Thanksgiving Class Overview (Accion de Gracias Class Descripcion


Thanksgiving Class Overview (Accion de Gracias Class Descripcion
Thanksgiving Class Overview
(Accion de Gracias Class Descripcion)
Pilgrims_ and American Indians
Pilgrim Travel To America
Arrival & First Year In America
Life of American Indians
The Pilgrim Story and Your Immigrant
The Pilgrim's Life Gets Better
The First Thanksgiving
The Original 13 Colonies
Your Immigrant Story
Thanksgiving Day - A National Holiday
Celebration of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Dates
Indian Pudding
American Indian Tribes
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nicho
Pilgrims Come To America
(Los peregrinos vienen a Estados Unidos)
In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England carrying 102
passengers, 50 men, 20 women and 32 children. These Pilgrims (a person who goes to look for a
special place) were seeking a new home where they could freely practice their religions. Others
were looking for a new home and land to own. (En septiembre de 1620, un pequefio barco
llamado Mayflower izquierda Plymouth, Inglaterra llevando 102 pasajeros, 50 hombres, 20
mujeres y nifios 32. Estos Pilgrams (una persona que va a buscar un lugar especial) estaban
buscando un nuevo hogar donde pudieran practicar libremente su religion. Otros fueron en busca
de un nuevo hogar y tierra a la propiedad.)
....... ,...............
The treacherous and uncomfortable trip took over two months. Finally in November, the
Mayflower sighted land, which was present day Cape Cod. After trying to sail on south to the
Colony of Virginia, they returned back and dropped anchor in late November at the tip of Cape
Cod, in what is now known as Providence Harbor. After exploring the Cape Cod area for several
weeks, the Pilgrims crossed the Massachusetts bay and landed at Plymouth Rock on December
11, 1620. They began the work of establishing one of the first villages in America. (El viaje
peligroso e inc6modo tardo mas de dos meses. Finalmente, en
noviembre, el Mayflower diviso tierra, que estaba presente el
dia Cape Cod. Despues de tratar de navegar en el sur de la
colonia de Virginia, volvieron atras y anclaron a [males de
noviembre en la punta de Cape Cod, en 10 que ahora se
conoce como Providence Harbor. Desputes de explorar la
zona de Cape Cod durante varias semanas, los peregrinos
cruzaron la bahia de Massachusetts y desembarcaron en
Plymouth Rock el 11 de diciembre de 1620. Comenzaron
los trabajos de establecer uno de los primeros pueblos de
Created by: W. Nichols
history. com,
and wikipedia.or
Exercise 1 / (Ejercicio 1):
1. In
1620, the Pilgrims left
2. The Pilgrims wanted
, England.
3. The Pilgrims came to America by
4. The boat was called the ----5. The trip took
6. The trip was very
7. One Pilgrim died on the
8. The Pilgrims were Eur
The Pilgrims were happy and thankful to arrive. They were also thankful for their new life and
freedom. But they were worried and nervous about the future. (Los Pilgrams estaban contentos
y agradecidos a llegar. Tambien estaban agradecidos por su nueva vida y la libertad. Pero estaban
preocupados y nerviosos sobre el futuro.)
It was a bad winter. It was cold and snowy outside. They needed food, clean water, warm
houses and clothes. InDecember, they looked for a good place. (Fue un inviemo malo. Fuera
hacia frio y con nieve. Necesitaban comida, agua potable, casas calidas y ropa. En diciembre,
buscaron un buen lugar.)
Throughout the first brutal winter, most of the colonists (original settler or founder) remained on
the ship. They suffered from exposure, scurvy and outbreaks of contagious diseases. 46 die. In
March 1621, the remaining move ashore, where they receive a visit from a Wampanoag
(Wam-pa-no-ag) Indian. (Durante todo el inviemo brutal en primer lugar, la mayoria de los
colonos (colono original 0 fundador) permanecieron en el barco Sufrieron de la exposici6n, el
escorbuto y los brotes de enfermedades contagiosas. 46 matriz. En marzo de 1621, el
movimiento queda en tierra, donde reciben la visita de un Wampanoag (Wam-pa-no-ag) india.)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
flbanksgiVing Class
American Indians
(Los indios americanos)
Indians lived in America for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived. Today, there are
more than 500 federally recognized Indian tribes in the United States. Each tribe has its own
language, beliefs, stories, music, foods social and political system. (Indios vivian en Estados
Unidos desde hace miles de afios antes de la llegada de los europeos. Hoy en ilia, existen mas de
500 tribus indigenas reconocidas federalmente en los Estados Unidos. Cada tribu tiene su propio
idioma, creencias, historias, musica, alimentos, sistema social y politico.)
