Internationalization of EADA: beyond international full


Internationalization of EADA: beyond international full
Núm. 11
Junio 2011
No. 11
June 2011
Internationalization of EADA:
beyond international full-time students
Two decades ago, EADA decided to become an international
player in business and management education. At that time,
the very first step was to identify good students in other
countries ready to move to Barcelona and attend regular
This is in fact the first move any institution that wants to
go international needs to do. Of course, this is easier for
institutions in an attractive location, such as Barcelona, and
especially for those business schools working in a language
which is used worldwide. It is not surprising that all Spanish BS
that followed this strategy went first to the Spanish speaking
markets, as the UK ones went to the Commonwealth or the
French to the French speaking countries.
But as soon as this first step has been accomplished, the
question arises: What about all the other countries in the
world? The answer is not very easy because language is a
barrier for education. In present times the second step is to
offer, at least for the non English-speaking countries, programs
fully delivered in English. This logical approach to a potential
global market is not as easy as it seems.
Any institution with a long tradition needs to identify new
faculty able to teach in a different language with the same
standard of quality. At the same time, a very important
effort needs to be done on an institutional level to translate
and produce all sorts of pedagogical material in a different
language. Institutions that follow this strategy realized very
soon that not only students were very international, coming
from 20 or 40 different countries, but also the faculty and very
often the supporting staff had different origins. The melting pot
was in place!
However, the process of a global vision goes beyond students,
faculty and staff. Three years ago, EADA established an
International Advisory Board in order to acquire external view
points and ideas at the highest level.
Becoming an international player is neither an easy nor a short
way. How to manage alumni spread all around the world?
Regional Chapters, representatives, qualified ambassadors
are the answer, but also the willingness of each individual
person to keep in touch with the “alma mater” and to help on
local and international level.
Last year EADA gathered more that 238 alumni in 14 Regional
Chapter meetings all around the world. From Bogota to
Istanbul, from Mexico to Hamburg, groups of EADA alumni
got together to build an incredible and powerful network.
In difficult times this global network turns out to become a
safety net. Helping and supporting your fellow mates and
collaborating with EADA become a life insurance.
David Parcerisas
President of the Board of EADA Foundation (Escuela de Alta Dirección y
Administración), Barcelona, Spain.
Noticias EADA
Ranking Financial Times Executive Education 2011
Ranking Financial Times Executive Education 2011
EADA se afianza en la élite mundial de las
“business schools” – EADA continua su evolución
dentro del grupo de las escuelas de negocio más
prestigiosas del mundo, según el reputado diario económico
Financial Times, que ha hecho público su Ranking Executive
Education 2011 como resultado de los diferentes análisis realizados
sobre los programas “custom y open” (programas a medida para las
empresas y abiertos) respectivamente. De esta forma, EADA entra
en el club de las 65 mejores escuelas del mundo en este ámbito.
EADA consolidates itself in the world ‘business
schools’ elite – EADA continues its ascent
among the world’s most prestigious business
schools, according to the international business newspaper, The
Financial Times, which has published its Executive Education
2011 Ranking, as a result of the different analyses of custom
and open programmes, customised programmes for companies
as well as general programmes. Consequently, EADA joins the
club of the world’s 65 top schools in this field.
Miquel Espinosa, director general de EADA, señala que “una
vez más se demuestra que la calidad no depende únicamente del
tamaño y la dimensión de la institución”. En este sentido, Espinosa considera que es “un eje estratégico de primer orden para los
próximos años poder acompañar a las empresas en su proceso
de desarrollo corporativo e internacional, aplicando el conocimiento para un cambio en el progreso económico y social”.
Miquel Espinosa, EADA’s general director, comments in this
respect that “once again we can see that quality does not solely
depend on the size and dimension of the institution”. According
to Espinosa this constitutes “a key strategic goal for the coming
years in order to accompany companies in their corporate and
international development process, applying knowledge in order
to bring about change in economic and social progress”.
Barcelona, con 3 escuelas (IESE, ESADE y EADA), sigue
conservando un destacadísimo lugar como ciudad puntera del
conocimiento en esta materia. España, con una escuela más
(IE), sitúa a cuatro entre las 65 top del ranking.
Barcelona, with its 3 schools (IESE, ESADE and EADA), continues
to hold a frontline position as a state of the art city in this field.
Spain, with one more school (IE), has four schools among the
world’s top 65 ranking.
EADA, en la excelencia de la formación financiera
de postgrado según Financial Times
EADA, in the excellence of its postgraduate
financial training
EADA continua su evolución dentro del grupo de las
escuelas de negocio más prestigiosas del mundo,
según el reputado diario económico Financial Times
que ha elaborado, por primera vez, su ranking “Global Masters
in Finance” como resultado de los diferentes análisis realizados
sobre los programas máster de finanzas para recién licenciados.
EADA continues its upward ascent among the group
of the world’s most prestigious business schools,
according to the economic daily The Financial
Times, which for the first time ever is bringing out its Global
Masters in Finance ranking, the result of different analyses of
Master in finance programmes for recent graduates.
EADA se sitúa en el puesto número 17 de una selección de los 30
mejores programas del mundo. Entre los aspectos analizados por el
ranking (remuneración, objetivos, empleabilidad, etc.) EADA destaca
en el progreso profesional del participante a los 3 años de terminar
su formación, situándose en el tercer puesto del ranking.
EADA is 17th on the ranking of the worlds 30 best programmes.
Among the categories analysed by the ranking (remuneration,
objectives, employability, etc.) EADA stands out for career
progression of its participants at 3 years of completing their
training, where it comes in third on the ranking.
Para Miquel Espinosa, director general de EADA, “el resultado
del ranking es una constatación del intenso proceso de internacionalización de la escuela, lo cual se ve reflejado en la procedencia
de los participantes en nuestros programas, la calidad del faculty
y la progresión profesional de nuestros participantes”.
According to Miquel Espinosa, EADA’s General Director, “the
ranking results confirm the intense internationalisation process
undertaken by the school, which is reflected in the place of origin
of the participants on our programmes, the quality of our faculty
and the career progression of our participants”.
De esta forma, EADA junto a IE sitúan dos escuelas españolas
entre las mejores del mundo, demostrando, una vez más, que
nuestro país sigue en el primer nivel de excelencia en lo que se
refiere a formación directiva.
Hence, EADA along with IE places two Spanish schools among
the best in the world, proving once again that our country is in the
frontline of excellence when it comes to management training.
Ranking Global MBAs for Mexicans 2011
sitúa el MBA de EADA entre los 60 mejores del
Ranking Global MBAs for Mexicans 2011,
ranks EADA’s MBA among the world’s top 60
El principal objetivo de este ranking es el de
informar a los ejecutivos locales sobre las
mejores opciones del mercado internacional
de los MBA cada vez más sofisticados y para
ayudar en su diferenciación. Consideran
que los mejores MBA globales para los
mexicanos son los que dan a los estudiantes
un “pasaporte mundial” y les permite
regresar a México, si así lo desean, con un grado de prestigio que
acelere sus carreras. La evaluación se centra principalmente en
los programas Full-Time MBA y aborda cinco áreas principales,
clasificados en dos grupos: los criterios de valor de mercado y el
factor experiencia.
