St. Philomene Church - St. Philomene Catholic Church


St. Philomene Church - St. Philomene Catholic Church
St. Philomene Church
2428 Bell Street
Sacramento, CA 95825
March 20, 2016
Office: (916) 481-6757
Fax: (916) 481-1603
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Tues – Fri - 10:00am — 5:00pm
Closed 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Saturday: 5:30pm (English)
Sunday: 7:30am & 9:00am (English),
12:00pm (Español)
Tuesday – Friday: 8:00am (English)
Tuesday, Wednesday and First Friday
[in the Main Church if school in session]
Thursdays and other Fridays
[in the Chapel if school in session]
Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm, or by appt.
Call the Parish Office (even before the birth of the
baby) for preparation times
At least six months notice required
Father Martin Ramat,
Parochial Administrator
Father John Hannan, Pastor Emeritus
Father Gerald Ryle, Pastor Emeritus
Charles Cheever, Deacon
Alfredo Anguiano, Deacon
David Leatherby Jr., Deacon
Joshua Keeney, Seminarian (Pastoral Year)
Ann Marie Faires, School Principal
José Luis Villagrán, Bookkeeper/Secretary
Ofelia Balmes, Music Coordinator
Nallely Reyes-García, Volunteer Rel. Ed. Coordinator
Miluska Beltrán, Volunteer Rel. Ed. Coordinator
Sylvia Miller, Janitor
Jordan Vela, Maintenance
St Philomene Parish Mission Statement
We, the parishioners of St. Philomene Parish, are a communion of
brothers and sisters united by our communion with Jesus Christ who
gathers us and empowers us with His Holy Spirit to worship God in faith
through the celebration of the Sacraments, prayers, evangelization and
loving communion and service. We rejoice and embrace the diversity of
all our members as a gift from God.
Father Martin’s Corner
Mass Intentions
Sat Mar 19—5:30 pm Church
Sun Mar 20–7:30am Church Nancy Reagan (+)
- 9:00am Church Philippe Favero (+)
Catherine Roycrof (+)
Andrée Durrenberger (+)
-12:00pm Church Maria Eulalia Reyes (+)
Eleuterio Reyes (+)
Mon March 21 –No Mass No Mass
Tue Mar 22 - 8:00am Chapel
Wed Mar 23 - 8:00am Chapel
Thurs Mar 24 –7:00pm Church Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Fri Mar 25 – 12:00pm Church The Lord’s Passion
7:00pm Church La Pasion del Señor
Sat March 26—8:00pm Easter Vigil
Today’s Readings
First Reading—I did not cover my face against insult and I
know I will not be ashamed (Is 50, 4-7)
Psalm—My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Ps
22, 8-9. 17-18. 19-20. 23-24)
Second Reading– He humbled himself to become like us
and God raised him on high (Phil 2, 6-11)
Gospel – The Passion of the Lord (Lk 22, 14-23, 56 0r 23,
Mass Requests
Please stop by the Parish Office if you would like to
request a Mass to be prayed for a special intention.
Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish
Kim Griffin
Sally Meyers
Joseph Bardon
Carla Moore
Nilda Medina
Fr. Gerry Robinson
Shannon Peel
Odice Williams
Marina Serrano
Barbara Wilson
Concepcion Reyna
Ameria Ohanisian
Patricia DeFries
Betty DeFea
Willie A Khalial
Jeannie Bastion
Rob Maxey
Tyler Polen
Talia Kerry
Alex Quiroz
Gloria Platina
Ray Rehberg
Tony Frontino
Patricia Becker
Elsie Gentry
Basil Kazanchi
Divine Mercy Sunday is April 3rd
Join us to pray the novena of Divine Mercy from Good
Friday, March 25 through Saturday, April 2nd at 3:00
pm in the Adoration Chapel.
