SPAN 1002 Introduction to Spanish Language II Fordham University


SPAN 1002 Introduction to Spanish Language II Fordham University
SPAN 1002 Introduction to Spanish Language II
Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday
Fordham University, Summer II 2015
Modern Languages & Literatures
Office hours:
I. Course Description and Objectives
Introduction to Spanish II will continue with the introduction of students to the basics of Spanish language and
culture, emphasizing the five fundamental components of language acquisition: reading, writing, listening,
speaking, and cultural competence. Particular emphasis will be placed on active participation by all students with
the aim of consistently practicing vocabulary and functions studied. By the end of the semester, students will
have developed:
- Knowledge of basic Spanish grammatical structures and vocabulary (Chapter 1- 4)
- Familiarity with some aspects of the Spanish culture: everyday interactions, health, home and work
environments, travel and cultural aspects of food.
- Cognitive strategies related to learning a foreign language.
II. Course Components
Participation and Preparedness: In order to best learn a language, it is necessary for the student to practice and
review the language on a daily basis and to make his or her best effort to learn all vocabulary and understand all
grammatical concepts before each and every class. Class sessions will provide a forum for students to apply the
knowledge gained from studying the text and completing its corresponding activities. Students must participate
actively in class at all times, even when others are speaking. That is, they must remain attentive to what is being
discussed and participate actively as both listener and speaker.
Attendance Policy: Given the necessity of daily preparation, attendance is mandatory in this course.
A maximum of one unexcused absence (3 hours) is permitted before a penalty is issued. Excessive
absences may result in failure.
Each absence after the first unexcused absence will lower the final grade by one third of a letter
grade (e.g. B+ > B).
Lateness to class also falls under this policy.
Excessive absences may result in failure.
Criteria for class participation
A Excellent
1. Always present in class.
2. Always on time.
3. Student does not leave the class (unless there is an emergency situation)
4. Student does not use the phone or texts.
5. Student speaks only in Spanish (both with the instructor and classmates)
6. Student participates actively and enthusiastically.
7. Student volunteers on a daily basis (not just answers when asked)
8. Student is always ready (prepares ALL homework, reads texts assigned etc.)
9. Student helps and cooperates with other students.
10. Student listens when other students talk.
B Good
1. Always present in class.
2. Always on time.
3. Student does not leave the class (unless there is an emergency situation)
4. Student does not use the phone or texts.
5. Student speaks mostly in Spanish (both with the instructor and classmates)
6. Student participates actively and enthusiastically.
7. Student volunteers often (not just answers when asked)
8. Student is almost always ready (prepares homework, reads texts assigned etc.)
9. Student cooperates with other students.
10. Student listens when other students talk.
C Fair
1. Almost always present in class (two or three unexcused absences)
2. Always on time (one or two minutes late sometimes)
3. Student does not leave the class (unless there is an emergency situation)
4. Student does not use the phone or texts.
5. Student speaks sometimes in Spanish (both with the instructor and classmates)
6. Student participates when asked.
7. Student answers when asked.
8. Student is not always ready (prepares PART of the homework)
9. Student cooperates with other students.
10. Student listens sometimes when other students talk.
D Unsatisfactory
1. Missed more than the allowed amount of classes (two or three unexcused absences)
2. Almost always late (three or five minutes late sometimes)
3. Student always leaves the class (unless there is an emergency situation)
4. Student uses the phone or texts.
5. Student does not try to speak Spanish often (both with the instructor and classmates)
6. Student participates very little when asked.
7. Student not often answers when asked.
8. Student is not prepared most of the times (prepares PART of the homework)
9. Student cooperates very little with other students.
10. Student does not often listens sometimes when other students talk.
F Unacceptable
1. Student often misses classes and arrives late.
2. Student speaks almost always in English (both to instructor and classmate)
3. Student is not prepared for class (missing homework)
4. Student participates reluctantly and with no enthusiasm.
In the event of a family emergency, death, or severe illness, please submit appropriate documentation to the Dean
or Advisor before returning to class. Students participating in scheduled University-sanctioned events must notify
the instructor in advance. No makeup quizzes or exams will be given except under these special
Cellular telephones and other electronic devices must be turned off during class time.