The main objective of this ranking is to inform
local executives about the best available
options on the market of international
MBAs, which are becoming increasingly
more sophisticated, as well as to help them
differentiate between them. The best global
MBAs for Mexicans are considered by them
to be those which provide students with
a “world passport” and enable them to return to Mexico, if they
wish to do so, with a high level of prestige that will accelerate
their careers. The ranking primarily assesses Full-Time MBA
programmes and covers five main areas, classified into two
categories: market value criteria and the “Expertise Factor”.
EADA en Rumania
EADA in Rumania
Ranking Global MBAs for Mexicans 2011
EADA ha puesto un pie en Rumania firmando un acuerdo de colaboración con la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de este país
y la Escuela Rumana de Negocios SRAF.
Esta colaboración ha recibido el apoyo del
gobierno rumano a través de la Secretaría
de Estado del Ministerio de Educación. A
partir del mes de septiembre, el Programa
de Dirección General (PDG), se impartirá
en la sede de la SRAF en Bucarest.
EADA has set foot in Rumania, signing an
agreement of collaboration with the country´s
Chamber of Commerce and Industry and
the Rumanian Business School SRAF. This
collaboration has received the support from
the Rumanian government through the
Ministry of Education´s Secretary of State
since September, the General Management
Programme (PDG) will be taught at SRAF
headquarters in Bucharest.
La Escuela Rumana de Negocios tiene una antigüedad de 20 años
y ofrece formación a las empresas asociadas a la mencionada Cámara de Comercio, con filiales en los 42 condados del país. El pasado mes de marzo el Sr. Florin Zamfir, director general de SRAF
visitó EADA para conocer su metodología docente y sus campus.
The Rumanian Business School has an antiquity of 20 years
and offers formation to companies associated to the Chamber of
Commerce, with branches in Rumania’s 42 counties. Last March,
Mr. Florian Zamfir, general manager at SRAF, visited EADA to
get to know its methodology and campus.
Este acuerdo supone un paso adelante en la internacionalización
de EADA y la apertura de nuevos mercados en países del Este.
This agreement is a step forward in the internationalization of
EADA and the opening of new markets in Eastern countries.
New agreement with Koç University in Turkey
EADA has recently established a relationship with Koç University,
the highest ranked school in Turkey. The agreement includes a
student exchange within the MBA programmes.
Jordi Diaz and Nigel Hayes met with Zeynap Canili, the school´s
director, and also with the MBA and Master Programme coordinators,
Piril Ustun and Selnur Orhon. EADA has agreed to explore other
exchange possibilities like within the Master in Finance programmes
and also to put together a joint proposal for multinational companies
in Turkey and the Gulf region that need management training.
6th May Koç University
La oferta de educación superior de
Barcelona y toda Cataluña, online
La publicación es una iniciativa del
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, el Plan
Estratégico Metropolitano y Barcelona
Centro Universitario.
Toda la oferta formativa de excelencia
del sistema de Educación Superior de Cataluña se encuentra en
una guía online impulsada por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, el
Plan Estratégico Metropolitano y Barcelona Centro Universitario.
El objetivo de la ‘Barcelona Global Masters’ es destacar los
mejores centros especializados en educación superior de
Barcelona, siendo una plataforma para la captación de talento
The higher education options in Barcelona
and all of Catalonia, now available online
The publication is an initiative led by
Barcelona City Council, the Strategic
Metropolitan Plan and Barcelona
University Centre.
All of the excellent options available in
the Catalonia Higher Education system can now be viewed in an
online guided created by the Barcelona City Council, the Strategic
Metropolitan Plan and the Barcelona University Centre. The aim
of the ‘Barcelona Global Masters’ initiative is to raise awareness
about the higher education options available in Barcelona, which
serves, among others, to attract international talent.
La guía, consultable en la web,
recoge 92 másters presenciales impartidos total o parcialmente en inglés por universidades públicas y privadas, escuelas de
negocio, fundaciones universitarias y plataformas interuniversitarias. Los responsables esperan que la selección supere el
centenar al final del proceso de validación.
The guide, which can be accessed at www.barcelonaglobalmasters.
com, draws together 92 conventional Master programmes
taught, either partly or entirely, in English at public and private
universities, business schools, university foundations and interuniversity centres. The guide´s producers hope that the number
of courses included will surpass the 100 mark once the validation
process has been completed.
EADA renueva y amplia su acuerdo con UCLA
EADA renews & extends its agreement with UCLA
EADA ha renovado el importante acuerdo
de colaboración con la UCLA Anderson
School of Management (University of
California Los Angeles) que persigue la
colaboración entre ambas instituciones a
través del intercambio de estudiantes del
Fully Employed MBA program de UCLA y
el programa International MBA de EADA.
El convenio permite un intercambio mutuo
entre un grupo de alumnos de ambas
instituciones en las llamadas asignaturas
optativas. Durante este año 2011 se ha
hecho extensivo a los alumnos del Executive MBA.
EADA has renewed an important joint
collaboration agreement with UCLA
Anderson School of Management
(University of California Los Angeles)
whereby both institutions collaborate on
a student exchange program involving
students from the Fully Employed
MBA program at UCLA and the EADA
International MBA. The agreement
enables groups of students from both
institutions to go on mutual exchanges to
study elective subjects. This year 2011,
the exchange programme has been extended to include Executive
MBA students.
UCLA ya tiene este tipo de acuerdo con otras dos instituciones
europeas de gran prestigio: London Business School (Reino
Unido), Bocconi (Italia) y ESSEC (Francia). La presencia de
UCLA en todos los rankings internacionales la ubica entre las
mejores Business Schools del mundo: 31 en MBA Full-time,
38 en Executive MBA y 27 en Executive Education según el
prestigioso ranking elaborado por Financial Times.
Para Jordi Díaz, director de Relaciones Internacionales de
EADA, “la renovación del acuerdo con UCLA es una constatación
del intenso proceso de internacionalización de la escuela, lo
cual se ve reflejado en la procedencia de los participantes en
nuestros programas, en los acuerdos de intercambio, en el perfil
de nuestro profesorado, en las estancias en otras Business
Schools y en el diseño de todos los programas”.
UCLA is listed among the world’s top Business Schools on
all the international rankings: Its Full-time MBA ranks 31st,
its Executive MBA, 38th, and it comes in at 27th place in
Executive Education on the prestigious ranking published by
the Financial Times.
According to Jordi Díaz, EADA’s International Relations director,
“the renewal of this agreement with UCLA constitutes yet another
example of the school’s strong internationalisation drive, which can
also be seen by looking at the nationalities of the participants on
our programmes, our exchange agreements, our faculty profile,
our study options abroad in other Business Schools as well as
the design of all EADA’s programmes”.
Andreas Heinecke, founder and
director of Dialogue in the Dark, a
for-profit social enterprise based in
Germany, visited EADA last March.
The MBA participants attended the
conference given by Mr. Heinceke
on his company and the experience
acquired with this enterprise.
