2016-01-24 - 3rd Sunday OT.pub - Parish of St. John the Evangelist


2016-01-24 - 3rd Sunday OT.pub - Parish of St. John the Evangelist
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil:
5:30 pm OLMC
7:00 pm (Spanish) SJE
Welcome to the Parish of
Saint John the Evangelist
& Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Office Hours at SJE Rectory: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
148 Hamilton Avenue  White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 949-0439
Parish Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
OLMC: 92 South Lexington Avenue  White Plains, NY 10606
Father Thomas Kallumady, Pastor
Father Rubenus Cammayo, Parochial Vicar
Father Chellan Joseph, Chaplain - White Plains Hospital
~ Visiting Priests ~
Father Bart Daly, Father Patrick McCahil, Father Bob O’Neil,
Father Edward O’Neil, Father Romane St. Vil, M.M.
~ Staff ~
Andrea Caridi, Cesar Ceballos, JoAnn Douglass - Office Staff
David Graf - Music Director
~ Parish Cemetery ~
Mount Calvary Cemetery - (914) 949-0671 - Mr. Daniel Murray, Director
Saint John the Evangelist
Manuel Mendoza
Phone: 914-437-5144
Classes Sunday 9:15-10:45 am
followed by Family Mass at 11:00 am
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Andrew Morzello
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 914-948-6834, option 2
Classes Sunday 10:00-11:30 am
Family Mass at 9:00 am
4:30 to 5:15 pm OLMC
6:00 to 6:45 pm SJE
11:30 to 12:00 pm OLMC
Anytime by appointment at SJE rectory
At least six months notice
3rd Sunday of the month
- after 9:00 am Mass OLMC
4th Sunday of the month
- 10:15 am (English) SJE, Mass to follow
- after 12:30 pm Mass (Spanish) SJE
Baptism instruction
(3rd Tuesday of the month)
is required for parents and godparents.
Parents should register in
advance to make arrangements.
We invite you to register with the
parish by filling out the envelopes
found in the church, or by calling
the rectory office at 914-949-0439
8:00 am SJE
9:00 am OLMC
11:00 am SJE
12:30 pm (Spanish) SJE
5:00 pm OLMC
6:30 pm (Haitian) OLMC
Weekday Masses:
Monday-Friday: 7:30 am SJE
12:10 pm OLMC
First Friday: 12:10 pm SJE
Saturday: 12:10 pm SJE
Holyday Vigil:
5:30 pm OLMC
7:00 pm Spanish SJE
7:30 am, 6:30 pm SJE
12:10 pm, 5:30 pm OLMC
Mass for the Hearing Impaired:
4th Sunday of each month
at 2:00 pm OLMC
(not in July & Aug.)
Italian Mass:
Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday
& Christmas Day
at 10:30 am OLMC
Miraculous Medal Monday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC
St. Anthony Mary Claret
& St. Anthony Padua Tuesday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC
Five Wounds of Our Lord
& St. Gaspar Bertoni Friday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC
First Friday - Mass 12:10 pm SJE
Adoration after Mass until 5:30 pm SJE
Mass 12:10 pm OLMC
Followed by Holy Hour OLMC
Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday after 12:10 pm Mass SJE
Pro-Life Rosary Saturday at 5:00 pm OLMC
~ Pastor’s Column ~
In his general audience during the Week of
Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis
focused on the common baptism Christians
share, saying the strength of this bond is
stronger than existing divisions.
“We are truly the Holy People of God, even if,
due to our sins, we are not yet a people fully
united,” the Pope said in his Jan. 20 general
audience, adding that “the mercy of God, which
works in baptism, is stronger than our divisions.”
Referring to the Second Vatican Council
document “Unitatis redintegratio”, the Pope
affirmed that baptism “establishes a
sacramental bond of unity which links all who
have been reborn by it.”
Above all, this shared baptism means that
all are sinners and are in need of being saved,
redeemed and freed from evil, he said.
Francis noted that despite our common roots,
all Christians unfortunately experience egoism,
which plants seeds of division, closure and
contempt in our minds and hearts.
By restarting from our baptism, Christians
again “plunge into the source of mercy and
hope, from which no one is excluded,” he said.
This experience of shared grace creates “an
indissoluble bond between us Christians, such
that, by virtue of baptism, we can consider
ourselves truly brothers,” he said, adding that
the more we welcome this grace and mercy,
the more we belong to the one, Holy People of
God. “We also become capable of announcing
his marvelous works to all, beginning from a
simple and fraternal witness of unity,” Francis
He said a good way for all Christians to work
together in this announcement is by performing
the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, which
are “a concrete witness of unity among us
Christians: Protestants, Orthodox and
Pope Francis concluded his speech by
pointing to the common mission Christians
have in transmitting the mercy they have
received in baptism to others, beginning with
the poor and abandoned.
“During this Week of Prayer, we pray so
that all of us disciples of Christ find a way of
collaborating together in order to bring the
mercy of the Father to every part of the world,”
he said, and greeted pilgrims present from
different countries around the world before
leaving the building.
