Fichas Catalogo BOHEMME SEPT 2015_V2.indd


Fichas Catalogo BOHEMME SEPT 2015_V2.indd
225 million years ago
they were everywhere.
Now they whisper in our ears
the history of mankind.
Enhance your beauty.
225 миллионов лет
назад они были везде.
Теперь в наши уши они
нашептывают историю
И подчеркивают
твою красоту.
Hace 225 millones de años
estaban por todas partes.
Ahora susurran en nuestros oídos
la historia de la humanidad.
Y ensalzan tu belleza.
Earring 5OCE001E
Ring 5OCE001R
Ring 5OCE001R
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Yellow Gold.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Earring 5OCE003E
SRP 460€
Blue saphire & white topaz.
Ring 7OCE005R
SRP 191€
Earring 7OCE007E
SRP 209€
SRP 419€
Blue saphire & white topaz.
Pendant 5OCE003P43
SRP 407€
Blue saphire & white topaz.
Bracelet 7OCE006B
SRP 384€
Pendant 7OCE007P43
SRP 274€
SRP 380€
Blue saphire & white topaz.
Ring 5OCE003R
SRP 308€
Blue saphire & white topaz.
Earring 7OCE006E
SRP 253€
Ring 7OCE007R
SRP 191€
SRP 467€
Blue saphire & white topaz.
Bracelet 7OCE005B
SRP 207€
Ring 7OCE006R
SRP 244€
Ring 7OCE727R
SRP 591€
Blue saphire & white topaz.
Fruit of the constant ebb and flow
of the water, boulders are carved
to a natural perfection.
Like the women
Плод постоянных приливов и
отливов, камни оттачиваются
до достижения природного
Также как и женщина
Fruto del perpetuo ir y venir
del agua, los cantos rodados
se esculpen hasta alcanzar una
perfección natural…
¡Como todas las mujeres
Earring 7PEB001E
Pendant 7PEB001R
Ring 7PEB001R
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink Gold. White,
green, blue and amethyst Cz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Earring 7PEB005E
SRP 267€
Ring 7PEB017R
SRP 292€
Earring 7PEB023E
SRP 299€
SRP 258€
Ring 7PEB005P43
SRP 191€
Pendant 7PEB019B
SRP 258€
Pendant 7PEB023P43
SRP 237€
SRP 152€
Ring 7PEB013R
SRP 205€
Ring 7PEB019E
SRP 297€
Ring 7PEB023R
SRP 343€
SRP 202€
Bracelet 7PEB017B
SRP 467€
Ring 7PEB021R
SRP 248€
Ring 7PEB727R
SRP 352€
Fruit of the constant ebb and flow
of the water, boulders are carved
to a natural perfection.
Like the women
Плод постоянных приливов и
отливов, камни оттачиваются
до достижения природного
Также как и женщина
Fruto del perpetuo ir y venir
del agua, los cantos rodados
se esculpen hasta alcanzar una
perfección natural…
¡Como todas las mujeres
Earring 7PEB031E
Ring 7PEB031R
Earring 7PEB035E
925/000 Sterling Silver, 18K Pink
Gold. Black Spinnels, citrine,
brown and champagne Cz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Pendant 7PEB035P43
SRP 156€
Earring 7PEB043E
SRP 315€
Ring 7PEB049R
SRP 299€
SRP 258€
Ring 7PEB035R
SRP 191€
Pendant 7PEB043P43
SRP 170€
Ring 7PEB051R
SRP 248€
SRP 202€
Earring 7PEB039E
SRP 320€
Ring 7PEB043R
SRP 205€
Ring 7PEB053R
SRP 343€
SRP 267€
Ring 7PEB039R
SRP 207€
Bracelet 7PEB049B
SRP 504€
Ring 7PEB728R
SRP 375€
The beginning of a cycle in which
millions of stars illuminate
our Universe.
Never cease to observe how
extraordinary it is!
Начало цикла, в который
миллионы звезд озарили нашу
вселенную. Никогда не переставай
наблюдать какона великолепна!
El principio de un ciclo
en el que millones de estrellas
iluminan nuestro Universo.
