curriculum vitae - INTI


curriculum vitae - INTI
3. FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: 18/07/1050
Título o diploma obtenido
Universidad de Toulouse, Francia
Master en bioquímica
Universidad de Toulouse, Francia
ENSAIA Nancy Francia
AEA chimie organique
Ingeniero de industrias
Doctor en tecnologías
7. IDIOMAS : 1 : excelente 2 : bueno 3 : medio 4 : regular 5 : básico
Centre international recherche
agronomique et développement (CIRAD),
Montpellier, Francia
Centre de développement de l’entreprise
(CDE), Bruxelles, Belgique
Director de investigación en
Miembro de la comisión de aditivos
Consultor asociado sector frutas y
verduras para el apoyo y desarrollo
industrial de los países ACP
Ce document devant être remis à un demandeur de mission, l’adhérent, conformément à la loi n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 (loi Informatique et liberté) bénéficie
d’un droit de rectification des données nominatives le concernant et peut s’opposer à ce que ces données soient communiquées à des tiers.
9.1. Conocimientos informáticos:
No competente
9.2. Competencias profesionales :
Capacitación y enseñanza en agro industrias
Establecimiento , puesta en marcha plantas de pequeña escala
Formulación productos y optimización proceso en la área de las frutas
9.3. Otras Competencias :
Deportista (rugby , tennis, football, caminatas …)
Communicante y negocios
10. SITUACION ACTUAL : Consultor
11. AÑOS EN LA EMPRESA : Más de 30 años de experiencia
12. CALIFICACIONES PRINCIPALES útiles para el proyecto :
Amplia experiencia en tecnologías innovadoras en el campo del procesamiento de las frutas
Agroindustrias a pequeña escala
Transferencia de conocimentos, formación
Clase de experiencia
Investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos a base
de frutas en el CIEPE
Guinea, Togo,
Transferencia de conocimientos a nivel industrial
Senegal, Arabia, UAE,
(engineering, formulaciones, capacitaciones)
Argelia, Túnez,
Estudios e implementación de proyectos en plantas de
jugos, aguas y mermeladas
Transferencia de conocimientos a nivel del proceso de
café arábica superior (técnicas, calidad del café)
120 países en Asia y
Acciones de cooperaciones con centros y agroindustrias
Oceanía, Africa,
1991/ 2011
EU y locales, capacitaciones, conferencias, en el
América Latina, Caribe
campo agroindustria
Transferencias conocimientos en el campo de las
Costa Rica
pequeñas industrias de frutas y vegetales
SAN José de Costa Rica
- nombre
- actividad del sitio
Destacado por el Cirad a la universidad UCR & departamento CITA
Investigaciones sobre efectos procesos frutas sobre calidad nutricional y transferencia de conocimientos a la
agroindustria local
Proyectos / acciones
3 Proyectos :
• extractos de metabolitos de frutas con efectos salud ( technologias membranas varias)
• chips de frutas sin grasa
• productos alto valor anadido : ( marmeladas sin azucar, sugars of stevia
• métabolomica y technologias : effectos salud y metablitos segundarios
• Tramientos frutas a pequena escala y valor anadido
• Appoyo sector agroindustrial de Boyaca ( Colombia)
- nombre
- actividad del sitio
CIRAD – Unidad mixta de investigación Qualisud (100 investigadores permanentes en el campo agroindustria
de la universidades de Farmacia, Agronomía, Université Montpellier & 2)
Proyectos / acciones
Director adjunto pues director (2005/2011)
Experto AFSSA ( agencia francesa seguro de los alimentos), grupo ingredientes alimentarios)
Proyectos de Tecnologías innovadoras y efectos en la salud de las personas:
Valorización de la biodiversidad frutera
Desarrollo procesos de tratamientos de frutas a pequeña escala
Uso de tecnologías de membranas para la obtención de extractos
Denominaciones de origen controladas
Calidad sanitaria y reducción del uso de químicos en la post cosecha
Obtención de productos de alto valor añadido (chips sin grasa, mermeladas sin azúcar…)
- nombre
- actividad del sitio
CIRAD departamento de frutas y verduras
Investigador en tecnología de alimentos
Proyectos / acciones
3 Estudios, y apoyos a la concepción y puesta en marcha de equipos a pequeña escala de vendedores en la
área de los jugos, productos secos, confitados
3 Consultor asociado al CDE para apoyar a la industrialización de los países ACP en lo relativo al ámbito de
las frutas y verduras
3 Estudios sobre la reducción de pesticidas y el incremento en el uso de productos naturales
3 Tecnologías de desinsectización de frutas secas, y proceso de estabilización, concentración sin uso de
calor, para mejorar aspectos nutricionales
Bujumbura (Burundi)
- nombre
- actividad del sitio
CIRAD (destacado por el Cirad en el « Office des cafés du Burundi »)
Tecnología y procesos de café arabica (POST COSECHA CAFE)
Proyectos / acciones
Estudio y desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de obtención de cafés superiores (fully washed) y mejoramiento de
la calidad para la exportación
3 Apoyo y capacitación de pequeños productores de café
3 Gestion proyectos Makamaba, Mumirwa (financiación de la Caisse Française Centrale Coopération)
St Raphael. Francia
- nombre
- actividad del sitio
STEG (Société Etude et gestion): Proyectos de ingeniería
Ingeniero de proyectos en carga departamento agroindustrial
Proyectos / acciones
3 Proyectos « productos en mano » : mermeladas en Swaziland, jugos de frutas y aguas en Madagascar, etc
3 Experto en el campo industrial
3 Estudios tecno-económicos de plantas procesadoras
Resumir eventualmente las experiencias precedentes:
1977/1981 : Société SPERE – EVIAN: Ingeniería de alimentos y transferencia del saber en el área de las aguas minerales, sodas, jugos de frutas
(plantas llaves en mano)
1975/1977: Servicio militar en el centro de investigación y transferencia del CIEPE ( Venezuela): ámbito de las frutas tropicales
15.1. Expérience en formation / enseignement :
15.1.1.Professeur associé :
Université Avignon, Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier Supagro (1991/2011)
15.1.2. Actions expertises & formation et mise en place actions coopération ( hors
November2012: discussions des axes possible de cooperation entre l’INTA et le Cirad dans le domaine
de l’appui à l’agro-industrie locale
SANTO DOMINGO: July, September 2011,may 2012 : CDE Expertise – Adding Value to the productive chain of the
mango cluster: mango chips, microfiltered juice, and dry fruits
June 2010: assistance to the small mangoes industrials and transfer of new technologies for
mangoes processing; Oral conference to the “mango 2010”
11 to 22 May 2010. Expertise and assistance to small grawers and industrials in the area of fruits in the
area of Boyaca (Colombia).
