ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de


ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de
la revista de La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero
¿Tienes ‘el
de los Idiomas’?
¡Nuestros alumnos, sí!
¿Qué hacen una inglesa y
dos francesas en Aranda?
(y no, no es un chiste…)
La visita de Günter Schwaiger
(Director de cine austriaco reconocido
en la Seminci)
Descubre por qué Robert y Peter
decidieron estudiar Inglés
Todo esto y mucho más en nuestra nueva revista para la gente
que quiere que los idiomas les abran las puertas al mundo
Viaja con nosotros
a Zambia, Croatia,
Malta, Grecia, El
Reino Unido,
Francia, China,
y… Sonorama
El francés:
idioma del
¿Conoces los
idiomas? Te
Número 1
Curso escolar 2015-16
Nuestra EOI
pág. 1
Impresión: Imprenta Esteban (www.imprentaesteban.com)
Con la aparición de esta segunda revista,
reanudamos la publicación que se hizo para
conmemorar el 20 aniversario de esta Escuela
Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero, y que
responde a la necesidad de ofrecer a todos los
miembros de la comunidad escolar un espacio de
divulgación, no sólo de las actividades propias y
extraescolares sino también de metodología de la
enseñanza de las lenguas. La revista nos acerca a
las inquietudes del profesorado y del alumnado
de nuestro centro. De ahí deriva la variedad de
temas y la pluralidad de enfoques que estas
páginas ofrecen.
Al finalizar el curso pasado, se planteó la
posibilidad de retomar esta iniciativa como cauce
de expresión que implicaría a todos los
departamentos. Para ello, se propusieron a los
alumnos diferentes temas sobre los que centrar
sus trabajos y se llevó a cabo un concurso para
seleccionar el diseño y el nombre de la revista.
Este número recoge artículos, notas, testimonios
gráficos y actividades tanto de profesores como de
alumnos y otros colaboradores, a quienes
queremos agradecer su inestimable colaboración.
Esta publicación quiere también dar a conocer lo
que se realiza en nuestro centro y recordar a
nuestros posibles alumnos que seguimos aquí,
seguimos siendo enseñanza de calidad, contamos
con un profesorado muy preparado y un
alumnado motivado y ofrecemos con la enseñanza
del idioma un acercamiento al mundo de la
cultura que otras instituciones no ofrecen.
Así pues, queremos desearos que disfrutéis con
la lectura de nuestra revista y esperamos, con
vuestra ayuda, seguir mejorando en el futuro.
Ganadora Concurso Portada y nombre de la Revista:
Marina Pérez Sualdea
El Equipo Directivo
Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
pág. 4
pág. 20
pág. 27
pág. 32
Extranjeros en Aranda
pág. 38
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
pág. 42
Érase Una Vez un Tweet
pág. 55
Maquetación y edición: Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda
de Duero
Dirección: C/Antonio Baciero, 4ª Planta
09400 Aranda de Duero
Telf: 947 501254-947501309
e-mail: [email protected]
ENTRE IDIOMAS no comparte necesariamente las
opiniones vertidas por los colaboradores en sus artículos. Los
firmantes son independientes y únicos responsables de los
Los artículos del alumnado podrán contener errores.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Nuestra EOI
El martes 22 de diciembre tuvo lugar en
la Escuela de idiomas la tradicional fiesta
Durante toda la tarde, profesores y alumnos se reunieron en un
ambiente festivo alrededor de un elemento común: las lenguas.
Pudieron disfrutar de numerosas actividades en los tres idiomas
de estudio: alemán, francés e inglés. La programación fue variada.
Jugamos al Sudoku, al Dominó y a un Ratenspiel en la lengua de
Goethe. Molière habría estado encantado con la conferencia sobre la Navidad en su patria. Y por último ni el
mismísimo Shakespeare habría entretenido tanto a su público como lo hizo el juego del Jeopardy a los alumnos de
La tarde continuó con la entrega de premios del concurso fotográfico y la respuesta a las
enigmáticas fotos que durante dos semanas decoraron nuestras instalaciones. Le siguió
un gran karaoke multilingüe de villancicos. Por último, después de tantas emociones
clausuramos de la forma más dulce esta fantástica tarde con un concurso gastronómico
y la degustación de todos sus platos. Enhorabuena a los ganadores.
Sandra Llamero (Profesora de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero)
Zambia, Beauty and Poverty
As part of our extracurricular activities, the English Department held a
conference entitled “Zambia, Beauty and Poverty” by Paula Morales and
Hastings Chipango on Tuesday 12 January. They both live and work in
Zambia. Their talk was very informative and interesting. They told us all
about life there and showed us photos of the country’s fantastic landscape
and some Zambian traditions.
The students who attended the talk had the opportunity to ask Paula and
Hastings all the questions they wanted about their work and life in the
country as well as about aspects of Zambian life.
The session finished with an entertaining quiz on the content of the talk
with questions about relevant aspects of Zambian life. The winner received
the prize of a small, hand-made gift brought from Zambia!
Something which was particularly interesting for the students was the
chance to listen to Hasting’s lovely Zambian English accent, and learn a few words
in Bemba, his mother tongue.
Foto de la charla – Sandra Llamero
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Nuestra EOI
“The sweaty players in the game of life always have more fun than the supercilious spectators.”
Christopher Morley
la charla
– Sandra
de de
la charla
– Sandra
Last January, the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas in
Aranda de Duero held an interesting conference in
which a young aid worker from Soria, Paula
Morales, told us about her work in an NGO in
Zambia. Admittedly, my knowledge about this
country and its people was quite limited so I
prepared to pay full attention to broaden it
The gripping lecture dealt with a great variety of aspects
of Paula’s life and work in Zambia through which the
audience acquired knowledge about the geography,
language, economy and nature of the country. For
example, we learned that it borders many other countries
like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique and
Namibia, to name some of them; that there are an array
of different languages spoken, although English is the
official tongue as Zambia was a former English colony;
and that coal mining is its main economical resource.
Despite being a landlocked country, fishing (as an
additional source of income) is done in Lake Tanganyika
and the river Zambezi. Naturally, we were shown
awesome pictures of wild animals, dazzling pristine
natural landscapes, and awe-inspiring old ways of living.
Understandably, most of the talk was dedicated to looking
closely at the NGO project our speaker was going to join.
This involves an orphanage for both street children and
disabled ones who cannot be attended to by their
relatives. She spoke of the profoundly committed team of
teachers and carers who look after these children, most of
whom are locals, although there are some westerners,
I realized that aid work cannot be the fruit of a shallow
decision we just take and follow mindlessly, but the result
of very guided and thoughtful consideration thanks to the
NGO itself. There is a long period of training and
adaptation to the foreign culture for the potential aid
workers in order to get the best out of this type of work.
Clearly, this benefits both the worker and the community
that receives the aid. The decision to commit to this type
of work is taken not only with the heart, but also with
one’s full consciousness.
Throughout the session, I, personally, kept asking myself
this question: what makes a young lady in her twenties
leave behind the world she has grown up in and move to
such a different society from her own? Apparently hers
was not a sudden decision at all; she was raised in a family
involved in NGO projects and international collaboration.
This young woman
had already travelled
to other countries
and, hence, knew
experience what to
expect from the
project: how to deal
children who had
been rejected by
their tribes, and with
Zambian kids (Wikimedia Commons)
– Florence Devouard
Clearly, to understand her decision I could only go back to
the time when I was her age and remember my own thirst
for experience, my unfulfilled wish to travel abroad and
my hunger for knowledge. Ultimately, I longed for a deep
self-knowledge that only true experience could provide. I
guess she is longing to embrace her chosen destiny since, if she doesn’t, that door might close forever - like
one of those brave people who, instead of becoming
supercilious spectators, decide to fully take part in life.
Almudena Roncero (2º Avanzado – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Nuestra EOI
Kinoabend in der Stadtbibliothek Aranda
de Duero
Am Donnerstag 21. Januar 2016 besuchte der österreiche Regisseur Günter Schwaiger unsere
Schule. Es war eine Ehre, ihn hier empfangen zu dürfen. Wir wollten der ganzen Stadt die Aktivität
anbieten, damit alle die Gelegenheit hatten, den Film Haffners Paradise anzuschauen und um
unsere Schule bekannt zu machen. Nach dem Film hatten die Zuschauer die Gelegenheit, mit Günter
zu sprechen un ihm Fragen über den Film und das Thema seiner Arbeit zu stellen. Das Kolloquium war so interessant, dass
es sich bis ziemlich spät in den Abend dehnte.
Geboren 1965 in Neumark, Salzburg (Österreich),
studiert Ethnologie und Theaterwissenschaft an der
Universität Wien. Seit 1993 beschäftigt er sich mit der
Regie und Produktion von Kurz- und Dokumentärfilmen,
die auf vielen internationalen Festivals teilgenommen
und zahlreiche Preise gewonnen haben (Best Film
Uppsala, Best Film Elche, Best Dokumentarfilm Seminci,
etc.). Er führt auch Theater- und Operregie. In seiner
Arbeit konzentriert er sich auf das Thema der
Einsamkeit und Kommunikationsarmut in einer
erkalteten Welt.
Oliver Alba (Profesor de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero)
Shrove Tuesday (a.k.a. Pancake Day)
The day before Lent begins is called Shrove Tuesday.
happens on a different date each year depending on
Tuesday” was on 9 February 2016 and we wanted to
Many people make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday
parts of the UK they hold pancake races. This
about because of an incident that
1445: on one particular Shrove
year, a woman was still
the church bells
be late for church,
house, taking her
with her!
At the E.O.I. we didn’t
delicious pancakes while
them, as well as some
“Shrove” means being forgiven for wrong-doings. It
when Easter is. This year “Shrove
celebrate it at the E.O.I. with our
Fotos de la actividad– Ana Gómez
and in some
Tuesday in this
making pancakes as
rang. Not wanting to
she ran out of the
frying pan and pancake
hold any races, however, we did prepare and taste some
learning the names of the ingredients and utensils used for making
interesting facts about his special day.
As you can see in the photos, the activity was as successful as it was yummy! Our students from the basic and intermediate
levels certainly enjoyed a very sweet evening together!
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
7 mois à Poitiers
Différences et curiosité entre la vie en France et en Espagne
Quand tu arrives à un pays étranger tu trouves beaucoup de différences et tu dois t’y habituer dès le premier jour.
La première différence est la distribution de la ville. Les villes en France sont plus étendues que celles de l’Espagne,
les immeubles n’ont que trois ou quatre étages et il
y a plus d’arbres, de grands parcs et de zones
vertes. En définitive la structure des maisons et de
la ville, en général, est très différente de celle à
laquelle nous sommes habitués.
La façon de vivre est une autre grande différence
que tu vas trouver quand tu arrives à une ville
comme Poitiers. Les Espagnols sont habitués à
vivre hors de leurs maisons, ce que les Français ne
font pas très souvent. Si tu veux acheter quelques
chose dans une ville française tu dois le faire avant
7 heures de l’après-midi, après tout est fermé. Ici,
en Espagne, c’est très habituel de trouver un bar à
chaque pas, une chose peu fréquente en France
puisque les gens français font leur vie à la maison,
ils invitent les amis chez eux pour dîner, regarder
un match de rugby à la télé,…
Une autre chose qui a attiré mon attention à Poitiers a été de voir les gens manger sur la place. On n’est pas
habitués en Espagne à voir les gens faire leur repas principal assis par terre sur une place. Normalement, en
Espagne on le fait dans un restaurant ou chez nous mais, en France, comme ils ont peu de temps pour manger au
travail, ils mangent quelque chose de rapide n’ importe où ou ils mangent sur leur lieu de travail.
Nous faisions pareil au lycée puisque presque tous les lycées ou les collèges ont une cantine pour que les élèves et
les profs mangent.
Par contre, sortir la poubelle à Poitiers était très facile. Il suffisait de laisser ton sac-poubelle dehors à côté de la
porte. Des fois, c’était dégueulasse parce qu’il y en avait beaucoup. En revanche, une chose qui me faisait rigoler
était de regarder les éboueurs courir derrière le camion pendant qu’ils jetaient les sacs à l’intérieur.
J’ai remarqué aussi, en France, que tu dois être si poli que quelquefois cela est un peu ennuyeux parce que tu dois
dire tout le temps « bonjour », « au revoir » ou « bonne journée » à tout le monde et partout. Tu arrives à t’y
habituer mais au début c’est difficile pour nous, les Espagnols, car on a perdu un peu de cette politesse.
Un jour, avec un collègue du lycée, je suis allée
envoyer un fax et cela nous a coûté deux euros.
Mon collègue a payé par carte bleue et cela m’a
choquée étant donné qu’en Espagne tu ne peux pas
le faire ou il est très difficile de trouver un magasin
qui te permette de le faire.
Tout a été très différent à Poitiers. Je suis allée làbas pour travailler pour la première fois comme
prof d’espagnol, et je devais m’habituer à une
nouvelle façon de faire les choses cependant j’ai
vécu sept mois loin de nos coutumes et cela a
enrichi ma vie.
Mercedes García (2º Avanzado – Francés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Bolonia Beach - Rubén Fernández Ipiña
The trip I will never forget started on Holy Thursday at Easter three years ago – a trip alone to relax.
I wanted to visit a disco in Alicante, where the kind of music that I like was being played, and a village in the
province of Cádiz, which is called Zahara de los Atunes, so I booked one hotel in each one of the places where I
wanted to stay. From Thursday to Sunday in Alicante and from Sunday to Friday in Zahara, then, on Friday I would
come back to Aranda for the festivities of the town where my dad lives. I drove for five hours till I got to Alicante,
the first part of my holidays.
On Thursday I watched some processions and went to sleep early. On Friday I spent the whole day in Almoradí, the
place where the disco is. On Saturday, I felt really relaxed and I spent all night dancing!
On Sunday, I left Almoradí and I drove to Zahara for the first time, 8 hours by car till I got there – I had 5 days
ahead to see the coast of Cádiz and enjoy it.
Those 5 days were amazing, I went to a lot of places like Cádiz, where I visited La Caleta Beach, one of the most
wonderful places I’ve ever been to, I visited two of the Castles which were bastions from the XVIII century, I walked
around the whole city, I visited the First Spanish Constitution monument, the base of the Human Rights….and I
visited the rest of the coast, Tarifa, Bolonia Beach, Los Caños de Meca, Conil de la Frontera, Trafalgar Lighthouse….
I fell in love with this amazing city, full of history (Cádiz), and I have returned three times.
If I can, I’d like to repeat the trip to Cádiz, but always visiting some new places, alone or with some people.
On Friday I left the hotel and drove for 8 hours to come back to Aranda, and then to my dad’s village, but with this
amazing and relaxing week in my mind, and in my heart.
Rubén Fernández Ipiña (1º Avanzado – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Jedes Jahr kann man in Aranda das Festival
Sonorama genießen. Dies findet im August statt
und wurde 1998 vom Verein Art de Troya
gegründet. Am Anfang war es bescheiden. Es
wurde auf dem Marktplatz gefeiert und dauerte
nur einen Tag. Jenes Jahr wurde das Festival von
300 Menschen besucht. Glücklicherweise ist das
Festival größer geworden und jetzt bekommt es
immer mehr Besucher. Jetzt ist Sonorama
international berühmt. Es wird nicht nur auf der
Messegelände sondern auch in der Innenstadt
gefeiert. Auf dem Plaza del Trigo treten die am
wenigsten bekannten Bands auf. Obwohl diese
Konzerte morgens stattfinden, sind sie so gut wie
die Anderen und die Stimmung ist sogar besser als
bei den Konzerten, die nachts stattfinden. Wenn den Leuten eine Band sehr gut gefällt, schreien sie: Hauptbühne!
(Escenario principal). Das bedeutet, dass diese Band Erfolg hatte.
Sonorama lädt jedes Jahr sehr wichtige und berühmte Bands ein, wie Fangoria, Lori Meyer, Loquillo, Love of
Lesbian u.s.w. 2007 trat Nacha Pop auf, die wichtigste spanische Band der 80er. Außerdem ist Sonorama eine gute
Möglichkeit für neue Bands. Viele sind jetzt dank Sororama bekannt. Das beste Beispiel ist Vetusta Morla. Sie
kamen zum ersten Mal als neue Band und schon letztes Jahr durften sie auf der Hauptbühne spielen.
Meiner Meinung nach ist Sonorama ein gutes Ding für Aranda, weil jedes Jahr viele Leute kommen, die hier viel
Geld ausgeben. Sie übernachten auf Campingplätzen aber sie besuchen die vielen Kneipen. Außerdem ist das die
beste Werbung für unsere Stadt. Sie wird an diesen Tagen sogar bei den Nachrichten genannt.
Es lohnt sich wirklich, Aranda de Duero und Sonorama zu besuchen. Wir warten auf dich!
