
32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ~ November 6, 2016
Prayer for The Year of Mercy
▪ Dar de comer al hambriento
▪ Dar de beber al sediento
▪ Dar posada al necesitado
▪Vestir al desnudo
▪ Visitar al enfermo
▪ Socorrer a los presos
▪ Enterrar a los muertos
Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the
heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees
Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze
freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money;
the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in
created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and
assured Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if
addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the
Samaritan woman: "If you knew the gift of God!"
You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who
manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let
the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and
glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed
in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those
in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them
feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God.
▪ Enseñar al que no sabe
▪ Dar buen consejo al que
lo necesita
▪ Corregir al que se equivoca
▪ Perdonar las injurias
▪ Consolar al triste
▪ Sufrir con paciencia los
defectos de los demás
▪ Rezar a Dios por vivos y
Pope Francis
Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its
anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace
from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm,
may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives
and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of
Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy
Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Ransom the captive
Bury the dead
Instruct the ignorant
Counsel the doubtful
Admonish sinners
Bear wrongs patiently
Forgive offences willingly
Comfort the afflicted
Pray for the living and
the dead
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Cathedral Parish  Madison, Wisconsin
www.isthmuscatholic.org 
Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino
Bishop of Madison
Reverend Monsignor Kevin D. Holmes
[email protected]
(608) 257-5000 · office
(608) 960-0921 · residence
Reverend José Luis Vázquez
Parochial Vicar
(608) 255-1658
Deacon Raymond Lukesic
Director of Pastoral Care
[email protected]
Marc Laudonio
Director of Evangelization and Catechesis
[email protected]
Amber Cerrato
Director of Religious Education
[email protected]
Leona Rane
Alice Buechner
Maria Culligan
Parish Secretaries
[email protected]
Parish Office
404 East Main Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
(608) 257-5000 – fax (844) 272-6677
One Faith, One Parish, My Share
Last weekend, the in-pew process for this year’s One Faith, One Parish,
My Share campaign was conducted. Parishioners who were not here to
complete a response card are invited to make their commitment through
the parish website (isthmuscatholic.org). The information that you need
may be found in the large news box on the homepage.
If you would like to give by Electronic Funds Transfer, the button
entitled “Give by EFT” will take you to the required form. That form
should be printed out, signed, and returned with a voided check to the
parish office.
If you would like to give by credit card, that can very conveniently
be done directly through the website. Again, look in that featured news
box on the homepage and use the “Give by credit card” button.
If you are a parishioner who donates by offertory envelopes, you can
follow up doing that through the website as well, by using the button
marked “Make a commitment.”
If you prefer not to use the parish website, response cards are available
in the parish kiosk (at the back of Holy Redeemer or in the narthex at St. Patrick). Fill out the card, and put it into the collection or return it to the parish
office soon! We are eager to report of the results of this year’s appeal!
Healing Mass – Monday, November 7th
Our Cathedral Parish is hosting a Healing Mass at St Patrick Church this
Monday, November 7th, at 7:00 pm. The celebrant will be Fr. Aniello
Salicone, a Xavierian priest currently stationed in Franklin, Wisconsin. All are welcome and invited to attend.
Born in Italy in 1940, Fr. Salicone has served as a missionary priest
in Italy, London, West Africa, and many states in America, including St.
Therese Parish in Chinatown, Chicago.
Fr. Salicone believes that forgiveness and reaching out to others is
fundamental to healing. Over the years he has witnessed miraculous
healings, including paralyzed individuals who have walked in his presence, and blind individuals who have been able to perceive objects around
them for the first time. "I don't heal. God does it," he stresses. He says
that he is simply an instrument through which God's power flows.
After the Mass, Father will give a thought provoking and humorous presentation on God's infinite love for each of us. This will be followed by individual healing prayer for all those in attendance who desire it. Reserve the date and bring your family and friends.
The Rosary will be prayed at 6:35 pm, prior to the Mass. There will
be a reception downstairs immediately following the healing service.