Various expertises interventions in 2009, 2010 and 2011 : Assistance to the International Center of
Biotechnologies (CENIBIOT) located in San Jose.
VIET NAM : 5 - 12 September 2008. Technical expertise at 6 food industry plant for facilitating export ation of
foods products to UE/ financement SIPPO : OSEC (coopération Suisse) and oral conferences for all the
skateholders in the area of fruits chains export (300 personnes).
MADAGASCAR: December 2007; 9-22th. Technical adviser for the technical center fot Hoticulture of
Tamatave.Formulation and preparation of added value products such tomatoes,pineaples chips; candied fruits,
marmelade, ect. Training of the technical staff.UE financement
CAMEROON: November 2007. 7-15 th: technical assistance for scientist and technical national project about
banana processing area (Prebap) for the construction of a national intergrated project.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC : October 2007. 24-30, Technical adviser for a national coffe project “Procafe” in the
area of post harvest technologies.
CAMEROON : from June 24 to July 1st 2006, Technical assistance to a Cameroun fruits dryer organisation
TAIWAN/PHILIPPINES/CAMBODIA: from April 18 to May 2 2006: Evaluation of possible scientist cooperation
with local institutions and industrials partners.
COSTA RICA: from 21 to 29 February 2006.participation to the kick off meeting of the UE project « food added
value products from fruits ».
VIET NAM: from 25 January to 15 February 2006 : Evaluation of possible research scientist programs in the
area of foods with local institutions.
MADAGASCAR: from 8 to 15 January 2006; evaluation of scientific cooperation with local universities and
research organism in the area of food safety.
WEST INDIES STATES (Grenade, San Kitts, Dominique, Barbados, Ste Lucie) : 20/30 November 2005 :
Evaluation of the potentialities of obtention of high value products from fruits and vegetables at small scale.
CAMEROUN : 30 May to 7 June 2005. Technical assistance to Biotropical et TALESS Dry food to optimize the
process and the quality of dried food. CDE contract.
SENEGAL : 14-17 March 2005. Evaluation for a cooperation with the Polytechnic School of Dakar and ITA in
the agrifood sector.
BRESIL/ARGENTINE : 14-26 January 2005. Discussion for a potential partnership with Florianopolis University
and EMBRAPA, Barzil. Participation to the kick off meeting of the EU contract ALCUE-FOOD in Buenos Aires.
SYRIE : 9-17 December 2004. Evaluation of the cooperation oportunities in the agrifood sector with
Universities and ICARDA.
REUNION : 25 November au 7 December 2004. Following up the work of the Reunion Island agrifood pole and
discussions about developing possibilities.
CAMEROUN : 15-20 November 2004. Support to a position of a small scale fruit juice installation (Sté Fresco),
Douala. CDE contract (Bruxelles).
EQUATEUR : 20-30 August 2004. Polytechnic School of Quito: Discussion to support a common research
topic relating to fruits rich in antioxydants.
COSTA RICA/NICARAGUA : 3-15 November 2003. Identification and discussion about possible cooperation
actions in local agrifood sector. Financement Ambassy.
CAMEROUN : 7-12 July 2003. Identification and technical évaluation of main fruits and vegetable dehydration
factories. Requested by CDE, Bruxelles.
TUNISIE : 20-23 March 2003. Expertise of a date factory for the Technical Agrifood Center of Tunis, in the
national frame of upgrading industries in Tunisia.
BRESIL : 16-22 February 2003. Following up the work and programmation of common research activities with
Unicamp and Embrapa/CTA of Rio.
MARTINIQUE : 16-23 January 2003. Discussions with the SNYL Group and the University des ANTILLES to
implement a PhD grant (CIFRE) about plum of Cythère valorisation.
ITALIE : December 2002. Discussions with Sté DAMBROSIO, Naples, about an implementation of a system to
control the origin of fruits candied by infra red technology.
EMIRATS ARABES UNIS : 15-18 October 2002. Evaluation of scientific coopération possibilities with EL AIN
(MAE) University.
GUADELOUPE ET MARTINIQUE : 15-30 mai 2002. Discussions and implementation of agro industrial
partnerships about Caribbean products.
MAURICE : 15-21 April 2002. Sté « Compagnie Agricole de Labourdonnais ». Support to the start up of a line
of vacuum marmelade (500kg/day) and orange juice. CDE Financing.
MEXIQUE : 16-20 December 2001. Discussions about the implementation of scientific partnerships with the
INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO of Vera Cruz. DRE/Cirad Financing.
TURQUIE : 10-11 December 2001. Discussions about possible scientific partnerships with ADANA University.
French Ambassy financing.
BURKINA FASO : June 2001. Expertise of the SAFCO drying unit in Bobo Dioulasso. CDI contract.
COSTA RICA/MEXIQUE : 26 November to 6 December 2000. Discussions about research topics and possible
cooperation with local research and development organisms (CITA, UAM), and industrials. MAE contract.
MAURICE : November 6-11 2000. Technical assistance to Sté Labourdonnais and implementation of a fruit
juice conditionning system en vrac. CDE Bruxelles contract.
TURQUIE : 30 septembre au 08 octobre 2000. Evaluation of the possibilities of an implementation of a
scientific cooperation Moyen Orient University, à Ankara. M.A.E contract.
MADAGASCAR : 6-19 may 2000. Technical assistance to Sté Transexport, Mahajanga. Optimisation of the
unit, at the drying level and assisatnce to implement products of diversification. Contacts with various
industrials to propose technical assistance, UE contract. Technical report.
MALI : 7-15 octobre 1999. Study of the possibilities of mangoe transformation in Mali, in the frame of a sector
approach, Ordered by CAE (US AID).
REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE : 27 octobre au 3 novembre 1999. Study of the tamatin sector to purpose
research programs in terms of processes/quality according to markets demand.
COLOMBIE : 9-16 octobre 1999. Technical assistance to fruit and vegetable technologies in Univalle (Cali),
aspects of know how transfers with local industries: Passicol, CFA. Coopération aspects and research
programmes connected with the University and the CIAT.
CAMEROUN : 25-29 Octobre 1999. Technical assistance to Sté Molige, Douala for the implementation of a
mangoe and pine apple wine and vinegar production workshop.
POLYNESIE : 20-27 août 1999. Intervention in the frame of the programme « Technical assistance to agro
industry in Polynesia », following up the activities related to the application of the osmotic dehydration process
on local products: work with Sté des Jus de Fruits de Mooréa. Following up the activities of the factory Tahiti
ILE MAURICE : 15-18 juillet 1999. Evaluation/expertise of the supporting conditions to Sté SARJUA, to
improve achards production process. Rapport CDI.
BURKINA FASO : June 14-22 1999. Technical assistance to the Cercle des Sécheurs for the quality of dried
fruits sector with expertises of various installations. Proposition of a developping plan and optimization of drying
installations of mangoes and other products. CDI technical report.
BRESIL : May 22 to June 8 1999. Evaluation/expertise of the cooperation conditions at the level of the main
research centres and identification of industrial partnerships.
CAMEROUN : April 12-18 1999. Technical assistance to Sté MOLIGE, to promote fruit juice, marmelade, fruit
vinegar. CDI contract.
COTE D’IVOIRE : 11-16 January 1999. Evaluation/expertise of the conditions of implementation of agro
industrial partnerships and assistance of the CDI.
NOUVELLE CALEDONIE : December 3-15 1998. Study of an implementation of a research and development
program in post harvest sector, and of an agro industrial partnership. Province Sud contract.
ILE MAURICE : October 25 to November 6 1998. Implementation of a fruit juice workshop in Mapou (Sté
Labourdonnais), CDI contract.
VIETNAM : June 3-12 1998. Evaluation of cooperation possibilities in the frame of fruit transformations.
BRESIL : May 7-18 1998. Implementation of a research and development about apple tree valorization, in
partnership with avec Pernod Ricard, and EMBRAPA from Fortaleza. PRI/Ministère des Affaires Étrangères
TOGO : January 15-20 and March 3-12 1998. Technical assistance to Sté SAFLEG (Dried fruits factory).
Optimisation of the processes and control of the dried products quality. CDI contract.
GUADELOUPE : December 9-19 1997. Evaluation of cooperation possibilities with CRITT, INRA and
industries, Ste Lucie CRITT contract.
LA REUNION : November 28 to December 6 1997. Tests of a process to conserve litchee colour, in relation
with l'ARMEFLHOR, at pilot level.
COTE D’IVOIRE : November 9-11 1997. Expertise of the factory SAFCO (Factory producing 20 000 tons of
pine apple juice) for Sté AGRISOL.
CUBA : June 20-27, 8-13 July 20-27 September 1997. Technical assistance to the project CARIZUMO, with
SAPACI company and CITRICOS, to implement a factory to transform, orange juice in concentrate (500 t/day).
CAMEROUN : March 7-11 1997. Realisation of the technical and economic feasibility of the chips factory ON
Industrie, with Sté Agro PME.
GUADELOUPE : February 24-28 1997. Evaluation of the conditions to implement assistance programmes for
fruit and vegetable industrialisation, in relation with CRITT.
POLYNESIE : January 27 au 1 février 1997. Evaluation of the partnership conditions in R&D, in the small
industry sector – Technical report.
MALI : December 1996. Technical assistance to implement and start an installation of preparation and
conditioning of orange juice for COOTRAVA - Technical report CDI.
CUBA : June, October and November 1996. Missions of technical assistance to SAPACI for the conception
and the implementation of a factory project for the treatment of 25 tons/hours of concentrated orange juice.
ILE MAURICE : May 1996. Technical assisatnce to implement a worshop of marmelades, candied fruits of
Labourdonnais, assistance to start up, formulation and training of the employees. Technical report.
CAMEROUN : April 1996. Technical assistance to implement a workshop of banana chips, Société O.N.
Industry requested by C.D.I. Technical report.
CUBA : January 1996. Implementation of a FIC project (Intercaribbean fund) related to the conservation and
technology of fruit and vegetable at small scale. Implementation and start of the first « private » workshop of
production of fruit juice.
TUNISIE : From November 1995 to June 1996. Study of the date sector, Head of the FAO team, including 1
agronomist, 1 economist, 1 specialist in commercialization. Realisation of the technical partnership report on
the aspects of the post-réalisation process. Realisation of the synthetic report.
TOGO : October 1995. Technical assistance for extension of a fruit juice plant (training of the workers,
formulation of the drinks, starting up of the installations) (Sté KELLAM), in Lomé, ordered by the Centre de
Développement Industriel (CDI) Bruxelles. Technical report.
NOUVELLE CALEDONIE : June 1995. Evaluation of the fruit sector of the South area, proposal of research
topics and intervention processes to support agro industry.
COTE D’ IVOIRE : May 2-6 1995. Studies of the possibilities to implement joint research programs in post
harvest sector, in fruit and vegetable sector between CIRAD and ITT (Ivoirienne de Technologie Tropicale),
Abidjan. Technical report.
TUNISIE : July 1991. Expertise of date technology and implementation of joint research and development
programswith the centre phoenicicole of Degache.
THAILANDE : May 1991. Study and evaluation of joint research and development programs with ChiangMai
University, and evaluation of the possibilities to implement a STD3/CEE project.
CAMEROUN : April 1991 - February 1993. Start up of the fruit juice factory "Royal Fruits", implementation of
processes drinks with guava in Douala, ordered by CCCE and CDI ; Technical reports.
TOGO : Décember 1990. Evaluation of a process to depulp coffe and tropical fruits.
VENEZUELA/COLOMBIE : November 1990. Evaluation of the research and development programs for the
improvement of processed fruits industry.
