From the Pastor`s Hand - Lawrenceville


From the Pastor`s Hand - Lawrenceville
319 Grayson Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Phone: (770) 963-8992 Fax: (770) 963-1710
Parish Center
Deacon Terry Millinger |
Facilities Mgr.
Deacon Bob Riddett
Deacon Jose Ortiz
Sr. Louise Sommer, CSJ | Outreach
Alma Martínez | Parish Secretary
Janet Volion | Bookkeeper & HR
Richard Clawson | Liturgy &
Music Director
Kathi McKenna | Liturgy &
Music Associate
Gloria Kennerty | Safe Environment
Amy Titshaw | Custodian
Barbara Baez | Nursery
Faith Formation
Diane Maguire | Director
Rita Schieber | Initiation
Beth Hodgson | PSR Coordinator
Vickie LaClair | Secretary
Communications &
Youth Ministry
Kelly Schreckenberger |
Wendy Guillory | Director
Ministerio Hispano
Cristina Corbin | Coordinadora
Counseling Services
Sylvia Elaine Smith, MS, LPC, NCC
En español:
Dunia Lobo, MA, LPC
5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Spanish).
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 3:00
p.m. (Spanish), and 5:00 p.m. (Youth).
A nursery is available during all Masses.
Monday-Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and
Friday at 7:00 p.m.
(Spanish; September-May)
Every Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.
Christian Initiation of Adults
follows the restored rites of
the ancient Catechumenate.
Christian Initiation of Children
Age seven and older takes place in a
community of young inquirers who
prepare for Baptism, Con2irmation and
Eucharist during the Octave of Easter.
Is celebrated on the 2irst Saturday of the
month (English) and last Saturday of the
month (Spanish), except during Lent.
Saturdays during 9:00 a.m. Mass
and upon request.
Couples contemplating marriage
should contact a deacon or priest
at least six months before their
desired wedding date.
Those interested in ministry as a priest,
deacon, sister or brother should contact
a parish priest.
At the very heart of parish life:
Christ Renews His Parish
Small Christian Communities
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreats are held twice a year for men and
women. For more information, contact
Deacon Terry Millinger at
770-963-8992. x308.
From the Pastor’s Hand
Our Lenten Journey has begun!
One of my favorite spiritual writers and thinkers is Henri Nouwen.
The following is a prayer he composed for the beginning of Lent:
Lord, Jesus!
The Lenten Season begins.
It is a time to be with you in a special way,
a time to pray, to fast, to give alms,
and thus to follow you on your way to Jerusalem,
to Golgotha, and to the 2inal victory over death.
I am still so divided.
I truly want to follow you,
but I also want to follow my own desires
and lend an ear to the voices that speak about
prestige, success, human respect, pleasure,
power, and in2luence.
Help me to become deaf to these voices
and more attentive to your voice,
which calls me to choose the narrow road to life.
I know that Lent may be a very hard time for me.
The choice for your way has to be made
every moment of my life.
I have to choose
thoughts that are your thoughts,
words that are your words,
and actions that are your actions.
There are no times or places without choices.
And I know how deeply I resist choosing you.
Please, Lord, be with me
at every moment and in every place.
Give me the strength and the courage
to live this season faithfully,
so that, when Easter comes,
I will be able to taste with joy the new life
which you have prepared for me.
Support of our Sister Parish in Haiti is a work of mercy that we
can undertake together during Lent. Today, and on each of the
Sundays of Lent, boxes to receive your monetary gifts for our sister parish will be located in the narthex following Mass.
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
8:00 a.m. Mass: Mary Boatti 10:00 a.m. Mass: Gerardo & Maresa Herrera
12:00 p.m. Mass: All People of the Parish
3:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Freddy Eberto Gonzalez 5:00 p.m. Mass: Antonia Drozdeck LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS
In-Pew Offertory February 7 ……………...$27,584.88
Electronic Giving February 7……………..$14,917.50
Total Offertory February 7 $45,502.38
St. Vincent de Paul February 7 ............... $12,951.70
9:00 a.m. Mass: Nia Joseph
9:00 a.m. Mass: Rita Landry The Second Collection next week is the semi-annual subscription appeal for The Georgia Bulletin, the newspaper of
the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Our parish is obliged to provide
The Georgia Bulletin to every registered household, and we
are happy to do so, since in some homes it may be the only
source of Catholic news and reading. But this is an expensive commitment, costing more than $40,000 a year.
