“Yo soy” de Jesús, “Yo soy la vid


“Yo soy” de Jesús, “Yo soy la vid
Mayo – mes de Nuestra Señora
2-3 de mayo – quinto domingo de Pascua
La afirmación “Yo soy” de Jesús, “Yo soy la vid y Uds. las ramas” habla de la intimidad y la fecundidad
del discipulado. Para que podamos producir frutos tenemos no solo que estar conectados con Jesús, la vid que
da vida, sino también ser receptivos a que Dios Padre, el vinicultor, nos pode. El ser podado implica vivir
según las palabras y acciones de Jesús. Aquellos que eligen otros caminos se marchitarán y morirán. Pero si
creemos y seguimos la vida que Jesús nos enseña tendremos una relación íntima con Él, seremos fructíferos
creadores de vida y honraremos a Dios, quien oirá de buena gana todo lo que Le pidamos. Así hacían los
primeros discípulos y así deben hacer todos los que deseen ser Sus discípulos.
La lectura de hoy, de la Primera Epístola de Juan, es a la vez simple y desafiante: “Hijitos míos, no amemos
de palabra ni de lengua, sino de obra y en verdad. . . . Y este es su mandamiento: Que creamos en el nombre
de su Hijo Jesucristo, y nos amemos unos a otros como nos lo ha mandado.” Ya sea entre nuestra familia, con
los compañeros de trabajo, amigos o en nuestra comunidad de fe, somos llamados a amarnos unos a otros.
Eso exige que estemos abiertos y dispuestos a reconciliarnos con los demás. Nuestra comunidad de fe de
San Patricio ha sido llamada a mostrar nuestra unión con Cristo así como la rama se encuentra en unión con
la vid. La vid les da vida a las ramas. Como miembros y líderes de nuestra comunidad de fe, ¡es la
reponsabilidad de cada uno de nosotros de tomar la iniciativa de la reconciliación!
La Antífona de la Comunión: “Yo soy la vid y ustedes son las ramas. El que permanece en mí, como yo en
él, dará mucho fruto.” ¡Aleluia!
Important Dates to Remember:
Sunday, May 17 — 10:30 a.m. First Communion Mass
Friday, May 29 — 10:00 a.m. Preschool Graduation
Friday, May 29 — 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Mass in Staunton
Sunday, June 7 — 10:30 a.m. High School Baccalaureate Mass
High School Youth: Gather in Atlanta, July 9-12, with teens from across the nation for a week of great talks,
music, and worship at a youth conference sponsored by the Franciscan University of Steubenville. More Info:
[email protected].
One adult chaperone (VIRTUS trained/Volunteer Select Form
Screened) per 8 youths needed for our parish to participate. To chaperone, email [email protected].
IHM Homeschool Conference – June 19 & 20: The Immaculate Heart of Mary National Homeschool
Conference will be held at the Fredericksburg Expo & Convention Center, 2371 Carl D. Silver Pkwy, in
Fredericksburg, VA, on Friday, June 19 (9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.) and on Saturday, June 20 (9:00 a.m. – 4:30
p.m.). Visit www.ihmconference.org for full list of speakers, talk topics, and vendors! This year’s conference
will also feature a Teen Program on Friday afternoon and a Catholic College Fair on Friday evening! Admission
is free and pre-registration is not required! Free parking. For more information, call 540-636-1946.
Bon Secours Successful Aging Forum: Spend an exciting day with the legendary Mary Wilson (one of the
original Supremes) as she headlines the Bon Secours Virginia 2015 Successful Aging Forum on May 28. Well
known for 10 hit singles, Mary is also known for her solo career and world-wide humanitarian efforts. Enjoy
a fine three-course lunch, exhibitors, our popular experts panel, door prizes, and the fabulous Mary Wilson at
this year’s Successful Aging Forum, held at the West End Assembly of God, 401 North Parham Road,
23229. $30 (includes lunch). To reserve your seat, call 1 (888) 490-9355 or register online at:
All hands needed on Saturday, May 9, to receive and process food donated through STAMP OUT
HUNGER, the U.S. Postal Service Food Drive for the RARA Food Pantry. It takes about 80 volunteers
to unload bags of food from the mail trucks, count the bags and sort the cans into bins. The shifts
are: noon to 2 p.m., 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (We need the most volunteers on the
third shift, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.) Can you help? If so, please email Gail Teaford at
[email protected] or call her at 463-6943. Even if you can't help on May 9, please fill the bag your
mail carrier leaves at your mailbox.
Christian Movie: "Little Boy" is an inspirational movie of a 7-year old boy who is willing to do whatever it
takes to bring his dad home from World War II. The story reveals the indescribable love a father has for his
little boy and the love a son has for his father. Through the guidance of the parish priest and an unlikely
friend, the little boy (and the audience) learn how to use the Corporal Works of Mercy to build true faith.
Packed with lots of beautiful, uplifting messages, this film is a must see for ages 12 and up. Now playing in
Hosted by 7th Grade RE students &
the Respect Life Committee
Sunday, May 3, following 10:30 a.m. Mass
Reception in the undercroft
ComfortCare Women’s Health requests that only
diapers, formula, wipes be donated
(and no gift-wrapping needed)!
Gifts can be left in the narthex.
Please attend and support our 7th graders’ mission!

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