QTRI news `98


QTRI news `98
Tupper Seminars
Tuesday, February 8, noon
seminar speaker will be
Stephen K. Donovan,
senior scholar from the
Natural History Museum
The paleobiology of bits:
what to do with your
broken echinoids and
STRI news
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá
February 2, 2000
Bambi Seminar
New book by Heckadon,
Ibáñez, and Condit
Thursday, February 10,
Bambi seminar speaker will
be Bil Grauel
Species diversity and
stand dynamics of Cativo
(Prio ria c o p aife ra) forests
in Darien, Panama
Reservations are essential.
Call BCI at 272-2124.
La Cuenca del Canal: deforestación, urbanización y
contaminación (The Panama Canal Watershed:
deforestation, urbanization and contamination),
published in 1999 by Stanley Heckadon
Moreno, Roberto Ibáñez and Richard Condit, is
the executive summary of a three-year study
(1996-1999) on the state of forest cover,
hydrology and soils, vertebrate and human
populations in the Canal watershed. This well
illustrated 120-pages book sells at STRIMiniBookstore for $10. La Cuenca del Canal:
deforestación, urbanización y contaminación ,
publicado en 1999 por Stanley Heckadon
Moreno, Roberto Ibáñez y Richard Condit, es
el resumen ejecutivo de un proyecto de tres
años (1996-1999) sobre el estado de losbosques,
aguas y suelos, y poblacones humanas y de
vertebrados en la cuenca del Canal.
Sunshine Van Beal,
University of Illinois, Feb 6
- Sep 1, to study the
herbivory in neotropical
forest canopies, at Tupper
and Ft. Sherman.
Stephen Cavers, Rogerio
Gribel and Andrew Lowe,
Feb 6-8, to visit the Naos
Marine Laboratories for
meetings with Eldredge
Bermingham and
Christopher Dick. Andrew
Lowe will present a seminar
at Naos.
Lisa Barnett, STRI,
Washington, D.C., Feb 6-9,
to meet with staff in Panama.
Stephan Donovan, British
Museum, U.K., Feb 7-12, to
present a seminar and visit
sites for possible
cooperative geological
Este libro ilustrado de 120 páginas se vende
en la Mini-librería de STRI en $10.
nuevo libro de Heckadon, Ibáñez y Condit
From the Office of Physical Plants: ongoing projects
In December 1999, STRI's Office of Physical Plants completed construction and installation
of a back-up generator shed in Bocas. Connection to a new electrical service is scheduled for
early March. Also in Bocas, OPP is installing a pre-fabricated 4-room dormitory building with
dinning and kitchen facilities, to be completed in April. Design for new laboratories and docking
facilities are scheduled to start in the near future.
At Naos Laboratories, we are upgrading the seawater system with pumps and pipes above the
ground, for easier maintenance. OPP is negotiating a change order for a complete repair and
renovation of the saltwater pavilion structure and drainage system. Also at Naos, we contracted
Fundaciones S.A. to complete the pier (floating breakwater, floating dock and gangway). At Tivoli,
STRI's OPP recently completed the renovation of the basement offices currently occupied by
the Office of Information Technology's staff. We are planning the construction of a new
administration building for STRI to replace the Tivoli building, in 5 years.
In Gamboa, we are negotiating with Fundaciones, S.A., to construct a dock/pier. We completed
exterior cleaning of the Gamboa School last month and will start with building 183 next week. On
BCI, construction contractor Dennis Allen scheduled the completion of two growing houses in the
old clearing, by the end of February. The renovation of BCI's old library building (herbarium) was
completed in January. We expect to start construction of a new sewage treatment on BCI, and a new
dormitory building for researchers and workers, by the end of March.
Fernando Pascal, Engineer, Office of Physical Plants
Officials from the SI Office of
Physical Plants, director
Michael Sofield, deputy
director Kenneth Olmsted,
assistant directors Sheryl
Kolasinski (Project
Management), Derek Ross
(Construction), Larry Stuebing
(Engineering and Design), and
project manager Tom Myers;
with program managers from
the SI Office of Facilities
Services, Ellen Williams
(Finance), and Jodi Ernst
(Facilities Management), Feb
7-11, to visit STRI sites at
BCI, Gamboa, the Tupper
complex, Ancon, Naos and
Cesar Roman-Valencia,
Universidad del Quindío,
Colombia, Feb 10-24, to work
on freshwater fishes with Biff
Berminham, at Naos.
Masatoshi Matsumasa, Iwate
Medical University, Japan, Feb
11 - Mar 16, to work in bloodsugar and lactate levels of a
fiddler crab Uca beebei: effects
of the lunar cycle, at Naos.
Allen Herre, Feb 6-9, to
Miami, FL, to attend the
Cocoa Conference.
Héctor Guzmán, Feb 10 - 22,
to Costa Rica, to continue
research on coral reefs.
