August 24, 2014


August 24, 2014
A Catholic community
devoted to deep and
abiding friendship
with Jesus Christ
Established 1700
3320 St. Peter’s Drive
Waldorf Maryland 20601
Mission Statement
Saint Peter’s Church is a Catholic community devoted to deep and abiding
friendship with Jesus Christ. We strive to build upon the legacy of faith entrusted
to us by the Catholic pioneers who courageously established Saint Peter’s – an
ethnically and economically diverse community unified through the power of
the Holy Spirit in the truth and love of Jesus Christ. Mindful of this legacy as well
as our need for ongoing conversion amidst new challenges, today, in our fourth
century, we seek friendship with Jesus through our commitments to:
• Understand and proclaim His saving truth revealed in the
Bible in union with the official teaching authority of the
Catholic Church.
• Worship joyfully His living presence in the sacraments,
especially the Eucharist.
• Recognize His face in those we are privileged to serve and
protect, particularly the poor and vulnerable.
• Welcome Him in each other through our fellowship and
unity amidst the rich diversity of our parish community.
• Encounter Him and the beauty of His creation by preserving
our parish as a peaceful and prayerful sanctuary.
• Hear His personal call to holiness and help families embrace it
in all vocations, especially to priesthood or consecrated life.
• Imitate His generous self-giving as a way of life that expresses
our gratitude to Him and our love for God and neighbor.
Mass Schedule/Misa
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 pm
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, en Español 1:30 pm
7:00 pm
3:30 pm
Parish Office
Hours: M – F, 8:30 – 4:30
301-843-8916 Fax: 301-843-3163
St. Peter’s School 301-843-1955
Office for Christian Formation
Rev. Cezary Kozubek
Parochial Vicar
Msgr. J. Wilfrid Parent
Deacon Robert Martin
Tom Abell, Parish Facilities Manager
Alice Culbreth, Director of Christian Formation
Sr. Theresa Frere, IHM, Coordinator of Ministry
to the Sick and Homebound
Marianna Hamilton, Coordinator of Christian Formation
Alicia Moore, Parish Secretary
Msgr. Oliver McGready
Msgr. Andrew Cassin
Fran O’Neill, Parish Accountant
Pastor Emeritus
Cara Tiffin-Johnson, Music Director
J.R. West, Principal, St. Peter’s School
Parish Pastoral Council • [email protected]
John Baden, Chairman
Jim Johnson, Co-Chairman
Mary DiMuro, Secretary • 301-645-4596
RoseMary Buzzeo
Kevin Kane
Bobbie Vaira
Kathy Carrigan
Mark Leslie
Ron Wade
Linda Cogburn
Stephanie Nolan
Marsha Forson, Youth Rep. Liliana Perez, Hispanic Rep. Allan Wibbenmeyer, Finance Council Rep.
Parish Finance Council • Don Palchak, Chairperson • 301-934-1281
Stacie Burch
Allan Wibbenmeyer
Richard Buschman
William Young
Beth Watson
Parish Life & Service
For information concerning registration,
baptism, marriage, funerals, and other
sacraments, please contact the parish office.
Christian Formation
To report repairs and other matters concerning
church buildings and grounds, please contact the
parish facilities manager on 301-843-8916, ext. 35.
St. Peter’s Students
Return to School!
As always the summer has
passed swiftly by. During
this down time for our
families and teachers we have
been busy behind the scene at
the school with some major
biggest change by far comes
in the way of new school
starting and closing times, as a result of changes
to the transportation of students to and from the
school. For the past 50 years the Charles
County Public School system has, at no cost to
St. Peter’s School, bused the school’s students to
and from school. This year, due to a shortfall in
funding across the county, CCPS changed how
they were going to transport St. Peter’s students.
As a result of combining bus routes, St. Peter’s
students were to be transported with high school
students and were scheduled to arrive at school
each day at 7:30 a.m. After a survey indicated
that the majority of St. Peter’s parents were not
happy with this change, it was decided that
parents would bring their students to school, in
other words there would no longer be bus
transportation. It was also decided that school
would begin at 8:15 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m.