Aldara López (1º Avanzado - Alemán)
When we go on holiday, sometimes we visit monuments, churches, cathedrals, palaces and museums in these
places. But, do we know the monuments in our cities? We hardly ever know them, and we’ll probably miss
interesting things and part of the identity of the place in which we live.
Have you heard about Sinovas? All right! And about San Nicholas of
Bari, the church? Coming up next, I'll tell you some secrets this
magnificent church has.
The first, who is San Nicholas of Bari? He was a saint who lived in Mira,
Turkey, around the fourth Century. He was a good man, especially with
poor people and children. So, why do we call him “of Bari”? Because his
remains were taken to Bari, Italy, when the Muslims invaded Turkey.
The outside of San Nicholas of Bari.
There are two legends about the saint. In the first, it is said that he saved three
children from a madman who wanted to kill them. For this reason, we say that San Nicholas is the protector of
children in general.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Another legend explains that he helped a poor man. This man had three daughters
and they were very poor. In the past if a woman had no money for a dowry, she could
not get married to anyone. So, nobody wanted to marry these girls. And what did St.
Nicholas do to help? He came down the fireplace and he filled the girl’s socks with
gold coins.
The altarpiece with San Nicholas in
the middle.
Ok, stop. Think of these words: children, fireplace and socks. I will give you three
seconds… 1… 2… 3! Yes, San Nicholas of Bari is Santa Claus! But if you go to this
church, you will not recognize Santa Claus. He is in the middle of the altarpiece as a
normal saint. The figure of Santa Claus as we know it today was created many
centuries after the construction of this
Now, I will tell you the most boring part
of the history of this church. But be patient, I will be brief.
This church was built in the thirteenth century. The door and the walls
are all that remains of this time. So, it is Romanesque. About a hundred
years later, in the fourteenth century, the tower was built as a fortress to
defend the area. The coffered ceiling is the most important part of the
church. It was made in the early fifteenth century, and it is also the
most interesting part, so I will explain it later.
The inside of the church.
The part of the altar was made in the sixteenth century by the bishop Acosta. We know
that because the coat of arms in the centre of the ceiling belonged to this person. You can
see ribs on his coat of arms, because they refer to its name "Acosta" which in Portuguese is
rack. Could you imagine that there are ribs on the roof? I bet you did not think about that.
The style of the altar is late Gothic with Renaissance elements. At this time, the stairs and
pulpit were also made.
The coat of arms to bishop
Acosta with the ribs on the
The atrium was made in 1553 in Renaissance style. This was paid by the priest of Aranda.
He was called “Licenciado Reina”. We know that because of the “fleur de lys” that was in
his coat of arms, and he ordered the carving of “fleur de lys” into all the columns. As you
see, it is always important to identify who paid for the work. And we always know from the
coats of arms. Today it is the same, look at the next construction you see.
As I said before, the coffered wood ceiling is the most important part of the church and the funniest. It was painted
around 1400 by “mudéjar” artists. The “mudéjares” were Muslims who were living in Christian territory. They were
contracted by Christians to decorate and built their churches because they were very good craftsmen. And these
workers had a lot of imagination.
The paintings are very diverse. There are coats of arms that
represent the king of “Castilla y León”. There are also
important people represented in the church such as bishops,
popes, priests, monks… And important figures of Christianity
such as Jesus, the apostles, saints, virgins and martyrs.
Also, there are noblemen, gentlemen, ladies and scenes of
courtly love or fighting. In the coffered ceiling, the common
people and the working class are not there. Why? Because
they are the ones who have to earn entrance into heaven by
their actions. The clergy and nobility go to heaven directly.
A noble man flights with a dragon. At the top there is the
This is a village church, only the working class came here, and
coat of arms of Castilla y León.
when they looked at the ceiling, they saw all those important
people who go to heaven and they knew they had to be like them to be saved. At that time it was taken for granted
that the nobles and clergy always acted properly and they never did anything wrong. Poor common people, how
gullible were they!
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Besides shields and people, there are many animals, real and
imagined, like dogs, bears, chickens, birds, mermaid, dragons,
centaurs… They are represented with great detail and with
plenty imagination. What are all those animals doing on the
roof of a church? Some of them represent virtues and attitudes
to emulate. As the fierce bear, people had to be brave with the
enemy, or be as faithful as a dog. But they also represent sins
and attitudes to be avoided. And these are represented
especially by fantastical animals. We can see a goat playing a
lute, which symbolizes the people who are always celebrating
something and do not want to work. There are plenty of
A mermaid, a black dragon, the miserly man with Satan and
dragons representing evil - a lot of them! Also, we can see a
another fantasy character...
man with a money bag, and Satan trying to strangle him with the
bag. What does this mean? That we do not have to be miserly. Can you imagine a topless woman in a church? And it
is not Eva. No, it's a mermaid. A mermaid with two tails of a fish and a mirror in which she looks at herself. Does
this make sense? Yes, this represents vanity. We do not have to be like the siren and worry only about our
To finish, I’ll just tell you that there is another fantasy character with a part of his body on view that you would
never believe would be in a church… Yes, THIS!!
Would you like visit the church now?
Elena Rodríguez Fernández (2º Básico – Inglés)
Last summer I went to London with my friends Marta and
Rebeca, it was fantastic. There were a lot of memorable
moments and places, for instance, the London Eye, Tower
Bridge -their views are incredible- or when we went to
Piccadilly Circus for dinner or shopping.
The most exciting part of my trip was when we were going
for a walk and we had a big surprise: in the middle of the
street we found a film crew shooting a movie, but not any
old movie, it was James Bond’s latest movie.
I don’t like action films, but the star is Pierce Brosnan, my
favorite actor. We were fascinated because our idol was
close to us.
We spent the whole day watching the shooting of the movie.
We heard “Recording Scene One” and we were able to watch
Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry acting.
During the last few days, we decided to see London’s sights
although the movie was still being shot.
Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry – Reyes Lloret
I haven’t got any doubts that the best part of my trip was the thrill of watching James Bond’s movie, but I cannot
deny that it’s true that London is a fantastic city as well.
Reyes Lloret (2º Intermedio A – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
It’s a small world made up of big words: a teenager’s time in China
Mom’s point of view
“In 2013, some friends who were living in China offered to have my 13-year-old daughter to live with them there so
she could study other languages and be in touch with other cultures. By September, we had already done all the
paperwork to send her to China: the school papers, the Chinese visa, etc. When everything was ready, my daughter,
my husband and I took a plane to Zhuhai, a coastal city in the southeast of the country. We spent some time in our
friends’ house, where my daughter was about to move in. We went to a meeting in the international school in which
my daughter was going to study but, because of the jetlag we were suffering, my husband and I fell asleep during
the meeting. How embarrassing!
In April, the family my daughter was staying
with had to come back to Spain but she
wanted to stay in China; it didn’t seem like
the right time for her to come back to Spain.
So, I went back to China in order to help her
change to another family. Soon, she began
living with one of her teachers who had a son
living in the States (her home), two adopted
children and a dog she had saved from being
eaten in a restaurant. These were the things
that convinced me that she would be happy
living with this family!
By the end of June, the school year had
finished and my husband and I went to China
again to pick up my daughter. We took her to
her last taekwondo class, where she was the
only foreign student amongst a class full of
Chinese children. She put on a display, and we were really touched. We also went to what the school called the
‘School Awards’. Although she didn’t get the Mathematics or English award, which are those that every parent
wants their child to win, we were really proud anyway because she was given the Art and Female Sport awards,
which meant the world to us.
Since my daughter had really enjoyed the experience of being in China that year, we decided she could return the
year after. This time she asked me if she could study in a Chinese school, so I registered her in an all-girls school. It
was hard for me when I left her there. I couldn’t say goodbye to her and she was surrounded by Chinese girls who
looked at her as if she were a monkey or some kind of strange animal.
Six months later, I went back to fetch her so that she could
finish her studies in Spain. And finally, after two years of
missing her birthday, she celebrated her 16th at home with
her family.”
Through Pilar’s eyes
“I can still remember the first time I went to China as if it
were yesterday. I was so nervous that I could barely feel
my toes, my legs were shaking and it seemed like there
wasn’t enough oxygen in the air for me to breathe. I was
excited because I was going to live with a friend and, for
some reason, I thought this would allow me more freedom
than I had at home. I was also scared and confused
because I was going to live by myself in a country in which
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
nobody spoke my mother tongue. I was going to be a 13-year-old foreign student in a school in which everyone
could speak English properly. But the worst of my fears was that I would have to actually survive alone for a whole
year. The craziest ideas came in to my mind during the long flight: What was I going to eat? Would Chinese people
be nice to me? Was I going to be a total freak at school? I could see my father in the seat next to me and I noticed
that he seemed far more terrified than I was. What was he worried about? Did he think I couldn’t make it? I tried to
act normal so that he would think I was calm.
When we landed, I was excited to see my friend’s mom looking at me from the other side of the country border; I
was in Macao and she was standing in Zhuhai, the city that was about to become my new home. For the first six
months, I stayed with my friend and her family. I attended an IB school at which I experienced what I like to call
‘the American-teenage chapter of my life’. It was awesome! I joined the basketball and cross-country teams, and I
went to many competitions and parties (I had my first prom experience!).
Coexistence with a family is sometimes hard, but
it is even harder if you are in a family that isn’t
misunderstandings, and when my friend’s family
moved back to Spain, I went to live with another
family. This new family was incredible. With
them everything felt so natural; not even my real
family felt as real. I carried on at the IB school,
but this time I could actually enjoy myself and
focus on my school grades. This period of time
made me wonder how I could have stood all the
previous situations of distress that I had had to
put up with whilst staying with the first family.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an
end, and in the blink of an eye, all this was over
and I had to come back to Spain.
I spent the whole summer in Spain but eventually there came a point when I started feeling a little depressed. My
life felt meaningless in Spain, so I asked my mom if I could go back to China. This time I wanted to learn Chinese
properly so I started attending a Chinese all-girls school, in which I lived for six months. It was hard because I
couldn’t understand anything, not even my own thoughts! Soon, though, I began to communicate in Chinese, and it
was fun making new friends, trying new food and learning new languages. It was all really wonderful until they
forced me to go to a military camp. Every Chinese student must go to
one of these at least twice in their lifetime. As for me, I consider
myself lucky to only have to have gone just the once! It was the
hardest thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life, but it was also
the most rewarding. It was the ultimate test: running and following
orders with only one change of clothes, and having to eat disgusting
food. I’ve never really thought about it, but maybe that camp was
the reason that made me leave China for good.
Even though I had to deal with some extreme experiences during my
time in China, I think that every teenager who wants to travel should
be encouraged to do so because not only is it enjoyable, but it also
makes you become more mature. As for our moms, those people who
would bear the weight of the world for us, sometimes we need to
spend some time away from home in order to appreciate exactly
what we’ve got back there, just to give us time.”
Pilar Vicario - Mom (1º Intermedio - Inglés) & Pilar Barbadillo - daughter (2º Avanzado - Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
A trip to Greece
In Autumn I went with my husband to Greece on
holiday. I would like to tell you about my trip.
First, we travelled at Athens by plane. We arrived at
12 in the morning and after having lunch we met our
Spanish tour guide. The guide told us that Greece has
a lot of islands, about 3,000, in the Ionian and
Aegean seas; Crete is the biggest island. Greece has a
lot of hills and the highest mountain is the Olympus
(2,917 m). Greek mythology says that the Olympus
Mountain was a place where the Gods and other
Poetic Genius lived.
Also, the tour guide taught us some useful words in
Greek, like for example, the greetings kalimera,
which means good morning and kalispera, good
evening, and other words too.
We visited the capital city, Athens, by bus and we saw
many interesting things and monuments: Stadiums
such as the Olympic stadium, Panathinaikos,
Olympiakos…, beautiful churches, Sintagma Square,
which is really popular and, finally, we saw the Plaka
city district. Walking around Athens is very exciting.
People are quite happy, there are all kind of shops,
bars and restaurants.
On another day we visited the Acropolis and its
museum. I like it very much and at night, with all its
lights on, it was really beautiful.
Panoramic View at the Monastery, Meteora Danimir
We went to the south of the country by bus to visit the
Peloponnesus. The Peloponnesus is a peninsula that
looks like a hand. We saw Corinth Canal; this is a
We visited the theater of Epidaurus, the sanctuaries
of Asclepius and Apollo, the ancient ruins of
Mycenae, the first Olympic Stadium…. We also
visited and walked around the Thermopylae and
finally Meteora.
Meteora was the place I liked most. It is a small town
but there are seven monasteries for women, they are
on high hills and made of big stones. The monasteries
are quite small but very friendly. Nowadays it is very
easy to get to them because there are a lot of stairs
but in past times it was really hard.
I think that this trip was a good idea. I like Greece
and its people and I want to go back.
Teresa Blanco ( 1ºBásico - Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Why we
Spain (and especially Aranda)!
Inspired by an article in their text book, four students from 1º Basic (group D) would like to tell you just why they
think Spain (and, of course, Aranda de Duero) is paradise!
WHY DO I LOVE SPAIN? Here are some of my reasons:
Spanish people love to do a lot of things out of their houses. They walk, run, go shopping, go to eat “tapas”, go to
drink “cañas” or coffee…This happens all year round, in winter too. The Spanish summer is very hot, so the
favourite moment in this country to go out is at night. It’s a lot of fun!
Once a week it’s possible to go to a market in the street. Each city and
each village has one of these markets. You can buy clothes, shoes, bags,
toys, fruit, honey, vegetables…and sometimes, hard pork sausage and
dry fish. They are cheap!
In Spain it’s very easy to eat very well. There are a lot of types of food.
Everywhere has typical and wonderful food. Spanish people like to eat,
cook and speak about food. But food alone is not enough, so wine is
Street market (Wikimedia Commons)
– Josep Renalias
necessary. Oh, the wine! Rioja, Ribera de Duero, Albariño, Toro,
Pitarra, Mencía… It’s very difficult to be on a diet in Spain!!!
I love Spain in the summer! The weather is perfect to go to the beach or the mountains (Spain is not only beach,
paella, sun and “sangria”!), to travel and to have a beer on a terrace with your friends.
Spanish people work a lot, like other people in other countries. But they know that relaxing is very important, so
after lunch some people have 40 winks. I think
that this is a very healthy habit.
In Spain every city has its own festival. Yes,
every one! You can choose between music,
gastronomy and folklore festivals. And if
you don’t mind violence and blood, you can
go to a bullfighting festival.
Ana Isabel Martín Solís (1º Básico,
D – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Four reasons why I love Aranda!
It is typical to drink wine in Aranda de Duero in the morning and afternoon.
People drink rosé wine, white wine and red wine. They talk and laugh with their
friends. After, they eat typical food: roast lamb with salad. People love the
typical food of Aranda.
Chuletillas de cordero (Wikimedia
Commons) – flickr.com
The summer in Aranda is very hot and dry. People go to public swimming
pools. In the afternoon, mosquitoes like to bite you! Having a nap is typically Spanish after eating. It’s marvellous
to sit down and nap for ten minutes in your armchair.
In Aranda de Duero people walking in the street, especially during the day. They like walking and eating sunflower
seeds. Also, they like sitting outside on bar and café terraces drinking beer.
Market day in Aranda de Duero is on Saturday. The street is lined with stalls where they sell everything: vegetables,
fruit, plants, clothes and shoes. People like walking there and buying things because they are cheap.
Carolina Andrés (1º Básico, D – Inglés)
TAPAS, SUMMER and other things I
about Aranda
and Spain!
Aranda de Duero is a good place for cyclists and pedestrians because the streets are separate for cyclists and
pedestrians, so there are no problems and we can walk while looking at beautiful parks and green areas.
This is really good. Aranda is a city with many places where you
can sit and relax alone or with friends.
Every Saturday morning you can go to street markets to buy fresh
vegetables and fruit, etc. while enjoying the atmosphere.
It’s really good! The Mediterranean food in Spain is very tasty and
healthy (for your body) and the wine is a good drink.
Day Sleepers (Wikimedia Commons) – Julio Rojas
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
You can do this when you work a lot or you are just very tired, or have to get up early. It’s a good time! You can
sleep and relax for “two minutes”.
I love the Spanish summer! Spain has got a lot of beaches
and mountains. You can decide where you want to go. And
every day it’s very sunny!
Many music festivals are held in Spain, especially in the
summer when it’s good weather. Also, there are village
festivals. They are held in the summer and the winter. One
of my favourites is “Sonorama”. It’s held in Aranda de
Duero and it’s incredible because many musicians and artists
come and there are a variety of styles of music for everyone.
Pull durante su concierto en el Festival Sonorama 2010
(Wikimedia Commons) – Pravdaverita
María Sanz (1º Básico, D – Inglés)
other things I
about Spain!
Spain is a good place to do a lot of things in the street. It is not always sunny
here but the weather is quite nice. You can go shopping in the morning with
your friends and then have a drink, and for lunch, eat a snack in a bar,
continue with a coffee and arrive home at night.
In all the towns there are street markets one day a week. You can buy
anything you want from clothes to food or flowers… A lot of things!!
