The Sign of Peace - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral


The Sign of Peace - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
Saint Thomas
10 August 2014
310 West 2nd St
R en o NV 8 9 5 0 3
775 / 329-2571
The Sign of Peace
Recently, the priests of Reno
have been discussing, though
informally, the question of the
sign of peace at Mass. Some
parishioners may be aware
that, in the last few years, the
Congregation for Divine
Worship at the Vatican had
undertaken a study of the
problem of liturgical abuses
in the manner in which the
sign of peace is sometimes
practiced at parish Masses.
Bearing in mind that, by the
time of the sign of peace at
Mass, the Eucharist has
already been consecrated and
Christ Himself, Body, Blood,
Soul and Divinity is present
upon the altar, these are the
k i n d s o f b e h av i o r t h a t ,
according to study that was
commissioned by the Congregation, would count as an
abuse: (1) the introduction of
a song for peace, which is
nonexistent in the Roman rite
(remember when parishes
used to sing “Let There Be
Peace on Earth?”); (2) the
movement of the faithful
from their places to exchange
the sign of peace amongst
themselves; (3) the departure
of the priest from the altar in
order to give the sign of
peace to some of the faithful;
(4) people using the sign of
peace at Christmas, Easter,
baptisms, weddings, ordinations and funerals to offer
holiday greetings, congratulations or condolences.
The basic problem with any
of the these practices is not
that there is any wrong with
them per se, but rather that
they are not appropriate for
the moment at which the sign
of peace takes place. The sign
of peace is a statement of
faith that the final, end-oftimes peace that can be found
only in God is already present
to us in the Eucharistic sacrifice that the priest offers and
in participation of the faithful
in the Eucharistic banquet.
Unfortunately, we have no
other model, apart from the
liturgy itself, of what that
kind of sign of peace would
look like. Thus, we try, as best
we can, to approximate it
based on cultural practices
like the standard daily or
seasonal greeting.
Here are three criteria to
keep in mind for our practice
of the sign of peace: dignity,
respect and quiet. These will
help us decide if we’re on the
right track or not.
+ Pax vobis et bonum,
Fr Francisco Nahoe OFM Conv
Budget News
August 3
August 10
August 17
August 24
August 31
1st Collection
2nd Collection
2nd Collection To Benefit
Long Term Repairs
No 2nd collection
Peter’s Pence Collection
No 2nd collection
No 2nd collection
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a formation of discipleship for
those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. Formation classes
begin Tuesday, August 12th at 6:30PM in Righini Hall. Questions? Please contact
Deacon Joseph Bell-225-3944 or [email protected].
We at the Friar’s Pantry wish to thank everyone for their support, without it we could not
help as many individuals and families as we do. Since the beginning of the year, our numbers
have increased by 60%+ and we do not see these numbers declining any time soon. Please
remember to use your S.H.A.R.E card when shopping at SaveMart. If you do not have one,
you can get one in the Gift Shop. Thank you and may God bless you for your help & support.
Join us on a pilgrimage to Mexico City, to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and other sites, from
November 24-29. Total cost per person, including airfare and hotel, would be approximately $1,500.
If you are interested, please contact Gwen at [email protected] or 775-223-1404, or talk to Rocío
in the Parish Office.
Senior Ministry News
Our Lunch & Learn for September will be on Tuesday, September 16th after the noon Mass in Righini Hall
with a light lunch & beverages served. Our speaker is a gentleman who many of you asked us to bring back
and as there are additional concerns about disasters i.e. Climate change, terrorism etc. Mike Brimer will be
here to bring you up to date.
The member and/or volunteer mailing is just about ready to hit the post office so please watch your mail
boxes. And, even if you are unable to participate in any of the many opportunities the Senior Ministry offers
please return the questioner marked “Sorry, not at this time”. We will certainly understand.
Two of our faithful volunteers at the Thrift Store have become seriously ill and hence are unable to help us
further - at this time. Plus with vacations and personal matters a need for a couple of new faces to join our
crew exists. If you can spare three hours a week or month please contact Stephanie at 775-338-5557. She
will be happy to answer all your questions and sign you up.
The Little Thrift Shop has received several donations of fine and antique jewelry. It is now on display in the
restored antique show case donated to us by the book shop. These interesting and fine items for men and
women are available for purchase.
Starting on September 4th the gift shop will inaugurate a thank you program similar to that in stores, coffee
shops, etc. A free membership card is available to all - at the shop. There are ten punch spaces on each card
and the card holder will receive one punch for every $5.00 purchase. When all ten spaces are punched the
card holder will receive a $5.00 credit toward any future purchases. If you haven’t checked us out yet you
might want to stop in. “We are not an ordinary thrift shop”. And, please keep in mind that our profits go to
fund our senior programs. God bless you.