¡No dejes nunca de observar lo
extraordinario que es!
Pendant 7FOR002P43
Ring 7FOR002R
Ring 7FOR004R
SRP 313€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
SRP 442€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink Gold.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Earring 7FOR007E
SRP 301€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
Earring 7FOR010E
SRP 386€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
Pendant 7FOR012P43
SRP 485€
Amethyst, green and blue Cz.
SRP 363€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
Ring 7FOR007R
SRP 260€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
Ring 7FOR010R
SRP 311€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
Ring 7FOR012R
SRP 442€
Amethyst, green and blue Cz.
Earring 7FOR008E
SRP 301€
Black spinels, red and
amethyst Cz.
Earring 7FOR011E
SRP 389€
Amethyst, green and blue Cz.
Bracelet 7FOR022B
SRP 529€
Black spinels, brown and
champagne Cz.
Ring 7FOR009R
SRP 299€
Black spinels, red and
amethyst Cz.
Ring 7FOR011R
SRP 313€
Amethyst, green and blue Cz.
Ring 7FOR727R
SRP 350€
Black spinels and white topaz.
The more we fall in love
with our dreams,
the greater our capacity
to reach them.
Dare with yours!
Чем больше мы влюбляемся
в наши мечты,
тем больше наша
способность их достичь.
Будь смелой с твоими!
Cuanto más nos enamoren
nuestros sueños,
mayor capacidad tendremos
de lograrlos.
¡Atrévete con los tuyos!
Bracelet 7DRM001B
Earring 7DRM001E
Pendant 7DRM001P60
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink & Yellow Gold.
Brown and Champagne Cz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 7DRM001R
SRP 212€
Ring 7DRM002R
SRP 184€
Ring 7DRM004R
SRP 260€
SRP 702€
Bracelet 7DRM002B
SRP 359€
Earring 7DRM003E
SRP 311€
Ring 7DRM005R
SRP 198€
SRP 212€
Earring 7DRM002E
SRP 230€
Pendant 7DRM003P43
SRP 308€
Ring 7DRM006R
SRP 198€
SRP 416€
Pendant 7DRM002P43
SRP 159€
Ring 7DRM003R
SRP 205€
Ring 7DRM727R
SRP 285€
No rules, no stereotypes.
Just You. As you are,
as you want.
Без правил, без стереотипов.
Только Ты. Такая как есть
и какой хочешь быть.
Sin reglas ni estereotipos.
Sólo Tú. Tal como eres
y cómo quieres.
Bracelet 7BHM010B
Ring 7BHM051R
Ring 7BHM055R
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink & Yellow Gold.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Earring 7BHM113E
SRP 232€
Ring 7BHM164R
SRP 274€
Pendant 7BHM165P43
SRP 154€
SRP 780€
Ring 7BHM113R
SRP 168€
Earring 7BHM165E
SRP 186€
Pendant 7BHM166P50
SRP 400€
SRP 152€
Earring 7BHM164E
SRP 189€
Ring 7BHM165R
SRP 143€
Ring 7BHM166R
SRP 189€
SRP 219€
Ring 7BHM163R
SRP 230€
Earring 7BHM166E
SRP 255€
Ring 7BHM727R
SRP 313€
Black spinel
There are some special nights,
when you want to have fun.
You wish a bohemian night.
Let go and liberate yourself…
Есть особенные ночи
когда тебе хочется веселья.
Тебе хочется богемной ночи.
Освободись и отпусти себя...
Algunas noches en especial,
tienes ganas de divertirte.
Deseas una noche bohemia.
Libérate y déjate llevar...
Ring 7BHM068R
Ring 7BHM072R
Earring 7BHM088E
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink Gold. Black spinels.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 7BHM088R
SRP 212€
Ring 7BHM142R
SRP 196€
Earring 7BHM167E
SRP 237€
SRP 219€
Bracelet 7BHM142B
SRP 421€
Ring 7BHM154R
SRP 209€
Pendant 7BHM167P43
SRP 131€
SRP 189€
Earring 7BHM142E
SRP 260€
Earring 7BHM162E
SRP 317€
Ring 7BHM167R
SRP 258€
SRP 237€
Pendant 7BHM142P43
SRP 269€
Pendant 7BHM162P43
SRP 276€
Ring 7BHM728R
SRP 288€
925/000 Sterling Silver, 18K Yellow Gold.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
Bracelet 7BOH100B
Chain 7BOH100N50
m an
An elegant and timeless collection.
