St. Gregory the Great Church


St. Gregory the Great Church
St. Gregory
the Great Church
144 West 90th Street New York, NY 10024-1202
Rectory Office (212) 724-9766 Rectory FAX (212) 579-3380
Msgr. Michael Crimmins
Fr. Luis Pulido
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Jonathan C. Agbedo
In Residence
Fr. Joseph Darbouze
Pastor Emeritus
Rob Lyons
Pastoral Team:
Adeline Dupiton
Susanna George
Anita Giscombe
Ed Grimm
Robert Hanning
William Jacquette
Michael Mariani
Chris Miller
John Mooney
Peter Serritella
Jim Trainor
Christopher Wu
St. Gregory School
Donna Gabella
José Vazquez
Vice Principal
(212) 362-5410
Fax (212) 362-5026
John Broderick
Dir. Religious
(212) 724-9766
Director of Music:
Jim Trainor
Parish Office:
Gladys Tejada
February 2, 2014
“Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!”
Psalm 24:7
Presentation of the Lord
Forty days after the celebration of Christmas, here is another feast day that has light as its
theme. When Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, as
was required by the Law of Moses, Simeon and Anne recognized in Jesus the Messiah, so
long awaited. He would be the light revealed to all nations, said Simeon. When Simeon
took the child Jesus in his arms, he believed that he was holding the salvation of the world.
However, we must admit that faith in Jesus was not unanimous in all nations. Simeon knew
that well. He even predicted it. After stating that the divine child would be the light of the
nations, he added that he would also be “a sign that would be contradicted,” even in his own
country: “He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him.” (John 1,
11). Jesus is the one who makes our lives meaningful. He is the way that takes us to the
eternal life.
La Presentacion del Señor
Cuarenta días después de la celebración de la Navidad, celebramos la presentación del Señor. María y José llevaron a Jesús para presentarlo al Señor, de acuerdo con lo escrito en la
ley de Moisés. Simeón y Ana reconocieron a Jesús como el Mesia. Simeón dijo que Jesús
será la luz que alumbra a las naciones. Cuando Simeón tomo al niño Jesús en sus brazos, el
creía que el tenia al salvador del mundo. Simeón también dijo que todo el mundo no creía
ni tenia fe en Jesús. Después de decir esto Simeón también dijo que Jesús será un “signo de
contradicción” aun en su propio país: “Vino a su propia casa y los suyos n o lo recibieron.” (Juan 1, 11) Jesús nos lleva a la vida eterna.
Présentation du Seigneur au Temple
Quarante jours après la fête de Noël, voici une autre célébration marquée par le thème de la
lumière. Lorsque Marie et Joseph arrivèrent à Jerusalem pour présenter l’enfant Jésus au
Seigneur, comme le demande la Loi de Moïse, Siméon et Anne reconnurent en Jésus le
Messie tant attendu. Il sera la lumière des nations, déclare Syméon. Quand Syméon reçut
l’enfant Jésus dans ses bras, il sait dans la foi qu’il tient l’avenir du monde. Pourtant, il faut
bien l’avouer, la foi en Jésus ne fera pas l‘unanimité dans toutes les nations, Syméon le sait
aussi, il en fait même la prédiction. Après avoir déclaré que l’enfant Dieu sera la lumière
des nations il ajoute aussi qu’il sera un “signe de division”, même dans son propre pays: “il
est venu chez lui, dit saint Jean au début de son évangile, et les siens ne l’ont pas accueilli.” (Jean 1, 11) Célébrons le dans la foi, car il est celui qui donne du sens à nos vies. Il est
le chemin qui nous mène à la vie éternelle.
When the days were completed for their purification according
to the law of Moses, Mary & Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem
to present him to the Lord just as it is written in the law of the
Lord, Every male that opens the womb shall be concentrated to
the Lord, and offer the sacrifice of a pair of turtledoves or two
young pigeons, in accordance with the dictate in the law of the
Schedule of Masses and Sacraments
12 Noon (English)
5:30 PM Vigil (English)
Sunday Masses:
8:00 AM (English)
10:00 AM (Spanish)
11:30 AM (English)
1:00 PM (French)
Monday - Wednesday - Friday
12 Noon -English
Tuesday - Thursday
9:00 AM - Spanish
12 Noon - English
Every Monday Miraculous Medal Novena
and Benediction after Noon Mass.
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on our
altar on the first Thursday of the month from
12:30 to 5:00 p.m. for prayer and meditation. All
are welcome to participate in this silent devotion.
Saturdays from 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM
Any time by appointment.
Call one month in advance.
Instruction required.
Arrangements must be made with priest
at least six months in advance.
In cases of serious illness or advancing
age, please call the Rectory to arrange
a visit.
Please call the Rectory to arrange a
visit by a priest.
Masses are at:12 Noon (English) 7:00 PM
There are usually at least two masses
on holy days of obligation, but the times
may vary. Consult page 3 of this Weekly
Bulletin or phone the Rectory Office for
mass times for any specific holy day.