Saturday, August 9
7:30 AM † LaRee Caramella
5:00 PM † Alice Fager
Sunday, August 10—XIX Ordinary Sunday
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
† LaRee Caramella
Special Inten on & † Ernest David Vargas
Parishioners, especially Jack Crawford
Walls Family
† Deceased Castellanos Fuentes Members
Monday, August 11—Saint Clare
7:00 AM † LaRee Caramella
12:10 PM † Shirley Guidry Smith
Tuesday, August 12—Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
7:00 AM † Deceased Franciscan Friars OFM Conv
12:10 PM † Antone e Pendich
Wednesday, August 13—Saints Pontian
7:00 AM † Garo Gholdoian
12:10 PM Kylie & Kasandra Wanco-Birthday
Thursday, August 14—Saint Maximilian Kolbe
7:00 AM Vergenia Batuto—Birthday
12:10 PM † Marvin Nohr
Friday, August 15—The Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
7:00 AM † Josephine Dorma
12:10 PM † Mathilde Mary Pardini
7:00 PM † Hector Gonzalez
Saturday, August 16—
7:30 AM † Korphage & Pugliesi Families
5:00 PM † Ma lide Mary Quilici
Readings for the Week
Mon: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27
Tues: Ez2:8-3:4; Ps119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Mt 18:1-5, 10-14
Wed: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Ps 113:1-6; Mt 18:15-20
Thurs: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-62: Mt 18:21 -- 19:1
Rv11:19a; 12:1-10ab; Ps45:10-16; 1Cor 15:20-27;
Ez18:1-13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-19; Mt 19:13-15
Is56:1-7; Ps67:2-8; Rom11:13-15, 29-32; Mt15:21-28
Tuesday, August 12, 19, 26
6:30 PM RCIA
Wednesday, August 6, 13, 20, 27
6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismático
Thursday, August 7, 14, 21, 28
3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy
5:30 PM Vespers / Confessions
6:30 PM Benediction
Religious Education
Registrations this
weekend after all
para Catecismo este
fin de semana
después de todas
las Misas.
Remember CSA * Our Lord needs your help. Remember CSA * Our Lord needs your help. Remember CSA *
Have you noticed a change in the
lighting in the sanctuary? We’re in
the middle of repairing and making
the lights more useful for Mass and
groups using the Cathedral. I have
also asked for a bid on lighting up
the large stained glass window by
the elevator.
Please remember that the parking
lot will be closed from 10-11AM &
from 1:30-2:30PM.
Your bookstore has some new and
interesting items.
By the end of the month, with
Father Francisco’s help, the
Stewardship Committee will be
explaining their goals & asking for
your involvement in their programs.
This committee is vital to the
stainable growth and vitality of the
Cathedral. Please listen to their
program and support their efforts.
Oscars new shed is in place and
we only lost one parking space.
Now it needs insulation & drywall
for better temperature control,
hence the need to request
donations of: insulation, drywall
and peg board. You can pick up a
roll of insulation and drop it off at
the office (a roll is about $12 at
Home Depot) or perhaps you can
donate a Home Depot Gift Card
for any amount. If you have any
questions, please contact the
The above photo of Mary and Christ
does not do this picture justice, but
please stop by and check it out.
One Sunday, during Mass, a bolt of
lightning hit the sanctuary. When the
smoke cleared Satan himself was
standing behind the podium. People
panicked & ran out as fast as they
could. Everyone except one woman.
She sat on the front row as calmly as
can be. Satan appalled said, "Lady do
you know who I am?" She said, "I sure
do". He said, "Aren't you afraid of
me?" She said, "Not in the least bit".
He said, "Why not?" She said, "Why
should I be?" I've been married to
your brother for 30 years".
Viernes 15 de Agosto 7PM.
CONGRESO CARISMÁTICO ANUAL—16 y 17 de Agosto-Nugget Casino
Presentadores: Padre Ivo Saúl, Padre Elberto Melendez, Elmer Villanueva, Hermana Gela y Rafael
Ángel. Misa de clausura con el Obispo Randolph Calvo. Contaremos con cuidado de niños. Para más
información, comuníquese con Virgilio-775-250-3949, ó Jaime-775-843-8509.
Vamos, vamos, vamos, vamos al altar, al altar de Dios que en Cristo tenemos nuestra alegría y nuestra juventud.
la la la la la la la la la
Cristo, Cristo, Cristo, nos ofrecerá, nos ofrecerá su verdad y vida con su palabra, cantaremos ya.
Gloria, gloria, gloria al Dios del amor, al Dios del amor que nos ha reunido en torno a su mesa, para ser nuestro pan.
Canta, canta, canta a Cristo Jesús, a Cristo Jesús que ha resucitado y ya victorioso presente aquí está.
Muéstranos, Señor, Tu misericordia y danos Tu salvación.
Te ofrecemos padre nuestro, con el vino y con el pan, nuestras penas y alegrías, el trabajo y nuestro afán.