Spanish food is very tasty. Spanish people have a varied diet with vegetables, meat, fish and fruit. Everything is
cooked in olive oil; it’s a Mediterranean diet. There are different types of wines in Spain and all of them are very
The summer in Spain is hot; it’s perfect to have a swim or sunbathe on a beach. If you live in the mountains, you
can swim in a river or lake. But if you don’t like the heat, you can find cooler areas. In Spain there is a type of
weather for every taste.
The “Siesta” is a time for sleeping after lunch. British people call it “having forty winks”. Doctors say it’s beneficial
for our heath and to prevent stress. You feel really good after having a nap.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Spain is famous for its festivals. People around the world come to Spain to see them. There are a lot of different
festivities in each town. If you want to have some fun days, come to Spain. I love Spain!
Natalia Calzada Domínguez (1º Básico, D – Inglés)
200th Anniversary of Charlotte Brontë’s birth:
Charlotte Brontë, the writer who gave life to Jane Eyre, was born
200 years ago. Her natal village and the Brontë Society and Brontë
Parsonage Museum in Haworth, have organised several events
throughout the year. The commemorative acts started on 1st
February and will take place in different locations of the city all the
The Brontë’s home – Ana Herrero
300th Anniversary of Lancelot Brown’s birth & 2016, year of the
English gardens:
Lancelot Brown was a British arquitect and an important landscape designer. He’s
actually considered the father of this art. He designed 170 gardens, the best ones in the
UK, for example, the Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, or Sheffield Park. The Capability
Brown Festival will be celebrated to commemorate Lancelot Brown’s birth, with lots of
exhibitions, parties, guided tours… In addition, 2016 will be the year of English
English Garden – Ana Herrero
400th Anniversary of Cervantes & Shakespeare’s
Both geniuses of literature died in April 1616, with only two days
of difference. These writers gave us two masterpieces: “Romeo
and Juliet” and “El Quijote”. Literature lovers will have the
privilege to have commemorative events in London and Madrid.
In London, the Globe Theatre will project short-films of the 37
stage plays by Shakespeare in large screens along the Thames
River. The films will be performed by actors in the same
locations where the writer set his literary works.
Globe Theatre – Ana Herrero
Ana Herrero (2º Intermedio A – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
My hometown is a paradise! Santiago de Cali is a city in western Colombia.
It is the third largest city in the country. It is a major centre for sports because
sport is very important in this city. The city also has a good economy. It is
approximately 450 years old. The climate is tropical and humid and there are
some mountains. However, there is usually a nice breeze in the afternoon. The
education in this city is very good. There are also cultural activities; for example,
you can take your family to the zoo, visit museums and go on tours. There are
street festivals, nice restaurants and other activities to enjoy. And we mustn’t
forget about its world renowned salsa festival that brings many salsa dance
experts from all over the world to Cali. Why don’t you pay it a visit; your whole
family will love this city!
Julieth Chamorro (1º Básico, D – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Last summer, I was in Malta for the first time. My idea was to get to know a new country, have
fun with my friends, and also practise my English skills. From the first moment, I was amazed
by Malta. I'll tell you some things about this great little country...
Malta is an island which is off the south of Italy near Sicilia. The capital of Malta is Valleta, a
city with history. In my opinion there is a mix of cultures: English, Italian, Arabic and
Spanish. The buildings looked Arabic, but you could find typical red English telephone boxes.
There were a lot of restaurants with Italian food and its culture is similar to the Spanish one.
Near Valleta there were some beautiful places to visit, but the traffic was horrible! A bus
scheduled for arrival at ten o'clock might arrive at half past eleven! Opposite Valleta, you can
see the three cities. Three very nice small villages.
Another amazing place is the Blue grotto. Blue grotto are small sea caves. A nice old man
takes you by boat to visit them for 7€.
In Malta there is another island called Comino. In Comino there is only a beach, the most
beautiful beach I've ever seen. The water of the sea is the same colour of the sky. The problem
is that in August there are a lot of people...
The last island is Gozo, there you can visit The Blue window, a famous building which was
carved by the sea and the wind over the years. This building looks like a window through
which you can see the sea. This is a really beautiful landscape, only you and the sea.
People in Malta are polite and friendly. The official language is English, so you can practise
your English every day. For example, one day we took a guided tour of the city in English.
Let me conclude this article by saying that Malta is, in my opinion, a great little country with
very special spots, very beautiful villages and good weather, where you can also choose food
from different cultures. The people are very nice too.
Malta is only two hours by plane from Spain. If you don't know this country, you should go.
You'll like it! And you'll be able to improve your English.
Estefanía Quintana (2º Intermedio B – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
This is Caleruega, mi village. It is a small village in the south-east of Burgos. It belongs to Ribera del Duero. It’s
located between Aranda, Santo Domingo de Silos and Clunia, the Roman villa. Its population is around 500 people,
which is increased in summer due to the celebrations of the
important festivities in honour of its most famous person,
Santo Domingo de Guzmán. He was born in Caleruega in
1170 and founded the Dominican Order.
View of Caleruega,(Wikimedia Commons) Burgos Archives
There are two churches in Caleruega. The first one is the
parish church, a 12th century Romanic style called San
Sebastian. Inside you can find the original grave of S.
Domingo’s mother. Also, there is a small chapel which is the
exact place where S. Domingo was baptized, although the
original baptismal font can be found in Madrid and it is
currently used by the Royal family in all their baptisms. It
has been used since the time of king Felipe IV.
Opposite S. Sebastian church you can find S. Domingo church. The temple was built in the late 16th century. It has a
wonderful altarpiece containing three paintings with scenes from S. Domingo’s life. Underneath the church, there is
a chapel with a small well. According to tradition, it is the exact place where S. Domingo was born. In addition,
water from the well provides fertility, or so it’s said!
There are also two monasteries. The first is the monastery of S. Domingo. King Alfonso X, the Wise, ordered this
monastery to be built. Some nuns moved from S. Esteban de Gormáz to set up the new monastery. As king Alfonso
X wanted his daughter to remain in a sanctuary, he chose this place to bury his daughter Leonor. There is a
museum now containing some valuable treasures. And nowadays, the nuns make delicious homemade biscuits.
The second is S. Domingo convent. There you can find Saint Juana’s cellar where she turned water into wine and
then gave it to the poor. In the middle of the garden you can find the “Torreón de los Guzmán”. It is a four-floor, 17metre tower. Its walls are two meters wide. The last floor offers wonderful sights of the whole village.
Caleruega is surrounded by hills, containing several cellars. People go there to have lunch or dinner with family and
friends, especially in summer. Two kilometres from Caleruega, is the most ancient cellar in Ribera del Duero. It
belonged to king Alfonso VIII in the 12th century.
For those who like wine, there is a museum in the village. It shows how wine was made in the past. You can see
traditional wine-making and harvesting tools.
But not everything is wine and monasteries in Caleruega. The village also has an old “lobera”, this is an authentic
construction made of stone with a single entrance used by shepherds to spend the night in in the cold winter and to
protect themselves from the attacks of wolves.
I think Caleruega is a very beautiful village and I hope you come and visit it. I’m sure you’ll like it.
Marisa Peña (2º Intermedio – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero] Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
I have never imagined that an unfamiliar country could be like my
own home.
Last summer my group of friends and I booked a cheap flight to
Dubrovnik. Our idea was to rent a car and go from Dubrovnik to
Zagreb. We arrived in Dubrovnik and we rented a car at the
Flag of Croatia – Public Domain
We thought our suitcases were small enough to fit in the booth of
the car. We were a total of five people. Dubrovnik airport is a
little one and very accessible and we didn’t have any problems to leave the airport. In twenty minutes we were in
the magical timeless Dubrovnik. We didn’t need much time to book an apartment because there were signs with
telephone numbers on each door advertising private apartments.
We finally arrived in the city centre at 6.00 p.m., just in time to
admire the town during the evening and at night. The streets and
buildings of Dubrovnik are made or stone. There are cruisers coming
and leaving the port every day, and because of this, its streets are full
of multicultural people. You can meet people from all over the world.
Dubrovnik is also a set for films. During the time we were there, the
American TV series “Games of Thrones” was being filmed. Nothing
surprising since its streets are really magical!
Dobrovnik – CC BY-SA 3.0
We spent only one day in Dubrovnik and on the following morning
our landlord helped us to put our luggage in the booth of the car and
we continued on our way towards Split.
There are a lot of wonderful towns on the way to Split. We had to sleep in one of them, Markarske. We arrived in
Markarske very late without a place to stay and a group or men helped us to look for an apartment. It’s very strange
but in these towns there were only a few women in the streets. We thought this was in relation to the war, since they
had emigrated but this isn’t true; there are the same number of men and women.
The next day we visited Trogir and Silberk until we got to Zadar, with its beautiful port and wonderful views and its
mysteries about The Adriatic Sea. Zadar was our last stop before the Plitvice Lakes. In these blue lakes we found
people from many different countries, but mainly Chinese and Americans. We stayed in a beautiful wooden cottage
with views of the mountains.
The last stop was Zagreb: a simple and elegant city.
Zagreb – CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0
During the time I was there, I realized that although Croatia is a distant country, their people are not much
different from Spanish people. However, I could say that Croatians are definitely more hospitable than us! We had
to survive in a strange country but its people made our life easier.
Sandra Almonacid López (2º Intermedio – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Wie hätte ich es wissen können, als ich auf
jenes Flugzeug aufgestiegen bin
Englisch ist ein Muss. Deutsch ist ein Plus
Die Deutschlernenden sind dieser Wendung sehr gut bewusst,
die sich täglich den Schwirigkeiten der Sprache
gegenüberstellen. Heutzutage zweifelt niemand daran, dass die
Sprache als ein wichtiges Teil unserer Ausbildung gilt, um eine
versprechende Karriere zu schaffen. Wenn man eine
Fremdsprache lernen möchte, kann das einem das ganze
Leben ändern, ohne dass er es merkt. In den folgenden Zeilen
wird erzählt, wie das möglich ist. Das ist Montserrat. Ihr Lächeln
Montserrat García Barrasús
begleitenihre eleganten Gesten ihres schlanken Körpers,
während sie redet.
Und achtet mal hier, meine lieben Leser, was ich euch sage. Wenn man unter Deutschenarbeitet,
verwandelt sich Deutsch in ein echtes Muss.
Interviewer: Montserrat…, wies ist Ihr Nachname?
Montserrat: Ach so!: Montserrat García Barrasús, aber die sind nur meine spanischen Nachnamen, aber....
I: Moment mal, Ich muss die Frage stellen, bevor ich mit dem Interveiw fortführe; anders wäre es doch
unhöflich. Bevorzugen Sie Duzen oder Siezen ?
M: Keine Sorge, du kannst mich einfach duzen!
I: Ok. Also, lassen wir uns mit einigen üblichen W-Fragen anfangen, damit unsere Leser ein ganzes Bild von
dir bekommen können. Wie lange hast du in Deutschland gelebt, und Wo?
M: Ich bin ungefähr im Jahre 1984 nach Deutschland gezogen. Das bedeute, ein bisschen länger als 33
Jahre. Dort habe ich in manchen Orten gelebt: In Bonn, in einem kleinen Dorf ind der Nähe von Köln,
dessen Name Sankt Agustin ist. Ich empfehle dir, es zu besuchen. Aber seit einigen Jahren lebe ich in
München, weil meine…
I: Das ist doch eine lange Zeit. Ich frage mich warum. Was machst du beruflich? Hast du immer in
derselben Stelle gearbeitet?
M: Nein. Zunächst war ich nur als Babysitter tätig, während ich die Sprache gelernt und vertieft habe. Ohne
richtige Deutschkentnisse hat man in Deutschland keinen Zugang zum Arbeitmarkt. Da sind die
Fremdprachen sehr wichtig, und sie werden schon als Kind in den Schulen gelernt. Egal wo man arbeiten
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
werden sie sehr oft verlangt; sie sind ein wichtiges Teil des Lebenlaufs und der Ausbildung der
I: Und es scheint, dass sie dir dabei geholfen haben, Erfolg zu erreichen, weil du in kurzer Zeit eine Stelle als
Stewardess bei der bekannten Luftfahrtgesellsshaft Lufthansa gefunden hast.
M: Und die hat sehr lange gedauert, ich muss gestehen! Aber ichhabe nicht nur Deutsch gelernt. Für solche
Stelle, ist ein gutes Englischniveau erforderlich.
I: Wie kann man Deutsch lernen, besonders wenn sie als eine der schwierigsten und manchmal
hässlichsten Sprache Europas gilt?
M: Ich habe einen Intensiven Kurs gemacht. Sobald ich in Deutschand war, wollte ich so wenig Kontakt mit
den anderen spanischer Auswanderern wie möglich zu haben. Ich wollte keine Alemanolin
I: Wie bitte? Was hast du gesagt? „Alemanolin”?
M: Ja, ja (sie lächelt). Bei uns haben wir damals so bezeichnet ein Spanier, der nach Deutschland gezogen
ist, und sich nur mit anderen Spaniern auf Spanisch unterhalten hat.
I: Die Zeit für dieses Interview kommt gleich zu Ende. Nur ein paar Fragen mehr. Auf welchen persönlichen
Fertigkeiten legen die Deutchen den größten Wert?
M: Zuverlässigkeit. Wenn man zum Beispiel einen Termin mit einem Elektroinstalateur hat, ist ganz sicher,
dass er arbeitet, bis alle Geräte richtig funktionieren. In Spanien…. Leider kann man das nicht so oft sagen.
I: Wie wäre dann das Ideales Land, mit dem besten von beiden Ländern?
M: Sicher würde ich die deutsche Zuverlässigkeit und die Spanische Freundlichkeit nehmen.
I: Schön. Es hat mich sehr gefreuet, dass du uns heute blegaitest hast. Vielen Dank! Und mir fällt ein, dass
wir nicht zu viel über deine Familie gesprochen haben. Kein Klatschen eigentlich!
M: Du hast doch nicht gefrragt, du lästiger Mensch! (sie lacht). Ich bin nach Deutschland gefahren, um die
Sprache zu lernen. Kurz darauf habe ich da meinen Eheman kennengelernt. Deshalb ist mein Name
Zimmermann. Und im Lauf der Jahren sindmeine zwei Kinder auf der Welt gekommen. Eine Sprache dient
dazu, eine gute Arbeit zu finden, richtig, aber sie kann dir das glücklichste Teil deines Lebens bringen!.
Mein/e lieber/e Lesser/in. Zögern Sie nicht mal!. Wagen Sie es!. Fantastische Möglichkeiten warten auf Sie
um die Ecke!!.
Óscar Leal (1º Avanzado - Alemán)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Malheureusement, au vingt et unième siècle, les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes continuent à
être un sujet d´actualité et ainsi le montrent les dernières informations. Bien sûr, le travail sans relâche de
certaines personnes et leur lutte tout au long des années, pour atteindre cette égalité a réussi à diminuer la
distance entre les hommes et les femmes.
Actuellement, des droits comme le droit de vote ou le droit à l´éducation nous semblent tout à fait évidents.
Néanmoins, autrefois les femmes n´avaient pas de chance puisqu´elles étaient sur un échelon inférieur à
celui des hommes.
Et pour cette raison il est important de mettre en valeur le personnage de Marie Curie. Elle a été une femme
qui s´est distinguée par ses réussites et ses découvertes dans le domaine de la Physique et de la Chimie.
Maiía Salomea Skodowska – Curie est née le 7 novembre 1867, à Varsovie. En 1891, elle a commencé ses
études à l´université de la Sorbonne où elle a étudié les mathématiques et la physique. Ensuite, elle a
obtenu sa licence en sciences physiques en 1893, et sa licence en sciences mathématiques en 1894.
Cette année-là, elle a rencontré Pierre Curie qui était son professeur de Phasique. L´année d´après ils sont
mariés. A partir de là ils ont travaillé ensemble. Ils ont fait des recherches sur la radioactivité et finalement
en 1896 ils ont découvert les Rayons X et la radioactivité.
En 1897, leur fille Irène-Juliot est née. Ils ont continué avec leurs recherches et en 1898, ils ont découvert
deux éléments chimiques: le polonium et le radium. De sorte qu´en 1902 ils ont présenté leurs recherches
et leurs résultats scientifiques. C´est pour ce travail qu´ils ont gagné le Prix Nobel en 1903.
En 1904 est née leur autre fille, Ève. Le 19 avril 1906, Pierre Curie est mort tragiquement dans un accident
de la route, pendant qu´il se promenait dans la rue Dauphine (à Saint-Germain des Prés). Il a été renversé
par un camion tiré par des chevaux.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Evidemment, Marie Curie a été très affligée par cette perte et elle a souffert de dépression. Toutefois, elle a
décidé de continuer avec ses travails et ses recherches.
Le 13 mai 1906, l´université de Paris lui a offert un poste comme professeur. Elle a été la première femme
qui a occupé un poste de professeur dans cette université et aussi la première femme directrice d´un
laboratoire dans cette même université.
