Sixth Sunday of Easter May 25, 2014


Sixth Sunday of Easter May 25, 2014
8:00, 9:30 am (English)
11:00 am (Español)
12:15 pm (Ge’ez)
8:00 am (English)
4:30 pm Vigil (English)
6:00 pm (Español)
1640 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone (510) 843-2244 Fax (510) 843-2730
Email: [email protected]
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 25, 2014
“I will ask the Father,
and he will give you . . . the Spirit of truth.”
— John 14:16–17
Rev. John Direen, Pastor
Rev. Ghebriel Woldai
Chaplain to Ge’ez Community
In Residence
Rev. Kenneth Nobrega
Vocation Director
Rev. Huy Pham
Rev. Raphael Okitafumba
Rev. Mr. José Mañuel Pérez
Permanent Deacon
7:30 am (English)
6:00 pm (English/Español)
Elizabeth Oishi Comly
Year of Faith Coordinator
Carmen Cedillo
Holy Days
7:30 am & 12:15 pm (English)
7:00 pm (Español)
Directora Educación Religiosa
Eddie Ma
Director Religious Education
3:00-4:00 & 5:30-6:00 pm
5:30-6:00 pm
Ramon y Carmen Cedillo
Platicas: Tercer Martes, 7:00 pm
Remy Bravo Seay (English)
Javier Torres (Español)
Tuesdays & Thursdays
6:30-7:30 pm
Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 pm
Eucharistic Ministers
Yanny Chavarria (English)
Fortino Alducin (Español)
Parish Council Members: Rebeca Torres (Chairperson), Fortino Alducin (Vice-Chairperson),
Josefina Figueroa (Secretary), Maritza Ibarra, Gloria Maldonado, Elizabeth Oishi Comly, Hector
Cortes, Teresa Coulon, Nidya Muñoz, Javier Torres, Yohannes Yetbarek and Ed Hopfner.
Finance Council Members: Maritza Ibarra, Elizabeth Oishi Comly, Yohannes Yetbarek.
Legion of Mary meets every Monday at 4 pm in the Rectory.
Assistance for those in need: Please call the office for help.
Project Gabriel & Respect Life: Hector Cortes (Coordinator)
Mission Statement
St. Joseph the Worker Parish is a diverse Catholic Community,
which welcomes people from many different places in their faith
journey and serves the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship,
education, social justice, service to the poor and engagement in
community concerns.
Freddy Morales
Gift Shop
Consuelo Garcia, Rahel Yosief
Hector Rodriguez
Fernando Medina
Nuestra Misión
La Iglesia de San José Oberero es una comunidad católica diversa,
que le da la bienvenida a gente de diferentes lugares en su jornada
de fe y que propone cumplir con la Buena Nueva de Cristo Jesús a
través de la liturgia, la educación, la justicia social, en el servicio a
los pobres y entregados a las necesidades de la communidad.
St. Joseph Cemetery
St. Mary Cemetery
San Pablo phone (510) 223-1265
Oakland phone (510) 654-0936
Last Sunday Plate Collection—May 18, 2014: $1,556.35
The second collection for our music ministry: $581.19
2014 Bishop’s Appeal goal: $10,165.46; Actual: $9,249.00
Thank you for meeting last year’s goal!
Do you recognize the sacrament that is celebrated in
today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles? When
Peter and John imposed hands on those who had been
baptized, they received the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of
confirmation. The reading from the First Letter of Peter
and the passage from John’s Gospel both consider the
results of our baptism and confirmation. Peter reminds us
it is likely that we will have to suffer for what we believe.
In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks clearly about the Holy
Spirit, referring to a “Paraclete,” one who will stand with
us to defend us. Poignantly, Jesus promises his disciples,
and all of us, “I will not leave you orphans.” He has never
left his followers orphaned. We have always had the Holy
Spirit to guide us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
LIGHT OF BELIEF Every believer in this world must
become a spark of light. —St. Pope John XXIII
We seek to unite a community of Catholics worldwide in
prayer for the praise and glory of God and for the intentions
of each other. We hope you will be inspired to join.
