What`s Inside... - Northern Michigan Christian School


What`s Inside... - Northern Michigan Christian School
Editorial: Old & New (continued from page 1)
Embedded in elementary and middle-school les- around
sons are opportunities for students to
practice creating communities of ChrisTeachers & staff
tian practice. As an application of
cultivate and
stewardship, twice per year middlenurture the
school science students collect water
spiritual traits
and soil samples from a 300-yard
stretch of the Clam River; record and
and practices
analyze their data; and report their
spelled out in
findings to the Muskegon River WaterColossians 3
shed Assemand Galatians 5
Fall 2014
Old & New
Editorial by: Dirk Walhout, Superintendent
What’s Inside...
Capital Campaign Update
New Faces
New Faculty & Staff
New International Students
Events at NMCS
Endowment Golf Tournament
Fall Family Festival
Comet Connection
Scholarship Drive
Strategic Planning
Alumni Connection
Alumni Spotlight
Alumni Update Request
Alumni Connection
Senior Class of 2014
Classroom Connection
NHS Induction/TV 9&10
Grandparents Day
BYOD is Coming
Spring Sports
Honors and Achievements
General Mills Foundation Grant
Reaching Out
Blue Tree/World Orphans
D.R. Soup Supper/Auction
Recent and Upcoming Events
Commemorative Calendar
When I was 10 my parents bought
me a souvenir t-shirt when our family visited the National Baseball Hall of Fame in
Cooperstown, New York. I loved that
bright white t-shirt and wore it as often
could. Over many months that favorite
old t-shirt was worn, stretched, stained,
washed, and dried over and over and
The idea of replacing the old
over. At some point in its lifetime, that old with the new also has important spiritual
t-shirt became an embarrassment to my implications and applications. Because
mother, and every time I
of the many changes (i.e. new
would walk into the room
teachers, new administrators,
Upgrading, improving,
wearing it, she would exnew students & families,
or even replacing the
claim, “Grauw!” (a Dutch
building improvements) at
old, worn, and tired
word meaning dingy, dreary,
NMCS this year, I thought it
things of life becomes
or grey). Eventually, that old
fitting for this year’s schoolt-shirt was repurposed and
a necessary practice in
wide theme to be renewal,
added to the rag bag inventoorder to maintain a
specifically the idea of being
ry. Indeed, I was sad to see
certain level of
my favorite tee retired, but I
quality, condition or
knew it was time for the
the words of Ephesians 4:22
go. Fortunately for me, my
which speaks of abandoning
sadness was soon abated when my dad
replaced my Hall of Fame t-shirt with a their old, sinful nature and replacing it
new Detroit Tigers t-shirt he picked up with their new nature of righteousness
when he was away at a conference. I’m and holiness by allowing the Holy Spirit
sure all of us can recall a similar experi- to renew their thoughts, attitudes, and
ence. Upgrading, improving, or even re- actions. High school students were chalplacing the old, worn, and tired things of lenged at the retreat to be God’s agents
life becomes a necessary practice in order of renewal and ambassadors for Christ in
to maintain a certain level of quality, con- their communities. When leading a redition or character.
cent chapel service, two seniors encouraged their peers to put their faith into
practice. The Student Council has recently established a new Spiritual Life
subcommittee which will be busy developing opportunities for service and spiritual formation within and among the
student body.
Parade and Camping Fun
year around
Reformation Day, firstgrade students draft a list
of the top ten things they
believe about God and
the Bible and then parade
Capital Campaign Update
In mid-June of this year, NMCS launched a Capital Campaign targeting nine capital projects including but not limited to a new roof on the east
wing of the school and new kitchen fixtures and appliances at a projected cost
of $145,000.00. Initially, the Endowment Committee offered to loan the funds
to the school so that projects could begin immediately. NMCS was to repay
the Endowment Committee over 3-5 years while undertaking a campaign to
raise donated funds to repay the loan. To date, NMCS has received one installment from the Endowment Committee of $39,000. Total expenses for the projects undertaken have totaled $113,000.