YEMEN : July 1990. Expertise and evaluation of the research and development topics on date, ordered by
French Ambassy.
15.2. Publicationes profesionales :
1. Perez E., Gibert O., Rolland-Sabate A., Segovia X., Sanchez T., Reynes M., Dufour D., 2011. Evaluation
of the functional properties of promising Dioscorea trifida L waxy starches for food innovation. International.
International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, En ligne ID 165638
2. C. Bruno Bonnet, Olivier Hubert,D. Mbeguie-A-Mbeguie, D. Pallet, M. Reynes, A Hiol, P Pourcheret, Order of Effect of
the physiological harvest stages on composition of bioactive compounds from FWI Cavendish bananas ; Journal of
Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, accepted, October 2012
3. Soro D., Dornier M., Abreu F., Assidjo E., Yao B., Reynes M., 2011. Cashew (Anacardium occidentale)
industry in Côte d’Ivoire: element of analysis and prospects for development. Fruits, 66, 237-245.
4. Cisse M., Vaillant F., Bouquet S., Pallet D., Lutin F., Reynes M., Dornier M., 2011. Athermal
concentration by osmotic evaporation of roselle extract, apple and grape juices and impact on quality.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 12, 352-360.
5. Simoes-Couto D., Dornier M., Pallet D., Reynes M., Dijoux D., Freitas S., Cabral L.M.C., 2011.
Evaluation of nanofiltration membranes for the retention of anthocyanins of açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.)
juice. Desalination and Water Treatment, 27, 108-113.
6. Cisse M., Vaillant F., Soro D., Reynes M., Dornier M., 2011. Crossflow microfiltration for the cold
stabilization of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) extract. Journal of Food Engineering, 106, 20-27.
7. Perez E., Gibert O., Sabate A., Jimenez Y., Sanchez T., Giraldo A., Pontoire B., Guilois S., Lahon M.C.,
Reynes M., Dufour D., 2011. Physicochemical, functional and macromolecular properties of waxy yam
starches discovered from seven genotypes of “Mapuey” (Dioscorea trifida) traditionally consumed in the
Venezuelan Amazon. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 1, 263-273.
8. Gibert O., Giraldo A., Ucles-Santo J.R., Bohuon P., Reynes M., Fernandez A., Gonzalez A., Pain J.P.,
Dufour D., 2010. A kinetic approach to textural changes of different banana genotypes (Musa sp.) cooked
in boiling water in relation to starch gelatinization. Journal of food Engineering, 98, 471–479.
9. Michodjehoun-Mestres L., Souquet J.M., Fulcrand H., Meudec E., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., 2009.
Characterisation of highly polymerised prodelphinidins from skin and flesh of four cashew apple
(Anacardium occidentale L.) genotypes. Food Chemistry, 114, 3, 989–995.
10. Michodjehoun-Mestres L., Souquet J.M., Fulcrand H., Bouchut C., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., 2009.
Monomeric phenols of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.). Food Chemistry, 112, 4, 851–857.
11. Gibert O., Dufour D., Giraldo A., Sanchez T., Reynes M., Pain J.P., Gonzalez A., Fernandez A., Diaz A.,
2009. Differentiation between cooking bananas and dessert bananas. 1. Morphological and
physicochemical characterization of cultivated Colombian Musaceae (Musa sp.) in relation to consumer
preferences. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, 7857–7869.
Erratum : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 9290 (2010).
12. Dufour D., Gibert O., Giraldo A., Sanchez T., Reynes M., Pain J.P., Gonzalez A., Fernandez A., Diaz A.,
2009. Differentiation between cooking bananas and dessert bananas. 2. Thermal and functional
characterization of cultivated Colombian Musaceae (Musa sp.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
57, 7870–7876.
13. Bechoff A., Dufour D., Dhuique-Mayer C., Marouze C., Reynes M., Westby A., 2009. Effect of hot air, solar
and sun drying treatments on provitamin A retention in orange-fleshed sweetpotato. Journal of Food
Engineering, 92, 2, 164–171.
14. Cisse M., Dornier M., Sakho M., Diop C.M., Reynes M., Sock O., 2009. La production du bissap (Hibiscus
sabdariffa L.) au Sénégal. Fruits, 64, 2, 111-124.
15. Cisse M., Dornier M., Sakho M., Ndiaye A., Reynes M., Sock O., 2009. Le bissap (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) :
composition et principales utilisations. Fruits, 64, 179-193.
16. Cisse M., Sakho M., Dornier M., Diop C.M., Reynes M., Sock O., 2009. Caractérisation du fruit du baobab
et étude de sa transformation en nectar. Fruits, 64, 1, 19-34.
17. Ducamp Collin M.N., Ramarson H., Lebrun M., Self G., Reynes M., 2008. Effect of citric acid and chitosan
on maintaining red colouration of litchi fruit pericarp. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 49, 2, 241-246.
18. Franquin S., Marcelin O., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., 2008. Characterization of starch and cell walls from
mature-green ambrella (Spondias cytherea Sonnerat) and their enzymatic hydrolysis. European Food
Research and Technology, 226, 4, 905-913.
19. Hongvaleerat C.A., Cabral L.M.C., Dornier M., Reynes M., Ningsanond S., 2008. Concentration of
pineapple juice by osmotic evaporation. Journal of Food Engineering, 88, 4, 548–552.
20. Perez-Tinoco M., Perez Silva A., Salgado M., Reynes M., Vaillant F., 2008. Effect of vacuum frying on
main physico-chemical and nutritional quality of pineapple chips. Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture, 88, 6, 945-953.
21. Chan Blanco Y., Vaillant F., Mercedes Perez A., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., Brat P., 2006. The noni fruit
(Morinda citrifolia L.): A review of agricultural research, nutritional and therapeutic properties. Journal of
Food Composition and Analysis, 19, 6-7, 645-654.
22. Diop G.A., Sakho M., Dornier M., Cisse M., Reynes M., 2006. Le baobab africain (Adansonia digitata L.) :
principales caractéristiques et utilisations. Fruits, 61, 1, 55-69.
23. Abreu F., Perez A., Dornier M., Reynes M., 2005. Potentialités de la microfiltration tangentielle sur
membranes minérales pour la clarification du jus de pomme de cajou. Fruits, 60, 1, 33-40.