Please come to Mass next weekend prepared to offer the
suggested subscription cost of $14.00 in the second collection. Thank you!
Please Remember St. Lawrence in your will. A charitable
bequest to our parish endowment fund will allow you to
continue in death the Christian stewardship you practiced
in life. For more information, contact Diane Duquette, at
[email protected] or 404.497.9440.
Please Pray for Our Sick: Robert Barnard, Marcia Bassett, Art Brand, Frank Colon, Laura Delage, Angela Donovan, Michael Fagan, Billy Gibbs, Tom Gillis, Christy
Jewell, Karen Krauth, Barbara Levinsky, Silvia Marzano,
Beatty McCaleb, Tim McNamara, Dale Mesick, Magdaly
Moyao, John Plasman, Fredy Rendon, Adam Reynolds,
Steven Robinson, Robert Speltz, Victoria Speltz, Leonard Sabbat, Gary Schuster, Caroline Wright, along with
their families and caregivers.
Great Expectations! Expectant mothers, enroll for prayer
support during your pregnancy! Your name will be listed
here as a way of thanking God for the gift of your child and
supporting you in this special vocation.
Please Pray For Sarah Dunlap, Stephanie Millinger Flemish, Jessica Lemieux, Morgan Luddete, Kathy Maguire
McCoy, Merline Simon and Karen Sotola.
We Welcome to the Household of Faith Jackelin
Acosta, Melanie Calona, Ronnie Calona, Jose
Cruz, Alexa Garatachia, Sherlyn Garatachia, Jose
Garcia and Crystal Leon who were baptized
recently. May the Lord hold them close to his
heart always!
The Parish Ofϐice Will Be Closed this Monday, February
15, in observance of Presidents’ Day.
9:00 a.m Mass: Bryan Willard
9:00 a.m. Mass: Ronald Signorelli FEB 19 FRI: LENTEN WEEKDAY
9:00 am Mass: Nora Altez
9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Eliza Juarez FEB 20 SAT: LENTEN WEEKDAY
9:00 a.m. Mass: Hazel Peter
3:30 p.m. Confessions
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass: Ed Vetter 7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish): Maria Consuelo Hernandez FEB 21 SUN: SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT
8:00 a.m. Mass: Robert Lee Munsterman 10:00 a.m. Mass: David Finn 12:00 p.m. Mass: Christopher Downey 3:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Juvencio Frias Perez 5:00 p.m. Mass: All People of the Parish
This Week at a Glance
Sun, Feb 14
Mon, Feb 15
Tue, Feb 16
Wed, Feb 17
Th, Feb 18
Fri, Feb 19
Sat, Feb 20
8:00 am Escuela de la Cruz
9:00 am Pancake Breakfast
11:15 am Jesus the Bridegroom-Study
6:00 pm Welcoming Committee Meeting
7:30 pm Raised in Christ Prayer Group
9:30 am Woman to Woman
9:45 am Senior Exercise (and Thursday)
7:00 pm Haitian Support Group
7:00 pm Catholics Returning Home
9:45 am Adult Formation Lenten Scripture
10:00 am Adult Formation Holy Land
12:00 pm SAM
7:00 pm Adult Formation Lenten Scripture
9:30 am Quilts of Valor
10:00 am Bread for the Journey Adult Study
7:00 pm EM Meeting
7:00 pm Charismatic Prayer
7:00 pm YAM Choir (sp)
10:30 am Women Wellness Group (sp)
5:30 pm Knights Fish Fry
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross
7:00 pm Mass (sp)
7:30 pm Estaciones de la Cruz (sp)
9:30 am Catechist Certification
10:00 am Shawl Ministry
3:00 pm Magnolia Place Meeting
3:45 pm Divine Mercy DVD
Adult Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation classes and
programs are held in the Divine Mercy Room unless otherwise noted.
Childcare during adult faith formation sessions will be made available when requested at least 3 days
ahead of time.