Sunday, Mar 20 - 10:15 am
Monday, Mar 21 - 7:00pm
Tuesday, Mar 22 - 9:00 am
6:00 pm
Wed, Mar 23 - 6:30am
7:00 pm
Thursday, Mar 24 -8:30 am
6:00 pm
English CCD
Oracion y Alabanza
Novena (Chapel)
Sharing God’s Bounty (GYM)
Christians in Commerce
Choir Rehearsal (Church)
Rosary to Our Lady (Chapel)
No Clases de CCD
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Friday, Mar 25 Good Friday
Saturday, March 26 Holy Saturday
Sunday, March 27 Resurrection of the Lord
GOSPEL REFLECTION: We are now on the holiest
week of all weeks in the Liturgical Year. The Holy
Mother Church has given us this Holy Week to enter
into the Holy Paschal Mystery of the Life of Jesus, our
Lord and Savior. As we are in last days of the Life of
Jesus, let us try our best to attend to the holy week
services and let these celebrations be an encounter
with Jesus in His suffering and death. Let us identify
ourselves with one of the characters and put ourselves
into the shoes of the characters in the
Gospel. Reflecting on the last days of the Life of Jesus,
may we be transformed and be made faithful disciples
of Jesus.
Today, Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, we
commemorate the Triumphant Entry of Jesus in
Jerusalem. On Holy Thursday, we celebrate the Mass of
the Lord’s Supper. We commemorate that night when
Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood
as He washed the feet of His disciples. As we come to
Church on Good Friday, the students of St. Philomene
School will help us to reflect and relive the Passion and
Death of our Lord Jesus. On Easter Vigil, we will have
the Service of Light and the celebration of the
Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and
Confirmation of our brothers and sisters in the RCIA
(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). On Easter
Sunday, we come to Church with renewed faith in
Jesus. We gather together as a Church of the
Resurrection. Pray Unceasingly, Prepare Devoutly and
Participate Actively!
THANK YOU!: To the CCD Parents who are completing
their service hours for cleaning the Church by
polishing the pews, removing the gums and vacuuming
the floor. Also, special thanks to Omar Jimenez for
fixing the broken pew in the Church. May God
continue to bless you as you share your talents back to
God through His Church. To Laurie Tapke and Lolita
Lintingco for leading Altar Society and the Arts and
Environment Ministries. To the Worship and Liturgy
Board for their preparation, participation and
involvement. To the Stations of the Cross Sponsors of
the different ministries and parish board. And to the
new Youth Ministry Core Team.
UPDATE: Launching of the Youth Ministry is around
the corner! The Parish Festival 2016 Solicitation
Letters will be out soon. Check the Bulletin insert,
Website and Social Media Network about the activities
of the Visit of the Relics of the Saints of Mercy on April
1-3, 2016. A second batch for the Lector/ EMHC
Trainings was facilitated by Seminarian Joshua.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is grateful
for all your help. Please think of us when
you’re shopping. God bless you!
Please visit
Esquina del Padre Martin
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper
March 24th - 7pm - Bilingual
Good Friday (The Lord’s Passion)
March 25th - 11:15 am Living Stations of the Cross
12:00 noon - English
7:00 pm - Spanish
Easter Vigil , March 26th
8:00 pm - Bilingual
Easter Sunday, March 27th
7:30 am - English
9:00 am - English
12:00 noon - Spanish
April 1-3 Friday to Sunday
Relics of the Saints of Mercy
Beginning the first week of October, 2015
and through the first week of March,
2016, the academic decathlon team studied
every day after school under the supervision
of Coach Jim Walker and Assistant Coach
Micaela Washington! This smart, energetic
and enthusiastic group of junior high students, competed against twenty- five other
Catholic schools on Saturday, March 4 th at St.
Francis High School. We are proud of the
dedication and commitment of the team!
They finished in 14th place! Our very own 8th
grader, Paul Cagaannan finished in 1st place
in Science!!!! WAY TO GO, COACHES AND
Principal Ann Marie Faires M.A. Ed.
Please join the St. Philomene’s
Breakfast with a new menu today
Sunday, March 20 after the 7:30 am and
9:00 am Mass at the School Gym.