Church Support
Thank you very much for your continued
love & support for the parish. We are
especially grateful to those who “make up”
for their Sundays away from the parish.
Offering Collection 1-17-16
$ 7,305
OLMC $ 3,403
Postponed to February 6th
You are invited to the Installation of
Father Thomas Kallumady
as the First Pastor of SJE/OLMC
by the Most Reverend Gerald Walsh,
Auxiliary Bishop of Westchester County,
Archdiocese of New York
Saturday, February 6th, 2016 at 5:30 pm*
Saint John the Evangelist Church
Reception to follow in SJE Auditorium
All are welcome to attend!
Please RSVP on the sign up sheets in either church
on the bulletin tables with the number of people
attending. You may also call Andrea & Cesar
in the rectory or visit our website to RSVP.
*Please note: there is no 5:30 pm Mass at OLMC
& 7:00 pm Spanish Mass at SJE this day.
BINGO - is held Monday nights at 7:20 pm in the
Church hall at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.
All are welcome!
Parish Open Gym at SJE - every Friday 6-8pm
for 6th - 8th grade boys & girls. The cost is $5.00
per player per night. Parents are welcome to
watch the fun. Open gym supervised by Jim
Amodio. Call 949-3922 for more info.
40 Days for Life - From February 10 through
March 20, you’re invited to join other Christians
for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and
fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited
to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil
in the public right-of-way outside the Planned
Parenthood Center at 175 Tarrytown Road in
Greenburgh, and to help spread the word about
this important community outreach.
If you’d like more information – and especially if
you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact
Gerald Yeung at (914) 837-7008 or
[email protected] or visit 40daysforlife.com/
white-plains. There will be a KICKOFF RALLY at
3pm on Sunday, February 7, at the SJE school
cafeteria at 148 Hamilton Ave. in White Plains.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18th - January 25th
An Archdiocesan-Wide Drive to Replenish Dwindling Food
Pantries Sun., January 24, 2016 – Sun., January 31, 2016
January 18-25, 2016 is the annual observance of
the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme
chosen for 2016 is Called to Proclaim the Mighty
Acts of the Lord. (cf. 1 Peter 2:9) Throughout 2016,
join Christians everywhere in praying “that they may
all be one” joining our prayer with that of the Lord
Jesus Christ. For more information go
to: www.geii.org
We begin the week of Prayer for Christian Unity by
proclaiming the Lord’s desire for unity. It is Jesus
who comes towards us and knocks at our door.
He comes to save that which is lost and to gather
in God’s scattered children. The invitation to be part
of this covenant is extended to all peoples in Jesus
Christ. All who enter into it are in fellowship with the
Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. This relationship
with God, therefore, binds all Christians together
as one body, one family so that all may be one as
Jesus and his Father are one.
Prayer… We thank you, Lord, for your gift of
conversion and reconciliation which restores our
relationship with you and with one another. Grant
that our works may fulfill your will. Deepen within
us the desire for the unity. Guide us towards the
light of your Word through the presence of your
Holy Spirit. Unite us and sanctify us, we pray.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
Nearly 325,000 children have difficulty affording food,
that’s 22% of children in the 10 counties of the
Archdiocese. Do your part to make sure no hungry neighbor
is turned away from Sunday, January 24ththrough Sun.,
January 31, 2016 for the Feeding Our Neighbors
The three simple ways to participate and contribute to
the Campaign are:
• Donate money to support emergency food programs in the
• Collect food to support a local food pantry in your
• Volunteer your time and support at a local food pantry
For more information: contact [email protected]
or 646.794.2010
Cruzada a Nivel Arquidiocesano para Reabastecer las
Despensas de Alimentos De Domingo 24 de Enero a
Domingo 31 de Domingo de 2016
Casi 325.000 niños tienen dificultad para poder acceder a su
comida, lo cual representa el 22% de los niños en los 10
condados de la arquidiócesis. Haga de su parte para
asegurarse de que ningún vecino con hambre sea rechazado
por la falta de alimentos desde el domingo 24 de enero
hasta el domingo 31 de domingo a través de la Campaña
Alimentando a Nuestros Vecinos
Las tres simples formas de participar y contribuir a la campaña son:
• Donar dinero para apoyar a los programas de alimentos de
• Participar en la recolecta de alimentos desde el domingo 25
de enero al domingo 1 de febrero.
• Ser voluntario en una despensa de alimentos.
Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario.
pospuesto al 06 de febrero
Usted está invitado a la instalación
de Padre Thomas Kallumady
como el primer pastor de SJE / OLMC
por el Reverendísimo Gerald Walsh ,
Obispo auxiliar del condado de Westchester ,
Sábado, 06 de febrero 2016 a las 5:30 pm *
San Juan Evangelista Iglesia
Recepción a seguir en Auditorio SJE
¡Todos son bienvenidos para asistir!
El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, porque
me ha ungido...”