24. Berlinet C., Ducruet V., Brillouet J.M., Reynes M., Brat P., 2005. Evolution of aroma compounds from
orange juice stored in polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Food Additives and Contaminants, 22, 2, 185-195.
25. Cisse M., Vaillant F., Perez A., Dornier M., Reynes M., 2005. The quality of orange juice processed by
coupling crossflow microfiltration and osmotic evaporation. International Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 40, 1, 105-116.
26. Franquin S., Marcelin O., Aurore G., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., 2005. Physicochemical characterization of
the mature-green golden apple (Spondias cytherea Sonnerat). Fruits, 60, 3, 203-210.
27. Harrak H., Reynes M., Lebrun M., Hamouda A., Brat P., 2005. Identification et comparaison des composés
volatils des fruits de huit variétés de dattes marocaines. Fruits, 60, 4, 267-278.
28. Joas J., Caro Y., Ducamp Collin M.N., Reynes M., 2005. Postharvest control of pericarp browning of litchi
fruit (Litchi chinensis Sonn cv Kwaï Mi) by treatment with chitosan and organic acids: I. Effect of pH and
pericarp dehydration. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 38, 2, 128-136.
29. Joas J., Caro Y., Ducamp Collin M.N., Reynes M., 2005. Postharvest control of litchi pericarp browning (cv.
Kwai Mi) by combined treatments of chitosan and organic acids. I. Effect of pH and pericarp dehydration.
Postharvest Biology and Technology, 38, 2, 128-136.
30. Le Nguyen D.D., Ducamp Collin M.N., Dornier M., Montet D., Reynes M., Loiseau G., 2005. Evaluation of
Lactoperoxydase system treatment to reduce anthracnose, stem-end rot and bacterial black spot
development during storage of mangoes. Journal of Food Protection, 68, 8, 1671-1675.
31. Mujica Paz H., Guillard V., Reynes M., Gontard N., 2005. Ethylene permeability of wheat gluten film as a
function of temperature and relative humidity. Journal of Membrane Science, 256, 1-2, 108-115.
32. Vaillant F., Perez A., Davila I., Dornier M., Reynes M., 2005. Colorant and antioxidant properties of redpurple pitahaya (Hylocereus sp.). Fruits, 60, 1, 3-12.
Conferencias & Proceedings (poster or speaker)
Max Reynes (invited oral speaker), F. A. Pinto de Abreu (Embrapa-Brazil ), Manuel Dornier, Claudie
Dhuique, Fabrice Vaillant .
Presentation main results research phD study of F. A. PINTO DE ABREU (Embrapa-Brazil) of “Evaluation of
some innovative process for extraction of functional extract from cashew apple waste
(Anacardiumoccidentale, L.)”. “International network on preserving safety and nutrition of indigenous fruits
and their derivatives”. 14/01-16/01-2013 Phnom Pen ( Cambodgia) organized by the Centre of Underutilised
Crops (CUC) at the University of Southampton (UK) funded by the Leverhulme Trust (UK)
Garcia Cristina, Vaillant Fabrice, Hernandez Lorena, Reynes Max, Pérez Ana M. Poster : Approaching the
Metabolic Pathway of Urolithin Production by in vitro Analysis. International conference in nutrigenomic,
(INCON) ,San Jose ( Costa Rica),1/4 octobre 2012
Gibert, O*; Dufour, D; Reynes, M; Giraldo, A; Escobar, A; Gonzalez, A. Banana physicochemical and
functional differentiation during ripening. A key study for understanding consumer preferences. ISHS/ ProMusa
international symposium – Bananas and plantains: toward sustainable global production and improved uses.
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, 10-14 October, 2011,/43 slices/. (2011,/keynote speaker/).
Max Reynes (invited oral speaker), F.Vaillant, P.Brat, C.Mertz, F.Hau;”main class of polifenols in fruits””.
“International network on preserving safety and nutrition of indigenous fruits and their derivatives”. 22/25-082012 Ho Chi Minh ( Viet Nam) organized by the Centre of Underutilised Crops (CUC) at the University of
Southampton (UK) funded by the Leverhulme Trust (UK)
D. Dufour , J. Ricci, T. Sanchez, N. Morante, G. Morel, M. Reynes, C. Hershey, H. Ceballos, A reappraisal of
nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors in cassava roots Overcoming challenges of global climatic change;
a global cassava partner ship, second scientific conference GCP21-11. Kampala , Ouganda, june 2012.18-22
Max Reynes (invited oral speaker), Didier Montet, Marie Noelle Ducamp, Gérard Loiseau, Doan Duy Nguyen,
Mohamed Cissé; "Cirad strategies in fruits post harvest area ( fresh fruits and pesticides reduction) : exemple
of Preservation of fruits by use of lactoperoxydase system : case of mango". “International network on
preserving safety and nutrition of indigenous fruits and their derivatives”.organised by Amity University , Uttar
Pradesh, India, and the Centre of Underutilised Crops (CUC) at the University of Southampton (UK) (March 2022, 2012) funded by the Leverhulme Trust (UK)
Gibert O., Dufour D., Reynes M., Giraldo Toro A., Escobar A., Gonzalez A., 2011. Banana physicochemical
and functional differentiation during ripening. A key study for understanding consumer preferences.
ISHS/ProMusa International Symposium – Bananas and plantains: toward sustainable global production and
improved uses, Bahia, Brazil, 10 au 14 octobre. pp 148-149.
Max Reynes (invited oral speaker), D.Pallet, P.Bohuon, F.Vaillant;”Some news alternatives in
technologies at small scale for implementing adde value products with indogenous fruits”.
“International network on preserving safety and nutrition of indigenous fruits and their
derivatives”.Bengadesh , 19/25-09-2011 Dacca and the Centre of Underutilised Crops (CUC) at the
University of Southampton (UK) funded by the Leverhulme Trust (UK)
Reynes M. (invited oral speaker),, Pallet D., Brat P., Dornier M., Vaillant F., 2010. New technologies toward
healthy foods. ICTF 2010 International Conference on Traditional Foods, Pondicherry, India, 1 au 3
décembre. Invited speaker.
