
4325 Don Julio Boulevard
North Highlands, CA 95660
Parish Office 916.332.4777 ▪ Fax 916.332.8325
2 March 2014
Sunday Eucharist (Mass) / Misa del Domingo
Saturday Vigil/Sábado Vigilia
Sunday/ Domingo
Morning Prayer
4:45 pm
7:00 pm
7:00, 8:30, 11:15 am
1:00 pm
Monday-Friday 8:00 am
Daily Eucharist (Mass)
The mission of our community is rooted in Jesus the Christ.
This mission is to hear, respond to and proclaim the word of
God as found in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
Through the Sunday Eucharist we are called to ongoing
conversion and personal spiritual formation. As a community,
we are challenged to provide mutual support for a
Catholic Christian lifestyle and are empowered to use our
gifts to minister to the needs of others. We commit our
selves to the beatitudes, to the spiritual and corporal works
of mercy, and to minister to the larger communities in which
we live and work. We respect the dignity of every person, at
all ages and stages of life.
We hand on our Catholic heritage through catechesis,
worship, service and witness.
In carrying out this mission we further the kingdom of God
in our midst.
Rev. Enrique Alvarez, Pastor
[email protected]
Deacon Donald Galli, Parish Deacon
[email protected]
Mrs. Martha Haig, Parish Ministry Coordinator
[email protected]
Mr. Tony Neria, Music Director
[email protected]
Mrs. Cora Chanco, Music Coordinator
Mr. Mike Fisher, Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Mrs. Yolanda Fletes-Villalba, Receptionist/Admininstrative Assistant
[email protected]
Ms. Elizabeth Peterson, Receptionist
Monday-Friday 8:30 am
Reconciliation / Confesiones
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Monday through Friday / Lunes a Viernes
9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Infant Baptisms/Bautismos: This includes children
up to 6 years. This Sacrament is celebrated three times a year.
Parents and God-parents must complete a preparation
class. Please call the Parish Office for information.
Se llevan a cabo el primer Sábado del mes para niños
menores de 6 años. Los papás y padrinos tienen que
asistir a una clase. Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para más
Christian Initiation: Children and adults seeking to
become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church
may call the Parish Office for information.
Catholics Come Home: Catholics wishing to return to
the church or to become more connected to the church
may call the Parish Office.
Weddings/Bodas: Couples planning marriage at
St. Lawrence are asked to call the Parish Office at least six
months prior to anticipated wedding date. Couples are
also required to complete a marriage preparation program.
Las parejas que desean contraer matrimonio necesitan
llamar a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. Se
require que completen el programa de preparación.
Parish Registration/Registración: We welcome new
parishioners. Registration forms are available in the back
of the church and in the Parish Office. Please notify the
Parish Office of moves or changes in address or telphone
Nuevos feligreses son siempre bienvenidos. Las formas
para registro se encuentran a la entrada de la Iglesia y en
la Oficina. Por favor notifique a la Oficina de cualquier
cambio de domicilio o número de teléfono.
Page Two
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
March 2, 2014
Some scripture passages require a good deal of
study before they yield their inner meaning. Not so with
today’s Gospel, a continuation of the Sermon on the
Mount. Here we have Jesus’ well-known sayings about
God’s care for us. “No one can serve two masters” and
“Look at the birds in the sky” have become idioms in our
culture. Perhaps they have become too familiar. Jesus’
point is a simple one—if we keep our hearts set on the
important things, God will take care of the rest. His use
of simple images from nature—birds, flowers, grass—
would have resonated just as deeply with his listeners
then as they do today.
The brief passage from Isaiah, situated as it is in a longer
section on the restoration of Zion, uses a wonderful feminine
image to portray God’s care for us. Even more than a mother’s
care for her own child is God’s attentiveness to our needs. Juxtaposed with the Gospel reading, an image of God as doting
parent surfaces. No wonder St. Paul in his letter to the
Corinthians is more confident in the judgment of the Lord than
in any human assessment! For those whose hearts are set on
God’s priorities, the time of judgment can bring nothing but
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Algunas partes de las Escrituras requieren de conocer
ciertos antecedentes históricos, prácticas culturales, etc.,
para entender su mensaje. Pero eso no pasa con el texto
del Evangelio de hoy, una continuación del Sermón de la
Montaña. Aquí tenemos las frases de Jesús diciendo
cómo Dios cuida de nosotros. Por ejemplo, las frases:
“Nadie puede servir a dos amos” y “Miren las aves del
cielo” se usan tan frecuente en nuestra cultura. Quizá son
tan populares. Jesús enfatiza una cosa tan sencilla, si
ponemos nuestro corazón en cosas importantes, Dios
proveerá el resto. La forma cómo Jesús relaciona cosas de
la naturaleza, pájaros, flores, hierba, hicieron eco en los
oídos de quienes lo escucharon entonces y de quienes hoy lo
El pasaje breve de Isaías, que está tomado de un texto más
amplío que trata de la restauración de Sión, utiliza una imagen
femenina para mostrar el cuidado de Dios por nosotros. Así
como una madre cuida a su hijo, así de atento está Dios por
nuestras necesidades. Juntando la historia del Evangelio, la
imagen del amor paterno de Dios; no es de extrañarse que san
Pablo en su carta a los corintios tiene más confianza en la forma
cómo el Señor lo juzgara en lugar de los juicios humanos. Para
aquellas personas que tienen puestas sus esperanzas en Dios, el
tiempo del juicio lo único que puede traer son cosas buenas.