Closing of the Holy Doors Next Sunday
Holy Redeemer Church
West Johnson Street
(one half block off State Street)
Saint Patrick Church
East Main Street
(three blocks east of the Capitol Square)
In observance of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, there have been Holy Doors
in cathedrals and other important churches throughout the world. These
are to be closed next Sunday, November 13th, one week prior to the conclusion of the Jubilee Year, when Pope Francis will close the principal
Holy Door in Rome. The 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick next Sunday will
include a brief ritual for celebrating the end of the Jubilee Year and the
closing of the Holy Doors.
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Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2016
Dear Friends in Christ:
at the Cathedral Parish, we don’t need to just think about vocations in
the abstract, we have faces to associate with this intention. Bishop
Morlino’s office has recently confirmed dates that will mark milestones
in the vocational journeys of three of our fellow parishioners. More details about each event will be forthcoming
as it draws closer, but this is an opportune
time to announce these dates.
On December 4th, Chris Schmelzer will be
installed as a lector at the regular 11:00 am
Sunday Mass – a step on the path to his
ordination as a permanent deacon. Chris
has begun the fourth year in the five-year
process of formation for the diaconate.
On Saturday, February 11th, Bishop Morlino will celebrate a special Mass (at 1:30
pm) at which Karen Paschke will be consecrated as a Virgin.
And finally, the date has been set for the diaconate ordination of our
seminarians on their way to the priesthood. God willing, that will include Grant Thies of our parish. That ordination of transitional deacons will take place on Easter Tuesday – April 18th – at Immaculate
Heart of Mary Church in Monona.
During this observance of National Vocations Awareness Week, we also
remember the other people from our parish who in formation or discernment.
Stephen Brunner and Clint Olson of our parish are both currently in
their 2nd Year of Theology – one year behind Grant. Steve is studying
at Mount St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, while Clint is at
St. Paul Seminary in the Twin Cities.
Todd Burud is currently in his second of five years of formation for ordination to the diaconate.
Sr. Joanna McCormick, OP, was a member of our parish while working
in Madison several years ago. Sr. Joanna professed her first vows as a
Dominican Sister in Nashville in 2013. Sr. Joanna is currently teaching at
Knoxville (TN) Catholic High School. She renewed her simple vows in
2016, and will be eligible to make Solemn Profession (final vows) in 2018.
In more good news, one young man of our parish is currently in the
application process for acceptance as a seminarian for our diocese.
And finally, some of you may notice the absence of Morgan Smith, who
has been very active in parish life since she went through the RCIA process in 2012. Morgan is currently away from Madison, engaged in very
serious discernment about her vocation. So let us keep her in our prayers as well!
The Good Lord has been so very good to us here at the Cathedral Parish!
Msgr. Kevin D. Holmes
Monday, Nov. 7
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
Poor Souls in Purgatory
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
† Kaitlyn Jacobsen
Tuesday, Nov. 8
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
† Eleanor “Sue” Hall
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, Nov. 9 – Dedication of Lateran
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
† Marci Schaeve
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
Special Intention: Nate Jacobsen
Thursday, Nov. 10 – St. Leo the Great
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
Liv. & Deceased of Stuart Fuszard Family
5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer
† Victor Storace
Friday, Nov. 11 – St. Martin of Tours
12:10 pm at St. Patrick
† Joseph & Mary Vasek
7:00 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer
Special Intention: Carmen Florese &
Isabel Ramos Flores
Saturday, Nov. 12 – St. Josaphat
8:00 am at Holy Redeemer
† Roy Crapser
5:00 pm at St. Patrick (Vigil)
† Schuster Family
6:30 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer (Vigil)
Spec. Int: Familia Ortega Renteria
Sunday, November 13
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 am at Holy Redeemer
† Gloria Batzner
11:00 am at St. Patrick
† Fr. Eddie Fonseca
11:00 am in Spanish at Holy Redeemer
People of the Cathedral Parish
5:00 pm at Holy Redeemer
Special Intention: Friends of the Parish
6:45 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer
Intention of the Celebrant
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Cathedral Parish  Madison, Wisconsin
www.isthmuscatholic.org 
This Week at St. Raphael
Tuesday, November 8
10:30 am Mass at Capitol Lakes
This Week at St. Patrick
Monday, November 7
6:35 pm Praying of Rosary
7:00 pm Healing Mass
7:00 pm Communion & Liberation Meeting
Tuesday, November 8
2:00 pm Living Agelessly Session
6:30 pm Main Event
6:30 pm Catholicism 101, I
Wednesday, November 9
6:00 pm RCIA (RE building)
6:30 pm Seven Lively Virtues Session
Friday, November 11
6:00 pm Venite Adoremus
Sunday, November 13
9:00 am Religious Education Classes
12:15 pm SVdP Meeting & making gift tags
This Week at Holy Redeemer
Monday, November 7
6:00 pm Choir Practice (Spanish)
Tuesday, November 8
6:00-8:30 pm Confessions in Spanish
6:30 pm Prayer Group (Spanish)
Wednesday, November 9
9:00 am Exposition in Church
5:00 pm Benediction in Church
6:00-8:00 pm Confessions (English)
7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Baptism Classes (in Spanish)
Thursday, November 10
6:00 pm Book Study (Library)
7:00 pm Parish Pastoral Council meeting
SVdP Meeting and Gift Tag Making Next Sunday
The Cathedral Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference will meet at 12:15
pm next Sunday, November 13th, in the parish hall at St. Patrick to make
gift tags for the Little Drummer tree and for a brief business meeting. All are welcome! Snacks and drinks will be provided.
