The Most Holy Trinity May 22, 2016 The love of God has been


The Most Holy Trinity May 22, 2016 The love of God has been
Mass & Confession
Mass: 8:00 am
Mass 8:00am
Confessions 9:15 am
until last penitent has
Mass 9:30am
Mass (Spanish) 11:00am
1640 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone (510) 843-2244 Fax (510) 843-2730
Email: [email protected]
The Most Holy Trinity
May 22, 2016
The love of God has been poured out
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
— Romans 5:5b
Rev. Kenneth Nobrega
In Residence
Rev. Raphael Okitafumba
Deacon José Manuel Pérez
Permanent Deacon
Elizabeth Oishi Comly
Parish Events
Deacon José Manuel Pérez
Mass: 7:30 am
Platicas: Tercer Martes, 7:00 pm
Remy Bravo Seay (English)
Erika Guerrero (Español)
Adoration of the Blessed
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
6:00-6:45 pm
First Reading — Before anything was created,
the wisdom of God was brought forth (Proverbs
Psalm — O Lord, our God, how wonderful your
name in all the earth! (Psalm 8).
Second Reading — God’s love has been poured
out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that
has been given to us (Romans 5:1-5).
Gospel — Everything that the Father has is
mine; the Spirit will take from what is mine and
declare it to you (John 16:12-15).
Eucharistic Ministers
Tita Brodt (English)
Ruben Araujo ((Español)
Jubilee Year of Mercy
May 22, 2016
The word mercy, Pope Francis declared in his announcement of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, “reveals
the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity” (Misericordiae Vultus, 2). For mercy is how God comes
to meet us; mercy is the fundamental law helping us recognize everyone as brothers and sisters;
mercy is the bridge connecting God and humanity, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved
forever despite our sinfulness. God’s self-revelation as a life-giving, love-sharing Trinity of Persons
draws us closer to God in friendship and communion. Both Judaism and Islam consider mercy one of God’s most important attributes. Israel unceasingly proclaims God boundless in mercy. Islam addresses the Creator as “Merciful and
Kind,” believing divine mercy limitless, its doors always open. May this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis prays, open
us to more fervent dialogue, deepen our mutual understanding, eliminate all closed-minded disrespect, and drive out every
form of violence and discrimination. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
The readings for mass will be found on page 1088
of the hard-cover Blue Gather Book.
We are on a long and eventful journey. Today’s readings for Trinity Sunday succinctly cover the depth and
breadth of our human travels.
The very beginnings of our journey are revealed in
the reading from Proverbs. God’s plan filled with divine
wisdom was born before the earth was made. In today’s
Gospel, Jesus speaks of his own personal journey. He has
come from the Father and will return to the Father. Only
then will the Advocate—the Spirit of Truth—take us onward.
This does not diminish the fact that the journey will
be hard. The very setting of the Gospel is the night before
Jesus died. As Saint Paul writes to the Romans, “[W]e
even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and
proven character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4).
Ultimately, our human journey is modeled by the Holy Trinity—a family of love among Father, Son, and Spirit
that we are all called to emulate. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Around the turn of the fourth century, Augustine, still
fairly fresh from the baptismal waters in Milan, was elected bishop of a tiny city in North Africa, Hippo. He told his
people, “While I am frightened by what I am for you, then
I am consoled by what I am with you. For you I am a bishop, with you I am a Christian.” He had his priorities right,
and also knew that everyone coming from the water arises
with a ministry, a specific role, in bringing about God’s
If we were asked to purge English of Greek vocabulary, we would gain an insight into key ministries in our
church. Bishop, from the Greek episkopos, would become
simply “overseer;” priest, from the Greek presybter,
would become “elder;” and deacon, from the Greek
diakonos, would be “servant.” Each title stands in relationship to all the baptized, serving the community, helping it
to be the Body of Christ. In our deepest tradition, each of
these ordained ministries is attuned to help us become our
best selves, to hunger and thirst for the coming of God’s
kingdom. The goal for each one of us is to be able to
recognize the presence of Christ in worship and in service.
Although only some of us are ordained to ministry, each
of us is called to ministry. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S.