Dialogue in the Dark, which was set up
in 1988, offers exhibitions and business
training worldwide, where blind guides
lead sighted visitors through different
settings in absolute darkness. In this
way, disabled employees acquire
leadership, communication, and
management skills. So far more than
six million visitors in 26 countries
have experienced a Dialogue in the
Dark exhibition, as a result, more
than 6,000 blind people have found
Departamento de Relaciones Alumni y Empresas
Alumni & Corporate Relations Department
Executive Meeting 2011
Executive Meeting 2011
El pasado 18 de febrero más de
600 directivos se dieron cita en el
encuentro anual organizado por
On February 18 th more than
600 managers gathered at the
annual meeting organized by
Alineados con la misión de EADA en
formar a los directivos de compañías
y organizaciones para ser económicamente eficaces, socialmente responsables y respetuosas con el medio
ambiente, el encuentro fue convocado con el tema central de la sostenibilidad y el papel de los directivos.
In line with EADA’s mission to
train managers in companies and
organizations to be economically
efficient, socially responsible, and
environmentally friendly, the meeting
engaged the theme of sustainability
and the role played by managers.
Tuvimos la oportunidad de escuchar las
reflexiones del Dr. Jonas Riddersträle,
coautor de Funky Business y del Sr.
Michael Wadleigh, director de cine y
ganador de un Óscar con el documental
Woodstock (1970). Wadhleigh, ofreció la
conferencia titulada: “El Informe Homo
Sapiens, El Futuro de la Humanidad”,
bajo la premisa del desarrollo soste­
nible como tema más importante del
siglo XXI para la humanidad.
Para concluir, el Sr. Miguel A. Torres,
Presidente de Bodegas Torres, presentó la experiencia de su empresa
y cómo han pasado a ser un caso de
gran éxito en materia de sostenibilidad, tanto desde un punto de vista
social como empresarial.
Durante estos últimos años, EADA ha demostrado a través
de sus investigaciones cómo el cambio climático y la escasez
de los recursos van a afectar al entorno empresarial y cómo
On this occasion we had the
opportunity to hear the thoughts
of Dr. Jonas Ridderstrale, coauthor of Funky Business and
Michael Wadleigh, film director and
Oscar winner for his documentary
Woodstock (1970). Wadleigh, who
gave a lecture entitled: “The Homo
Sapiens report: The Future of
Mankind”, is based on the premise
that sustainable development is the
most important issue for the twentyfirst century.
Finally, Mr. Miguel A. Torres, Chairman
of Bodegas Torres, described this
company´s experience and how they
have been very successful with their
sustainability policies, both from a
social and a business standpoint.
In recent years, EADA has demonstrated through research
how climate change and resource scarcity will affect the
business environment and how managers should deal with
los directivos deben afrontar el reto. En este sentido desde
EADAAlumni y la Dirección Académica de Marketing queremos
crear la Comunidad de Sostenibilidad.
the challenge. With this in mind, EADAAlumni and EADA
academic marketing have decided to create a Sustainability
Si estás interesado en participar, puedes ponerte en contacto directamente con Alexis Mavrommatis, director del departamento
académico de Marketing, en [email protected] o bien con
Eva García [email protected], responsable de EADAAlumni.
If you are interested in participating, you can contact Alexis
Mavrommatis, director of academic marketing department at
[email protected] or Eva García, head of EADAAlumni
at [email protected].
Una vez más agradecer su apoyo a las empresas patrocinadoras
y colaboradoras del encuentro: Assistència Sanitària - Catalana
Occidente - Manpower Professional - Sage - Unit Elements
y Hotel Arts.
Once again we would like to thank our corporate sponsors and
collaborators in the meeting: Assistència Sanitària - Catalana
Occidente - Manpower Professional - Sage - Unit Elements
y Hotel Arts.
IX EADA Career Fair
IX EADA Career Fair
On March 23rd over 350 professionals attended the IX EADA
Career Fair organized by our Careers Service. It was a day
dedicated to meetings and exchanges between companies,
recruitment agencies, entrepreneurs and professionals trained
by EADA in search of new opportunities for professional
El pasado 23 de marzo más de 350 profesionales asistieron al IX
EADA Career Fair organizado por Carreras Profesionales. Una
jornada de encuentro e intercambio
entre empresas, consultorías de selección, emprendedores y profesionales formados en EADA, en busca
de oportunidades para su desarrollo
Se celebraron conferencias, talleres y
asesoramientos siendo la formación,
el networking y la captación de
talento los tres ejes de actuación a
través de los cuales giró la jornada.
Cómo negociar tu salario, cómo
buscar empleo en Alemania, UK y en EUA o cómo posicionarte
en LinkedIn fueron las actividades con mayor demanda por parte
de los asistentes.
Como novedad de esta edición, por la mañana se organizaron
actividades dirigidas a jóvenes profesionales (juniors), y por la
tarde para el perfil senior (executive); los participantes del MBA
International y fulltime pudieron asistir durante todo el día.
Una de las actividades con más participación fue el “Speed
Networking “dirigida al perfil Executive, donde los participantes
tuvieron la oportunidad de exponer su marca profesional durante
un minuto ante profesionales de Recursos Humanos y Executive
Talks, workshops and assessment sessions were held, focusing
on three key areas: Training, Networking and Attracting Talent.
The activities with the highest demand were How to Negotiate
Your Salary, Looking for Work in Germany, UK and USA, and
How to Position Yourself in LinkedIn.
This year morning activities were
aimed at Young Professionals
(juniors) and the afternoon activities
for Senior Profiles (executive).
Participants from the International or
Fulltime MBA were allowed to attend
all of the activities.
One of the activities with most
participants was Speed Networking,
designed for the Executive profile,
where participants had one minute
in which to sell themselves and their own professional brand to
Human Resource managers and Executive Search agencies.
Novedades en EADA
What’s new at EADA?
Nuevo programa en Galicia: EADA lanza el programa de
Desarrollo Directivo - PDD en Santiago de Compostela
A principios de este mes de junio, se ha
empezado a impartir un nuevo programa
en Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, en
colaboración con la Fundación Junior´sCaesga (Centro de Altos Estudios de
Galicia). El programa está dirigido a
profesionales de entre 35 y 45 años con
un mínimo de 5 años de experiencia
profesional. Su periocidad será mensual
con 4 módulos de jueves a sábado
al mediodía en sus instalaciones de
Junior´s-Caesga de Santiago.
Objetivos del programa:
●Conocer las bases y los mecanismos
que permiten una actuación personal
●Transformar el análisis y la reflexión
en acción y resultados.
El PDD potencia una serie de herramientas y habilidades directivas en el
desarrollo profesional: Dirección de
Equipos, Negociación, Liderazgo,
Coaching, Gestión de Conflictos, Eficacia Personal y Comunicación.