Jesus the Bridegroom( DVD) What
better day to learn about God’s love
for us than on St. Valentine’s Day. It
is interesting that the Bible never
uses the expression “personal relationship” to describe how Christ relates to the Church. Instead, Scripture describes the relationship between Jesus and the Church (and
with our soul) as the love of a
“Bridegroom” for his “Bride.” Come
and watch Dr. Pitre’s presentation
today (Sunday) February 14 at 11:15
Religions of the World (DVD) Ron
Gilbert will facilitate a discussion of
this DVD’s overview of major world
religions today (Sunday), February
14 at 6:15 p.m.
Woman to Woman Join us for Lent
for a study of the upcoming Sunday
readings on Tuesdays from 10:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m. upstairs in Johnson Hall.
Lenten Scriptures Fr. John Howren
will offer an overview of the Scriptures we will be praying and meditating with this Lenten season. His
presentation will be offered on
Wednesday, February 17 at 9:45
a.m. and again at 7:00 p.m. in the
Church. Childcare will be available
upon request.
Bread For The Journey Daybook
Of Wisdom And Faith Henri
Nouwen’s book of meditations will
be the springboard for our faith
sharing on Thursday, February 18 at
10:00 a.m. We meet every other
week so as to allow time to re2lect on
insights gleaned from his meditations. Frances Alkire will facilitate.
Email [email protected] to
reserve a copy for $15.00.
Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom
(DVD) This series by Jeff Cavins portrays the book of Acts as a story of
hope. Diane Maguire will facilitate
this series on Thursday, February 18
from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. upstairs in
room 210. Study guides will be helpful and only cost $23.00 when you
register for this study online at Questions? Contact Diane—[email protected]
Echoes of Faith Are you satis2ied
with your level of faith understanding? If not, then this basic formation
program that Diane Maguire will be
facilitating on Saturdays mornings
may be for you. It will not only
strengthen your theological understanding of what we profess but can
also count towards certi2ication
credit. The schedule is as follows:
February 20: Prayer and Spirituality;
March 12: Liturgy and Sacraments.
We will meet upstairs in DeSales
Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Divine Mercy Essentials (DVD) is
an in-depth course on the theology
and spirituality of devotion to the
Divine Mercy led by Dr. Stackpole.
This DVD will be shown on Saturdays from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.
The Passion of Christ (DVD) Fr.
Rolheiser explains that God’s
strength comes when we are exhausted and open to being transformed. Diane Maguire will facilitate
a discussion on this DVD Sundays,
February 21 & 28 from 11:15 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Young Adult Ministry
Make this Lent meaningful! Join us on
Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. for a book
discussion of “What Jesus Saw from the
Cross” by A. G. Sertillanges. Upcoming
events: going to see the movie “Risen”
on February 20. “Catholicism” the
DVD series by Bishop Baron will be
shown after Lent. RSVP to Kate at 770
-714-1778 or [email protected]
Youth Ministry
Dangerous Life Teen students will
learn that when we live in the love of
God, are satis2ied in Him, and reject
counterfeits of love, we are truly living dangerous, complete, and full
Desert Wanderer Middle school
students will discover the real meaning of Lent at tonight’s Edge night
and learn how we can more fully enter into this season or repentance
and conversion.
The Conϐirmation Retreat is March
19-20 at Camp Hidden Lake in
Dahlonega, GA. The retreat is mandatory for all those being con2irmed
this April. Retreat registrations are
due by the end of February and can
be completed at
Christian Initiation
Initiation Rites: Today (Sunday),
February 14 we will celebrate the
Rite of Sending during the 10:00 a.m.
Mass. We, the community of St. Lawrence send our Catechumens and
Candidates to the celebration of the
Rite of Election. The Rite of Election,
presided over by Archbishop Wilton
Gregory, will take place at the Cobb
Galleria Centre. These rites are the
beginning of the 2inal preparation
leading to the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation. Our Catechumens and Candidates 2ind strength in
our care and support, please keep
them in your prayers.