St. Joseph the Worker
Sunday Collection, May 15, 2016
$8,875 is the weekly amount needed in order to properly
sustain, operate and improve our historic parish church of
St. Joseph the Worker. Our weekly Sunday collection
represents our personal sacrificial gift offerings made to
Last Sunday, May 15th, only 25% of our weekly parish
goal was collected for the support of our parish church:
8:00am Mass: $1,029.00
9:30am Mass:
11:00am Mass: $528.40
“Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be”
(Matthew 6:21)
Second Collection this Sunday
Our second collection today goes towards completing our
courtyard project where we will be able to gather for
fellowship, after Mass hospitality and other parish gatherings. We just received usage approval from the fire
department and have only a few more to-do items for
Wednesday Evening Holy Hour,
Confessions and Rosary Prayer Group
Wednesday, May 25th
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 – 7:00 pm with
Confessions available from 6:00 – 6:45 pm.
Rosary & Devotion Prayer Group meets at 7:00 pm following the Holy Hour. – All are welcome.
The Community of Sant’ Egidio will be
meeting on Thursday, May 26th, at 7:00pm.
All are welcome!
Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity
Monday: Eighth Week in Ordinary Time;
Victoria Day (Canada)
Wednesday: St. Bede the Vener able; St. Gr egor y VII;
St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi
Thursday: St. Philip Ner i
Friday: St. Augustine of Canter bur y
Saturday: Blessed Vir gin Mar y
Patience and the passage of time do more than
strength and fury.
—Jean de la Fontaine
Paluch Co.
Mass Intentions
Wed 25
Sat 28
(Requested By)
SJW Parishioners
+Carl C. Fernandez (Mila Fernandez)
+Lucia Rojas & +Norma Ortiz
(Eladio Ortiz)
Alaya Beene (Roberta Glaze)
“Thanksgiving” (Alice & Pat Calingo)
La Santísima Trinidad
22 de mayo de 2016
Dios ha infundido su amor
en nuestros corazones
por medio del Espíritu Santo.
— Romanos 5:5b
Primera lectura — Antes de que algo fuese creado, la
sabiduría de Dios estaba presente (Proverbios 8:22-31).
Salmo — ¡Qué admirable, Señor, es tu poder! (Salmo 8)
Segunda lectura — El amor de Dios ha sido derramado en
nuestro corazón mediante el Espíritu Santo que hemos recibido (Romanos 5:1-5).
Evangelio — Todo lo que el Padre tiene es mío; el Espíritu
de verdad tomará todo lo que es mío y te lo concederá
(Juan 1:12-15).
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
22 de mayo de 2016
En la Bula papal Misericordiae
Vultus, 2, el Papa Francisco dice
que la misericordia “es la palabra
que revela el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad”. Pues la misericordia
es cómo Dios viene a nuestro encuentro; misericordia es
la ley fundamental que nos ayuda a reconocernos como
hermanos y hermanas; misericordia es el puente que
conecta a Dios con la humanidad, abriendo nuestros
corazones a la esperanza de ser amados por siempre pese
a nuestras ofensas. La revelación de Dios hacia nosotros
es un don de vida, un amor compartido de la Trinidad de
personas que nos acercan más a Dios en amistad y
comunión. Tanto el judaísmo como el islamismo consideran a la misericordia uno de los atributos más importantes
de Dios. Israel incasablemente proclama la misericordia
inmensa. El islamismo se refiere hacia Dios como
“Misericordioso y Clemente” (Corán 59:22) creyendo en
su divina e inmensa misericordia cuyas puertas siempre
están abiertas. Que este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia,
ruega el Papa Francisco, se nos abra a un dialogo más
ferviente, profundizando nuestro entendimiento mutuo,
eliminando toda falta de respeto de tener una mente cerrada y, eliminando toda falta de violencia y discriminación.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Citas del Papa
Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con permiso.
San José Obrero
Colección Dominguera del 15 de mayo 2016
$8,875 es la cantidad semanal de ofrenda sacrificial
necesaria para sostener adecuadamente, operar y
mejorar nuestr a histór ica iglesia par r oquial de San J osé Obrero. Nuestras colecciones semanales dominicales
representan, en parte, nuestra ofrenda personal, individual
de sacrificio regalados hacia Dios. El pasado domingo, 15
de mayo, solamente recibimos el 25.0% de ofrecimiento
para el mantenimiento de nuestra iglesia:
8:00 am: $1,029.00
9:30 am: $667.55
11:00 am: $528.40
"Donde está tu Tesoro, allí también estará tu corazón."