This actually added instruction time to the
school day. In the end, once these important
decisions were made, many parents made it clear
that they were happy with the way the
administration had handled the problem. “The
safety and well being of our students was most
important to all of us involved in making these
changes,” said J.R. West, principal of St. Peter’s.
A new roof has also been a major project that
began when the school year ended. The current
roof has had many problems with leaking
throughout the school. Rainy weather always
meant containers in the hallway to catch the
leaks. “With the use of funding from the capital
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
campaign we were able to hire a contractor to
put on a new roof and we are very excited about
this,” West said.
“We so appreciate the
generosity of the parishioners of St. Peter’s
parish who made it possible for us to get our
roof fixed.”
The roof will be completely
replaced and is expected to be completed at the
beginning of the school year. There will be no
more dodging the raindrops in the hallways of
St. Peter’s School.
The current enrollment is at 273. This means
that nearly every grade at St. Peter’s School is
filled to capacity. In some grades there are
waiting lists. The school’s talented group of
teachers and aides are working hard now to
prepare for the return of the students on the 25th.
New to the St. Peter’s teaching staff is fifth grade
teacher Mia Tipton. Mrs. Tipton is also the
mother of two St. Peter’s students, Caleb and
Amber, and two of the school’s former
graduates, Alex and Tony. Last year’s fifth grade
teacher Haley Potter will now be the sixth grade
homeroom teacher and will teach English and
Literature in the middle school. In the school
office Mrs. Hancher, last year’s secretary, will be
working part time. The new full time secretary
is Mrs. Teresa Shutters. Together, Mrs. Hancher
and Mrs. Shutters will keep the office running
smoothly. The new school operating hours are
7:30 until 4:30, when school is in session.
With all of these new and exciting changes the
2014-2015 school year promises to be an exciting
one. As always principal West, now in his 5 th
year at the helm of St. Peter’s School, looks
forward to the new school year. “It is always
great to begin a new school year,” he says. “With
the change in the time and transportation there
will be a few adjustments to make, but I am
confident our school parents, students and staff
will do so with very few bumps along the way.”
August 24, 2014
Sunday, August 24, Twenty-first Sunday
in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m.
Perley and Edna Waters
8:00 a.m.
In Thanksgiving
10:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Peter’s
12:00 noon
Norman Edward Winters
1:30 p.m.
Intentions of the celebrant
Monday, August 25, St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz
8:00 a.m.
Gary Mitchell Gryazkiewicz
Tuesday, August 26
8:00 a.m.
Gary Mitchell Gryazkiewicz
Wednesday, August 27, St. Monica
8:00 a.m.
David Shiffler
Thursday, August 28, St. Augustine
8:00 a.m.
McEllen Goldsmith
Friday, August 29, The Passion of
St. John the Baptist
8:00 a.m.
Edward Tomasko, Sr.
Saturday, August 30
8:00 a.m.
Edward Tomasko, Sr.
5:00 p.m. Vigil
Olivia and Gene Swan
Sunday, August 31, Twenty-second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m.
Joseph and Jeanne Gruss
10:00 a.m.
Parishioners of St. Peter’s
12:00 noon
Leo and Hedwig Gruss
1:30 p.m.
Intentions of the celebrant
The sanctuary light will burn this week in
loving memory of Eva & John Campione.
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
(1214 – 1270)
King Louis IX, the son of King Louis
VIII, was a model Christian ruler who
ruled the country for 44 years from 1226
to 1270.
He was austere, prayerful,
energetic, and considerate to his people.