1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9, 10c;
Mk 10:17-27
1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31
Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17;
2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps 51:3-6, 12-13, 17
Rom 5:12-19 [12, 17-19]; Mt 4:1-11
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
1 Pe 1:3-9; Sal 111 (110):1-2, 5-6, 9, 10c;
Mc 10:17-27
1 Pe 1:10-16; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Mc 10:28-31
Miércoles: Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 12-14, 17;
2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19;
Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32
Domingo: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Sal 51 (50):3-6, 12-13, 17;
Rom 5:12-19 [12, 17-19]; Mt 4:1-11
The Liturgy of the Hours I
Roy Desmangles, Carolyn Farr, Sarah Funk,
Carlos Galvan, Francisco Gutierrez, Ron Helgeson,
Don Higgins, Janee Higgins, Erin Kite, Lou Luna,
Adrian Mendoza, Ernestina Mendoza, Sheila Montgomery,
Beverly Mooney, Amy Moorhead, Anna Munoz, Ed Orris,
Allen Peterson, Kevin Peterson, Missy Rae, Ted Sanders,
Medoli Ruiz, Sheryl Valentine, Fam. Vazquez & friends
Ruby Berkes, Esteban Bujanda, Annie Desmangles,
Dayton Franks, John Pibbs, Aurelia Sanchez.
Liturgia de las horas I
20 de Marzo de 2014—7 pm
Mar 27, 2014—7 pm
5 de Abril de 2014—10 am
April 12, 2014—10 am
Reminder! Registration forms as well as completed
Godparent forms, must be completed and turned in to the Parish
Office at least one week prior to the class. If we do have your paperwork ahead of time, you will NOT be able to attend class.
¡Recordatorio! Las formas de Registro y de los padrinos tienen
que estar completas en la oficina por lo menos una semana
antes de la clase. Si no tenemos su formas NO podrán tomar la
clase. Los padrinos tienen que estar casados por la Iglesia y
necesitamos su Certificado de Matrimonio por la Iglesia.
Página Tres
Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
2 de Marzo de 2014
As we have learned from Pope Francis over the past
few months through his encyclical letter, God is the giver
of all good gifts. He has given us life and continuously
graces us with His abundant love. He not only nourishes
us spiritually through the Holy Eucharist but He shelters
us, feeds us, and clothes us. In return, God asks us to
have faith in Him, to love Him, and to follow His light as
He leads us through our journey of life here on earth. He
wants us to be His disciples by leading and encouraging
others to join this magnificent journey of faith and life.
Part of our journey of faith includes sacrificing ourselves
for the greatest good of others, just like the Holy Family,
Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, sacrificed themselves to the
extreme for the good of all of us. Can a person truly be a
disciple of God if he lives a life of greed and hoarding and
who is self serving? No. If a person is not willing to share
generously his time, talents, and financial resources with
God then he cannot be a disciple of God because his or
her heart will be focused more in the world rather than in
the Kingdom of God. The message the Gospel of Matthew
tells us is not to worry about our life in this world and
rather focus on the Kingdom of Heaven: “. . .do not worry
about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your
body, what you will wear . . .your heavenly Father knows
that you need them, but first seek His Kingdom and His
righteousness and all these things will be given to you as
well.” (Matthew 6:25,32-33). Many times we don’t realize
that we become focused on ourselves and in the things of
this world. We lose the opportunity to focus on the
kingdom of heaven. Jesus is teaching us that if we focus
on the kingdom of God first we will be more blessed and
everything will be given to us by our heavenly Father. We
just need to be first committed and generous to God by
returning to Him our time, talent and treasure.
Each one of us has been blessed by God with certain
talents, abilities, resources and opportunities throughout
our lives. It is one of my responsibilities to encourage
parishioners to respond to the Lord’s call to be His
disciples and to live out a faithful response. As most of
you know, our parish has approximately 1200 parishioners
and less than half have pledged to our Capital Campaign
in order to pay for the renovation of our church. We are
supposed to share our resources with those who are in
most need. As I mentioned in my last homily our parish
has a second collection for charities every first weekend
of the month. Unfortunately only about 25% of our families
contribute. The same thing happens on the third weekend
of the month with only about 25% of families contributing to the facility fund collection, which is the fund that
enabled us to begin our renovation. Asking for money is
never a pleasant task; however, if all of our parish families
would tithe responsibly, generously, and faithfully every
weekend I would never have to ask for money and all of
our needs would be met.
“May almighty God Bless you with a generous, responsible
and faithful heart”.
Como hemos aprendido por el Papa Francisco por los
pasados meses a través de su Encíclica, Dios es el dador
de todos los buenos regalos. Nos ha dado vida y gracias
continuas con Su amor abundante. El no solamente nos
nutre espiritualmente a través de la Eucaristía, sino que El
nos protege, nos alimenta y nos viste. Dios nos pide que
tengamos fe en El, que lo amemos y sigamos su luz que
nos guía por este caminar de vida en esta tierra. El quiere
que seamos su discípulos guiando y motivando a otros a
unirse a este magnifico viaje de fe y de vida. Parte de ese
viaje de fe incluye sacrificándonos por un bien mayor de
los otros, como lo hizo la Sagrada Familia, Jesús, José y
María, sacrificándose hasta el extremo por todos
nosotros. ¿Puede una persona verdaderamente ser
discípulo de Dios si vive una vida de avaricia y acumulación y pensando solo en si mismo? No. Si una persona no
esta dispuesta a compartir generosamente su tiempo,
talento y recursos financieros con Dios no puede ser un
discípulo de Dios, porque su corazón esta concentrado
más en el mundo que en el Reino de Dios. El mensaje del
evangelio según San Mateo nos dice no anden preocupados por su vida: “ ¿qué vamos a comer?. Ni por su cuerpo:
¿qué nos pondremos? Pero el Padre de ustedes sabe que
necesitan todo eso. Por lo tanto, busquen primero el
Reino y la justicia de Dios, y esas cosas vendrán por añadidura.” (Mateo 6:25, 32, 33). Muchas veces no nos damos
cuenta de que nos enfocamos demasiado en nosotros y
en las cosas de este mundo. Perdemos la oportunidad de
enfocarnos en el Reino celestial. Jesucristo nos está
enseñando que si nos concentramos en el Reino de Dios
primero seremos bendecidos y nuestro Padre celestial nos
dará lo que necesitamos. Solo necesitamos comprometemos y darle a Dios generosamente de nuestro tiempo,
talento, y tesoro.
