July 31, 2011 (Seventh Sunday after Pentecost)


July 31, 2011 (Seventh Sunday after Pentecost)
At Holy Family Catholic Church: 338 W. University Blvd., Tucson
NW Corner of University Blvd. and Main, I-10 exit Speedway Blvd.
Contact information see below. Daily Mass & Confession times, staff &
volunteers, CCD & RCIA Program and lay apostolates on pages 2-4.
Reverend Canon Richard P. von Menshengen,
Veritatem Facientes in
Live the Truth in Charity
Parish Administrator and Rector
July 31, A.D. 2011
The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is a Society of Apostolic Life in Canonical
Form and of Pontifical Right. Founded in Gabon, Africa in 1990, the Institute has its Motherhouse
and International Seminary in Florence, Italy and works currently in over fifty dioceses worldwide.
In the United States it comprises thirteen apostolates and has its U.S. Headquarters in Chicago.
Having been invited to Tucson in 2008 by His Excellency The Most Reverend Gerald F. Kicanas,
Bishop of Tucson, the Institute celebrates the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Liturgy at
St. Gianna Oratory according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI.
Effective August 6, 2010 Bishop Kicanas has entrusted the Parish Administration of Holy Family
Parish to the Institute which conducts the Religious Education Program and provides parish
management, while priests from within the Diocese are charged with the celebration of the Ordinary
Form of the Roman Liturgy at Holy Family Parish.
Safe Environment Program:
TODAY: Mandatory SEP-Refresher Talk
and Diocese of Tucson 2011 Video for all
adult volunteers at St. Gianna Oratory after
the 8:30 a.m. and after the 1:00 p.m. Latin
Mass. Any adult volunteers of Holy Family
Parish are welcome to attend these classes as
well and to sign an attestation form for the
Diocese of Tucson.
Altar server SEP Training is scheduled for
Sat. Aug. 6 after the 8:00 a.m. Latin Mass!
Institute of Christ the King
Canon Richard von Menshengen,
Administrator of Holy Family Parish and
Rector of St. Gianna Oratory
Cell: (520) 303-8859
[email protected]
Holy Family Parish:
338. W. Univ. Blvd, Tucson, Az 85705
Tel: (520) 623-6773 Fax: (520) 623-3578
[email protected]
Office hours: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 11a.m. to 5 p.m.
St. Gianna Oratory:
Mail: Priory of Our Lady of Guadalupe
P.O. Box 87350, Tucson, AZ 85754
Tel: (520) 883-4360 Fax: (520) 578-6076
[email protected]
We celebrate Holy Mass daily in Latin.
Daily Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass.
We celebrate Masses in English and
Spanish on weekends and Holy Days
of Obligation.
Missals in both English/Latin and Spanish/Latin can
be borrowed for Mass attendance.
Our Religious Education Program offers
First Holy Communion and Confirmation
Classes as well as RCIA.
Canon Richard von Menshengen also holds a
monthly Conference Program on the Liturgy.
Please have a look on our credenzas in the back
of the church. Our weekly bulletins
and religious materials may be taken for free.
Registration forms, Mass donation and collection
envelopes are also available on the credenzas.
Send us your e-mail address to receive our
weekly online-bulletin.
Write us at [email protected].
All are welcome! Todos son bienvenidos¡
Our Religious Education Program offers
sacramental preparation for children and adults.
We also offer ongoing education in our Catholic
Faith. Classes are offered in English and Spanish.
Marriage and Baptism classes are
offered by Canon Richard von Menshengen
for both Holy Family Parish and
St. Gianna Oratory.
Send us your e-mail address to receive our
weekly online-bulletin. Write us at
[email protected].
The Knights of Columbus Council at Holy
Family Church offers a Pancake Breakfast in the
church basement hall usually on the third Sunday of
the month.
TIMON, our Hispanic outreach committee,
offers Hispanic cuisine usually on the
first Sunday of the month.
All are welcome! Todos son bienvenidos¡
Holy Family Catholic Church
is one of Tucson’s historic landmarks. Built in the Mission style in
1913 in the Hispanic Dunbar Springs neighborhood and close to the University of Arizona, it was consecrated
on Jan. 14, 1915 by Msgr. Henry R. Granjon, third Bishop of Tucson (1900-1922).
Holy Family Parish is Tucson’s oldest Catholic parish. Its first pastor Fr. Lucas of St. Joseph O.C.D. and his
associate Fr. Eduardo of the Child Jesus O.C.D. were beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on October 28 in 2007,
the Feast of Christ the King.