Student Activities Manual: Students are to complete all exercises and listening activities in the Student Activities
Manual in order to constantly reinforce the acquisition of each lesson's grammar and vocabulary topics. All
activities are to be done on line through MySpanishLab, an electronic, self-correcting version.
Language Lab (Keating Hall B25 at Rose Hill; Lowenstein Room 412 at Lincoln Center).
Compositions: A minimum of two compositions will be written in class throughout the summer term. There will
be a rewrite of each composition and they will be factored into the final composition grade. Note: When writing
compositions, use of the textbook and/or a Spanish-English dictionary is acceptable. When re-writing the
composition, any other help—from Spanish speaking friends, tutors, online translators, etc.—is not allowed
and is a violation of the Policy on Academic Integrity. Check link with further information about it.
Other Written Work: In addition to the Workbook/Lab Manual, homework assignments from the text or from
other sources will be distributed throughout the semester. In-class written assignments may also be completed at
the discretion of the instructor.
Assessment (Quizzes and Exams): There will be TWO tests (Chapter 1, 3), a cumulative midterm exam
(Chapters 1, 2), and a comprehensive final examination (Chapters 1-4) in this course. Additionally, several short
quizzes will also be given at the instructor’s discretion in order to assess each student's progress throughout the
III. Final Grade
Oral Communication Skills / Active Participation determined by preparedness,
accuracy of speech, daily in-class participation, interaction during group work and
Student Activities Manual and Textbook Activities assigned daily
2 Compositions (5% each)
2 Chapter tests
Midterm Oral Assessment
Final Oral Assessment
Final Examination
Reminder: Absences negatively affect the final grade.
NOTE: Upon submission to the office of the University Registrar, all grades are final. No grades will be changed
once entered into the University's records.
IV. Required Texts
Gente. Nivel básico. Access to My Language Lab
V. Extra help. Students having difficulty in the course should:
1. make an appointment to meet with their instructor during office hours;
2. visit for help with accentuation.
VI. Resources.
Follow us on Twitter (@fordhamspanish) and Facebook ( to stay
informed about Spanish-related events in the Department of Modern Languages and in New York City.
►Please be sure to check blackboard on a daily basis to check what the homework is for that day. You will also
have to log in My Language Lab to do your Student Activities Manual homework. Class time will be spent using
what you have learned to communicate with your teacher and classmates.
Sesión de verano II, del martes 30 de junio al martes 4 de agosto.
Semana 1
martes 30 de junio y 1ro de julio
Capítulo # 1. Gente que estudia español.
Del texto: pp. 2-11. Leer y estudiar el consultorio gramatical pp. 17-19.
Del texto: pp. 2-9. En clase: Hacer las actividades: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11.
Del texto: Hacer en clase “Antes de leer”, act. 1-18, 1-19.
Tarea en casa para el miércoles 1ro de julio
Please, register in MySpanishLab.
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 16.
Del texto: Lee y estudia el presente de “ser”, “llamarse”, el género y número en artículos y nombres,
el alfabeto y los pronombres de sujeto en el consultorio gramatical pp. 17-18.
Del texto: Completa las act. 1-20 y 1-21. Lee “Los hispanos: Primera minoría de Estados Unidos”.
Nota: Hacer actividades del Student Activities Manual en MyLanguageLab. (The homework for
MySpanishLab for the entire semester is already posted there. You will need to check it and do it
there on a daily basis).
Capítulo # 1. Gente que estudia español.
Del texto: En clase: Hacer las actividades 1-12, 1-14 y 1-15.
Del texto: Hacer la “TAREA” en clase (todos los pasos).
Del texto: Corregir las actividades 1-20 y 1-21
Tarea en casa para el martes 7 de julio
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 16.
Del texto: Estudia el consultorio gramatical pp. 17-19.
Del texto: Completa la actividad 1-24.
ESTUDIA PARA LA PRUEBA # 1. (Capítulo # 1).
Nota: Hacer actividades del Student Activities Manual en MyLanguageLab. (The homework for
MySpanishLab for the entire semester is already posted there. You will need to check it and do it
there on a daily basis).
ANUNCIO: Prepararse para la evaluación oral para miércoles 15 de julio.
Semana 2
7, 8 y 9 de julio
Capítulo # 1. Gente que estudia español.