Youth Group!
Calling all high schoolers. Come have
fun and free food for the first day of
youth group. We’ll have music and
carnival style games too. Friday, April 1st, 2016 from
6:30pm to 8:30pm.
Weekend Collections
March 6, 2016
March 13, 2016
$ 5,899.79
$ 3,372.82
Second collection Catholic Relief Services $495.05
Thank you for your unending support, generosity
and love for our Parish. May our God abundantly
bless you and your families!
Father Martin Ramat
Reflexiones sobre el Evangelio: Ahora estamos en la
semana mas Santa de las semanas en el ano liturgico.
La Iglesia nos ha dado esta semana Santa para entrar
en el misterio Pascual de la vida de Jesus, nuestro
Senor y Salvador. Mientras nos adentramos a los
ultimos días de la vida de Jesus, intentemos ser
mejores y asistir a los servicios de semana Santa y que
estas fiestas sean un encuentro con Jesus en su
sufrimiento y muerte. Identifiquemonos con alguno de
los personajes y pongamonos en los zapatos de los
personajes en el Evangelio. Reflexionando sobre los
ultimos días de la vida de Jesus, podamos ser
transformados y ser fieles discípulos de Jesus.
Hoy, Domingo de Ramos o domingo de pasion, se
conmemora la entrada triunfal de Jesus en Jerusalen. El
Jueves Santo, celebramos la Misa de la cena del Senor.
Conmemoramos esa noche cuando Jesus instituyo la
Santa Eucaristía y el sacerdocio mientras el lavo los
pies de sus discípulos. Al venir a la iglesia el Viernes
Santo, los estudiantes de la escuela de St Philomene
nos van presentar la pasion y muerte de nuestro Senor
Jesus, y así nosotros poder revivirla y reflexionar. En la
Vigilia Pascual, tendremos el servicio de la luz y la
celebracion de los sacramentos del bautismo, primera
comunion y confirmacion de nuestros hermanos y
hermanas de RICA (rito de iniciacion cristiana de
adultos). El domingo de Pascua, venimos a la iglesia
con la fe renovada en Jesus. Nos reunimos como iglesia
de la resurreccion. ¡Orar sin cesar, prepararse
devotamente y participar activamente!
Gracias!: a los padres de CCD que estan completando
sus horas de servicio limpiando la iglesia puliendo las
bancas, por remover la goma de mascar y aspirar la
alfombra. Tambien, un agradecimiento especial a Omar
Jimenez por reparar una de las bancas. Que Dios
continue bendiciendoles por compartir sus talentos
con Dios a traves de su iglesia. Gracias a Laurie Tapke y
Lolita Lintingco por cada semana cuidar del Altar y los
ministerios del medio ambiente y arte. A la Junta de
liturgia por su preparacion, participacion y adoracion.
A los patrocinadores de las estaciones de la Cruz de la
parroquia la Junta directiva. Y al equipo nuevo del
ministerio de la juventud.
Actualización: ¡El lanzamiento de la pastoral
juvenil esta a la vuelta de la esquina! Las cartas del
Festival Parroquial del 2016 saldran muy pronto. Por
favor revisen nuestra pagina en el internet y tambien
la hoja insertada en el boletín, ya que esta contiene
informacion sobre las actividades de la visita de las
reliquias de los Santos de la piedad 1-3 de abril de
2016. Hubo un segundo entrenamiento para Lectores y
EMHC y estos fueron facilitados por el seminarista
KSMN AM 1620
Catholic Radio
3555 El Camino Av
Sacramento, CA
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Ask about our Grand Opening Special! (916) 515-9363
Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether longtime
residents or newly arrived in our Parish. We thank God for you. If you are not
registered with St. Philomene, please fill out this form and place it in the Collection
basket or mail it in to the Parish Office.
Thank you and God bless you!
Request for Registration Form or Change of Address Update
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Since 1923
LIC. #241602

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