August 09 - Bonsai Society of Miami


August 09 - Bonsai Society of Miami
Be Inspired
Page 2 / August 2009
P r e s I d e n t ’s
M e s s a g e
Hello Bonsai friends,
Our B.Y.O.T. Pizza workshop had an impressive turnout . If we keep having turnouts like this
one, we might have to rent the Garden Room too. What a terrific workshop, not only with the usual sus-
pects, but with the missing in action members and visiting guests. The pizza table was plentiful. There was
definitely enough to go around. I hope everyone enjoyed it.
We are looking forward to this month’s demo with Ed Trout ( The Bonsai Gentleman ). We do
not know what type of tree he is bringing, but rest assured that we are in for a very special treat. Ed is
one of my favorite artists and mentors in the art of bonsai. His knowledge, philosophy, and insight are
unlike any other. He is an inspiration to all of us. Working with Joe Samuels all of those years and having
Ed stop by the nursery for a quick hello or on many occasions working on some of our trees, was also a
thrill for me.
Congratulations to Jarbas Godoy for wining tree of the month for July with his very old and
twisty Pomegranate tree. Great display table. Keep bringing those trees. Only three months left for the
Tree Of The Month. Lets see some more of your works in progress on the display table. Now will be
the perfect opportunity for Ed to give you input on your display trees.
For those of you who donated items to the raffle table and who purchased tickets, we thank you
very much. Lets try to do the same for this upcoming month. Our visitors and new members really get a
kick out of it.
Hiram and I have finally brought to fruition a page for our Spanish speaking only club members.
There will be a page every month with detailed information on bonsai styles, tools and much more. We’re
hoping to enlighten and inspire our Spanish speaking only members.
Have a great week and I’ll see you on Tuesday.
Welcome New members
Angel Frank Fernandez
Gino Romeo
Carol Saponaro
Page 3 / August 2009
C a l e n d a r
A u g u s t
E v e n t s
Gold Coast Bonsai Society @ 9:30 am. Village Civic Center, 6800 Sunset Strip,
Sunrise Florida
11th BSM General Meeting - Ed Trout Demo
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, 10901 Old Cutler Road.
15th Broward Bonsai Society @ 10:00 am - Flamingo Gardens, Davie Florida
18th BSM Board Meeting - Betty’s Best Burgers @ 7:30 pm. US 1 & 104th Street;
S e p t e m b e r
BSM General Meeting - B.Y.O.T.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, 10901 Old Cutler Road.
12th Gold Coast Bonsai Society @ 9:30 am. Village Civic Center, 6800 Sunset Strip,
Sunrise Florida
15th BSM Board Meeting - Betty’s Best Burgers @ 7:30 pm. US 1 & 104th Street;
19th Broward Bonsai Society @ 10:00 am - Flamingo Gardens, Davie Florida
O c t o b e r
10th Gold Coast Bonsai Society @ 9:30 am. Village Civic Center, 6800 Sunset Strip,
Sunrise Florida.
13th BSM General Meeting - B.Y.O.T.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, 10901 Old Cutler Road.
17th Broward Bonsai Society @ 10:00 am - Flamingo Gardens, Davie Florida
20th BSM Board Meeting - Betty’s Best Burgers @ 7:30 pm. US 1 & 104th Street;
Page 4 / August 2009
Logo tree contest
The club is changing the logo tree. Here are the contest rules;
• Must be a member of B.S.M. and any tree shape or size may be submitted.
• B.S.M. will have the option to buy the tree at then end of the 5 years. If the owner wants to
sell it.
• Trees can be submitted by photo or brought to a club meeting.
• Deadline for entries is August 11, 2009.
• The owner will be awarded a 5 year free membership and a certificate of appreciation.
• The board will pick the top five and then the members will have the final vote.
• The new logo tree will be unveiled at our 2009 bonsai show.
PIZZA B.Y.O.T. workshop
Hiram accepting his second
Tree of the Month award.
Jarbas describing the journey of his
Carlos working on a
Great tree of the month table.
Page 5 / August 2009
PIZZA B.Y.O.T. workshop
Great turnout.
Kathy & Martha.
The Bonsai Ambassador & The Secreatary of Defense wiring Campeches.
Lourdes, Brian & his wife
defoliating a ficus.
Awesome raffle table.
Ray can not stop laughing after
his surgery.
Page 6 / August 2009
Gino working on his
Harold trimming his
Charlie trimming his ficus.
Hector’s Escambron
after workshop.
Steve styling his
Kathy’s Bucida spinosa
Jarbas trimming his Buttonwood.
Carlos helping Hector
Page 7 / August 2009
Harold’s Buttonwood
Jarvis’ Buttonwood
The Pizza Table.
Bob H’s
Bob giving Hiram
The evil eye.
The Tree Of The Month was won by Jarbas Godoy.
Family: Punicaceae
Scientific name: Pinica granatum L.
Jarbas has maintain this beautiful specimen alive for over 15 years. Very hard to do in our
climate. Pomegranate is one of the first cultivated fruits known. It can be used in such
infestations are the ones caused by tape worms and dysentery. It is also commonly used
to treat chronic conditions in the upper and lower bowl and has been shown to cause
promising results in the cases of cancer and other such diseases. Over all pomegranates
are considered to be one of the best fruits available in the fighting of illnesses due to its
high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. So pick one up and you can eat the
fruits and also create a beautiful bonsai that will bring you health and happiness for years
to come. Now that’s a journey to be happy about.
Page 8 / August 2009
On the cover
Ficus Nerifolia Shohin, Cotoneaster Shohin,
Juniper Shohin, & a Japanese Black Pine Shohin.
S p o n s o r s
