Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, Fifth Sunday in


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, Fifth Sunday in
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary
February 8,
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8, 2015
Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F.
Dean, Pastor
Fr. Damian Flanagan
Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S.
School Principal
Mrs. Patricia Zapatero
Director of Religious Education
Roberto Berrocal
Music Director
(Horas de Oficina)
Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes
Phone: 305-444-8363
[email protected]
(Horas de la Iglesia)
Daily/Diario 9:00am-7:00pm
(Horario de misas)
5:30pm (English)
9:00am (English)
10:30am (English, live broadcast)
12:30pm (Español, transmisión en vivo)
5:30pm (English)
7:00pm (Español)
Misa Diaria (Capilla)
8:00am (English)
7:00 pm (Spanish, Tue. & Thurs.)
Saturdays/Sábados 4:30-5:15 pm
Before Sunday Masses if a priest is
Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un
sacerdote disponible.
(Bautizos y Matrimonios)
For information, call the office.
Para información, llame a la oficina.
St. Hugh Catholic Church is a diverse community of faith manifesting our love for
God through our generosity, and putting our faith into action by working together to
impact positively the lives of our parishioners, visitors and the community in general.
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February 8, 2015
Lecturas de la semana
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147; 1 Cor
9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104; Mk 6:53-56
Saint Scholastica, Virgin
Gn 1:20—2:4a; Ps 8; Mk 7:113
Wednesday Our Lady of Lourdes
Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104; Mk
Thursday Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128; Mk 7:2430
Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32; Mk 7:31-37
Saints Cyril, Monk, and
Methodius, Bishop
Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90; Mk 8:1-10
“Could you not watch one hour with
me?” (Mk 14:37)
From 8:30 am to 7:00 pm
“¿No podían velar una hora
conmigo?” (Mc. 14, 37)
De 8:30 am a 7:00 pm
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B)
Pastor’s Corner
Although the Church has spoken and condemned injustice in the world, the
oppression of the poor and selfishness of those who have more, the Church has also
taught us that liberation is achieved through evangelization; that the ministers and
ministries of the Church cannot be the slaves of political forces or of any type of
ideology. Christ is our salvation, not any social or political system. If we carry out
our work as evangelizers, we will be working towards a society that is more just and
fraternal. But evangelization must involve the whole person: soul and body, time and
We can ask ourselves what is our idea of the person of Christ: is he a magician, or a
Savior for eternal life? What am I doing to extend His kingdom? Is my relationship
with God based purely on selfish desires that look to satisfy my every material
whim? Am I always looking for what is sensational and making my faith depend on it?
Let us pray that we may know how to carry out our apostolic work with a spirit of
faith, not looking so much at results and achievements, but rather at doing the will of
our Father, who wants that all be saved.
My sincere thanks to Msgr. Garza and the seminarians who were with us two
Sundays ago to help us launch the ABCD campaign. Let us keep them in our prayers.
Thank you also to Fr. David Zirilli and Sr. Grace Marie for their participation in the
Q & A session about vocations sponsored by our Youth Ministry.
Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (Ciclo B)
Rincón del Párroco
La Iglesia ha hablado y condenado la injusticia en el mundo y la opresión de los pobres y el
egoismo de los que tienen más, pero al mismo tiempo nos dice que la liberación que nos
comunica la Iglesia tiene que ser a través de la evangelización, y que los ministros y
ministerios de la Iglesia no pueden esclavizarse a fuerzas políticas ni ideologias de cualquier
tipo. La salvación es Cristo, no ningún sistema político o social. Si hacemos labor de
evangelizadores estaremos luchando por una sociedad más justa y fraterna. Desde luego, la
evangelización tiene que ser integral, de todo el hombre: alma, cuerpo, tiempo y eternidad.
Nos podemos preguntar ¿qué concepción tengo yo de la persona de Cristo: un mago o un
salvador para la vida eterna? ¿Qué hago yo para la expansión de su reino? ¿Son mis
relaciones con Dios puramente basadas en un egoismo material y caprichoso? ¿Busco
siempre lo maravilloso y hago depender mi fe en ello? Pidamos que sepamos realizar
nuestro trabajo apostólico con espíritu de fe, no fijándonos tanto en los resultados y logros,
sino en el cumplimiento que hacemos de la voluntad de nuestro Padre que quiere que todos
se salven.