STRI news
marialuz calderón, editor
[email protected]
adriana bilgray, assistant editor
georgina de alba, director
office of fellowships and
marcos a. guerra, photographer
lina gonzález, image specialist
scientific support services
STRI: new assignments and organizational changes
cambios y nuevas asignaciones en STRI
As a result of the transition and other organizational
changes at STRI, the following reassignments of
responsibilities have been made:
Com o result ado d e la tran sición, y c ambio s en la
organización en STRI, se han dado las siguientes
nuevas asignacion es de responsab ilidades:
mónica alvarado
mónica alvarado
Formerly transition coordinator, Alvarado will be
responsible for public in formatio n. Her job will be to
coordinate activities that disseminate information
related to STR I’s mission to increase public aw areness
of our programs. Monica will serve as initial contact
for the media, and will write releases on STRI
projects, important visits and ev ents to the local press
and internal media. She will join the staff of the Office
of Edu cation, but w ill work close ly with staff scie ntists
and other administrative units at STRI. She will move
to the Tupper Center this coming month, and her
extension is 8023.
Anteriormente coordinadora de la transición, será
ahora responsable por los programas de información
al público. Coordinará las actividades de divulgación
relacionadas a la misión de STRI para enriquecer el
conocimiento público sobre nue stros programas.
Món ica será el conta cto inicia l con los med ios, y
redactará noticias sobre proyectos, visitas y eventos
especiales para la prensa local e interna. Se unirá al
personal de la Oficina de Educación, y trabajará de
cerca con científicos y unidades administrativas en
STRI. Se trasladará al Tupper el próximo mes. Su
extensión es 8023.
edith salgado
edith salgado
She will continue to serve as STRI’s protocol officer
responsible for organizing all STRI special events and
visits. Edith coo rdinates an d provid es suppo rt to
specia l events that serv e to car ry out S TRI g oals.
She also provides administrative support to the Office
of External Affairs, and can be contacted at ext. 8161.
Segu irá fung iendo com o direc tora de protoc olo
responsable por org anizar eventos espec iales y visitas.
Coordinará y ofrecerá apoyo a eventos que ayudan a
cumplir con las metas de STRI. Edith ofrece apoyo
adm inistrativo a la Of icina de Asun tos Exte rnos, y
puede localizarse en ext. 8161.
xenia guerra
xenia guerra
Was appointed office manager for scientific support
services. Xenia will continue to work 1/3 of her time
as scien tific assista nt to An thony C oates, bu t will
spend the rest of her time carrying out her new duties
under Harry Barnes. In addition to providing day-today administrative support for scientific support, her
responsibilities will include: the research associates
program; the fee program, the administration of the
TropiFace project, the research and equipment pool
and our animal care and use committee. She can be
reached at ext. 8030.
Fue nombrada gerente de la Oficina de Apoyo
Científico. Continuará como asistente de
investig ación d e Anth ony C oates 1 /3 de su tiem po, y
el resto lo utilizará en funciones bajo la supervición
de Harry Barnes. Además del apoyo a actividades
administrativas de la oficina, manejará el programa de
investigadores asociados a STRI, las tarifas por
servicios de apoyo científico, el proyecto ACELA, el
uso de equ ipo de investigación, y el com ité para uso
y cuidado de animales. Su extensión es la 8030.
luis turner
luis turner
Formerly purchasing agent, Turner is now the acting
mana ger of th e proc urem ent de partm ent. He is
respon sible for the ove rall func tioning o f this
depa rtmen t..
Antiguo agente de compras, Turner es el nuevo
gerente encargado del departamento de compras. Es
responsa ble por el fu ncionam iento gene ral de este
maria leone
maria leone
Previously assistant manager, is currently acting
manager of the Visitor Services Office. Changes in the
responsibilities of staff in this office will be taking
place during the coming months when a new office
clerk is hired.
Anteriormente sub-gerente de la Oficina de Servicios
a los Visitantes, es actualmente gerente encargada.
Otros cambios se llevarán a cabo entre el personal de
este oficina durante los pró ximos me ses cuando se
contrará un/a oficinista.
Urgenc ia: Rufin o Go nzále z, uno de nu estro s com pañe ros, pe rdió to das s us pe rtene ncias duran te un in cend io
accidental en Las Pava s. Su esposa y tres hijas (de 6, 8 y 10 añ os) están a salvo. Pedimo s a todos solidaridad para
este compañero durante esta necesid ad. Aquellos que deseen compartir con Rufino González cualquier donación en
efectivo, artículos personales y utensilios domésticos, se les agradecerá dejen su donación con Oris Acevedo en
BCI, la Oficina de Recurso s Huma nos en Tív oli, y la oficina de Milton G arcía en Tu pper, no. 52 6, ext. 2318...

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