La qualitat, garantia de millora


La qualitat, garantia de millora
Curriculum Vitae
Datos personales / Personal details
Nombre/ First name
Apellidos / Family name
Vicente Castro
Nacionalidad / Nationality
Formación académica / Academic Qualifications
PhD in Philosophy and Education Sciences.
PhD in Philosophy.
E.D. in Psychology
Degree in Social Sciences
Degree in Social Work
Datos profesionales / Professional details
Académico / academic
Organismo / Institution
University of Extremadura. Badajoz
Centro / Centre
Faculty of Education
Departamento / Department
Psychology and Anthropology
Área de conocimiento / Knowledge area
Evolutionary and Educational Psychology
Categoría / Professional status
Full professor
Líneas de investigación / Research lines
Palabras clave (máximo 5 líneas) / Key words (maximum 5 lines)
Psychology and Education; Developmental Psychology; Life Cycle; Integration of Students with Special
Educational Needs; Psychology and Quality of Life; Social Context of Development; Third Age; Behavioral
Analysis; Educational Processes; Burnout; Mobbing; Bullying. Social Networking
Experiencia como evaluador / Experience as evaluator
Máximo de 5 colaboraciones (más relevantes) / Maximum 5 (most relevant) collaborations
Member of Painel Internacional de Avaliação da FCT. Portugal.
Comissão Externa de Aconselhamento. Research Groups. Portugal.
Assessment Committee Member. ASUCYL.
Assessment Commission Member. ASUCYL.
MEC Project Evaluator.
Member of the Assessment Committee of the Quality Assurance Agency for the Balearic Islands Higher
Education System.
Experiencia en investigación / Research experience
Indicar las 5 publicaciones/patentes/proyectos más relevantes / Indicate the 5 most relevant
Vicente Castro,F.: (1997) Social context of Development: Introduction to development psychology
in children Edited by Psicoex I.S.B.N.: 84-922108-5-0
Authors: Francisco Miras Martínez, Florencio Vicente Castro; Ramona Rubio Herrera.
“Psychological foundations of learning”
Journal of Education, nº 332: Learning. New contributions. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
September to December 2003
Pag from 11 to 31
Vicente Castro,F.: (2005) Psychology and self-knowledge: Behaviour as explanation Psicoex
Badajoz. I.S.B.N. 84-934049-4-2.
Fajardo Caldera,Mª. I.; Vicente Castro,F.: (2006) Femenine psychological development and
procreative disorders. Edited by: Formasau, Formação e Saude.Lda. 2006. Coimbra. Portugal
I.S.B.N. 972-8485-73-5 y 978-972-8485-73-3.
Depósito Legal 248744/06. Translation of original of Mª Helena Fernández : “Desarrollo Psicológico
Femenino y trastornos procreativos”
Project: Principal investigator. International project: “Erasmus-Eka 539892-Llp-1-2013-1-SiErasmus-Eka. Grant Agreement No.: 2013-3750/001-001
Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme
Title: “Ergo-Work –Joining Academia and Business for new Opportunities in Creating Ergonomic Work
Places” in co-participation with several partners from the European Union.
Duration of the project: 2013-2016
European Project: Interaction of Different Subjects Towards a Strategic Common Answer
Concerning Juvenile Gangs”
Project Number – Just2010/Dap3/Ag/1370 of the “European Commission, Directorate-General
Justice, Freedom and Security. Directorate D: Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. Unit D4: Financial
support – Fundamental Rights and Citizenship” in co-participation with several partners from the
European Union and amounting to 330,458.70€ concluding in 2012.
Author: Florencio Vicente Castro. Title: “Lo que cambia y lo que permanece en Educación o La
educación entre las certezas y las dudas” Edita: Psicoex 2006.
I.S.B.N. 978-10-84-932595-2-7 Legal Copyright BA 700-2009.
Fajardo Caldera, Mª. I.; Vicente Castro, F.: (2006) Desenvolvimento Psicológico Femenino e
Transtornos Procreativos. Published by: Formasau, Formação e Saude. Lda. 2006. Coimbra. Portugal
I.S.B.N. 972-8485-73-5 and 978-972-8485-73-3.
Legal Copyright 248744/06. Translated from the original by Mª Helena Fernández: “Desarrollo
Psicológico Femenino y trastornos procreativos”
Director / General Director of the journal: “International Journal of Developmental and Educational
Psychology. “INFAD: Revista de Psicología” ISSN 0214.9877. First published 1989
Experiencia en docencia / Teaching experience
Máximo 10 líneas / Maximum 10 lines.
Professor for over 38 years, both in first university cycle, and second and third university cycle at the
Coordinator of Doctorate Programs of the Department of Psychology since 1989 to present.
Director of more than 135 Doctoral Thesis defended with remarkable success, several of them with
University of Extremadura.
special doctorate awards and /or national research awards.
Principal researcher in several research projects, regional, national and international.
Director of 18 University Masters at the University of Extremadura.
Organizer of many conferences, forums, symposiums, seminars and courses, prominent amongst which
are 21 international INFAD conferences; 10 Spanish-Portuguese conferences on the elderly; 22 meetings
addressing integration and disability.
Experiencia en gestión / Management experience
5 cargos más relevantes / 5 most relevant posts
He has played the position of General Secretary of the Univ. Extremadura.
Also the position of Director of the Department of Psychology for over 20 years.
Vice dean for practices and research. UEx.
President of the International Association of Developmental and Educational Psychology of Childhood,
Adolescence, the Elderly and Disability. (INFAD)
Member of the Permanent Forum of Social Europe.
Experiencia profesional / Professional experience
Máximo 10 líneas / Maximum 10 lines
President of the International Association of Developmental and Educational Psychology of Childhood,
Adolescence, the Elderly and Disability.
President of the Extremadura Association of Psychology PSICOEX
President of the European Union Association for Innovation. G 21
Premios y distinciones / Awards and Honours
Máximo 5 premios / Maximum 5 awards
Distinguished Professor Award. Gold Medal. INFAD. Year 1992.
Juan Huarte de San Juan Award, 2011, given by the Castilla y León Official College of Psychologists for
Honorary Doctorate awarded by the Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación (Paraguay)
the contribution to the scientific progress of psychology.
Otros méritos / Other merits
Máximo de 5 / Maximum 5
Full academician of the International Academy of Psychology. Chair: Ángel Riviere. Chair nº 19.
Member of the Advisory Board for Honours and Distinctions of the Regional Government of Extremadura
Secretary of the Doctorate Commission at the University of Extremadura.
Has organised (President of the Organising Committee) 21 INFAD conferences; 10 Spanish-Portuguese
(for ten years)
conferences on the elderly; 23 international meetings addressing integration.

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