Del texto: Hacer Act. 1-23 y corregir Act. 1-24.
Prueba del capítulo 1
Capítulo # 2. Gente con gente.
Del texto: Leer Cultura p. 15.
Del texto: pp. 20-23. En clase: Hacer las actividades 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-10
y 2-11.
Tarea en casa para el miércoles 8 de julio
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 34.
Del texto: Lee y estudia adjetivos, el presente y hablar de la edad, estado civil, profesiones, nacionalidad
y origen, adverbios de cantidad y los adjetivos posesivos en el “Consultorio gramatical” pp. 35-37.
Del texto: Completa la Act. 2-18 (write 5 questions)
Nota: Hacer actividades del Student Activities Manual en MyLanguageLab. (The homework for
MySpanishLab for the entire semester is already posted there. You will need to check it and do it
there on a daily basis).
ANUNCIO: Prepararse para la evaluación oral para el miércoles 15 de julio.
Capítulo # 2. Gente con gente.
Del texto: p. 25. En clase: Hacer las actividades 2-13, 2-14, 2-15, 2-16.
Del texto: Corregir en clase 2-18 y opcional 2-19. Hacer 2-28.
Del texto: pp. 28-29. En clase: Completa la “TAREA” TODOS LOS PASOS.
Tarea en casa para el jueves 9 de julio
Del texto: Completa la act. 2-29.
Del texto: Completa Act. 2-20, 2-21, 2-24 (lee “Francisco Toledo, pintor mexicano”)
Del texto: Lee “Cultura” p. 33.
Del texto: Voluntarios para Act. 2-30.
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 34.
Prepararse para la composición # 1 en clase.
Capítulo # 2. Gente con gente.
Del texto: Lee pp. 30-31. Corregir Act. 2-20, 2-21, 2-24, “Francisco Toledo,
pintor mexicano”. Hacer 2-30.
Composición # 1 en clase. No es posible usar diccionario. (No notes, books
dictionary or cellular phones allowed)
Tarea en casa para el martes 14 de julio
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 34.
Del texto: Lee “Estrategias para escribir” y “Más allá de la frase” p. 32.
Del texto: Lee “Cultura” p. 30
Del texto: Repasar vocabulario, gramática, aspectos culturales de los capítulos 1 y 2.
Nota: Hacer actividades del Student Activities Manual en MyLanguageLab. (The homework for
MySpanishLab for the entire semester is already posted there. You will need to check it and do it
there on a daily basis).
ANUNCIO: Prepararse para la evaluación oral para el miércoles 15 de julio.
Semana 3
14, 15 y 16 de julio
Taller de escritura: Explicación de la “tabla de corrección” en blackboard y las
instrucciones para la re-escritura.
Del texto: gente que escribe pp. 32-33.
Repaso general de capítulos 1 y 2 para el examen parcial (midterm)
Tarea en casa para el miércoles 15 de julio
Del texto: estudiar los capítulos 1 y 2 para el examen parcial(midterm).
Prepararse bien para las presentaciones orales de medio semestre.
ANUNCIO: Prepararse para la evaluación oral para el miércoles 15 de julio.
Midterm Exam + Presentaciones orales
Tarea en casa para el jueves 16 de julio
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 52.
Del texto: Lee “Cultura” en p. 39.
Del texto: Lee los tres anuncios de Act. 3-6 (p. 41). ¿Dónde prefieres ir?
Del texto: Completa la Act. 3-8.
Del texto: Estudia “hay”, “estar” y “querer”, “preferir” en “Consultorio gramatical” pp. 53-54.
Capítulo # 3. Gente de vacaciones.
Del texto: pp. 38-43. En clase: Hacer 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6 y 3-7. Corregir 3-8. Del
texto: Hacer en clase 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, 3-14.
Tarea en casa para el martes 21 de julio
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 52.
Del texto: Estudiar “Estrategias para la comunicación oral” p. 44.
Del texto: Estudiar verbos como “gustar” y cómo expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo en
“Consultorio gramatical” pp. 54-55.
Del texto: Completar el Paso 1 de la TAREA. pp. 46-47.
Nota: Hacer actividades del Student Activities Manual en MyLanguageLab. (The homework for
MySpanishLab for the entire semester is already posted there. You will need to check it and do it
there on a daily basis).