These tags will decorate the Little Drummer trees later this month at
St. Patrick and Holy Redeemer. They will provide suggestions for donated gifts for the SVdP Little Drummer Project, a program that provides
Christmas gifts to families served this year by SVdP for kids up to age
18. Please contact the Cathedral Parish Conference with any questions at
(608) 520-0832 or via email at [email protected].
Quo Vadis Meeting This Friday
Men of all ages who are interested in discovering God’s vocational path
for their lives in a prayerful, informative and relaxed environment are
invited to attend a Quo Vadis Men’s Discernment Group this Friday,
November 11th. The evening begins at 6:30 pm at Holy Name Heights,
702 south High Point Road, Madison, with a guest seminarian speaker,
social, food, prayer and group discussion. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Rev. Gregory Ihm, 608-821-3095 or toll-free 1-800-8338452, or email [email protected].
 CATHEDRAL 20S&30S 
Young Adult Brunch This Sunday
We have a brunch for young adults (in their 20s and 30s) after the 11:00
am Mass at St. Patrick on the first Sunday of each month. Join us for
brunch this Sunday, November 6th. Cash donations to help defray the
cost of the brunch are greatly appreciated.
Venite Adoremus This Friday, November 11th
Come out for a Holy Hour with other young adults from around the Diocese of Madison on Friday, November 11th, 7:00 pm at St. Patrick
Church. The evening includes Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation,
and a meditation given by Msgr. Kevin Holmes. After the event, we
gather for socializing at a local establishment. This is a great way to
meet friends and deepen your faith!
Theology on Tap
Theology on Tap is a monthly speaker series where 20s & 30s are invited
to join us for engaging talks by some of the leading thinkers, speakers,
educators, innovators, and activists in the nation as they share their insights on various contemporary issues facing young adults today.
Mark your calendars for our next TOT on December 1st (due to
Thanksgiving and Christmas, we combine November and December into
one event in early December).
To receive email updates about Young Adult activities in our parish, please
contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or [email protected].
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Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2016
The Main Event’ Begins Tuesday!
November 8th—How Can We Encounter God?
The Main Event is a weekly gathering of prayer, teaching, and discussion that seeks to explain the 'WHY?' behind many aspects of the Catholic faith and invite each of us to deeper discipleship of Jesus Christ. Our
first session is Tuesday, Nov. 8th from 6:30-8:30 pm at St. Patrick church.
All adults are invited to join us as Msgr. Holmes teaches us how we can
come to know God through reflection on the world, ourselves, and in an
even more unique way through His Word, handed down to us in the
Scriptures & Tradition of His Church! Check the website for more details, including the full schedule and topics of each gathering.
Catholicism 101—Next Session Begins Tuesday
We offer a monthly 3-session overview of the Catholic Faith for adults at
St. Patrick Church that occurs every other month. The series is intended
especially for (1) those seeking a basic introduction to Christianity and/
or the Catholic Church, (2) parents with a child to be baptized, and (3)
couples preparing to be married in the Church. Session I will next be
offered Tuesday, November 8th, with sessions II and III on the following
two Tuesday evenings. Sessions begin at 6:30 pm.