Today Holy Family Catholic Church is the home of both Holy Family Parish and St. Gianna Oratory with
the Traditional Latin Liturgy. Both communities are under the care of the Institute of Christ the King
Sovereign Priest. Bl. Lucas and Bl. Eduardo, pray for us!
DAILY CONFESSIONS at Holy Family Catholic Church
 On Sunday Before the 8:30 a.m. Latin Low Mass and during the 1:00 p.m. Latin High Mass.
 On weekdays Mon. through Sat. 1/2 hour before the 8:00 a.m. Latin Mass
except Thursday 1 hour before the 7:00 p.m. Latin Mass.
 On First Fridays of the Month 1/2 hour before and also after the 8:00 a.m. Latin Mass.
 On First Saturdays of the Month 1 hour before and also after the 8:00 a.m. Latin Mass.
 On Saturday after the Parish 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English).
 By appointment: Please call Canon R. von Menshengen on his cell: (520)-303-8859.
Tucson, July 31, A. D. 2011
Dear Faithful and Friends of Holy Family Parish and of St. Gianna Oratory,
These have been exciting days! This past Saturday, July 23 I was able to attend a Conference in
Kansas City, organized by the national St. Gianna Physicians’ Guild and entitled: “Being Faithful,
Even until Death - Catholic Wisdom on the treatment of the disabled and the dying”. Among the
prominent speakers were His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, who spoke about the mystery of
Christian suffering, as well as the daughter of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, Dr. Gianna Emanuela
Molla, who spoke on the spirituality of her canonized mother (1922-1962), a heroine of life and a
touching example of love and dedication as wife, mother and pediatrician.
The two trees in the Rectory courtyard have been cut
down due to safety concerns of the Diocesan Office for
Property and Insurance as well as of the Board of
Directors of Holy Family Church. The trees, which had
been examined in early July, were considered a safety
risk because they were growing dangerously over the
buildings and their shallow root system gave additional
concerns in this situation. We plan to replace these two
trees in the near future and to beautify the Rectory
courtyard and the outside gardens further.
I have received positive comments about the recent
repair of our air conditioning system and I am grateful for the generous contributions which have enabled
this project. With the help of the Diocese of Tucson I
am currently checking into the maintenance of both
Canon Richard von Menshengen, Rector of
the church and the Rectory walls. They show
St. Gianna Oratory, with His Eminence
numerous cracks which need to be patched, and I am
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke and with
Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla, the youngest
working on obtaining estimates to repair these walls.
daughter of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla,
Patching cracks is an ongoing maintenance project
at a pro-life conference in Kansas City in 2011.
which each church needs to undertake so that rain water
does not deteriorate the structure of the church. As this
has not been done at Holy Family Church for a few years , we need to make these repairs by this fall.
Holy Family Church is a historic beacon which deserves to be preserved for the future of our Diocese
and of our city.
This past week I celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving for all the volunteers and staff members of both
Holy Family Parish and St. Gianna Oratory. I want to thank you wholeheartedly for your support and
your gifts of time and talent. I am convinced that our common efforts will continue to bear rich fruit!
It is my joy to announce that we will have our San Martin de Porres Fiesta on Saturday, Nov. 5 and
Sunday Nov.6. The preparation meetings will start soon and I am very grateful to Mr. Stewart Smith,
the President of our St. Vincent de Paul Society, for his willingness to be the head of the Fiesta
organizing committee. More information also concerning raffles and the rummage sale will be posted
soon. Your help and participation are very welcome!
Yours sincerely in Christ the King,
Canon Richard von Menshengen,
Parish Administrator and Rector
The Liturgical Calendar for Holy Family Parish (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite)
Vigil Mass in English
For the repose of the soul of
Alfred Tellez
Sun. July 31
7:00 a.m.
Holy Mass in English
In honor of the Sacred Heart of Celebrant:
Rev. Abram Dono
Sun. July 31
10:00 a.m.
Holy Mass in English
For Holy Family Parish
Rev. Foster Hanley
For Elizabeth Martinez
Rev. Anthony Ruiz
For the repose of the soul of
Frank T. Toledo; For the
repose of the soul of Robert A.
Morelos; For the repose of the
soul of Jose Luis Padilla;
For Holy Family Parish
Rev. John Coady
Rev. Abram Dono
Sat. July 30
Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Sun. July 31
11:30 a.m.