Cada uno de nosotros ha sido bendecido por Dios con
ciertos talentos, habilidades, recursos y oportunidades a
través de nuestra vida. Una de mis responsabilidades es
motivar a los feligreses a responder generosamente a la
llamada de Dios a ser discípulos y a vivir una respuesta
fiel y activa. Como la mayoría ya sabe, nuestra parroquia
tiene aproximadamente 1200 feligreses y menos de la
mitad se han comprometido con nuestra Campaña
Capital para poder pagar por las renovaciones de nuestra
Iglesia. Se supone que debemos compartir nuestros recursos con los más necesitados. Mencioné en mi última
homilía que nuestra parroquia tiene una segunda colecta
para asociaciones caritativas el primer fin de semana de
cada mes. Desafortunadamente solo el 25% de nuestras
familias contribuye. Lo mismo pasa con nuestro tercer fin
de semana del mes con sólo 25% de las familias contribuyendo para el Fondo de Mantenimiento; el cual nos permitió empezar la renovaciones. Pedir dinero no es agradable; sin embargo, si todas las familias de la parroquia
tomarán su corresponsabilidad responsable, generosa y
fielmente cada fin de semana, no tendría que pedir dinero nunca y todas nuestras necesidades estarían cubiertas.
“Que Dios altisimo los bendiga con un Corazon generosos,
responsible y fiel”.
Page Four
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, Mar 1
4:45 pm ……..Miriam Billy Frey †
……..Benedicta Carnable †
……..Bob Weller †
……..Socorro Monsod †
7:00 pm ……..Souls in Purgatory
Sunday, Mar 2
11:15 am…..…Esther Navarro †
……..Donaciano Chiprez †
……..Loretta Changcoco †
1:00 pm……..Ignacio Jasso (sp. Int.)
Monday, Mar 3…….
Tuesday, Mar 4.…...Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, Mar 5…..Souls in purgatory
……..Ed Orris (sp. Int.)
……..Familia Villalba (sp. Int.)
Thursday, Mar 6…..
Friday, Mar 7….…...
Saturday, Mar 8
4:45 pm…….Rosalina Chanco †
7:00 pm……..Francisco Ochoa †
…….Antonia Ayala †
Sunday, Mar 9
11:15 am….…
Mar 1 Donald Barrows, Kenneth Wilson,
Michael Reed, Antonio Mistica
Mar 2 Drew Carder, Remigio Morales
Mar 3 Georgie Farrell, Christopher Martinez,
Soloman Sandoval, Roberta Keizer, Al Sliatto
Mar 4 Brian Lawrence, Ramon Velazquez
Mar 5 Leo De Martinio, Olga Terra, Willie Asuncion,
Mary Bettencourt, Gary Morales, Sr.,
Dolores Marshall, Eugenie Paquette
Mar 6 Mary Moore, Gonsalo Silab, Frank Casey,
Harry Toyne
Mar 7 Danny Peudo
We ask that if you have not made a pledge to the Capital
Campaign it is not too late! Forms to make a pledge are
available in the Vestibule or you can request a Pledge Form
from a Minister of Hospitality, parish staff or Capital Campaign
volunteer. Your support is greatly appreciated in helping the
parish reach its campaign goal. Thank you for your consideration
and gift.
Aun estás a tiempo de hacer tu compromiso para la
Campaña Capital no es tarde. Las formas están disponibles
a la entrada de la Iglesia o le puedes pedir una a algun
ministro, personal de la parroquia o algun voluntario de la
Campaña Capital. Apreciamos inmensamente tu
contribuciόn para alcanzar la meta. Gracias por tu
consideraciόn y tu regalo.
March 2, 2014
Fiscal Year Runs July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014
Año fiscal 1° de Julio de 2013 al 30 de Junio de 2014
First Collection Weekend Feb 23
.……… $ 6,078.90
Primera Colecta
The Second Collection on the weekend of March 15 &
16 will benefit the St. Lawrence Facility Fund.
La Segunda Colecta del 15 y 16 de Marzo beneficiará el
Fondo de Mantenimiento de San Lorenzo.
Jesus tells us that our heavenly Father knows all
that we need, and so we need to let tomorrow take care of itself
as today has troubles enough of its own.
The contributions that you have provided have helped the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul assist our brothers and sisters
during their time of need. The gifts provided include food, help
with utility bills, rent and other basic needs. Thank You!
 March 12, 2014: Parish Center Meeting Room 7:00 pm.
 March 26, 2014: Parish Center Meeting Room 7:00 pm.
The St. Lawrence Conference will hold a Free Electronic Waste
Drop-off Collection Fundraiser (E-Waste) on April 12, 2014 St.