For further information on any of these programs, visit our website at
www.isthmuscatholic.org, or contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or
[email protected].
Friday Fish Fry
St. Peter Parish, Cty. Hwy. K in Ashton is serving a Fish Fry on Friday,
November 11th, from 5:00-8:00 pm in the school hall. Carryouts will be
Natural Family Planning
Nature cycles for a reason and so does your body, try Natural Family
Planning — it works. NFP classes for engaged and married couples
begin Sunday, November 20th, 1:00 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Parish, Monona. Additional classes in Janesville or Self-paced Online.
Taught by Couple to Couple League. Register @ www.madisondiocese.org/
Natural Family Planning—Now Online!
Natural Family Planning (NFP) can now be learned in the comfort of
your home via the internet on your own time. Two self-paced methods
for learning symptom-thermal NFP are available—one text based, one
video based.
To learn more and to register, go to www.madisondiocese.org/
Ministry/MarriageandFamily/Natural Family Planning/Classes Registration.aspx and scroll down the page. Or contact the Office of Natural
Family Planning at 821-3134 or email [email protected]
Monday, Nov. 7
Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6
Tuesday, Nov. 8
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday, Nov. 9 – Dedication of Lateran
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9,12/1 Cor 3:9c-11,16-17/Jn 2:13-22
Thursday, Nov. 10 – St. Leo the Great
Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25
Friday, Nov. 11 – St. Martin of Tours
2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37
Saturday, Nov. 12 – St. Josaphat
3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8
Sunday, November 13
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mal 3:19-20a/2 Thes 3:7-12/Lk 21:5-19
At Holy Redeemer Church:
Monday – Wednesday, 4:15 – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 am
At Saint Patrick Church:
Saturday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
At Holy Redeemer Church: Perpetual Adoration. Eucharistic Chapel is located on the
ground floor of the church, and may be
reached through the side door from the parking lot. On Wednesday only, adoration is in
the upper church from 9:00 am until Benediction at 5:00 pm.
For more information or to sign up for a
regularly scheduled hour of adoration, visit
www.adorationchapel.com, call 608-833-0554
or email [email protected].
Welton Enterprises
Commercial Real Estate
Thanks to our advertisers for their support!
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Parroquia de la Catedral  Madison, Wisconsin
www.isthmuscatholic.org 
El Reverendísimo Robert C. Morlino
Para los que se fueron el mejor de los recuerdos.
Obispo de Madison
Reverendo Mons. Kevin D. Holmes
Reverendo Padre José Luis Vázquez
Vicario Parroquial
[email protected]
(608) 255-1658
Amber Cerrato
Directora de Educación Religiosa
[email protected] 257-5000 ext. 12
María Culligan
Secretaria Bilingüe
(Martes a Viernes)
[email protected]
(608) 257-5000
Horario de las Misas en español:
7:00 pm
6:30 pm
Domingos 11:00 am y 6:45 pm
Sacramento de Reconciliación:
Sábados 5:30-6:15 pm
Domingos 10:15-10:45 am
6:00-8:00 pm
Ministerios Litúrgicos
Sábado, 12 de noviembre - 6:30 pm
Acólitos: Otoniel Ortega, Ch. Carlos
Lectores: G. Ortega, M.G. Paiz
Monitor: A. Ortega
Hospitalidad: Christian Martínez, Agustín Carlos,
Alan Ortega
Domingo, 13 de noviembre - 11:00 am
Acólitos: D. Flores, Lino e Isaac Antonio
Lectores: V. Villa, H. Ruiz
Salmista: Adriana Castillo
Monitor: V. Guerra
Eucaristía: José L. Guerra
Hospitalidad: P. Mena, J. Zumba, Iván Semental
Domingo, 13 de noviembre - 6:45 pm
Acólitos: José Hernandez
Lectores: G. Montoya, Maria López
Monitor: M. Méndez
Hospitalidad: Nabor y José Méndez, Juan Ávila,
Victoria Vázquez
Qué gratificante y consolador es poder pensar, por el don de la fe y la
virtud de la esperanza, que aunque ya no estén a nuestro lado los seres
queridos, ellos viven con su propia identidad en la presencia de Dios y
abogan por nosotros. A ellos podemos acudir en nuestras dificultades
para que por su intercesión logremos y alcancemos la paz en las angustias o penas por las que
frecuentemente tenemos que atravesar en esta
vida. Por esto y por muchas cosa más es que la
religión católica es tan completa y hermosa. Nada de lo que hay en el corazón del hombre deja
Dios sin satisfacer.