He ruled at a time of great cultural
achievement, including the building of
great Gothic cathedrals and the
development of universities. Generous to
the needy, the king often served poor
citizens himself and established a hospital
for the destitute. Demonstrating both
integrity and justice as a royal
administrator, King Louis reformed the
judicial system of France. He built the
Sainte-Chapelle in Paris which housed
relics and was a private chapel for himself
and his family of 11 children with his wife
Queen Margaret. Involved in a Crusade
in 1249, he returned to crusading in 1270,
dying in Tunisia. He was canonized in
August 24, 2014
If someone you know is seriously ill and asks to be included in the prayers for the sick, please call
the parish office. Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks. At that time if you wish to
have the name put back on the prayer list, please call the parish office.
Our Parish Prayer Requests
For those who are ill, especially:
John David Yamnicky
Tina Wagner
Angela Vaira Souder
Doris Ann Bradburn
James McNease
Clyde Warren
Christine Bowman
Lloyd Janssen
Debbie Ruley
Belinda Windsor
Msgr. John Pennington
David DeSormeaux
Stephanie Walls
Barbara Lueders
Kathy Carrigan
Kathy Breckenridge
•For LCDR Don Manning, U.S. Navy, serving in Afghanistan
•For Francis Howard who died on August 12, 2014
•For Delilah Soleil Tarleton and Marco Xavier Cayron who were
baptized on August 17, 2014
•For an increase in vocations, especially in our parish and
•For our parish priests
Calling all youth interested in serving at the Lord’s Table
Training for new Altar Servers will be held on September 21 and 28 from 3 - 5 pm.
Those interested will need to participate in both training sessions and the all server
training on October 5, same time. All youth members of Saint Peter’s who are in
the fifth grade or ten years old and who have received their sacraments may
participate in the training. For more information, contact Barbara or Mark Hayes at
(240) 222-3171 or at [email protected].
Choir Rehearsals
St. Peter's Traditional Choir will resume Wednesday rehearsals starting September 3rd.
Rehearsals start at 7pm and are held in the church. New members are always welcome.
No musical experience necessary. For more information or if you have any questions
please email Cara Johnson at [email protected]
Singing is joyful, beautiful and gives praise to God!
Parish news and information in our weekly bulletin can also be
found in color on the Parish website at
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 24, 2014
Teaching About God’s Gift of Forgiveness
For All High School Teens....join the yCIA Today!
This evening we’re gathering at Our Lady Help of Christians from 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. to
catch up on the summer news and hear from our pilgrims that went to the Steubenville
Conference! All of our St. Peter's youth are welcomed!! Those of you that have been to a
Steubenville Conference, please come prepared to 'share' your experience with your friends,
and bring any souvenirs and pics you may have from the trip.
Bored? Frustrated? Confused about many things? Come explore the meaning of life with
St. Peter's High School Youth .Our first gathering of the "new" year (school, that is) will
be held on September 7th at 1:30 p.m. in the Adult Faith Formation room in the school.
Learn how to be holy (not phony), happy and authentically cool and wawcy (wacky)..
High school youth group sessions will be held on two Sundays a month from 1:30 p.m. –
3:00 p.m. One Sunday each month we will host Youth Night for ages 12-18. For more
information, call Ms. Alice at 301-843-9583.
World Youth Day - Krakow, Poland 2016
Just a gentle reminder that your registration forms and initial deposit are due to the Office
for Christian Formation no later than August 24, 2014. Please make your checks payable to
the Archdiocese of Washington, Office of Youth Ministry. Contact Marianna Hamilton for
more information.
Adult Bible Study Resumes!
Join us Tuesday, September 9, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm, as we continue to read the book of Isaiah.
Reflect, ponder, pray and go deeper into God's word. Grow in holiness and compassion as we
plunge into the heart of what it means to live in covenant with God. Explore words and
experiences that resound throughout the New Testament as well as in our liturgical celebrations
today. This study will help you uncover the challenging words of God that still call to us in the
present day. Cost is $13 for the study materials. You may purchase a copy of the NAB version (New American
Bible; recommended translation for Catholics in the US) for $5. Contact Bob Mattingly 301-645-1311.