Lawrence Hall Parking Lot from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Look for additional
information in future parish Bulletins or you can call James Floyd at
(916-804-1731). Please share the E-Waste collection information with
your neighbors and friends. The more poundage of E-Waste collected
the more your Conference is able to raise in funding to help assist the
poor of our community and you help clean-up our environment too!
The St. Lawrence Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking
individuals who want to help people in need. If you can spare a
few hours to share your time and talents doing the caring work
of Jesus, please contact Jim Floyd (804.1731).
Starting March 5th, come pray anytime
between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday
through Friday, at the public sidewalk in front
of Women’s Health Specialists abortion
business, 1442 Ethan Way, Sacramento,
offering women help, compassionate support,
& encouragement so that they are better able
to choose life for babies. Park along Hallmark Drive. For
more information, contact Wynette Sills at 916-955-1577,
[email protected] or by visiting their website:
Salva vidas durante un testimonio público y pacífico de 40
días en la vía pública delante del local Women’s Health
Specialists, en el 1442 Ethan Way, Sacramento desde el 5 de
Marzo hasta el 13 de Abril de las 7:00 am a las 7:00 pm, de
Lunes a Viernes. Entérese de cόmo puede alzar la voz por
los que no pueden hablar por sí mismos, justo aquí en
Sacramento, contactando a la Radio Catόlica al 916-4427389 o visitando a:
Página cinco
Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
March 5/ 5 de Marzo
Our Masses in English on Ash Wednesday will be at
8:30 am and 7:00 pm. Masses in Spanish are
scheduled for: 12 noon, 3:15 pm, 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
Tendremos cuatro Misas en Español durante el día; a
las 12:00 (mediodía), 3:15 pm, 5:00 pm. y 8:30 pm.
Las misas en Inglés serán a las 8:30 am y a las 7 pm.
Los esperamos.
There will be a Lenten series entitled,
"Comparing and Contrasting the Passion, Death
and Resurrection of Jesus from the Four Gospels"
Fridays of
beginning March 7 from 1 to 2:30 in Room 2.
Please sign up in the vestibule after all Masses or call the
parish office during the week. The series will be
presented by Jean Nelson.
Take time during this Lenten season to slow down and
focus on our Lord and your spiritual faith. Father Blaise
Berg, the Vicar for Clergy, will be offering a Lenten Mission
here at St. Lawrence Parish on March 10, 11, and 12 on
How to be disciples of Christ. Plan to attend the 3-day mission which begins at 7 pm each evening. For parishioners
involved in parish ministries, there will be no ministry
meetings on the days of the Mission so that you may attend
this valuable series. Deepen your relationship with God.
Renew your commitment to follow and walk in Christ’s
Toma tiempo duante esta cuaresma para profundizar en tu
relaciόn con Dios y en tu vida espiritual. Los sacerdotes
Fernando Meza y Enrique Alvarez ofrecerán una misiόn
“Como ser Mejores Discípulos de Jesús” aquí en San Lorenzo del 17 al 19 de Marzo a las 7 pm. La misiόn concluirá
con una Misa de Sanaciόn el 19 de Marzo a las 7 pm.
Planea para que atiendas esta misiόn de tres días que
empieza Para los servidores envueltos en otros ministerios
no habrá reuniones durante la misiόn para que puedan
atender estas series tan valuables. Haz que la misiόn sea un
éxito, participa!!
There will be Stations of the Cross every
Friday during Lent beginning March 7th. The stations
will be prayed in Spanish at 6:15 p.m. and in English
at 7:00 p.m.
Tendremos el Via-Crucis en Español todos los Viernes
Cuaresma a
Empezaremos el 7 de Marzo.
2 de Marzo de 2014
Mar 2
Mar 3
R. E. all areas 10:00-11:00 PM
RCIA PCMR 8:00-11:00 AM
Adoration of Bl. Sacrament CH all day
CCH GH 7:00-9:00 PM
Lectors PCMR 7:00-8:00 PM
Curso para Matrimonios Rm. #2 7:00-9:00 PM
Tuesday Confessions CH 5:00-6:30 PM
Mar 4
R. E. all areas 7:00-8:00 PM
CIC Men’s Group PCMR 6:30-8:00 AM
Mar 5 Prayer/Life Workshop Rm 2 9:20 –11:20 AM
Thursday RCIA Rm K & Rm 1 7:00-9:00 PM
Mar 6 Choir CH 7:00 PM
Reuniόn para Servidores GH 7:00-8:30 PM
Catholic Daughters PCMR 10:00 AM
Friday Stations of the Cross CH 6:15 Sp. 7:00 Eng.
Mar 7 Spanish Choir CH 5:00-7:00 PM
Lenten Class Rm. 2 1:00-2:30 PM
Prayer/Life Workshop Rm 2 6:00-8:00 PM
Mar 8
Sunday R. E. all areas 10:00-11:00 PM
Mar 9
For your convenience, envelopes for contributions to the
Facility Fund are available in the Vestibule or you can
obtain them from the Ministers of Hospitality. This fund is
critically important to the Parish for emergency repairs and
unforeseen facility expenses. The Facility Fund is
collected on the Third Sunday of the month, but a
contribution is appreciated at anytime of the month. Thank you
for your support.
Para su conveniencia, los sobres para el Fondo de
Mantenimiento están disponibles a la entrada de la Iglesia o los
puedes obtener de un ministro de hospitalidad. Este fondo es
muy importante para la parroquia pues es destinado para
reparaciones de emergencia o gastos de las instalaciones. Se
realiza una colecta para este fondo el Tercer Domingo del mes,
pero su contribuciόn es apreciada en cualquier momento.