El mayor de los anhelos de la humanidad es
no morir. Permanecer siempre, ser inmortal. Y
esto es lo que Cristo nos promete cuando nos
dice: "Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida, el
que cree en mí, vivirá para siempre". Cristo pasó
por la muerte. Murió, pero resucitó. Vencedor
de la muerte, soberano de la Vida. Creer en la
resurrección de los muertos ha sido, desde sus comienzos, un elemento
esencial de la Fe cristiana. No hay reencarnación. Tenemos una sola vida
desde nuestra concepción hasta siempre. "La resurrección de los muertos
es la esperanza de los cristianos; somos cristianos por creer en ella". Según la vida va pasando, los seres que amamos van partiendo.... algún día
sabemos que nos tocará a nosotros. Como los árboles que en el otoño
dejan caer sus hojas, así de los troncos familiares y sus ramas las personas se van. Ya no están con nosotros, los abuelos, los tíos, los padres, el
esposo o la esposa, a veces algún retoño fresco y nuevo también le toca
irse...tal vez es entonces cuando más duele, cuando más difícil es la disponibilidad para la aceptación.
Dios conoce el corazón del ser humano, sabe de ese sufrir originado
por "esa partida", a veces sorpresiva y si tomando ese dolor se lo entregamos, El ha de poner en nuestro corazón el consuelo sobrenatural, pues
de no ser así, hay separaciones tan dolorosas que humanamente no serían soportables. Un día de noviembre, un día triste y gris, lleno del vacío que dejan los seres queridos cuando se van, leí algo que trajo a mi
alma consuelo profundo e inolvidable.
Decía así: "No es que se han muerto, se fueron antes. Lloras a tus
muertos con un desconsuelo tal que pareciera que tú eres eterno. Tu impaciencia se agita como loba hambrienta, ansiosa de devorar enigmas.
¿Pues no has de morir tu un poco después y no has de saber por fuerza
la clave de todos los problemas que acaso es de una diáfana y deslumbradora sencillez? Déjalos siquiera que sacudan el polvo del camino. Déjalos siquiera que restañen en el regazo del Padre las heridas de los pies
andariegos. Déjalos siquiera que apacienten sus ojos en las verdes praderas de la paz. El tren aguarda, ¿por qué no preparas tu equipaje?
Esta será más práctica y eficaz tarea. El ver a tus muertos es de tal manera cercano e inevitable, que no debes alterar con la menor prontitud
las pocas horas de tu reposo. Ellos en un concepto cabal del tiempo, cuyas barreras transpusieron de un solo ímpetu, también te aguardan tranquilos. Tomaron únicamente uno de los trenes anteriores. No es que se
hayan muerto: se fueron antes".
(continúa página 7)
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32° domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
6 de noviembre de 2016
Se fueron antes y nos dejaron el vacío profundo y doloroso de su partida pero al mismo tiempo la inexorable verdad de que un día también
nosotros partiremos y de esa partida lo único y más importante es la
imagen que dejaremos a los que se quedan, el recuerdo del testimonio
que dimos de nuestro paso por esta vida, de nuestra ternura, de nuestra
comprensión, de nuestro amor. De eso, solamente de eso es de lo que nos
debemos de preocupar: del ejemplo de amor a Dios, de honestidad, de
misericordia y bondad que dejaremos como el mejor de los recuerdos.
Padre José Luis Vázquez
Rosario por Las Familias
Están todos invitados este sábado 12 de noviembre a las 12 del medio día
a recitar el Rosario afuera de la Iglesia de Holy Redeemer por Las Familias. Si hay mal tiempo, el Rosario será en la Capilla. Para mayor información, comuníquese con Mario Domínguez al (608) 332-9246.