De plus, elle a dirigé un laboratoire qui est créé par l´institut
En 1911, Marie Curie a reçu le Prix Nobel de Chimie, c´est-à-dire qu´elle a été la première personne à
recevoir deux Prix Nobel en différentes catégories : la Chimie et la Physique.
Finalement, en 1934, Maire Curie est morte à cause d´une maladie, sûrement provoquée par la radioactivité
à laquelle elle avait été exposée pendant ses recherches.
Cristina Pérez Barahona (1º Intermedio - Francés)
Carmen Grousset est une Française qui vit en Espagne depuis 1980. Voilà l’entretien que sa propre fille,
élève de l’école lui a fait pour cette revue.
Bonjour Carmen. Nous aimerions connaître le point de vue d’une
française en Espagne sur l'apprentissage des langues, et son
parcours en Espagne. Comment ça va?
Bien, et vous?
Pour quelles raisons êtes-vous venue en Espagne?
La première fois, pour apprendre la langue, pour connaître le pays.
J'avais très envie d'y aller, j'avais une idée du pays un peu trop
fantasmé, idéalisée car ma mère d'origine espagnole dut le quitter
vers ses 20 ans. Je ne connaissais mon deuxième pays que par son
filtre. À l'âge de 19 ans, on a envie de changer d'horizon. J'ai vécu
Flag of France (Wikimedia Commons) HSCirkel
l'expérience Erasmus avant l'heure. De plus au début des années 80, les instances politiques françaises
vendaient bien l'idée d'une union européenne forte, bien développée.
Les fois suivantes, une raison de poids s'est imposée: l'amour. Nous aurions pu vivre en France, mais vivre
en Espagne me plaisait.
Comment vous avez passé les premiers mois en Espagne?
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Pour m'y installer y vivre, j'ai dû trouver depuis la France une entreprise qui travaillait avec l'Espagne. Ça m'a
pris trois mois. Ayant du travail, on se débrouille. Au niveau de l'apprentissage de la langue, ça s'est fait
naturellement en milieu naturel. On est immergé, on écoute, on comprend presque tout mais on n'arrive
pas trop à s'exprimer. Mes connaissances de l'espagnol venaient du collège uniquement. À la maison, on
ne parlait pas espagnol. Maintenant on profite des avantages d'avoir des parents de nationalités différentes
pour que les enfants soient bilingues. Ma mère a dû aussi passer par ce même apprentissage de l'espagnol
vers le français par immersion, moi simplement j'ai fait le chemin inverse.
Est-ce-que vous avez trouvé de grandes différences culturelles entre la France et l’Espagne ?
Oui, bien sûr, c'est ce qui m'a séduite. Vivre à l'extérieur, dans la rue, sa gastronomie, la facilité de se faire
des amis, des connaissances. Par contre, dans certaines régions d'intérieur, comme la Castille, qui n'ont
jamais eu de brasement de population, on est la bête rare.
Je vous assure que pendant quelques années, il me manquait de voir des gens noirs. J'y étais habituée, et il
n'y en avait plus dans ce paysage espagnol. Le fait aussi qu'on n'utilise que le prénom pour entrer en
communication avec les gens. Dans les consultations médicales, ça m'a toujours choquée qu'on vous
appelle par votre prénom.
Quand ils doivent écrire mon nom, c'est aussi déplaisant. Parfois, je donne mon second nom qui est
espagnol, pour ne pas avoir de réflexions sur son origine, sur la difficulté de l'écrire car je dois l'épeler.
Ça vous a été difficile d'apprendre l'espagnol?
Non, quand on est immergé comme ça, ça vient naturellement. On n'a pas le choix, le sens des phrases,
leurs significations priment d'abord et puis on doit se débrouiller. Pour l'écrit après 35 ans, la position des
accents me pose toujours problème. Pendant des années j'ai inventé des mots. On rend espagnol un mot
français. Ça m'arrive encore.
Vous aviez des connaissances de l’espagnol avant de venir ici ?
Oui, comme je vous l'ai dit, j'ai étudié l'espagnol au lycée comme deuxième langue jusqu'au Bac, et puis
j'écoutais la radio le soir en onde moyenne. J'arrivais à capter Radio Nacional. Quelle que soit la langue, si
vous arrivez à suivre un match de foot à la radio, c'est que vous avez là un bon niveau.
Quand vous êtes venue en Espagne, pensiez-vous y rester si longtemps ?
Non, bien sûr que non! Pendant plus de 10 ans les allées et venues d'un pays à l'autre sont fréquents, puis
ça s'estompe. On commence à avoir moins de liens, moins d'expériences vécues avec les connaissances
françaises, on est un peu fatigué d'ouvrir les portes des amis, des membres de la famille le temps de notre
séjour, et puis après de les refermer. Et puis, on ne trouve pas les conditions pour retourner dans le pays.
Avez-vous pensé à retourner en France définitivement?
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Oui, j'ai essayé, mais Il y a un point presque de non-retour. Repartir suppose redémarrer à zéro, on y pense
mais ce n'est pas facile de retrouver du travail, plus les années passent, de refaire sa vie autre part. Moi, j'ai
décidé de partir de mon pays un temps, le retour s'est fait de plus en plus difficile. J'aurai voulu mais ça n'a
pas été ma priorité à toute évidence! D'autres facteurs sont passés au premier plan pour ne pas prendre le
taureau par les cornes et faire à nouveau les valises. On ne fait plus ses valises mais les valises de toute une
Vous avez étudié philologie française, n'est-ce pas ? Quelles étaient les raisons principales de cette
Je devais changer de métier, l'avenir professionnel devenait noir. J'avais les capacités pour aller à
l'université bien que la paperasse bureaucratique n'a pas facilité les choses, et surtout je ressentais du
plaisir à enseigner mon idiome aux autres. C'est une chose que j'estimais pouvoir faire malgré mes 40 ans.
Après tant d'années, quels sont les aspects qui vous manquent le plus de la France, à part la famille?
Certaines spécialités culinaires me manqueront toujours, notamment les fromages, le céleri rave, la
choucroute, le fromage blanc, la blanquette de veau, le petit salé dans les lentilles, la pintade aux navets, les
huitres qu'on trouvait sur les marchés etc. Les débats politiques sereins à la télé font lamentablement
défaut. Dans la vie courante et à la télé, les conversations sereines où chacun peut exposer ses arguments
en respectant le tour de parole, en accordant de l'autorité au meneur du débat. Le fait de ne pas crier pour
se faire entendre. Le respect de l'environnement quotidien, ne pas jeter à terre les papiers des emballages.
Les Espagnols ont fait des progrès.
Merci beaucoup d’avoir voulu réponde à ces questions.
C’est tout mon plaisir.
Marina Pescador (2º Avanzado - Francés)
A special runner
When our teacher told us the magazine topics on which we could write, I didn’t
know what to choose, but suddenly, I thought of a person who I met some
years ago and is now part of my family.
He is Sergio Fernández Pérez, a ‘Madrileño’ who has been living in Aranda for
some years.
He is an adventurer and extreme, long-distance runner who specializes in selfsufficiency. He stands out, not only for competing in the most inhospitable
Sergio Fernández Pérez - S.F.P.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
races in the world, but also for racing on all types of terrain (desert, mountain, ice and forest) running routes
which he, himself, has prepared. Professionally, he is a quantity surveyor and a sociologist.
I decided to ask him some questions:
Q _ Why did you start doing this kind of sport?
A _ I started doing it, firstly, for the sport itself, and, secondly, as a challenge and a different way of travelling.
Q _How many places have you been to so far?
A _ I don’t remember exactly how many countries or places I have been to, because over the years I have
been to a lot. I can remember some of them, such as India (in the Himalayan range), Mongolia, Libya,
Algeria, Brazil, (The Amazon jungle), Canada, Russia, Iceland, Morocco, Italy, France, and our Spanish
islands (The Canary and Balearic Islands).
Q _Which was the most dangerous or interesting place for you?
A _ Each place has something unique. But I particularly remember Canada as being a special place with
the northern lights and its breathtaking views. Brazil is the most dangerous place I have been to and
Mongolia, which I liked a lot, is the most interesting. India
impressive landscapes.
As for Russia, I went to The Baikal Lake and it was great but
too risky. However, since nothing bad happened to me, it
was ok. The conditions of ice and snow were not good and
I couldn’t finish the race on the whole lake; I only ran for 8
days and 355 km. Maybe someday I’ll finish it. Travelling
conventionally is interesting as well, I enjoy it a lot.
Sergio Fernández Pérez running on Baikal Lake- S.F.P.
Q _ Thank you very much for being kind enough to talk to me today. We’ll have to do another interview
A _ Of course! You’re welcome.
If you want to know more
about this amazing runner, read his blog: “ser13gio”. I
enjoy it!
María Jesús de la Cal (2º Intermedio A – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
-Alors, Monsieur Chanceux,
vous êtes passé à deux
doigts de la fortune ?
-Eh bien, oui, mercredi
dernier, à 6 heures, comme
toujours depuis dix ans, j’ai rempli ma grille de
loto. Je joue toujours les mêmes numéros : mon
numéro de téléphone et ma date de naissance.
Comme j’allais sortir pour valider mon billet au
bar tabac, le téléphone a sonné. C’était une
enquêtrice de la SOFRES qui m’a posé des
questions sur la chance et les jeux de hasard.
Comme elle avait l’air très gentil, je lui ai
répondu. Elle voulait savoir si je jouais aux jeux
de hasard, si j’avais de la chance et si j’avais
déjà gagné.
Ensuite, je suis parti. Il était environ 6 heures et
quart. Dans l’escalier, j’ai rencontré ma voisine
tout affolée, à cause d’une fuite dans sa salle
de bains. Vous comprenez, je suis plombier. J’ai
coupé l’eau et je lui ai dit que je repasserais
après 19 heures.
Ensuite, j’arrive dans la rue. Une dame que je ne
connaissais pas m’accoste et me demande si je
ne peux pas tenir deux minutes son chien, juste
le temps de faire une petite course dans le
magasin d’en face, où les chiens ne sont pas
acceptés. Dix minutes plus tard, j’étais encore là,
avec le chien ! Elle a fini par revenir et m’a
annoncé que j’avais été filmé pour la caméra
invisible : c’était un gag !
J’ai regardé ma montre : il était
18h45. Comme il était tard, j’ai
décidé de prendre ma voiture pour
arriver plus vite. Je fais 100 mètres.
Je m’arrête au feu parce qu’il était
rouge… mais pas la voiture qui était
derrière moi ! Résultat : un peu de
tôle froissée. Ce n’était pas grave,
mais il a fallu faire un constat.
Bref, quand je suis arrivé au bar et
que j’ai présenté mon billet, on
m’a dit : « Désolé, monsieur, il est
trop tard, il est 19h01 ». Le soir,
quand j’ai regardé le tirage du
loto à la télé, c’était mes
numéros : le 6, le 10, le 21, le 23, le 48 et le 49.
Oui, monsieur, c’est dix millions d’euros que j’ai
perdus ! -dit-il en souriant…
L’histoire vous a plu ?
Monsieur Chanceux passe son temps à aider
tout le monde, c’est pour cela qu’il n’a pas
gagné au Loto. Les gens croient qu’il a perdu 10
millions d’euros. Et en effet, il les a perdus !
Mais en fait, il n’en a pas besoin, il est déjà
heureux comme ça, puisque la chance est,
avant tout, d’avoir une bonne santé et du bon
cœur. Et surtout d’avoir de bons amis,
beaucoup d’amour de la part de tous ceux qui
sont autour de nous. Alors, vive la richesse!
Mari Carmen (2º Intermedio – Francés)
How good are you at love films? I’m going to tell you some of the most famous American films of all
times. Can you guess which ones and the year they were released by reading about them? Read and
find out at the end.
1. This film tells us the story of a teenage girl who learns about love and responsibility. Baby is a 17-year-old
girl spending the summer with her family at a resort hotel. She´s bored to tears in that hotel because she
doesn´t get on well with her older sister. She meets Johnny, who is a dance instructor in the resort, and
she starts dancing with him. They finally fall in love. They will have to fight against her father, who doesn´t
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
agree with this relationship. This film was a hit, and so was the soundtrack album, which was a bigger
2. This is an American romantic disaster movie. It was directed, written and co-produced by James
Cameron. Its stars are the Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. Both play characters who come from
different social classes. They fall in love after meeting on board. Yes, the film takes place on a ship! The
movie won 11 Academy Awards and was nominated for fourteen Academy Awards.
3. The main character is a simple man with a low IQ (Intelligent Quotient) but good intentions. He is
running through childhood with his best and only friend, Jenny. It is the story of a man who proved that
determination, courage and love are more important than ability. One of the most famous sentences in
the film is: “stupid is as stupid does”. All that he wants is to make us see during the film that anyone can
love and be loved by anyone.
4. A musical about teens in love in the 50s. It´s California 1959 and Danny Zuko, and the naïve Sandy, fall
in love. They spend time at the beach and when they go back to school, they do not know that they
both now attend the same High School. Danny is the leader of the T-Birds, a band wearing black leatherjackets, while Sandy hangs with the Pink Ladies, a group of pink-wearing girls. When they happen to
meet each other at High School, Danny isn’t the same Danny from the beach. They try to change and
become more like each other so they can be together.
5. Edward is a rich businessman who specializes in taking over companies and selling them off piece by
piece. He travels to Los Angeles for a business trip and he decides to hire a prostitute on Hollywood
Boulevard. This is a love story. During the film, Edward is on his way to become a better person, whereas
Vivian, the prostitute, has a new chance to start over again.
6. Sam and Molly are a very happy couple and deeply in love. Walking back to their new apartment
after a night out at the theatre, they bump into a thief in a dark alley, and Sam is murdered. He finds
himself trapped as a ghost and realizes that his death wasn’t an accident. He must warn Molly about the
danger she lives in. But, as a ghost, he cannot be seen or heard by anybody, so he tries to communicate
with Molly through Oda Brown, a psychic who can’t even realize that her powers are real.
7. This film is the award-winning adaptation of the classic romantic tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” by
William Shakespeare. In New York City, the Jets and the Sharks are white immigrant gangs who hate
each other and who fight against each other for territory in their neighborhood. Tony, one of the
founders of the Jets, and Maria from the Sharks, fall in love at first sight. As Maria and Tony try to meet
each other clandestinely at any opportunity, Maria makes a request of him to foster peace between the
Jets and the Sharks, which leads to a series of tragic events not only for the collective but personally for
Maria and Tony. It´s a musical adaptation of Romeo and Juliet set in New York City, where rival street
gangs battle for territory and respect.
Cristina Cano (2º Intermedio - Inglés)
What is the difference between a cat and a dog?
Dogs think: Humans are benevolent, they feed me and take care of
me, so they must be Gods. Cats instead think: human are benevolent
they feed me and take care of me, so I must be God.
Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9!
Rubén Fernández Ipiña (1º Avanzado – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
1.- Je traverse tout Paris sans sortir de mon lit.
Qui suis-je?
2.- Je suis fine et brillante. Mon corps est gracieux.
Quand j'écarte les jambes, j'écarte aussi les yeux.
Qui suis-je?
3.- Je suis pleine de trous,
et pourtant je retiens l’eau!
Qui suis-je?
4.- Quand je suis petit je suis grand,
et plus je vieillis plus je deviens petit.
Seul le vent peut m'empêcher de devenir petit.
Qui suis-je?
Trois « emblèmes » : le cassoulet et la saucisse pour sa gastronomie, le rugby pour le sport. C’est la
quatrième commune du Midi -ou du Sud- de la France, la plus peuplée de France, après Paris, Marseille
et Lyon. Elle est inscrite depuis 1998 au titre des chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle. On peut y
trouver le plus grand édifice roman d'Europe. Elle est surnommée la «ville rose» en raison de la couleur du
matériau de construction traditionnel local. C’est la capitale européenne de l'industrie aéronautique et
spatiale. À votre avis, c’est… ?
María Martín (1ºAvanzado - Francés)
What’s the name of the boy who lost his car?
If the word “car” means “coche” and the word “men” means “hombres”,
is my friend Carmen a Transformer?
Rubén Fernández Ipiña (1º Avanzado – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
-Je suis inquiet, je vois des points noirs…
-Tu as vu l’oculiste?
-Non, des points noirs!
-J’ai battu un record.
-Ah bon, lequel?
-J’ai réussi à faire en 15 jours un puzzle sur lequel il y avait écrit
«de 3 à 5 ans»!
Nicolas demande à un copain :
-Ça veut dire quoi:
« I don’t know »?
Et l’autre répond :
-Je ne sais pas…
-Moi, quand je bois une tasse de café, je ne peux pas dormir.
-Moi, c’est le contraire!
-Ah, bon?
-Oui, quand je dors, je ne peux pas boire une tasse de café…
Adrián Carrasco (1º Avanzado – Francés)
The heart has reason that reason does not understand. Jacques Bossuet
Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English. It means they Know another language.