Gracias por su ayuda.
APRIL 4—6, 2014
Its almost time for our annual women's retreat weekend.
Isn't it time to take a deep breath? To get things back in
perspective? To simply rest in the presence of the Lord?
You are invited to experience rest and renewal as you grow
closer to God through liturgy and prayer, silence and
solitude, conversation and contemplation, sacrament and
song. Join us this year on April 4-6 at Christ the King Retreat
Center in Citrus Heights. For more information or to make
reservations please call the coordinator, Bernadine Mullen
at 334-4041.
Page Six
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
March 2, 2014
Thank you to our Campaign Donors — Gracias a los Donadores de Nuestra Campaña
Mr/Mrs Ricardo Abasta
Ms Gloria Ann Acuña
Arturo & LaDonna Aguilar
Mr Francisco Aguilar
José y Alma Aguilar
Karla Aguilar
Sr Manuel Aguilera
Familia Alarcόn Guzman
Jorge & Laura Alatorre
Mr Richard Alberghini
Mrs Peggy Alexander
Mr Yacob Alberto
Lydia & Roberto Alicea
Mr/Mrs Raymond R Alire
Ms Barbara Allen
Johni Allen
Ms Angelica Allian
Ms Erlinda Almazan
Sr Jose M Alvarado
Rev Enrique Alvarez
Frances Alvarez
Sra Isabel Alvarez
Sr Jesus Alvarez
Leticia Alvarez
Mr Danny Amistoso
Mrs Donna J. Anderson
Mr/Mrs Andrews
Luz Maria Angulo
Armando & Brenda Arizmendi
Carlos Anzua
Mr/Mrs Bruno D Aquino
Mrs Blanca Arabi
Antoinette Ardell
Sr Miguel Arguello
Brenda Arroyo
Ms Luisa M Arupo
Mr/Mrs Monte Austin
Alberto y Josephine Ayala
Sra Maria Virginia Badillo
Ms Linda Balasta
Marian Baltazar
Kerri Banks-Henegan
Sra Maria Barajas
Mr Michael Barajas
Salvador Barba
Jose & Virginia Barron
Mrs Patricia Baudendistel
Edward & Divina Bauer
Juanito Benzon
Alex & Marcella Beltran
Mr/Mrs Ulric J Bellaire
Ms Bridgoda Bergado
Mr/Mrs Danilo Bertuldo
Mrs Carol Berul
Mrs Anna R. Betz
Michael Bielawski
Mr James G Bigelow
Mrs Rose Blea
Mrs Charo Blythe
Ramon & Griselda Botello
Donald Bourg
Ms Marilyn T Brewer
Mr/Mrs Neil A Buck, Sr
Mrs Rita A. Buelna
Mr/Mrs Michael R Buggy
Maria Emma B. Burns
Sr/Sra Gerardo Cabanas
Sr/Sra Juan Cabanas
Pedro & Lourdes Cabanero
Raul y María Cabrera
Ms Carol Calloway
Ms Rosa Campos
Sr/Sra Pablo Capulin y Rosa
Figueroa Capulin Figueroa
Mrs Celina M. Caravantes
Francis & Juanita Carbullido
Sam & Dolores Cardinale
Norma Castañeda
Mrs Margie Cassie
Mr/Mrs Bernardo Castillo, Jr
Fred Castillo
Sr /Sra Cecilio y Araceli Castro
Ms Nora Castro
Sr /Sra David Celio-Jasso
Ms Pamela M Cerda
Robert & Irene Cervantes
Mr Charles Chesmore
Mr/Mrs Jose B Chanco
Mrs Helen A Chandler
Mireya Y Chang
Lin D Chargualof
Alejandra Cheeseman
Mrs Mary Christian-Hicks
Mr Robert Clemente
Ms Nedyne Cline
Mr/Mrs Vince R Ciaraglia
Joe & Doris Concepcion
Mr/Mrs Jerry R. Conley
Carlos Cortez & Martha Perales
Ms Anita M. Count
Gloria Cuellar
Suerte Crisostomo
Ms Susan A Crow-Menefee
Ciro y Alejandra Cruz
Dan Cruz
Mrs Geri Cunha
Mr/Mrs Joseph D'Alexander
Cora Dano
Margarita & Efren Dano
Ms Floripinas Davidson
Antonio & Rosario Dela Cruz
Mrs Jeanette DeLaney
Mr/Mrs Edward Delgado
Jose Luis Delgado
Ricardo Del Real
Mr/Mrs Douglas McNew-Demetre
Oscar & Deanna Descallar
Miguel & Bella Dial
Mr Marco Dimas
in memory of Pat Dimas
Mrs James Dixon
Mr/Mrs Frank Dunbar
Mr/Mrs Robert Dunlay
Mr/Mrs Shelley Dyer
Javier Elizarraraz
Mr David Elskamp
Maria Guadalupe Enrriquez
Wilfredo & Delia Escartin
Mr/Mrs Joe Esparza
Dionicio & Urbana Estrada
Mr/Mrs Henry Estrada
Ms Barbara Evangelisti
Mrs Edward Evans
Ms Mary T Evans
Ms Colleen Fadollone
Mr/Mrs Harlan Fawcett
Maricris Feliciano
Mr/Mrs Anthony Ferguson, Sr
Leonard & Doris Fernandes
Mr/Mrs Frank L. Fernandez
Fred y Edna Fernandez
Maribel Fernandez
