Holy Family Catholic Church The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015


Holy Family Catholic Church The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015
Holy Family Catholic Church
The Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
“As a family of many families, Holy Family Catholic Church nurtures our universal commitment to
celebrate our faith, to love our families and to serve communities.”
“Como una familia de muchas familias, La Iglesia Católica de la Sagrada Familia nutre nuestro compromiso
universal para celebrar nuestra fe, para amar a nuestras familias y para servir a las comunidades.”
Spanish (Chapel)……...…8:00am
Jueves (Capilla)………....6:00pm
Sábado (ingles)…….…….5:30pm
Domingo (Capilla)…..…..8:00am
Iglesia (ingles)…...……..10:00am
Iglesia (español)…….….12:00pm
Children’s Liturgy is available
during the Sunday 10:00am Mass.
Iglesia de Modesto
Holy Family Church
Viernes…….9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday…..….9:00am - 5:00pm
Bautismo: Necesita una clase
Baptism: A pre-baptismal class
is required. Call the Parish Office
for more information.
Marriage: Couples intending to
marry should contact the Parish
Office six (6) months prior to the
marriage date to begin the process
of paperwork and pre-marriage
preparation classes.
Reconciliation: Saturdays at
4:00pm at the Church in Modesto.
Open Monday through Friday,
from 9:00am until 5:00pm.
Phone #..................(209) 545-3553
Fax #......................(209) 545-3332
Email: [email protected]
Website: holyfamilymodesto.org
Rev. Fr. Juan Serna S.T.L.
Hospital Chaplain (in residence):
Rev. Fr. Editho Mascardo
Rev. Mr. Felipe Vallejo
pre-bautismal. Favor de llamar a
la Oficina Parroquial para mas
Matrimonio: Parejas que desean
casarse deben llamar a la Oficina
Parroquial seis (6) meses antes del
día del matrimonio.
Reconciliación: Sábados a las
4:00pm en la Iglesia de Modesto.
Holy Family Pastoral Staff
Parish Administrator
Ed Dyrda
Administrative Assistant
Vickie V. Gibson
Religious Education
Diana E. Jimenez
Celebración de Quinceañeras
La joven o los familiares deberán
contactar la parroquia con un
mínimo de nueve (9) meses para
acordar una fecha según el
calendario parroquial.
Holy Family Catholic Church - 4212 Dale Road, Modesto, California 95356
Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos Chapel - 4643 Flint Avenue, Salida, California 95368
The Most Holy Trinity
“Pastor’s Weekend Message”
“Blest be God the Father, and the Only Begotten
Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit, for he has shown
us his merciful love” (Entrance Antiphon).
My dear Family of many families, this week, we celebrate
the life of the Triune God: the Most Holy Trinity. God’s
life of holiness, omnipresence and omnipotence is known
through the great love and mystery of the Incarnation.
God our Father, who created us, had planned from the beginning to choose and redeem us in Christ, and to sanctify
His Church through the powerful influence of the Holy
Spirit. We are to live in God’s divine life revealed to us
through the history of salvation . God’s desire is for us to
know Him, to Love Him and to serve Him. All in all,
God’s Trinitarian life is webbed in a beautiful mystery
impacting our own life. God is Love. God-Father is the
Lover; God-Son is the Beloved; and God-Spirit is the
Love-Communion shared of both Father and Son. Overall, our understanding of God is the communion of love
shared for the salvation of all people. The Most Holy
Trinity is a Three Divine Persons relationship, One God,
One Divine Life. We share in the Divine life and communion given that God loved us first. Every Sunday,
when we gather together as God’s family around the Eucharist, we experience the life of the Trinity. Remember
that God is ever present every time we gather in His
Name. May the powerful presence of Father, Son and
Holy Spirit bless you on this wonderful Trinity Sunday.
Fr. Juan, Holy Family Pastor
“Since you are children of God, God has sent into your
hearts the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who cries out:
Abba, Father” Communion Antiphon.
Are you interested in our Offertory Ministry? Every
Monday, a group of 6-10 members get together and count
the weekend offertory. We are in need of five members.
If you are retired or have the time for this ministry, please
contact Father Juan or Ed Dyrda.
