Holy Family Catholic Church


Holy Family Catholic Church
April 1, 2012 - Palm Sunday
Holy Family
Catholic Church
O God, bless our family,
all its members and friends,
with your many gifts of love.
We need you every day
to keep us safe from harm,
to heal the hurts we cause,
to begin together afresh.
Help us to be kind and patient
with each other’s burdens and
cares and not to miss the
wonderful gifts that together
we share.
Bless our family; gracious God,
Bless us, every one.
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord —
Mailing Address: P O Box 482
Van Alstyne TX, 75495
Parish Office:
For a Priest:
Website: www.holyfamily-vanalstyne.org
the King of Israel!”
Fr. Salvador Guzmán, Pastor
Fr. Arthur Unachukwu, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Patrick A. Hayes
Mass Schedule
Sunday: 9:00 am - English Mass
12:00 pm - Spanish Mass
Thursday: 9:00 am - Daily Mass
Palm Sunday
April 1, 2012
Baptisms in English: Call for appointment
Baptisms in Spanish: 1st Sunday of each month
May 26, 2012 Saturday 10:00 am at Holy Family
Pre Baptismal Class Registration: Registration required by
the Sunday before class begins. Classes are held on the 3rd
Tuesday of each month.
Please call Parish office.
Parents: Bring copy of child’s birth certificate. Both parents
must attend class.
Anointing of the Sick
Immediately following the 1st Mass
Godparents: Must be practicing Catholics. Copy of marriage
certificate through the Catholic church. Both godparents
must attend class.
As a courtesy, please do not bring children to class.
Both must be free to marry in the Catholic Church.
Arrangements should be made at least 6 months prior to
planned Wedding date.
First Communion
Talk to your Parish priest or call Fr. Rudy Garcia, Director of
Vocations of the Diocese of Dallas at 214-379-2860.
June 9, 2012 Saturday 10:00 am at Holy Family
Ivah Abraham
Tony Pierce
Evelia Santibanez
Pat Rountree
Courtney Hicks
Jose C. Sanchez
Vonnie McClean
Deacon Ray Smith
Ron Thomas
Brenda Adams
Jeannette Sanchez
Suzie Keeton
Darcy Zufall
Corinne Lageose
Dave Parker
John Hibbard
Holy Orders/Priesthood
Weekly Calendar
Elizandra Torres
Julie Anderson
Francisco Sanchez
Miguel Arias
Forinda Sanchez
Justin Brazil
Barbara Heath
Tommie Rosenthal
Sunday, April 1
8:30 am Rosary
9:00 am Mass
10:15 am-11:15 am Faith Formation
12:00 pm Spanish Mass
Monday, April 2
9:00 am Rosary
Tuesday, April 3
Wednesday, April 4
6-7:00 pm Faith Formation
Thursday, April 5
9:00 am Mass
7-9:30 pm Spanish Youth Choir
Friday, April 6
7-9:30 pm Spanish Adult Choir
Saturday, April 7
Chrism Mass Invitation
St. Michael the Archangel
Holy Week Schedule: April 5 - 7
Holy Thursday: The Lord’s Supper
● Bilingual Mass @ 7pm
● Washing of the Feet
● Night watch with the Lord until 12 midnight in the
Holy Friday: The Passion of the Lord
● Live Way of the Cross @ 3pm (Spanish)
● Celebration of the Passion @ 5:30pm (English)
● Veneration of the Cross followed by Stations of the
● Celebration of the Passion @ 7:30pm (Spanish)
● Veneration of the Cross followed by Stations of the
Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil
● Bilingual Mass @ 8pm
● Service of the fire/ Pascal Candle
● Baptism of the catechumens
A reminder to parishes that all are welcome to aƩend the
Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of the Virgin of Guadalupe, on
Tuesday, April 3, at 6:30 p.m. Each year at the Chrism Mass,
the priests of the diocese publicly renew their Priestly
Promises and Bishop Farrell consecrates chrism and blesses
the holy oils for the coming year. This is a beauƟful and
prayerful way to begin the journey of Holy Week. There is
plenƟful open seaƟng for guests from our parishes.
Haven’t Been to Confession in a while? Interested, but
worry you do not remember how to give a good Confession.
Visit our diocesan website, www.cathdal.org for resources
on How to Go Confession. Then, stop by St. Michael's in
McKinney on Wednesday, April 4th, from 6:30-9:00 p.m.
For the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Palm Sunday of The Lord’s Passion
We aren’t fond of the words “humble” and
“obedient.” When was the last time you read an
obituary saying the deceased was a humble and
obedient person? No, we tend to list degrees,
titles, achievements, and so on. By all accounts
Jesus was not successful in the way we generally
mean it. He had enough education to be able to
read the scriptures in the synagogue (Luke 4:16–
20), and he was just a village carpenter by trade,
trained by Joseph. He came from Nazareth, not
an important city like Jerusalem. Jesus wandered
around the countryside preaching, following in
the tradition of Jewish prophets. The crowds
were mostly ordinary people, not the rich and
the powerful. A moment of apparent triumph
came on Palm Sunday, when the crowds in
Jerusalem acclaimed him as king. Many were
probably hoping he would be a new military
leader who would overthrow the Romans
occupying the land, and restore Jewish life and
pride. This “triumph” was brief. In a few days the
same crowds turned on him in bitter rejection.