Faith Formation
2016-17 Enrollment continues until
June 30. What better way to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day than to
commit to helping your children
grow in the understanding of our
faith and the love of our Lord by completing your enrollment. Contact
Vickie LaClair , Faith Formation secretary, at [email protected].
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
Around the Parish
Senior Adult Ministry will meet for
lunch on Thursday, February 17 at
12:00 p.m. in Cogswell Hall. Please
call Sister Louise at 678.240.3063 for
more information.
Fish Fry the St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus (Council #13052)
will host a Fish Fry in the St. Lawrence gymnasium every Friday
evening during Lent, 5:30-8:00 p.m. The Ladies of St. Lawrence
will be offering delicious homemade desserts for sale. As in
years past, proceeds from these events further the charitable
endeavors of the participating parish ministries. Great Food (fried 2ish, baked
2ish, kids’ menu items and our now famous grilled salmon and shrimp bisque!)
Dine-In or Take-Out! Senior Discounts! Raf2le tickets will be sold at each dinner for big prizes including a Flat screen TV, with the drawing held at the last
Fish Fry.
Eucharistic Ministers needed;
Gwinnett Medical Center in Lawrenceville is visited on a regular basis
by Eucharistic Minsters from our
parish. We are in need of more volunteers to serve in this important
and uplifting ministry. There will be
a training meeting for new volunteers on Thursday, February 18 at
7:00 p.m. in Cogswell Hall. Current
GMC EMs need not attend this meeting. If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail Fr. Rey at
[email protected] .
Discernment Mass Men and women seeking to discern their vocation are invited to join Fr. Tim Hepburn the 2irst Saturday of each month through May for
a 10:00 a.m. Mass followed by a light brunch and a talk on discernment. St.
Charles Borromeo House, 913 Dalyrymple Road, Atllanta, For more information contact the Of2ice of Vocations at 404-920-7460.
Shawl Ministry will meet in Cogswell Hall Saturday, February 20,
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. We welcome
all who knit or crochet and would
like to do so for a very worthy cause.
Any questions or to request a prayer
shawl for someone please call Miriam Schaefer at 770.978.4730.
Magniϐicat Prayer Breakfast, all women are invited to attend on Saturday,
February 20, from 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Church, 3773 Chamblee
Tucker Road, Atlanta. The guest speaker will be Arlene Walrath of Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA. Breakfast reservations are $15 and
must be made in advance. Please mail checks payable to Magni2icat Joyful Visitation by February 14 to: Jo Ann Rademacher, 1260 Mountain Ivey Court,
Sugar Hill, GA 30518. Check-in is at the door for reservations only. For more
information, call Jo Ann Rademacher at 770.831.0693.
Around the Archdiocese
Electronic Giving...
... is the term used to describe automatic methods for making your church contributions on a regular basis—without the need
to write checks, carry cash or prepare envelopes. Electronic Giving can be a direct debit from a checking account or a charge
to a credit or debit card.
Frequently-asked Questions about Electronic Giving
Q. What are the major advantages of Electronic
A. Electronic Giving is all about convenience for you
and consistency for the parish. It eliminates frequent
check-writing and helps parishioners stay on track
with their giving even when they are out-of-town or
unable to attend Mass. The parish, in turn, benefits
from consistency in giving and a reduction in the
volume of check and cash contributions that must be
handled and manually processed in the church office.
Q. How will I keep track of my contributions?
A. Your debit or charge will occur each month on the
date you specify. The donation will appear on your
monthly bank or credit card statement and will be
acknowledged at tax time on your parish contribution
Q. Is Electronic Giving risky?
A. It is certainly less risky than writing checks or
carrying cash to church! Many households are now
accustomed to paying many of their monthly bills
electronically, and the systems used have proven to be
very secure.
Q. I like placing my donation in the basket!
A. Participating in the offertory collection at Mass is
a meaningful sign and a very good example for our
children. You may simply write “I have given electronically” on your church envelope and place it in the
basket when it comes around.
Q. How much does Electronic Giving cost?
A. Electronic Giving through the parish costs you
nothing. The parish pays a small fee for direct debits
and a slightly larger fee for credit card transactions;
but this small cost is far outweighed by the increased
income due to more consistent giving. Often parishioners who charge their donations to a credit card
choose to increase their donation slightly to cover
these processing fees. (Electronic Giving through
your bank’s Bill Pay service may incur a small cost;
policies vary by bank.)