Please see website bulletin
for more information on events around the diocese:
Mass Intentions
Saturday May 24 4:30 pm
6:00 pm
25 8:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
26 7:30 am
6:00 pm
27 7:30 am
6:00 pm
28 7:30 am
6:00 pm
29 7:30 am
6:00 pm
30 7:30 am
6:00 pm
31 8:00 am
Detention Ministry Discernment/Orientation
May 29 and June 3, 7:00 pm (identical presentations) St. Raymond Parish, 11555 Shannon Ave., Dublin
Deacon David Cloyne [email protected]
Is God calling you? The Catholic Detention Ministry of Santa
Rita Jail will be holding two orientation meetings in the coming
weeks. During the orientation meetings, current members will
explain the ministry and services offered to the men and women
at Santa Rita Jail and answer any questions you may have in discerning whether to serve in this ministry. The orientations will be
Thursday, May 29 and Tuesday, June 3 at St. Raymond Parish in
Dublin. You may choose to attend either of the orientation meetings. For additional information, please contact Deacon David
Cloyne, see above.
Diocesan Annual Financial Report is Available
Office for Mission Advancement Ken Hokenson, Director
510-267-8314 [email protected]
The Office for Mission Advancement and the Capital Campaign Priest Advisory Council encourage familiarization
with the 2012 diocesan financial report by staff and parishioners. The report may be viewed and downloaded at http://
downloads/2012-financial-report. Please contact Ken
Hokenson with any questions, see above.
In The News…
As you may know there has been a great deal of publicity
related to our Catholic school teacher’s contract. At the
following web page you will find (a) an interview with
Bishop Barber that is appearing in this weekend’s Catholic
Voice and (b) a KQED Forum radio interview from this
week which articulates the Diocesan point of view http://
Requested by
SJW Parish
Juan Rivera M.+
Rosa Rivera
Catalina Apigo
Bautista Family
Alaya Beene
Olga Tamburrini+ y Euclid MCapria+
Marco Chavarria+
Jose Martinez Gonzalez+
Mary Brownlee+
Morganne Doherty+
Rita Ferretti
Pat & Alice Calingo
Thanksgiving Blessing
Josefina Lopez+
Guillermo Lopez
Alfonso, Ignacio y Jesus Gil+
Irma Ruiz-Gil
Manuel Herrera Gonzalez+
Joseph & Maryellen McCormick+
William & Celia Mulhern+
Mildred Dill'ard+
Please Pray For the Sick
Louise Rantz, Frances Landeza,
Msgr. Ray Breton, Juanita Reyes,
George Lopez, Walter Salerno,
Rita Streuli, Juanita Estrella,
Stella Perkins, Pat Barnet,
Lovelle and Michelle Bradford,
Irene Hancock, Ann Zito,
Kathy Tims, Edna McGee,
Cecelia Massey, Lillian Navarro
And Recently Deceased
Marco Chavarria+
Jose Martinez Gonzalez+
Mary Brownlee+
Sexto Domingo de Pascua
25 de mayo de 2014
“Yo le rogaré al Padre
y él les enviará . . . el Espíritu de verdad”.
— Juan 14:16–17
Colecta de la Semana Pasada - 18 mayo 2014: $1,556.35
La segunda colecta por el ministerio de música: $581.19
2014 Meta Apelación del Obispo:$10,165.46; Actual: $9,249.00
Gracias por su constante apoyo a nuestra Parroquia
Santo Rosario -
¿Reconoces el sacramento que se celebra en la
primera lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles? Cuando
Pedro y Juan impusieron las manos en los que habían
bautizado, recibieron el Espíritu Santo en el sacramento
de la Confirmación. La lectura de la primera carta de
Pedro, y el pasaje del Evangelio de Juan, consideran los
resultados de nuestro bautismo y confirmación. Pedro nos
recuerda que lo más probable es que tengamos que sufrir
por nuestras creencias.
En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos habla claramente
sobre el Espíritu Santo, llamándolo “Defensor”, que
estará junto a nosotros para defendernos. De manera muy
significativa, Jesús promete a sus discípulos y a todos
nosotros, “No los dejaré huérfanos”. Nunca ha dejado a
sus seguidores huérfanos. Siempre hemos tenido al
Espíritu Santo para guiarnos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Oraciones del Rosario
¡Qué alegría recordar que María es nuestra Madre!