H.Jackson Brown, Jr.
Education is the best provision for the journey to old age. Aristotle
Love is not about who you live with. It’s about who you can’t live without. Anonymous
The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you do. Anonymous
Persuasion is often more effectual than force. Aesop
Very few of us are what we seem. Agatha Christie
Respect yourself and others will respect you. Confucius
Have no fear of perfection: you´ll never reach it. Salvador Dali
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Confucius
María José Vizcarra (1º Avanzado – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
1. On les écoute à la
radio, ou bien on en
demande dans un bureau.
2. Participe passé de « avoir ». Contraire de « pauvre » (début). On peut y boire un café (début).
3. On l’utilise pour aller d’une ville à une autre. On le fait sur une touche (début). Couleur (début).
4. S’apercevoir que. Prend quelque chose qui n’est pas à lui.
5. Participe passé de « devoir ». Contraire de « ou ». Pronom personnel pluriel.
6. Femme d’Adam (début). Tu trouves que.
7. Elle est au Sud de l’Europe. Quand c’est dangereux, il faut faire… (début).
8. On le prend dans une salle ou dans la mer. Contraire de « sort ».
9. Participe passé de « lire ». Pronom personnel. Verbe « être ».
10. Très particulier, qui arrive très peu souvent, terrible.
A. Difficile à croire.
B. Les avions y arrivent ou en partent (début). Contraire de « vrai ».
C. Contraire de « ouvre ». Contraire de « quelque chose » (début).
D. Contraire de « se souvenir » (début). Contraire de « commencer ».
E. Machine très compliquée et très moderne (début). Article ou note de musique.
F. À moi. Plusieurs personnes qui attendent la même chose la font.
G. Contraire de « même » (début). Contraire de « s’enfuir ».
H. Homme.
I. Qui est venu puis s’en est allé.
J. Il a été tué, et il est donc… (fin). Sous une perruque.
K. Et ne pas. À lui ou à elle.
L. Il habite ou se trouve à côté.
M. Contraire de « laide ». fin de verbe à l’infinitif.
N. Elle n’aime pas travailler.
Ana (2º Intermedio - Francés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
A New Way of Watching Opera
The most innovative technology has reached
the world of opera. Last 19th February, during
the performance of “La Traviata” at the
Kursaal Auditorium in San Sebastian, part of
the audience got the most out of it thanks to
fifty 3D smart glasses, available on rent.
These glasses, which use the technology of
the Sony SmartEyeglass, are the result of an
interesting project carried out by the Basque
company Opera Touch, which is now planning
developed in the Liceu Opera House in
Barcelona and in the ABAO in Bilbao.
This technological application synchronizes automatically with the play so as to enable the crowd to follow it
and read the music score at the same time. One of the main strengths of this software is that it allows
spectators enjoy opera without raising their heads to read the text. Additional features include the
possibility of learning more about the plot, by reading the subtitles and information about the artists in
different languages (Spanish, Basque and English, so far), and acclaiming the performance by tweeting
This device is believed to be a new way to enhance opera experiences. It is also expected to attract the
youngest public, always reluctant to this kind of music. In fact, and according to its creator, Xavier Zaratain,
the firm hopes “to revolutionize the way people watch opera”. “It is a technology that opens the door to an
endless amount of possibilities that did not exist in the world of opera”, he adds. Accordingly, Ainhoa
Garmendia, the lyric soprano, also emphasizes that this invention “will open the world of the opera to people
who are now afraid of not understanding the plays”.
Taking everything into consideration, this innovation by Opera Touch is firmly confirmed to be a turning
point in the history of opera. From now on, the audience, attracted by these smart glasses which offer a
broader angle of view and a more immersive experience, will have no excuse to miss a detail in a performance.
El País Newspaper:
Opera World: International Opera Magazine:
Edurne Andrés (C1 – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Nowadays we are living in a world full of technology, gadgets, electronic devices and many applications that
can be downloaded onto our smartphone or other mobile device for free. You can use all kinds of apps
according to your needs. If you want to access certain functions on your mobile phone quickly and easily, you
can use DESKTOP WIDGETS. These are very useful in everyday life.
The most famous app that everybody knows is WHATSAPP; you can send free messages instantly to any part
of the world without any charge and it is easy to use. The best thing about Whatsapp is that there isn’t any
advertising on the screen display. On the other hand, the worst thing about it is that every time you spend a
certain time, the app asks you to download the new update but you can’t use it because it expires. You try to
download it and it tells you that there isn’t enough space on your phone. You can avoid this for a certain time
by changing the date on your smartphone.
Another interesting app is DROPBOX.
It is a free service that allows you to store and share your
documents, videos and photos, etc. so that you can always have them on hand when you need them. If you
have internet connection, you can access the cloud or internet storage from anywhere.
If you need to clean your phone from cache, cookies and trash to get more space, which will
enable your phone to have more battery life, you can use CLEAN MASTER.
You can enjoy loads of apps, and you may receive different notifications from your favourite
apps. If you are studying languages, you can download different apps to improve your skills. As you can see,
there are thousands of apps that you can use according to your knowledge, skills, needs and interests. The
only problems that I see are that, firstly, this might create addiction and, secondly, you may get misleading
information. Although, to be honest, it would currently be difficult to live without any technology.
Mª Luz Pascual (2º Intermedio – Inglés)
DOVO Application
Nowadays mobile applications help us to have useful information. Dovo is an application
which has complete information about Aranda de Duero and it surroundings.
You can learn and do cultural, culinary and recreational activities in Aranda. Moreover,
it has a 3D map of Aranda, a tourist guide, a business browser, chemists on duty and
useful telephone numbers, for example, the City Hall, the hospital, the health centers
and ambulance services. Besides, this application is updated each Friday, and it’s free!
This application was created by two young men from Aranda in 2014 whose names are César Guerra and Raúl
Serrano. César has many friends who live in other cities and when they came to Aranda they wanted to know
what they could do here. As there weren’t any websites dealing with this, he thought that he could create an
application with this information. Raúl was responsible for the software and the application design.
Carmen Cuevas (2º Intermedio – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Would you like to improve your English? Well, probably talking to
native English speakers is the best way to learn this language, but that
is not always possible. Online websites and mobile apps, however, are
much more available.
There are also many English learning websites and mobile apps where,
instead of only learning new vocabulary or grammar, you can also
practice listening, reading and even speaking.
Like most mobile apps to learn English, “English Listening with BBC
Learning English” features videos and radio broadcasts with the
latest news around the world, mainly from Britain.
In addition to that, the mobile app is very easy to navigate. The posts are grouped into three levels:
beginner, intermediate and advanced. Each level has different levels too, and every one with a huge variety
of news. Additional features include English chat, vocabulary quizzes, a pronunciation section and a
dictionary. Moreover, you can listen to short news items whenever you want without needing a long time to do
this; there are many reports which are only 6 minutes long.
One of the main strengths of "English Listening" is that it simulates how we actually learn languages.
Instead of learning new words, this mobile app teaches you whole phrases. The site focuses on phrases that
real people use in real conversations. You will be able to speak like a native because you will know exactly how
to use any word. In my opinion, this mobile app is good to help you improve your listening comprehension.
One of the drawbacks of this mobile app is that it does not include an interactive speaking application. For
example, you cannot talk with other students so it is difficult to know how you are improving. Another
downside to "English Listening” is that you can only choose listening, you cannot choose speaking or writing.
This can be interesting if you only want to practise listening but, it can be insufficient at times. Overall, this
is a great resource to practice your listening skills.
Finally, what I love about “English Listening” is that every day you receive a message on your mobile: “News
Report” with a new story to listen to. My News Report for today is Calais “Jungle” clearance. I am going to
listen to it right now…
Mercedes Bravo (1º Intermedio – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
How to improve your English…with a useful App
I have studied English for the last four years - I would even like to think that as well as studying it, I have
learned a bit, too! - and, as far as I am concerned, the most arduous and demanding things to remember
are…phrasal verbs!
Fortunately, I am not the only one to feel overwhelmed by this as, to help English students improve their
range of vocabulary, Cambridge University offers us an amazing tool:
Phrasal Verbs Machine.
This useful software is available for Android smartphones (at Play Store)
and also for Apple IPhones (at App Store), and…it is free!
After downloading it, you will be able to decide whether to go straight to
the Exercise Section or spend some time in Phrasal Verbs View.
If you prefer to learn the phrasal verbs’ meanings as a first step, in the Phrasal Verbs View section you
select the multiword verb you want to study and afterwards you see a scene where you guess its meaning. If
you want more clarification its definition is also provided. Maybe you want to look up some examples?
Cambridge University have thought about this as well. And when you feel confident enough you can try some
practice activities!
The app is set in a circus tent the same as might be seen in a comic from the 50s. You will recognize the
atmosphere and the characters at once, although the background music is very wearing on the nerves!
The services provided by the app can be configured and, needless to say, the more you use it, the more you
will learn.
All in all, Phrasal Verbs Machine by Cambridge University is a very useful, and funny, app for English
Isabel Alonso (2º Avanzado – Inglés)
WhatsApp is one of the most used instant messaging applications in the world.
Millions of people have downloaded it from Google Play, which is the store on
Android smartphones, or from Apple Store on IPhones. It has more than 4 out
of 5 stars in user reviews, but, besides being well regarded for helping us to
keep in touch more easily, sometimes it can become our worst nightmare. In my
view, it has some definite advantages and disadvantages.
One of the most significant reasons why this App has become so popular is because it is free for the first
year. After that, the user is charged 0,89€ if they want to use it for a second year. Secondly, apart from
sending and receiving text messages instantly, you can share multimedia files such as videos, pictures, audios
or maps showing your location, and recently, you can even phone people.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
However, this App has several disadvantages, too. Firstly, being a member of too many groups of WhatsApp
can drive you crazy if your phone has a ringtone, so you ought to silence the most active groups. Secondly, it
can be your worst enemy when you realise that you have just sent a WhatsApp to the wrong contact and you
aren’t able to delete it, or when a class or work meeting is interrupted because your phone is vibrating madly
on top of the table. Thirdly, some of your contacts can become spies because they can see if you are online,
if you are writing, when your last connection was, and even, if you have read their message by seeing two blue
But, probably a couple of the most annoying situations it can cause are when you are with your friends and
their fingers are ‘stuck’ to the app and they are not paying attention to anything you say, and when you wake
up very confused at 4 a.m. because you forgot to silence the phone and your friend has just sent you a
It may be true that we are more ‘connected’ thanks to this App, however, we should use it rationally and not
waste our valuable time texting. Never forget that a message sent to a friend can disturb their rest and
relaxation, their class or their meeting. WhatsApp can be a double-edged sword: a good tool at work but
addictive as well.
Adrián Maté (2º Intermedio – Inglés)
Two Apps to Improve
English Listening and Speaking Skills
How many times in your life have you made the decision of improving your English listening and speaking
skills? Has it become a New Year’s resolution impossible to achieve? How often have you justified your
inability to improve by blaming it on your lack of time?
There is no need to worry! New technology and, in particular, Android mobile phones will help you to master
English listening and speaking tests from now on. Do you find it impossible to believe? Have a look at the
following free Apps and make the most of your time by using them while waiting at the doctor’s or while
having your hair cut at the hairdresser’s.
Advanced English Listening
Offered by EGroup, this resource shows an intuitive
interface where the user has access to more than 300
listening stories in English (Advanced level), which are
grouped into 9 different lessons. Additional features
include the possibility of selecting and saving your
favourite stories so as to go back to them as fast as
possible, and also of having all the transcripts at hand.
This way, the student also improves his/her reading
skills while listening to the different texts.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
One of the main strengths of the Advanced English Listening App is the wide range of topics and texts
selected: from a talk entitled “Why your worst deeds do not define you” by Shaka Senghor (taken from
https://www.ted.com/) to a NPR radio interview dealing with the plot to poison a well-known French wine.
There is no way to get bored! On the contrary, the main drawback of this resource is the impossibility for
the user to navigate from one text to another without avoiding advertising. Moreover, more extra tools could
have been added in order to get the most out of the listening experience: a dictionary, a list of the
expressions that appear in the texts, etc.
All in all, this app is a must for those advanced students who hope to overcome the difficulties that listening
tests always pose.
English Listening and Speaking
Offered by Miracle FunBox, the main aim
of this App is to help its user listen to
English and speak more fluently. How? In
this case, by offering three different
levels of difficulty (easy, intermediate
and advanced) and a selection of texts
with audios and transcripts which range
from short stories and articles to daily
talks that cover the most varied areas:
phone conversations, health problems,
English Listening and Speaking App also features two audio modes: online streaming and offline, a table of
irregular verbs (which contains more than 600 irregular verbs with sounds), a list of the most common
expressions and phrases (ordered alphabetically by topics) and another one with essential idioms and phrasal
verbs used in daily talk. This helpful tool allows the user to manage his/her favourite lessons, idioms and
phrases. Moreover, what students love about it is that it includes listening tests grouped into different
levels so they find it easier to check their listening abilities by means of filling in exercises.
English Listening and Speaking App is essential for all those students whose main goal is to make progress
not only in their listening, but also in their speaking skills, whatever their level is. Despite the advertising
that constantly pops up, it is a complete resource which will improve users’ range of vocabulary, speaking
skills and listening comprehension.
Edurne Andrés (C1 – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Extranjeros en Aranda
Between here and there:
An interview with our
English teacher!
In 1st Basic, group D, we thought we’d take advantage of the excellent opportunity offered by
this section of our school magazine to interview our teacher, Lisa Walters, to get to know a little
In our interview today, we will know a little bit more about Lisa Walters . Who is a teacher from the North of England.She
bit more about her, and her experience of living and working in a foreign country.
has been living in Spain for 23 years and now she works in the EOI here in Aranda de Duero.She has been working in
this school for six months. Before this she worked in Soria.
By way of a brief introduction, Lisa is from the north of England (see the information below) but
has been living in Spain for about 23 years. She has been working in the Escuela Oficial de
Idiomas (EOI) in Aranda since last September. Before this, she worked in the EOI in Soria.
Where are you from?
I’m from Dronfield in Derbyshire,
in the north of England.
When did you
I came to Spain in the summer of 1992, the
year of the Expo in Seville. I remember when I came
that year, the first thing I did was to go to Seville to
see the Expo. With regard to Aranda, I first came
here to teach in the EOI in 2008, when I passed the
‘oposición’. I was here for 3 years before being sent
to Soria for my first fixed post. After trying to return
to Aranda for 4 years, finally I managed to get back
in September last year!
Why did you decide to come to Spain?
I decided to come to Spain when I was teaching
Spanish in a secondary school in Liverpool as I
thought spending a year in Spain would be a good
opportunity to improve my Spanish, and , therefore,
improve at my job. I had also met a Spanish man
(who was actually my language assistant!) in
Liverpool so decided to come back to Spain with him!
I didn’t know at that point in time, however, that I’d
still be here 23 years later!
Why did you decide to study Spanish at
I’d begun to learn Spanish at secondary school and
liked it; I found the sound of Spanish very nice and it
didn’t seem like a language that was difficult to learn.
I was initially contemplating a career in Art, maybe
graphic design, but, eventually, I decided to do a
‘joint’ degree in Spanish & Business Studies at Hull
University (on the northeast coast of England). At
that time, in the 80s, this degree was a novelty and
one of the most innovative degrees in the country, so
I decided that it would be a very good decision to do
it because of all the excellent job opportunities it
could offer working between Spain and the UK
maybe in a multinational corporation. However, after
my first year, I realised that I was basically rubbish
at the business side of the degree – accountancy and
economics proved to be complete mysteries to me –
so I dropped the Business Studies and continued to
do a degree in Hispanic Studies (with an English
Literature subsidiary), which I very much preferred
and was much better at!
What do you like most about Spain/Aranda?
Well, I’m going to say something very obvious here:
probably the thing I most like doing in Spain is sitting
on a terrace on a sunny day with nothing else to do
but eat a ‘pincho de tortilla’ and drink a good glass of
‘Ribera’ wine, although having a coffee in the main
square is equally relaxing, of course! I could basically
do this every day and never tire of it. I’m going to
continue with the food theme and say that, in
Aranda, I’d keep drinking the ‘Ribera’ but change the
‘tortilla’ for some lovely ‘lechazo’. I also have to say
that, in my experience, ‘Arandinos’ are very nice
people indeed; very good-natured, friendly and
participative in class. I enjoy teaching them English
and we usually manage to have a laugh in the
What, in your opinion, is the worst thing about
Oh dear, this is a bit of a rough question to have to
answer! I think that, in general, drivers here could
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
be more polite and considerate on the roads, and I’ll
never really get used to the volume of people’s
voices in bars and restaurants. However, the most
difficult thing for me about living in Spain is being
away from my friends and family back in England,
and the fact that I can’t see them as often as I’d like,
just to go for a meal, or to go shopping, or whatever
people usually do with their family and friends.