Sacraments of Initiation Overview
Join us Monday, September 15, 7:00- 8:30PM in the Sank Auditorium for an
overview of the Sacraments of Initiation. This brief session has been designed to
give parishioners a better understanding of these "first" sacraments and what
impact they have on our lives as Catholics. It is a required part of sacramental
preparation for those with children receiving Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation
and those who are participating in our RCIA program. We strongly encourage those preparing for
Matrimony or seeking convalidation of their marriages to attend as well. Registration is not required . Contact
the Office for Christian Formation with any questions you may have. [email protected]
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 24, 2014
Parking Lot
The reserved parking spaces are only used during the week by our teachers
and parish staff. On the weekends, you may park in these spaces.
Outdoor Summer Social this Sunday!
Please join your fellow parishioners at our summer social this Sunday after the 8:00 and
10:00 o’clock Masses in St. Peter’s Square in front of the Father Martin House. This is
the only outdoor social this year, so come on out and make it a festive occasion.
Host ministries this week are:
Adult Bible Study
Boy & Girl Scouts
Eucharistic Ministers
of Holy Communion
Family Program &
Youth Ministry
Knights of Columbus
Marriage Preparation
Ministry to Sick &
St. Vincent de Paul
Designated Charity: Health Partners
This week the Designated Charity is Health Partners. They will receive at least 1%
of the regular Sunday offering. You may use the envelopes available at the
entrances to Church. Please put your envelope in the regular collection basket.
The Designated Charity next weekend will be FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic
University Students, a national collegiate outreach ministry that meets college students where they are
and invites them to examine the meaning and purpose of their lives. Katrina Oteyza, one of our
parishioners, is serving this ministry at the University of Mary Washington.
Support Group at St. Peter's
St. Peter's is a local host site for Al-Anon meetings on Thursdays
in St. Peter’s School from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Please call the Office for
Christian Formation at 301-843-9583 if you have any questions.
Next Weekend, August 30 and 31, we will welcome Deacon Michael Neba,
a representative of the Archdiocese of Bamenda, Cameroon in West-Central Africa.
He will be speaking at all Masses on "we are fellow workers with God" (1 Cor 3: 9),
as part of the Archdiocesan annual Missionary Appeals. The Diocese of
Bamenda was erected in 1970 and raised to a Metropolitan See in 1982 and
celebrated its centenary of Evangelization on May 29, 2014. There are over 300,000
Catholics in 34 Parishes served 92 priests. As it has been our tradition, let us pray
for the fruits of this missionary visit to our Parish and ask the Lord for generous
hearts to foster the work in His vineyard.
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 24, 2014
The 7th Annual Saint Vincent de Paul 5K Friends of the Poor ®Walk will be held on Saturday, September
27, 2014 at Saint Peter's Church in Waldorf, Maryland at 9 A.M. The event is open to all levels of walkers
and runners. Participation in the walk is free, but walkers are encouraged to collect pledges from
sponsors. For more information or to register online go to and click
the "walker" tab on the left hand side of the screen or contact Jennifer Tersero at
[email protected]. Help families in need by supporting this event. You can make a difference by
walking with us on September 27.
Thinking of Donating Your Car to a Charity?
Please consider the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. If you donate your car through the National SVdP
Car Donation program, our St. Peter Conference can receive the proceeds for our charitable work. You
just need to call (800) 322-8284 and the National SVdP contractor can arrange to pick up your car in 24
hours. They take care of all the paperwork and send you the tax forms for the donation. We in the St
Peter Conference do not get involved except to receive the proceeds from donations in our zip code areas
(e.g., Waldorf, White Plains). For more information, visit
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 24, 2014
The Stars will Shine . . .
on September 5th when
Health Partners Charitable Clinic
celebrates with great thanksgiving
the goodness of God and the
generosity of St. Peter’s Parish
and the clinic’s many supporters
in the community.
Please join us!
For more information
Contact Health Partners
[email protected]
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 24, 2014
Los Estudiantes de San Pedro
Regresan a la Escuela!