Nuevas reformas en el Hotel EADA
Montserrat (Collbató)
New refurbishment in the Hotel EADA
Montserrat (Collbató)
En el EADA Spirit número 8 ya os informamos de las reformas
que se habían hecho en la zona del bar y coffee-break. Ahora
queremos explicaros que estas han continuado en el hall: nuevos
sofás, alfombras, mesas, lámparas e iluminación, para que sea
una zona más confortable para la lectura y las charlas. En el
restaurante también se han transformado el techo, la iluminación,
las ventanas y se ha dado un nuevo toque de color. Pero el cambio
más notable ha sido en una sección, las habitaciones: Pintura,
suelo, cama, cabezal, lámparas y el cuarto de baño totalmente
reformado. Os mostramos algunas fotos.
On our 8th publication of EADA Spirit we informed you of the
changes made it the bar and coffee-break area. These have
now continued in the hall: new sofas, carpets, tables, lamps, and
lighting, so that it will be a more comfortable area for reading and
chatting. The restaurant has been refurbished with new ceiling,
lighting, doors, and colour. But the most outstanding changes
have been made in some of the rooms: colour, flooring, beds,
bolsters, lamps, and a practically new bathroom. Here are some
Noticias antiguos Alumnos Alumni News
Entrevista Interview
Isabel Barros (Portugal)
International MBA 2005-2006
[email protected]
I’m 36 years-old, married and a mum:
My son Manuel was born on the 22nd of
January, 2011. Like mum and dad, he
sleeps all night long! Unlike babies of
his age, Manuel has not learned to cry yet. I was born in Porto,
Portugal, where I live today with my family.
My educational background is Psychology. I started to work
in 1998 at Pepsi brands as an HR department trainee. After a
couple of years I became HR Manager and in 2002 I was part
of a management team responsible for the development of new
and innovative business concepts.
In 2005 I moved to Barcelona and I graduated from EADA’s
International MBA programme. Upon completing the programme
I went to NUCB Business School, at Nagoya, Japan, for a
7-month exchange programme.
In 2007 I returned to Portugal, Lisbon, starting a consulting career
at Hay Group.
How do you see EADA in 5 years?
—I’m sure in the Top 20 of Financial Times.
How useful were the MBA learning’s?
—Not only useful, valuable! The MBA gave me the possibility to
obtain the technical skills demanded in a managerial career. The
MBA also gave me the opportunity to develop what I consider to
be the most critical personal and social competencies to succeed
in professional life, namely, team work, achievement orientation
and adaptability.
What could you do for EADA now?
—As Alumni I’m always available to contribute and collaborate
with EADA students and school.
How would you describe your experience at EADA? What
was the highlight?
—Hard work and friendship well balanced with lots of fun in one
of the best cities in Europe.
Regional Chapters
Since November, 2010, I’m a Strategic Talent Management Director
at Sonae Group, the biggest private employer in Portugal, with
more than 43,000 employees.
What happened when you finished your MBA?
—After my MBA at EADA I went to Japan for an exchange
program an NUBC Business School and, simultaneously, I
had the privilege of working in a Japanese company: Sango, a
Toyota supplier. Afterwards I moved to Lisbon, Portugal, to work
as a consultant at Hay Group, a global management consulting
firm. As a Manager I had the responsibility to coordinate several
projects of clients from diverse sectors, mostly in Portugal, but
also Brazil and Algeria. In Algeria I managed a project for the
Algeria National Bank that lasted 18 months.
Nowadays, and since November 2010, I’m working for Sonae,
a retail company with two major partnerships in the shopping
centers and telecommunications sectors, where I am responsible
for the Talent Management area.
Are you in touch with the school/classmates?
—Yes, definitively! I follow all the news through the social
networks, and obviously I keep in touch regularly with my closest
friends from the MBA. In fact we are going to meet this August; in
Portugal....I’m looking forward for this!
What is your perception of the school like now, after finishing
the MBA?
—A very international school, with a strong link to the community, a
pool of competent professors, and a professional and friendly staff.
24 de febrero, Panamá (Panamá)
Nuestro representante, Eduardo Salinas, empezó su gira por
Centroamérica el pasado 24 de febrero en Panamá, donde se
celebró el Regional Chapter en el restaurante Hacienda Real,
que ya viene siendo un clásico, pues su comida y atención son
magníficos. Esta vez asistieron al evento 11 antiguos alumnos de
diferentes promociones entre máster y MBA. Un punto relevante
de esta reunión fue la asistencia de Marc Ventalló, Executive MBA
2009, que recientemente ha llegado a Panamá como director de
la empresa catalana Interplus, con importantes inversiones en
el país e interesantes perspectivas de networking entre dicha
empresa y nuestros graduados.
“En esta vida it’s all about networking” Jorge Chanis, International
Master in Marketing 2006-2007.
Eduardo también quiere agradecer especialmente a Jorge Chanis
la ayuda recibida en la organización y a Lot Díaz por las fotos.
Además de dedicaros estas palabras de agradecimiento: “Como
siempre, ha sido un placer estar en Panamá; gracias a ustedes por
su asistencia a la cena del pasado jueves 24 de febrero, todos la
pasamos muy bien y extrañamos a los que no pudieron asistir”.
10 de marzo, Guatemala (Guatemala)
“Fue una reunión muy agradable y enriquecedora porque nos
permite compartir experiencias con antiguos alumnos de diferentes
promociones” Leandro Cordero, MBA Full Time 2002-2003.
“Es verdaderamente un orgullo ver que tantos guatemaltecos
han asistido a EADA en los últimos años.” Stefano Olivero,
International MBA 2006-2007.
“¡Qué buenos momentos al recordar los que pase anoche en
la cena de antiguos alumnos!” Stephanie Rodas, Máster en
Finanzas 2006-2007.
9 de marzo, San Salvador (El Salvador)
Siguiendo su gira en marzo, esta vez Eduardo visitó El Salvador, cuyo Regional Chapter se realizó también en un conocido
restaurante de la ciudad, Señor Tenedor y contó con la asistencia de 15 antiguos alumnos y Joan Ors, director del Máster
en Finanzas, quien pudo reencontrarse con 8 de sus discípulos
desde 2005-2006 presentes en el evento y de otras promociones así como del MBA. También tuvieron el honor de que les
acompañara el director general de la ESEN (Escuela Superior
de Economía y Negocios), el Licenciado Everardo Rivera.
24 de marzo San José (Costa Rica)
“¡¡¡Recordando una de las mejores épocas de mi vida.... La
Maestría, Mis Amigos y Barcelona!!!” Vanessa Bandak, Máster
Especializado en Finanzas 2003-2004.
“La reunión con Joan Ors en El Salvador fue estupenda; además
de traer novedades de EADA y excelentes recuerdos a los
alumni del Máster en Finanzas, nos brindó la oportunidad de
establecer nuevos contactos entre alumni”. Paty Fuente, Máster
Especializado en Finanzas 2009-2010.
A finales del mes de marzo tuvo lugar el Regional Chapter en
Costa Rica, en el Café Mundo, donde Eduardo estuvo cenando
en una agradable velada con Xiomara Rodríguez International
MBA 2003-2004, Matías Castiglioni MBA Full Time 2007-2008 y
Andrés Rubinstein Máster en Marketing 2008-2009.
