School Time Survey for Students April 3–18, 2014


School Time Survey for Students April 3–18, 2014
Have you participated?
School Time Survey
for Students
April 3–18, 2014
CMS middle and high school students are invited to
share feedback on topics impacting the CMS school schedule.
Simply go to and click on
School Time Survey for Students in the Spotlight section.
Paper copies are also available from the school front office upon request.
Individual input is confidential.
Join the conversation about
the CMS school schedule
School Time Survey
for Parents
April 3–18, 2014
CMS parents are invited to share feedback on topics impacting the
CMS school schedule. Simply go to and click on
School Time Survey for Parents in the Spotlight section.
The survey is available in English and Spanish and paper copies are also available
from the school front office upon request. Individual input is confidential.
Únete a nosotros en la
conversación sobre el calendario
escolar de CMS
Encuesta para los estudiantes
sobre el horario escolar
Del 3 al 18 de Abril, 2014
Invitamos a todos los padres, madres y tutores del CMS a compartir sus
opiniones sobre los temas que afectan el calendario escolar.
Simplemente vaya a la página y seleccione School
Time Survey for Parents en la sección Spotlight.
La encuesta esta disponible en ingles y español. También pueden pedir copias
impresas en la oficina principal de la escuela. Sus opiniones son confidenciales.
Join the conversation about
the CMS school schedule
School Time Survey
for Certified Staff
April 3–18, 2014
Certified school staff are invited to share feedback on topics
impacting the CMS school schedule. You will receive an email
inviting you to participate in the survey.
Individual input is confidential.

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