August 23, 2015 - Sacred Heart Church


August 23, 2015 - Sacred Heart Church
-CELEBRATING 125 YEARS565 W. Kettering St., Lancaster, CA 93534
Phone: (661) 942-7122
A Day of Great Joy for the Church!
Jeffrey Baker and 7 others were ordained transitional deacons on the
Feast of the Assumption. (see page 3)
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 6:45am, 8:00am, *9:30am
11:00am, 5:30pm *Signed for hearing impaired
Domingo: 12:45pm & 2:30pm (Español)
Mon.-Fri.: 7:00am & 5:30pm
WEDDINGS: By appointment, 6-month
advance notice. Call 942-7122.
(Days of Obligation)
English - Vigil: 5:30pm
7:00am, 9:00am, 12noon, 5:30pm
Español: 7:30pm
Weekdays: 6:30am & 5:00pm (20 min. before
Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm & 8:00pm
PASTOR: Fr. Tom Baker
Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
Fr. Raymont Medina
English: 3rd Saturday of each month.
Call 948-3011.
Spanish: El primer Sabado de cada mes.
Llame 942-7853.
Pastors Corner
August 23, 2015
Page 2
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the second reading today from Paul’s letter to the
Ephesians he speaks about relationships, particularly
the relationships of husbands and wives. The key line
is the first: ―Brothers and sisters: Be subordinate to one
another.‖ The Webster’s definition of subordinate is:
―inferior to or placed below another in rank, power or
importance.‖ If St. Paul initiates this section with ―be
subordinate to one another‖ he wants to emphasize
the importance of humility and allowing someone else
to be first. Jesus life is our example, for ―though he
was in the form of God, he did not regard equality with
God something to be grasped.
Rather he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found in human
appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross‖ (Philippians 2:6-8).
In our modern, United States culture, this mentality can be difficult because we’re often taught to ―look out
for number one (ourselves).‖ Perhaps this is why marriage seems to be on the decline. Marriage and the
marriage vows are a beautiful reminder of what couples are called to, and actually what we are all called to
in relationship with one another. Just as Jesus put us first and gave himself for us, married couples and everyone in relationship is called to be subordinate, to place the other above self and mirror Jesus
Christ. Maybe it’s time to clean off our mirror. Peace.
Fr. Tom
La Segunda Lectura de hoy está tomada de la Carta de Pablo a los Efesios en ella se nos habla de las
relaciones, especialmente entre esposos y esposas. La clave es primero: ―Hermanos y hermanas: Respétense
unos a otros‖. El diccionario define la palabra respeto como: “La consideración de que alguien o incluso
algo tiene un valor por sí mismo y se establece como reciprocidad: respeto mutuo, reconocimiento mutuo.
El término se refiere a cuestiones morales y éticas, en las relaciones interpersonales que comienza en el
individuo‖. San Pablo comienza su carta esta frase, ―respétense unos a otros‖, lo que él quiere destacar es la
importancia de la humildad y permitir que la otra persona sea primero. Jesús es nuestro ejemplo: ―Él, siendo
de condición divina, no se apegó a su igualdad con Dios, sino que se redujo a nada, tomando la condición
de siervo, y se hizo semejante a los hombres. Y encontrándose en la condición humana, se rebajó a si mismo haciéndose obediente hasta la muerte y muerte en una cruz‖ (Fil 2,6).
En nuestra cultura moderna, en los Estados Unidos, esta mentalidad puede ser difícil, porque con
frecuencia estamos enseñando como ―Ser el número uno‖ (nosotros mismos). Quizás por eso el matrimonio
está en declive. El matrimonio es un bonito recuerdo a lo que están llamadas las parejas, y a lo que en realidad todos estamos en relación de unos hacia otros. Así como Jesús nos pone en primer lugar y se entregó
por nosotros, por lo tanto las parejas casadas, y todos los que nos encontramos en relación con el hermano/
a, estamos llamados a estar ―subordinados‖ en lugar de todos los demás por encima de su propio espejo Jesucristo. Quizás es el tiempo de limpiar nuestro propio espejo. Paz.
P. Tom.
The Happenings
August 23, 2015
Page 3
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
In preparation for their final stage of formation before ordination to the priesthood next year, eight men
were ordained to the transitional diaconate on August 15th, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Jeffrey Baker, a former pastoral intern at Sacred Heart Church, was among those ordained. Let us keep him in
our prayers as he continues to live out the call to serve our Lord in his brothers and sisters.