You will immediately feel
these jewels are part of you.
BOHEMME is your true essence.
SRP 239 €
∅ 3,5mm - Lenght 21-24cm
SRP 495 €
∅ 3,5mm - Lenght 50-55cm
Bracelet 7BOH101B
Chain 7BOH101N50
SRP 288 €
∅ 4,5mm - Lenght 21-24cm
SRP 603 €
∅ 4,5mm - Lenght 50-55cm
Bracelet 7BOH102B
Chain 7BOH102N50
SRP 566 €
∅ 7,0mm - Lenght 21-24cm
SRP 1.270 €
∅ 7,0mm - Lenght 50-55cm
Элегантная и вечная коллекция,
с которой ты сразу же почувствуешь
что эти украшения являются
частью тебя. BOHEMME – это
твоя настоящая сущность.
Una colección
elegante y atemporal,
con la que inmediatamente
sentirás que estas joyas
son parte de ti. BOHEMME es
tu verdadera esencia.
m an
Bracelet 5BOH001B
Cufflinks 5BOH001C
Pendant 5BOH001P
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Yellow Gold.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
Ring 5BOH001R
SRP 315 €
Black diamond 0.25 Ct.
Bracelet 7BOH004B
SRP 299 €
Bracelet 7BOH006B
SRP 274 €
SRP 244 €
Black diamond 0.25 Ct.
Ring 5BOH002R
SRP 336 €
Black diamond 0.25 Ct.
Ring 7BOH004R
SRP 168 €
Bracelet 7BOH007B
SRP 230 €
SRP 405 €
Black diamond 0.25 Ct.
Bracelet 7BOH003B
SRP 276 €
Double Bracelet 7BOH005B
SRP 205 €
Bracelet 7BOH008B
SRP 304 €
SRP 214 €
Black diamond 0.25 Ct.
Ring 7BOH003R
SRP 163 €
Ring 7BOH005R
SRP 191 €
Bracelet 7BOH009B
SRP 474 €
Love may be eternal in all
its dimensions. Infinite lines,
circles and ovals, remind us
that love is always there.
Любовь может быть вечной
во всех ее измерениях.
Бесконечные линии, круги
и овалы напоминают
нам о том что любовь всегда
находится там.
El amor puede ser eterno
en cualquiera de sus dimensiones.
Líneas infinitas, círculos
y óvalos nos recuerdan
que el amor está siempre ahí.
Earring 7ETE001E
Pendant 7ETE001P43
Ring 7ETE001R
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink Gold.
Black spinels and brown Cz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Bracelet 7ETE002B
SRP 299€
Earring 7ETE003E
SRP 242€
Ring 7ETE005R
SRP 290€
SRP 315€
Earring 7ETE002E
SRP 345€
Ring 7ETE003R
SRP 414€
Ring 7ETE006R
SRP 292€
SRP 223€
Pendant 7ETE002P43
SRP 306€
Earring 7ETE004E
SRP 223€
Ring 7ETE007R
SRP 322€
SRP 223€
Ring 7ETE002R
SRP 304€
Ring 7ETE004R
SRP 232€
Ring 7ETE727R
SRP 488€
Champagne Cz.
Glamour and Champagne,
is there a better combination?
Make a toast to
what makes you happy!
Гламур и шампанское,
есть ли лучшее сочетание?
Скажи тост за то что делает
тебя счастливой!
Glamour y Champagne,
hay mejor combinación?
¡Brinda por aquello
que te hace feliz!
Bracelet 7GOL001B
Earring 7GOL001E
Pendant 7GOL001P
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Yellow Gold.