In the meantime, we were overwhelmed by
gifts from alumni, friends and supporters of NMCS
as they began to flood in. $107,000 in donations
We reached 89%
have been received since the Association Meeting in
of our goal in just
the early spring with an additional $21,500 pledged
6 months!
over the next 3-5 years! In other words, we reached 89% of our goal in just 6
months! “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Cor. 9:15).
“Thanks be to
And “thank you” to all who sent monetary gifts to provide for the needs
God for his
of the school. “This service that you perform is not only
indescribable gift!
supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing
2 Cor. 9:15”
in many expressions of thanks to God” (2 Cor. 9:12).
Wouldn't it be a huge blessing to complete our Capital Campaign in only 6-8 months,
pay off all the Campaign bills, and not have to borrow any money to do so? Thanks to the
amazing support of NMCS friends and alumni, this is very much a possibility. Help us meet
the challenge. If you haven't done so already, please consider being a part of this wave of excitement and generosity as we strive to achieve our goal and close this Capital Campaign in
record time! Call to find out more (231-825-2492).
Continued on page 2...
Calendar of Events
Challenging minds, nurturing hearts, and developing
gifts for service in Christ’s kingdom.
128 S. Martin St., McBain, MI 49657
| (231) 825-2492
www. nmcs.us
the school
their testim o n y
with other
NMCS students and staff. And in an effort to spread joy, elementary students regularly visit area retirement homes and sing
for the residents. These are only a few
examples of how teachers and staff cultivate and nurture the spiritual traits and
practices spelled out in Colossians 3 and
Galatians 5. As students continually participate in these patterns of Christian practice, a
clearer image of Christ begins to appear in &
through them as they become more faithful disciples, committed servants, and brighter lights in this
Events at NMCS
New Faces at NMCS
Introducing our New Teachers!
Though a native of McBain, Ms.
Misty Roby has recently come to
NMCS from Muskegon where she
served for nine years as the Director
of Education at the Sylvan Learning
Center (SLC) . Ms. Roby also taught a
variety of social studies, mathematics, and computer courses at
Calvary Baptist School in Holland,
MI. She holds both a B.A and an M.A. from Cornerstone University. Currently, Misty is working closely with our international student program and teaching Algebra I & II, Physics, and high-school
language arts. When asked about her role as a teacher, Ms. Roby
said, “My role extends beyond just imparting knowledge. Giving
constant encouragement, changing teaching modalities based on
individual learning styles, and providing students with daily opportunities for success allows me to foster the confidence and selfassurance my students need to be successful not just in the classroom but in life.” We are grateful for Ms. Roby’s excellence in
teaching and for the energy and excitement she bring to her students.
Golf Tournament
Hole Sponsors
Mrs. Nikki Witbeck is not new to the
teaching profession. Back in the
1990s and early aughts Mrs. Witbeck
taught and coached at St. Mary’s
Catholic School (Alma, MI), the Alma
Public Schools, and the Evart Public
Schools. She holds a B.A. from Alma
College. She currently teaches physical education, special education, and
she has taken over as the agriculture program director. When
asked about her role at NMCS, Mrs. Witbeck said, “I love being a
part of the NMCS community! I get a chance to build relationships with students in which I can share my faith and challenge
them to consider their part in God’s kingdom. I’m happy, too,
that I’m a part of the NMCS coaching community where I can interact with my students and their families on a different level. I
am especially excited about the agriculture program. I look forward to developing this program into an essential and integral
part of the NMCS curriculum.” NMCS is privileged to have a
teacher of Mrs. Witbeck’s quality and character on staff!
Advance Financial Group
Dan Tacoma
Bandeen Orthodontics
Bob’s Pole Buildings, Inc.
Bode Construction
Burkholder Family Funeral Home
Cadillac Ear Nose and Throat
Lisa Jacobson, DO, PC
Cadillac Surgical Care
Chemical Bank
Don’s Auto Clinic
Dracht Construction
Dutchman Tree Farms
Edward Jones
Ellens Equipment
Falmouth Co-Op
Fox Motors
Greenstone FCS
H&H Construction
Highpoint Auto & Truck Center
Ina Store Inc.