February 2 is Groundhog Day as well a
certain big football game in New Jersey.
NEW PARISHIONERS are welcomed at St. Gregory’s Parish. If you wish to register, please fill out the coupon below,
and drop it in the collection basket or send it to the rectory.
Address________________________________________________ Apt #___________
In his message welcoming the new year, Pope Francis
urged all nations to practice “justice and peace at home”
as he spoke to tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered in
St. Peter’s Square. Prayers for peace were offered in
five languages. The Pope also celebrated Mass in St.
Peter’s Basilica. “May God help all of us walk the path
of justice and peace with greater determination,” said
the Pope. He also prayed that the Holy Spirit would help
break down the obstinacy and barricades that people construct between each other.
En su mensaje de bienvenida del nuevo año, el Papa Francisco exhorta a todas las naciones que practiquen “justicia
y paz” mientras se dirigía a los miles de feligreses reunidos en la Plaza de San Pedro. Oraciones para paz fue
ofrecido en cinco idiomas. El Papa también celebro
misa en la Basílica de San Pedro. “Que Dios ayude a
todos trabajar para la justicia y la paz con mayor determinación,” dijo el Papa. También oro para que el Espíritu
Santo rompa las barreras de terquedad entre todas las personas.
Thirty paintings, including two from the Vatican, are on
display in the “Chagall: Love, War, and Exile” at
the Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue, through
February 2nd. Free on Saturday.
Esta exhibición de treinta obras de arte que incluye dos
obras del Vaticano en “Chagall: Amor, Guerra y Exilio”
en el Museo Judío localizado en el 1109 de la Quinta Avenida hasta el 2 de Febrero. Entrada gratis los Sábados.
The annual Peter’s Pence collection is scheduled for
February 10th. Your gifts help the Holy Father support victims of war, natural disasters and others requiring assistance. Please heed his call through your
donations, prayers and outreach to spread the message
of need.
La colecta anual de Peter’s Pence tendrá lugar el 10 de Febrero. Sus donaciones ayudan al Santo Padre para
ayudar a las victimas de las guerras, desastres naturales y
todos los que necesitan asistencia. Por favor sean generosos con sus donaciones, sus oraciones y su ayuda para
propagar el mensaje de ayuda a los necesitados.
Thanks for the generosity of donors and the hard
work in setting up and taking down our January
25th rummage sale, $900 was earned at the event.
Congratulations to all who made this possible.
Gracias por sus generosas donaciones y a todos los que
trabajaron arduamente durante la venta de artículos el
pasado fin de semana. Colectamos un total de $900.
Felicitamos a todos los que hicieron que este evento
fuera un gran éxito.
In light of the seriousness of the situation concerning the
Archdiocesan “Making All Things New “ Campaign, we
thought it would be important to reprint here part of
Monsignor Crimmins’ year-end message to parishioners. In his message, our Pastor spoke of St. Gregory’s
“atmosphere of diversity” and our special concern for
making the parish an example of the true meaning of Catholicism. “With prayer and sacrifice,” he wrote, “I truly
expect our parish to continue setting such a great example.”
Tomando en cuenta la seriedad de la campaña de la Arquidiócesis “Haciendo Todas Las Cosas Nuevas,” pensamos que era importante repetir parte del mensaje del
fin del año del Monseñor Crimmins a los parroquianos.
En su mensaje el Pastor hablo de la “diversidad de
nuestros parroquianos” y muy en especial nuestro
deseo de ser un ejemplo del verdadero Catolicismo. “Con
oraciones y sacrificio,” el escribió “Yo espero que nuestra
parroquia continúe siendo un gran ejemplo”.
The “Feeding Our Neighbors” drive continues through
Sunday, February 2nd. Food contributions may be
brought to church and left in the large cardboard boxes
provided. Money to support emergency food programs may also be donated through the Internet at
our-neighbors/. Most needed are vegetables, fruits, proteins, grains, dairy. Rusty, unlabeled cans, open or used
items cannot be used.
Continuamos con la colecta de comestibles
“Alimentando a Nuestros Vecinos” hasta el Domingo 2
de Febrero. Pueden traer sus donaciones y depositarlos
en las cajetas en la parte atrás de la iglesia. También
pueden hacer donaciones monetaria por medio del correo
feeding-our-neighbors/. Se necesita vegetales, frutas, habichuelas en latas. Toda clase de comida no perecedera.
No traigan latas oxidadas, o sin rótulos o cajetas abiertas.
Sunday, February 2 The Presentation of the Lord
8:00 :
10:00 :Sagrado Corazón
11:30 : Gloria Espino & the decease members of the Espino family
1:00 : Dr. Pierre Darbouze
Monday, February 3 St. Blaise
12:00 : Cruzita Torres (dec.) (Throat blessing after.)