What do you think about Spanish people’s
I think the Spanish are very hospitable and sociable
people whose hospitality is often linked to food;
whenever I go to visit people here, it’s not long
before I’m being offered something to eat and drink,
which is ok by me!
Are there any places you still have to visit in
Although I’m definitely a northern person, I would
like to get to know the area around Cadiz and Jerez a
bit better. I think, together with Extremadura, it’s the
area of Spain which I have visited the least.
How many times a year do you go back to
Extranjeros en Aranda
Would you like to go back to your country?
Well, as England’s relatively so close to Spain, I think
I have the best of both worlds, being able to live and
work here but visit England often, and spend the
summers there.
At this point in time, would you change
anything about your life here?
There isn’t a great deal to change really. One thing
I’d really like to do soon, however, is swap my very
small flat for a house with a garden. I’d really like a
How do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
Living in a house with a garden!!
Could you tell us a dream you have?
In the future, I’d really like to own my little bit of
England...by having a house either in a village in the
Peak District in Derbyshire, or in a seaside resort on
the coast.
If you could have one wish...
I usually manage to get back to England about 3
times a year: at Christmas, Easter and in the
summer. I typically spend most of the summer
I’d have the power of teletransportation so that I
could be in Spain one minute and in England the
next. I could go to the gym in Burgos (where I live)
on a Sunday morning, for example, then straight
after, be in Dronfield for Sunday lunch with my
Do you bring any particular type of food or
objects back to Spain from England?
And finally, would you recommend
friends and family to visit Aranda?
I can’t really bring anything back that’s heavy
because of the airline’s weight restrictions but I do
usually end up bringing clothes and toiletries.
Absolutely, in fact my parents have already been. I
have some friends who love coming to Spain, so the
next time they come, I’ll bring them to Aranda to
sample the excellent food and wine, visit the
bodegas, walk along the banks of the Duero and,
who knows, they could even pay a visit to the
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas!
What do you miss about your country?
The first and most obvious thing to say here is that I
miss my family and friends. I’m sure that would be
true of anyone living away from their own country.
When I think about it, it’s not difficult to mention
several things I particularly miss: walking in the
countryside around my parent’s home, British pubs,
the English sense of humour, British TV and radio,
going shopping with my mum, a nice English Sunday
lunch...Quite a lot of things, actually. As I could go
on and on, it’s probably better that we get on with
the next question!
1º Básico, grupo D (Inglés)
See next page for information
on where Lisa is from.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Extranjeros en Aranda
Dronfield is a small town in northeast Derbyshire, a county in the north of England. It is situated
in the valley of the river Drone, hence its name: Drone-field. However, another explanation of its
name is “open land infested with drones (male bees)”! The county of Derbyshire is famous for its
beautiful countryside, having the Peak District National Park within its borders. Dronfield, typical
of the landscape which surrounds it, is very hilly and woody. Its houses are predominantly built of
stone and there are some traditional old pubs, like ‘The Green Dragon’, which has an underground
passage linking it with the St. John the Baptist church opposite! The town of Chesterfield and the
city of Sheffield are each 7 miles away to the south and north respectively.
C’est parti pour de nouvelles aventures!
21 septembre 2015: il est temps pour moi
de quitter la France pour rejoindre
l’Espagne. Une nouvelle vie s’offre à moi. Six
heures de routes passées entre excitation et
peur. Vais-je réussir à m’intégrer? Va-t-on
me comprendre? Les élèves de l’école
d’Aranda vont-ils m’accepter? Cinq mois
après mon arrivée à Aranda de Duero, il est
temps pour moi de faire un bilan.
Il faut l’avouer les premiers mois ont été un
peu compliqués: un nouveau mode de vie,
une nouvelle culture, des nouveaux horaires,
une nouvelle ville où je ne connaissais
personne et où j’étais loin de ma famille et
de mes amis. Mais comme dit le proverbe
français «tout vient à point à celui qui sait
Après cette petite période d’adaptation je dois dire que je me sens comme chez moi à Aranda. J’ai un travail
d’assistante de français qui me plaît énormément et dans lequel je m’épanouie. J’en profite d’ailleurs pour
conseiller à tous ceux qui ont l’occasion de pouvoir partir à l’étranger en tant qu’assistant de langue de le faire car
c’est une expérience en or! Ce travail d’assistante de français à l’EOI d’Aranda m’a permis tout d’abord d’améliorer
mon espagnol, de connaître une autre culture mais il m’a aussi permis de savoir ce que je voulais faire par la suite
c’est-à-dire professeure de français en Espagne.
Avant de clore cet article je voudrais remercier tous mes collègues de l’école de langue d’Aranda de Duero pour
m’avoir intégré au sein de l’équipe comme ils l’ont fait et pour leurs précieux conseils. Je tiens également à
remercier tous les élèves de la section français qui m’apportent beaucoup au quotidien et qui me permettent de
faire ce que j’aime: enseigner.
Florine Brière (Assistante de français)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Extranjeros en Aranda
I’m going to tell you a little bit about my life as a foreigner in Aranda. How do I feel?
I am from Colombia. I have been living in Spain since 2008 and in Aranda since
2011. Before, I lived in Almería and Zaragoza.
Here, we feel very good, because (and most importantly) we speak the same
language which makes life easier. We can work here and our life is a quiet one. In
our country, life is more difficult due to insecurity. People in Aranda are very nice.
River Bañuelos (Wikimedia
Commons) Miguel Durán
The Colombians here have a group which participate in the activities of Aranda. We respect and admire its local
traditions, for example its festivities, very much.
Mary Roa (1ºBásico – Inglés)
Exchange students from France – Encarnación Sanz
Some decades ago, Aranda was an absolutely
unnoticed town. Along the years there wasn’t
anything that could stand out over the daily routine.
But the years have passed and things have changed.
Currently, more and more foreign people come here
to learn about our culture and gastronomy, to visit
monuments or wineries and to have a good time
because in this place you can have a lot of fun.
Sonorama Festival in Aranda – Ana Herrero
Also, from November 2014 to May 2015 the wellknown event called ‘Edades del Hombre’ was held
here. In that period of time you could see people
holding maps and cameras who asked you for
directions everyday. In addition,
“Eucharistia” increased the level of tourism a lot.
Sonorama Festival in Aranda – Elisa Portugal Marina
Exchange students from Iceland – Julia Carballo
Last year there were two important cultural
exchanges worth mentioning: one of them was
between students of the 4th year of ESO from Aranda
with students from Salon de Provence in France in
April and the second one with Icelandic teenagers
during all July.
However, for me the best part of the year is when
Aranda hosts Sonorama: a Spanish music festival
which lasts for four days in July. It attracts around
50,000 people every year, most of whom come from
different parts of Spain, but little by little more
foreigners are coming to Aranda to join them!
Elisa Portugal Marina (2º Intermedio A – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
«Ah! Que je serais content(e) si le français n’avait pas autant de «e» muets, d’accents, de
consonnes en double, d’accords, de concordances qui m’embêtent, etc.! Où est l’utilité de tout
ça?» Voilà ce que j’entends dire habituellement aux élèves de français qui se voient répondre:
«Mais c’est justement ce qui fait le «charme» du français!» Cette réponse, je le reconnais, n’est
certes pas la solution à leurs problèmes. En fait, moi aussi j’ai fait cette expérience «douloureuse»: le français n’est
pas facile à écrire! Cependant, faudrait-il le simplifier pour nous simplifier la vie? En quoi consiste, alors, ce
«charme» du français?
La question des apprenants ne nous laisse pas indifférents: vu ses difficultés, une langue comme le français ne peut
pas être apprise comme quelque chose de purement «utile». Pourrait-on, d’ailleurs, prendre conscience de
l’investissement qui leur est demandé? En effet, on sait bien qu’apprendre une langue c’est s’impliquer, mettre en
branle notre connaissance du monde, prendre du recul par rapport à notre culture, nos comportements, et même
notre manière d’apprendre, notre «culture d’apprentissage»... Quand on apprend, notre identité est touchée, notre
esprit se doit d’intégrer dans son «réseau de connexions» des perceptions autres que les réalités culturelles
auxquelles on est attachés affectivement. Et ce processus merveilleux passe inévitablement par… l’orthographe!
Lorsqu’on s’exprime, en général, on veut dire quelque chose de «sensé». Les groupes de mots servent à transmettre
ce sens, ils sont porteurs d’un message. Plus le langage est simple, plus l’échange sera facile! Oui, mais…
Considérons aussi le fait que les mots ont une fonction représentative très importante, car ils sont comme des
«images» qui restent gravées dans notre esprit. Sans aucun doute, ces représentations mentales accompagnent toute
communication, même orale. Elles en constituent la «richesse», l’élément «humain», la dimension culturelle qui les
«personnalise». C’est que nous ne sommes pas des «machines à paroles» et que nous aspirons encore moins à avoir
une «pensée unique».
Les mots ont, tout comme nous, une histoire et une identité. Tout simplement parce qu’ils
accompagnent notre histoire et nos identités. Dans le mot, comme dans la personne, chaque
«forme» a un «fond». Dans l’esthétique des mots, c’est, en fait, l’histoire qui demeure
reflétée. Voilà pourquoi les lettres, les accents, les traits d’union, les accords font aussi partie
de notre patrimoine culturel. Effacer les difficultés orthographiques pour ignorer l’origine latine ou grecque de nos
mots, ne plus savoir reconnaître les traces de l’histoire dans notre langue, c’est miner peu à peu notre identité et
devenir une proie facile des élites opportunistes avides de pouvoir, des politiques mesquines. Par contre, s’initier à
connaître et à respecter nos langues, même s’il faut passer par l’apprentissage «douloureux» de l’orthographe, c’est
se disposer à bâtir une civilisation plus apte à intégrer un peu mieux l’incontournable diversité qui ne pourra jamais
cesser d’exister.
La réforme orthographique sera «utile» dans la mesure où elle s‘en tiendra uniquement à effacer les
«scories» qui n’ont plus de sens aujourd’hui. «Opportune» à condition d’être respectueuse de
l’image et du contenu culturel qui en constitue son terreau. Si à chaque fois qu’il y a une réforme
de l’orthographe cela provoque un choc culturel, comme ça vient d’être le cas, c’est qu’il y a une
remise en cause des valeurs identitaires. C’est peut-être alors le moment de se poser la question de
notre responsabilité d’enseignants face à la transmission de «notre» patrimoine culturel français.
Où sont donc, pour nos apprenants, la liberté de pensée, la liberté d’expression? Présentons-les-leur avec de
«beaux» mots, pleins de sens. Faisons-leur aussi sentir la beauté de leur propre langue. Ne pensons pas que le
bagage culturel soit lourd à porter, la richesse culturelle n’est pas un obstacle mais un facteur de croissance.
Devrait-on se résigner à «délaver» le français sous prétexte de simplifier la vie de nos apprenants? Ne serait-ce
plutôt les rendre encore plus vulnérables, incapables d’affronter les difficultés, et pire encore, incapables
d’apprendre de leurs «échecs»? Je remarque, en plus, que beaucoup de mes apprenants retiennent souvent
l’orthographe de mots soi-disant «difficiles» à cause de leur «exotisme». Pourquoi ne trouverions-nous pas une
pédagogie plus imagée, plus esthétique, pour leur transmettre «le charme du français»?
Montserrat Benito Martín (Profesora de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
Avez-vous entendu parler de la « réforme » de
l’orthographe qui sera appliquée en France à partir de
la rentrée prochaine ? Peu de sujets soulèvent autant
de débats que l’orthographe. Les Français, esprits
opiniâtres, férus gardiens de leurs traditions,
défendent cette langue qui leur appartient.
Cette fameuse réforme n’est pas récente, mais date de
1990. Elle émanait du Conseil supérieur de la langue
française. Cette institution l’avait présentée à
l’Académie française, qui, au bout d’un long débat et
échange de vues, l’avait approuvée mais « en mettant
en garde contre toute imposition impérative des
recommandations». Elle était donc facultative.
Il faut savoir qu’à la différence de la Real Academia
de la Lengua Española, l’Académie de la langue
française détient une valeur uniquement morale. Son
autorité est concurrencée par de nombreuses
institutions telles que le Ministère de l’Éducation
Nationale, certaines institutions de normalisation
internationales, voire des éditeurs privés. Forts de
cette autorité, certains dictionnaires introduisaient à
leur guise des modifications dans leurs ouvrages.
La soi-disant réforme de 1990 ne se centrait pas,
comme le supposent beaucoup, uniquement sur
l’accent circonflexe. Les rectifications s’attaquaient à
d’autres aspects également importants. D’ailleurs, sur
de nombreux points, elles incluaient ces formes
introduites librement dans certains dictionnaires
L’absence d’une seule institution détentrice du
pouvoir de la langue et le caractère facultatif de la
réforme fait que l’application de la réforme reste très
discrète, voire inexistante.
Rassurons tout d’abord les esprits, ce sont des
recommandations modérées dans leur nature et dans
leur étendue. Elles s’appliqueront aux manuels
scolaires, et encore cela n’a pas fait l’unanimité. Et
La réforme fixe les
bases pour le vocabulaire à naître, en particulier
dans les sciences et les techniques et porte sur cinq
points précis concernant l’orthographe actuelle, à
savoir : le trait d’union, le pluriel des mots composés,
l’accent circonflexe, le participe passé des verbes
pronominaux et diverses anomalies.
Ces réformes sont par conséquent très respectueuses
et ne mettent point en danger la langue, à l´inverse de
ce que croient beaucoup. Au contraire, elles
normalisent bon nombre d’anomalies. Il existe bien
des aspects de la langue française beaucoup plus
épineux qui ne sont pas concernés.
La langue française est élégante et distinguée. On est
attaché à son esthétique, à l’image de certains
mots.… Or, vous qui lisez cet article, vous savez
comme moi qu’elle est compliquée, extravagante,
diabolique par moments.
Si à ses débuts le français s’écrivait comme il se
parlait, son système graphique s’est progressivement
complexifié en raison de l’histoire et de l’évolution
de la langue ainsi qu’un désir outre-mesure de
rappeler sa filiation au latin et au grec. Or, cette
évolution est jalonnée d’incohérences, de va-et-vient
et de contradictions anti-étymologiques au point de la
rendre ce qu’elle est maintenant: une langue difficile
à maîtriser où personne n’est à l’abri de l’erreur. Les
timides réformes entamées dans l’histoire n’ont pas
pu endiguer la lente dérive qui l’éloignait
progressivement du français du peuple, du français
En tant que professeur de français, je constate l’effort
titanesque à accomplir par mes élèves afin de
mémoriser des règles et des exceptions. Et si on se
libérait des contraintes orthographiques pour se
consacrer à d’autres aspects du langage ? En
l’occurrence à mieux articuler le discours ou à
organiser plus brillamment la logique de nos idées. À
quoi sert d’écrire correctement les mots si la pensée
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
ne suit pas ? Combien de personnes hésitent à se
lancer à l’écriture de peur de manquer à la norme ?
Combien de futurs poètes ou penseurs abandonnent
leur rêve faute de savoir les mettre par écrit?
J’ose vouloir une réforme encore plus profonde
servant à rajeunir et revigorer la langue française, à la
rapprocher ne serait-ce que timidement de l’oral, à la
rapprocher du peuple, enfin, à la réconcilier avec ses
Nous avons vu que la teneur des rectifications ne
mettra pas en péril la langue française. D’ailleurs, les
profs ne seront pas tenus de l’enseigner, ni les élèves
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
de l’appliquer. Mais adopter ces recommandations
rendra l’enseignement cependant facile, la langue
gagnant en cohérence.
La forte houle provoquée par la réintroduction des
rectifications de l’orthographe aura eu l’avantage de
remuer les esprits, de réveiller l’intérêt pour un outil
de communication précieux partagé par plus de 274
millions de personnes, la cinquième langue la plus
parlée au monde. Le français.
Pour en conclure, et, pour l’anecdote, savez-vous
combien de mots dans cet article sont concernés par
Francisco Rodríguez (Profesor de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero)
You know it, you use it. However, what you may not know is that this pictograph, called
“Face with Tears of Joy”, was named Word of the Year 2015 by the Oxford Dictionaries.
But…a word? Is this a word? Basically not, in fact it is a pictograph, or an emoji. The word
emoji comes from Japanese e (picture) + moji (character). It was the most used emoji globally in 2015.
The Word of the Year is a word or expression that is debated every year to be eventually chosen by a team of
experts from different departments such as publicity, marketing, editorial, lexicographers, etc. of the Oxford
Dictionaries (in their two versions, British and American). The Word of the Year is chosen according to different
criteria; frequency of use, register, geography… and it reflects the particular mood or preoccupations of society
during the year.
The Word of the Year is not necessarily a new word; in fact it is not necessarily even a word! It can be an old word
but it must have a dominant or prominent emergence during the year. So this year the Oxford Dictionaries have
chosen this emoji to highlight the importance of this new way of communication. The final decision was hard as
there were many new expressions. The contestants in the final round this year were the following:
ad blocker, noun: A piece of software designed to prevent advertisements from appearing on a web page.