Jay Theibaut CPA
June Ellens
Kelley’s Pizza
McBain Auto Service
McBain Hardware
Missaukee Molded Rubber
Pearson Drilling
Whitetail Realty
ReMax Central
Rummel Orthodontics
Schepers Agency
Schierbeek Brothers Building
The DK Design Group
VanDrie Home Furninshings
VanPolen Custom Cabinets
Winkel Dairy
Kel Graphics
International Students
We are happy for the opportunity to have so
many international students in our high school
student body. We have students from South Korea, Italy, China, Germany and Honduras. A sincere “thank you” to the many host families who
make it possible for these individuals to enhance
and enrich student life at NMCS!
South Korea
Endowment Golf Tournament
August 16th wasn’t a particularly bright and
sunny day, but supporters of NMCS came out
anyway and braved the wind and rain to conquer 18 holes of golf to raise money for the
NMCS Endowment Fund. Golfers were rewarded with grilled burgers and brats at a fun luncheon complete with an awards ceremony and
door prizes. In all, 92 golfers played and helped
raised more than $6,000 for the Endowment
Fund. Thank you to the golfers and hole sponsors who supported this fun event and to Rocky
Schierbeek for his years of leadership and organization.
On September 27th the “Building the
Future” Auction celebrated 20 years,
as friends and supporters of Northern
Michigan Christian School gathered
to enjoy a delicious meal and decadent desserts while bidding on items
ranging from homemade pies and
handmade quilts to Detroit Lions
tickets and an all-inclusive Alaska
Fishing Trip. More than 300 people
attended and together raised approximately $63,000 to support the athletics and technology departments. We
praise God for his faithfulness and
gifts through the generosity of our
friends and supporters.
The Comet Club sponsored its first ever Fall Family
Festival on October 18. Families could enjoy Clark
the Juggler, hayrides, kickball, apple bobbing,
bounce houses, great food and much, much more!
We look forward to seeing all of you next year!
Alumni Connection
Comet Connection
The Cucinella Family
Scholarship Drive
Northern Michigan Christian has provided me with a strong spiritual and
educational foundation. I transferred to NMC in my 9th grade year and
graduated in 1995. With the help of the NMC staff and students, my relationship with Jesus became real and my walk with Him developed in an
amazing way. During this same 9th grade year, I quickly realized that
NMC had very high academic standards. The staff both challenged and
encouraged me to improve my academic abilities. These rigorous requirements ensured my later success in both my bachelor and master degree programs. My husband and I have chosen to move back to this area and are thrilled to have the opportunity to
send our children to NMC. I am so happy to offer my children the same opportunity for academic and spiritual growth that I was blessed to have had. — Mindy Cucinella (Class of ‘95)
To enable and ensure that the school’s mission of “challenging minds and nurturing
hearts for service in Christ’s kingdom” continues, NMCS operates an annual Scholarship Drive which provides need-based scholarships for families and holds costs in line
for the many families who dearly value Christian education for their children. Because
of the generosity of our supporters, NMCS reached its Scholarship Drive goal last
year. This year the Board has set a goal of $175,000 for the 2014-2015 Scholarship
Drive. The goal is lofty, but year after year those who believe in the mission and vision
of the school show their support and commitment to Christian education through their
faithful giving.
Will you please help us provide that valuable Christian education to this year’s students? Contributions can be made by mailing payment marked
“Scholarship Drive” to the school office or by calling Jenny or Diane at 825-2492 to pay
electronically. Thank you for your support.
Alumni Update….
In future issues of the Northern Star,
we would like to include an Alumni
Update page, with an Alumni Spotlight, upcoming alumni events and opportunities and personal updates. But
we need your help! If you are an
NMCS Alum, go to the “Our Alumni”
page on the About Us tab of
www.nmcs.us. Fill in the alumni information form and let us know more
about you and your life events; new
babies, marriages, relocations and professional advancements. Then, in future issues of the Northern Star, we
will publish and share your information with fellow alumni, helping
you stay up-to-date with your former
classmates and fellow alumni.
