International Summer School


International Summer School
Looking for a different
kind of holiday?
University of Barcelona
from July 4th to July 22nd, 2011
The University of
Barcelona International
Summer School (UBISS)
runs a series of courses
offering the general public
opportunities for personal
and professional
Enrolment from April 4th
[email protected]
+34 93 403 58 80
Then why not
combine a stay
in Barcelona,
a cosmopolitan
city with wide
variety of leisure
and cultural activities,
with a learning program
at the University of Barcelona
International Summer School?
Taught by university lecturers and
experienced professionals from different
fields, our program brings together
subjects of general interest in a design
that is both thought-provoking and
relevant to current issues.
Our one-week summer courses are taught
in English, French, Italian and Spanish,
and they take place at the University of
Barcelona’s Historic Building in Plaça
Universitat, right in the centre of the city.
The UBISS: an opportunity
worth taking!
The UBISS is the international summer
courses program at the University of
At our webpage,
you’ll see that our courses are mainly 20
or 30 hours in length and are directed to a
general, non-specialized public. Those
courses that do have more specific
characteristics are marked with an asterisk
and explained in more detail. In its third
edition, the UBISS courses will be in
Spanish, English, French and Italian.
All Som UB cardholders (UB students, UB administration and
services staff, UB teaching and research staff, members of the UB
Alumni association and members of the UB Group) are entitled
to a discounted rate. Concessions are also granted to those holding
large family cards, persons over 60 years old and the disabled.
Please consult the section «Study Grants» at the website for information concerning the study grants
offered for the students.
The UBISS courses are part of the summer courses
and activities organized by the University of
Barcelona’s Els Juliols and you can find more details
about these at, and at
Registration can be completed online, by telephone or in person.
Registration opens on 4 April for online and telephone registrations
and on 25 May for registrations in person, and closes seven days
before a course starts.
1. Online registration
Section «Registration» at the website
Module A: 20-hour courses
Registration on Module A courses entitles participants to attend
the 20-hour taught course.
Students who attend 80% of the course and fulfil the requisites
established by the coordinator at the start of the course will be
awarded a 20-hour attendance certificate.
Module A: 30-hour courses
Registration on Module B courses entitles participants to attend
the 20-hour taught course and to write an assignment requiring
approximately 10 hours of individual work.
Students that attend 80% of the course and who successfully
complete the individual assignment will be awarded a course
certificate. Students that attend 80% of the course but who fail
to complete the assignment successfully will receive the 20-hour
attendance certificate.
Course Module A (20-hour)
Early bird registration fee (until 15 June), 155 €.
Standard registration fee (from 16 June), 185 €.
Course Module B (30-hour)
Early bird registration fee (until 15 June), 215 €.
Standard registration fee (from 16 June), 260 €.
2. By Telephone
Call (+34) 93 403 58 80
3. In person (from 25 May)
At the UBISS Office, in the corridor running off the Main Hall
in the UB Historic Building (Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585).
UBISS courses entitle students to free-choice or ECTS credits. They
are also recognized as accredited training courses for teachers in
the state sector in accordance with Order - 4 November 1994 (Catalan
Government Gazette nº. 1979, of 30 November 1994).
All the information you need to know about academic equivalence
is explained at the webpage in the section «General information»,
under «Academic credits».
Universitat de Barcelona
UB Historic Building
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
08007 Barcelona
T. +34 93 403 58 80
F. +34 93 402 17 27
[email protected]
Accommodation is not included in the price of the courses, but
the organization the Barcelona University Centre (BCU) can
help you find different kinds of accommodation including:
• flats or rooms for rent
• rooms in UB and private halls of residence
• hotels and youth hostels that offer short-term
For details, visit the BCU webpage at
With the collaboration of:
With the support of:
University of Barcelona
Summer School
Sexual orientation law *
Coordination: Calvin Peeler, Associate Dean for International Relations
Director, Summer Program in Barcelona.
Students on this course will use an approach based on the disciplines of
comparative law and international law to analyse different aspects of the
legal treatment of gender-oriented issues, focusing on law practice in Europe
and North America.
Dates: 1-29 July
Time: morning, from 9:00am to 2:00pm
Location: Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona
* the format of this course is different to the others. Please consult our webpage for
further details.
Summer School Management of Creativity
in an Innovation Society *
Coordination: Jaume Valls, University of Barcelona Entrepreneurship
Chair Director.
The Summer School is offered by HEC Montréal and the University of Barcelona.
The two week intensive program (conducted in English) adopts a dynamic,
multidisciplinary and interactive approach with emphasis on professional visits
to creative industries and innovating organizations, creativity workshops and
feedback from renowned creators and managers of creativity.
Dates: 2 -16 July
Time: morning and evening
Location: Montréal and Barcelona
* the format of this course is different to the others. Please consult our webpage for
further details.