Ms Ann Frances Ferrie
Mr/Mrs Richard Franklin
Carmen Francisco
Ms Debra Ferris
Mr/Mrs Witt Finger III
Eileen Fischer
Ms Virginia Flores
Jim & Mali Floyd
Tamara Floyd
Mr/Mrs Orbin & Constance Fortier
Mr. Steven Freitas
Ms Julie A Friedrichs
Michael & Melanie Gador
Ricardo & Jainell Gaitán
Mr/Mrs Laureano Galbadores
Mr/Mrs Donald R Galli
Sra Elena Gallo
Jose Galvan
Ms Nancy L. Gantz
Ms Cristal Garcia
Guadalupe Garcia
Jose Garcia
Rudolph Garcia
Gerardo Garcia & Maria L Garrafa
Sr/Sra Roberto Garcia
Sr/Sra Juan Garduño
Miriam K Garnett
Mrs Linda C. Gay
Mrs Denise Gerald
Taryn Gerald
Ms Norma B Geronimo
Mrs Joan C Glaser
Mr/Mrs Stephen C Glipa, Jr
Mr/Mrs Michael B Gipson
Mr/Mrs Mark Godfrey
Francisca Godinez
Mr/Mrs Stanley J Golik
Mr/Mrs Peter B. Gomez, Sr
Mr Peter Gomez, Jr
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Ms Adelaida M. Gonzales
Julian, Arianna & Gianna Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez
Socorro Gonzalez
Sra Virginia Gonzalez
Mr Gamaliel Gonzales
Mr Jose R Gonzales
María Gonzales
Fam. Gonzalez Zambrano
Winfred & Paulette Gonsalves
Salvacion Gonzalves
Fam. Gonzales Sambrano
Mrs Mary Grajeda
Yolanda Gurrola
Mary Hackett
Mr/Mrs Jack Haig
Mildred Hall
Phillip & Bernadine Hancock
Mrs Joyce Hart
Ms Karen Hawkes
Ms Mary Hayes
Ms Judy Heal
Mr/Mrs Daniel W Heisler
Mr Kosmos Heisler
Mr/Mrs Luis Hermosillo
Mr/Mrs David Hernandez
Sr /Sra Fernando Hernandez
Sr. Jose Angel Hernandez
Sr Juan Hernandez
Juan y Amalia Hernandez
Mr Teodoro Hernandez
Rosalina Hill
Pedro e Imelda Hilario
Mr/Mrs Donald Hines
Mr/Mrs Dan Hinnenkamp
Mrs Dorothy Hinnenkamp
Ms Amy Hoekstra
Mr/Mrs Tim Howard
Mrs Diane Hughes
Mrs Ursula C Hughes
In memory of
Marvin Stienburgen
Alfred & Shelly Husary
Maria Ibarra
Ms Jeanne Iddings
Mr Michael Iddings
Ms Jacqueline Inniss
Jackson Family
Mr/Mrs Steven Jackson
Mrs Shelia Janes
Aaron & Maria Japitana
Ms Carmela Jasso
Sr/Sra Ignacio Jasso
Mr/Mrs Michael Jones
Mr/Mrs Jesus Juarez
Sr Eliopoldo Juárez
Mr Jesus Juarez
Reyna Juarez
Donald Kennedy
Ms Delores Kester
Mr/Mrs Dale E Klug
Ms Edith Knutson
Patricia Korf
Ms Barbara A Kopico
Zenaida & Severino Lacanlale
Maria Larson
Ms Danalee Lavelle
Mrs Martin Lavergne
Mr/Mrs Mike Lawlor
Mr/Mrs Peter Le
Enrique Leal y Familia
Mr/Mrs J Leitch
Maria Lerma
Ofelia Lerma
Mr. Jose Lesso
Gina Leyton
Charlie Lim, Jr.
Charlie Lin
Kim Little
Mrs Linda Long
Osvaldo & Maria Lopez
Elizabeth Lopez
Ms Irene Lopez
Sr/Sra Juan Carlos Lopez
Sra Rosa Elivia Lopez
Mr/Mrs Paul Louie
Maria G. Loya
Ms Alice Lozano
Cecilio & Maribel Lozano
Juan Lozano
Ms Marisa Lua
Mr Lou Luna
Luz Maria Luna Chavez
Mr/Mrs. Dave Lundgaard
Mr/Mrs Norman R Lobo
Ms Romualda Lodermeier
Maria Lopez
Mr/Mrs Paul Lopuhovsky
Rosa y Jonathan Loya
Sr /Sra Marcelino Lozano
Emma Lupion
Ms Sriani Lynch
Aurora Macawile
Juventino & Sandra Maciel
Alma Macias
Ms Evelyn Mack
Ms Donna MacKenzie
Erlinda Malay
Mr/Mrs Mike Manibusan
Sr Carlos O Maldonado
Página siete
Sra Guadalupe Maldonado
Mr/Mrs. Arthur P. McManus
Mr/Mrs Daniel B Marse II
Ms Kathleen L Marshall
Mr/Mrs Ernesto Martin
Sra Josefina Martinez
Nazario Martinez
Mrs Matilda Martinez
Sr Manuel Martinez
Pedro & Sayde Martinez
Sr Ramirez Martinez
Patricio & Clorinda Mascarenas
Ms Dianne Mater
Mr/Mrs Rodel M Maulino
Mr/Mrs William T Mauser
Ms Jonelle Mashburn
Sra Catalina Medina
Ms Janice McBride
Maryvic McCann
Ms Rose T McDonald
Mr Edward McElroy
Mr/Mrs Douglas McWilliams
Mr/Mrs Mark & Zenda Medeiros
Enrique Medrano
Mr/Mrs Donald Melin
Ms Estela B Mene
Mr Michael B. Mene
Mary Mencarini
Sra Lourdes Mercado
Ms Judith H Merritt
Ms Jackie Michaud
Sr Jorge Mendoza
Mr/Mrs Paul Mendoza
Habte & Kidisti Micael
