Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish of Campbell, Ohio


Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish of Campbell, Ohio
Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish
Cristo, el Buen Pastor
633 Porter Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330.755.4141) (330)755-3633 (Español)
(330)755-1367 (fax) •
The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments,
share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community and
throughout the world.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 4, 2016
The Good News is that we have all been
invited—invited to the Kingdom, invited to be
disciples. It’s a life-changing invitation, and like so
many other such invitations, it requires a great deal
of deliberation and discernment. Whether we
choose marriage, ordination, single life, or
community life, we know the serious planning and
consideration that accompany these profound
decisions. Like the tower-builder in the Gospel, we
have weighed both the monetary and emotional
cost. We have pondered and planned our lives in
the direction to which we believe God has called
us. And while we pray for guidance and acceptance
of God’s will, we often fail to understand so much.
Like Solomon, we turn to God for wisdom and
counsel in our life-changing decisions.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. John the Baptist Church
159 Reed Ave.
Hall: (330)755-0036
St. Joseph the Provider Church
633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316
St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima
394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4141
All parish offices are located at
633 Porter Avenue. Campbell, OH 44405
330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm
[email protected]
Good Shepherd Campbell
MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details)
at St. Joseph the Provider
Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm
[with Confessions at 3:15pm]
Sunday: 9:30am - 12:00 Noon (Spanish)
Weekdays Monday at 8:30am: Communion Service
Tuesday - Friday at 8:30am: Mass
at St. Lucy Church
Holy Days: (See inside)
La Esquina
This weekend we celebrate Labor Day. I pray that it
is happy and safe for us all, as we mark the end of
summer. But, of course, every ending is a new
beginning. And, so I pray that as we begin a new
year of pastoral ministry that God be with us.
Este fin de semana celebramos Labor Day. Rezo para
que sea uno feliz y seguro para todos nosotros, así
como marcamos el final del verano. Pero, por
supuesto que todo final es un nuevo comienzo. Así,
que oro para que en el comienzo de un nuevo año de
ministerio pastoral, Dios este con nosotros.
This week is the Priest Retreat sponsored by the
Diocese. I am looking forward to the opportunity for
spiritual renewal.
Esta semana es el Retiro de Sacerdotes patrocinado
por la Diócesis. Espero ansioso a la oportunidad de
renovación espiritual.
This week, we continue our ethnic traditions with
pierogi sales (on Fridays) and a stuffed cabbage
dinner (on Sunday).
Esta semana, continuamos con nuestras tradiciones
étnicas, con las ventas de pierogi (los viernes) y
stuffed cabbage (el domingo).
Finally, we ask God’s blessings upon Emilie Eberth.
She has served the parish as a liturgical musician for
a number of years. She has used the talents that God
gave to praise Him and to uplift our spirits. We pray
that her new beginning will be full of God’s choicest
Y, finalmente, le pedimos a Dios que bendiga a
Emilie Eberth. Ella ha servido como músico de la
liturgia por un número de años y ha usado los
talentos que Dios le dio para alabarlo y levantar
nuestros espíritu. Y, oramos que Dios llene sus nuevos planes de muchas bendiciones.
God bless you,
Fr. Conoboy
Que Dios te bendiga,
Padre Conoboy
Dear parishioners of Christ, the Good Shepherd,
It has been my pleasure to serve as your music minister for the past nine and a half years. As you may have
heard, this Sunday will be my last with you. I am not taking a position anywhere else- the time has simply
come for me to focus my energy in other areas. I want to thank you for welcoming me into your lives. In nine
years, we have shared many joys, struggles, births, deaths, marriages, and more. These experiences have
carved out a place in my heart that will always belong to you. I will miss you all and will keep you in my prayers, as I hope you will keep me in yours.
love and gratitude,
Emilie Eberth
Memorial Flames
at St. Joseph the Provider
Holy Family: Hurajt & Gocala Families
The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass.