Deseo expresar mi gratitud a Mons. Garza y a los seminaristas que nos acompañaron hace
dos domingos para lanzar la campaña de ABCD. Recemos por ellos. Gracias también al P.
David Zirilli y la Hna. Grace Marie por su participación en la sesión de preguntas sobre las
vocaciones patrocinada por nuestro grupo juvenil.
Fr. Federico
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Intenciones Misas
Sat/Sab, February 7
5:30 pm
 Luis Meaux
 Emilio Posada
Sun/Dom, February 8
9:00 am
Thanksgiving Wedd. Anniv.
Angel & Daniela Fernández
 Carmen Sorí
Fr. David Zirilli and Sr. Grace Marie fielded questions and answers about
vocations during an evening meeting sponsored by our youth ministry. The parish
thanks them for being with us, as well as all who attended for their interest.
El P. David Zirilli y la Hna. Grace Marie respondieron preguntas sobre las vocaciones
durante una noche preparada por nuestro grupo juvenil. La parroquia les agradece por
compartir sus experiencias, y a todos los asistentes por su interés.
10:30 am
Health Recovery Gabriel
 Marilú Gailey
12:30 pm
 Ernesto Galán
 César Uviña
5:30 pm
 Daniel O’Connell
 Iraida Salinero
7:00 pm
 Raúl Cosío, Sr.
Mon/Lun, February 9
8:00 am
 Víctor Cozzarelli
 José & Consuelo
Tue/Mar, February 10
8:00 am
 Melissa Rodríguez
7:00 pm
Intención Especial Sonia
Wed/Mier, February 11
8:00 am
 Alexa Martínez
 Margot & Daniel
Thu/Jue, February 12
8:00 am
 Graciela Abril
7:00 pm
Last Sunday was Pledge Sunday for the
ABCD Campaign. Thank you to all who
pledged and helped us reach our goal.
El domingo pasado fue Domingo de
Compromiso para la campaña ABCD. Gracias
a todos los que se comprometieron y ayudan
a alcanzar nuestra meta.
Intención Especial Juan
Bautista & Rosa Lourdes
Fri/Vier, February 13
8:00 am
 All deceased AdamCadaval Family
LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por
Lila Cruz, Hannah Moss, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos y Martha
Zapatero, Manuel Carbonero, Jacques Vera, Morelia Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister
Barbara Makar, John Amador, Marcela Gómez, Martha Gómez, Darío Pulgarín, Fr.
Manuel (Tito) Soler, Charlie Winchester, Oscar Alberto Jiménez, Milagros Segarra,
Catherine Gallego, Andrés & Nora Pérez, Jake Mark Lugo, Bárbara Valencia,
Brunella Bonvecchio, Juan Pedro Díaz, Antoine Veliz, Carlos Bracamonte, Oscar
Rodríguez, Alexandra Valdés, Fabiola Uribe Gaviria, Douglas Ugarte, Norma de
Junco, Esperanzita Noriega, Evelyn Sandoval, James Scott Moss, Marcia Besada, Alex
Zangen, Carlos Cuevas, Christopher Bennett, Hilda Domínguez, Silvia Sánchez,
Andrea Veras, Juana G. Rippes, Marta Miranda, Carmen Dono, Olga Alonso, Michael
Lemay, Elena Romero, Marcela Lamelois, María Isabel Poiares, Eduardo Gómez,
Raquel Alvarez, Luis Rodríguez, Mercedes Tenssera, María Antonieta Larraz, Pedro
Vicente de la Rosa, Gabriel Medina, Wilfrido Díaz, Jennifer Cameron-Hew, Rose
Janas, for the members of our armed forces, their families and all victims of war.