Strategic Planning
Last fall the Board of Directors launched a strategic planning project for the
school. The outcomes of the process set a deliberate and intentional course of
action for the school over the next several years. The first major outcome came
last spring with an updated set of core values and a new mission and vision
statement. The Board has since moved beyond
conceptual stages and has recently established some
key initiatives. There are five specific initiatives
that the school will be focusing on during the next
1. Providing a high-quality education
five to seven years. The administrative team, facul2. Engaging community (external focus)
ty, staff, committees, and volunteers must now
3. Creating a culture of excellence (internal focus)
thoughtfully and faithfully implement specific strat4. Increasing financial stability
5. Maintaining a vision for growth & expansion
egies and employ meaningful evaluation tools to
help the school stay true to its core values, carry out
its mission, and strive toward realizing its vision.
We are a Christ-centered school.
We value and stand with our
families and churches.
We are committed to academic
We are committed to being a
community of Christian practice.
We value all of God’s children.
Our Board of Directors:
Northern Michigan Christian
School exists to educate
God’s children by challenging
minds, nurturing hearts, and
developing gifts for service in
Christ’s kingdom.
Chair: Bob Ebels
Vice Chair: Tod Winkle
Secretary: Alicia Mannes
Pastor Advisor: Dirk Koetje
Melinda Cucinella
Doug Heuker
Michael Krick
Joe Kulhawick
Each year, NMCS hosts the 25th and 50th Class Reunions. So,
if you are a member of the graduating class of 1990 or 1965, we
want to hear from you! Please contact us so we can customize
your reunion the way you want it.
You can reach Diane Eisenga ([email protected]) or Jenny Closson ([email protected]) in the Development Office at 825-2492.
Alumni Night...
Mark your calendars now for the upcoming
Alumni Night and Chili Supper on January
30, 2015. Catch up with former classmates while
you enjoy chili and those amazing NMCS cinnamon rolls
while you watch your NMCS Comets Varsity Boys and Girls
in Basketball action!
NMCS Grad, Jake Schepers (‘08), Now A Published Poet
Those who know Jake Schepers weren’t surprised to hear that he’s recently become a published author. As an adolescent, Jake was often seen with pencil in hand scribbling his ideas
onto scraps of paper. Later these ideas were crafted into thoughtful song lyrics, poems, and
stories. While at NMCS, writing became a way for him to make sense of the world and develop his identity, and he clearly hasn’t stopped pursuing his passion & honing his skills since
graduating from NMCS.
Majoring in English & minoring in writing & linguistics, Jake completed his undergraduate work at Calvin College and has since completed a master’s program at SUNY at Buffalo. In April, 2013 he submitted a fifty-one poem collection to a competition sponsored by
the Outriders Poetry Project and features Buffalo-related poets. Later that year Outriders announced Jake as a cowinner of the competition. Winning, of course, brought about reward: publication. A Bundle of Careful Compromises, Schepers’ first published book of poetry, was released in April, 2014. Jake describes his work as "a series of
prose poems—elegies in name—that interrogates scientific and medical jargon loosely following the hospitalization
of a dying patient. The book tracks the bombardment of this specialized language keeping the patient, rather than the
disease, at bay." Critics have described Compromises as moving, hilarious and heartbreaking, and wit-strewn. Jake
is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in contemporary poetry at the University of Notre Dame.
Northern Michigan
Christian School will be the
most compelling
educational choice for
God’s children in northern
Mark Lanser
Brian Quist
Sue Yount
Alumni Connection
Classroom Connection
2014 Valedictorian Mitchell Perry
Northern Michigan
Christian School
National Honor Society
The son of Michael and Denise Perry of Evart, Mitchell has achieved the highest academic
standing for the class of 2014. Mitchell was a very active and influential part of NMCS. He
received the Michigan Competitive Scholarship and the United States Naval Academy Scholarship. He actively participated in the National Honor Society as the president. He was a 4 year panelist and captain of the Quiz Bowl team and member of student council. Mitch was
also a four year participant in the high school drama productions and an integral part of the
Dominican Republic mission trip. Mitchell was a member of the NMCS soccer, basketball and
track teams where he was part of the 4x400 relay record-breaking team. Among his awards he
received recognition as a Highland Conference Scholar Athlete. In service with his church,
Crossroads Community Church of Evart, Mitchell took part in various mission trips including
one to Chicago, where he worked with the homeless, and a trip to Grand Rapids where he had
the opportunity to work with inner city kids. Mitchell has accepted an appointment to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, where he is pursuing a degree in Mathematics or Medicine.
