Mar 6 - St.Teresa of Avila


Mar 6 - St.Teresa of Avila
March 6, 2016
Fr. Michael Carroll, Pastor
Deacon Ed Morgado
Sunday Masses
Parish Office: 11600 Atwood Rd., Auburn, CA 95603
Saturday Vigil………………………………………………5:00pm
Sunday………8:00am, 10:30am, 3:30pm (Spanish), & 5:30pm
Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Daily Masses (Beginning Ash Wednesday)
Business Manager, Jo Anne Drummond
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Ministry to Seniors, Bereaved & Homebound
(530) 889-2254, fax (530) 889-2643
Monday—Friday….……………………………6:30am & 8:30am
Saturday, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Baptisms: For the celebration of Baptism, please call the
Parish Office, for information.
(530)-889-2254 ext. 11
e-mail: [email protected]
Barbara Freuler (Minister) – (530) 889-2254 ext. 10
e-mail: [email protected]
Adult Faith Formation, Call the Parish Office
(530) 889-2254
Religious Education Program
Marriage: If you are a member of our parish, please contact
Judy Jones (Director) (530) 823-7122
e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation: For teens, the Sacrament of Confirmation is a
St. Joseph School, Mrs. Jenny Oliver, (Principal)
[email protected] or
11610 Atwood Rd., Auburn (530) 885-4490 fax (530) 8850182
a priest or deacon of your choice at least six months in
advance of your desired wedding in order to participate in a
process of marriage preparation.
two-year preparation process; please contact our coordinator
of religious education; for adults not yet confirmed, please call
the parish office.
Ministry to the Sick: Please call parish office
(530) 889-2254
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
St. Joseph Preschool/Day Care Center
Jaime Anderson, (Director) (530) 823-1822
11610 Atwood Rd., Auburn,
e-mail: [email protected]
Music Ministry:
Call the parish office (530) 889-2254
Jean Sawyer, (Music & Liturgy Director) – (530) 885-2958
e-mail: [email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul: (530) 305-0130
Youth Group: Brenda Fischer, (Youth Director)
530) 305-9919 e-mail: [email protected]
Bulletin Submissions: e-mail to [email protected]. All bulletin articles are due in the parish office no later than
12:00pm on Mondays.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 6, 2016
Whoever is in Christ is a new creation:
the old things have passed away;
behold, new things have come.
— 2 Corinthians 5:17
Today’s Gospel story of the prodigal son is a favorite of many. We can
identify with all the major figures and their crisscross of emotions. The father’s initial grief over his young son’s
avarice is turned to relief at his return. The son’s grief over his loss of fortune, family, and friends is turned to delirious
joy at the sight of his father.
We understand the eldest son’s bewilderment over his father’s generosity. For the older son, virtue seems not to be
its own reward. For all his honorable toil and loyalty, there seems to be no celebration. The father, however, is
prodigal in his forgiveness and mercy. He expects the same generosity from his older son. He wants all to rejoice when
the lost one is found.
This is a Sunday for rejoicing. It’s time to pause, consider, and encourage one another. We are the prodigal
children heading home. We are the elder siblings waiting with the eager Father, who scans the horizon. In Christ Jesus
we are reconciled to the Father and one another. In his death and resurrection we have passed over. We are a new
creation. In this we rejoice.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
March 5 – March 12, 2016
Marc Goble
Mary Lewis
Van Vandeputte
For The Faithful
For The Faithful
Estacio Faria
Ether Mae Bury
Huey De Silva
Mary Mattei
David Walker
Josh Derksen
Reminder to set your
Clocks ahead next
Sunday, March 13, 2016
At 2:00am.
Offertory Collections For
Our weekly budget amount is
$14,000. We averaged $12,676
per Sunday for February.
Thanks, Fr. Mike
First Reading — God’s people enter the promised
land, observe the Passover, and eat of the produce of
the land (Joshua 5:9a, 10-12) or 1 Samuel 16:1b, 67, 10-13a.
Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
(Psalm 34) or Psalm 23.
Second Reading — We are now ambassadors for
Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) or Ephesians 5:8-14.
Gospel — We must rejoice when our brother who
was dead in sin repents and comes back to life (Luke
15:1-3, 11-32) or John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 3438].