Deacon Jeff Baker
Age: 30
Hometown: Glendale, CA
Home parish: Holy Family Church, Glendale
In what way has your time in seminary helped you to know our Lord
more? Going to the seminary has been an incredible experience. It is a place
to study, pray, and have fun. Learning how to balance these three things can
be challenging at times. However, the seminary is a great environment for
prayer. Over the past six years of formation, I have been able to grow in my
relationship with the Lord. There are several chapels on campus with the
Blessed Sacrament that provided a place to spend quiet time with Jesus. This
quiet prayer allowed me to listen more carefully to where God was calling
me. It also helped me to learn a lot about myself and face the challenges that
were ahead of me. These challenges made me realize how dependent I was
on God and the need to continue to build a relationship with Him.
What would your advice be to men considering discerning the priesthood? My advice would be first to be open to what God is calling you to and
pray. Every Christian is called to discern their vocation and it is important to
be open to the different possibilities. Secondly, when praying, ask God what
He is calling you to do with your life. You will be surprised how He responds through different events and people in your life. Thirdly, spend time
with the Blessed Sacrament. This is a great way to know the Lord in a more
intimate way. Whether it is only for 5 minutes or an hour, it will help with
your discernment. Lastly, I would suggest that you find a priest who can be
your spiritual director. You will need a guide for this journey of discernment
and a priest is a great guide for your path of discernment.
Ministry News
Page 4
Interested in becoming Catholic?
Or learning more about the Faith?
Sign Up for RCIA 2015-2016
Confirming Disciples Registration
Registration for our Confirming Disciples process is currently underway. Preparation for Confirmation is for a life time, not just the day! Come encounter Jesus
in our small group meetings!
Confirming Disciples Year One Meet: One Sunday a month (all dates given in
advance), 11:00AM (Mass) Class starts at 12:00PM to 2:15PM
Confirming Disciples Year Two Meet: One Sunday a month (all dates given in
advance), 2:45PM to 6:30PM (includes 5:30 PM Mass).
Registrations will be accepted Tues, Wed, and Thurs. from 2:00pm to 4:30pm or
call for an appointment!
Classes Begin Aug 24th
Classes are on Monday nights
from 7-9pm. Applications are
available at the Parish Office.
You must bring the following with you (even if your Sacraments were done here
at our parish): Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate , First Communion Certificate .Please be prepared to leave a deposit at the time of registration to hold your
Registro para la Confirmación. Martes, Miércoles, y Jueves de 2-4pm. Para el
registro necesitas los siguientes documentos: Certificado de Nacimiento, Bautismo, y de Primera Comunión. Hay que dar un depósito para que el candidato quede registrado formalmente.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana
para Adultos
Las personas mayores de 21
años y que no hablan ingles
y les faltan los sacramentos
de iniciación cristiana como
el Bautismo, la Confirmación y la Primera Comunión.
Por favor comuníquense al
Ministerio Hispano de la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón
al: (661)942-7853; 9427122.
Wilkerson encourages the Sacred
Heart Youth in
their fund raising
efforts for NCYC.
Ministry News
Page 5
Office of Religious Education
Perpetual Adoration
Returning Teacher’s In-Service, Saturday, August 29, 8am – 4pm
ADORERS are needed for the
following hours:
Parking Lot Volunteer Meeting, Thursday, August 27, 6pm, Kennedy Center.
El 27 de Agosto en el salón Kennedy, habrá una reunión para los voluntarios que
servirán dirigiendo el tráfico en el estacionamiento.
1st Day of Faith Formation Class Sept 9/10 Wed/Thurs Classes. Sept 10: RCITeen
Year1 & 2. Sun, Sept 13: Childhood ( EC), Kindergarten (K).
Formación de Fe: Su primer día de clase para Miércoles/Jueves será el 9/10 de Septiembre. Para los de RCITeen primer y segundo año será el 10 de Septiembre. Para
los de edad temprana (EC) Kinder (K) será el 13 de Septiembre.
8:00pm – 9:00pm
12:00pm – 1:00pm
2:00am – 3:00am
11:00am – 12:00pm
6:00am – 7:00am
11:00am – 12:00pm
11:00am – 12:00pm
Catechetical Sunday, September 20. Father will be giving a special blessing at all
the Masses for all the Catechist/Aides in the various ministries here at Sacred Heart.
Please keep all our teachers and aides in your prayers throughout the year.
Domingo Catequético: El Domingo Catequético será el 20 de Septiembre, el Padre
estará exhortando a los diferentes ministerios a que se pongan de pie para que reciban una bendición. Por favor, mantengan en sus oraciones todo el año a los catequistas, voluntarios y maestros.