¿Está interesado en nuestro Ministerio Ofertorio? Todos
los lunes, un grupo de 6 a 10 miembros se juntan a contar
el ofertorio del fin de semana. Tenemos necesidad de 5
miembros. Ser bilingüe es requisito. Si usted está jubilado
o tiene el tiempo para este ministerio, por favor
comuníquese con el Padre Juan.
Check out our Facebook page and let us know what you
think. Go to: http://www.facebook.com/holyfamilymodesto
¡Tenemos Facebook!
Visitanos y dejanos saber lo que
piensas. http://www.facebook.com/holyfamilymodesto
“Mensaje Pastoral del Parroco”
“"Bendito sea Dios Padre, el Unigénito hijo de Dios
y también el Espíritu Santo, porque nos ha mostrado su
amor misericordioso"(antífona de entrada).
Mi estimada Sagrada Familia, familia de muchas familias, esta semana celebramos la vida de Dios Trino y
Uno: La Vida de la Santísima Trinidad. La vida santa,
omnipresente, y omnipotente de Dios se da a conocer por
medio de su gran amor y el misterio de la Encarnación.
Dios Padre, quien nos creó, había planeado desde el principio elegirnos y redimirnos en Cristo, y santificar su
Iglesia por medio del poder influyente del Espíritu Santo.
Estamos todos invitados a vivir en la vida divina de Dios
revelada a través de la historia de la salvación. Dios desea
que lo conozcamos, lo amemos, y lo sirvamos. Todo en
todo, la vida Trinitaria de Dios está tejida dentro de un
misterio enorme impactando nuestra propia vida. Dios es
Amor. Dios-Padre es el Amante; Dios-Hijo es el Amado,
y Dios-Espíritu es el Amor-Comunión compartido de
ambos Padre e Hijo. Sobretodo, nuestro entendimiento de
Dios es una comunión de amor compartido para la salvación de su pueblo. La Santísima Trinidad es una relación
de Tres Personas Divinas, un Solo Dios, y Una Vida
Divina. Puesto que Dios nos amó primero, nosotros compartimos en la vida y en la comunión divina. Cada domingo, al reunirnos como Familia de Dios alrededor de la
Eucaristía, experimentamos la vida Trinitaria. Recuerde
que Dios siempre está presente cada vez que nos reunimos en Su Nombre. Que el poder y la presencia del Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo los bendiga en este maravilloso
día de Santísima Trinidad. Bendiciones,
Padre Juan, su párroco
“Puesto que sois hijos de Dios, Dios envió a vuestros
corazones el espíritu de su Hijo, el Espíritu que clama:
Abba Padre”, antifona de la comunión.
Hey kids! Come to Children’s Liturgy of the
Word on Sundays, during the 10am Mass.
This is a great way for you to be able to take
part in Mass and learn at your own level with other kids.
Pastoral Council
Jaime Padilla
Tony Mordinoia
Roselia Vargas
Humberto Paniagua
Deacon Phil Vallejo
Juan Magallon
Chuck Banthos
Linda Graham
Robin Reno
Ed Dyrda
Ann Tognetti
Debbie Garcia
Jean Smith
Finance Council
Victor Lopez
Richard Peralta
Rosy Jimenez
Luis Jimenez
Carmella Smyth
Jose Jimenez
Ed Dyrda
Ema Lopez
Cesar Padilla
The Most Holy Trinity
Holy Family Ministry of
Prayer, Healing and Hope
Please pray for the healing of our sick:
Por favor de orar por los enfermos:
Guadalupe Acosta Perez, Helen Martinez,
Don Elder, Luis Manuel Vazquez, Itzel Hernandez,
Tamara Nena Perez, Becky Padrón, John Álvarez,
Georgiana Martin, Don Gisler, Donald Anderson,
Dustin Babb, Angie Rodrígues, Faythe Meninga,
Virginia Zuiga, Paula Perez, Eduardo Escamilla,
Richard Taylor, Monica Montes, Elidia Fernandez,
Alfredo Carrillo, Paul Graham, Bob & Mary Boten,
Manuel J. Estrada, Luz Nevarez, Leigh Woycheshin,
Andrew Hart, Gwen Schroeder, Lorena Alvarado,
Karen Álvarez, Marco Vilenti, Juan Carlos Castillo,
Silvia Funes, Bernadette Vierra, Mary Ochinero,
Pamela Hoffarth, Carlos Iglesias, Dennis Rathbun,
Chris Misuraca, Teresa Davis, Florene Espinoza,
Mary Ann Silva, Joshua Varni, Pete Peterson, Patty
LeCount, Ryker Kiggins, Ken Burgess, Jose Bernal,
Alyce Souza, Jerry Romero, Helen Moya, Ken Hart,
Javier Muñoz, Robin O’Haver and Sam Liebelt.