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981,
1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn
Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9;
Jn 5:1-16
Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18;
Jn 5:17-30
Thursday: Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106:19-23; Jn 5:31-47
Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23;
Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12;
Jn 7:40-53
Is 43:16-21; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 3:8-14;
Jn 8:1-11; Alternate readings (Year A):
Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11;
Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
March 6, 2016
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Week of March 13, 2016
Altar Servers
Saturday, 3/12/16, 5:00pm
Donovan Carrillo, Julia Wittinger, Dillon Holloway
Sunday, 3/13/16, 8:00am
Matthew Buettner, Angelo Piziali
Sunday, 3/13/16, 10:30am
Adam Santos, Ethan & Seth Crawford
Sunday, 3/13/16, 5:30pm
Kyle Decker, Liam Marchi, Emmie Gotlieb
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday, 3/12/16, 5:00pm
Steve McCullough, Mike Loeffler, Diane Fritch,
Tucker Stapleton, Jeannine Helveston
Sunday, 3/13/16, 8:00am
Vince DeWitt, Jackie Shook, Vince & Renee Anaclerio,
Marcella Dayton, Manny & Leticia DeDios
Sunday, 3/13/16,10:30am
Greg & Lori Belanger, Tim Towne, Deana Eshpeter,
Anna Fenner, Debbie Buresh
Sunday, 3/13/16, 5:30pm
Lizzie Roche, Carol Coleman, Frankie Hey,
Connie & Dave Manning, Tara McCullough
Saturday, 3/12/16, 5:00pm
Liz Chistofferson, Bob Thomas, Jonathan Santibanez
Sunday, 3/13/16, 8:00am
Carolyn Goulding, Marty Gouvea, Ali Minz
Sunday, 3/13/16 10:30am
Tom Huckins, Liz Cruz
Sunday, 3/13/16, 5:30pm
John Sheehan, Michael Hendricks, Joy Oakes
Saturday, 3/12/16, 5:00pm
Sally LaPorta, Linda Pierce, Joyce Swartz
Sunday, 3/13/16, 8:00am
Kate Sabins, Marcia Kitchell, Sharon Hane,
Joan Thompson, Betty Mathews
Sunday, 3/13/16, 10:30am
Maureen Spencer, Bobbie Cairns, Ruth Wright,
Micheline Turner, Bernice Ambrose, Elizabeth Morales,
Ben & Jack Niece
Sunday, 3/13/16, 5:30pm
Not Filled
Saturday, 3/12/16, 5:00pm, Not Filled
Sunday, 3/13/16, 8:00am
Bill Fixmer, John Marcella, Ron Malinowski, Victor Alcazar
Sunday, 3/13/16, 10:30am
Gary Crockett, Tom Huckins, Paul Law
Sunday, 3/13/16, 5:30pm, Not Filled
Jim McKevitt
Julia Eggert
Joe Offer
Not Filled
Game Night – This Sunday, March 6th from
6:30 to 8:30pm
High school teens, put those electronic devices away
and join us for pizza and some real games with real
people – life size foosball, tic tac toe and more! Bring
your favorite board game and your friends.
STAY – St. Teresa of Avila Youth Ministry welcomes all
high school teens to our gatherings and activities. If
you’d like more information or have any questions,
please contact Brenda Fischer at (530) 305-9919.
All Services begin at 7:00pm
March 9th: Faith Lutheran,
Rev. Daniel Spacek, Peace Beyond
115 Combie Rd. M.V.
March 16th: SalvaƟon Army
Rev. Brian Rebholtz,
The Denial of Death
286 SuƩer Street
“Come One, Come All”. All are invited to join
our new Family Program as we celebrate our
faith and build community. Sunday, March
13th at 11:45am to 2:00pm.
Lunch is
RSVP to Judy Jones, RE
Coordinator at 530-823-7122.
Election Thought: Sometimes an elected
official is the one who gets 51 percent of the
vote cast by 40 percent of the 60 percent of
voters who registered. Which, if you are good
at math comes to one in eight voted for them.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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I have heard it said, “A healthy fear is a good
thing”. Fear helps us to be cautious. Yet, sometimes it
immobilizes and stops us from Christian action and
being fully alive. What we need is the reassuring
Presence of Jesus who moves us from fear to trust.
Jesus said, “Love casts out fear”. As Christians, we
move from fear to trust by the experience of being loved
by God. “I pray that you will be able to grasp fully the
breadth, length, the height and the depth of God’s Love
for you.” (Ephesians 3:18)
I would like to share St. Francis De Sales advice on trust
in God. “Do not look forward in fear to what might
happen tomorrow; the same Everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you
tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing
strength to bear it. Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.”
A friend, Wally Dondero shared this following cutting from the Sacramento Bee, it was in
their “Thought for the Day” in the sixties. Wally said his mother saved it because it helped her
realize she was not raising her children alone. It is easy to love those who measure up to our
standards, but it is Christ like to love those who seem to have failed us, disappointed us, betrayed
our trust in them. In the account of Jesus’ response to the Rich Young Man who could not find it in
his heart to follow Jesus. In Mark 10:21 we read Jesus looked upon him and loved him. If our
children choose not to follow in the path that to us seems best for them—what can we, as parents
do? Like Jesus, we can still love them and pray for them. More than we know, we can help others
as we look upon them with love and compassion and give them our blessing as they go on their
way. We can do this by remembering, that they do not go alone, that God is with them.
God Bless,
Fr. Mike
When his young son came home from school, his father asked him, “Did you tell
your teacher that the reason you were off school was because you had twin baby
sisters?” “Yes, Daddy”, said the boy. “But I only told them about one.”
Dad asked, “Oh, why was that?” The boy answered, “I’m saving the other one for
next week.”
“Why is our family like a box of chocolates?”
“They are mostly sweet, with a few nuts.”
The police station Sargent asked a new recruit, “Have you ever seen a lie detector?”
Recruit: “Better than that Sargent, I married one.”