If you can serve, please call
Jessica at 948-4604. Thank
September 26: San Fernando Regional Congress offers attendees opportunities to
grow in their knowledge of the Catholic faith, to deepen their spirituality, to increase
their catechetical, liturgical, and leadership skills, and to be challenged by a variety
of current topics and presenters. Please sign up for this event online or call the ORE
Holy Hour
Fri, Sept 4, 8:30 - 9:30pm
In the Spotlight
St. Monica
Feast August 27th
St. Monica was married by arrangement to
a pagan official in North Africa, who was much older than she,
and although generous, was also violent tempered. His mother
Lived with them and was equally difficult, which proved a constant challenge to St. Monica. She had three children; Augustine,
Navigius, and Perpetua. Through her patience and prayers, she
was able to convert her husband and his mother to the Catholic faith in 370. He died a year later. Perpetua and Navigius entered the religious Life. St. Augustine was much more difficult,
as she had to pray for him for 17 years, begging the prayers of
priests who, for a while, tried to avoid her because of her persistence at this seemingly hopeless endeavor. One priest did console her by saying, "it is not possible that the son of so many
tears should perish." This thought, coupled with a vision that she
had received strengthened her. St. Augustine was baptized by St.
Ambrosein 387. St. Monica died later that same year, on the way
back to Africa from Rome in the Italian town of Ostia.
May we be encouraged by her example and aided by her
intercession as we pray for all those close to us who have distanced themselves from the faith. St. Monica, pray for us!
Our Parish Family
Page 6
125TH Anniversary Parish Directory: To commemorate our parish’s 125th anniversary we
will put together a parish photo directory. The photos will be taken for several weeks beginning September 29. Photo opportunities will be Tuesday-Friday from 1:30-9:00pm,
Saturdays from 10:00am-6:00pm and some Sundays from 9am-5:00pm. Every individual
or family that has their photo taken will receive a free directory and a free 8x10 photo.
For those who wish to order photos, they will be available before Christmas. A history of
Sacred Heart Church will be included. Those who sign up for their photo session on-line
will receive a free gift. Also, there will be 20% discounts for seniors and military personnel. Visit the member sign up site at:
sacredheartcatholicchurch34/index.php? page=10
Libro Conmemorativo 125th Aniversario Parroquial: Para conmemorar el 125th Aniversario parroquial, estaremos haciendo un libro
fotográfico conmemorativo. Las fotografías serán tomadas varias semanas comenzando el 29 Septiembre. Las fotografías serán tomadas de Martes a Viernes de 1:30PM-9PM., los sábados de 10:00AM—6:00PM, y los domingos de 9:00AM—5:00PM. Lo podrán
hacer individualmente o por familia, por cada fotografía que se tomen recibirán gratis un libro conmemorativo y una fotografía de
8X10. Los que quieran ordenar sus fotografías estarán disponibles antes de la Navidad. Estará incluida la historia del Sagrado Corazón. Los que se inscriban para sus fotos por la red (línea), recibirán un regalo. También, habrá un 20 % de descuento para las personas de la tercera edad y para el personal militar. Por favor, ayúdenos a celebrar la bendición de nuestro 125th Aniversario y sea parte de este libro conmemorativo parroquial. Los que quieren inscribir en línea pueden
The Holy Father is Coming...
Did you know? The World Meeting of Families Adult and Youth Congress in Philadelphia (Sept 22-25) offers families access to the
riches of Jesus’ teachings on marriage and family life. The Congress will offer a wide variety of talks full of beautiful and enlivening truths and practical ways to live them so that our families can flourish and experience more joy. Don’t miss this once-in-alifetime opportunity! Learn more about the WMOF Congress and how to register at
The 44th Annual SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention
will take place over Labor Day Weekend, September 4 6, 2015 at the Anaheim Convention Center & Arena.
This year’s theme is: ―Rejoice and Be Glad‖. Over 50
Catholic Speakers & 70 Presentations! Spiritually enriching for all ages! Guest speakers: Bishop Kevin
Vann, Fr. Gary Thomas, John Michael Talbot, Deacon
Alex Jones, Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR, Sr. Regina Marie
Gorman, OCD, Fr. Jeffrey Grob, JCD, Dr. Margarett
Schleintz, Fr. Eugenio Cardenas, MSpS, Dr. Mary Healy, Neal Lozano and many more! For brochure/info,
contact: (818) 771-1361 [email protected] Online Info. &
Page 7
Masses for the Week
August 22 - August 28, 2015
Leo & Marie Heimgartener, RIP
Maricor Abrasaldo, RIP
Yae & Jim Humm, RIP/Liv
Mercedita Escorpiso, RIP
For those among us who are sick, that they
know Christ’s comforting presence, in our
community’s care for them and their families, especially for: Emily Janelle, Belen
Rico, Jazmyn & Estarlettis Rico, Jimmy Jornacion, Daphne Nelson, Paul Neal, Sr. Angela Pacheco, Olivia Rangel, Desiree Rudiger.