Domingo del
Santa Misa en Español
Teimpo Ordinario
Sat. Aug. 6
and Sunday
Aug. 7
Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Saturday Vigil Mass at
4:00p.m (English);
Sunday Masses at 7:00 a.m.
& 10:00 a.m. (English); at
11:30 a.m. (en Español);
Rev. John Coady
Rev. Anthony Ruiz
First Collection for Saturday/Sunday, July 23/24: $1,376.69
Mrs. Jackie Case, Office Manager
[email protected]
Mrs. Irene García, Secretary
[email protected]
Mrs. Sylvia Cordova, DRE
[email protected]
LAY APOSTOLATES at Holy Family Church:
Meets on First and Third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in church.
MARIAN CATECHISM for beginners and advanced on Wednesday evenings
bi-weekly. Monthly meetings for continued formation for all graduates of this program
on the First Thursday of each Month. Please contact Mrs. Sylvia Cordova (DRI).
Charismatic Prayer Group in English meets every Mon. at 7:30p.m. in church.
Mass is celebrated every third Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m.
BAPTISMS: Please call the Parish
Charismatic Prayer Group in Spanish and TIMON DE FE, our Hispanic
outreach committee, meet every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish basement hall.
MARRIAGES: Please call the
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Helping the needy and poor in our
parish territory. Mr. Stewart Smith, President. [email protected]; Food donations
Office for more details.
Parish Office 6 months prior to any
Call us @ (520) 623-6773
Mon., Wed., Fri.
from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
and volunteers are always welcome. For more information please contact the Parish
Office or visit our website.
Family Church to serve the needy and poor in Tucson. Free meals on Sun. 4pm,
Mon. to Wed. at 6:30 pm and Fri. at 4:00 pm. Volunteers to help are always welcome.
For more information please contact the Parish Office.
The Liturgical Calendar for St. Gianna Oratory (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite)
Sun. 7/31
Low Mass at 8:30 a.m.
50. Wedding Anniversary
of Mr. And Mrs. Charles
Brian Glaser and
George Stypa
High Mass with Gregorian
Chant at 1:00 p.m.
For Father Richard Rego
(4th Anniv. of his death)
from St. Gianna Oratory
Abbé John
O‘Connor, Stefano,
Chris and Raul
For Kim Pepper from
Nancy Thornes
Stefano Wolfe and
Abbé John O‘Connor
Low Mass at 8:00 a.m.
For Raphael and Mary
Teich from Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy Teich
Stefano Wolfe and
Chris Gauger
Low Mass at 8:00 a.m.
For Jesus Vega (birthday)
from St. Gianna Oratory
Don Perkins and
Thomas Yee
Thur. 8/04 Votive Mass of Our Lord Jesus Low Mass with organ at
For David Prasso
Abbé John O‘Connor
and Stefano Wolfe
Special Intention
Stefano Wolfe and
Chris Gauger
Seventh Sunday after
II Class, Green
Mon. 8/01
Comm. Of the Holy Machabees, Low Mass at 8:00 a.m.
III Class, Red
Tue. 8/02
St. Alphonsus Liguori,
Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor
of the Church
III Class, White
Wed. 8/03
Votive Mass of St. Joseph
IV Class, White
First Thursday Christ, Sovereign and Eternal
Priest III Class, White
Comm. of St. Dominic, Confessor
7:00 p.m. followed by
8/05 Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart Low Mass with organ at
First Friday
III Class, White
Comm.of the Dedication of the
Church of St. Mary Major
8:00 a.m. and at 7:00 p.m.
Feast of the Transfiguration of
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Low Mass with organ at
8:00 a.m. preceded by
Adoration and Benediction
from 7:00 a.m. to 7:50 a.m.
For Pope Benedict XVI
from St. Gianna Oratory
Abbé John O‘Connor
and Stefano Wolfe
Low Mass with organ at
8:30 a.m.
Special Intention
Thomas and Vincent
High Mass with Gregorian
chant at 1:00 p.m.
For St. Gianna Oratory
Stefano, Chris, Raul
and Josh
First Saturday
II Class, White
Comm. Of SS Sixtus II,
Felicissimus, and Agapitus, Martyrs
Sun. 8/07 Eighth Sunday after
II Class, Green
In honor of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
Clergy, volunteer staff and lay apostolates at St. Gianna Oratory:
Canon Richard von Menshengen, Rector
Fr. David Reinders, Chaplain at the V. A. Hospital, Tucson, assistant priest,
cell: (520)240-9537, e-mail: [email protected].