Contaminación de aguas y saneamiento
Coordinación: Montserrat Folch Sánchez, profesora agregada del
Departamento de Productos Naturales, Biología Vegetal y Edafología de
la Universitat de Barcelona.
Las exigencias legales y la necesidad de mantener el buen estado ecológico
de los sistemas acuáticos, así como el buen funcionamiento de las
depuradoras, requieren que los vertidos de aguas residuales a la red de
alcantarillado o al medio receptor tengan unos límites estrictos, que deben
asegurarse mediante controles adecuados. La complejidad y diversidad del
medio urbano e industrial, la ampliación de los sistemas de saneamiento y
las presiones crecientes para mantener en buen estado los medios naturales,
junto con los desarrollos legislativos europeos, nacionales y autonómicos han
contribuido al desarrollo extraordinario de los mecanismos de control de los
vertidos. Este curso tratará la contaminación y el control de los sistemas de
saneamiento desde una perspectiva general que incluye aspectos técnicos y
jurídico-administrativos, y desde una visión centrada en la contaminación de
industrias determinadas. El curso se complementará con dos visitas, la primera
a la depuradora de Sant Feliu de Llobregat, y la segunda al control automático
de calidad del SISTA, ubicado en este mismo municipio.
Fechas: del 4 al 8 de julio
Horario: mañana, de 9:30 a 14 h
Lugar: Edificio Histórico de la UB, Barcelona
Littérature et interculturalité en
Coordination: Francisco Lafarga Maduell, professeur émérite du
Département de Philologie romane et directeur de la Chaire de la
Francophonie à l'Université de Barcelone.
Le cours se propose d'aborder un sujet actuel, celui de l'interculturalité, rapporté
à la Méditerranée. Celle-ci constitue un espace qui est, depuis les origines de
l'histoire documentée, un lieu privilégié de contacts de tous ordres : de découverte,
de conquête, de commerce et, bien sûr, de culture. Cette optique interculturelle,
même réduite à un domaine purement littéraire, s'avère d'une richesse énorme,
embrassant des cultures diverses, les axes est-ouest et nord-sud, des auteurs et des
pays différents et cependant convergents.
Dates: 4-8 juillet
Horaires: de 9 h 30 à 14h 00
Lieu: Bâtiment historique de l’UB, Barcelone
Walking through Barcelona
Coordination: Sergi Martínez i Rigol, lecturer at the Department of Human
Geography of the University of Barcelona.
This course aims to give participants an in-depth understanding of the city of
Barcelona, its history, its art, and its role as a European and Mediterranean capital.
The course has two parts: 1) lectures and classes on the char story of the city, given
in English by university lecturers who are specialists in the field; and 2) visits, led
by the lecturers to the places studied during the lectures – museums, archives,
libraries, buildings of interest and other landmarks.
plásticas, y asentó las bases del arte actual. Siguiendo las leyes geométricas
y constructivas de la naturaleza, creó un lenguaje arquitectónico propio
y altamente expresivo a través de la búsqueda de la perfección del arte,
la perfección personal y la perfección de la sociedad humana, que convirtió
su contribución a la arquitectura en única y excepcional. Este curso se
propone analizar la arquitectura de Antoni Gaudí a través del proceso de
construcción del templo expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia, una obra que
le fue encargada a finales de 1883 y a la cual el arquitecto dedicó la mayor
parte de su carrera profesional. Se tratarán las condiciones del encargo,
los valores constructivos y simbólicos del templo, y su significado dentro
de la sociedad catalana a lo largo de sus ciento veinticinco años de historia,
y se expondrán algunos de los numerosos temas de discusión que ha
provocado la consagración del templo en basílica. El curso incluirá una
visita al templo, declarado patrimonio de la humanidad por la Unesco y
convertido en uno de los signos de identidad más universales de la ciudad
de Barcelona.
Fechas: del 11 al 15 de julio
Horario: mañana, de 9:30 a 14 h
Lugar: Edificio Histórico de la UB, Barcelona
Herederos de un Imperio: de Roma a
nuestros días
Coordinación: José Remesal Rodríguez, catedrático de Historia Antigua
de la Universitat de Barcelona.
El Imperio romano creó en la cuenca del Mediterráneo y en Europa
central un estado que difundió una estructura social y económica, un
sistema legislativo, una conciencia de ciudadanía e, incluso, una lengua
común. Estos elementos subsisten en el mundo occidental y, a través
de la expansión de la cultura europea y mediterránea, en otras muchas
regiones del planeta, concretamente en el continente americano. Este
curso se propone ofrecer, desde distintas perspectivas, una visión
sintética del Imperio romano como base de la cultura europea y
mediterránea actual, y, en el contexto de un mundo marcado por la
globalización, contribuir al conocimiento de las diferentes culturas, de
la interacción entre ellas y de sus respectivos desarrollos históricos.
