“Catholicism” DVD Presentation Thursday, October 11th 7


“Catholicism” DVD Presentation Thursday, October 11th 7
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The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Grounded in Grace
In his book A Game Plan for
Life: The Power of Mentoring, former UCLA basketball
coach John Wooden told of a
defining moment in his life. When John graduated from
eighth grade, his father Joshua gave him a seven-point
creed by which to live. One of those points was: “Make
friendship a fine art.”
From the beginning of creation, human existence was all
about friendship—friendship with God, friendship with
one another, friendship with creation itself. It was all about
solid and healthy relationships. We humans are social by
nature: “It is not good for man to be alone.” We are made
for companionship, and when that companionship is a lifelong commitment in marriage, no person should separate
what God has joined together.
So how do we make friendship a fine art? It is not simply
that “the two become one flesh.” It is so much more.
Sharing values, sharing stories, sharing the joy and sorrows
of everyday life. It is being patient and forgiving, compassionate and kind. Much grace is needed to make relationships work. St. Thomas Aquinas, a great doctor and
theologian of the Church, maintained that grace is amicitia
Dei, friendship with God. In the best of marriages and
friendships, God is an invisible but real partner. To the
extent that each person in the relationship is grounded in
grace, in this friendship with God, the likelihood of a
healthy marriage is greatly increased.
—Bishop Robert F. Morneau, Give us this Day
October 7, 2012
“Catholicism” DVD Presentation
Thursday, October 11th
7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall
Join us as we rediscover our common faith on a Journey Around the
World and Deep into Our Faith
through “Catholicism.” With
creator and host Father Robert
Barron, you will learn what
Catholics believe and why, while
being immersed in the art,
architecture, literature, beliefs, and
practices of the Catholic tradition. Filmed in 50 locations
throughout 15 countries, the Catholicism DVD series is
on-location and in the streets illustrating the splendor of
the global Church.
We will meet on the second Thursday each month at
7:00pm to watch an episode of this 10-part series.
Following the video presentation, we’ll gather in small
groups to discuss the topic of the evening.
Join us for episode 1: “Amazed and afraid, the revelation of God become man.” Father Robert Barron
illuminates and explains the conviction of the Catholic
Faith that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah
and the revelation of God become man.
These evenings are open to everyone of the parish as a
chance to delve deeper into the Catholic religion during
this “Year of Faith.” Come as you can—each episode is
its own entity and does not need to be viewed in
conjunction with the others. If you have any questions,
please contact Elena in the Parish Office.
Respect Life Sunday
Human life is sacred. The dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for
society. Direct attacks on innocent persons are never morally acceptable, at any stage or in any
condition. In our society, human life is especially under attack from abortion. Other direct threats
to the sanctity of human life include euthanasia, human cloning and the destruction of human
embryos for research.
The direct and intentional destruction of innocent human life from the moment of conception until death is always wrong
and is not just one issue among many. It must always be opposed.
Today as we celebrate Respect Life Sunday, we look ahead to voting in the November elections. It is imperative that we
do so according to a well formed conscience. In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation (FCFC #13). At the center of these truths is respect for the dignity of every
person. This is the core of Catholic moral and social teaching (FCFC #10). To become a more informed Catholic Voter
please visit the Catholic Bishops website: http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/faithful-citizenship.
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The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Saturday...……………..October 6
5:00PM…………………†Cora Darnell
Sunday……………..…..October 7
8:30AM………………..†Nancy Gray
10:00AM…...……….…..Luke Wyborney, Spec. Int.
11:30AM………………..People of St. Didacus
Monday………………...October 8
7:30AM………….…......†Sr. Damien Peter, FDC
Tuesday………..…..….October 9
6:00PM………………….†Josephine Rogalski
Wednesday………..….October 10
8:30AM………..……….†Gloria S. Becerra
Thursday………...…….October 11
7:30AM……………...….†Margarita Fielding
Friday…………....……..October 12
7:30AM ……………......†Clara Geschwender
Saturday...……………..October 13
5:00PM…………………†Peter Adamski
Readings for the Week of October 7, 2012
Next Sunday:
Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16
or 10:2-12
Gal 1:6-12/Lk 10:25-37
Gal 1:13-24/Lk 10:38-42
Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Lk 11:1-4
Gal 3:1-5/Lk 11:5-13
Gal 3:7-14/Lk 11:15-26
Gal 3:22-29/Lk 11:27-28
Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30
or 10:17-27
By declaring a Year of Faith, Pope Benedict
XVI has invited us on a journey of faith to open
our eyes to the grandeur and beauty of all
human life and to become courageous and
effective defenders of every human life.
Welcome to St. Didacus Parish!
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English
11:30am in Spanish
Daily Mass
Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am
Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am
First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am
Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt.
Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor
Parish Office 619-284-3472
October 7, 2012
Weekly Events at St. Didacus
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Youth Ministry Taco Sale
after Masses
Knights of Columbus Membership Drive after Masses
Monday, October 8, 2012
Catholic Scripture Class
Small Faith V
Encuentro Matrimonial
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Small Faith III
Youth Ministry
Small Faith IV
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Eucharistic Adoration
Religious Education
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Small Faith I & II
Spanish Choir
RCIA & Adult Faith Formation
Friday, October 12, 2012
Cub Scouts/Webelos 1
Spanish RCIA
Encuentro Matrimonial
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Saturday Fix-It Crew
THE WEEK OF September 30, 2012
Collection for September 30, 2012
Restricted Funds for September 30, 2012
Total Income:
$ 566.00
Please Pray For
Maria Luz Arrellano
Jim Barnes
Herbert Baxter
Rita Bonnell
Herminia Brignoni
Ibeth Brignoni
Loretta Calfee
Ruben Campos
Marie Cavanaugh
Connie Craig
Bob & Josie Demers
Bart Diaz
Juanita Diaz
Fred Dueber
Clyde Elkins
Maria Fielding
Susan Guenzel
Rosie Kinninger
Marcella Halweg
Maria Koter
Juanita Lopez
Maria Lopez
Dolores Mediano
Esteban Mediano
Joe Moser
Segunda Ordona
Sylvia Paiz
Dominick Palestini
Diane Porter
Dolores Robertson
Atina Rodriguez
Aaron Rodriguez
Alette Rodriguez
Gladys Palestini
Jeff Salazar
Ron Scinocca
Patricia Seay
Christine Segura
Terrie Small
Michael Smith
Raymond Sparks
Helen Treat
Therese Tucker
Pat Weaver
Sue Walker
Beverly Wolf
Catarina Zizzo
Adalina Zarate
And the special intentions in our Book of Needs
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The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 7, 2012
KofC Membership Drive:
4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116
Save the date for
our school’s annual
Fall Festival!
October 20, 2012
Look for your raffle tickets in the mail!
Second Collection
Today we’re taking up a second
collection for our Building Improvement Fund. Thank you for your
generous donations!
St. Didacus Saturday Work Crew
Saturday, October 13th at 9am
at the Church
There are a lot of little “honey-do” projects around the
parish that need to be done. You can be part of the crew
to helps keep our parish in good condition. For more
information contact John O’Connor at 619-993-5291.
All Souls Novena
October 25-November 2nd
Enroll your loved ones using the
envelopes at the entrance of the Church.
Life Perspecitves
Life Walk 2012
October 27th
at De Anza Cove- Mission Bay
This is a great fundraising walk that funds: “Abortion Changes
You,” a program that provides resources and community for
men & women touched by abortion and for leaders, counselors, and health professionals who support them. It also funds:
“Whole Life Curriculum,” a program that helps students cultivate a worldview embracing purity, justice, and the dignity of
every person. See Sal Chiappe after Mass on Sunday or give
him a call at 619-583-4454 to sign up for this event!
The Knights of Columbus
here at St. Didacus will be
conducting a membership
drive after Masses today. If
you are a Catholic gentleman and want to help
our Parish, serve others, or just would like to
learn more about the Knights, please contact
Tom Davis at 619-255-2572, or see one of the
Knights outside the Church after Mass.
The bathroom remodels are
underway in the Church.
We’d like to thank the Altar
Society for their donation of
$2000 toward this project.
We wouldn’t want to deprive anyone of the joy of
giving and invite all parishioners to donate to this
project! If new bathrooms
are where your desire to
give lie, please let us know! We look forward to
everyone sharing in this new and improved area
of the Church!
SIGN UP ON SUNDAY to join this
peaceful, prayerful event on Saturday,
October 13th at 8am.
40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerfuland proven effective-pro-life campaign
and the largest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history. The worldwide movement to protect
mothers and babies runs from September 26-November
4. Join with St. Didacus parishioners for a peaceful vigil
at Family Planning Associates Miramar location on Saturday, October 13th. We’ll meet in the St. Didacus parking lot at 8am and caravan to that location. To RSVP see
Colleen Maalouf after the Sunday Masses or for more
info call her at 619-565-5221. See their website at
The Academy of
Our Lady of Peace
Saturday, October 13th
For more info visit:
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The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 7, 2012
What is the Year of Faith?
In this special year, believers around the world are
called to renew their commitment to the faith that is
“always the same, yet the
source of ever new light.” Pope
Benedict XVI has proclaimed a
Year of Faith beginning
October 11, 2012, and concluding on November 24, 2013, the
feast of Christ the King.
The start of this Year of Faith coincides with the anniversaries of two great events that
have marked the life of the Church: the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second
Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church.
Register to Vote and then
Vote on Election Day,
Tuesday, November 6, 2012!
Pick up a voter registration form
at the Parish Office.
The Catholic Catechism gives an immense complement to
United States of America saying, “One must pay tribute to those
nations whose systems permit the largest possible number of the
citizens to take part in public life in a climate of genuine freedom.” Let’s all embrace that freedom by voting in the upcoming
November Election. The voter registration deadline for the November 2012 election is Monday, October 22, 2012. If you are
not registered, please stop by the Parish Office to pick up a voter
registration form. Let your voice be heard!