Como el trigo de los campos, bajo el signo de la cruz, se transforma en nuestras vidas, en el cuerpo de Jesús.
A los pobres de la tierra, a los que sufriendo están, cambia su dolor en vino como la uva en el lagar.
Estos dones son el signo del esfuerzo de unidad que los hombres realizamos en el campo y la ciudad.
Es tu pueblo quien te ofrece con los dones del altar, la naturaleza entera, anhelando libertad.
Gloria sea dada al padre y a su hijo redentor y al Espíritu divino que nos llena de su amor.
Pescador, que al pasar por la orilla del lago, me viste secando mis redes al sol;
tu mirar, se cruzó con mis ojos cansados y entraste en mi vida buscando mi amor.
Pescador que el mis manos has puesto otras redes, que puedan ganarte la pesca mejor
y al llevarme contigo en la barca, me nombraste, Señor, pescador.
Pescador, entre tantos que había en la playa tus ojos me vieron, tu boca me habló
y a pesar de sentirse mi cuerpo cansado, mis pies en la arena siguieron tu voz.
Pescador, manejando mis artes de pesca, en otras riveras mi vida quedó
y al querer que por todos los mares del mundo, trabajen mis fuerzas por ti pescador.
Pescador, mi trabajo de toda la noche mi dura faena hoy nada encontró,
pero tu que conoces los mares profundos, compensas, si quieres, mi triste labor.
Quién es ese que camina en las aguas, quien es ese que a los sordos hace oír,
quien es ese que a los muertos resucita, quien es ese que su nombre quiero oír.
Es Jesús, es Jesús, Dios y hombre que nos guía con su luz.
Quién es ese que los mares obedecen, quien es ese que a los mudos hace hablar;
quién es ese que da paz al alma herida, y pecados con su muerte perdonó.
Quién es ese que a nosotros ha llegado, quien es ese salvador y redentor,
quien es ese que su espíritu nos deja y transforma nuestra vida con su amor.
310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 –
Most Rev Randolph R Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno
Parish Office Business Hours
Monday: 1:30—4:00 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday:
8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM
Friday: 8:30-Noon
OFFICE 775/329- 2571
Friar Francisco Nahoe OFM Conv, Rector
Friar Paul Fazio OFM Conv, Parochial Vicar
Friar Thomas Hamilton OFM Conv , Franciscan
Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons
FAX 775/329- 2824
BOOKSTORE 775/329- 3011
Rocío Grady-Parish Secretary 100
Deacon Richard Ramm-Administrator for Temporalities 127
Jack-Bookstore Mgr 112
Diane 107 ° Mary Ann 108-Bookkeepers
WEB; E-MAIL [email protected] for homilies, Bible study & catechetics.
Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM &
7:00PM (Misa en español)
7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday)
Saturday 3:00PM; & Thursday 5:45PM
Contact Parish Office.
Contact Parish Office. Parents must be active, registered
parishioners for at least six months prior to setting date.
Contact Parish Office
Thursday 3:00PM
Thursday 6:30PM
Located at 434 Washington Street, Suite D, Reno. 329-2571 Ext. 111.
Distribution on: 3rd Friday & 3rd & 4th Saturday of the month from 11AM-1PM.
Donations may be delivered to the Gift Shop, Sacristy or Parish Office.
Let us pray for…/Oremos por…
US servicemen & women, & Gloria, Flor & Nica Mendoza, Chris Janoski, Alexus Chacon, Margie
Herdon, Tovi Hilbish, Cindy Volk, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Anne Marie Breese, George
Glaesman, Ana Farfan, Mary Beaubriand, Joe Miner, Mina Dibitonto, Martin Chagolla, Margarita
Aguirre, Douglas Todd, Janet Fleming, Blanca Gonzalez, Ben Koepsell, Jorge Campos, Michelle
Thompson, Dora Steiner, Ana Maria Chaidez, Josh Floyd, Jesus Alvarez-Rodriguez, Vinny Cecere,
James Czeck, Ann Dvorak, Mike Edmond, Jack Murphy, Patch Wolfe, Dawn Harris, Antonia Ibarra,
Dennis Gribbin, Sayra Gutierrez, Louie & Vangie Elordieta, Nikos Theologitis, Margaret Marshall, Terri
Alff, Juan & Guadalupe Cabrales, Monet Rodriguez, Abigail Ledezma, Steven Vogel, Shari Ann Burton,
Martin Brandtner, Aaron Spangenthal, Anna Buchanan, Dawn Hanson, Rick Slaughter, Fr Chris Dietz
OFM Conv, Nancy & Carl Came, Ryan McGrail, Barbara Crose, Kenneth Dean, Heidi Gibson, Harlyne
& Bob Caruso, Steve Tucker, Tim Bauer, Jack Crawford, Linda Kelley, Lawrence Reeder,
Sarah & Clare & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Maureen Flynn.

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