Fechas: del 11 al 15 de julio
Horario: mañana, de 9:30 a 14h
Lugar: Edificio Histórico de la UB, Barcelona
Dates: 4-8 July
Time: morning, from 9:30am to 2:00pm
Location: UB Historic Building, Barcelona
The XXI Century challenges to Urban and
Regional planning: from the City to
Megalopolis *
Antoni Gaudí y la construcción del templo
de la Sagrada Familia
Coordination: Sergi Martínez i Rigol, lecturer at the Department of
Human Geography of the University of Barcelona.
Coordinación: Mireia Freixa Serra, catedrática del Departamento de Historia
del Arte de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Míriam Soriano Val, investigadora del Departamento de Historia del Arte
de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Antoni Gaudí i Cornet (1852-1926), figura universal de la cultura catalana
y la arquitectura internacional, revolucionó la arquitectura y las artes
Cities are becoming the living space for the majority of the world
population. The 36% of the world population was urban in 1970. In 2010
this percentage was the 50%, and the forecast is that in 2050 it will be
almost the 70% (World Urbanization Prospects, 2009). The number of
cities are also increasing, as well as its size. Everywhere in the world
those growing cities have to face with a lot of different kind of problems
and issues, as the management of the city, mobility, social exclusion,
housing problems, competitiveness and investments, and others. In this
context, the goal of having a more sustainable and livable cities, at the
same time than a more competitive and fair ones, is one of the main
challenges for the urban policies and planning. The course is based on
three different kind of activities. First of all, mornings are devoted to
presentations by academics and professionals of relevant topics related
with urban policies and planning issues. There will be one main speaker,
and short case studies presentations.
Dates: 11-15 July
Time: morning, from 9:30am to 2:00pm and evening from 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Location: UB Historic Building, Barcelona
* the format of this course is different to the others. Please consult our webpage for
further details.
Retos de la alimentación infantil
Coordinación: Rafael Jiménez, catedrático emérito de Pediatría y director
de la cátedra Danone de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Del mismo modo que la buena alimentación de la embarazada y el
cuidado de su entorno influyen en el desarrollo adecuado del feto y
contribuyen a prevenir casos de malnutrición fetal, que a menudo son
la causa de problemas posteriores, una buena alimentación infantil es
básica para el correcto crecimiento del niño y para la prevención de
enfermedades. Este curso se centra en la alimentación infantil, desde la
lactancia hasta la adolescencia, con el objetivo de proporcionar pautas
de alimentación que proporcionen una buena calidad de vida y, a la vez,
ayuden a prevenir enfermedades que cada día son más frecuentes, como
la obesidad, y los problemas que conllevan (aterosclerosis, hipertensión
o diabetes, etc.).
Fechas: del 11 al 15 de julio
Horario: tarde, de 16 a 20:30 h
Lugar: Edificio Histórico de la UB, Barcelona
Città e Mediterraneità
Coordinamento : Rosario Sommella, professore associato di Geografia
economico-politica presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università
degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale".
La riqualificazione urbana che ha interessato le città mediterranee negli
ultimi anni si è fondata sulla possibilità di far leva su una tradizione, in
termini di rivalorizzazione del passato e della cultura nel paesaggio urbano,
che altrove è stata re-inventata per poter affrontare la competizione a scala
globale. In un’economia globale fondata sulla smaterializzazione
dell’economia e sull’informatizzazione dello spazio, si assiste ad una
progressiva erosione del ruolo degli Stati-nazione e ad una crescente rilevanza
delle città. Molte delle strategie di sviluppo poggiano sul capitale di urbanità
che queste città rappresentano e sovente sulla mediterraneità come immagine
di richiamo. Tali città emergono per un insieme di elementi, sul piano più
noto delle presenze di beni culturali, ma anche nel campo della produzione
di eventi, delle forme innovative di valorizzazione delle tipicità locali, delle
nuove strategie in un settore fondamentale della città mediterranea come
il commercio urbano. Le finalità sono quelle dell’attrazione di un flusso
turistico che situa la regione mediterranea tra le più importanti del pianeta.
Rispetto a un Mediterraneo inteso come frontiera, luogo di instabilità e
fratture, le città hanno continuato però a svolgere un ruolo di equilibrio,
attingendo alla loro vocazione di luoghi di scambio e di integrazione, anche
a dispetto di chiusure nazionalistiche, fratture culturali e conflitti geopolitici.
Data: 18-22 luglio
Orario: mattina, 9.30-14.00
Luogo: Edificio Storico della UB, Barcellona
Creativity and urban policy strategies
Coordination: Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway, associate professor at the
Faculty of Economics and Business and coordinator of the UB research
group Creativity, Innovation and Urban Transformation.