Some tribes settled in villages and farmed the land for food. Others moved frequently as they
hunted and gathered food. (Algunas tribus se asentaron ep aldeas y cultivaban la tierra para
obtener alimentos. Otros se mud6 con frecuencia, ya que cazaban y recogian los alimentos.)
There was a big American Indian tribe near the Pilgrims. They were called the "Wampanoag."
The W ampanoag tribe had many traditions. They liked to tell stories, swim and play games.
They lived in round houses, made warm clothes from animal skins and had good food to eat.
(Hubo una gran tribu india americana cerca de los peregrinos. Se les llama "Wampanoag". La
tribu Wampanoag tenia muchas tradiciones. Les gustaba contar historias, nadar y jugar. Vivian
en casas redondas, hizo ropa de abrigo de pieles de animales y tenia buena comida para comer.)
The Wampanoag hunted many animals, bear, deer, and turkeys. They caught fish and dug clams.
And, they planted com, beans, pumpkins, melons, squash and sunflowers. (El Wampanoag
cazado muchos animales, osos, venados y pavos. Atraparon a los peces y cave almejas. Y,
plantaban maiz, frijoles, calabazas, melones, calabazas y girasoles.)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
ranksgiVing Class
Exercise 2 / (Ejercicio 2):
1. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
2. TheWampanoaghunted
3. What food did the Indians get from the ocean and rivers?
4. What food did the Wampanoag farm on the land?
, and
5. What were the Indian's traditions?
~ _~
6. The Wampanoag made clothes from
, and
7. The Indians lived in -----
A different Native American Indian, Squanto, from the Pawtuxet tribe meet with the Pilgrims.
He spoke English. Squanto had been kidnapped and sold into slavery by an English sea captain
before escaping to London, England and later returning to his tribe. He and the Wampanoag
Indians taught the Pilgrims to grow com, extract sap from maple trees, catch fish in the rivers and
avoid poisonous plants. The Pilgrim settlers alliance with the Wampanoag lasted for more than
50 years. (Un diferente Native American Indian, Squanto, de la tribu Pawtuxet reunirse con los
peregrinos. EI habla Ingles. Squanto habia sido secuestrado y vendido como esclavo por un
capitan de barco Ingles antes de escapar a Londres, Inglaterra, y despues de regresar a su tribu.
EI y la ensefi6 a los Wampanoag Pilgrams para cultivar maiz, extraer la savia de los arboles de
arce, la captura de peces en los nos y evitar las plantas venenosas. La alianza Pilgram colonos
con los Wampanoag se prolong6 durante mas de 50 afios.)
In November, 1621, the Pilgrims first com
harvest proved successful. Life was better
in Plymouth now. (En noviembre de
1621, la cosecha de maiz de primera
peregrinos resulto exitosa, La vida era
mejor en Plymouth ahora.)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
Life In Plymouth, Massachusetts
(La vida en Plymouth, Massachusetts)
The Pilgrim's new town was called Plymouth after a town in England. The houses the Pilgrims
built were similar to the houses in England. The Wampanoag tribe helped the Pilgrims build
their houses, grow plants and hunt animal s. Life was much better in the fall and winter of 1621.
(Nueva ciudad del peregrino se liamaba Plymouth despues de una ciudad en Inglaterra, Las casas
construidas a los peregrinos eran similares a las casas en Inglaterra. La tribu Wampanoag
ayudaron a los peregrinos a construir sus casas, cultivar plantas y animales de caza. La vida era
mucho mejor en el otofio y el invierno de 1621.)