Brexit, noun: A term for the potential or hypothetical departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, from British
+ exit. Haven’t you heard this expression on the news recently?
Dark Web, noun: The part of the World Wide Web that is only accessible by means of special software, allowing users and
website operators to remain anonymous or untraceable.
on fleek, adjectival phrase: Extremely good, attractive, or stylish.
lumbersexual, noun: A young urban man who cultivates an appearance and style of dress (typified by a beard and check shirt)
suggestive of a rugged outdoor lifestyle.
refugee, noun: A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
sharing economy, noun: An economic system in which assets or services are shared between private individuals, either for
free or for a fee, typically by means of the Internet.
they (singular), pronoun: Used to refer to a person of unspecified sex.
(Source: oxforddictionaries.com)
Interesting, isn’t it? How many of these words did you know? Also, below, I would like to do a quick review of
the “Words of the Year” from the past 10 years.
Carbon footprint
Credit crunch
Big society
Squeezed middle
GIF (verb)
Carbon neutral
Squeezed middle
How many of these words do you know? How many do you use? The “Word of the Year” is like fashion. Some of
them are here to stay forever (Brexit, selfie, sudoku, podcast…) and some others are ephemeral (who vapes
nowadays?) This is more or less what happens when you are learning a second language; some words come into
our world and remain forever, while some others disappear as soon as we listen to them.
In fact, learning vocabulary is the Everest of a language: there is no harder task than to look for logical order
among the hundreds of thousands of words which comprise the lexicon. And, every year this lexicon is enlarged by
new items!
Have you ever felt that you know what you want to say but you struggle to find just the right word? How can we
learn vocabulary easily and in a communicative way? There are several techniques to make vocabulary more
relevant and memorable to students of English, some are even rather funny! So, if you want to understand and
produce language using a wide variety of vocabulary, come to the E.O.I and find them out!
Sandra Llamero Soto (Profesora de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero)
Mon expérience d’assistante de langues à l’étranger
D'après moi, la présence d'un assistant de langues est
essentielle pour l'enseignement de n'importe quelle langue.
Pour les élèves c'est une façon d'approcher la culture et la
langue d'une manière différente et plus vivante.
Quant à moi, étant prof de langues et passionnée de voyages,
j'ai décidé de demander un poste d'assistante de langues en
France il y a deux ans. Mais c’est que j'ai été trop chanceuse,
puisque j'ai eu en plus l'opportunité d’habiter pendant neuf
mois dans une ville dont je suis tombée amoureuse : La
Rochelle !
Le Vieux Port de La Rochelle - Marta Lozano
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
La Rochelle se trouve dan la région de Charente-Maritime. C'est une ville au bord de la mer, très vivante, pleine
des touristes, surtout en été. On peut y visiter son Aquarium (le plus grand de France), manger des huîtres très bon
marché, profiter du plus grand port maritime et de plaisance d'Europe, ou bien, se promener dans les rues habitées
par l’histoire, aux arcades médiévales, et aller jusqu’au Vieux Port, au cœur de la ville, qui a de belles tours
C’est l’immense Lycée qui a marqué mon expérience, car c'est là où j'ai « dépensé » la plupart de mon temps. J'y ai
travaillé dans le cadre du programme Bachibac (des élèves qui obtiennent en même temps le baccalauréat français
et espagnol), dans la section Euro ainsi que dans toutes les autres filières. J’ai, donc, profité surtout de cette
opportunité pour apprendre beaucoup de pédagogie en travaillant avec une excellente équipe de professeurs où me
suis sentie vraiment intégrée. J'ai bien aimé aussi tous mes étudiants et voir, en particulier, leurs progrès. Leur
attitude si reconnaissante m'a touchée, m’a rendue heureuse.
Il a fallu partir, bien sûr. Et cela avec un sentiment contradictoire. J’étais triste de quitter autant de personnes si
magnifiques, d’avoir à laisser derrière moi de si beaux souvenirs. Cependant, au fond, j’étais contente parce que je
savais que cette expérience aura marqué définitivement ma vie de telle sorte que je pourrai en tirer parti pour le
reste de mes jours. En fait, « il n'y a que les montagnes qui ne se rencontrent pas », et il est toujours possible de
Marta Lozano Velasco (1º Avanzado – francés)
Mein deutsches Lieblingswort
Wir Lehrer der Sprachschule von Aranda beschäftigen uns gerade mit dem Seminar „Ausfertigung einer
Zeitschrift“. Dafür haben wir die Schüler um Hilfe gebeten und viele von ihnen haben uns bei der Aufgabe
Ich hatte Lust etwas zu schreiben aber worüber? Ich habe mich für dasThema: „Mein deutsches Lieblingswort“
Mehrmals habe ich die Schüler nach ihrem Lieblingswort gefragt aber ich bin jetzt an der Reihe.
Die deutsche Sprache hat einen üppigen Wortschatz und ich habe viele „Lieblingswörter“. Die Suche (Wahl) ist
kein einfaches Geschäft gewesen. Das war für mich eine echte Herausforderung.
Endlich habe ich mich für das Wort „vielleicht“ entschieden.
Mit „vielleicht“ bleibt immer die Tür offen.
„Vielleicht“ ist voller Hoffnung und lässt uns unendlich träumen. Alles ist möglich:
- „Mutti, darf ich Gummibärchen essen?“ „Villeicht“
- „Schätzchen, wirst du mich für immer lieben?“ „Vielleicht“
- Werde ich eines Tages perfekt Deutsch sprechen? „Vielleicht...“
Isabel López (Profesora de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
As we all know, learning a foreign language is very hard, even more so if you begin as an adult. But, believe it or
not, learning languages can be fun!
Like many of us, I started learning English at school at the age of eleven-twelve and I remember it being quite
difficult, especially at the beginning.
However, like any teenager, I used to spend a lot of my free time listening to music and
many of the songs that I liked the most were in English, so I started to translate their lyrics
because I wanted to know their messages.
At first it was tedious and boring but, after a while, I didn’t have to use the dictionary as
much as I did before and soon I realized that I had learnt a lot of new words without even
noticing it! Understanding the meaning of my favourite songs made me begin to really
it! Understanding the meaning of my
enjoy English.
favourite songs made me begin to really enjoy
A few years after that, Internet appeared and then
the possibilities were endless! You could find books,
movies, comic books, jokes, free courses,
exercises…you name it!
But apart from all of these things, what really made
me get hooked on English were TV series. The first
one I watched in its original version was Lost. It was
so exciting that I couldn’t wait for the next episode,
so I used to look for the English sneak peeks that ran
online and after that, as that wasn’t enough, I immediately downloaded the episodes in their original version.
To be honest, you hardly understand a word at first, but after a while (not right away, if the truth be told), you
realize that you are barely reading the subtitles anymore!
Nowadays, I watch several more series in English, and I can tell you, that once you have heard the actors’ real
voices, you don’t want to watch those series translated into Spanish anymore!
For me it’s been these series, for you it could be anything else: books, movies, magazines…but I really encourage
you to get hooked on English!
Noelia Mendivil (2º Intermedio B – Inglés)
Thank you! Danke! Merci! ¡Gracias por vuestra
con nosotros!
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
Why learn a foreign language?
Learning a language is exciting and beneficial for all ages. It is never too late. If you want, you can learn it
little by little. Knowing another language offers you a lot of benefits and opportunities.
Being bilingual has not only advantages and but also a lot of benefits. The most important advantages are
the following:
 The brain of bilingual people operates differently than that of monolingual people, and these differences
offer several mental benefits. Studies show that learning a second language delays the onset of many
brain illnesses such as Alzheimer and dementia. Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality
of your brain by challenging it to recognise and negotiate meaning and communicate in different
language systems. These skills increase your abilities to resolve problems too. Bilingual people tend to
make more rational decisions and are more confident with their choices.
 Companies who plan to expand into overseas markets are constantly looking for bilingual staff. If you
know another language, it is easier to find a job. It gives you a lot of opportunities.
 Learning a new language opens up your world. If you choose to learn a commonly spoken language such
as English, French or German, you can travel practically anywhere in the world without having any
trouble with translations. It opens up your mind and makes you see the things from different perspectives
and you will understand the different cultures across the world better.
 Speaking another language allows you to have access to and see new fascinating things from a new
perspective, which not many people can. It also connects you with new people around the world.
 You will be able to enjoy and understand a lot of interesting things such as the music, history and
literature, etc. of other countries.
A whole new world will be open to you if you learn a second language. It is extremely satisfying to be able to
understand other people in the world. To reach that aim, you have to learn a lot and work hard, but this
effort will have many benefits, and a lot of new horizons will open up for you.
Laura López Martín (2º Intermedio B – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Ojalá supiera decir
“guau” en Inglés…
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
That language-learning itch
that you just have to scratch!
My question to you today is: ‘Why am I interested in learning English?’ This is my story:
When I was younger I travelled all around Spain on guided tours with experienced guides who always took care
of both myself and the other passengers everywhere we went to. After Spain, I soon began travelling overseas.
On my trips abroad I realised I needed an interpreter each time I wanted to speak to local people, and often I
had to use sign language. Therefore, I could hardly ever communicate as I really wanted to. After those
experiences I thought about what I should do in the future to avoid being isolated, even when there are a lot of
people around me. The years passed and in the end I decided to enrol in the State School of languages. I chose
English because everybody everywhere speaks it.
Nowadays, I definitely don’t regret having chosen to learn English. If I had been able to speak it before, I’d have
travelled abroad more often. The advantages of studying English for me are:
- I can chat with people from everywhere through apps on my mobile.
- I can host people from everywhere as couch surfers.
- I can walk both alone through this world and meet people at the same time!
This has been the story of my particular passion for learning English. Why don’t you enrol in the Escuela Oficial
de Idiomas and see if learning a foreign language can become your passion?
Roberto Hernando (2º Intermedio – Inglés)
Why did Peter Michael decide to learn English…
and why, therefore, should you?
Hi! I’m Peter Michael and I’m 61. When I was 56 I decided to study English for two reasons.
The first reason was because when I was a young man I heard a speech by Menéndez Pelayo, in which he
pronounced the word ‘Shakespeare’ like a Spaniard: “Saquespeare”. People laughed at him because of his bad
pronunciation but he wasn’t bothered and carried on with his speech in English.
The second reason was when Antonio Camacho, the manager of the Gescartera Company, embezzled a lot of
money from hundreds of citizens. When the police were about to arrest him, he sent a fax, apparently from Laos,
saying that the money could be found there. This fax was written in very, very bad English, and when the police
read it, they said, “This fax hasn’t been sent from Laos, and this man is lying, because he knows less English than
Peter Michael!” (When all this happened, I wasn’t able to understand any English at all!)
So, one day I hope to be able to speak and write in English really well, in such a way I can act in a theatre play for
at least two hours.
Peter Michael (1º Intermedio – Inglés)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
Je pense que la lecture est quelque chose de très important pour développer notre
intelligence et notre créativité. Rien qu´en lisant les journaux, les magazines sentimentaux
ou les magazines de mode, on peut apprendre beaucoup de vocabulaire et d’expressions.
Les personnes qui lisent habituellement ont beaucoup de connaissances et peuvent avoir
assez de sujets de conversation.
Au début, la lecture implique un effort pour apprendre. Mais après, elle entraîne
« naturellement » le lecteur à élaborer sa propre pensée. Grâce à elle, nous développons un
« esprit critique » dans le meilleur sens du terme, bien sûr. La lecture est donc un
excellent moyen d’apprentissage !
Pour tout cela, je vous conseille de lire tout type de livres : des poèmes, des pièces de
théâtre, des romans historiques ou d’aventures, des polars, des romans d’intrigue ou de
suspens, des récits de voyages… Tout cela nous permet de passer par des situations
diverses et expérimenter beaucoup de sentiments. Chaque livre sera alors une nouvelle
expérience dans notre vie.
Pour moi, le livre est un moyen de comprendre d’autres personnes, d’autres problèmes et de
découvrir d’autres vies que je ne pourrais pas « vivre » autrement. Elle devient alors un
excellent moyen de grandir en tant que « personne ». La
lecture nous fait devenir, donc, plus humains, plus solidaires.
Voilà, je vous ai raconté mon expérience, je vous ai donné
pas mal de raisons pour stimuler en vous le besoin et le désir
de la lecture. Mais malgré cela, nous ne devons pas oublier que la lecture doit être
avant tout un plaisir ! Eh oui, si on aime lire, on cherchera dans la journée un
moment pour nous y mettre, même si on manque de temps… C’est alors que la
lecture deviendra le moyen de nous évader de notre routine et de nous amuser.
Puri (2º Intermedio - Francés)
“Vives una nueva vida por cada idioma nuevo que
hablas. Si conoces sólo un idioma, sólo vives una vez.”
“You live a new life for every new language you speak.
If you know only one language, you live only once.”
„Mit jeder neuen Sprache bekommst du ein neues Leben. Sprichst du nur eine
Sprache, hast du nur ein Leben.“
"Pour chaque nouvelle langue que tu parles, tu vis une nouvelle vie. Qui ne
parle qu'une langue ne vit qu'une fois."
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Este antiguo proverbio checo (sobre estas
líneas en español, inglés, alemán y francés) es muy
acertado para quienes hablamos más de una lengua.
Si tienes la suerte de conocer otro idioma, te
sumerges en otro mundo, en otra civilización, por lo
que se podría dar a entender que adquieres una
identidad más, una nueva vida. Los idiomas son,
obviamente, un modo de viajar, una herramienta para
abrir puertas, otra forma de ver el mundo y, como ya
he mencionado, de conocer otras culturas. Eso sí, su
aprendizaje requiere motivación, un estudio y
práctica constantes y, sobre todo, vivirlo.
Cuando tan solo era una niña pequeña, ya
soñaba con explorar el mundo: viajes constantes, la
vida en otro país, el conocimiento de otra cultura, etc.
Recuerdo lo maravillada que me sentía cuando
escuchaba hablar a algún español que había viajado a
otro lugar, ya fuese en la televisión, la radio o,
incluso en persona. Así pues, cada vez comencé a
sentirme más atrapada por esta “forma de ver y sentir
la vida”, a mi parecer una atractiva filosofía.
Comencé a estudiar la lengua de Shakespeare en el
colegio y, pocos años después, aposté por la lengua
de Molière y Baudelaire. Unos años más tarde, sin un
ápice de duda, fueron el turno de latín y de griego
antiguo, lo que me permitiría conocer mejor las raíces
de esta lengua nuestra en expansión que es el español
y ese asombroso mundo clásico.
Por eso, decidí embarcarme en la aventura de
estudiar una carrera que precisamente tratase sobre
esto. La verdad es que tampoco existe una gran
variedad de carreras dedicadas a las lenguas (una
pena), pero una de ellas me llamó mucho la atención:
Traducción e Interpretación, más que nada por la
forma de enfocarla y la diversidad de salidas
laborales. Algo que me llama la atención sobre ésta
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
es el fascinante proceso de transformar un texto
escrito en una lengua extranjera en un texto en tu
lengua nativa. Así que me decanté por ella: escogí
inglés como segunda lengua, francés como tercera e
italiano como cuarta.
Me fui de Erasmus a Amberes (Bélgica)
durante un curso académico, lo que fue una
experiencia maravillosa: conoces a gente de otros
países, descubres otro mundo, tienes la oportunidad
de desenvolverte en otras lenguas (en este caso inglés
o neerlandés)… Además de esto, he de mencionar
especialmente el turismo, una de las mejores partes,
ya que supone una gran oportunidad de conocer otros
lugares por su proximidad y mayores facilidades.
Viajé todo lo que pude, aunque me quedé con el
gusanillo de explorar más sitios.
Pasaron un par de años y finalmente me
gradué, un momento agridulce con el que sueñas,
que, por un lado, ansías que llegue, pero, por otro, no
quieres dejar atrás por todos esos momentos vividos
y todas esas personas a quienes conoces en estos años
de tu vida.
Así llega la hora de enfrentarse al mundo real
y aplicar todos los conocimientos adquiridos. No se
sale preparado con el dominio absoluto de las lenguas
que estudias, pero poco a poco puedes pulirlas y
profundizar en ellas. …Actualmente estudio francés y
alemán en la escuela de idiomas, pero no son mi
única aspiración, ya que me gustaría aprender
también griego moderno y algún idioma nórdico.
Sueño con recorrer el mundo y llevarme un pedacito
de cada rincón del planeta que pise, lo que forma a
las personas.
Verónica Aparicio Yarza (1º Básico - Alemán)
Letzte Woche konnten die Schüler der Sprachschule einen
besonderen und interessanten Unterricht genießen. Wir freuten
uns über den Besuch von Loreto Esteban. Sie ist
Touristenführerin von Beruf. Während ich ihr zuhörte, fragte
ich mich, ob ich Deutsch irgendwann so gut wie sie lernen würde.