Tanto Eduardo como Joan Ors no tuvieron un minuto de descanso
y al día siguiente estuvieron en la Universidad Francisco Marroquín UFM, donde Joan impartió una clase práctica con antiguos
alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y también se
organizó un almuerzo con los catedráticos del área financiera.
Por la noche se reunieron con los antiguos alumnos en Guatemala, donde se encontraron 11 asistentes de diferentes promociones y programas desde 2002 hasta 2010.
“Fue un excelente evento que nos permitió no solo compartir con
viejos amigos sino también certificar lo exitosos que son los antiguos
alumnos de EADA y como esto impulsa su crecimiento en los
rankings.” Javier Rocasermeño, International MBA 2008‑2009.
23 de marzo Santo Domingo (República Dominicana)
Durante el mes de marzo también se celebró el Regional Chapter en
Santo Domingo, como ya viene siendo habitual en el Restaurante
Mitre de nuestro antiguo alumno del MBA, Renato Bonarelli. Como
siempre, un éxito total de asistencia, 14 antiguos alumnos pudieron
reunirse en un buen ambiente, pues son ya como una familia.
alumnos de todas las promociones desde 2002 y de todos
los másteres y MBA. Además, al día siguiente, Charo y Giulio
estuvieron también en el 1er Regional Chapter de Arequipa, que
se celebró en el Restaurante Chicha.
“El evento Regional de EADA en el Lima Cricket & Football Club
me ha permitido disfrutar de unos momentos muy agradables,
reencontrarme con amigos y conocer a profesionales egresados
de EADA de otras promociones, con quienes hoy mantengo
contacto y posiblemente generemos oportunidades de negocio
en un futuro cercano. La organización, la comida y el ambiente
fueron de primera. Giulio, Charo: ¡Nos vemos en el próximo
Regional de EADA!”. Francisco Li, MBA Full Time 2002-2003,
Project Manager-HP.
31 de marzo Buenos Aires (Argentina)
De izquierda a derecha: Margarita Bock, Marina Coll, Javier Prizmic, María Belén
Ficosecco, Silvana Doti y Dolores Arias.
El pasado 31 de marzo nuestra representante en Argentina
Silvana Doti asistió al Regional Chapter de Buenos Aires, junto
con el profesor Javier Prizmic, del Departamento de Dirección
de Personas, el cual pudo reunirse con antiguos alumnos de los
másteres y MBA en el hotel Sheraton de la ciudad.
Además el profesor Javier Prizmic y el profesor Víctor Moliner del
Departamento de Marketing estuvieron en Argentina y Paraguay
visitando varias empresas como IMPSA y Bellmur e impartiendo
diferentes conferencias, en la Universidad del CEMA en Argentina
y sesiones informativas para futuros candidatos y una sesión en
la CAME (Cámara Argentina de la Mediana Empresa).
2nd of May, Brussels (Belgium)
29 de abril Lima (Perú)
5th of May, Istanbul (Turkey)
Como cada año se celebró el Regional Chapter de Perú en Lima,
donde asistieron nuestra representante Charo Castillo y Giulio
Toscani, director del MBA. El encuentro tuvo lugar el pasado
29 de abril, en el Lima Football & Cricket Club. La asistencia
como siempre fue un éxito, estuvieron presentes 23 antiguos
Last May the Regional Chapter was held in Istanbul. Jordi Díaz,
Associate Dean for Programmes, and Nigel Hayes, Director
Master in Finance & Master in Management attended the event.
It was a success, since 15 alumni from the MBA, Master in
Management, and Master in Marketing programmes attended.
A Regional Chapter was organised in Brussels in early May
and Nigel Hayes, Director Master in Finance & Master in
Management, had dinner with a number of alumni from the
Master in Management and Master in Finance programmes.
A total of 9 alumni attended the event. Thanks to everyone for
coming and make a successful event, and for those who could
not attend, we hope to see you next time.
Nigel told us: “As usual, our friends at Michael Page were very
well represented at the event and it was a great opportunity for
former participants to catch up with some old (and not so old)
friends. During the visit to Turkey, Jordi Diaz and myself visited
a number of multinationals to discuss ways of extending job
opportunities for EADA MBA and Master participants. Special
thanks go to Haydar Furgac and Kubilay Ilgin for arranging a
number of these company visits”.
Benítez Pérez, diretor do Instituto Cervantes, importante
parceiro da EADA no Brasil.
Todos saíram perguntando:
Quando será o próximo encontro? Até o próximo encontro!”
of the Cervantes Institute, and
an important partner of EADA
in Brazil. As they all left, they
asked: When will the next
meeting be? See you at the
next meeting!”
Carlos Ortega
Master in Management 2005-2006
Brazil EADA representative
Get Togheter
4th of June, São Paulo (Brazil)
Brazil was the last Regional Chapter of this academic year
2010-2011. It was held on June 4th at Pobre Juan restaurant,
our representatives, Paula Gomes, Carlos Ortega, and Giulio
Toscani, MBA director attend the event. A total of 18 alumni
joined the Regional Chapter in this occasion. Congratulations!
“O jantar do alumni EADA Brasil foi um sucesso, reunimos
ex-alunos de diferentes cursos
e anos de formação. Compartilhamos muitas experiências,
relembramos momentos divertidos dos tempos de EADA e
do nosso momento atual de
vida pessoal e profissional.
Tivemos um espaço para os
alumni mostrarem fotos do período em Barcelona, o que rendeu boas risadas entre todos.
A noite foi muito agradável, um
delicioso jantar, regado a ótimo vinho e boa energia. Além
dos cerca de 30 presentes,
tivemos a ilustre presença do
professor associado Sr. Dirk
Schwenkow, Giulio Toscani
diretor do MBA e do Sr. Pedro
“The EADA Brazil alumni dinner
was a success, gathering
former students of various
courses and graduation years.
We shared many experiences,
recalled funny moments at
EADA and of our current
personal and professional life.
We allowed for the alumni to
show pictures of the time spent
in Barcelona, which caused a
few laughs. The night was
very pleasant: a delicious
dinner, accompanied by great
wine and good energy. Apart
from the 30 gifts, we had the
honourable presence of the
associate professor Dr. Dirk
Schwenkow, Giulio Toscani,
director of MBA, and of Dr.
Pedro Benítez Pérez, director
At the beginning of June, the Masters in Management got
together at Vinoteca Torres, as EADA representatives Jordi
Díaz, Associate Dean for Programmes, and Nigel Hayes Director
Masters in Finance and Masters in Management Programmes,
attended the event.
“Great career evolution of our graduates representing some of
the following companies: Yahoo, Seat, Mango, Sol Meliá, Apple,
Torres, Superstudio and Danone.
It was great to see a representation from all five years of IMM
alumni, all still living in Barcelona, sharing life experience and
further developing the networking ability learned at EADA.”
commented Jordi.