Q. What if I try it and I don’t like it?
A. You may cancel Electronic Giving at any time.
Q. How do I sign up for Electronic Giving?
A. Go to and click on “Donate
Online to St. Lawrence.” Or pick up an authorization
form at the parish office. Your bank may also have an
electronic Bill Pay option. For more information,
contact our parish bookkeeper, Janet Volion, at
[email protected] or 770.963.8992 x304.
Parroquia San Lorenzo
Registraciones para el programa
de Catequesis periodo 2016-2017
Están abiertas desde el mes de Febrero hasta Junio. Para todas las familias que desean participar en el
programa de (formación de Fe y/o
preparación para sacramentos). Es
un requisito el que las familias estén
registradas activas en la Parroquia y
si han cambiado de dirección recientemente o son nuevos en el área deben asegurarse que este cambio se
haya hecho en las oficinas parroquiales para así no tener retrasos en
el proceso de matrícula.
Bautizos: Durante los meses de Febrero y Marzo no se realizaran Bautizos de niños ni se impartirán clases
para Bautizos. Se reanudaran en el
mes de Abril.
Viacrucis: Tendremos el viacrucis
en vivo todos los Viernes a las 7:30
pm en Español. Este estará a cargo
de los grupos parroquiales, y es una
gran oportunidad para participar en
familia durante todos los Viernes de
cuaresma después de Misa.
Programa Edge: Niños de escuela
Media que están en este programa y
en el segundo año de preparación
para celebrar la primera comunión
en Abril, deben asistir a un retiro con
uno de los padres el Sábado, 5 de
Marzo de 9:30 am a 12 pm. Esto es
un requisito para la celebración.
Donaciones: Las personas que
deseen donar vestidos de primera
comunión que estén en buenas condiciones para niños y niñas de nuestra parroquia, por favor comunicarse
con el Ministerio Hispano 678-2403066.
Todos los Viernes de cuaresma los
caballeros de Colón tienen la venta
de pescado frito y muchas más opciones en el gymnasio de nuestra
parroquia de 5:30 a 8:00 p.m. Todos
son bienvenidos!
primer domingo de cuaresma
Página 5
Del Escritorio del Párroco
Ha comenzado nuestro camino cuaresmal!
Uno de mis escritores favoritos espirituales y pensadores es Henri Nouwen.
La siguiente es una oración que el compuso para el comienzo de la Cuaresma:
Señor, Jesús!
Comienza la Cuaresma.
Este es un momento para estar contigo de una manera especial,
un tiempo para orar, ayunar, dar limosna,
y seguirte en tu camino a Jerusalén,
al Gólgota y a la victoria final sobre la muerte.
Aun así estoy dividido.
Realmente quiero seguirte,
pero también quiero seguir mis propios deseos
y prestar oídos a las voces que hablan de
prestigio, éxito, respeto humano, placer,
influencia y poder.
Ayúdame a ser sordo a estas voces
y a ser más atento a tu voz,
que me llama a elegir el estrecho camino a la vida.
Sé que la Cuaresma puede ser un momento muy duro para mí.
La opción para seguir tu camino tiene que ser hecha
en cada momento de mi vida.
Tengo que elegir
pensamientos que son tus pensamientos,
palabras que son tus palabras,
y acciones que son tus acciones.
No hay tiempos ni lugares sin opciones.
Y sé cómo profundamente me resisto a elegirte a ti.
Por favor, Señor, acompáñame
en cada momento y en cada lugar.
Dame la fuerza y el valor
para vivir esta temporada lleno de fe
y así, cuando llegue la Semana Santa,
Yo pueda saborear con alegría la vida nueva
que tú has preparado para mí.
Apoya a Nuestra Parroquia Hermana en Haiti esta es una obra de
misericordia que podemos emprender juntos durante la Cuaresma.
Hoy, y cada uno de los Domingos de cuaresma, tendremos las cajas
para recibir las donaciones monetarias para nuestra parroquia hermana, estas estarán localizadas en el atrio parroquial.
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