Mr/Mrs John P Michel
Mr/Mrs Paulo V Mikelionis
Jan Mills
Mr/Mrs John E Miner
Magdalena Miranda
Familia Mireles
Mr Michael L. Monk II &
Susan A. Colley-Monk
Merle Monsod
Luz Montenegro
Dennis & Irene Montgomery
Mrs. Liliana Montiel
La Familia Montiel
Luis & Maria Mora
Sr Antonio Morales
Sergio & Maria Morales
Alma Moreno
Geraldine Moore
Stephanie Moore
Mrs Amy Moorhead
Sr/Sra Luis Moreno
Victor & Anel Moreno
Alejandro & Maria Morones
Mr/Mrs Celedonio Mostajo, Jr
Mrs Bernadine Mullen
Muñoz Family
Mike & Colleen Mulligan
Mrs Gina Murdock
Humberto Murillo
Sra. Yolanda Murillo
Esmeralda Munoz
Mr/Mrs Steven Nader
Mr/Mrs Henry Nanjo
Ms Nenita Natividad
Mr/Mrs Ruben R Navarrete
Maria Sanchez Navarro
Mr/Mrs Anthony Navasero
Lee & Sherry Neher
Mrs Jean Nelson
Girly Nepomuceno
Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Mr/Mrs Hector L Neria
Mr/Mrs Tony Neria
Enedino C. Nevarez
Tuyen & Nhien Nguyen
Mr Feliz Carlos Nunez
Mr. Joseph Nunez
Mr/Mrs Larry Newman
Victor Noguez
Eli & Eleanor Obon
Frank Ochoa
Rosa Ochoa
Enrique y Gloria Ojeda
Briseyda Olivares
Srita Jennifer Olivares
Jose Olivares & Ana Rodales
Mrs Essie M Oliver
Ms Kimberly Olmstead
Mrs. Helen O’Loughlin
Loretto G. Opon
Elmer Ortega
Maria Socorro Ortega
Asuncion Ortiz
Mr/Mrs Isaac L Ortiz
Joel & Anita Ortiz
Olga Ortiz
Rosa Otero
Jesus & Patricia Padilla
Mrs. Mary Paige
Reynaldo Palatino
Mr/Mrs Mateo Palomo
Ms Laura Pantoja
Sr Manuel Pantoja
Mrs. Norberto Pascual
Mr/Mrs Patricio Pascual - Sweet
Mr Joseph N Pham &
Nghiem T Nguyen
Ann Parish
Mr/Mrs Juan S Payne
Mrs Ruth Pass
Mrs Joanne R. Payette
Ms Regina Pelfrey
Mrs Rubie T Pelton
Irma Peña
María Perez y José Gomez
Jaime & Amparo Panuco
Vicente y Dolores Perez
David Pesavento
Mr/Mrs Gregory Pettit & family
Mr/Mrs Philip T Phelps
Ms Vicenta Phillips
Mr/Mrs Danny E Platte
Mr Paul Plummer
Mrs Anna Pohlman
Ms Irma Popp
Mr/Mrs George Parr
Eladio Portillo
Mr/Mrs Benjamin B Puntual
Mr/Mrs Doug Purdy
Sra Rosalina Queriapa
Ms. Carolina Quintero
Mr/Mrs George Raine
Ms. Clara Reiner
Froilan Ramirez
Ms Rosa Ramos
Ms Lorraine Rankin
Mr/Mrs Antonio G Ranit
Mr/Mrs Jerry Ratliff
Ms Mary Ann Rector
Mrs Gloria Reinhard
Ms Andrea Respall
Mr Arnold Rey
Angelica Reyes
Mr Jose Reyes
Simeon Reyes
Mr/Mrs Charles E Rice
Ms Cathy L. Riggs
Mr Ascencio Rios
Millenne Rivas
Mr/Mrs Jesse E Rios
Salvador Rivera y Etelvina Jimenez
Ms Jeanine Rodrigues
Sr/Sra Agustin Rodriguez
Sra Barbara Rodriguez
Ms Dora Rodriguez
Mr Isaac Rodriguez
Silvia Rodriguez
Mr/Mrs Ronald Rodrillo
Mr/Mrs Stan Rogozinski
Sra Adelia Quintero de Rojas
Ricardo Romo &
Karina Hernandez
Lorena Rivera
Sra Alma Romero
Benita Ross
Evelyn & Richard Rucker
Mr Harry Hart Rumbolz
Mr/Mrs Franklin Sagun
Mr/Mrs Diego Salas
Marytochtion Salazar
Sr/Sra Mario Salgado y
Maria Romero Salgado
Jesus y Rosa Sanchez
Teresita Sanchez
Mr/Mrs Theodore V Sanders
Familia Santillan
Ms Corina Santillan
Gloria Santillan
Martin & Martha Santillan
Ms Juanita Santos
Ms Mildred Santos
Marco Antonio Saucedo
Mr/Mrs Harold Saunders
Mr Lawrence Sauvageau
Mr/Mrs Michael T Schiele
Ms N. M. Rickey Schroeder
Roberto Segura
Jackie Selko
Mr Gerardo Serrano
Jorge & Martha Serrano
Ms Loida Sewell
Mrs Kathleen Showen
Mr/Mrs Jose Sibrian
Luis Enrique & Margarita Silva
Mr Jose Silva & Ms Angelica Morales
Mr/Mrs Rogelio L Silverio
Annette Sims
Mr/Mrs George A Slavik
Mrs Thomas Sledge
Etheldoreda Smartt
Mr/Mrs Wayne Smith
Ms Lynn Smith
Margaret Smith
Tara Smith
Ms Shalonn Snider
Mr /Mrs Joseph J Sommerfield
Ms Francis Songco
Ms Jocelyn V. Sotelo
Jose & Ana Soto
Willie Stefani
Mr/Mrs John H Storms
Ernest & Marzetta Stoute
Mr/Mrs James Stroh
Mr/Mrs Paul Stubbs
Agnes Sturms