Saturday, September 3: Vigil for Sunday
4:00pm Deborah Bretz (Mariann & Joseph Brajdich)
Anne Hrisdak (Lucy Hames)
Nick Mistovich (Michael & Marian Katula)
St. Anne: Health & Blessings for Linda Durastante
(Lolly Wityshyn)
SUNDAY, September 4: 23rd Ordinary Sunday
9:30am Shirley Ann Bukowski (John, Jane & Tom
Anibal Santos (Lucia & Amparo Santos)
Ciprian Ruiz (Esposa e Hijo Cipriano Ruiz)
Monday, September 5
(Because of the Priests Convocation there will only be
Communion Prayer Services this week).
Readings for the week of September 4:
Monday, September 5: Theresa of Calcutta
8:30am Communion Service
Tuesday, September 6: Weekday
8:30am Communion Service
Wednesday, September 7: Weekday
8:30am Communion Service
Thursday, September 8: Nativity of Blessed Mary
8:30am Communion Service
Friday, September 9: St. Peter Claver
8:30am Communion Service
Saturday, September 10: Vigil for Sunday
4:00pm John M. Wityshyn (wife, Lolly & sons,
Johnny & Jeff)
Fred Seitz Sr. (Marianne Glover)
SUNDAY, September 11: 24th Ordinary Sunday
9:30am Memorial Mass Association
Ciprian Ruiz (Esposa e Hijo Cipriano Ruiz)
Donation in Memory of:
Mike & Sue Reichert by Mary McGrath
A donation by Skevos Psaras to
Christ, the Good Shepherd/St. Joseph
for favor asked
First Reading — Who can ever know God’s counsel
unless God gives wisdom and sends the Holy Spirit from
on high? (Wisdom 9:13-18b).
Psalm — In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge
(Psalm 90).
Second Reading — Paul asks Philemon to accept back
his slave Onesimus, not as a slave but as a brother
(Philemon 9-10, 12-17).
Gospel — To be a disciple of Jesus one must carry one’s
own cross and renounce all possessions (Luke 14:25-33).
1 Corinthians 5:1-8; Psalm 5; Luke 6:6-11,
1 Corinthians 6:1-11; Psalm 149;
Luke 6:12-19
Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 7:25-31; Psalm 45;
Luke 6:20-26
Micah 5:1-4a or Romans 8:28-30; Psalm 13;
Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22b-27; Psalm 84;
Luke 6:39-42
1 Corinthians 10:14-22; Psalm 116;
Luke 6:43-49
Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14; Psalm 51;
1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-32 [1-10]
Monday, September 5:
Labor Day
Tuesday, September 6:
St. Lucy Cultural Society meeting
Wednesday, September 7:
Palermo Center Food Pantry
10:00am Crochet Club
5:30pm Prayer Group
Saturday, September 10 :
10:00am Legion of Mary
Sunday, September 11:
10:30am Catechist meeting
10:30am Holy Name meeting
10:30am Damas meeting
11:00am - 4:00pm
Stuffed Cabbage Dinner
St. John’s Hall
3:30pm - 4:00pm
St. John’s Men’s Club meeting
Drive-thru Chicken Dinner
sponsored by
Christ, the Good Shepherd
Holy Name Society
Sunday, September 25 from 12:00 - 3:00pm
St. Joseph the Provider
Take-out only
Cost $10.00
Tickets sold after Masses or any Holy Name
Society Member or call:
Dave 330.261.8838 or Chuck 330.718.2778
Pre-sale tickets only!
