliza<on Commiee at SSPP is looking for new
members! If you are passionate about your faith and enjoy
sharing it or would like to help behind the scenes with parish faith-sharing opportuni<es, please give Dan DeBauche a
call at 437-1259 or Bob Kanzenbach at 437-3183.
St. Vincent de Paul
Congratula<ons to SS. Peter and Paul parishioners! It
took two Paul's Pantry trucks to load more than 1,800
pounds of food that you donated to those in need this
last week end. Your generosity and sharing what you
have with others is a propaga<on of your faith in God and
love of your neighbor. Please con<nue to bring food
along with you to Mass each weekend. We will make
sure each and every item is delivered each week to Paul's
Pantry for immediate distribu<on to those in need.
Thank you also for placing a cash dona<on in the special
St. Vincent de Paul envelope sent to you this month. This
money will be used by parish Vincen<ans to help people
with housing, transporta<on and hea<ng needs this winter. God Bless you for your generosity.
Hurricane Relief
Typhoon Haiyan destroyed en<re villages and devastated
ci<es across the Philippines and Vietnam. As many as
10,000 people or more are believed to have died as a result
of this super typhoon and more than 9 million people have
been adversely affected. The full extent of structural damage is s<ll unknown.
The second collec<on funds will support the efforts of the
USCCB and Catholic Relief Services (the official interna<onal
humanitarian agency represen<ng the Catholic Church in
the United States) to aid in addressing emergency relief and
recovery needs including immediate necessi<es such as water, food, shelter, and medical care. Collec<on funds will
also be used to support the long-term needs including rebuilding Church structures affected by the widespread destruc<on. Last weekend we collected $1907. Thank you for
your generosity.
Ushers Needed!
The SSPP ushers ministry is in need of more people to
volunteer for the 10:00a Sunday Mass. If you’re interested, please contact Ken Heim at 432-5811.
Avisos por la Communidad Hispana
Parish Info Con)nued
Looking for Great GiEs and Resources?
Cathedral Book & Gi
24 – Domingo de Cristo Rey; 12:30pm Misa y Bendicion del
San<simo Sacramento, Devociones de Cristo Rey despues de
29 – Viernes 6:30 pm Misa por los difuntos y Accion de Gracias
Formerly St. Catherine Book Shop
131 S. Madison Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
Mon. – Fri. 9:30am - 5 pm, Sat. 10am - 4 pm
Closed Sundays and Holidays, 920-432-0078
3 al 8 – Novenario en las casas para la Virgen
9 – Lunes 7:00 pm Misa de la Inmaculada Concepcion
9, 10 y 11 – 6:30pm Novenario en la Iglesia
7:00pm Misa
Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe
5:00 am Mañanitas
6:00 am Misa
6:30pm Rosario y Cantos Marianos
7:00pm Misa Solemne de las Rosas
15 – 12:30 Misa, despues de misa posada en la Iglesia.
18 - 6:30pm Posada con los niños en el gimnasio de la escuela
16, 17, 19 y 20 - 6:30pm Posadas en las casas
22 - 12:30 pm Misa, despues de la misa Posada en la Iglesia.
24 - 7:00 pm Misa de Noche Buena
25 - 12:30 pm Misa de Navidad
Off of Hwy 172 at the GV exit, Kele Creek Crossing
Mon - Thurs: 10:00am - 6:00pm, Fri: 10:00am-8:00pm, Sat:
9:00am - 2:00pm
Books, GiVs and Gathering Spaces, 920-632-6077
St. Thomas More Annual Appeal
St. Thomas More Catholic School Annual Appeal is now underway. This asppeal is part of their third sourc e funding.
STM serves a diverse popula<on with lower income families. If you have not already made a contribu<on to this
2013 appeal, please consider making one at this <me. Any
dona<on, large or small, is greatly needed and appreciated.
All dona<ons given to this appeal, go directly to St. Thomas
More School. Please send your dona<ons—checks made
out to St. Thomas More Annual Appeal—to 650 S. Irwin
Ave. Green Bay, WI 54301
Domingo 24 de Noviembre Celebración de Cristo Rey ben
edición del SanXsimo Sacramento y devociones de Cristo Rey
después de misa. Jesús dijo: “Si en esta devoción a mi como
Jesús Rey de todas las Naciones, supliquen a mi Majestuoso
Corazón con la Oración de esta coronilla de la Unidad que Yo
mismo, su soberano Señor Jesucristo, les he dado. Recen y
pidan por integridad y la sanación de sus propias almas, por la
unión de su propia voluntad con la voluntad de Dios, por la
sanación de sus familias, amigos, enemigos, parientes,
ordenes religiosos, comunidades, países naciones, el mundo y
la unidad dentro de mi iglesia bajo el Santo Padre.
Yo les concederé muchas sanaciones espirituales, ]sicas,
emocionales y psicológicas a los que recen esta oración si es
beneficiosa para su salvación de acuerdo a mi Santa Voluntad.
Así mismo como Yo Soy uno con mi Padre y el Espíritu Santo,
mi voluntad es que toda la humanidad sea una en mí, de
manera que sea toda una Fe, un Rebaño y un Pastor que
estarán juntos reunidos bajo mi Soberano Reino como Señor.
St. Philip Parish Bake Sale
Saturday, December 14th, 11:00a-4:00p
St. Philip Church
Crooks & Victoria St.
Near Krolls East
Career Opportunity
The Knights of Columbus is seeking a Field Agent for a career opportunity represen<ng their insurance program.
They offer a complete benefits package with this full-<me
posi<on. In order to qualify, one must be eligible for membership in the Knights of Columbus. For more informa<on,
please contact, Joseph M. Molosky, FICF, General Agent, at
715-330-5178 or Joseph. [email protected]
Religious Life Documentary
The upliVing 60-minute documentary <tled "Women And
Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America" will air on channel 32
(WACY-TV) from 1 to 2 am Saturday, Nov. 23. The documentary reveals the faith, courage and self-sacrifice Sisters
demonstrated during our country's most drama<c moments. If you're searching for quality, inspira<onal programming then make plans to see this!
Misas por los Difuntos Todos Los Viernes del Mes en
Viernes 8, 15 y 29 de Noviembre se resera el santo rosario y
abra confesiones a las 6:30 de la tarde. La Misa Litúrgica se
celebrara a las 7:00 devociones por los fieles difuntos vengan
con su familias.

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