Gibert O., Dufour D., Bello-Perez L.A., Reynes M., 2010. Calidad post-cosecha de los bananos y plátanos
(musa sp.) y características moleculares de sus almidones. XIX International Meeting of ACORBAT Association for Cooperation on Research and Comprehensive Musaceas (Banana and Plantain), Medellin,
Colombie, 8 au 12 novembre. pp 403-411.
Perez E., Gibert O., Rolland-Sabate A., Sanchez T., Reynes M., Dufour D., 2010. Functional properties of a
promissory Dioscorea trifida waxy starch for food innovation. International Conference on Food Innovation,
FOODINNOVA, Research Institute of Food Engineering for Development, Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Valencia, 25 au 29 octobre. pp 256.
Cisse M., Kane C., Sakho M., Dornier M., Pallet D., Reynes M., 2010. Optimization of extraction and
concentration of anthocyanins from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa l.) by aqueous extraction and nanofiltration.
IUFOST, 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, 22 au 26 août.
Reynes M., Montet D., 2010. The new European food regulation on precaution, traceability, food safety
(application on January 1st, 2005 of the regulation EC 178/2002). International Conference on Food Security
During Challenging Times, Putra, Malaysia, 5 au 7 juillet.
Reynes M., Vaillant F., Pallet D., Dornier M., Montet D., 2010. Osmotic evaporation, any new membrane
technology for fruit juice concentration. International Conference on Food Security During Challenging Times,
Putra, Malaysia, 5 au 7 juillet. Invited speaker.
Reynes M., Rivier M., Dumas J.C., Ducamp Collin M.N., Self G., Loeillet D., Ricci J., Bouniol A., Loiseau G.,
Montet D., Vaillant F., 2010. Exportación de mangos hacia la EU y presentación de algunas tecnologías de
valorización del mango en relación con la pedida del mercado. Feria Internacional del mango, Bani, Republica
Dominicana, 18 de junio de 2010.Invited speaker
Cisse M., Sakho M., Diop C.M., Dornier M., Pallet D., Reynes M., 2010. Production d’extrait anthocyanique
Journées Scientifiques du Réseau de Chercheurs GP3A
(Hibiscus sabdariffa) par évaporation osmotique. 2
de l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Québec, Canada, 17 et 18 juin.
Cisse M., Sakho M., Dornier M., Pallet D., Reynes M., 2010. Optimisation de l’extraction aqueuse d’extrait
anthocyanique d’Hibiscus sabdariffa L. et concentration par nanofiltration. 2
Journées Scientifiques du
Réseau de Chercheurs GP3A de l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Québec, Canada, 17 et 18 juin.
Couto D., Dornier M., Pallet D., Reynes M., Dijoux D., Freitas S., Cabral L.M.C., 2010. Evaluation of
nanofiltration membranes for retention of anthocyanins present in açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) juice. CITEM
2010, VIIth Ibero-American Conference on Membrane Science and Technology, Sintra, Portugal, 11 au 14
Diop N., Munier-Pantel S., Sock O., Reynes M., Larroque M., Dornier M., Pelissier Y., 2010. Étude
comparative des formes comestibles et toxiques de Detariumsenegalensej. F. Gmel. XII
international d'Aromathérapie & Plantes Médicinales, Grasse, 26 au 28 mars.
Cisse M., Dornier M., Sakho M., Pallet D., Reynes M., 2009. Concentration of anthocyanins from roselle
(Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) by nanofiltration. New challenges in food preservation. Processing - Safety Sustainability, Budapest, Hongrie, 11 au 13 novembre. Poster.
Couto A.B.B., Boulanger R., Gunata Z., Reynes M., Cabral L.M.C., Bizzo H.R., Leite S.G.F., 2009.
Characterization of aroma compounds in cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale l.var. Nanum) ccp76 by solid
phase extraction with resin amberlite xad2 and solid phase microextraction. 10th Latin American Conference
Sao Paulo, Guarujá, Brazil, 8 au 11 novembre.
Montet D., Reynes M., Saletes S., 2010. Identification of topics of common interest for EU and SEA partners in
the thematic "Food Quality, Safety and Traceability' towards a strengthening of Science and Technology
collaboration between SE Asia and the FP7 programmes. International Conference on Food Security During
Challenging Times, Putra, Malaysia, 5 au 7 juillet.
Reynes M., 2009. Tecnologias emergentes para la obtencion de alimentos saludables. VI Congreso Nacional
de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Alimentos. Alimentos, Inovacion y Salud, San Jose, 27 au 29 octobre. Invited
Reynes M., Abecassis J., 2009. Influence des procédés de transformation sur quelques propriétés
nutritionnelles et sensorielles des produits végétaux : céréales, fruits et légumes. Repenser la qualité
nutritionnelle. De l’assiette au champs : le retour de la qualité, Agropolis International, Montpellier, 22 octobre.
Invited speaker.
Couto D., Dornier M., Pallet D., Reynes M., Matta V., Cabral L.M.C., 2009. Evaluation of Nanofiltration
Membranes for the Concentration of Anthocyanins of Açaí Juice (Euterpe Oleracea). FAV HEALTH 2009. 3rd
International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruit and Vegetables, Avignon, France, 18 au 21 octobre.
Gibert O., Giraldo A., Dufour D., Reynes M., Fernandez A., Diaz A., 2009. Characterisation of some cultivated
colombian musa sp. In relation to consumer preferences: an objective key for the differentiation between edible
cooking bananas and dessert bananas. Fav Health 2009 - 3rd International Symposium on human health
effects of fruits and vegetable, Avignon, 18 au 21 octobre. Poster.
Perez E., Jimenez Y., Dufour D., Sanchez T., Giraldo A., Gibert O., Reynes M., 2009. Discovery of Three
Varieties of dioscorea trifida Grown in Venezuelan Amazons, with Quite Low-amylose Starch: i. Physical
Attributes and Proximate Composition of the Tubers and Characterization of its Waxy Starches. Fav Health
2009 - 3rd International Symposium on human health effects of fruits and vegetable, Avignon, 18 au 21
octobre. Poster.