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St. Hugh
Altar Servers: Juan Alayo
[email protected]
Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio
[email protected]
CCD: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos
[email protected]
Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero
[email protected]
Emmaus Men: Manuel Núñez
[email protected]
Emmaus Women: Claudia Martínez
[email protected]
Encuentro en la Palabra:
Milagros Contreras
[email protected]
Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley
[email protected]
Grove Outreach: Lily Montero
[email protected]
Health and Wellness:
María Socorro Torres-Burgos
[email protected]
Job Bank: Marta Carbonell
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola
[email protected]
Marriage Covenant Experience:
Joe & Jane Mastrucci
[email protected]
Matrimonios en Victoria:
Rolando & Irene Silva
[email protected]
Mindo Medical Mission:
Jason Gaetan
[email protected]
Ministry to the Sick:
Mariana Caballero
[email protected]
Music Director: Roberto Berrocal
[email protected]
Pastoral Ministry Coordinator:
Cristina Fundora
[email protected]
RCIA: Ann Naquin
[email protected]
RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán
[email protected]
We need YOU.
The Scriptures are unambiguous about God’s concern for the poor. Open
your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land (Deut. 15:11; Isa. 58:6-12).
Jesus showed a preferential option for the poor. As the example of the saints
has taught us, in loving and serving the poor, we too love and serve Jesus
ABCD is our one opportunity during the year to reach out in support of all of
the people of God beyond the boundary of our parish. Through the ABCD,
we follow the example of Christ to serve our brothers and sisters here in the
Archdiocese of Miami. Jesus Christ is the common thread that binds us all.
We are one.
We need you. You are making the good works of the local Church here in
south Florida possible. Together, we are making a difference and impacting
the lives of those in need. Please be as generous as possible in your response
to the ABCD. Thank you for uniting with us to be One in Faith, One in Hope
and One in Charity.
Necesitamos de USTED.
Las Escrituras son inequívocas acerca de la preocupación de Dios por los
pobres. Abran sus manos al pobre y al prójimo necesitado en su tierra
(Deuteronomio 15:11; Isaías 58:6-12). Jesús mostró preferencia por los
pobres. Como el ejemplo de los santos nos ha enseñado, al amar y servir a
los pobres, también amamos y servimos a Jesús mismo.
El ABCD es nuestra única oportunidad durante el año para llegar con nuestro
apoyo a todo el pueblo de Dios más allá de los límites de nuestra parroquia.
Por medio del ABCD, seguimos el ejemplo de Cristo sirviendo a nuestros
hermanos y hermanas aquí, en la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Jesucristo es el hilo
conductor que nos une a todos. Unidos estamos.
Necesitamos de ustedes. Usted está haciendo que las buenas obras de la
Iglesia local, aquí en el sur de La Florida, sean posibles. Juntos, estamos
cambiando las vidas de las personas necesitadas. Por favor, sea tan generoso
como le sea posible en su respuesta al ABCD.
Gracias por estar con nosotros Unidos en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza y
Unidos en la Caridad.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 5
Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera
[email protected]
School News: Jocelyn Bianco
[email protected]
The parish will host the youth leaders of the East Deanery of the Archdiocese for a
regional meeting to introduce the new Archdiocesan Youth Director Rosemarie Banich,
Thursday, February 12 at 7 pm.
La parroquia será anfitriona de los líderes juveniles de esta zona de la Arquidiócesis para
una reunión regional para presentar a la nueva directora arquidiocesana del ministerio juvenil
Rosemarie Banich, el jueves 12 de febrero a las 7 pm.
The St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series is pleased to announce its upcoming concert,
Friday, February 13th with a performance by artistic director and St. Hugh music director
Roberto Berrocal. Tickets are already on sale after all Masses, online and by phone at 305318-5008. Hope to see you there!
La St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series se complace en anunciar su próximo concierto, un
recital de piano con el director artístico y director musical de St. Hugh Roberto Berrocal, el viernes
13 de febrero. Las entradas ya están a la venta después de las misas, por internet y por
teléfono, 305-318-5008. ¡Los esperamos!
ABCD Campaign. Every parishioner has an opportunity to put their Faith in action by
supporting the 2015 Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive (ABCD). Thank you
to all who have made a pledge and helped us reach our goal. If you have not pledged yet,
please take a card home to make your sacrificial pledge.
Campaña de ABCD. Todos los feligreses tienen la oportunidad de poner su fe en acción
mediante el apoyo a la Campaña de Caridades y Desarrollo del Arzobispo (ABCD) de 2015.