On September 22, 2014, the following students
were inducted into the National Honor Society:
Jager Haan, Melanie Heuker, Chana Laarman,
Kylie Lanser, Sarah Pluger, Anna Shaarda and Jack
They join the current members: Amanda
DeZeeuw, Sydney Dick, Joshua Embertson,
Yutong Liu, Emily Jo Mulder, Jonathan Perry, Katie
Simons, Onalee Sneller, Nick Yahner & Holly
TV 9&10 visits
Ag Class
We had so much fun
visiting with TV 9 & 10
photojournalist Stephanie Adkins (NMCS Class
of 1998) and reporter Kalin Franks as they toured
the gardens and kitchen
at Northern Michigan
Christian School and taped
segments featuring our Agriculture program that feeds
students of NMCS .
Congratulations Class of 2014!
Grandparents Day
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue
to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
Class of 2014:
Back Row: John Brower, Mitchell Perry, Chase DeMott,
Ben Tommas, Jake Shaarda & Austin Stevens
Front Row: Bogie Orosz, Adri Sigafoose, Allison Mentel,
Breanna Mannes, Emma Towers, Ana Vallecillo,
Lauren Eisenga & Dylan Lucas
More than 200 Grandparents came to NMCS to
spend the day with their Grandchildren on
October 31st. Thank you for sharing your families
with us!
2014 Salutatorian Adriana Sigafoose
Bring Your Own Device is coming… (BYOD)
The daughter of Casey and Holly Sigafoose of McBain, Adriana achieved one of the top academic slots for her class. Adri was the recipient of the Highland Conference Scholar Athlete
award, Lake City Fraternal Order of Eagles Scholarship, Michigan Competitive Scholarship,
Aquinas College Academic Leadership Scholarship, and the Fred and Irene Westmaas Memorial Scholarship. Adri was actively involved while a student at NMCS. She was a member of
the National Honor Society and was a class representative for Student Council. She also participated in band for 8 years. Adri helped her community by volunteering her time at Lake City
Christian Reformed Church, with Project Christmas. Throughout her high school career, Adri
achieved high honors in athletics. She gained All-State recognition in cross country and track
in the 4x4, 400, 800, and 1600. Among her other athletic awards she was recognized as All-Conference in basketball, volleyball, cross country, and track. Adri attends Aquinas College in Grand Rapids.
Like it or not, the use of computer technology in our daily lives has become as necessary as using an automobile. NMCS recognizes the importance and power of computer technology as an educational tool. Beginning next year, NMCS will be implementing a BYOD program in the high-school. Each high-school student will be required to
bring their own device on a daily basis. Over the last couple of years, teachers have
been learning how to integrate computer technology in an authentic and relevant
way. Through responsible application and appropriate implementation NMCS wants
its students to use these valuable tools to find answers to their questions; raise awareness about important issues; nurture meaningful conversations; create partnerships to
take action for good; and to drive change to make a kingdom difference.
A detailed list of requirements will be
available on the
NMCS website by
November 15.
Comet Athletics
Reaching Out
Spring Sports
NMCS athletes experienced a lot of success this past
spring. The boys and girls track teams saw many school
records broken; several by first-year runners. The 4x400
meter relay teams, both boys and girls, achieved AllConference honors and also qualified to compete at the
State Finals. Dylan Lucas, competing in his first year of
Varsity Golf, advanced all the way to Regionals in
MHSAA Golf Tournament competition. The Varsity
Girls’ Soccer team received the program’s first North
Michigan Soccer League South Division Championship
title. First-year coach, Don Bassett, was welcomed to the
Varsity Baseball roster, making a tremendous impact on
the baseball program.