Don Perkins and Richard Karasch, Sacristans; Marie Hackert, Choir Director;
Jesus Vega, Head Usher; Teri Gauger and Deborah Brunner, Office Management.
Saint Gianna Oratory Choir meets for rehearsals every Monday evening at the home of one of the
faithful. Please contact our Choir Director Ms. Marie Hackert for more information at (520) 298-8451
as well as for our Children’s Choir which meets monthly.
Lay apostolates: Society of the Sacred Heart, Seminary Society, Holy Name Society, Altar & Rosary
Society, Marian Catechism, Saint Gianna Oratory Choir, Altar Server Guild.
St. Gianna Beretta
pray for us!
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Almighty God, through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is Wisdom itself, attracts all souls, for His divine
Providence is unerring in the ordering of His divine plans. The words of Ps. 46 (Introit) exhort all nations to
come and praise their God.
EPISTLE: Rom. 6: 19-23
Lesson from the Epistle of Blessed Paul the Apostle to the Romans
Shame and eternal death are the results of sin, says St. Paul, whilst by serving God we produce fruits of holiness and win
eternal life.
Brethren: I speak a human thing, because of the infirmity of your flesh; for as you have yielded your
members to serve uncleanness and iniquity unto iniquity, so now yield your members to serve justice
unto sanctification For when you were the servants of sin, you were free men to justice. What fruit therefore had you then in those things, of which you are now ashamed? For the end of them is death. But now
being made free from sin, and become servants to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the
end life everlasting. For the wages of sin is death. But the grace of God is life everlasting; in Christ Jesus
our Lord. Deo Gratias.
GOSPEL: Mt. 7: 15-21
† Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew
“Those who do the will of My Father will enter into the Kingdom of heaven.”
At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of
sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes
of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth
forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore
by their fruits you shall know them. Not every one that saith to Me: Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
Kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of My Father Who is in heaven, he shall enter into the
Kingdom of heaven. Laus tibi Christi.
Look up the Mass propers for the entire year online:
In English at http://mysite.verizon.net/missale/ as well as at http://uvoc.org/Propers.html .
In Spanish at http://unavocemx.org/ . Purchase your Latin Missal at Fr. Kino’s Bookstore (see ad in
bulletin) or online for instance at http://www.baroniuspress.com .
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Please note:
All Mass intentions requested by the faithful of
St. Gianna Oratory would need to be scheduled
now beginning in January 2012 as all of the
available dates in 2011 have been filled.
We ask the faithful to schedule only one Mass
intention per month in order to leave places
open for the intentions of other persons.
Thank you for your understanding.
XVIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario A
Isaías: 55: 1-3
Salmo: 145: 8-9, 15-16, 17-18
Romanos: 8: 35, 37-39
Meditación: Mateo 14: 13-21
Al regresar a Nazaret, después de predicar a grandes multitudes y enseñar a sus discípulos, Jesús
venía bastante cansado y agotado mental y emocionalmente.
Así estaba cuando le llegaron noticias de la muerte de Juan el Bautista, a quien Herodes había mandado decapitar porque le resultaba molesto (Mateo 14,1-12).
No es difícil, pues, entender por qué Jesús quiso irse de allí “Él solo, en una barca, a un lugar apartado” (Mateo 14,13). Probablemente necesitaba tranquilidad para pensar, orar y recibir la fuerza consoladora de su Padre. El Bautista era su pariente cercano, su amigo y su precursor. ¡Quién sabe si
Jesús tuvo también que combatir la tentación de querer expulsar a los gobernantes corruptos de
Israel y establecer un Reino terrenal! Tal vez presentía que la muerte de Juan era un presagio de lo
que le esperaba en su propia vida.
Es imposible saber lo que pensaba Jesús; pero cualesquiera hayan sido sus inquietudes, las dejó de
lado para atender a la gente que venía a interrumpir su quietud (Mateo 14,13-14). Cuando los vio,
“sintió compasión de ellos y sanó a los enfermos que llevaban” (14,14). Así es el corazón del Mesías:
Se olvida de sus propias necesidades para atender a los demás. Igualmente, cuando Cristo multiplicó
los panes y los pescados, demostró el significado de la Eucaristía: En la mesa del Señor, día tras día,
Jesús no se cansa de darse personalmente para curar y salvar.