ANUNCIO: Descripción de proyecto final.
Semana 4
21, 22 y 23 de julio
Capítulo # 3. Gente de vacaciones.
Del texto: pp. 44-47. En clase: Corregir el Paso 1 de la “TAREA” y Completar la
“TAREA” (todos los pasos).
Del texto: Hacer en clase “Antes de leer” Act. 3-16, 3-17.
Tarea en casa para el miércoles 22 de julio
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 52.
Del texto: Estudia el consultorio gramatical pp. 53-55.
Del texto: Leer “Ecoturismo en Venezuela” p. 49. Hacer Act. 3-18, 3-19. Voluntarios para la Act. 3-20.
Capítulo # 3. Gente de vacaciones.
Del texto: En clase: Corregir Act. 3-19. Leer “Estrategias para escribir” y “Más allá de la
frase”. Hacer 3-22.
Del texto: Trabajar “obligaciones” y “necesidades” en “Consultorio gramatical” pp. 5354.
Tarea en casa para el jueves 23 de julio
Estudia para la prueba del capítulo # 3 en clase.
Capítulo # 4.
Del texto: Leer “Cultura” p. 56.
Del texto: Estudiar vocabulario de las tiendas p. 70.
Del texto: Leer “Cultura” p. 59.
Del texto: Estudia números 100-1.000 en “Consultorio gramatical” p. 72.
Del texto: Estudia “preguntas”, “objetos directos e indirectos” en “Consultorio gramatical” pp. 72-73.
Prueba del capítulo 3
Capítulo # 4. Gente de compras.
Del texto: pp. 56-59. En clase: Hacer 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-10,
4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-8, 4-11, 4-12 y 4-13.
Tarea en casa para el martes 28 de julio
Del texto: Estudia “preguntas”, “objetos directos e indirectos” en “Consultorio gramatical” pp. 72-73.
Del texto: Lee “Estrategias para leer” p. 66
Del texto: Leer “Buenos Aires, la capital de las compras” y hacer 4-22 y 4-23 en pp. 66-67.
Prepararse para la composición # 2 en clase.
ANUNCIO: Prepararse para la evaluación oral para el 4 de agosto.
Nota: Hacer actividades del Student Activities Manual en MyLanguageLab. (The homework for
MySpanishLab for the entire semester is already posted there. You will need to check it and do it
there on a daily basis).
Semana 5
28, 29 y 30 de julio
Capítulo # 4. Gente de compras.
Del texto: En clase: Hacer “Antes de leer” 4-20, p. 66 y Corregir 4-22, 4-23.
Del texto: Hacer en clase. 4-14, 4-15 p. 61.
Composición # 2 en clase. No es posible usar diccionario. (No notes, books
dictionary or cellular phones allowed)
Tarea en casa para el miércoles 29 de julio
Del texto: Completar la Act. 4-17.
Del texto: Lee “Estrategias para la comunicación oral” p. 62
Del texto: Completar la act. 4-27.
Del texto: Leer “Cultura” p. 69.
Del texto: Estudia el vocabulario p. 70.
ANUNCIO: Prepararse para la evaluación oral para el 4 de agosto.
ANUNCIO: Mirar la película asignada por tu profesor para discutirla el día miércoles 29 de julio.
Nota: Hacer actividades del Student Activities Manual en MyLanguageLab. (The homework for
MySpanishLab for the entire semester is already posted there. You will need to check it and do it
there on a daily basis).
Capítulo # 4. Gente de compras.
Del texto: pp. 62-63. Hacer 4-16 y corregir 4-17. Completar la “TAREA”, todos los
pasos, pp. 64-65. Corregir 4-27.
Discusión de película en clase, traer las actividades relacionadas con la película para revisarlas en clase.
Tarea en casa para el jueves 30 de julio
Prepararse para comenzar el repaso general de los capítulos 1, 2, 3 y 4 para el examen final.
Capítulo # 4. Gente de compras.
Del texto: Gente que escribe pp. 68-69.
REPASO GENERAL DE: capítulos 1, 2, 3 y 4.
Tarea en casa para el martes 4 de agosto
Prepararse para las presentaciones orales finales.
Prepararse para el examen final escrito.
Semana 6
martes 4 de agosto
Examen final + Presentaciones orales.

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