Tapia M.S., Olaizola C., Carmona A., Martin-Belloso O., Reynes M., 2009. A novel functional fresh-cut product
of papaya (Carica papaya l.) C.v maradol using vacuum impregnation and edible coatings. FAV HEALTH 2009.
3rd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruit and Vegetables, Avignon, France, 18 au 21
octobre. Poster.
Reynes M., Pallet D., Brat P., Dornier M., Vaillant F., 2009. New technologies toward healthy food. CIBIA VII,
Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniera de alimentos, Bogota, Colombie, 6 au 9 septembre. Invited speaker
Dufour D., Gibert O., Giraldo A., Sanchez T., Reynes M., Pain J.P., Gonzalez A., Fernandez A., Diaz A., 2009.
Characterisation of bananas and cooking bananas cultivated in Colombia: morphological, physicochemical and
functional differentiation between genetic groups, consumption patterns and preferences. AUF: International
Meeting Bio-ethanol: Status and Future, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 25 au 27 mars.
Reynes M., Brat P., Pallet D., 2009. Les qualités Nutritionnelles des Fruits Tropicaux et Méditerranéens : *
Teneurs et Apports en polyphénols totaux - * Teneurs en caroténoïdes. "Fruits et légumes : alimentation et
santé pour le Sud", Paris, Salon International de l’Agriculture, 24 février.invited speaker
Pallet D., Reynes M., Bohuon P., Brat P., Dornier M., Vaillant F., 2009. Effets de quelques technologies sur
quelques micronutriments dans le domaine de la transformation des fruits. "Fruits et légumes : alimentation et
santé pour le Sud", Paris, Salon International de l’Agriculture, 24 février.
Reynes M., Brat P., Pallet D., 2009. Les qualités Nutritionnelles des Fruits Tropicaux et Méditerranéens :
Teneurs et Apports en polyphénols totaux, Teneurs en caroténoïdes. Salon International de l’Agriculture.
«Fruits et légumes : alimentation et santé pour le Sud», Paris, 24 février. invited speaker
Pham Huu Yen P., Self G., Roger J.M., Reynes M., 2009. NIRS data pre-treatment approach for developing
PLS models for total soluble solids and dry matter content of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus). FRUTIC 2009,
8th Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium, Concepcion, Chili, 5 au 9 janvier. Poster.
Pham Huu Yen P., Self G., Roger J.M., Reynes M., 2009. Near infrared reflectance in non-destructive internal
quality evaluation of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus). FRUTIC 2009, 8th Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production
Engineering Symposium, Concepcion, Chili, 5 au 9 janvier. Poster.
Self G., Pham Huu Yen P., Roger J.M., Reynes M., 2009. Non-destructive evaluation of tropical fruit quality by
NIRS. FRUTIC 2009, 8th Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium, Concepcion, Chili, 5 au
9 janvier.
Reynes M., Montet D., 2008. Présentation orale: Identification of quality and origin: examples of the EU
Workshop For the fruit & vegetable sector.Under the auspice of SIPPO: OSEC (coopération Suisse)//VCCI/
VINAFRUIT/SOFRI, Mi Tho, Vietnam, 4 au 5 septembre. Invited speaker.
Reynes M., Ducamp Collin M.N., 2008. Présentation orale Modified athmosphère and fresh fruits exportation
from Viet Nam. Under the auspice of SIPPO: OSEC (coopération Suisse) /VCCI/ VINAFRUIT/SOFRI, Mi Tho,
Vietnam, 4 au 5 septembre. Invited speaker.
Reynes M., 2008. EU legal requirements for export of fruit and vegetables;Under the auspice of SIPPO: OSEC
(coopération Suisse)//VCCI/VINAFRUIT/SOFRI, Mi Tho, Vietnam, 4 au 5 septembre. Invited speaker.
Reynes M., Self G., Pham Huu Yen P., 2008. About fresh fruits quality control using non destructive
technologies. Under the auspice of SIPPO: OSEC (coopération Suisse)/VCCI/ VINAFRUIT/SOFRI, Mi Tho,
Vietnam, 4 au 5 septembre. Invited speaker.
Reynes M., Vaillant F., Pallet D., Dornier M., 2008. Osmotic evaporation, any new membrane technology for
fruit juice concentration abstract of proceeding ;page 7, 6th Regional Symposium on membrane Science and
Technology 2008: "Food , Energy and Environment", Patong, Phuket, Thailande, 13 au 15 Août. 81
pages. Invited speaker.
Reynes M., Dornier M., Pallet D., Brat P., Vaillant F., Bohuon P., 2007. Emergent technologies in the area of
fruits.:International workshop of food safety and processing technology, Nonglam University, Ho Chi Minh, 29 et
30 novembre.
Terrine K., Gurak P., Cabral L.M.C., Matta V., Reynes M., Dornier M., Abreu F., 2007.:Cashew apple fruit
(Anacardium Occidentale L.) juice concentration by reverse osmosis.Sexto Congreso Iberoamericano de
Ingeniería en Alimentos (CIBIA VI), Universidad tecnológica de Ambato, Ecuador, 5 au 8 novembre.
Zozio S., Pallet D., Reynes M., 2007. New crops for functional molecules:5th International Symposium on New
Crops and Uses: Their Role in a Rapidly Changing World, Southampton, 3 au 4 septembre.
Davrieux F., Babin R., Assemat S., Rouziere A., Reynes M., Bastide P., Petithuguenin P., 2006. Dry Heat
Treatment: an Alternative to Methyl Bromide use in Cocoa Warehouse Moth Control.COPAL, San Jose, Costa
Rica, 9 au 13 octobre.
Ducamp Collin M.N., Freire M., Reynes M., Lebrun M., 2006. Fresh cuts mango fruits: evaluation of edible
coating.8th International Mango Symposium, Sun City, Johannesburg (South Africa), 5 au 10 février. Poster.
Reynes M., 2006. Emerging Technology in Food Processing for Fruits and Vegetables by Dr. Max Reynes,
CIRAD, France. Thai-French Seminar on Fruit and Vegetable: Quality and Safety, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 8 et 9
Reynes M., 2006. Presentation of a conference about added value products obtained at small scale in the area
of fruits and legumes, and niche market; Santa Lucia (Caraïbes Island). 8 et 9 Novembre. ECS sub regional
Dialogue on Agricultural and Rural Life.