Because the first com harvest was so successful, the Plymouth Governor, William Bradford,
organized a celebration feast and invited a group of Native American Indians, including the
Wampanoag chief, Massasoit. There were 56 Pilgrims and 91 Indians. The feast lasted three
days. (Debido a que la primera cosecha de maiz fue tan exitoso, el gobernador de Plymouth,
William Bradford, organize una fiesta de celebracion e invito a un grupo de indios nativos
americanos, incluyendo aljefe Wampanoag, Massasoit. Hubo 56 peregrinos y los indios 91. La
fiesta duro tres dias)
The Governor sent four Pilgrims on a "fowling" mission for food, and the Wampanoag guests
arrived with five deer. The feast included wild duck, geese, venison, boiled pumpkin, fried bread
from com, fish, berries, watercrest, lobster, clams, dried fruit and plums. Without an oven or
sugar, there were no pies, cakes or desserts. (El gobernador envio a cuatro peregrinos en una
"escopeta" mision para la comida, y los invitados Wampanoag llego con cinco venados. La fiesta
incluy6 pato salvaje, ganso, venado, calabaza hervida, pan frito de maiz, pescado, bayas,
Watercrest, langosta, almejas, frutas secas y ciruelas. Sin un homo 0 azucar, no hubo tartas,
pasteles 0 postres.)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichols
The "First Thanksgiving"
(La "primera accion de gracias")
While no record exists of the banquet's exact menu, the Pilgrim Edward Winslow wrote in his
journal about some of the food that was gathered and prepared. The second Thanksgiving took
place as a religious fast in 1623 to mark the end of a long drought. Days of fasting and
thanksgiving became common practice in other New England settlements. (Si bien no existe
ningun registro exacto de menu del banquete, el peregrino Edward Winslow escribio en su diario
acerca de algunos de los alimentos que se hayan recogido y preparado. La segunda acci6n de
gracias se llev6 a cabo como un ayuno religioso en 1623 para marcar el final de una larga sequia.
Dias de ayuno y de accion de gracias se convirti6 en practica COIDlin en otros nuevos
asentamientos Inglaterra.)
Exercise 3 / (Ejercicio 3):
1. Name the meats that were likely served.
2. How many Pilgrims were at the feast?
3. Name the vegetables that were probably served.
4. How many Native American Indians attended?
5. What fruit might have been served?
6. What was the Governor of Plymouth's name?
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
The Original American Colonies
(Las colonias americanas originales)
There were 13 original colonies. One was Massachusetts where the Pilgrims first arrived. The
others are New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. All are on the East
Coast. Later, all of these colonies became the first 13 states of the United States. (Hubo II
colonias originales. Uno de ellos fue Massachusetts, donde los peregrinos llegaron por primera
vez. Los otros son New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Nueva York, Nueva Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Deleware, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur y Georgia.
Todos estan en la costa este. Mas tarde, todas estas colonias se convirtieron en los primeros l3
estados de los Estados Unidos.)
The Commonwealth of
The United States flag represents the 13 original colonies with the number of red and white
stripes. (La bandera de los Estados Unidos representa las l3 colonias originales con el numero
de rayas rojas y blancas.)
All 13 colonies joined in a Thanksgiving celebration on October, 1777. (Todas las 13 colonias
se unieron en una celebracion de Accion de Gracias de octubre de 1777.)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
Your Immigrant Story
(Su Historia Inmigrante)
The Pilgrim's immigrant story is: Circle the correct answer.
How long?
The Pilgrims were 102 French / Spanish / English people.
The immigrants came from Spain / England / France.
They came to North America in 1820 / 1720 / 1620.
The Pilgrims came here by car / train / boat.
Their trip took two hours / days / months.
Colonists / immigration / American Indians helped them.
They came here for jobs / U.S. Passports / religious freedom.
How rli4 the Pilgrims feel when they arrived in America? Hot / busy /
Your immigrant story is:
What's your name?
My name is:
Where are you from?
Iam from
When did you come here?
Icame here on __
How did you come here?
Icame here by
How long did the trip take?
The trip took
Who helped you in the
United States?
How did you feel when
you arrived?
Why did you come here?
& History.Com
helped me
Ifelt -------------------Excited, happy, relieved, thankful, proud, tired, thirsty,
hungry, sick, worried, sad, lonely, homesick, scared, or
Icame here
For freedom, for jobs, because of war, for opportunity, for
my children, because of an earthquake, for my family, for
my health, because of a hurricane, for education, for a
better life because of a famine, for peace, because of a
Created by: W. Nichols
lhankSgiving Class
Exercise 4 / (Ejercicio 4):
1. What is one reason the colonists came to America? ----------------------------2. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
3. Name one Indian tribe in the United States. ------------------4. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
5. How many colonies celebrated Thanksgiving in October, 1777?
6. Name three original colonies.
7. Name the first Pilgrim settlement in America.
8. Which coast is Massachusetts on? --------------------9. What ocean did the Pilgrims cross when coming to America?
10. Fill in the names on the following map:
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
Thanksgiving Day - A U.S. National Holiday
(Thanksgiving Day - Holiday Nacional de EE.UU.)