Caption describing
2014 Seniors
Mitch Perry, Adri Sigafoose, Emma Towers,
picture or graphic.
Lauren Eisenga, Allison Mentel, Breanna Mannes, Ana
Vallecillo, John Brouwer, Chase DeMott and Jake Shaarda
leave a legacy of success upon the Comet Athletics program. NMCS will miss their leadership, their style and
their grace in years to come.
Blue Tree Concert
Northern Michigan Christian School is proud to partner with World Orphans to host Blue Tree in concert on Friday, December 12th. Known for their chart-topping hit “God of This City,” Blue Tree has recently released their latest album Worship and Justice. Canadian artists, The Informants, will be featured
among the evening’s performances as well.
The mission of World Orphans is to “equip, inspire, and mobilize the church to care for orphans
and vulnerable children. Churches engaged. Children restored. Communities transformed by the Gospel of
We invite you to join us in support of the powerful mission of World Orphans on Friday, Decemth
ber 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the NMCS gymnasium. A dinner will be served prior to the concert, beginning at
5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. The dinner is hosted by Lucas CRC Booster Club and Aetna CRC Booster Club.
All District & All Conference:
Lauren Eisenga, Allison Mentel,
Emma Towers & Kylie Lanser
All Conference Honorable
Mention: Rachel Westmaas,
Melanie Heuker & Sarah
Adri Sigafoose:
All Conference Tra
Brittany Hoekwater, Emma Towers,
Adri Sigafoose & Kylie Lanser
Mitchell Perry, John Brower,
Jonathan Perry and Jake Shaarda
Dylan Lucas
D. R. Soup Suppers and Auction
An important part of a Northern Michigan Christian School education is our annual Junior class service/mission trip to the D.R.
Through this experience, students will see that God’s Kingdom can
be found in all parts of the world. In the D.R., students will be exposed to the poverty and need of a third-world country and will
begin to experience, appreciate and come to understand a foreign
culture. Our students learn to work together as a community in all
aspects of preparing for the trip—from group devotions to raising
funds for the humanitarian efforts and building projects scheduled
to be completed. The goal is that students’ experience in the DR is
the ‘seed’ that will foster an appreciation for and a commitment to
all types of missions, throughout their lives. Ultimately, our prayer
is that each student will be compelled to express thankfulness for
the saving grace of God through Jesus and choose to share the message of salvation with others.
Adri Sigafoose broke the
school record in the
400m Dash and the 3200m run
General Mills Foundation Grant
NMCS recently received a grant from the General Mills Foundation. General Mills provides these grants to non-profits with the stipulation
they be used for programs that combat child hunger, and/or promote nutrition
and wellness. Through the generosity of General Mills, and their Community
Action Committee we have been able to purchase much needed equipment for
our Physical Education Department.
This grant also allows us to provide funding for our “Girls Rock and
Run” program. This program brings together young girls from both McBain Public School and NMCS. Girls
Rock and Run is a program designed to encourage young ladies in grades 3-6, and help them to recognize the importance of taking care of their bodies, including exercise, nutrition and activity. This program consists of practices two times a week that includes various physical activities including running/
jogging. We seek to encourage these
girls that they've been designed and
created by a God who loves them.
We will seek to build their self- esteem and instill in them that they are
loved and valued by God.
Friday, November 21
the students will serve dinner
(5:30) and have an Auction at
school (6:45). Creative and useful
services, gift items and baked
goods will be up for bids.
Friday, January 16, 2015,
a Soup Supper is scheduled in
the cafeteria at school. Enjoy a
homemade meal, then cheer on
our JV and Varsity Lady Comets
vs. McBain, beginning at 6:00.
Recent and Upcoming...