11:00AM Baby Anna Jornacion, RIP
12:45PM For All Parishioners
Anacaren Alcaraz, RIP
Natividad Munoz, RIP
Nora Crann, Liv
Richard & Jean Kollasch, RIP/Liv
John & Rosalie Grandinetti, RIP
Alesha Rucci, Liv
Nancy Belispirito, RIP
Chelsey Creswell, Liv
Marie Duran, Liv
Julia & Sandi Murray, Liv
Cecelia Camarena, RIP
Josh Garcia, RIP
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 23, 2015
As for me and my household,
we will serve the LORD.
— Joshua 24:15b
Monday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;
Jn 1:45-51
Tuesday: 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:2732
Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17;
Mt 24:42-51
1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12;
Mt 25:1-13
Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mk 6:17-29
Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18,
21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Lunes: Ap 21:9b-14; Sal 14510-13, 17-18;
Jn 1:45-51
Martes: 1 Tes 2:1-8; Sal 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26
Miércoles:1 Tes 2:9-13; Sal 139:7-12ab;
Mt 23:27-32
Jueves: 1 Tes 3:7-13; Sal 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17;
Mt 24:42-51
Viernes: 1 Tes 4:1-8; Sal 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12;
Mt 25:1-13
Sábado: 1 Tes 4:9-11; Sal 98:1, 7-9; Mc 6:17-29
Domingo: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Sal 15:2-5; Stgo 1:17-18,
21b-22, 27; Mc 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Bartholomew
St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz
Thursday: St. Monica
St. Augustine
Saturday: The Passion of St. John the Baptist
Domingo: Vigésimo primer Domingo del Tiempo
San Bartolomé
Martes: San Luis de Francia; san José de Calasanz
Santa Mónica
Viernes: San Agustín
Sábado: El martirio de san Juan Bautista
Parish Information
Parish Office
Phone: (661) 942-7122 / 942-4830
Fax: (661) 945-4255
[email protected]
Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Lancaster-CA
Hours: Mon- Sat 10:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Religious Education
Phone: (661) 948-3011
Download the app: Sacred Heart ORE
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm). Closed Friday.
Sacred Heart School
Phone: (661) 948-3613
Principal: Mr. David Schatz
Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30am3:30pm; Friday: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Building Campaign
Phone: (661) 947-7122
Facebook: Build Sacred Heart Church
Youth Ministries
Phone: (661) 945-8743
Catholics in Action
Confirming Disciples
Hispanic Ministry
Encargado: Heriberto Cayetano
Phone: (661) 942-7853
Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Parish Pastoral Council
Leo Alvarado
Ramon Escobar
Jessica Garcia
Jessica Harper
Deacon Ron Routolo
Johnnie Shade
Please speak with any of these
members about concerns you may
have at Sacred Heart Church.
Page 8
Deacon Dale Reynolds
Deacon Fermin Herrera
Deacon Greg Halamicek
Deacon Jason Schalow
Deacon Ron Routolo
Perpetual Adoration
Sunday 7:00pm– Saturday 6:30am
Saturday 8:00pm– Sunday 6:00am
Tuesday : 6:00pm
Liturgy of the Hours
Weekdays: 5:00pm
Gift Shop
Saturday: 4:00pm –7:00pm
Sunday:7:30am –7:30pm
Closed during Masses
Music Ministry Spanish
Santiago Flores: 202-8146
Anointing of the sick/
Ministry to the sick
Please call the parish office to arrange for anointing for someone who
is seriously ill or preparing for surgery. If ill, homebound or hospitalized we can visit upon request.
Please call the parish office 9427122
Safeguard the Children
Coordinator: Linda Gonzalez
Phone: (661) 949-8890
Music Ministry English
Kathryn Conrad:947-4023
Ministries & Organizations
Good Shepherd Cemetery 722-0887
Catholic Daughters
Charismatic Prayer Groups
(818) 571-4659
Cofradia Guadalupana
Detention Ministry
Eucharistic Ministers
Filipino Ministry
Hijas de Maria
Knights of Columbus
Legion of Mary
House Blessings
Marriage Encounter
Ministers of Hospitality
Natural Family Planning
Perpetual Adoration
Prayer Chain
Pescador de Hombres
Respect Life
Crisis Pregnancy
Pregnancy & Infant Loss 478-1881
Project Rachel
Rosary Guild
Scripture Study
Spanish Women’s Group 946-7524
Spanish Men’s Group 406-9709
St. Vincent De Paul
45058 Trevor Ave #B, Lancaster 93534
Squires of the Sacred Heart579-6102
Women of Grace
Vocations (Dcn. Greg) 305-0023

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