Tuesday, February 4
9:00 :
12:00 : Hertha Kaom (dec. 1st anni.)
Wednesday February 5 St Agatha
12:00 : Deceased members of the Joseph, Ena Esmelie &
August Families
Thursday, February 6 St. Paul Miki
9:00 : Por el eterno descanso de Maria Victoria de la Cruz
12:00 : Catherine & Patrick McGlade (dec.)
Friday, February 7
12:00 : Souls in Purgatory
7:00 : Sagrado Corazón
Saturday, February 8
12:00 : Nilda Calcano (dec.)
5:30 : Charles Patrick Mooney (dec.)
2/3 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13
Mk 5:1-20 (323)
2/4 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a
Mk 5:21-43 (324)
2/5 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17
Mk 6:1-6 (325)
2/6 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12
Mk 6:7-13 (326)
2/7 Sir 47:2-11
Mk 6:14-29 (327)
2/8 1 Kgs 3:4-13
Mk 6:30-34 (328)
This is the list of the sick whom we remember in our prayers. Please notify
the Rectory of any corrections, deletions or additions that you require.
Anthony Alexander, Buenaventura Almonte, Collette Austin,
Alicia Becerra, Dorise Black, Josefa Brito, Miriam Burns, Anthony Carreras, Alexandra Castillo, Teolina Cepeda, Christina
Coger, Josefine Colkosz, Paula Corredor, Kyle Carbbe, Ernesto
Carrera, Roberto Colon, Patricia Collar, Ted Collar, Emmanuella
Constant, Leonie Constant, Candita de la Cruz, Maria Cruz, Edna
Curley, Ivylyn Davis-Bell, Elba De Jesus, Migdalia De Jesus,
Elizabeth Dillon, Lidia Estrella, Florence Feaster, Patricia
Flannery, Porcia Fontilus, Eileen Ford, Raymond Gandolf, Violeta
Gomez, Rosa Gonzalez, Yolanda Gorrasi, Jacqueline Graham,
Aparecida Guimarais, Luis Carlos Guimarais, Sonia M. Guimarais,
Michael Holohan, Loretta Hosein, Marie Innocent, Barbara Jones,
Ivonne Kennedy, Hebert Laurent, Mr. Louks, Adrea Lundquist, Ina Martinez, Frantz Matthurin, Lili Maury, Juanita Martinez,
Lucy Martinez, Ruben Mayen, Charles Mayhew, Kenneth
McGahren, Jeanne McGahren, Frank McQuade, Juan Medina,
Isabelle Moldovan, Maria Morales, Helen Murray, Wanda
Napolitano, Kervin Narsisse, Ralph Nicolas, Domingo & Nancy
Ortiz, Simmilian Paul, Stephen Paul, Jeremy Penna, Maria Pinedo,
Cyril Pinto, Rose Pizzuli Denise Price, Katrina Rabey, Santa
Richardson-Castillo, Thomas Squires Sr., Melina Mae Ridgeway,
Aida Robles, Mrs. Rose, Casiano Rodríguez, Evelyn Rodríguez,
Maria Rodríguez, Otilia Rodriguez, Nidia Rosario, Richard Safire,
Joan Shea, Marvin Seldin, Carmen Simon, Paula Solis, Carolyn
Stewart, Stephen M. Stewart, J. P. Sullivan, Ana Torres, Regina
Trinidad, Maeyle Vargas, Joseph Yelagin
Coffee Hour after 10 AM Mass
11:00 AM
11:30 PM
A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous)
4:00 PM
Legion of Mary (Spanish)
5:30 PM
Faith Sharing Group
3rd Monday 7:30PM
Christian Meditation
6:30 PM
Spanish Bible Class
7:00 PM
4:00 PM
Food Pantry
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12:30—5:00 PM
Charismatic Prayer (Spanish)
Coronilla - Divina Misericordia
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Prayer Meeting (French)
7:00—9:00 PM
Parish Finances
Last weekend’s collection, including ParishPay, totaled $5,270—again substantially below our weekly
goal of $7,800. It is urgent that we increase our level of contributions since this is one of the yardsticks
being applied to each parish to demonstrate its viability. Please help us strengthen our finances as a way
of ensuring St. Gregory’s future. It’s in our hands.
Finanzas Parroquiales
La colecta de la semana pasada fue $5,270 que incluye contribuciones del programa de Pagos Parroquiales. Nuevamente no alcanzamos nuestra meta
semanal de $7,800. Le damos las gracias a las personas que hicieron contribuciones a la colecta de
Navidad por $400 la semana pasada. Es con gran
urgencia que les pedimos que por favor aumenten
sus donaciones para que podamos alcanzar nuestra
meta semanal. Nuestra colecta es una de las medidas
que toman para demostrar si las parroquias pueden
permanecer abiertas. Con su ayuda podemos fortalecer nuestras finanzas y asegurar que San Gregorio
tenga un futuro. Esta en tus manos!

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