Ya que ella nos ama y conoce nuestras debilidades, ¿de
qué tendremos miedo? —Santa Teresa de Lisieux
Primera lectura —Pedro y Juan les impusieron las
manos, y recibieron el Espíritu Santo
(Hechos 8:5-8, 14-17).
Salmo — Que aclame a Dios con alegría toda la tierra
(Salmo 66 [65]).
Segunda lectura —Cristo murió en la carne, y luego
resucitó por el Espíritu (1 Pedro 3:15-18) ó
1 Pedro 4:13-16.
Evangelio — Yo rogaré al Padre y les dará otro
Protector. No los dejaré huérfanos (Juan 14:15-21) ó
Juan 17:1-11a.
El mensaje de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de
Chiquinquirá o la Chinita como cariñosamente la llaman
sus fieles, es sencillo: “Déjate renovar por Dios”.
Renovación que ella misma recibió milagrosamente en
el año 1586. En ese entonces, su imagen pertenecía a
doña María, una mujer sevillana de mucha piedad.
Doña María había recibido como herencia por parte
de su hermano Antonio una pintura de la Virgen del
Rosario en tan mal estado que no se podía distinguir ni
la Virgen madre con el niño Dios en sus brazos o los
santos Antonio de Padova y Andrés apóstol. No obstante
la mala condición de la pintura, doña María la colocó en
su capilla donde pasaba las mañanas en oración.
Un día, una indígena y su niño pasaban por la puerta
de la capilla cuando notaron un gran brillo que venia del
rostro de María iluminando el resto del cuadro con
colores vivos y brillantes. Inmediatamente llamaron a
doña María, quien pudo ser testigo de la milagrosa
renovación. Como algo muy interesante, la imagen de
cerca se ve borrosa y dañada, pero de lejos adquiere
distinción y nitidez. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
EL CIELO Dios da hijos para poblar el cielo.
—San Francisco de Sales
For a commentary on the Daily & Sunday readings,
please see our parish website at:
Lunes /
Martes /
Miércoles /
Jueves /
Viernes /
Sábado /
Domingo /
Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1-9;Jn 15:26-16:4a
Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11
Wednesday:Acts17:15-18:1; Ps 148:1-14;Jn 16:12-15
Thursday: Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20
Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Saturday: Zep 3:14-18; Is 12:2-6;Lk 1:39-56
Sunday: (for Ascension) Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9;
Eph 1:17- 23; Mt 28:16-20
Other News and Events
Magnificat Breakfast to Feature Julie Figueroa
Saturday, June 7, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Crowne Plaza, 45 John Glenn Dr., Concord
Maribel 925-788-7762
Magnificat SOTI (Servants of the Immaculata) invites all Catholic women to the June Prayer Breakfast, a morning of praise, prayer and inspiration with special guest Julie Figueroa of Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in
Brentwood. Come and be encouraged as Julie shares her testimony and shows how God's amazing healing and
love can and do make a difference in everyday life. Her dynamic and sometimes humorous testimony crosses all
ages. No matter your state of life, Julie's message is sure to encourage and touch your spirit. For more information, please go to the Magnificat website, see above. Tickets are $25 in advance; $35 after May 31. Please register at the website.
2014 Religious Brothers Conference
July 18-21
New Orleans, Louisiana
[email protected]
The Religious Brothers Conference will hold their 43rd Annual Assembly July 18-21 in New Orleans. The keynote speaker is Br. Mark McVann, FSC, from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at St. Mary’s
College in Moraga. If you would like to attend or for further information please email [email protected]
or visit the website, see above.
New Docent Training for The Cathedral of Christ the Light Saturdays, July 26 and August 2
Cathedral of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison St., Oakland
Denise Kogler 510-271-1935 [email protected]
Enthusiastic, people-oriented individuals from a variety of cultural and language backgrounds are invited to join
the Bearers of Light ministry, providing docent services to visitors to The Cathedral of Christ the Light. These
volunteers will be people of faith who want to give of their time and talents to lead tours of the Cathedral for visitors and assist during special events. To see a description of this ministry and complete an application, click here.
Applicants will be contacted for a group orientation/interview; subsequently, training sessions will be Saturday,
July 26 and Saturday, August 2. Please contact Denise Kogler with any questions, see above.
