Recommended Readings and Links page


Recommended Readings and Links page
The Long Night of the White Chickens- Francisco Goldman
Long Life, Honey in the Heart- Martin Prechtel
El señor presidente, Hombres de maíz- Miguel Angel Asturias
Viento fuerte, El Papa verde, Los Ojos de los enterrados- about the United Fruit Company,
by – Miguel Angel Asturias
Week-end en Guatemala- about the Arbenz government, by Miguel Angel Asturias
Donde acaban los caminos –Mario Monteforte Toledo
Después de las bombas- Arturo Arias
Mundo como flor y como invento- Mario Payeras
The War for the Heart and Soul of Highland Maya Town- Robert Carlsen
Social Organization and Disorganization in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala- Robert Carlsen
The Flowering of the Dead: An Interpretation of Highland Maya Culture- Robert Carlsen
and Martin Prechtel
Santiago Atitlán, Organización comunitaria y seguridad de los habitants, un reto para la
paz- Jorge Murga Armas
Iglesia Católica, Movimiento Indígena y Lucha Revolucionaria (Santiago Atitlán,
Guatemala)- Jorge Murga Armas
The Shepherd Cannot Run: Letters of Stanley Rother, Missionary and Martyr- Edited by
David Monahan
The story of priest Francisco Stanley Rother, killed by the military in Atitlán
Rituals of Sacrifice- Vincent Stanzione
Los Nawales: The Ancient Ones, Merchants Wives and Lovers, The creation story of
MaXimon, Vincent Stanzione
Songs that Make the Road Dance- Linda O’Brien
The Shepherd Who Didn’t Run- Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda
The Burden of the Ancients- Allen Christenson
Songs of the Face of the Earth: Ancestor Songs of the Tzutuhil-Maya of Santiago AtitlánLinda Lee O’Brien
The Tzutujil Maya: Continuity and Change 1250-1630- Sandra Orellana
Mayan Folktales: Folklore from Lake Atitlán, Guatemala- James Sexton
Scandals in the House of Birds: Shamans and Priests on Lake Atitlán- Nathaniel Tarn and
Martin Prechtel
Assessing Community Health in a Tz’tujil Maya Village upon the Reconstruction of
Hospitalito Atitlán
The Maya Bonesetter as Sacred Specialist
Guatemalan History, Culture, and Politics
I, Rigoberta Menchú: An Indian Woman in Guatemala- Rigoberta Menchú and Elisabeth
Crossing Borders- Rigoberta Menchú
Maya of Guatemala: Life and Dress- Carmen Petterson
Gift of the Devil- Jim Handy
The Blood of Guatemala: A History of Race and Nation- Greg Grandin
Guatemalan Indians and the State: 1540 to 1988- Carol Smith
Quichean Civilization; The Ethnohistoric, Ethnographic, and Archaeological Sources- Robert
Cultural and Historical Geography of Southwest Guatemala- MCBRYDE
Brevísima Relación Testimonial de la Continua Destrucción del Mayab- Victor Montejo and
Q’anil Akab
Los días de la selva- Mario Payeras
Unfinished Conquest: The Guatemalan Tragedy- Victor Perera
La Cia en Guatemala/The CIA in Guatemala: The Foreign Policy of Intervention- Richer
Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala- Stephen Schlesinger and
Stephen Kinzer
Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of its Operations in Guatemala-, 1952-1954Nick Cullather
The National Security Archive- Guatemala Documentation Project
Indigenous Movements and their Critics: Pan-Maya Activism in Guatemala- Kay Warren
Mayan Visions: The Quest for Autonomy in an Age of Globalization- June Nash
Popol Vuh: The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and The Glories of
Gods and Kings- Dennis Tedlock
Memorial de Tecpán-Atitlán, (Anales de los Cakchiqueles)- Francisco Hernández Arana
Xajila and Francisco Díaz Gebuta Quej
Invading Guatemala: Spanish, Nahua and Maya accounts of the Conquest Wars- Matthew
Maya Roads: One womans’ journey Among the People of the Rainforest- Mary Jo
Maya after War: Conflict, Power and Politics in Guatemala- Jennifer Burrell
Jungle of Stone: The True Story of Two Men, Their Extraordinary Journey and the Discovery
of the Lost Civilization of the Maya- William Carlsen
The Burden of the Ancients: Maya Ceremonies of World Renewal from the Pre-columbian
Period to the Present- Allen J. Christenson
The Guatemala Reader: History, Culture, Politics- Edited by Greg Grandin, Deborah
Levenson, Elizabeth Oglesby
Medical Anthropology
Developing Destinies: A Mayan Midwife and Town- Barbara Rogof
Etnomedicina en Guatemala- Edited by Elba Villatoro
Embarazo no planeado y aborto inseguro en Guatemala- Prada Elana et al
Guatemalans’ Practices for Health Promotion and the Meaning of Respect Afforded to
them by Health Care Providers- Larry Purnell (PhD, RN, FAAN)
Diffusion of Ideas about Personal Hygiene and Contamination in Poor Countries: Evidence
from Guatemala
Choices about Treatment for ARI and Diarrhea in Rural Guatemala- Noreen Goldman, Anne
Pebley and Michele Gragnolati
Privatization and the New Medical Pluralism: Shifting Healthcare Landscapes in Maya
Guatemala- Anita Chary and Peter Rohlof
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, her Doctors, and the Collision of
Two Cultures- Anne Fadiman
Community Education
Helping Health Workers Learn: A Book of Methods, Aids, and Ideas for Instructors at the
Village Level- David Werner and Bill Bower
Development and the Ethics of Volunteering
Doing Good, Says Who? By Connie Newton & Fran Early
Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies by Mark Moberg
El Norte or Bust! How Migration Fever and Microcredit Produced a Financial Crash in a
Latin American Town by David Stoll
Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor by Paul Farmer
Health and Human Rights: A Reader edited by Jonathan Mann, Sofia Gruskin, Michael
Grodin and George Annas
To Hell with Good Intentions by Ivan Illich
Duffle Bag Medicine by Maya Roberts
The Voluntourist’s Dilemma by Jacob Kushner
Western Do Gooders Need to Resist the Allure of Exotic Problems- Courtney Martin
The Development Dictionary: A Guide to Knowledge as Power- Edited by Wolfgang Sachs
The Post Development Reader- Edited by Majid Rahnema and Victoria Bawtree
Inequality in Latin America: Breaking with History?- The World Bank
Guatemalan Poetry
Maya-Quiche poet Humberto Akabal
Guerrilla poet Otto Rene Castillo
Poesía incompleta- by Javier Payeras
TED Talks
The Danger of a Single Story – Chimamanda Adichie (18:49)
The Power of Vulnerability – Brené Brown (20:20)
How Great Leaders Inspire Action – Simon Sinek (18:05)
How to Start a Movement – Derek Sivers (03:10)
Let My Dataset Change Your Mindset – Hans Rosling (19:56)
The Happy Secret to Better Work – Shawn Achor (12:21)
News Sources
La Prensa Libre
Siglo XXI
El Periodico de Guatemala
Revista electronica de discusión y propuesta social
The Revue Magazine and Classifieds
Travel Guides and Info
The Rough Guide to Guatemala
Guatemalan Spanish: Speak like a Native!
Latin American Network Information Center- University of Texas
Arte Maya Tz’utujil
Balancing the Cosmos

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