Champagne Cz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 7GOL001R
SRP 170€
Earring 7GOL003E
SRP 347€
Ring 7GOL005R
SRP 232€
SRP 750€
Earring 7GOL002E
SRP 308€
Ring 7GOL003R
SRP 184€
Ring 7GOL006R
SRP 248€
SRP 315€
Pendant 7GOL002P43
SRP 276€
Earring 7GOL004E
SRP 306€
Ring 7GOL007R
SRP 191€
SRP 285€
Ring 7GOL002R
SRP 182€
Ring 7GOL004R
SRP 228€
Ring 7GOL727R
SRP 331€
Many of us are fascinated
by the art of Mehndi.
Each design has a specific meaning;
always associated
with good luck and love…
Многие из нас очарованы
искусстовом Менди. У каждого
дизайна есть свое особенное
значение, обычно всегда связанное
с удачей и любовью…
A muchos nos fascina
el arte del Mehndi. Cada diseño tiene
un significado específico
siempre relacionado con
la buena suerte y el amor…
Bracelet 7HEN001B
Earring 7HEN001E
Pendant 7HEN001P43
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Yellow Gold.
Black Spinels.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 7HEN001R
SRP 173€
Earring 7HEN003E
SRP 196€
Ring 7HEN005R
SRP 184€
SRP 465€
Earring 7HEN002E
SRP 173€
Ring 7HEN003R
SRP 186€
Ring 7HEN006R
SRP 173€
SRP 154€
Pendant 7HEN002P43
SRP 232€
Earring 7HEN004E
SRP 228€
Ring 7HEN007R
SRP 163€
SRP 129€
Ring 7HEN002R
SRP 179€
Ring 7HEN004R
SRP 186€
Ring 7HEN727R
SRP 207€
Fresh and delicate,
they are a miracle of Nature.
Like you, every drop is unique.
Свежие и нежные, они - чудо
Природы. Каждая капля уникальна,
также как ты.
Frescas y delicadas,
son un milagro de la Naturaleza.
Como tú, cada gota es única.
Bracelet 5BBL011B
Earring 5BBL011E
Pendant 5BBL011P43
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Yellow Gold.
White topaz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 5BBL011R
SRP 216€
Earring 5BBL013E
SRP 212€
Pendant 5BBL015P43
SRP 271€
SRP 352€
Earring 5BBL012E
SRP 274€
Ring 5BBL013R
SRP 191€
Ring 5BBL015R
SRP 207€
SRP 221€
Pendant 5BBL012P43
SRP 281€
Ring 5BBL014R
SRP 186€
Ring 5BBL016R
SRP 228€
SRP 294€
Ring 5BBL012R
SRP 205€
Earring 5BBL015E
SRP 258€
Ring 5BBL727R
SRP 232€
ne &
Simple, elegant and powerful.
The strength and beauty
of a single stone in a timeless design
that will always be with you.
Простой, элегантный и яркий.
Сила и красота единственного
камня в вечном дизайне,
который всегда будет с тобой.
Sencilla, elegante y poderosa.
La fuerza y la belleza de una única
piedra en un diseño atemporal
que siempre te acompañará.
ne &
TEarring 5ROS101E
Pendant 5ROS101P43
Ring 5ROS101R
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink Gold.
White topaz, black spinels.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 5ROS103R
SRP 223€
Ring 5ROS110R
SRP 225€
White agate
Bracelet 5ROS131B
SRP 511€
White agate
SRP 467€
Ring 5ROS106R
SRP 225€
Red jade
Earring 5ROS111E
SRP 467€
White agate
Earring 5ROS131E
SRP 614€
White agate
SRP 292€
Earring 5ROS107E
SRP 476€
Red jade
Pendant 5ROS111P43
SRP 290€
White agate
Pendant 5ROS131P60
SRP 334€
White agate
SRP 225€
Ring 5ROS107R
SRP 223€
Red jade
Ring 5ROS111R
SRP 225€
White agate
Ring 5ROS727R
SRP 357€
White agate
Enjoy the vastness of the desert
under an unparalleled ceiling of stars.
Sahara Nights are magical...
Насладись необъятностью
пустыни под несравненным
потолком из звезд.
Ночи в Сахаре волшебны...
Disfruta de la inmensidad
del desierto bajo un
incomparable techo de estrellas.
