iPad Mini - City of Santa Ana


iPad Mini - City of Santa Ana
“Every Drop Counts: Let’s Not Waste It”
Poster Contest Rules
The City of Santa Ana’s water conservation poster contest kicks off this fall for youth ages 518. The overall theme for this year’s contest is “Every Drop Counts: Let’s Not Waste It.” That
means wise and efficient water use inside and outside of the home, at school, in the
community, in business and industry, in agriculture, and in recreation. As California
endures its fourth consecutive year of severe drought in 2015, we call on the Santa Ana
community to celebrate the importance of water and use it wisely. The principle of water
conservation in our daily lives is especially important in the challenging conditions we face
Each of these selection criteria MUST be followed in order for the artwork to qualify for
judging by the City of Santa Ana.
1. Size: Artwork must be 12” high X 18” wide (Oversized, undersized or vertical artwork
WILL NOT BE eligible.)
2. Materials: Artwork must be drawn on WHITE poster board or WHITE drawing paper.
Bold, bright, brilliant colors show up the best! You may use the following art media:
crayons, markers, pencils, paints, watercolors, chalks, cut paper or fabric.
3. Format: Artwork must have AT LEAST a one-inch white or blank border on all four
sides. This is a graphics and framing requirement.
4. Theme: “Every Drop Counts: Let’s Not Waste It” is the overall theme. A “short” water
message must be written on the artwork (but, not necessarily the words every drop
counts). The fewer words written the better. Remember, words must be spelled
correctly! Posters with misspelled words will not be selected.
5. Subject: Artwork must depict various ways to conserve water or use water wisely. This
can include:
— inside or outside of the home
— in industries or businesses
— in agriculture; or
— in recreation
6. Originality: Artwork must be ORIGINAL (no traced, trademarked, or copyrighted
characters and slogans, i.e. Snoopy, Sponge Bob, Dora the Explorer, etc.) The City of
Santa Ana reserves the right to question or disqualify any artwork that is clearly not the
work of the youth based on their age and grade level.
A total of 12 total posters will be selected, 3 in each age category:
— Ages 5-8
— Ages 13-14
— Ages 9-12
— Ages 15-18
Winning posters will be selected by the City of Santa Ana based upon four scoring criteria
(these four scoring elements will be part of the judges’ score sheet).
1. Selection criteria (listed above) followed correctly
2. Degree to which poster addresses the water conservation theme
3. Level of originality (e.g. – uniqueness, creativity)
4. Degree of visual and word clarity (e.g. – the use of color, art media and/or the written
1. Artwork must be sent in a flat, study box or package (NO TUBES).
2. All artwork submitted to the City of Santa Ana MUST have the following information
TYPED or PRINTED on the poster information card (see attached) and TAPED on the
back (center) of the artwork:
— Youth’s name
— Youth’s age and grade level
— Youth’s school name
— Name, phone number, and
address of parent or guardian
3. All entries must be submitted with the parent/guardian approval forms. (See last page).
4. All artwork selected by the City of Santa Ana will be honored and acknowledged at a
Youth Poster Contest Exhibit and Recognition Event in February 2016. Winner will also
be presented with prizes.
5. All posters become the property of the City of Santa and the submission may or may
not be returned. The City of Santa Ana has the right to use any selected poster for its
“Every Drop Counts” campaign and promotional items and for any other City public
relations use. This includes but is not limited to the City of Santa Ana’s web site, display
of the original or copies of a poster at exhibit events and reproduction of copies on
such items as T-shirts, stickers, calendar magnets and postcards.
6. The deadline for submitting artwork to the City of Santa Ana is Friday, December 4, 2015.
Send Artwork to:
City of Santa Ana Water Resources
220 S. Daisy Avenue
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Attn: Thomas Dix, Water Services Quality Coordinator
Youth Artwork Rights / Parental Approval Form
Derechos de las Obras de Arte Juveniles / Formulario de Consentimiento
Any submission becomes the property of the City of Santa Ana and the submission may or
may not be returned. The City of Santa Ana has the right to use any selected poster for its
“Every Drop Counts” campaign and promotional items, and for any other City of Santa Ana
public relations use. This includes but is not limited to the City of Santa Ana’s web site,
display of the original or copies of a poster at exhibit events and reproduction of copies on
such items at T-shirts, stickers, magnet calendars and postcards.
Cualquier póster concursante se convierte en propiedad de la ciudad de Santa Ana y
puede o no ser devuelto. La ciudad de Santa Ana tiene el derecho a utilizar cualquier
póster seleccionado para su campaña “Cada Gota Cuenta” y artículos de promoción, y
para cualquier otro uso de relaciones públicas. Esto incluye pero no se limita a utilizarlo
en el sitio web de Santa Ana, exponer el póster original o copias en eventos de
exhibición y reproducción de copias en artículos tales como camisetas, pegatinas,
calendarios imán y tarjetas postales.
_____ Yes, I approve of my child’s artwork being featured at exhibit events and on any nonprofitable promotional items.
_____ Sí, estoy de acuerdo en que la obra de arte de mi hijo/a sea parte de eventos de
exhibición y aparezca en artículos promocionales sin fines de lucro
_____ No, I do not approve of my child’s artwork being featured at exhibit events and on any
non-profitable promotional items.
_____ No, no estoy de acuerdo en que la obra de arte de mi hijo/hija sea parte de eventos
de exhibición y aparezca en artículos promocionales sin fines de lucro.
Youth’s Name (please print)/ Nombre de el/la Menor (letra de imprenta)
Name of Parent/Guardian (please print)/Nombre del
Padre/Guardián (letra de imprenta)
Signature Parent/Guardian/ Firma del Padre/Guardián
Email address/Correo electrónico
2016 Poster Information Card
City of Santa Ana
“Every Drop Counts: Let’s Not Waste It”
Youth Poster Contest
Youth’s Name: ____________________________________________ Age: _______________
School Name: _____________________________________________ Grade Level: _______
Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone: _______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Address: _____________________________________________________
NOTE: Please make sure all names and information are clearly written and spelled
correctly. Place this card on the reverse side of the original poster drawing.

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