Celebrate the 500th anniversary of St. Teresa of Avila’s birth with the Discalced Carmelites on August 21-23,
2014 in San José, at the Fairmont Hotel, with a solemn Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph! For more
information, and to register, visit, or call (408) 529-1004.
Celebra el 500 aniversario del nacimiento de Santa Teresa con los Carmelitas Descalzos del 21-23
de Agosto del 2014 en San José, en el hotel Fairmont, con una Misa solemne en la Catedral Basílica de San José! Para mas información y para registrarte visita, o llama al (408) 529-1004.
Blessings in the spirit of St. Teresa, true friend of Jesus,
The Fifth Centenary Celebration Planning Committee:
Ms. Cherry Caparas, O.C.D.S., Coordinator
Rev. Gerald Werner, O.C.D.
Sr. Claire Sokol, O.C.D.
Theresa Thomas, O.C.D.S.
Interpreters Needed for Bay Area Legal Aid
Alexandra Hill 510-250-5235 [email protected]
Would you like to interpret for a good cause, do what you are good at and help others at the same time? BayLegal
is currently looking for individuals who speak another language and who are willing to volunteer their time to
help with interpretation and translation for BayLegal staff. You would interpret for cases (housing, domestic violence, immigration and more) in-person or by phone. Interpreters are needed on an on-call basis. ALL languages
are needed! Please contact Our Lady of Lourdes parishioner Alexandra Hill for more information, see above.
The Cathedral of Christ the Light
2121 Harrison St., Oakland
Denise Kogler 510-271-1935
[email protected]
Rudy de Vos, Organist, 5:00 pm
San Francisco Boys Chorus Spring Concert, 8:00 pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral
1111 Gough St. at Geary, San Francisco
415-456-2020, ext. 213
The following Sunday Recitals are free to the public and begin at 4:00 pm unless otherwise indicated, with ample
free parking:
John Cannon, Organist
No Recital
Christoph Tietze, Organist
David Hiatt, Organist
Mauro Correa, Guitarist
Victor Xie, Violist, and Xiyan Wang, Pianist
Dr. Margaret M. Turek to Lead Diocesan Evangelization and Catechesis
Bishop Michael Barber announced May 7 that he has appointed Dr. Margaret M. Turek, STD, to lead the diocese’s response to the pastoral needs of our parishes and the diocese in the areas of faith formation and evangelization, effective July 1.
Bishop Barber has asked Dr. Turek to envision, plan and organize our efforts to bring more people to Christ and
Christ to more people, both inside and outside the Church. She plans to hold listening sessions and consultations
throughout the diocese. She will also broadly survey the wider Church for emerging initiatives and pastoral programs and practices that might be useful within our diocese. DEC will continue its current work during this time
of transition.
Dr. Turek is presently on the staff of St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park. More information on this appointment can be found at
13th Annual Alameda County Healthy Aging Fair
August 6, 10:00 am - 2:30 pm
Chabot College, 25555 Hesperian Blvd., Hayward
Delbert Walker 510-577-3532 Diarra Piggué 510-577-3540.
The 13th annual Healthy Aging Fair is once again being presented by the Alameda County Commission on Aging. This year’s event will be held August 6 at Chabot College in Hayward, a beautiful and accessible venue for
the largest annual FREE health screening and resource event for older adults in Alameda County. Over 1200 attendees are expected.
This Fair is dedicated to helping the county’s older adult population improve the state of their health, safety and
overall well-being. In addition to providing the largest and most comprehensive health screening services, this
event also provides the opportunity to learn about the everyday challenges regarding financial security, safety,
recreational activity, housing, care options, and more.
Use of public transportation is encouraged. A BART shuttle will be provided from the South Hayward Station to
Chabot from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Transportation will also be provided from select Senior Centers throughout the
County. Check with your local Senior Center for availability.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) Procreative Technology NFP helps with many fertility difficulties.