Las noches en el Sahara
son mágicas…
Bracelet 5SAH001B
Earring 5SAH001E
Pendant 5SAH001P43
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Yellow Gold.
White topaz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 5SAH001R
SRP 235€
Ring 5SAH003R
SRP 182€
Ring 5SAH005R
SRP 179€
SRP 444€
Pendant 5SAH002P43
SRP 255€
Earring 5SAH004E
SRP 246€
Ring 5SAH007R
SRP 219€
SRP 271€
Ring 5SAH002R
SRP 223€
Ring 5SAH004R
SRP 232€
Ring 5SAH008R
SRP 209€
SRP 285€
Earring 5SAH003E
SRP 239€
Earring 5SAH005E
SRP 230€
Ring 5SAH727R
SRP 209€
Pinkish soft waves inspired
by the majestic beauty
of Arizona canyons. Light, color
and movement are merged
into these unique jewels.
Розоватые и нежные волны,
вдохновленные великолепной
красотой каньонов Аризоны. Свет,
цвет и движения сливаются в этих
уникальных украшениях.
Suaves ondas rosáceas
inspiradas en la majestuosa
belleza de los cañones de Arizona.
Luz, color y movimiento
se funden en estas joyas únicas.
Bracelet 7WAV001B
Earring 7WAV001E
Pendant 7WAV001P43
925/000 Sterling Silver, 18K
Yellow Gold. White Topaz,
Champagne & Morganite Cz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 7WAV001R
SRP 281€
Earring 7WAV003E
SRP 290€
Ring 7WAV004R
SRP 225€
SRP 892€
Earring 7WAV002E
SRP 255€
Pendant 7WAV003P43
SRP 269€
Ring 7WAV005R
SRP 269€
SRP 449€
Pendant 7WAV002P43
SRP 375€
Ring 7WAV003R
SRP 265€
Ring 7WAV006R
SRP 239€
SRP 554€
Ring 7WAV002R
SRP 271€
Earring 7WAV004E
SRP 251€
Ring 7WAV727R
SRP 304€
Spectacle of Earth and Fire,
volcanoes are an inexhaustible
source of life. Feel the energy that
comes from them!
Спектакль Земли и Огня, вулканы –
это неиссякаемый источник жизни.
Почувствуй энергию, которая
выходит из них!
Espectáculo de Tierra
y Fuego, los volcanes son
una inagotable fuente de vida.
¡Siente la energía
que se desprende de ellos!
Pendant 7BOM001P43
Ring 7BOM001R
Earring BOM003E
925/000 Sterling Silver,
18K Pink Gold. Fancy Cz.
SRP = Suggested Retail Price
●Best Sellers ●Limited Edition
Ring 7BOM003R
SRP 253€
Amethyst, black spinels, red
and violet Cz
Pendant 7BOM013P43
SRP 393€
Milky aquamarine, violet,
brown and champagne Cz.
Ring 7BOM015R
SRP 340€
Milky aquamarine, violet,
brown and champagne Cz.
SRP 449€
Amethyst, black spinels, red
and violet Cz.
Pendant 7BOM007P43
SRP 414€
Amethyst, black spinels, red
and violet Cz.
Ring 7BOM013R
SRP 350€
Milky aquamarine, violet,
brown and champagne Cz.
Earring 7BOM017E
SRP 423€
Milky aquamarine, violet,
brown and champagne Cz.
SRP 412€
Amethyst, black spinels, red
and violet Cz
Ring 7BOM007R
SRP 340€
Amethyst, black spinels, red
and violet Cz.
Ring 7BOM014R
SRP 265€
Milky aquamarine, violet,
brown and champagne Cz.
Ring 7BOM017R
SRP 267€
Milky aquamarine, violet,
brown and champagne Cz.
SRP 421€
Amethyst, black spinels, red
and violet Cz.
Ring 7BOM008R
SRP 253€
Amethyst, black spinels, red
and violet Cz.
Pendant 7BOM015P43
SRP 393€
Milky aquamarine, violet,
brown and champagne Cz.
Ring 5BOM727R
SRP 513€
Red chalcedony, orange &
yellow saphires, black spinels.