Fr John Sullivan
Regina Svoboda
Maluisa R. Taaca
Melody Tabada
2 de Marzo de 2014
Mr/Mrs Albert Taylor
Mrs Evelyn Taylor
Frances Taylor
Dwight & Helene Tenette
Ms Marie Teodoro
Mr/Mrs Michael Tharp
Mr/Mrs Nick Tirone
Mrs Gigi D Tiu
Ms Susana Tolosa-Luna
Sarah Tomas
Rodolfo R. Torrecampo
Francisca Torres
Elena Torres y Familia
Jorge Tovar Luna
John & Neoi Trivino
Mrs Barbara Toyne
Mr Tuan Tron
Mr/Mrs Julius Trujillo
Sr/Sra Manuel Trujillo
Sra Angelica Trujillo Garcia
Ms Sonia Ucol
Maria Uribe
Vidal Uribe
Silvia Valadez
Laura Valdez
Delia Vargas
Paloma Vega
Mr/Mrs Juan & Irma Velazquez
Ms Christine Valenzuela
Mr Jaime Vergara
Mr/Mrs Vincent A Verrastro
Ms Evangeline P Villaescusa
Mr/Mrs Dario M Villalba
Rosalba Villarreal
Aurora Velasco
Mr John Vieira
Mr/Mrs Christopher Wall
Ms Alice Ward
Mr/Mrs Andrew Wanner
Ms Donna Webb
Mrs Teresa Webb
Mr/Mrs George Webb
Ms Ethel Webb & Family
Mr/Mrs Robert Weber
Audrey Vander Wegen
Mr/Mrs Lester Wells
Ms Adrienne Whatley
Mr/Mrs George Wheeler
Margaret Wickett
Frank & Marlene Wilgus
Mrs Victoria Williams
Mrs Yvonne Wintermute
Mrs Marilyn Wright
Meegan Wright
Ms Julie Woodwarth
Ms Joan Wilson
Tomas A Young
Mrs Rosario Yuponce
Ms Ligaya V Zapanta
Antonio Alberto y Emilia Zarco
All About Concrete
Guzman Electric
Knights of Columbus
FAF/Saturday Choir
Las Palmas Landscape
Nita Castro—Century 21 Realtor
Piano Techs Inc.
The Guamanian Community
Truckee Mountain Homes, Inc.
St Lawrence the Martyr Church
Editor: Yolanda Fletes-Villalba
Phone: 916-332-4777
If you have any questions,
please give me a call (M-F)
between the following hours:
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed for Lunch:
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Su reino no tendrá fin:
cuando llegues a tu reino acuérdate de mí
Meditación: Nosotros creemos con firme certeza que el Señor Jesús ha vencido el mal y la muerte. Con esta segura confianza nos
encomendamos a él. Presente entre nosotros, el Señor Jesús vence el poder del maligno (ver Lucas 11:20); la Iglesia, comunidad
visible de su misericordia, permanece en Jesús como signo de la reconciliación definitiva con el Padre (ver Benedicto XVI, La puerta
de la fe, 15).
El último mes del Año de la Fe empieza con Todos los Santos (Catecismo, 946–259; Compendio, 194–195; YouCat, 146) y Todos los
Fieles Difuntos (Catecismo, 1030–1032; Compendio, 210–211; YouCat, 159–160). Esperamos que un día, como Zaqueo que intentó
ver a Jesús y solo descubrió que Jesús ya había llegado buscándole a él, que oigamos decir a Jesús: “¡Hoy ha venido la salvación a
esta casa!” La liturgia de noviembre y el Leccionario nos mandan que meditemos sobre el fin de la vida y el juicio final (Catecismo,
1021–1022; Compendio, 207–208; YouCat, 154–155). Lucas, un artista según la tradición, concluye este Año de la Fe presentando
un retrato único de Cristo Rey. “Entronizado” en la cruz, Jesús moribundo da la bienvenida al primer ciudadano de su reino, a un
criminal que pide ni liberación del sufrimiento ni perdón—ni siquiera la salvación; solo dice: “Jesús, cuando llegues a tu reino
acuérdate de mí”. La respuesta de Jesús promete mucho más: “Te aseguro que hoy estarás conmigo en el paraíso”: la paz y la
abundancia, la consolación y la alegría, toda la creación en armonía con sí misma y con su Creador. Esta es nuestra fe y la fe de la
Iglesia. Que sea también nuestro futuro. ¡Amén! ¡Ven, Señor Jesús!
Misión: Buscar el perdón de Jesús con fe segura; es fácil decir a otras personas “lo siento”, porque Jesús lo ha hecho tan fácil para
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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