Do you know someone struggling with infertility? Modern medicine has made great strides in helping couples
overcome infertility, by restoring reproductive health through the application of Natural Procreative Technology™. Yet many people, even in the medical profession, are still unfamiliar with it, though it has a success rate of
up to 75% in restoring natural fertility. For more information, go to or contact
Ed Hopfner at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]
La Planificación Familiar Natural puede superar muchos dificultades con la fertilidad Conoces a una pareja
aquejada por la infertilidad? La medicina moderna ha logrado grandes avances con parejas luchando por lograr la
fertilidad, mediante la restauración de la salud reproductiva con “Natural Procreative Technology™ (tecnología
procreativa natural). Sin embargo, muchas personas, incluso en la profesión médica, todavía no están familiarizados con esta tecnología, aunque tiene un éxito de hasta 75% en la restauración de la fertilidad natural. Para más
información, visita o contactar a Ed Hopfner
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]
RECLAiM Sexual Health
This information website is intended to provide you with an introduction to the “RECLAiM Sexual Health” program. RECLAiM is an anonymous, online recovery program that helps struggling individuals break free from
pornography addiction and other unwanted sexual behaviors. RECLAiM combines The Brain Science of Change
with insights from Theology of the Body and the full support of our Catholic faith. After reviewing the information on this website, take the next step and begin your recovery journey. The RECLAiM program will help
you break free from your addiction and experience more joy, happiness and holiness in your life. Visit our Sign
Up page to get started:
Support Group for Divorced Catholics
Ongoing, Second Wednesdays Maria Santos, MFT 510-710-6419
A new support group for divorced Catholics is available, the second Wednesday of the month from 7:00 pm –
9:00 pm in San Leandro. The group will be led by Maria Santos, a licensed MFT. Sessions are $10 each. The first
session will be held on June 12. Contact Maria for more information, see above. Spanish-speakers are welcome.
Attention Catholic Singles
Interested in joining an excellent Catholic singles organization? The Catholic Alumni Club International is looking to expand into the Oakland area. We provide a group dedicated to social, cultural, civic and spiritual relationships in a Catholic setting. For more information, please check out the following site or contact Steve at
[email protected]:
The Diocese Joins Facebook and Twitter
Jan Potts 510-267-8309 [email protected]
Keep up with news and events by following the Diocese and the Cathedral at these social media sites. Please
share them in your bulletins and on websites.
Diocese Facebook Page:
Diocese Twitter: @oakdiocese
Cathedral Facebook page:
Cathedral Twitter: @oakcathedral
Cathedral Events Facebook page:
The Business of Abortion
Vicki Evans continues her investigation into the big business of abortion in her new blog post Abortion: Ideology
or Commercial Enterprise? Part II: Fetal Tissue Industry.
The Guiding Principle of Birthright...It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth and the right of every
child to be born. Birthright has served women in crisis since 1996. Hundreds of mothers and babies have been
helped. We need volunteers and funds to keep our doors open to continue to guide young women in finding
workable solutions, so that they can give birth to their babies and face the future with dignity and hope. For more
info contact Carmel Mazurie or Cathy Clements at (510) 481-9677.
Family Service Counselor - Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services (CFCS)
Looking for a meaningful job serving families? CFCS is seeking Catholic individuals that have previous sales
experience and strong customer service skills. This sales position involves making cemetery arrangements and
advising families on advance planning for funeral and cemetery services. Candidates should enjoy making
presentations and guiding families to an informed decision on important end-of-life decisions. Excellent compensation for motivated individuals which includes salary plus commissions, performance incentives, and health and
retirement benefits.
Candidates should be career-minded, caring individuals who want to succeed and grow in this meaningful work.
Qualifications should include but are not limited to a minimum of two years sales and customer service work experience with the following abilities: excellent communication skills (outbound/inbound phone calls and in person); excellent time management skills and goal-setting skills; comfortable working in a performance-based environment; ability to serve families in a professional, respectful and timely manner; ability to work and make decisions under pressure; detail oriented; willingness to learn and grow; bilingual (English/Spanish) required.
Please email resume and letter of interest to [email protected].
Director of Music Ministry - St. Augustine Parish, Oakland
St. Augustine Catholic Church is a small parish seeking a dynamic Director of Music Ministry responsible for
ministry leadership including directing, maintaining and growing a vibrant music ministry in coordination with
the church's overall vision. The director will rehearse, direct and recruit cantors, children, teen, and adult music
ministers for worship through traditional and contemporary music styles. Qualifications include a music degree
(or equivalent in music ministry experience), proficiency in teaching and leading vocal and instrumental ensembles, communication/organizational skills, knowledge and familiarity with sacred music in context of the Roman
Catholic liturgy. Part-time; Hours negotiable. Salary commensurate with experience, education and training.