Torezan G.A.P., Menezes H.C., Reynes M., Pallet D., Bohuon P., 2006: Effect of the application of vacuum on
colour development during the deep fat frying of apple chips. 15th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2006),
Budapest, Hongrie, 20 au 23 août.
Cabral L.M.C., Dornier M., Cisse M., Jesus D., Reynes M., Matta V., 2005. Concentration of orange juice by
coupling reverse osmosis and osmotic evaporation. 6° Simposio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos,
Sao Paulo, Brésil, 7 au 11 novembre.
Cabral L.M.C., Dornier M., Galindo C., Reynes M., Matta V., 2005. Concentration of pineapple juice by
coupling reverse osmosis and osmotic évaporation.6° Simposio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos,
Sao Paulo, Brésil, 7 au 11 novembre.
Chan Blanco Y., Vaillant F., Perez-Carvajal A.M., Reynes M., Brat P., Zuniga C., 2005. Microbiological and
anti-oxydant Properties during ripening of Noni Fruits (Morinda citrifolia). Frutic05, 7th edition of Fruit, Nut and
Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium, Montpellier, 12 au 16 septembre, pp. 49.
Cisse M., Cabral L.M.C., Dornier M., Reynes M., 2005. Production of pineapple juice concentrated using
inverse osmosis and osmotic evaporation. Frutic05, 7th edition of Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production
Engineering Symposium, Montpellier, 12 au 16 septembre.
Franquin S., Marcelin O., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., 2005. Optimising Quality of a Mature-Green Golden Apple
(Spondias cytherea Sonnerat) Drink Using Amyloglucosidase Treatment. Frutic05, 7th edition of Fruit, Nut and
Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium, Montpellier, 12 au 16 septembre. p. 31. Poster. Elu meilleur
poster du congrès.
Freire M., Lebrun M., Ducamp M.N., Reynes M., 2005. Evaluation of Edible Coating in Fresh Cuts Mango
Fruits.Frutic05, 7th edition of Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium, Montpellier, 12 au
16 septembre, pp. 48.
Freire M., Ducamp Collin M.N., Ribeyre F., Reynes M., Della Modesta R.C., 2005. Evaluation of differents
concentrations of chitosan in fresh cuts mango fruits. 6° Simposio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos,
Sao Paulo, Brésil, 7 au 11 novembre.
Freire M., Lebrun M., Ducamp Collin M.N., Reynes M., Cabral L.M.C., 2005. Physico-chemical, sensorial and
microbiological quality of fresh cut mango fruits recovered by edible films. 6° Simposio Latino Americano de
Ciência de Alimentos, Sao Paulo, Brésil, 7 au 11 novembre.
Gomes F.S., Araujo D.M.C.P., Melo J.S.R., Alter P., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., Couri S., 2005. Estudio
preliminar do perfil de compostos fenolicos em amostras de caju (anacardium occidentale L.) por cromatografia
liquida de alta eficiência em coluna de fase reversa. 6° Simposio Latino Americano de Ciência de Alimentos,
Sao Paulo, Brésil, 7 au 11 novembre.
Hongvaleerat C.A., Cabral L.M.C., Dornier M., Reynes M., Ningsanond S., 2005. Concentration of Clarified and
Pulpy Pineapple Juices by Osmotic Evaporation. Frutic05, 7th edition of Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production
Engineering Symposium, Montpellier, 12 au 16 septembre, pp. 29. Poster.
Reynes M., 2005. Chips quality and needs of the consumer; some recent scientific advances.1 global uses
enterprises workshop. Organized by International network for the improvement of bananas and plantain
(INIBAP) of Manilla, Manilla, 10 au 13 octobre.
Reynes M., Rojas G., Bohuon P., Brat P., Dufour D., Ngoh G., 2005. Need of the market and chips quality, and
other bananas products, some scientists results about this process. 1 global uses enterprises workshop.
Organized by International network for the improvement of bananas and plantain (INIBAP) of Manilla, Manilla,
10 au 13 octobre 2005.
M .Dornier, Fernando Abreu, D.Pallet ,M .Reynes : Process of concentration and purification of one
cahew apple extracts with hight concentration in cartotenoids, registred 28/02/2012
Chan Blanco Y., Brat P., Vaillant F., Mercedes Perez A., Reynes M., Mertz C., 2011. Procédé de préparation
de jus de Noni. Brevet FR 2968171
Chapal, Beejmohun V., Dornier M., Reynes M., 2010. Valorisation de la pomme de cajou par extraction d’un composé
actif. Composition comprising cashew apple extract. N° Fr 11305699.8
Dornier M., Urban N., Reynes M., Pallet D., patent submitted in 2008: Process of extraction of active
molecules by membrane technology No FR 09 00752.
Brat P., Olle D., Reynes M., Alter P., Cogat P., Brillouet J.M., 2002. Food product: Obtention by processing
citrus fruits with flash detent, application to pectic juices processes, pectic pureas and drinks. Process to obtain
the product, juices, pureas, drinks. French patent, n°FR 2 813 010. 27/06/2003.
Rios G.M., Belleville M.P., Sanchez J., Vaillant F., Dornier M., Reynes M., 2002.
Extraction process of at least one component included in a fluid by distribution through a porous membrane.
French patent, n° FR 2 839 656. 21/11/2003.
Reynes M., 1997. Process and device of fruit and vegetable transformation. FR 27 63216. 20/11/1998.
Reynes M., 1997. Process and device of fruit desinfestation. n°20 207. 30/11/1997.
Libros o revistas
Brat P., Olle D., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., 2002.
The Carotenoids of Tropical and Mediterranean Fruits and their Products.
"Food Science and Product Technology", Eds. Nakano T. O.L., Research Signpost, Kerala, Inde.
Olle D., Brat P., Reynes M., Brillouet J.M., 2001.
Tropical and subtropical fruit Products by industrial re-use.
Processes of fruits transformation, Coordonnateurs G. Albagnac P.V., J.C. Montigaud, Editions Lavoisier
Tec/Doc - Collection sciences et techniques Agroalimentaires, Paris, France.
Fecha : 21/05/2013
Firma :

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