Promociones Career Moves
Lorenzo di Loreto (France)
Máster en Marketing 2003-2004
[email protected]
Current situation: Aviation Project Manager
- Samsung C&T - Seoul, Korea
EADA business school is a game-changer in students’ lives
indeed, and an opportunity to grow personally and professionally
as well. During my time at EADA I enriched my background
through challenging business cases and teamwork, which also
reinforced my competencies and knowledge about the foundations
of business and marketing as a whole. EADA’s legacies span
beyond the academic outcome itself to the network you develop
from your year in Barcelona.
EADA allowed me to extend my academic experience through
a 6 month exchange program in Taipei, Taiwan. I went to study
at NCCU, a prestigious academic hub in Asia, where I learnt
incredible cultural and business things about the region. This
opportunity added incredible value to my CV and made a strong
appeal to all companies I worked for after graduation.
Having a degree in marketing from EADA helped me move from
operations to commercial, strategy and project management
roles in large companies around the world. I am impressed to
know that companies like Airbus, Air France, Royal Air Maroc
and Samsung are very much aware about the quality that EADA
delivers through its courses and the high level of professionalism
that its graduates develop throughout the year in Barcelona.
I am currently working as an aviation project manager for
Samsung C&T in Seoul, Korea and my degree from EADA,
along with my experience in Taiwan, have helped me incredibly
to get this position.
It’s been 7 years since I graduated already but I keep applying
those things I learnt during my time in Barcelona.
I wish you all the best my dear fellows!
Keep in touch!
Nuevas Empresas Start ups
Sol Medina Kalvøy (Mexico)
International MBA 2005-2006
Organization: Flavours of Mexico in UK
I returned to the UK after the financial crisis,
and I felt that something had changed. Before
the crisis, I had a career in the Cosmetic
Industry (L’Oreal & Estee Lauder), but when
my husband lost his job in finance, I decided
to take a “sabbatical”. While we were travelling around, I had a lot
of time to reflect on my life and decided to do something different;
I decided to be a source of change, to find a way to be linked
professionally to my country and somehow give something back
for all the wonderful things that Mexico has given me. “Flavours
of Mexico” started to become a reality.
Since I was a young girl, I had a firm commitment of doing
something to support the poor and to take care of the
environment. When studying International Affairs at Universidad
Iberoamericana in Mexico City, I learned about the situation of
the Mexican farmers, and I started to understand that I could
help underprivileged communities by incentivizing commerce.
And that was also the subject of my dissertation. The idea has
since grown inside of me and has been a strong motivation to
re-orientate my career.
After my MBA at EADA, my life changed and I decided to stay in
Europe, moving to London - “following my heart”.
In 2009, I started with the idea of creating an importing company
of Mexican goods. This idea took another perspective when
I got in touch with Alexandra Haas head of ProMexico UK
( and Francisco Yong the CEO
of Gruma Europe ( who invited me
and challenged my skills with the idea of creating a platform to
develop the Mexican Food & Drinks Category in the UK.
The challenge has been an amazing journey; the food market
started to boom on authentic Mexican Cuisine and there was
so much demand for ingredients, contacts, recipes, know how,
advice, strategy… so we decided to work together.
In March 2010 we started the development of Flavours of Mexico
FOM is a non-profit company established in the UK to facilitate
and coordinate a community promoting Mexican commerce,
tourism and culture with an emphasis on Mexican food and
drinks. It is established as a joint initiative from Mexican private
and public entities.
We believe there is a great opportunity for the Mexican Food
category in the UK. Currently, the category is growing by 1020% a year and commands a market share of about 15% of the
ethnic food market in the UK. However, although the UK market
is familiar with the Tex Mex category, it has not yet discovered
the wide range and richness of Mexican food. FOM is targeting
to enhance the awareness of the larger Mexican Food category
through introducing, promoting and supporting new and existing
actors in the UK market (e.g. producers, exporters, restaurants).
We strongly believe this effort will make it possible for the Mexican
Food category to grab an even larger share of the ethnic market
in the UK.
FOM’s main asset is its network, which brings together enthusiastic
people from all parts of the rapidly emerging Mexican market in
the food and drink industry. The tangible asset of this organization
is its online platform, which is also the main meeting point for
users and members of FOM.
The online platform or web page is organised in two user levels.
The Core Area focuses on providing general information about
the organization, recipes, ingredients, advice from chefs, as well
as a directory of people in the industry and a useful guide on
how to import products to the UK. It also informs about Mexican
activities in the UK and Mexican culinary tourism. The users in
the Core Area will be mainly individuals or consumers.
The second level is the Satellite Groups or Initiatives. These
are sub-committees that operate as satellite groups under the
umbrella of FOM. These initiatives operate independently with
their own team, management and budget, but FOM will facilitate
their promotion, coordination and support. These users will be
mainly business users or organizations.
Flavours of Mexico is managed by myself as director, supported
by a board of directors consisting of 3 members. Moreover, we are
advised by amazing people like Manuel Diaz Cebrian (Mexican
Tourism Board in UK), Tim Cocker (Director of Fresh Direct & MD
In2Foods), Ben Metz (Social entrepreneur), Laura Medina Mora
(Special advisor), and so many more that teach and remind me
everyday of how wonderful Mexico is, even though it is currently
going through difficult times.
One year after the launch, I believe we have made a difference
and the feedback has been very positive. We are moving forward!
If you would like to learn more about FOM, please check the web
site or go via social media.
Viva Mexico!
Babymass: an entrepreneurship adventure
Following his instinct, Marcos created
Babymass ( with
a partner less than a year ago: a child
care company engaged in the creation
of innovative products for the new
generation of urban parents.
Its product Babymass Baby Massage Kit is a unique product in
Europe, and the only one recommended by the Spanish Association
of Physiotherapists (, member of the World
Confederation for Physical Therapy (
¿Dónde están trabajando?
Where are they working?
[email protected]
+44 (0)7581 624371
Twitter: FOMUK
Oriol Cabot (España)
Marcos Segador (Spain)
Mi nombre es Oriol Cabot y estudié el máster especializado en finanzas en el curso
académico 2009-2010.
International MBA 2003-2004
[email protected]
With Technical & Managerial
background education, with
experience in Entrepreneurial
Ventures, Start Ups, and top Marketing / Branding & Communication
Agencies, Marcos has built up unique experience and background.
Marcos graduated as a Telecommunications Engineer and worked
in the German consulting company T-Systems, from where he
entered EADA’s International MBA, finishing in 2004. After his
graduation he started to work in Proximity, the below the line
company from the advertising multinational BBDO, in the creation
and direction of the events division of the group, establishing BTL
Strategies for companies as Pepsico, Audi, or Wrigley.
His next step was Coleman CBX, a company specialized in
Branding, Corporate, Brand Value, Packaging & New Product
Developments. As Corporate Development Director of Coleman
CBX, he was responsible for the Strategic & New Business
development of the company, working with clients as Henkel,
Nestle Waters, Sarah Lee, Unilever or Cerealis.
Today Marcos is Senior Consultant in EFS (, one of
the leading companies in Spain in the last 20 years, in the creation
of Brand Spaces & Experiences: exhibitions, commercial areas,
set design, events, stands, corporate image, signage, etc.