Deadline to apply: May 30, 2014. Position begins: August 1, 2014. Email letter of interest/resume to:
Linda Prara-Jenkins at [email protected].
Accompanist - Catholic Community of Pleasanton
The large and vibrant Catholic Community of Pleasanton (CCOP), a two-campus Parish, is looking for a solid
keyboard accompanist for two Sunday liturgies and one rehearsal per week for the St. Elizabeth Seton campus.
Candidates will be strong sight readers and able to improvise. This need is immediate. Pay will conform with diocesan guidelines. Please send, via standard mail or email, a letter of interest containing three bullet points that
describe your experience and abilities. Qualified candidates will then be contacted for further information.
Mark Sullivan, Director of Music Ministries
Catholic Community of Pleasanton
3999 Bernal Ave.
Pleasanton CA 94566
[email protected] (contact information continues, next page)
925-474-2776 direct 925-846-4489 x2776 main 510-755-6783 cell
Detention Dialogues is recruiting volunteers to answer calls on our hotline from immigrants who are detained by Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement (ICE) at the West County Detention Facility (WCDF) in Richmond, California.
The Hotline
Detention Dialogues has operated a hotline for immigrants in detention for the past two years, originally set up for the purpose of facilitating visitation with community volunteers. Although we are able to set up visitation with immigrants who
are detained at WCDF on a weekly basis without using the phone line, it remains a strong aspect of our work.
(1) We provide immigrants detained at WCDF with a connection to the outside world.
(2) We provide compassion to those detained and help them connect with their families and loved ones, since the jail’s
phone service is expensive and prohibitive.
(3) We assist people who are detained and their loved ones to understand complicated procedures, like how to post bond, set
up phone accounts, write letters of support etc.
(4) We document detention conditions and human rights abuses.
(5) We connect those detained with visitors or clergy members if they desire that form of support and because clergy members have privileged access to visit with people detained at WCDF.
(6) We listen to the needs of people in detention first and foremost, but we also have a series of questions that, when appropriate, can help us to access the needs of the person detained and how we may help them, including local and national advocacy.
(7) We are very clear in communicating our role as visitors and advocates of Detention Dialogues. We make clear we do
not offer legal services. However, we can send people who are detained pro se materials that may help them to represent
themselves and understand their rights and we can work with people detained and their families to gather the necessary documentation for their bond hearings. In some cases we have been able to connect people we work with to pro-bono attorneys. Also, we work collaboratively with Centro Legal de la Raza, an organization that conducts Know Your Rights trainings and provides individual legal consultations to people detained at WCDF twice a month, so we can refer people who call
our phone line to this service for legal assistance.
The Role
Hotline volunteers answer calls in two-hour shifts. All information that people in detention share with volunteers will be
recorded in a secure database that will help us to provide better services. Our hotline allows us to forward volunteers the
hotline calls to either your cell phone or landline. Please note that if calls are forwarded to your cell phone, they will affect
your minute plan. Volunteers will have a script to work with to start and will collect basic information, but mostly we will
listen to the needs of those in detention and assess how we can help them and their loved ones. You will be provided with a
host of resources, questions, and support to help you do so.
The Commitment
Hotline Volunteers will undergo a brief training. Shifts are two-hours and volunteers must commit to at least one shift per
week. Volunteers will be provided with constant support in terms of how to help individuals you speak with. You will not
be expected to know exactly how to help individuals in detention. If you do not know how to address a particular need, you
will record the request so that you can convey it to Detention Dialogues staff.
The Impact
This hotline is the only connection to the outside world for many immigrants detained at the West County Detention Facility. For them, just knowing they can make a free phone call to a compassionate voice is very important. When we can do
more to support immigrants in detention and their families, our capacity as an organization grows and so does our impact.
Please join us in helping to end the isolation of immigrants in detention. This opportunity is just one part in a growing nationwide movement called CIVIC. You can learn more at
Please contact Elizabeth J Pimentel, [email protected].

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