Riolab takes charge of the identity, development and


Riolab takes charge of the identity, development and
and Fairs.
Memorable experiences.
Riolab takes charge of the
identity, development and
implementation of the audiovisual
and interactive content for
pavilions, stands and installations
of limited durations in a transition
from contemplative-immersive
experiences to instances of
active participation by users.
In a same tour, the visitor accedes to surround projections, multitouch
stations with specific topics and live interaction with the surroundings.
Potential applications: State organisms, Museography, Business meetings,
Thematic initiatives and training.
and Fairs.
and Fairs.
• Design and configurations will depend on the projects goals that come from the client.
© En esta propuesta hemos incorporado ideas propias que consideramos de gran valor, e integración de conocimientos de partners
tecnológicos con los cuales RIOLAB tiene estrictos acuerdos de exclusividad y propiedad intelectual, en ese contexto el presente
proyecto tiene todos los derechos registrados en los territorios en que los asociados participan.

Documentos relacionados

Education and Training.

Education and Training. instances of active participation by users. In a same tour, the visitor accedes to surround projections, multitouch stations with specific topics and live interaction with the surroundings.

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