Las células madre, o también llamadas células troncales, han abierto nuevos
horizontes en el tratamiento de enfermedades mediante la terapia sustitutiva.
Estas aproximaciones terapéuticas, muy divulgadas a través de los medios
de comunicación y que albergan grandes esperanzas para la sociedad,
constituyen uno de los campos de investigación biomédica más atractivos
para futuros profesionales de la medicina y la biología, y han suscitado un
gran interés para el público general. Este curso abarcará el estudio de las
células madre, desde una aproximación general de su biología –definición,
clasificación y localización– hasta el estudio de los experimentos más
recientes y las últimas aplicaciones clínicas que se están realizando en el
campo de la terapia celular.
Creativity is on the local agenda. Nowadays, governments are engaged in
facilitating and promoting the conditions to favor creativity. But what do
we really understand by creativity? What exactly are the conditions that
contribute to increasing creativity? Do culture and identity play a key role?
Are there any reliable recommendations for success for cities and regions?
Richard Florida promotes a recipe for creative cities based on three ingredients,
the so-called three T’s: Talent, Technology and Tolerance. Other authors like
Allen Scott provide arguments taking a completely opposite view and
pointing out the risks associated with the New Economy and the emergence
of a “servile class” rather than a “creative class”. The debate is open and new
evidence is needed to confirm or reject either set of theories. The aim of this
course is twofold: on the one hand, it will provide a summary of recent
developments in scientific literature concerning creativity as a local strategy
to enhance the competitiveness of the city. On the other, it will be an
opportunity to better know specific case studies where creativity has
successfully promoted the city. The target audience for this course is both
students and professionals wishing to increase their knowledge about
creativity as a pillar for urban competitiveness.
Fechas: del 18 al 22 de julio
Horario: mañana, de 9:30 a 14 h
Lugar: Edificio Histórico de la UB, Barcelona
Dates: 18-22 July
Time: morning, from 9:30am to 2:00pm
Location: UB Historic Building, Barcelona
Células madre: de la teoría a la clínica
Coordinación: Josep M. Canals Coll, profesor titular del Departamento
de Biología Celular, Inmunología y Neurociencias de la Universitat de
Jordi Alberch Vié, vicerrector de Investigación y catedrático de Biología de
la Universitat de Barcelona.
El Mediterráneo. Un océano de recursos y
un escenario de cambio global
Coordinación: Montserrat Vidal Barcelona, profesora titular del
Departamento de Ecología de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Instituciones políticas, empresariales, sociales y académicas trabajan, desde hace
décadas, para frenar los impactos ambientales en la región mediterránea y
asegurar que su desarrollo sea sostenible. Este curso quiere proporcionar una
visión especializada de la ecología, la producción y la conservación de los recursos
del Mediterráneo centrándose en el estudio de las bases físicas del clima y de la
circulación de las aguas, la producción del sistema pelágico, la gestión de los
recursos pesqueros, la producción de nuevos fármacos a partir de organismos
marinos, la ecología y funcionamiento de las comunidades bentónicas del litoral
y del fondo del Mediterráneo, y las interacciones entre diferentes procesos
ecológicos y el sistema climático. En el curso se tratarán los aspectos más básicos
de cada tema y se ofrecerá información sobre los cambios recientes, la
susceptibilidad al cambio global y las líneas de investigación futuras. De este
modo, se pretende crear un espacio de divulgación del conocimiento y de la
investigación actual en el ámbito marino mediterráneo.
Fechas: del 18 al 22 de julio
Horario: mañana, de 9:30 a 14 h
Lugar: Edificio Histórico de la UB, Barcelona
AIDS: past, present and future directions
Coordination: Josep Maria Gatell, manager at Hospital Clínic de
Barcelona’s Service for Infectious Diseases and HIV/AIDS and professor
of medicine at the University of Barcelona.
The course is addressed to a general audience interested in infectious
diseases and epidemics but also to health care professionals wishing to
become familiar with current developments in HIV/AIDS treatment. We
will describe the origin and characteristics of HIV, the mechanisms and
dynamics of viral replication and how we can intervene with combinations
of antiretroviral drugs. We will also focus on resistance selection. Moreover
we will analyze the natural history of the HIV infection, the clinical
consequences and the immunological and clinical response to antiretroviral
treatment. Finally, we will focus on transmission mechanisms and on the
advances and drawbacks in the development of a preventative vaccine.
We will assume that the audience has a general knowledge of pathogenic
microorganisms for human beings (including the viruses) and at the end
of the course participants will have learnt about the origins and the
evolution of the epidemic and its social and demographic impact.
Dates: 18-22 July
Time: evening, from 4:00pm to 8:30pm
Location: UB Historic Building, Barcelona
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