He wasn’t what they wanted. Pontius Pilate, the
Roman governor, didn’t know what to make of
him. Jesus was obviously no common criminal.
He spoke with truthfulness and was not cowed
by Pilate’s power. Yet to keep the rabble quiet,
Pilate finally washed his hands of the whole
business and put Jesus to death. Ever since that
first Good Friday, those who pass through the
darkest nights know they don’t go alone. For
each of us Jesus willingly entered the pain and
sorrow of humanity. For us he allowed himself to
fall into the abyss of death. The Father let his
Son count the milestones along the way of
despair. There are no dead-end streets anymore.
For us, at the end of every road, there shines the
light of Christ.
A nosotros no nos gustan mucho las
palabras “humilde” ni “obediente”. ¿Cuándo fue
la última vez que leíste un obituario diciendo
que el difunto era humilde y obediente? Más
bien tendemos a poner los títulos, logros y
cosas por el estilo. Según nuestros conceptos
humanos, Jesús no fue un hombre con éxito.
Tuvo suficiente educación como para leer las
Escrituras en la sinagoga (Lucas 4:16–20) y era
un carpintero de aldea entrenado por José. Se
crió en Nazaret, que no era una ciudad
importante como Jerusalén. Jesús iba por
campos y pueblos predicando según la
tradición de los profetas judíos. Las multitudes
estaban formadas mayormente por personas
sencillas, no por los ricos y poderosos. Un
aparente momento de triunfo fue el Domingo
de Ramos cuando las multitudes en Jerusalén lo
aclamaron rey. Es probable que muchos
esperaran que él fuera un nuevo líder militar
que depusiera a los romanos que ocupaban el
país y restaurara el estilo de vida y el orgullo
del pueblo judío. Este “triunfo” fue breve. Pocos
días más tarde la misma multitud se le reviró y
lo rechazaron a muerte. Él no era lo que ellos
querían. Poncio Pilato, el procurador romano,
se sentía confundido frente a Jesús.
Obviamente no era un criminal común. Hablaba
con la verdad y el poder de Pilato no lo
acobardaba. Sin embargo, para mantener
calmada a la muchedumbre, Pilato terminó
lavándose las manos de todo y condenó a Jesús
a muerte. Desde ese primer Viernes Santo
todos los que pasan por tiempos tenebrosos no
van solos. Por voluntad propia Jesús asumió el
dolor y la angustia de la humanidad y de cada
uno de nosotros. Por nosotros bajó al abismo
de la muerte. El Padre dejó que su Hijo venciera
por el camino del dolor. Ya no hay callejones
sin salida para nosotros. Al final de cualquier
camino brilla para nosotros la luz de Cristo.
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
April 1, 2012
A endance:
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
"La crisƟandad no se trata de ideas, sino de buenas obras
inspiradas por el amor"
News /Meeting Schedules/Events
Have You Registered Yet????
Faith Formation/FORMACION DE FE
1st Communion has been moved to Saturday, June 9, 2012
at 10:00 am.
Prince of Peace/Catholic Brothers of Christ
Se a cambiado la fecha de la Primera Comunion para el
Sabado, 9 de Junio del 2012 a las
When: Saturday April 28th 7:00 am to 3:00 pm
10:00 am.
Prince of Peace Catholic Community
5100 Plano Pkwy. West
Confirmation: Saturday May 26th at 10:00 am.
Confirmacion: Sabado 26 de Mayo a las
Plano, TX 75023
10:00 am.
Keep filling those Baby Banks! Show your children
how their efforts can help in this effort by sending
them on a treasure hunt for loose change around the
house. Remember: Each time you add to your bank,
your contribution helps moms and saves babies! The
women you help will bless and thank you forever
because you cared enough to help them and their
Your change can make a difference!
Sigue llenando esas alcancias de Bebitos! Ensena a
tus ninos como sus esfuerzos pueden ayudar al
mandarlos a buscar moneditas de cambio
alrededor de la casa.
Recuerda: Cada vez que tu agregues cambio a tu
alcancia, tu contribucion ayuda a las mamas a
salvar a sus bebitos! Las mujeres que tu ayudes
seran bendecidas y te agradeceran por siempre
porque tu te preocupaste tanto por ayudarlas a
ellas y sus babitos.
Tus moneditas pueden hacer la diferencia!
TV Mass for Shut–Ins: Heart of the Nation is now
broadcasting the Catholic TV Mass in Dallas/Ft.