Lunes, 5 de Septiembre:
Labor Day - Oficina estará cerrada
Martes, 6 de Septiembre:
Reunión Sociedad Cultural St. Lucy
Miércoles, 7 de Septiembre:
Banco de Comida en el Palermo Center
10:00am Club de Crochet
5:30pm Grupo de Oración
Sábado, 10 Septiembre:
10:00am Legión de María
Domingo, 11 de Septiembre:
10:30am Reunión de Catequistas
10:30am Reunión de Santo Nombre
10:30am Reunión de Sociedad de Damas
11am-4pm Cena de Stuffed Cabbage en St. John
3:30-4pm Reunión Club de Hombres St. John
September 8
St. John the Baptist Cultural Society of
Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish
sponsoring a Stuffed Cabbage Dinner
St. John’s Church Hall
Sunday, September 11
11:00am - 4:00pm
Adults $10.00 Children $5.00
Take-out orders available containers provided
Tickets available at the door or from Cultural
Society members or Mariann 330.755.1979
Sociedad Cultural de St. John the Baptist de
la Parroquia Cristo, el Buen Pastor
estará patrocinando Stuffed Cabbage Dinner
St. John’s Church Hall
Domingo, 11 de Septiembre
11:00am - 4:00pm
Adulto $10.00 Children $5.00
Ordenes para llevar estan disponibles, se
proveran envases, tickets disponibles en la
puerta o puede comprarlos de un miembro de
la Sociedad Cultural o Mariann 330.755.1979
We would greatly appreciate all bakers to bake
bundt cakes or sheet cakes to use as dessert for
our dinner.
Agradeceremos a todas las personas que
puedan hornear un bizcocho para que lo
usemos como postre se los agradeceremos.
September 4, 2016--23rd Ordinary Sunday
“Everyone of you who does not renounce all his
possessions cannot be my disciple.” LUKE 14:33
When we first hear this statement, it seems that Jesus is
making an unrealistic demand upon us. How can we
renounce all of our possessions? We need them to live.
However, what we must renounce is the belief that they
belong to us. Everything that we have belongs to God
alone. All of our resources are entrusted to us not only
for our own use, but also so that we can help others.
Once we renounce the idea that we possess or are
entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many
gifts that God has given us. Then we truly are His
"Cualquiera de ustedes que no renuncie a todos sus
bienes, no puede ser mi discípulo."Lucas 14:33
La primera vez que oímos esta afirmación, parece que
Jesús está pidiendo algo irreal. ¿Cómo podemos
renunciar a todas nuestras posesiones? Las necesitamos
para vivir. Sin embargo, a lo que tenemos que renunciar
es a la creencia de que nos pertenecen. Todo lo que
tenemos pertenece sólo a Dios. Todos los recursos se
nos confían, no sólo para nuestro propio uso, sino
también para que podamos ayudar a los demás. Una vez
que renunciamos a la idea de que poseemos o tenemos
derecho a algo, es mucho más fácil compartir los
numerosos dones que Dios nos ha dado. Entonces
realmente somos Sus discípulos.
Children: $2.00
Utilities/Main: $85.00
Second Collection: $321.00
2nd Collection for September 18; Catholic School Subsidy
Expense for Self-Insurance: $1,500.00 a week.