Gracias a todos los que hicieron su compromiso y nos ayudaron a lograr nuestra meta. Si aún no
lo ha hecho, llévese una tarjeta a casa para hacer su promesa de sacrificio.
The Grove Outreach is currently making three trips per week in order to collect food
for distribution. The cost of these trips per month is $1,200, in addition to the cost of
the food. We are looking for sponsors who can help with all or part of this cost. If you
are able to contribute, please contact María Reyes at the office.
El Grove Outreach está dando tres viajes por semana para recoger alimentos para su
distribución. El costo mensual de estos viajes es de $1,200, además del costo de los alimentos.
Buscamos patrocinadores que puedan ayudar a cubrir este gasto en todo o en parte. Si desea
contribuir, por favor hable con María Reyes en la oficina.
The Life Teen Youth Group has changed its meeting days to Sundays after the 5:30
pm Mass. The group will meet from 6:30 to 8:45 pm in the Parish Hall. All young people
are welcome!
El grupo juvenil Life Teen ha cambiado los días de sus reuniones a los domingos después de
la misa de las 5:30 pm. Se reunirán de 6:30 a 8:45 pm en el Salón Parroquial. ¡Bienvenidos
todos nuestros jóvenes!
Please join in praying for life through the 40 Days for Life starting on Ash Wednesday
through Palm Sunday. The date for our parish to participate will be available shortly.
Please sign up for an hour of prayer and help save lives!
Unase a orar por la vida a través de 40 Days for Life, empezando el Miércoles de Ceniza
hasta el Domingo de Ramos. La fecha de participación de nuestra parroquia se anunciará
próximamente. Los invitamos a comprometerse con una hora de oración y ayudar a salvar vidas.
Visit the Welcome table in front of the church to find out information regarding baptisms
and weddings, to get answers for any question you may have or to register or update
your information.
Visiten la mesa de bienvenida a la entrada de la iglesia para obtener información acerca de
bautizos y bodas, para encontrar respuesta a cualquiera de sus preguntas o para actualizar su
información o inscribirse en la parroquia.
Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo
[email protected]
St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva
[email protected]
St. Hugh Immigration Services:
Karlene Punancy
[email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett
(Call the office)
Stewardship: Luisana Hung Salazar
[email protected]
Ushers & Hospitality Ministry:
[email protected]
Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas
[email protected]
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St. Hugh
Saints this Week/Santos de la Semana
February 14, Sts. Cyril and Methodius. These
brothers, the Apostles of the Slavs, were born in
Thessalonica. Cyril invented an alphabet and, with the
help of Methodius, translated the Gospels and the
necessary liturgical books into Slavonic. The brothers
were called to Rome, where Cyril died on February
14, 869. Methodius was made a bishop and sent to
Pannonia. He died in the Czech city of Vellehrad on
April 6, 885.
Febrero 14. Santos Cirilo y Metodio. Estos
hermanos, Apóstoles de los Eslavos, nacieron en
Tesalónica. Cirilo inventó un alfabeto y, con la ayuda de
Metodio, tradujo los Evangelios y los libros litúrgicos a la
lengua eslava. Los hermanos fueron llamados a Roma,
donde Cirilo murió el 14 de febrero de 869. Metodio,
consagrado obispo, fue enviado a Panonia y murió en
Vellehrad, hoy República Checa, el 6 de abril de 885.
February 10, St. Scholastica. Born in Italy,
around 480 AD, according to tradition, she was
the twin sister of St. Benedict of Nursia.
Scholastica is the foundress of the women's
branch of Benedictine Monasticism.
Febrero 10, Santa Escolástica. Nacida en Italia
alrededor del 480 AD, según la tradición es
hermana gemela de San Benito de Nursia.
Escolástica es la fundadora de la rama femenina
del monacato benedictino.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 7
Message for Lent, 2015
Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each communities and every
believer. Above all it is a 'time of grace'. God does not ask of us anything that he
himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us”…
When the people of God are converted to his love, they find answers to the questions
that history continually raises… Indifference to our neighbour and to God also
represents a real temptation for us Christians. Each year during Lent we need to hear
once more the voice of the prophets who cry out and trouble our conscience.
