
ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL. 2010;85(6):199-201
Vol. 85
Mayo 2010
Núm. 5
La retina como marcador biológico de daño neuronal
Artículos originales
Comparación de tres instrumentos de tomografía de
coherencia óptica, un time-domain y dos Fourierdomain, en la estimación del grosor de la capa de
fibras nerviosas de la retina
Idoneidad de tratamiento en sospechosos de glaucoma. Estudio de concordancia con el grupo de estudio RAND
Atrofia de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina en
pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Estudio prospectivo con dos años de seguimiento
Comunicaciones cortas
Hipercorrección secundaria a transposición muscular
Crítica de libros, medios audiovisuales y páginas
web oftalmológicos
Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology: The Essentials
Sección histórica
Del mal de la rosa y la queratoconjuntivitis pelagrosa
Sección iconográfica
El estrabismo de Rembrandt
Sociedades y Reuniones Científicas
Ofertas de trabajo
Indexada en:
Excerpta Medica, IBECS, IME, SCIELO,
The value of “Articles in Press”
El valor de los artículos in-press
J. García-Feijoó
Servicio de Oftalmología, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
A few months ago I introduced the new format of our journal,
aimed at improving the electronic publication of its articles
and immediate distribution to international content databases
and portals.1
This issue is the first to be edited through the international
production system of Elsevier (PTS), in which each article has
been managed independently and converted directly to XML
(the Internet language) during the composition process. As of
now, every article to be accepted will complete its production
process and be published in the electronic platforms even
before it becomes a part of a regular issue of our Journal
published on paper (fig. 1).
The first consequence of the in-press publication for each
article is increased visibility and the possibilities of being
referenced, which is a clear progress toward our goal of being
included in the ISI. In-press articles, which can be referenced
using their DOI number, are sent automatically to a number
of platforms and databases including MedLine (e-pubmed
publication of articles), ScienceDirect and the web of our
Journal hosted in Elsevier (figs. 2 and 3).
Subsequently, each article is compiled to form a regular
issue of the journal for hardcopy publication. To this end,
Elsevier prepares new PDF files with page numbering and
uses these to substitute the previous copies (with their DOI
number) in said platforms to complete the production process.
As of that point, an article can be published 6 weeks after its
acceptance (depending on the time the authors take to correct
the drafts) without this process being affected by the volume
of accepted articles in production.
This new production system is optimized with the Elsevier
Editorial System (EES) which we already utilizing. This is
the platform that receives authors’ drafts and manages the
evaluation process (fig. 3). EES is a tool that can be accessed
from the Journal website in Elsevier (http://www.elsevier.es/
oftalmologia) as well as at http://ees.elsevier.com/ oftalmologia
This tool automates the entire process and significantly
reduces the decision-taking time. Authors can know at any
time the stage of the evaluation process of their articles,
while the reviewers are given an instrument to optimize the
productivity and efficiency of their work as well as being able
to make searches through Scopus and ScienceDirect, and the
editorial committee is able to take decisions within shorter
time periods. All these advantages shorten the decisiontaking time.
With the implementation of both systems in the Journal,
we take a step forward in quality criteria and get closer to
the objective of obtaining the admission of our Journal in ISIThompson.
E-mail: [email protected].
0365-6691/$ - see front matter © 2010 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.
ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL. 2010;85(6):199-201
Figure 1 – Display in-press from the website of Elsevier España S.L.
Figure 2 – Display in-press articles from ScienceDirect.
ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL. 2010;85(6):199-201
Figure 3 – Webpage for sending manuscripts (EES) to the Archivos Journal of the Spanish Ophthalmology Society.
R efere n c es
1. García Feijoó J. Un paso adelante. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol.

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