As the first President of the United States, George Washington proclaimed a National Day of
Thanksgiving in 1789. However, many people opposed a national holiday, and it did not happen
after that year. (Como el primer Presidente de los Estados Unidos, George Washington
proclamo un dia nacional de Accion de Gracias en 1789. Sin embargo, muchas personas se
opusieron a una fiesta nacional, y no sucedio despues de ese afio.)
Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, led a 40 year campaign to establish a national day of
Thanksgiving. In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a
national day of Thanksgiving. (Sarah Josepha Hale, editora de una revista, encabezo una
campafia de 40 anos para establecer un ilia nacional de Accion de Gracias. En 1863, el
presidente Lincoln proclam6 el Ultimo jueves de noviembre como un dia nacional de Accion de
That date changed a couple of times over the years, but public uproar caused the President to
move it back to the original date in November. Congress fmally sanctioned the fourth Thursday
in November as a legal holiday in 1941. (Esa fecha cambiado un par de veces a 10 largo de los
afios, pero cause conmocion publica al Presidente para devolverlo ala fecha original en
noviembre. El Congreso fmalmente sanciono el cuarto jueves de noviembre como un ilia de
fiesta legal en 1941.)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
ranksgiving Class
The Celebration of Thanksgiving
(La celebracion de Accion de Gracias)
The Thanksgiving feast is a big, special dinner shared with family and friends each November.
Millions of people visit their families for this celebration. Remember, the American Indians and
the Pilgrims shared food. (La fiesta de Accion de Gracias es una gran cena, especial compartido
con la familia y amigos de cada mes de noviembre. Millones de personas visitan a sus familias
durante esta celebracion, Recuerde, los indios americanos y los peregrinos compartieron la
Thanksgiving does not represent one religion. It does not have special gifts. All people in
America can celebrate Thanksgiving. It is not just for U.S. Citizens. Thanksgiving is for
everyone! (Accion de Gracias no representa una religion. No tiene dones especiales. Todas las
personas en los Estados Unidos pueden celebrar Accion de Gracias. No es justo para los
ciudadanos estadounidenses. de Gracias es para todos!)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
For many Americans, Thanksgiving is a day to say "thank you" for the many good things in their
lives. It is a very special time to share with family and friends. (Para muchos estadounidenses,
Accion de Gracias es un dia para decir "gracias" por las muchas cosas buenas en su vida. Es un
momento muy especial para compartir con la familia y los amigos.)
Rave you had a Thanksgiving dinner with an American family? Did Thanksgiving surprise you?
(loRatenido una cena de Acci6n de Gracias con una familia americana? loSabia Accion de
Gracias le sorprende?)
Exercise 5 / (Ejercicio 5):
1. Do you like American food? --------------------------------------------2. What American food was new to you?
3. What food do you miss from your country?
4. What special foods do you eat for special days?
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
Thanksgiving Traditions
(Accion de gracias tradiciones)
Today's Thanksgiving now centers on cooking and sharing a bountiful meal with family and
friends. Turkey is the predominate meat served. Nearly 90 percent of Americans eat the bird whether roasted, baked or deep-fried. (Acci6n de Gracias de hoy se centra ahora en cocinar y
compartir la comida abundante con la familia y los amigos. Turquia es la carne predominan
servido. Casi el 90 por ciento de los estadounidenses comen las aves - ya sea asado, al homo 0
Other traditional foods include stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.
Volunteering is a common Thanksgiving Day activity, and cities and towns often hold food
drives and host free dinners for the less fortunate. (Otros alimentos tradicionales incluyen
relleno, pure de papas, salsa de arandanos y pastel de calabaza. El voluntariado es una actividad
comun de Acci6n de Gracias, y las ciudades y pueblos a menudo tienen colectas de alimentos y
albergar cenas gratis para los menos afortunados.)