Daily Mass Readings - Week of May 31, 2015
TB 1:3; 2:1-8 / Ps 112:1-6 / Mk 12:1-12
TB 2:9-14 / Ps 112:1-2, 7-9 / Mk 12:13-17
TB 3:1-11, 16-17 / Ps 25:2-9 / Mk 12:18-27
TB 6:10-11; 7:1, 9-17; 8:4-9 / Ps 128:1-5 /
Mk 12:28-34
Con el calor que ya comienza, tenemos que recordar la
importancia de vestir apropiadamente en la casa de
Dios. Por favor eviten usar vestidos muy cortos, muy escotados o cualquier otro atuendo inmodesto que no cubre
la espalda. Pedimos que los hombres eviten usar shorts o
camisetas sin mangas. Gracias por mostrar su respeto a
nuestro Señor, nuestros Sacerdotes y Feligreses.
As the hot weather starts, we must remember to dress
appropriately in the house of God. Please avoid using
very low cut or very short dresses. This includes short
skirts and shorts or any other immodest attire that does
not cover the back. We ask that the men avoid wearing
shorts or tank tops. Please show respect to our Lord.
Youth Strong (Saturdays at 6:30pm)
Our Holy Family youth group, Youth Strong will
continue to meet throughout the summer on Saturdays,
from 6:30-7:30pm, after our Family Youth Mass at
5:30pm. See you there!
Grupo de Jovenes (sabados a las 6:30pm)
Se les hace un llamado a todos los jóvenes (entre 12-18
años de edad), para que asistan al Grupo de Jóvenes
de la Sagrada Familia! Ellos se seguirán reuniendo
durante todo el verano, los sábados, a las 6:30pm
(después de la Misa Familiar Juvenil de las 5:30pm).
TB 11:5-17 / Ps 146:1-2, 6-10 / Mk 12:35-37
TB 12:1, 5-15, 20 / TB 13:2, 6-8 / Mk 12:38-44
EX 24:3-8 / Ps 116:12-13, 15-18 / Heb 9:1115 / Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
As our Blessed Mother brings us to her Son Jesus,
it is our task also to bring others to the Lord. Is
there someone you can invite to explore the Catholic faith
– someone unbaptized or baptized in a non-Catholic
Christian tradition? Perhaps you know a Catholic adult
interested in being confirmed. Please contact Audrey &
Chuck Banthos at (209) 204-1281 for more information.
Saturday, May 30th & Sunday, May 31st, 2015
 Daniel J. Gonsalves
Juan Carlos Ruiz (intención personal)
 Emilio Leon
Avelina Loaiza (salud)
Victoria Gomez (graduación)
Would you like to be a catechist for the sacraments of
Reconciliation or Eucharist here at Holy Family? Please
call Diana at the office during the week. You will be a
blessing for our Religious Education Program.
“Building Our Future Together” Update
Balance 4/30/2015...………..$172,902
May Deposits …………...…....19,099
Balance 5/30/2015…………..$192,001
All bulletin requests must be submitted by the Tuesday before the
weekend requested. All requests must be approved by Father. We
reserve the right to edit any requests submitted for the bulletin.
Peticiones del boletín deben ser sometidas el martes antes de el fin
de semana solicitada. Las peticiones tienen que ser aprobadas por el
Padre. Reservamos el derecho de editar cualquier petición sometida.
The Most Holy Trinity
Our Parish picnic is on Sunday June 14th, from 1:30pm to
5:30pm. We look forward to seeing you and your family
here. It will be a family potluck event. Holy Family will
provide both BBQ Ribs & Carne Asada so please bring
one of your favorite dishes to share! There will be a DJ,
ballet folklorico, face painting and more!
Be ready to enter the Chili Cook-off contest.