Como siempre el verano ha
pasado rápidamente. Durante
este tiempo nuestras familias y
maestros nos hemos ocupados
detrás del escenario en la
escuela con algunos cambios
importantes. El cambio más
grande viene de lejos en el
camino de la nueva escuela a
partir del cierre, como resultado
de cambios en el transporte de los estudiantes y de
la escuela. Durante los últimos 50 años el sistema
de Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Charles—
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS)—ha tenido
sin costo alguno a la Escuela de San Pedro,
recogian a los estudiantes hacia la escuela y de la
escuela. Este año, debido a un déficit financiero a
través del condado, CCPS cambiaron cómo iban a
transportar a los estudiantes de San Pedro. Como
resultado de la combinación de las rutas de
autobús, los estudiantes de San Pedro debían ser
transportados con estudiantes de secundaria e iban
a llegar a la escuela cada día a las 7:30. Después de
que una encuesta indicó que la mayoría de los
padres de San Pedro no estaba contentos con este
cambio, se decidió que los padres traerían a sus
estudiantes a la escuela, en otras palabras ya no
habrá transporte en autobús. También se decidió
que la escuela comienzara a las 8:15 y terminara a
las 15:15. En realidad este añadimos tiempo de
instrucción a la jornada escolar. Al final, una vez
que estas decisiones importantes fueron hechas,
muchos padres claro que estaban contentos con la
forma en que la administración había manejado el
problema. "La seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros
estudiantes fue más importante para todos
nosotros los involucrados en la fabricación de estos
cambios," dijo J.R. West, Director de San Pedro.
Un nuevo techo también ha sido un gran
proyecto que se inició cuando terminó el año
escolar. El techo ha tenido muchos problemas con
liqueos en toda la escuela. Clima lluvioso siempre
significó contenedores en el pasillo para atrapar las
Vigésimo primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
filtraciones. "Con el uso de los fondos de la
campaña capital fuimos capaces de contratar a un
contratista para poner un techo nuevo y estamos
muy entusiasmados con esto," dijo West. "Así que
apreciamos la generosidad de los feligreses de la
parroquia de San Pedro que han hecho posible para
nosotros para conseguir nuestro techo fijo." El
techo será reemplazado completamente y se espera
que sea completado en el comienzo del año escolar.
No habrá más esquiva de las gotas de lluvia en los
pasillos de la Escuela de San Pedro.
La matrícula actual es de 273. Esto significa que
casi cada grado en la escuela de San Pedro está lleno
a capacidad. En algunos grados hay listas de espera.
El grupo talentoso de la escuela de maestros y
ayudantes está trabajando duro ahora para
prepararse para el regreso de los estudiantes el 25
de agosto. Nuevo personal docente es la maestra de
quinto grado Mia Tipton. La señora Tipton es
también la madre de dos estudiantes de San Pedro,
Caleb y Ámbar, y dos de los ex egresados de la
escuela, Alex y Tony. Profesor de quinto el año
pasado Haley Potter será la maestra sexto grado y
enseñará Inglés y Literatura en la escuela
intermedia. En la oficina de la escuela Sra. Hancher,
secretaria del año pasado, va a trabajar a tiempo
parcial. La nueva secretaria de tiempo completo es
la señora Teresa Shutters. Juntos, la señora
Hancher y Sra. Shutters mantendrán la oficina
funcionando sin problemas. Las horas nuevas de
funcionamiento de la escuela son 7:30 hasta las
16:30, cuando la escuela está en sesión.
Con todos estos cambios nuevos y
emocionantes del año 2014-2015 promete ser
emocionante. Como siempre el Director West,
ahora en su quinto año en el timón de la Escuela de
San Pedro, dice que el nuevo año escolar. "Siempre
es genial comenzar un nuevo año escolar," dice.
"Con el cambio en el tiempo y transporte habrá
algunos ajustes para hacer, pero estoy seguro de
que nuestros padres, alumnos y personal lo harán
con muy pocos baches en el camino."
24 de agosto 2014

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