On-Line Giving is now available
Go to Web-Site
Thank you for your faithful offerings to your parish
Your prayers are requested for the health and
well-being of the following parishioners:
Scott Anderson
Dorothy Baksa
Helen Ballas
Julia Beltz
Jim Bigley
Pat Bozichovich
Ted Braccolino
Danny Bullen
Lefty Butchko
Hannah Carnahan
Melissa Carnahan
Joseph & Ellen
Patti Centofanti
Pauline Ciccolelli
Ed Cook
Nilda Cruz
Veronica Domko
Gabriall Daves
Frances DelRae
Ana Diaz
Mary Dirienzo
Mary Lou Dubaj
Shirley Dunlap
Linda Durastante
Michael Esposito
Ray Fabian
Bernie Flowers
Mark Furman
William Galluppi
Bob Gatti
John Gerlick
Frances Gregor
Iraklis Grillis
Norma Gonzalez
Lucy Hames
Bobby Hames
John Hames
John Hamley
Anne Hornak
Ann Hudak
Hunter Johnson
Elizabeth Jean
Dick Kajut
Betty Kajut
Edith Kelly
Ken Kish
Mary Kominak
Angelina Koval
Kevina Koval
Nicholas Krut
Tony Landis
Dr. James Lazor
Jennifer Lazor
Mary Leshinsky
John Lissi
Timothy Lomen
Rita Makatura
Joe Makosky
Hannah Marsh
Kay Marshall
Mary Mazzocca
Jackie & Bruce
Emillio Miconi
Leo Miranda
Joe Montella
Barbara Montella
Darren Patterson
Marge Mraz
Mike Mularchik
Helen & Ed
Jane Orlo
John Orlo
Tom Orlo
Dave Parsons
Brian Pascarella
Antionette Pennel
Walter Perez
Linda Perry
Faith Perry
Wealey & Wyatt
Fr. Steve
Andy Rauzan
Sandy Redeske
Thomas Repasky
Dolly Rich
Ann Rivalsky
Carmen Rivera
Tootsie Rivera
John Roberts
Dorene Roloff
Paul Romeo
Ann Romun
Andrea Ruscitti
Gina Sacco
Jerry Sacco
Carmen Santiago
Betty Schlosser
Barbara Schlosser
Wesley Scott Sr.
Freddie Seitz
Marina Serrano
Jon Shabella
Helen Shiller
Robert Sikora
Patti Snitzer
Darlene Stellmar
Diane Stamos
Steve Stamos
Dorothy Stellmar
Shirley Szilagy
Dave Tabor
Jim Tabor
Chip Taylor
Cindy Timko
Mary Ann
Hannah Tringhese
Priscilla Turscak
Mary Uhrain
Ed Uhrain
Diane Varady
Crissi Vallus
Suzanne Morales
Helen Wacht
Edward Wacht
Billy Walter
Dorothy Walter
Eddie Walter
Paul White, Sr.
Linda Wright
Fr. Howard
Rudy Zura
Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes.
Please look over the list of names and if anyone has died or
know longer is in need of prayers let the office know.
Elementary CCD
Classes for the 2016-17 school year resume
Sunday, September 18 from 10:30am - 12:00 noon
in the Faith Formation Center.
If you have NOT yet registered your child,
please do so as soon as possible. Registration
forms are available in the church, at the parish
office, or by calling Marge O’Malley
330.755.4141. Only students new to the
program need to register.
Please remember that two years of religious
education are needed for a child to receive the
sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist,
and that on-going attendance is necessary to
receive Confirmation in grade 8.
The rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for
adult parishioners or non-parishioners wanting to
receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and/
or Confirmation, or for any adult interested in
learning more about our Catholic Faith.
Sponsors are also needed for RCIA to give
support and encouragement to those interested in
becoming Catholic.
Meetings are held from September through
Lent, with sacraments received at the Easter Vigil.
For more information, please call Marge
O’Malley 330.755.4141
Do you enjoy the annual Christmas Party,
Easter Egg Hunt, Mother’s Day breakfast,
Parish Picnic and the improvement that are
made possible with the help of the Holy Name
Society? Then help support these things by
joining the 300 Club, sponsored by the Holy
Name Society. Have a great evening out and a
chance to win $2,500. The cost is only $60 and
you have until October 30 to pay it in full.
This year’s dinner is November 12, 2016.
Tickets are available after Masses on
weekends or contact any HNS member.
Clases De Inglés Gratis Registrarse Antes De:
Septiembre 1. Llama 330.781.1808
Propósito: preparar a los adultos aprendices para que
participen en la vida cotidiana de los Estados Unidos.
Estructura del programa: Enfocado en la lectura de
Inglés, escritura, conversación, comprensión,
vocabulario y gramática.
Miércoles y Jueves 10:30am - 12:30pm
Septiembre 7, 2016 - Junio 8, 2017
Free English Classes sponsored by O.C.C.H.A.