¡Aparte la fecha! Nuestro picnic parroquial será
el domingo, 14 de junio de 1:30-5:30pm. Esperamos que
usted y su familia nos acompañen. Será un evento de
compartimiento así que por favor traiga su platillo favorito para compartir! La Sagrada Familia le proporcionará la carne asada y las costillas. Habrá un DJ, ballet
folklórico, pintura de cara y un concurso de Chile.
Friday, June 26th and Saturday, June 27th
Holy Family's Guadalupanos will have a two day yard
sale on our Dale Road campus. Please help us with any of
your donated items. You can start dropping off your donations on Wednesday, June 24th.
viernes, 26 de junio y sábado, 27 de Junio
Los Guadalupanos de la Sagrada Familia tendrán una
venta "yarda"por dos días en la Parroquia en Modesto.
Favor de ayudarnos con donaciones. Puede traer toda
clase de cosas donadas a la Iglesia de Modesto el miércoles, 24 de junio. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga.
On May 27th, Holy Family received Stanislaus Local
Agency Formation Commission’s (LAFCO) approval to
continue with its building application process. This is another success after having already received approvals from
the Modesto City (will serve water) and the County.
We are looking for volunteers who love to
Garden and can help maintain the beautiful
garden that we have outside. To help, call
Peggy Camacho at 529-9420 or contact the
Parish Office at 545-3553.
¿Les gusta el jardín? Necesitamos voluntarios que les
guste trabajar en el jardín y puedan ayudarnos con el
mantenimiento de nuestro hermoso jardín en la Parroquia. Si está interesado favor de llamar a la oficina.
The Second Collection next weekend is for “Building
Our Future Together”. Please don’t forget to use the
Green envelopes for this second collection. Thank you.
Holy Family Youth! Tickets are on sale
now for the Matt Maher Concert at the
Merced Theatre. Tickets are only $20 per
Person. Youth Strong has reserved the
Balcony Right Section inside the theatre. Bus leaves Holy
Family at 5:30pm and returns around 10:30pm. Purchase
your tickets in the Parish Office. See Nicole Pursch for
details. Come and experience this great contemporary
Christian Artist. You and your teen will love it!
Spirituality and Human Development of Young Adults
A bilingual retreat for Young Adults (ages 18-30) on August 7-9 (beginning Friday at 7:00 pm - Sunday at 3:00
pm at the Madonna of Peace Renewal Center). To register
or for more retreat information contact Jose Lopez at
(209) 546-7632 or email: jlopez@ stocktondiocese.org.
Espiritualidad y Desarrollo Humano de Jóvenes Adultos
Un retiro bilingüe para Adultos Jóvenes (18-30 años) el 7,
8 y 9 de Agosto (viernes a las 7.00pm—domingo a las
3:00pm en el Centro de Renovación Madonna of Peace).
Para mas información o para inscribirse contacte a José
López al 546-7632 o e-mail: [email protected]
Summer Family Camp in Volcano, CA (July 9-12)
This camp is for mom, dad and children (ages 4 to college) seeking to strengthen the love of Jesus in their marriage and family. Space is limited. Don’t miss this opportunity to join Bishop Blaire, the Sisters of the Sacred
Heart and volunteers from around our Diocese as you
pray and play with your family! If you have questions or
to volunteer call Deacon Ben Joe (298-7361) or Kim
Fuentes (465-5433). You can also register online at:
http://stocktondiocese.org/ diocesan-departmen…/family-life-2
Campo Familiar de Verano en Volcano, CA (Julio 9-12)
Este campo es para familias que buscan fortalecer el
amor a Jesús en el matrimonio y el hogar. No pierda la
oportunidad de unirse al Obispo Blaire, a las Hermanas
del Sagrado Corazón y a voluntarios de toda la diócesis
para orar y divertirse. Si tiene preguntas o para hacerse
voluntario llame al Diácono Ben Joe (298-7361) o a Kim
Fuentes (465-5433). Para inscribirse, visite la pagina:
MARRIED COUPLES: A Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend is a gift of love. The next
weekend dates are: June 12-14, 2015 in Turlock
and October 2-4 in Modesto. Early registration is highly
recommended. Contact John and Angelica Angarita at:
[email protected] or call (209) 691-0603. Visit:
stocktonwwme.org for more information. Register today!

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