Die Antwort war natürlich „nein“. Loreto hat jahrelang in
Deutschland gelebt und gearbeitet. Aus diesem Grund
beherrscht sie die Sprache perfekt, deshalb mein Pessimismus.
Aber dies bedeutet nicht, dass ich kein gutes Niveau erreichen
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
kann. Deshalb ist sie heute zu uns gekommen; um uns einige Lerntipps zu geben und uns ihre Geschichte zu
Oliver - Loreto. Herzlich willkommen. Es war sehr nett von dir, dass du Zeit gefunden hast, um uns zu besuchen
Loreto - Gern geschehen. Für mich ist es immer ein Genuss, bei euch zu sein. Du weißt, hier habe ich eine schöne
Zeit verbracht.
Isabel - Gut, also, jetzt sind unsere Schüler daran. Hier sitzen Puri, Agapito, Óscar, Susana, Virginia und Pilar. Na?
Wer wagt es zu fragen?
Puri - Sollen wir Sie duzen oder lieber per Sie?
Loreto - Na duzen, bitte. Ich weiß, auf Deutsch geht es per Sie einfacher aber ich denke, hier sind wir unter
Puri - Also, ich hätte eine Frage: Ist Deutsch wirklich wichtig für deinen Beruf?
Loreto - Ja. Mit Deutsch hat man mehr Möglichkeiten als nur mit Englisch. Deutsch war ein Plus in meiner
Karriere. Viele Menschen können schon Englisch aber nicht viele Deutsch. Und die Stadt, wo ich arbeite, Burgos,
bekommt eine Menge deutschen Touristen. Selbst morgen habe ich eine Gruppe aus Deuschland.
Agapito - Wie sieht es in Aranda aus, mit Touristen?
Loreto - In Aranda empfange ich meistens spanische Touristen aber Deutsche kommen auch sehr oft. Zum
Beispiel morgen. Eine Gruppe von Journalisten aus Deutschland möchten eine Kellerei besichtigen.
Óscar - Sind die Deutschen Besucher überrascht, dass du so gut Deutsch kannst?
Loreto - Ja, klar. Sie fragen immer, wo ich Deutsch gelernt habe.
Virginia - Und wo hast du so gut gelernt?
Loreto - Ich habe Tourismus studiert. Ich konnte Deutsch als Wahlfach lernen und mochte es lieber als Frazösisch.
Als ich mein Studium beendet habe, bin ich nach Berlin gezogen, für 6 Monaten. Damalst stand noch die Berliner
Mauer und es war eine sehr interessante Zeit für mich. Dort habe ich eine kleine Schule besucht, die sehr gut
funktioniert hat. Sie gaben den Schülern die Möglichkeit, sie mit einem Sprechpartner in Kontakt zu setzen, damit
sie sich autonom trafen, um die beiden Sprachen zu üben. So lernte man nicht nur die Sprache sondern auch
Menschen kennen.
Agapito - Und wovon hast du in Berlin gelebt?
Loreto - Ich habe ... Na ja; ich weiß nicht, ob ich es sagen darf. Ich habe schwarz gearbeitet, aber das war die
einzige Möglichkeit, die ich hatt, dort lange genug zu bleiben, bis ich die Sprache lernte.
Óscar - Gibt es das in Deutschland überhaupt, Schwarzarbeit? Im Land der Ordnung? ALLE LACHEN
Loreto - Damals ja, heute weiß ich nicht....
Susana - Und dann? Was hast du später gemacht, nach deinem Aufenthalt in Belin?
Loreto - Dann habe ich in einem Reisebüro in Madrid gearbeitet. Alle konnten Englisch da, aber es gab immer
mehr Kunden aus Deutschland, deshalb haben sie mich eingestellt.
Isabel - Also, du hast immer Kontakt zu Deutschen gehabt
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
Loreto - Richtig. Im Reisebüro verdiente ich nicht nur mein Lebensunterhalt sondern auch verbesserte ich mein
Agapito - Wie lange hast du die Sprache gelernt?
Loreto - Umhhh. Man kann sagen, seit ich eine Studentin war, mit 18. Ich bin mit einem Deutschen verheiratet
Óscar - Ich hätte eine persönliche Frage. Ich hoffe es stört dich nicht...
Loreto - Na ja, es kommt darauf an, welche Frage. ALLE LACHEN
Óscar - Ok. Welche Sprache sprecht ihr in der Familie?
Loreto - Mit meinem Mann habe ich immer auf Deutsch gesprochen. Mit meinem Sohn nur auf Spanisch. Er kann
sehr gut, aber irgendwie spricht er ungerne Deutsch mit mir, weil wir beide Spanier sind.
Agapito - Kannst du uns irgendwelche Tipps geben, um die Sprache besser zu lernen?
Loreto - Natürlich: Die Sprachschule zu besuchen.
Susana - Ich hätte eine Frage über deine Zeit in
Berlin: Bist du in die DDR gereist?
Loreto - Ja. Es war sehr interessant. Zum Beispiel
dort gab es viele Buchhandlungen, die auch Bücher
auf Spanisch verkauften, aber sie waren alle aus
Kuba importiert, von Kubanischen Autoren. Oder
die U-Bahn Stationen. Man fuhr durch einige, die
seit Jahrzenten geschlossen waren, weil sie durch
verbotenen Sektoren fuhren. Sie waren so
gespenstisch! Und mit dem Auto durfte man nicht
so einfach durch. Man musste zu Fuß. Autos waren
alle untersucht.
Oliver - Gut. Die Zeit ist leider um, denn Loreto muss nach Hause, um sich für die Tour von morgen
vorzubereiten. Ich bedanke mich bei ihr und bei euch alle, dass ihr hier gewesen seid. Es war sehr interessant.
Danke, Loreto.
Loreto - Gern geschehen.
Óscar Leal Echevarría (1º Avanzado – Alemán)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
The Challenge to Learn English as a
Second Language
The learning of a foreign language is not an easy
task, is it? There is no magic formula and neither is it
as simple as taking some tablets to get over an illness.
Learning a language that is not your native language
involves patience, dedication and hard work.
There is not a general method since all of us learn
differently. However, there are some things
everybody can do that will greatly enhance your
learning (every small step is important). You may
find the following suggestions useful.
First, an effective measure is to spend some time in
the country, living with native speakers. Below are
four pretty reliable language school websites with
where you can reinforce your English.
A person’s age is a crucial factor with regard to
learning a second language, and all these schools
offer courses adapted to the different learning
processes of different age groups. For example,
methodology for younger students might include the
learning of new words without the need to translate
them into the mother tongue. Besides this, they learn
correct pronunciation easily. For these types of
students many schools offer summer camps where
they would acquire not only linguistic competence,
but also part of the target language culture.
For secondary students, Language Exchanges,
where the student goes to the country of the language
he/she is studying, are advisable. If visits are
consistent, over the years, this will allow him/her to
gradually develop linguistic as well as cultural
University students normally have a firm base of
English, and for them it may be necessary to do more
specialized courses (for example, Business English,
Medical English, English for the fashion industry,
etc.) at a university. EF (the fourth on the list of
websites above) organizes courses to prepare students
to go to university in an English-speaking country.
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
Courses aimed at adults are different; it is important
for them to start speaking from day one and avoid the
passive study of the language.
With regard to living arrangements while in the
chosen English-speaking country, all the above
schools offer diverse types of accommodation from
student housing to a host family.
In addition to this, there are other options for learning
English whilst living in the foreign country. Some
people prefer to try Volunteer Work.
The following web pages offer a wide variety of
information on where to work as a volunteer in
several areas and places such as charity
community service, and au-pair work. They cover
voluntary work in England, Scotland, Wales, and
Northern Ireland.
Finally, I would like to mention a special alternative
to the previously mentioned language-learning
options: Language immersion courses in Spain.
This is an interesting choice for students who, for
professional reasons, need to learn English in an
intensive way. On the web page below you can find
information about VALDELAVILLA, which is a
village in the middle of a stunning natural
environment, where intensive English classes are
taught by qualified native teachers.
useful for people
who are trying to
Mª Pilar Mateo
(Profesora de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de
Aranda de Duero)
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Érase Una Vez un Tweet
LES TWEETS D’AMOUR… et de désamour
Salut mon amour,
aujourd’hui, c’est le jour de la Saint-Valentin et malheureusement on est si loin l’un de l’autre.
Mais je veux que tu saches que ceci ne m’empêchera pas de te dire tout ce que je ressens pour toi
et que je t’aime à mourir. Hier, aujourd’hui et jusqu’à la mort, tu seras mon amour éternel.
Un jour je t’ai vu et je suis
tombé amoureux de toi. Je t’ai
suivi jusqu’à l’école et moi
aussi, j’étudie maintenant le
français grâce à toi.
J’espère que ça se
français mais, moi,
je le laisse de côté si
tu continues à me
Salut ! Je veux te dire que je veux passer la Saint-Valentin
avec toi parce que je pense que tu es l’amour de ma vie.
Salut ma chérie. Je suis très content de recevoir ton mot.
Je pense aussi à toi. Je réserve un restaurant pour demain.
Après nous allons danser. Bisous mon amour.
Comme le jour des amoureux va bientôt
arriver et que je t’aime depuis longtemps,
dans ce tweet je te déclare mon amour.
Ma chérie. Je t’adore et je veux aller au
cinéma dimanche prochain avec toi et
après, nous pouvons aller chez moi. Je
En premier lieu, je veux te remercier pour ton
intérêt. Malheureusement, j’aime une autre
personne. Je ne peux pas faire ce que tu me
demandes parce que je ne suis pas un traître.
Mais merci pour tout. Bisou
Je ne veux pas aller au
cinéma. Je ne peux pas
parce que j’ai beaucoup
de choses à faire. Désolé.
[ENTRE IDIOMAS la revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero]
Ma chérie, je ne peux
que penser à toi. Mon
rêve est toujours de me
réveiller à tes côtés.
Je t’aime tellement
amoureux que je suis
capable de faire les devoirs
pour toi. Je t’aime plus que
la grammaire.
Je t’aime. Je pense à toi toute la journée. Je
ne peux ni manger, ni dormir. J’aime tes
yeux, ta bouche. Tu es gentille. Je t’aime.
Érase Una Vez un Tweet
Je ne veux pas te faire
mal, mais je ne t’aime pas.
Je suis très confuse
maintenant et je ne veux
pas avoir de relation.
Je suis désolée, mais je
préférerais que tu ne m’aimes
pas tellement parce que j’aime
quelqu’un d’autre du cours. Et
je n’ai pas besoin d’aide avec
mes devoirs. Merci beaucoup
Je t’adore aussi. C’est très joli ce que tu m’as
écrit mais je t’aime comme un ami.
J’ai été très préoccupée cette semaine pour te dire que je t’aime depuis longtemps.
À la Saint-Valentin je te déclare mon amour.
Je suis content que tu m’aimes, mais je vais partir à l’étranger bientôt. Mais, offremoi un cadeau et on verra.
Je te vois tous les jours
arriver à l’école et je
ne sais pas où je dois
regarder pour ne pas
perdre ma tête.
Regarde-toi dans
la glace ! Tu es
très moche !
Je voudrais connaître la raison pour
laquelle on nous a envoyé un tel coup de
foudre pour les langues et quelle est la
raison de ne pas pouvoir l’éviter.
Oh, mon cher camarade.
Je suis désolée mais mon
intérêt pour les langues
est seulement
professionnel. Je n’ai pas
le temps de faire
attention à Cupidon.
Welches Wort passt?
Es gibt sieben Wörter von jedem Genus (der, die, das). Schreiben Sie unten den Plural.
Schreiben Sie den Plural:
Die __Fahrkarten___
Die ______________
Die _________________ Die __________________
Die _________________ Die __________________
Die _______________ Die _________________ Die __________________
Die _______________ Die _________________ Die __________________
Die _______________ Die _________________ Die __________________
Die _______________ Die _________________ Die __________________
Die _______________ Die _________________ Die __________________
Sandra Mireia Jiménez Ruíz (1º Básico B – Alemán)
S N C R H B E H E U __B_____________ T R A E N E E M R C E H F _______________ D _F_____________ N N O __K_____________ H F _F______________ F L E E L N A A __S_____________ A C H F E N U R R H I M M __N_____________ Ü K O E S S N E T N __N_____________ N H Ü Ö E C E R E N ___E____________ N __K____________ K R E A N I N N N A T N Ä Z E __F_____________ W G E R __A_____________ K U N O T F F U N __L_____________ E N I E E __R_____________ V B R T __V____________ Sandra Mireia Jiménez Ruíz (1º Básico B – Alemán)
páginas 28-9
1. Dirty Dancing (1987), 2. Titanic (1997), 3. Forrest Gump (1994), 4. Grease
(1978), 5. Pretty Woman (1990), 6. Ghost (1990), 7. West Side Story (1961)
página 30
Papillon – Ours – Mouche
– Porc Épic – Lapin –
Moustique – Lézard –
Pigeon – Chat - Chèvre
ÉNIGMES: La Seine / Une
paire de ciseaux / L'éponge /
Une bougie
página 57
Frau; Mund; Sonne; Kind; Mond; Wetter; Regen; Brücke; Regenschirm; Handy; Auto; Uhr; Tag; Schwein.
Fluss; Mann; Liebe; Krankenhaus; Fahrrad; Fahrkarte; Kunst.
página 58
besuchen; fahren; kaufen; antworten; notieren; hören; ergänzen; kommen; finden; nehmen; schlafen;
laufen; frühstücken; rauchen; verboten (verbieten)
Muchísimas gracias
a todos nuestros alumnos-colaboradores:
Nuestra EOI
Almudena Roncero
Viajes: Tan Lejos, Tan Cerca
Mercedes García, Rubén Fernández, Aldara López, Elena Rodríguez, Reyes Lloret,
Pilar Vicario & Pilar Barbadillo, Teresa Blanco, Ana Isabel Martín, Carolina Andrés,
María Sanz, Natalia Calzada, Ana Herrero, Julieth Chamorro, Estefanía Quintana,
Marisa Peña, Sandra Almonacid
Montserrat García, Óscar Leal, Cristina Pérez, Carmen Grousset, Marina Pescador, Mª
Jesús de la Cal
Mª Carmen, Cristina Cano, Rubén Fernández, María Martín, Adrián Carrasco, Mª José
Vizcarra, y Ana
Edurne Andrés, Mª Luz Pascual, Carmen Cuevas, Mercedes Bravo, Isabel Alonso,
Adrián Maté
Extranjeros en Aranda
1º Básico, grupo D (Inglés), Mary Roa, Elisa Portugal
El Gusanillo de los Idiomas
Marta Lozano, Noelia Mendivil, Laura López, Roberto Hernando, Peter Michael, Puri,
Verónica Aparicio, Loreto Esteban, Óscar Leal
Érase Una Vez un Tweet
Alumnado de Francés
y al profesorado de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero
por sus horas de trabajo para crear, editar y maquetar esta revista.
La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Aranda de Duero es un centro oficial y
dependiente de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León. Se
imparten los idiomas Alemán, Francés, Inglés, así como la modalidad de
inglés a distancia That’s English con los siguientes niveles:
1º de básico (A1)
1º de avanzado (B2.1)
2º de básico (A2)
2º de avanzado (B2.2)
1º de intermedio (B1.1)
2º de intermedio (B1.2)
C1 (solo para inglés)
Nuestros profesores son Licenciados y han pasado un proceso de selección
oficial. Incorporan en sus clases innovaciones educativas, las nuevas
tecnologías, y se adaptan al Marco Común Europeo de Referencia de las
Lenguas del Consejo de Europa.
¿Quién puede estudiar?
Puedes estudiar alemán y francés
desde los 14 años, e inglés desde los 16
años. En nuestras aulas tenemos
alumnos de todas las edades. Nunca es
tarde para aprender un idioma.
¡Anímate aunque tengas 99 años!
¿Precio de matrícula?
Como centro público, las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas están
sostenidas por fondos públicos. El precio de la matrícula
incluye las clases de todo un curso (4-5 horas semanales) y
el derecho a dos convocatorias de exámenes oficiales para
obtener las Certificaciones oficiales correspondientes al
Marco Común Europeo de Referencia de las lenguas del
Consejo de Europa.
¿Cómo matricularse?
La reserva de plaza
(preinscripción) tiene
lugar todos los años entre
marzo y abril pero puedes
matricularte sin
preinscripción en julio y
septiembre (en función
de las plazas disponibles).
Si ya tienes
conocimientos en
idiomas, haz nuestra
prueba de nivel para
acceder al nivel que mejor
se adapte a ti.
Los idiomas
tienden puentes
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (EOI)
de Aranda de Duero
C/ Antonio Baciero, 2 - 4ª planta.
09400 Aranda de Duero
Tlfno: 947 50 12 54
Fax: 947 50 13 09
e-mail: [email protected]
Abren sus puertas
al mundo

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