Kid’s Corner
Do you know why Catholics make
novenas? NOVENA comes from a
Latin word meaning nine. The
apostles spent nine days praying
between the Ascension (when Jesus
left them to go back to heaven) and
Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit
came to inspire them). So when
there’s something very important to pray about,
prayers are said every day for nine days in a row,
asking God for help. And that’s a novena! Can you
think of something important enough to pray about
for nine days?
—365 Fun Facts for Catholic Kids
Our Lady of the Rosary
October 7th
The rosary appeals to many. It is simple. The
constant repetition of words helps create an
atmosphere in which to contemplate the mysteries of God. We sense that Jesus and Mary are
with us in the joys and sorrows of life. We grow
in hope that God will bring us to share in the
glory of Jesus and Mary forever.
Rosaries for Peace
Next weekend we join with parishes throughout the
Diocese to pray the Rosary for peace. During the early
years of Pope John Paul II’s pontificate, he called on
Catholics of the world to pray more for peace. Through
the efforts of Fr. Donald Buchanan, there has been a
movement in our Diocese to make this an annual
event. Join us next weekend for the praying of the
Saturday, October 13th at 4:30pm before the 5pm Mass
Sunday, October 14th at 8:00am before the 8:30am Mass
Sunday, October 14th at 12:30pm following the Spanish Mass
Life and Social Justice
Issues in the Heart of the
Catholic Church
Capital Punishment:
Ending the death penalty "is most consonant
with the example of Jesus, who both taught
and practiced the forgiveness of injustice and
who came "to give his life as a ransom for
many." (Mark 10:45) (Capital Punishment,
USCCB, 1980) Our diocese is involved! Go to
www.osmelink.org for current news/events.
Pagina 6
XXVII Domingo Ordinario
Reflexión sobre la
segunda lectura, de la
carta a los hebreos
La carta a los hebreos
nos dice que la pasión y
muerte de Jesús no es un fin en sí mismo, sino solamente el camino hacia la resurrección y
la salvación plena. Los cristianos no nos podemos quedar contemplando al crucificado del
viernes santo, construyendo nuestra vida desde el dolor, el sufrimiento y la muerte. La misma epístola nos dice que el propio Jesús “en
los días de su vida mortal le pidió a su Padre,
con gritos y lágrimas, oraciones y súplicas,
que lo salvara de la muerte”. Esto quiere decir
que él mismo luchó por encontrar una alternativa que no estaba sujeta a su voluntad sino a
hacer la voluntad del Padre, por lo que nosotros estamos invitados a construir nuestra vida
cristiana desde la esperanza que nos ofrece la
resurrección de Jesús, y recordar que después
de la cruz viene la vida eterna.
Invitación a todos los feligreses de San Didacus
Oración para pedir un país
pacifico, sábado 13 de octubre a las 8 AM
Únete a feligreses de San Didacus para la vigilia pacifica afuera de Family
Planning Associates ubicado en 7340
Miramar Road, el sábado 13 de octubre.
Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento de San
Didacus a las 8 am para irnos juntos a Miramar Rd. Para confirmar su asistencia o para
obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Colleen Maalouf en 619-565-5221.
40 Días de oración y ayuno para pedir la
apertura a la Vida, esta campaña es una de
las mas grande de pro-vida, es un movimiento mundial para proteger a las madres y sus
bebés se extiende desde el 26 de septiembre
al 4 de noviembre.
Para mas información puedes checar su sitio
7 de octubre del 2012
Rosario por la Paz
El próximo fin de semana , domingo
14 de octubre nos unimos a todas las
parroquias de la Diócesis para rezar el
Rosario por la Paz. Durante los prime-
ros años del pontificado del Papa Juan Pablo II, el Papa nos
invitó a todos los católicos del mundo a orar por la Paz. En
nuestra Diócesis de San Diego este es un evento anual,
para pedir por la intercesión de la Santísima Virgen, la paz
en nuestro mundo. Únase a nosotros la próxima semana,
después de misa para pedir por la paz, especialmente pediremos por México.
Aparte esta fecha sábado 20
A M ——
Festival Anual de Otoño Escuela
Como siempre, les agradecemos su ayuda, en el festival de
otoño. Estamos buscando donaciones de artículos nuevos
que se pueden utilizar como premios, refrescos, agua embotellada, libros y DVD para la venta de medios de comunicación y trajes de Halloween para nuestra venta de disfraces. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la
escuela para obtener mas información acerca de cómo dejar estos artículos. !Los esperamos en el Festival de Otoño!
Las remodelaciones de baño se están llevando a cabo en la Iglesia. Queremos
agradecer a la Sociedad del Altar por su
donación de $2000 a este proyecto. Quisiéramos invitar a todos los feligreses a
donar un poquito para este proyecto.
Gracias por su generosidad.
Miércoles 10 de octubre, a la hora del
catecismo 5:30 PM - 7 PM
Serie “El Catolicismo”
Por la proclamación del año de fe, pasaremos una vez al mes la serie “catolicismo en
español”. El año de la fe comenzara del 11
de octubre de 2012 al 24 de noviembre de 2013. «Profesar
la fe en la Trinidad – Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo – equivale a creer en un solo Dios que es Amor ».

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