Parades have also become an integral part of the holiday. Since 1924, Macy's Thanksgiving Day
Parade is the largest and most famous. (Los desfiles se han convertido en una parte integral de
las vacaciones. Desde 1924, Desfile Macy de Acci6n de Gracias Dia es el mayor y mas famoso.)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
The Turkey Pardon
(EI perdon Turquia)
Beginning in the mid - 20th century, the President of the United States has "pardoned" one or two
Thanksgiving turkeys each year, sparing the birds from slaughter and sending them to a farm for
retirement. A number of U.S. Governors also perform this annual turkey pardoning rituaL (A
partir de mediados de - siglo 20, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos ha "perdonado" uno 0 dos
pavos de Accion de Gracias cada afio, sin afectar a las aves de la masacre y enviarlos a una granja
para la jubilacion, Una serie de gobernadores estadounidenses tambien realizar este ritual anual
pavos perdon.)
President Harry S. Truman receives a turkey in November, 1948. (EI presidente Harry S.
Truman recibe unpavo en noviembre de 1948.)
& History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol
Thanksgiving Dates
(Fechas de Accion de Gracias)
While most Americans commonly believe that the first Thanksgiving happened in 1621, at
Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts, there is strong evidence that earlier celebrations happened
in Canada (1578) and by Spanish explorers in St. Augustine, Florida (1565). (Aunque la
mayoria de los estadounidenses creen que comunmente thew primera accion de gracias que
ocurrio en 1621, en la plantacion de Plymouth, en Massachusetts, hay una fuerte evidencia de
que las celebraciones anteriores ocurri6 en Canada (1578) y por los exploradores espafioles en St.
Augustine, Florida (1565).)
Five countries in the world celebrate a national holiday called "Thanksgiving."
del mundo celebran una fiesta nacionaillamada "accion de gracias".)
(Cinco paises
• The United States celebrates Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November.
Estados Unidos celebra el Dia de Gracias el cuarto jueves de noviembre.)
Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October.
Accion de Gracias en el segundo lunes de octubre.)
The Netherlands (Europe) celebrates on the same day as the United States. This
celebration commemorates the hospitality the Pilgrims received in the city of Leiden,
Holland, on their way to the New World. (Los Paises Bajos (Europa) celebra el mismo
dia como los Estados Unidos. Esta celebracion conmemora la hospitalidad a los
peregrinos recibieron en la ciudad de Leiden, Holanda, en su camino hacia el Nuevo
Liberia (North West Africa) celebrates on the first Thursday in November.
(Africa Noroccidental) celebra el primer jueves de noviembre)
Grenada (southeastern Caribbean sea) conducts a celebration they call Thanksgiving on
October 25th. It is unrelated to the other celebrations listed above. (Granada (sureste del
mar Caribe) lleva a cabo una fiesta que Haman de Accion de Gracias el 25 de octubre.
Esto no esta relacionado con las celebraciones que se describieron anteriormente.)
& History.Com
(Canada celebra
Created by: W. Nichols
Indian Pudding
(Pudin indio)
Indian Pudding is a traditional Thanksgiving dessert from Massachusetts.
postre tradicional de Acci6n de Gracias de Massachusetts.)
(pudin indio es un
Recipe / (Receta):
4 cups milk
~ cup molasses
2 eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon salt
~ teaspoon cinnamon
~ teaspoon ginger
Y2 cup milk
% cup
Preparation / (preparacion):
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
1. Heat 4 cups of milk in a heavy saucepan until tiny bubbles form around
the edges of the milk.
2. Slowly blend in cornmeal and cook for 20 minutes, stirring often until
3. Butter a 2-quart baking dish. Combine molasses, beaten eggs, melted
butter, salt, cinnamon, and ginger. Stir into milk and cornmeal mixture.
Pour into baking dish.
4. Pour Yz cup milk into the baking dish, over the top of the mixture. Do
not stir. Put baking dish into the oven.
5. Bake for two hours. Remove. Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichols
American Indian Tribes
(Las tribus indigenas americanas)
Today, there are more than 500 federally recognized Indian tribes in the United States. Here is a
small sample of names of some of the tribes: (Hoy en dia, existen mas de 500 tribus indigenas
reconocidas federalmente en los Estados Unidos. He aqui una pequefia muestra de los nombres
de algunas de las tribus:)
Sources: USCIS & History.Com
Created by: W. Nichol

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