Nonprofit Organization
Commemorative Calendar
Oct 5:
Oct 7:
Oct 13:
Oct 11:
Oct 17:
Nov 2:
Dec 1:
Dec 1:
Dec 3:
Dec 4:
Dec 17:
Dec 26:
Dec 27:
Jan 5:
Jan 6:
Jan 23:
Jan 30:
Feb 12:
Feb 12:
Feb 23:
Feb 23:
Mar 1:
Mar 5:
Mar 21:
Mar 27:
Mar 28:
April 3:
April 7:
April 15:
April 29:
May 5:
May 6:
May 8:
May 8:
May 14:
May 20:
May 26:
May 27:
May 27:
June 3:
June 7:
June 11:
June 16:
June 16:
June 20:
June 30:
June 30:
July 3:
July 5:
July 18:
July 20:
July 29:
Aug 11:
Aug 15:
Aug 16:
Aug 30:
Aug 30:
Sept 11:
Sept 12:
Sept 17:
Sept 19:
Sept 29:
Chris & Cara Kuiper
Mark & Rosemary Jenema
Bill Dracht
Nancy VanDrie
Marvin & Ruth TeBos
Jim Beerens
Mr. & Mrs. Merwin Baas
Roger Spoelma
Andrew Tacoma
Darwin Cnossen
Jack & Nancy VanDrie
Don & Linda Ellens
Doug Baas
Bill & Mary Dracht
John Borgman
Tena Bazuin
(MM, BD)
Frank Jager
Emily Mulder
Sy Buining
Clara Jager
Fred Westmaas
Harvey Lutke
Boyd Allen Tacoma
Lewis (Bud) Agema
Harriet Borgman
Ken & Beth Zuiderveen
Willemina Grashuis
Al & Carol Koster
Nellie Tacoma
Dawn Brinks
Celia Beerens
Mark & Dawn Ebels
Rus & Esther Spoelma
Roland & Julane Lamkin
Bill & Jeanette Westmaas
William & Ruth Tacoma
Jess & Kate Jager
Jim & Karen Pluger
Garry Baas
Merle & Willma Pluger
Jay & Janet Jenema
Mic Ellens (Nella Mae)
Darryl Baas
Gerrit Grashuis
Ron Huttenga
Leona (Buning) VanderMeulen (MM)
Nettie Agema
Ken Koning
Robert E. Carpenter
Douglas Ellens
Irene Westmaas
David & Margaret Wesmaas (AV)
Jeff & Melanie Hildreth
Elmer & Jean Doll
Jim Beerens
Taylor Mulder
Harvey & Lois Winkel
Rocky & Cindy Schierbeek (AV)
Laurie Koning
Ed Meyering
Tanner Mulder
Jack VanDrie
Summer Fun with NMCS Families
128 Martin St.
Mc Bain, MI 49657
Greatest 4th in the North
We’re on the Web
Thank You to our Sponsors
NMCS Camping Weekend
Calendar of Events:
November 15:
November 21:
December 11:
December 12:
Dec 22-Jan 2:
January 16:
January 30:
February 10:
February 25:
March 23:
March 26:
April 3-10:
Hunter’s Supper
DR Auction/Soup Supper
Christmas Concert
Blue Tree Concert
Christmas Break
DR Soup Supper
Alumni Night/Supper
Laps for Learning
Showcase Concert
Association Meeting
Elementary Musical
Spring Break
April 16:
April 24:
May 1 & 2:
May 6:
May 9:
May 21:
June 12:
June 12:
Pastor’s Breakfast
Jr/Sr Banquet
High School Musical
Senior Presentations
Family Football Frenzy
Spring Concert
Senior/Parent Breakfast
[email protected]
Providing a Proven Online Auction Marketplace
for the Exchange of Real Estate
Coming Summer 2015:
Class of 1965 Class Reunion
Class of 1990 Class Reunion
Commemorative Calendar:
MM=Memoriam, AV=Anniversary, BD=Birthday
For a minimum gift of $50, the NMCS Commemorative Calendar provides a means for
you to annually commemorate an individual or event. Contributions may go to the
NMCS Building Fund, Endowment Fund, or Tuition Assistance Fund. Please call the
school (231) 825-2492 for more information about participation in this program.

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