Erik has a large supply of mica pots, soilless mix, Bougis, Brazilian rain trees,
Neeas, Escambrones,
and Campeches to
name a few. All at
great prices. He also
offers classes to
groups and one on
one. Check out his
website. You won’t be
We need sponsors. This is a very
inexpensive way to advertise.
$ 75.00
$ 45.00
One year.
Half a year.
Please contact Hiram Macias
@ [email protected]
board OF directors
Glenn Hilton
[email protected]
1st Vice President
Bob Hulnick
[email protected]
2nd Vice President
Chris Casellas
[email protected]
Bob Hulnick
[email protected]
Kathy Kinkaid
[email protected]
2009 committees
Bob Benaim
[email protected]
Audrey Freeman
Newsletter Editor
Hiram Macias
[email protected]
Peter Griffiths
[email protected]
Audrey Freeman
Club Sales
Kathy Kinkaid
[email protected]
Randy Brooks
[email protected]
Harriet Frillarte
Page 9 / August 2009
Cascada (Kengai):
Se trata, quizás, del estilo más exigente para la planta en cuanto a
términos de adaptabilidad y supervivencia frente a un medio hostil.
Es un diseño normalmente asociado a barrancos y abruptos desniveles de alta montaña donde las duras condiciones ambientales han
forzado un comportamiento completamente antinatural para el árbol:
su crecimiento hacia abajo.
Para su clasificación, y siguiendo el criterio de la inclinación del
tronco, se podría decir que, trazando un línea desde la base del
tronco hasta la punta de la cascada, la recta obtenida tendría una
inclinación de entre 30 y 90 grados por debajo de la horizontal. Asimismo resulta habitual que la punta de la cascada caiga por debajo
de la maceta, lo cual, al igual que en el caso anterior constituye el
criterio más ampliamente utilizado.
Como sencilla guía de formación de la estructura de las ramas se podría pensar, al igual que en
el caso anterior, en un diseño vertical informal puesto boca abajo. Aunque en este caso hay que
tener en cuenta que lo que sería una rama trasera en el estilo vertical, en un diseño en cascada
pasa a situarse hacia el frente, al desviada hacia un lado si acaso.
Respecto al tronco, éste debe ascender una corta distancia para, de forma inmediata, doblarse
sobre si mismo dando comienzo a la cascada. La altura de esta primera curva no debe ser excesiva, pero si suficiente como para que el tronco no tenga contacto con el borde de la maceta,
pues en ese caso el resultado daría una cierta sensación de inestabilidad, como si el árbol necesitara un punto de apoyo para no caer. De la misma forma esta primera curva debería ser lo
más abrupta posible para añadir fuerza a la imagen; un árbol en cascada no ha vivido en un
ambiente fácil, y por tanto las curvas suaves no tónica habitual. Algo que, por otro lado, bien
podría aplicarse a la totalidad del diseño y de las curvas implicadas. Ningún árbol se desarrolla
voluntariamente formando una cascada, siempre son las adversas condiciones ambientales las
que, al no dejar ninguna otra salida, obligan a la planta a este tipo de crecimiento y por tanto
en esos duros ambientes las curvas excesivamente suaves dan una impresión de artificialidad.
Es importante notar que al formar la ramificación de un estilo en cascada se empieza por las
ramas más altas, las cercanas a la base del tronco y que usualmente forman el ápice, para bajar a continuación hasta el extremo de la cascada. Justo el método opuesto a los estilos verticales en los que se empieza por las ramas más bajas para ascender a continuación por el
tronco hasta el ápice.
Un elemento de gran importancia que no debe ser descuidado en este estilo es la base de
raíces, pues es en este caso en el que su función de anclaje y estabilización resulta más crítica.
Su estructura será bastante similar a la encontrada en el estilo inclinado aunque con las características más exageradas pues la inclinación también es mucho mayor.
Page 10 / July 2009
Membership Application For
2009 ______
2010 ______
2011 ______
Member’s Name:_______________________________________________________
Other Household Members: ______________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________City, State, Zip:______________________
Home Phone: (______) _________ - __________ Cell Number: (______) _________ - ____________
E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________
Can we send your monthly newsletter via-email? Yes____ No _____
How Did You Learn About The Bonsai Society?
____ Friend
____ Advertisement
____ Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
Other: __________________________________________________________
Please Check Which Society Activities You Could Help With: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. WE
___ Publicity ___ Library
___ Refreshments
___ Meeting Clean-up ___ Exhibit Planning
___ Exhibit Construction
___ Raffle Table
Other: _________________________________________
Join During The Month Of:
Dec - Mar
Apr - July
Aug - Nov
Single Member:
$ 35.00 (1)
$ 20.00
$ 10.00
Household Membership:
$ 45.00 (2)
$ 24.00
$ 12.00
Corresponding Membership: $ 18.00
$ 12.00
$ 6.00
Commercial Membership:
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
$ 150.00
Date:________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________
Received By: _____________________________
Form Of Payment:
Cash _______ Check # _______
17850 S.W. 280 Street
Redland, Fl 33031-3321

Documentos relacionados

Be Inspired - Bonsai Society of Miami

Be Inspired - Bonsai Society of Miami show full of exciting stuff and we do need your trees. Anyone from our sister clubs Gold Coast, and Broward we would like to see your tree there too.

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