Año de la Misericordia
Terminamos el Año de la Misericordia con un pequeño retiro. Ven y participa del encuentro con el Señor. ¿Cuándo? Sábado 19 de 3:00 a 6:00 pm
Y después de la Misa de las 11:00 am del domingo 20 conmemoraremos el
Cierre del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia y a Cristo Rey con un rico almuerzo. Están todos invitados a participar. Se agradece su generosa contribución.
Matrimonios Comunitarios 2017
Con mucha alegría les comunicamos que a principios del segundo semestre de 2017 vamos a tener Matrimonios Comunitarios.
Parejas, si ya viven juntas o están solo casados por lo civil, no pospongan mas el estar en gracia con Dios. Porque Dios debe ser el Centro y el
Valor #1 en la familia. Para mayor información comuníquense con el padre José Luis Vázquez (255-1658) o a la oficina parroquial (257-5000). Dios
les bendiga.
Misa de Sanación—Lunes 11-7
Nuestra Parroquia de la Catedral será anfitriona de una Misa de Sanación en
la Iglesia de St. Patrick este lunes 7 a las 7:00 pm. El celebrante es Fr. Aniello
Salicone. Todos están invitados y son bienvenidos a asistir y participar.
Fr. Salicone cree que el perdón y llegar a los demás es fundamental para
la curación. A través de los años ha sido testigo de curaciones milagrosas, incluyendo personas paralizadas que han caminado en su presencia,
y personas ciegas que han sido capaces de percibir objetos a su alrededor
por primera vez. “Yo no sano. Dios es quien sana,” manifiesta Fr. Salicone,
él dice que es simplemente un instrumento por medio del cual fluye el
Poder de Dios. Fr. Salicone siente que Dios le ha llamado a este ministerio especial, y le ha hablado muchas veces sobre Su amor por nosotros, y
lo que Él nos pide. Nos comparte: “El Señor me dijo un día, ‘Hijo, Quiero
decirle a la gente ¡cuanto amo a cada uno de ellos!’ Y yo estoy tratando de
cumplir con la misión que Él me encomendó”
Después de Misa, Padre dará una sugerente y humorística presentación
en el Amor infinito de Dios por cada uno de nosotros. Después de la presentación, habrá oración de sanación individual para todas aquellas personas que lo deseen. Se recitara el Rosario a las 6:30 pm, antes de la Misa.
Oración Pidiendo
Vocaciones Religiosas
“Oh Dios de toda bondad, bendice a nuestros
sacerdotes, a través de quienes escuchamos
Tu Palabra y recibimos Tus sacramentos.
Que Tu Espíritu Santo continúe inspirando
vocaciones para nuestra diócesis.
Reaviva en nosotros, oh Señor, la llama de
Tu amor, de manera que a medida que viertes
Tus dones sobre nosotros, sea posible que, como buenos administradores, utilicemos estos
dones para Tu gloria y apoyemos a nuestros
seminaristas en su formación para el sacerdocio mientras sacrifican sus vidas a Ti para
nuestro beneficio.
Te lo pedimos por nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
Tu Hijo, quien vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, y es Dios, por los siglos de los siglos.” Amén
Futuros Bautizos
Padres de familia, por favor recuerden que los
documentos, permisos requeridos, etc., para
bautizar deben de ser entregados en las oficinas
cuatro semanas antes de la fecha de bautizo.
Entregar los documentos a ultima hora puede
cancelar el bautizo Gracias por su comprensión.
“Una Fe, Una Parroquia,
Mi Compromiso”
Muchas gracias a todos aquellos quienes
cooperaron en la campaña “Una Fe, Una Parroquia, Mi Compromiso” al completar las
tarjetas de respuesta ya sea la semana pasada
o esta. Si se perdieron la oportunidad, todavía
están a tiempo de llenar una tarjeta verde, o
llamen a la oficina parroquial para hacer su
compromiso. Gracias.
Ayuda en Estacionamiento
La Iglesia de Holy Redeemer necesita caballeros
que ayuden los domingos—y en ocasiones especiales—en el estacionamiento. Estos amables
señores o jóvenes (mayores de 18) deben participar activamente en la iglesia y ser miembros de
ella. Para mayor información, comuníquese con
el padre José Luis Vázquez (608) 255-1658

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