God is not indifferent to our world; he so loves it that he gave his Son for our
salvation...God’s people, then, need this interior renewal, lest we become indifferent
and withdraw into ourselves.
Mensaje de Cuaresma, 2015
La Cuaresma es un tiempo de renovación para la Iglesia, para las comunidades y
para cada creyente. Pero sobre todo es un ''tiempo de gracia'' . Dios no nos pide nada
que no nos haya dado antes: ''Nosotros amemos a Dios porque él nos amó
Cuando el pueblo de Dios se convierte a su amor, encuentra las respuestas a las
preguntas que la historia le plantea continuamente ...La indiferencia hacia el prójimo y
hacia Dios es una tentación real también para los cristianos. Por eso, necesitamos oír
en cada Cuaresma el grito de los profetas que levantan su voz y nos despiertan.
Dios no es indiferente al mundo, sino que lo ama hasta el punto de dar a su Hijo por la
salvación de cada hombre...El pueblo de Dios, por tanto, tiene necesidad de
renovación, para no ser indiferente y para no cerrarse en sí mismo.
Page 8
Recommendation for this week:
The Ignatian Workout for Lent,
by Tim Muldoon, Loyola
Press, $5.95
Apply the principles of
discernment, reflection and
action from St. Ignatius’s
Spiritual Exercises to grow in
love and transform your
Lenten experience.
St. Hugh
St. Hugh
St. Hugh
Monday, February 9
7:00 pm Bible Class in English
7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra Adults and
Young Adults
Tuesday, February 10
7:00 pm EDGE Youth Group
Wednesday, February 11
8:30 am Bible Class in Spanish
6:30 pm CCD
7:30 pm Matrimonios en Victoria
Thursday, February 12
8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 pm Centering Prayer
Friday, February 13
6:30 pm Cub Scouts Meeting
8:00 pm St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series
Saturday, February 14
Coconut Grove Arts Festival this weekend
Sunday, February 15
6:30 pm LifeTeen Youth Group
Social Studies Room
Rectory Chapel
Music Room
Rectory Chapel
School Chapel
Music Room & other
Parish Hall
Colecta de la semana pasada
This week/Esta semana
Campaña ABCD
Bendición de esta semana
For parishioners
celebrating their birthday
in February.
Para los feligreses que
celebran su cumpleaños en
7 Y 8 DE MARZO, 2015
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 9
Student Appreciation Day at St. Hugh
St. Hugh School is very proud of their students and therefore
hosted a special Student Appreciation Day during Catholic
Schools Week to honor them. Students were surprised
with a visit from Burnie, the Miami Heat mascot, and the
Miami Heat Xtreme team. It was lots of fun as the guests
entertained the children with a pep rally that included a
student dance competition and a teacher’s musical chairs
contest. Some lucky students won Miami Heat memorabilia
during the pep rally as well.
After the show, students were treated to gelato while they
watched the eighth grade students take on the faculty during
a game of volleyball. Fr. Federico even joined in on the
game. The faculty won one set but the overall winners were
the eighth grade students.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the students of the month for January. This past month students learned
about the virtue of peace. They discussed ways to be peacemakers by treating others with love
and respect, and finding ways to resolve conflicts and live together in harmony. The students of
the month selected demonstrated this very important virtue in their daily lives at school. We
are very proud of them and encourage them to continue trusting God and respecting all people.
Page 10
Thanks a Latte
St. Hugh
Box Tops
During Catholic Schools Week we celebrated
Our second and final submission of
Parent and Staff Appreciation Day. Parent and
Box Tops for this school year is March
staff members play an important role in making
our school such a special place to be. Their
Box Tops may be found on thousands
constant encouragement, commitment and
of your favorite products and items you
support are vital to our students’ success.
probably already have at home like
To thank them for all that they do, we had a
Ziploc bags, Kleenex, Pillsbury items
barista from Aroma Expresso present at school
and more. Simply clip the coupon on
in on January 29 to provide these adults with
the packaging and drop them off in the
their favorite coffee drinks before heading to
church office. The school receives 10¢
for each Box Top. When students,
families, schools and communities
work together to collect Box Tops and
send them in, the money adds up fast.

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