Worth on KPXD-TV, Ch. 68, at 9:00 am every
Sunday. For the cable channel guide, log onto
www.heartofthenation.org and click on Find a
Station. The TV Mass was formerly televised on
KFWD-TV, Ch. 52.
Misa en TV para los que no pueden salir de casa:
El Corazon de la Nacion esta transmitiendo la
Misa Catolica en TV en Dallas/Ft. Worth en el
Canal KPXD-TV 68 a las 9:00 A.M. cada Domingo.
Para la guia del canal de cable, entra en la pagina
de internetwww.heartofthenation.org y haz clic
para encontrar el canal. La Misa en TV fue antes
transmitida en el canal KFWD 52.
Open to men 18 years of age and older.
* Speakers from EWTN’s “Crossing the Goal”
* Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
Reconciliation, Mass.
* Online registration is preferred and limited to
the first 1,000 men…cost is $25 per person
before April 24th, 2012 and $35 per person
after April 24th, 2012 with a $1.50 processing
* Carpool from Holy Family the morning of the
event .
* Please contact Co-Captains Arthur Atteberry,
Zeb Genn, or David Murphy for additional
Building Fund Pledges will take place once we
finalize Plans.
This will give families time to consider what kind
of a Pledge they will be able to make.
Expansion cannot begin until the Funding has
been Pledged.
Las ofrendas para los Fondos de Construccion se
llevaran a cabo una vez que se hayan finalizado los
Esto dara suficiente tiempo a las familias de
considerar que tipo de ofrenda pueden ofrecer.
La expansion no podra comenzar hasta que la
financiacion haya sido ofrecida/comprometida.
Treasures From Our Tradition
Although the procession with palms has
an unforgettable grip on our imagination, the
real emphasis of this day’s liturgy is contained in
its name: The Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. Since
1955, the old custom of a blessing of palms with
procession of the people has marked the entry
of the Church into a time so rich that it is called
“Holy Week.” The center of today’s liturgy,
however, is the solemn reading of the Passion,
this year taken from Mark’s Gospel. Our
community is to be transformed by its
celebration of Easter, and so this week
everything is made new. Soon, the bishop will
celebrate the “Chrism Mass” when the holy oils
for the sacraments will be completely
replenished and blessed, and transported from
the cathedral to every parish. Easter is the first
Sunday after the first full moon of springtime.
Be on the lookout later this week for this
“paschal” moon, rising in the east at the precise
moment the sun sets in the west. Imagine: a day
when there is not a single moment when the
earth is not bathed in light from the heavens.
We are on the threshold of the three great days
(Triduum): Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
beginning at sunset on Thursday when the
parish gathers in response to the Lord’s
command: “Do this in memory of me.”
Esta es Semana Santa, semana en la cual
los cristianos conmemoramos con palmas, y
ramos los eventos centrales de nuestra fe;
eventos que alimentan nuestro espíritu con el
pan y el vino del amor divino; eventos que se
clavan en nuestras almas como Cristo en su
cruz; eventos que nos hacen resucitar de
nuestros problemas con la esperanza pascual
de la liberación de todo aquello que nos
perjudica, que nos agobia, que nos oprime y
nos deprime.
Estaremos allí con nuestros parientes y
con gente que no conocemos pero que son
nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo
gracias a los eventos de la semana en que Jesús
entró glorioso a Jerusalén, partió el pan,
falleció en el árbol de la cruz y fue sepultado.
Esta Semana nos une al misterio pascual de
Jesús. Celebrando estos ritos antiguos y
variados por todo el mundo. Durante esta
semana el tiempo y el espacio se cancelan para
unirnos a los misterios que celebramos, a
nuestras familias, a los cristianos por todo el
mundo y a través de los siglos.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos‑Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Monday of Holy Week
Tuesday of Holy Week
Wednesday of Holy Week
Holy Thursday; The Sacred Paschal Triduum
Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday);
Fast and Abstinence
The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night;
Holy Saturday; Passover begins
Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor
Lunes de la Semana Santa
Martes de la Semana Santa
Miércoles de la Semana Santa
Jueves Santo; Triduo Pascual
Viernes Santo; Ayuno y abstinencia;
Sábado Santo; Vigilia Pascual;
Inicio de la Pascua judía
Palm Sunday
Operation Rice Bowl Reflection: The Passion
As we reflect on the passion of Christ, we remember that more than 44 million people in the United States are
living in poverty. While 75% of our gifts to Operation Rice Bowl support Catholic Relief Services’ programs around
the world, 25% of our contributions remain in our diocese to support local hunger and poverty alleviation efforts.
Your prayers, fasting, learning, and almsgiving through Operation Rice Bowl make a significant difference in the
lives of people in our own community and in communities around the world.
InformaƟon Page
Holy Family Quasi-Parish
Date: Sept 18, 2011
Janis Hicks 903-744-7999
Transmission Date / Time Tuesday 12:00pm
Special InstrucƟons

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