Cristo no se preocupaba más de sí mismo, sino que se daba por entero para atender a los demás. ¿No
es esto lo que se nos pide a nosotros también? En realidad, no tenemos que esperar a que desaparezcan los dolores y frustraciones de la vida; si confiamos en el poder del Espíritu Santo, también seremos capaces de atender al prójimo, aunque tengamos nuestras propias dificultades que resolver. Así
es como el Espíritu puede multiplicar los efectos del trabajo que hagamos, tal como Jesús multiplicó
los panes y los peces.
“Jesús, Salvador nuestro, danos tu fortaleza para anunciar el Evangelio. Derrama el
espíritu de compasión sobre tus fieles, para que no nos fijemos en nosotros mismos y
así lleguemos a ser tus servidores en este mundo.”
La Palabra Entre Nosotros - http://la-palabra.com/meditations/2011/07/31
Celebramos Santa Misa diariamente en Latín.
Ofrecemos confesiones diariamente 30 minutos
antes de la Misa.
Celebramos Misas en inglés y español los fines de
semana y días de precepto.
Misales en inglés /latin y espanol/latin están
disponibles para su uso en nuestras misas.
Nuestra programa de educación religiosa ofrece
preparación para los sacramentos para niños y adultos
(CCD y RCIA). Tambien ofrecemos educación
continua en la fe católica. Ofrecemos clases
en ingles y en espanol.
Por favor visite las credenzas en la parte posterior
de la iglesia. Allí encontrará nuestros boletines
semanales y material religioso disponibles para su
uso. Todos los materiales son gratis.
Clases de matrimonio y bautizo para Santa Gianna y
Sagrada Familia son ofrecidas por
Canon Richard von Menshengen.
Envíenos su dirección de correo electrónico para
recibir nuestro boletín en linea.
Envíenos su dirección de correo electrónico para
recibir nuestro boletín enlinea. Escríbanos a
[email protected].
Los domingos, nuestros acomodadores esperan
ayudarle con sus preguntas y necesitades.
Escríbanos a [email protected].
Tenemos reuniones sociales mensuales. Clases de
catecismo para niños y adultos (CCD y RCIA) son
ofrecidas por Canon Richard von Menshengen.
Canon von Menshengen también ofrece una
conferencia mensual sobre la liturgia.
¡Todos son bienvenidos! All are welcome!
Los Caballeros de Colón de la Parroquia Sagrada
Familia ofrecen un desayuno de panqueques en el
salón por lo general el tercer domingo del mes.
TIMÓN, nuestra comisión hispano, ofrece comida
mexicana por lo general el primer domingo del mes.
¡Todos son bienvenidos! All are welcome!
La Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia es una de los lugares de interés histórico de Tucson.
En el ano 1913, la iglesia fue construida en el estilo de las misiones en el barrio hispano Dunbar Springs cerca
a la universidad de Arizona. Fue consagrada el 14 de enero 1915 por Monseñor Henry R. Granjon, tercer
obispo de Tucson (1900-1922).
Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia es la más antigua parroquia de Tucson. Su primer párroco, el Padre Lucas de
San José O.C.D., y su socio Fr. Eduardo del Niño Jesús O.C.D., fueron beatificados por el Papa Benedicto
XVI el 28 de octubre, 2007 - la Fiesta de Cristo Rey.
Hoy la iglesia católica de Sagrada Familia es el hogar de ambos Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia y Santa
Gianna Oratorio que ofrece la liturgia latina tradicional.Ambas comunidades están bajo el cuidado del
Instituto de Cristo Rey Soberano Sacerdote. Bl. Lucas y Bl. Eduardo, ruega por nosotros!
Domingos - 1/2 hora antes de la misa en latin de las 8:30 a.m.
Durante de la semana - lunes, martes, miercoles, viernes, y sabado - 1/2 hora antes de la misa en latin
de las 8:00 a.m. Jueves una hora antes de la misa en latin de las 7:00 p.m.
El primer viernes del mes - 1/2 hora antes y despues de la misa de latin de las 8:00 a.m.
El primer sabado del mes - una hora antes y despues de la misa de latin de las 8:00 a.m.
Sabados - inmidiamente despues de la misa en ingles de las 4:00 p.m.
Con cita previa: Por favor llame a Canon R. von Menshengen en su celular: (520) 303-8859.
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