Register by: September 1. Call 330.781.1808
Purpose: to prepare adult learning to use English and
participate in the Civic Life in the United States.
Program Structure: Focuses on English, reading,
writing, speaking, listening, vocabulary and grammar.
Wednesday & Thursday 10:30am - 12:30pm
September 7, 2016 - June 8, 2017
25th, 40th, 50th and over Wedding
Anniversary Celebration
The Diocese of Youngstown will sponsor a
Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Sunday,
October 9, 200pm at the Basilica of St. John
the Baptist, Canton, honoring couples observing
their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding
anniversaries in 2016.
The Wedding Anniversary Celebration will
include Mass with Bishop George Murry, renewal
of marriage vows and a personalized certificate
for each couple. Following the Mass, there will
be a reception for the couples and their families in
the Parish Hall hosted by the Basilica Parish.
You must make reservations in advance for this
event by contacting your parish office before
September 9.
Sept. 8 - Zaps (Polka)
Sept. 15 - Del Sinchak
Sept. 22 - John Grahovac
Roosevelt Park
Sept. 29 - Little Rock Band
Gary & Debbie Parker
Ursuline Parents meeting
The first general meeting of the Ursuline High School
Home & School Association will be held on
Wednesday, September 14, in the Ursuline cafeteria
beginning at 6:00pm Parking will be available in the
Bryson Street & Wick Avenue lots.
The evening’s program will include the opportunity
for parents to follow an abbreviated version of their
child’s schedule in order to meet with teachers in their
classrooms. Parents will meet the members of the
administrative team and learn about the various
activities of the Home & School Association. Parents
should plan to pick up their child’s schedule at the
information table in the cafeteria at that time.
Teachers will brief parents on course requirements,
their grading system and special projects. The
evening will conclude at approximately 9:00pm.
Home & School activities for the 2016-17 school year
will be reviewed. Some of the major programs
coordinated by the Home & School Association
include the Freshmen, and Senior Class Dinners, the
Teacher Appreciation Dinner, Award Day Plaques/
Certificates and the Reverse Raffle Dinner.
1-on-1 Media Workshops at the Ursuline Center
Mature adults are paired with tec-savvy young
adults for help/advice on using their Smart Phones,
laptops, Social Media, photo apps and more in our 1
-on-1 Media Workshops. Sessions are Mondays &
Wednesdays for one hour beginning at 9, 10, or
11am. Call 330.799.4941 to register. $10.00 per
class or $25.00 for three. The Ursuline Center is
located at 4280 Shields Road in Canfield and ia a
ministry of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown.
Pro-Life Articles
Need volunteers to make approximately 20 telephone
calls each month from their homes to Catholic Churches
to obtain corrections to email addresses.
Will require using Microsoft Excel Computer Software.
Please contact Martin Reiser [email protected]
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat
Jubilee Year of Mercy
Saturday, September 17, 2016
11:00am - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
(at the shrine) ENG/UKR
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church
526 West Rayen Avenue, Youngstown
“54th” Barbecue & Boutique
“A Piece of Heaven”
The Sisters of Notre Dame invite you to attend on
Sunday, September 18 and Sunday, September 25
from Noon to 5:00pm
Barbecued chicken or ribs, chips, apple pie,
coleslaw or applesauce and beverages.
Shop for Sisters’ handmade items in the Boutique.
Tickets available at the door:
$12.00/chicken, $15.00/ribs.
Held in the Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin Gym
13000 Auburn Road, Chardon. Take-out
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Wednesday, September 21
Presenters: The Most Rev. George Murry
Jim Tobin, Catholic Conference of Ohio
Associate Director, Social Concerns
Afternoon Session:
St. Michael Parish, Canfield, Social Hall
300 N. Broad Street, Canfield 1:00-4:00pm
Check-in and refreshments, 1:00 -1:30pm
Evening Session:
St. Michael Archangel, Canton
Helman Center 3430 St. Michael Blvd. Canton
6:00pm - 9:00pm

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