(Mateo 6:21)
La segunda colecta este domingo es para el mejoramiento de nuestra Iglesia.
La segunda colecta de este domingo es para terminar el
patio con el fin de tener reuniones de nuestra asamblea.
El departamento de bomberos acaba de aprobar su uso,
solamente nos falta ciertos arreglos para que la Cuidad de
Berkeley de la última aprobación. Por favor den generosamente este domingo. Muchas gracias.
Miércoles Hora Santa, Confesiones, y Grupo
de Oración con Rosario
Continuamos el miércoles, 25 de mayo con la Adoración
del Santísimo de 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. y
confesiones de 6 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
El grupo de oración se reúne a las 7 p.m. después de la
Hora Santa. Todos son bienvenidos.
La Comunidad de Sant' Egidio
La Comunidad de Sant' Egidio se reunirá el jueves, 26 de
mayo a las 7 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos.
Domingo: La Santísima Tr inidad
Lunes: Octava Semana del Tiempo Or dinar io;
Día de la Reina Victoria (Canadá)
Miércoles: San Beda el Vener able; san Gr egor io VII;
Santa María Magdalena de Pazzi
Jueves: San Felipe Ner i
Viernes: San Agustín de Canterbury
Sábado: Santa María Virgen
La paciencia y el paso del tiempo hacen más que
la fuerza y la furia.
—Jean de la Fontaine
La sabiduría tiene sus raíces en la bondad,
y no al revés.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Prayer of Pope
Francis for the
Lord Jesus Christ,
you have taught us to be merciful like the
heavenly Father,
and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him.
Show us your face and we will be saved.
Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew
from being enslaved by money;
the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things;
made Peter weep after his betrayal,
and assured Paradise to the repentant thief.
Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the
words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman:
“If you knew the gift of God!”
You are the visible face of the invisible Father,
of the God who manifests his power above all by
forgiveness and mercy:
let the Church be your visible face in the world, its
Lord risen and glorified.
You willed that your ministers would also be
clothed in weakness
in order that they may feel compassion for those in
ignorance and error:
let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God.
Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us
with its anointing,
so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of
grace from the Lord,
and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm,
may bring good news to the poor,
proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed,
and restore sight to the blind.
We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live
and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for
ever and ever.
Oración de
Señor Jesucristo,
tú nos has enseñado a ser misericordiosos como el
Padre del cielo, y nos has dicho que quien te ve,
lo ve también a Él.
Muéstranos tu rostro y obtendremos la salvación.
Tu mirada llena de amor liberó a Zaqueo y a
Mateo de la esclavitud del dinero;
a la adúltera y a la Magdalena del buscar la
felicidad solamente en una creatura;
hizo llorar a Pedro luego de la traición,
y aseguró el Paraíso al ladrón arrepentido.
Haz que cada uno de nosotros escuche como
propia la palabra que dijiste a la samaritana:
¡Si conocieras el don de Dios!
Tú eres el rostro visible del Padre invisible,
del Dios que manifiesta su omnipotencia sobre
todo con el perdón y la misericordia:
haz que, en el mundo, la Iglesia sea el rostro
visible de Ti, su Señor, resucitado y glorioso.
Tú has querido que también tus ministros fueran
revestidos de debilidad para que sientan sincera
compasión por los que se encuentran en la
ignorancia o en el error:
haz que quien se acerque a uno de ellos se
sienta esperado, amado y perdonado por Dios.
Manda tu Espíritu y conságranos a todos con su
unción para que el Jubileo de la Misericordia sea
un año de gracia del Señor y tu Iglesia pueda, con
renovado entusiasmo, llevar la Buena Nueva a los
pobres proclamar la libertad a los prisioneros y
oprimidos y restituir la vista alos ciegos.
Te lo pedimos por intercesión de María, Madre
de la Misericordia, a ti que vives y reinas con el
Padre y el Espíritu Santo por los siglos de los
1640 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94703 Phone: (510) 843-2244 Fax: (510) 843-2730 - Email: [email protected]

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