Máster en Finanzas 2009-2010
[email protected]
Me decidí hacer el máster por 3 motivos; por su posicionamiento
en los rankings, por el consejo de un buen amigo y ex-alumno del
máster y por estar inmersos en la crisis que todos conocemos.
Busqué en EADA una diferenciación en mi currículo vitae y hoy
estoy muy orgulloso de haberlo realizado.
Conseguí el puesto de trabajo por tener un máster en EADA,
ya que la empresa puso su oferta en la bolsa de empleo de
Carreras Profesionales.
Trabajo en Grupo General Cable Sistemas S.A., una empresa
multinacional líder en el sector de la fabricación y comercialización
de cable eléctrico, en el departamento de contabilidad general y
fiscal, controlando las coberturas de metales, estando contacto
directo con brokers como JP Morgan, me hago cargo de las
provisiones de gastos y de algunos temas fiscales. La sede
central es americana y por este motivo los reportings a realizar
de forma mensual deben realizarse en contabilidad US GAAP.
El trabajo es duro, requiere concentración y tolerancia a la
presión, los tiempos son muy ajustados para realizar las distintas
tareas y es en este apartado donde la formación recibida ayuda
a conseguir los objetivos. Muchos días al llegar a casa reviso los
apuntes, es decir aquello que estudiamos es de gran utilidad,
no nos enseñaron conceptos abstractos, nos enseñaron aquello
que necesitan las empresas.
Aprovecho la ocasión para recordar que el método de aprendizaje de EADA es de gran utilidad, se basa en los grupos
de trabajo, así se conocen distintas formas de afrontar y resolver los problemas, se aprende unos de otros y se adquiere una
nueva percepción y sensibilidad respecto a los demás, es difícil
de explicar este concepto por escrito, pero creo que todos los
participantes en los distintos programas me entienden.
Bodas y Nacimientos
Weddings & Births
Osman Ali Homurlu (Turkey)
International Master in Management 2004-2005
Es por ello que recomiendo este máster a aquellos que quieran
dar un impulso a su carrera profesional, conseguirán este objetivo y además conocerán a gente fantástica que harán de EADA
una experiencia inolvidable y de gran utilidad.
Olu Ogunnusi (Nigeria)
International Master in Management 2007-2008
[email protected]
After completing the masters program, I
returned to Nigeria and started work as the
Business Unit Lead for operational strategy
planning in my family business Tastee Fried
Chicken. One of Nigeria’s premier quick
service restaurant chains focused on African
and continental dishes eat in or to go with
turnover of 50 million euros from 9 outlets.
I am responsible for developing and continuously maintaining
core brand corporate relationships, supervising a team that was
responsible for developing and delivering business plans through
carrying out research, formulating the plans, implementation and
handing over the new SBU’s to operating business units, all the
while continuously evaluating the existing business models and
designing new models in a bid to create a sustainable enterprise
in the long term. This was in addition to acting as lead facilitator,
both internally and externally, for projects.
After 2 years of restructuring a family business with its nuances
into a lean mean machine using skills “I´ve learnt by doing”
from various modules, I took a position as a Brand positioning
Strategist in the Nigeria Office of JWT, an Integrated Marketing
communication company that’s part of the WPP GROUP (we all
know Martin Sorrell).
I currently develop innovative routes to market solutions for
clients, collect and distil data from clients and other research
findings to guide strategic development. Here I also act as lead
facilitator both internally and externally for projects. Currently I’m
planning RTM solutions for accounts such as Ford, Panasonic,
and Nokia, who are looking to launch new products into the
Nigerian Market.
Life after EADA has been good, my appetite for challenges are
even more honed than before, and I’m looking forward to new
opportunities and challenges from anywhere in the world they
may come from.
Osman Ali Homurlu & Bihter Hersek
Well, let’s say if it was not for EADA, we would not have gotten
married. My wife was visiting a classmate of hers from college,
who was then (2004-2005) doing her masters at EADA when
I met her at a beach party. Then I was also a student here. And,
by an act of God, we flew back to Turkey together and sat next
to one another.
Five years after the story above, we got married in a town in
southern Turkey with a wedding ceremony for 500 odd people.
As it is the tradition in Turkey to invite as many people as you
can, we have invited all our friends to our wedding. Of course
some of my friends that I went to EADA with also came and spent
this day with us.
It is usually very hot and humid in Adana but that day it was cool
and there was a light breeze, which obviously was a good thing.
We had our ceremony at an open air restaurant/lounge/events
place that was by the lake in the town of Adana, which provided
extra freshness and coolness.
The week following the ceremony my classmates from EADA
stayed with us to spend some of the week in southern Turkey.
It was my pleasure to take them around showing them the
historical heritage, which went all the way back to the Romans.
I had them eat local food, which was a mix of Arab and the
mediterranian cuisines. We also got to spend some time enjoying
ourselves at the beach, just getting some sun and enjoying the
After our friends from EADA left we had a couple days to get
ready for the honeymoon, which we spent in Mauritius. It was
the off season with passing showers but overall the weather was
nice and the temperature was around the mid twenties. So, we
enjoyed the Indian ocean, the local cuisine and just rested for a
whole week. It was also the world cup time which added some
excitement to our honeymoon, as we spent the evening drinking
and watching the world cup games on South African TV, where
there were commercials for mosquito nets.
Overall, it was an exciting day which I got to spend with my loved
ones. I wish more people from my class at EADA had come but still
I had some people, and got to spend these great times with them.
Marcela Oliveros Sandino (Colombia)
International MBA 2008-2009
Marcela Oliveros Sandino
(Colombia) International MBA
(2008-2009) y Jaime Calderón Cuello (Colombia), contrajeron matrimonio el pasado 26
de Febrero de 2011, en una
ceremonia de bendición de
argollas oficiada por Monseñor Abraham Gaitán Maecha,
en la capilla de la Hacienda
Márquez (ubicada en el Municipio de La Calera, a 45 minutos de la ciudad de Bogotá).
Después de la ceremonia se
ofreció una recepción en la
cual la pareja contó con la compañía de más de 300 personas entre
familiares y amigos, de los cuales se destacan varios compañeros
del EADA MBA que vinieron de diferentes partes del mundo.
La celebración contó con detalles que hicieron de esta unión un
momento mágico, único y muy especial.
El montaje se realizó en una amplia carpa que permitió disfrutar
del verde paisaje y montañas de la calera; las columnas de la
carpa fueron cubiertas con hiedra, espárrago y lucecitas, lo cual
permitía que se integrara al paisaje.
Contó con 3 grupos musicales: un grupo vallenato, una orquesta
de música variada y un grupo de reggaetón que puso a bailar
a todos los invitados durante toda la tarde y noche; el techo
del lugar dónde se ubicó la orquesta, la pista de baile y las 300
mesas, fue decorado con mariposas doradas y espejos colgantes, formando un techo con movimiento. Así mismo en el carpa
hubo estaciones de champaña y frutas bañadas en chocolate,
así como estaciones con una variedad de miniaturas y tortas que
endulzaron el ambiente.