Uno de los pasajes más impactantes de la escritura es el que nos trae el evangelio de hoy. Es
impactante, pero pasa bastante inadvertido, muy
probablemente por la discreción de Jesús. Es
aquel momento en que Jesús dice que es a El a
quien se refiere la profecía de Isaías que anuncia
la labor del Mesías.
Nos dice el evangelio que Jesús, habiendo ya
realizado su primer milagro en Caná de Galilea,
comenzó a enseñar en las sinagogas. Es importante notar que existía un solo Templo, el de Jerusalén, donde se celebraban las grandes fiestas
judías y habían ceremonias en que los sacerdotes ofrecían sacrificios. Pero cada pueblo tenía
su propia sinagoga, donde cada sábado, se celebraba un oficio litúrgico en el que era fácil participar para leer y comentar la Palabra de Dios.
Así fue como Jesús comenzó a darse a conocer: leyendo y enseñando en las sinagogas sobre
todo de Galilea. Nos dice San Lucas que“todos lo
alababan y su fama se extendió por toda la región”.
Jesús, entonces, decide ir a Nazaret, el pueblo
donde había crecido y vivido. Y ese sábado -no
por casualidad, sino seguramente porque como
Dios, así lo dispuso- le tocó “el volumen de Profeta Isaías y encontró el pasaje en que estaba escrito” lo que se refería a la misión del Mesías: “El
Espíritu del Señor está sobre Mí, porque me ha
ungido para llevar a los pobres la buena nueva...”
Siempre que se leía este trozo, la gente pensaba
en ese personaje misterioso tan esperado por
todo el pueblo de Israel. Pero ese día en que
Jesús lee lo dicho sobre El, se le ocurre rematar
la lectura diciendo: “Hoy mismo se ha cumplido
este pasaje de la escritura que acaban de
oír”. Que es lo mismo que decir: “Ese de quien
habla Isaías soy Yo”.
Por favor confirmar su asistencia en la muestra
encima de las hojas , ya sea en la iglesia
en las mesas de anuncios con el número de
personas asistir . También puede llamar a
Cesar en la rectoría o visite nuestro sitio
web para confirmar su asistencia .
* Tenga en cuenta : no hay Misa 5:30 pm en OLMC
Y 19:00 Misa en español en SJE este día .
Aprende Ingles Rapidamente!!!
Las clases de Ingles se ofreceran para
aquellos con poco o ningún conocimiento
previo de Inglés. En estas clases aprenderan: vocabulario, pronunciación,
gramática y muchas cosas mas. Las
clases seran enseñadas por un maestro
Clases: 12 seciones.
Domingo 7 de Febrero– Abril 24, 2016
Hora:10:30 am –12:30 pm
Lugar: Escuela de San Juan Evangelista
Registracion: Rectoria de la Iglesia
Telefono: 914-949-0439
Registracion: $ 30 ( Material Incluido)
~ Saint John the Evangelist Church & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church ~
Saturday, 1/23 - Saint Vincent, Deacon & Martyr; Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin
12:10 pm
Manuel Bernardo
5:30 pm Vigil SJE
No Intentions
7:00 pm Vigil SJE
No Intentions
Sunday, 1/24 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am
Toni Cadalbert
9:00 am
Annina Orlando
11:00 am
For the People of the Parish
12:30 pm
Santiago Zavala (1st Anniversary)
5:00 pm
Bridie P. Van Slyck
6:30 pm
No Intentions
***Please Note***
Pastor’s Installation
Mass & Reception
has been
rescheduled due to
storm to Saturday
February 6th - 5:30 pm
Monday, 1/25 - The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle
7:30 am
Olivia Martinez
12:10 pm
No Intentions
Tuesday, 1/26 - Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops
7:30 am
Fr. John Quinn
12:10 pm
Vincenzo & Anna Critelli and Vincenzo Critelli
Wednesday, 1/27 - Saint Angela Merici, Virgin
7:30 am
Caroline Logstead
12:10 pm
Marguerite A. Cristantello
Thursday, 1/28 - Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church
7:30 am
No Intentions
12:10 pm
No Intentions
Friday, 1/29
7:30 am
12:10 pm
Saturday, 1/30
12:10 pm
5:30 pm Vigil OLMC
7:00 pm Vigil SJE
No Intentions
Philomena & Cyril Hickey
Kingston & Cancellare Families Living and Deceased
Nick Deramo
Maria Perez (5th Anniv) & Miguel Morocho
Sunday, 1/31– Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am
Louis Cardinale Sr.
9:00 am
For the people of the Parish
11:00 am
Purgatorial Society Mass
12:30 pm
No Intentions
5:00 pm
Carlos Hernandez Cardenas (17th Anniv)
6:30 pm
No Intentions
Rest in Peace - Please pray for the souls of Bridget Glynn,
Ida C. Haefele, Father John Quinn, and Gene E. Pentero who have
died this past week.
Purgatory Society - The 11:00 am Mass at SJE next Sunday 1/31 is offered for all our deceased
who are enrolled in our Purgatorial Society. Once a month on the last Sunday of the month,
the Mass is offered for them.

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