An older man went for his annual check-up. He told the doctor “I’m getting forgetful. I forget
where I’ve parked my car, I can’t remember what I want when I go shopping, I usually forget
my wallet when I get to the checkout. It’s getting bad, Doc. What can I do?” The doctor
thought for a moment and said, “Pay me in advance.”
March 6, 2016
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Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma
6 de marzo de 2016
El que vive según Cristo
es una creatura nueva;
para él todo lo viejo ha pasado.
Ya todo es nuevo.
— 2 Corintios 5:17
Pocas parábolas del Evangelio son tan queridas por el pueblo cristiano como la del hijo
pródigo. Nos podemos identificar con todos sus personajes, y con las emociones que se
entrecruzan entre ellos. El dolor del padre por la avaricia y desconsideración de su hijo se convierte en alegría al verlo
regresar. El dolor del hijo por haber perdido todo lo que tenía –dinero, familia, amigos– se convierte en alegría delirante al
ver como su padre lo recibe.
Pero también comprendemos el desconcierto del hijo mayor ante la generosidad de su padre. Para el hijo mayor, la
virtud no es su propia recompensa. Ha trabajado duro, y ha sido un hijo leal, pero eso no se celebra con fiestas ni
banquetes. Pero su padre es un padre pródigo, y prodiga su perdón y su misericordia. Y espera que su hijo mayor tenga
esa misma generosidad. Quiere que todos se regocijen porque el que estaba perdido ha sido hallado.
Este es un domingo para alegrarse. Es día de hacer una pausa, y de considerarnos y alentarnos unos a otros. Porque
todos somos hijos pródigos, en el camino de regreso al hogar de nuestro padre. Y debemos también ser hermanos
mayores, pero hermanos mayores que esperan junto con el padre ansioso, mientras vislumbra el horizonte. En Cristo
Jesús nos vemos reconciliados, con Dios Padre, y con nuestros hermanos. En su Muerte y Resurrección hemos pasado
de la muerte a la vida. Somos una nueva creación. Y esto nos llena de alegría.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — El pueblo de Dios entra a la tierra
prometida (Josué 5:9a, 10-12) o 1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6-7,
Salmo — Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor
(Salmo 34 [33]) o Salmo 23(22).
Segunda lectura — Ahora somos embajadores de
Cristo (Corintios 5:17-21) o Efesios 5:8-14.
Evangelio — Debemos celebrar cuando nuestro
hermano se arrepiente y vuelve a la vida (Lucas 15:1-3,
11-32) o Juan 9: 1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38].
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
Is 65:17-21; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13b;
Jn 4:43-54
Martes: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9;
Jn 5:1-16
Miércoles: Is 49:8-15; Sal 145 (144):8-9, 13cd-14, 1718; Jn 5:17-30
Ex 32:7-14; Sal 106 (105):19-23; Jn 5:31-47
Viernes: Sab 2:1a, 12-22; Sal 34 (33):17-21, 23;
Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Sábado: Jer 11:18-20; Sal 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53
Domingo: Is 43:16-21; Sal 126 (125):1-6; Fil 3:8-14;
Jn 8:1-11; Lecturas alternativas (Año A):
Ez 37:12-14; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Rom 8:811; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
Friday, April 29, 2016
Auburn Valley Golf Club
To obtain Tournament Registra on Forms, Par cipate as an Event Sponsor,
and/or have a Raffle Dona on, please contact Linda Wuelfing for more
informa on at (530) 210-1208 │lindawuelfing@a .net
If you would like to be a Food Vendor or Volunteer, please contact
Bobbi Obenchain at (530) 305-2950.
March 6, 2016
Page 6
Saturday, March 19, 2016
St. Teresa’s Parish Hall, 11600 Atwood Road
Cocktails at 6:15pm—Dinner at 7:15pm
Live Music & Dancing
$25 per person
Tickets available after all Masses on March 6th & 13th
Fundraiser for Youth going to World Youth Day in Poland
Sign up now for a
Kindergarten Round-Up Session
Enrollment at St. Joseph Catholic School
for the 2016-2017 School Year!
Your child’s academic future starts with Kindergarten.
Please consider St. Joseph Catholic School
as you make the first and right investment
in your child’s education
now and for the future!
Kindergarten Round-Up Sessions
Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 from 3:30 to 4:30pm
Wednesday, April 6th, 2016 from 3:30 to 4:30pm
Please call the School Office at (530) 885-4490
to enroll your child for a Kindergarten Round-Up Session!!
Kindergarten Round-Up Sessions will include
whole group and small group activities for your children.
They will listen to a story, move to poetry, sing songs,
and work with numbers, letters, cutting and drawing.
Group sessions will typically last one hour.
Parents and guardians are invited to a school tour
and information session during the round up session.
Kindergarten Round-Up Sessions will begin in the School Library,
St. Joseph Catholic School,
11610 Atwood Road, Auburn, CA 95603
For Kindergarten Enrollment Information and Student
Mrs. Jenny Oliver, Principal
[email protected]
Applications for the 2016-2017 School Year,
please visit our website at

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