Los servilleteros fueron muy particulares y diseñados por los novios, eran cintas color chocolate impresas en dorado con diferentes frases relacionadas con el amor y coronadas por mariposas de
colores fucsia, naranja y rojo que fueron usadas por los invitados
como botonniers y en lugar de números, las mesas fueron marcadas con palabras relacionadas con la unión, la alegría y el amor.
Los colores chocolate y dorado que dominaron la decoración
contrastaban con los arreglos de flores verdes y blancas, lo cual
sumado a las velas flotantes repartidas en todos los espacios, le
dieron un toque romántico al ambiente.
El “salón lounge”, alterno a la carpa, permitió un ambiente diferente para los invitados que querían disfrutar de un espacio más
calmado, dónde se contó con una estación de Quesos, panes
y Jamón Serrano, y al final con una estación de caldito y sopas
para recargar energías.
El 26 de marzo, un mes después de la unión, los novios partieron a
disfrutar de la luna de miel, la primera semana tuvo lugar en Puerto
Rico, primero en San Juan y después en Fajardo; y la segunda
semana fue en la ciudad de West Palm Beach en Estados Unidos.
“Llega un momento en
la vida de una persona
inquieta y medianamente ambiciosa que una
vez terminados sus estudios universitarios y
al sentirse estabilizado
profesional y personalmente necesitas un cambio. Es justo en ese momento cuando
empezamos a pensar en estudiar un MBA.
Nos dijeron que un MBA era “algo más” que la obtención de un
título, que era una experiencia en el sentido más amplio de la
palabra; amistades, decepciones, trabajo en equipo, crecimiento
personal, frustraciones, … Ahora podemos decir que sí, que
realmente es todo eso y mucho más.
Realmente hemos obtenido todo lo esperado; más conocimientos de economía, mayor soltura en las presentaciones, más
visión en marketing, nuevas trayectorias profesionales y sobre
todo un mayor conocimiento personal tanto de nuestras propias
limitaciones como de nuestros puntos fuertes.
Pero también hemos obtenido lo inesperado, grandes amigos,
conocimiento de empresas a nivel internacional y lo mejor de
todo: nuestro pequeño Adrià.
Adrià es el punto y seguido de una relación que empezó en una
fuerte amistad y que acabó significando un cambio drástico en
nuestros caminos personales. Reinventarse nunca es fácil, pero
si necesario.
Finalmente no queremos despedirnos sin explicar qué pasa
cuando finalizas un MBA, puede que no logres un incremento
salarial, puede que no consigas el trabajo de tus sueños pero
seguro que gracias al MBA puedes afrontar las situaciones que
te repara el futuro con mayores garantías de éxito.
Por último, queremos dar las gracias a Giulio, Mar, compañeros
y a EADA en general por darnos la oportunidad de explicar
nuestra experiencia en este EADA MBA Part time 2009-2010.”
Jessica Grané & Benet Boix & Adrià Boix
Gabriel Terrazas (Bolivia) MBA Full Time 2009-2010 y su
esposa María José Baldivieso han sido papás este pasado 9 de
diciembre de 2010 de una hermosa niña llamada Martina.
Comentario del papá:
“Martina, sos lo más maravilloso que nos ha pasado en la vida… Se ve
que estuviste presente en
la temporada EADA, tus
competencias personales
mejoran rápidamente!”
José Massad and Thais Neves (Brazil) International MBA 20082009 have had a baby boy called Pedro Henrique, who born on the
22nd of January in São Paulo, his weight at birth was 2,800 Kg.
Comentario del papá: “lo único que te puedo decir es que la
estoy disfrutando muchísimo y durmiendo muy poco. Es increíble
cómo te cambian la vida, ahora todo gira a su alrededor. Está
cachetona y grandota como su papá.”
Edgar Iván Sánchez Orozco (Colombia) MBA Full
Time 2009-2010 y su esposa
Claudia Marcela Camargo,
se complacen en presentarnos a su hija Ana María, que
nació en Bogotá el pasado
23 de abril de 2011, pesó
3,200 Kg. y midió 52 cm.
Comentario del papá:”Desde que ha nacido nuestra hija las flores
tienen un color especial, los pájaros cantan más, el sol brilla con
una nueva fuerza y en las noches nos parece que las estrellas
sonríen. Queremos compartir esta inmensa felicidad con la
familia EADA. Deseándoles lo mejor a todos. Agradecemos a
Dios esta inmerecida bendición.”
Parejas EADA EADA Couples
Comments:” Pedro is very very cute!! And he is everything to us!!”
Rodrigo Castellanos (México) MBA Full Time 2007-2008 y su
esposa Susana Recillas, tienen en gusto de presentarnos a su
hija Renata que nació el pasado 6 de diciembre de 2010 en la
ciudad de México y pesó 3,200 Kg.
Elinor Cabrera (Republic Dominican) MBA Full Time 2009-2010
y John Anderson (U.S) International MBA 2009-2010, they met
at EADA during the programme and we think they got more than
an MBA. Congratulations!
Próximas fechas Regional Chapters
Forthcoming Regional Chapters
Os informaremos después de vacaciones y si quieres estar al día
We will inform you after holidays and if you would like to be up
de todo hazte del Facebook de EADA. Para cualquier información
to date, join EADA´s Facebook. Also for any further information
también puedes contactar a: [email protected]
contact: [email protected]
QR Code/ Código QR:
have a great summer!
Querido antiguo alumno, por favor mantén
tus datos actualizados tanto laborales como
personales, empresa, cargo, teléfono, país.
Puedes mandarlos a: [email protected]
Dear Alumni, please keep us updated on your
career moves a well as your e-mail, company,
post, phone and country changes which can be
sent to: [email protected]
Gracias por tu colaboración.
Thanks for your collaboration.
Participar es fácil
Participate is easy
Participar en EADA Spirit es muy fácil. Si has empe­
zado un nuevo negocio, si ha habido algún cambio
profesional, (promoción reciente o traslado) te
agradeceremos que nos mantengas al día enviando un
email a: [email protected], explicando tu nuevo trabajo y
facilitándonos tu nuevo cargo, empresa, país y email de
contacto. También puedes participar en el apartado de
Participating in the EADA Spirit is very easy. If you have
started your own business or, if there have been any
career changes (recently promoted or relocated), I would
be grateful if you can update us by sending an e-mail to:
[email protected]. Please send details of your new job
and include the new position title, company, country and
a contact e-mail. Moreover, you can participate in the
Bodas y Nacimientos: envíanos una foto y incluyendo el
lugar, fecha y nombre del esposo/a. Para los nacimientos
debes facilitarnos una foto, nombre completo del bebé,
lugar y fecha de nacimiento.
section Weddings & Births by sending a picture including
the place, date and your partner’s name for weddings or
sending a picture of your baby, including the baby’s full
name and date and place of birth.
Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que han contribuido y
esperamos vuestras futuras participaciones.
We would like to thank everybody who contributed and we
look forward to your future participation.
Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA
CIF ESG08902645
C/ Aragó 204
Barcelona (Spain)
CP 08011
Telf: (+34) 934 520 844
Fax: (+34) 933 237 317
e-mail: [email protected]

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