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Descarga completa del boletín
de las Naciones Unidas
para la Educación,
la Ciencia y la Cultura
Cátedra UNESCO
Forum Universidad
y Patrimonio
28 Marzo 2013
Universitat Politècnica de
València (UPV) España
Isabel Tort Ausina
Giovanni Boccardi
Ignacio Yusim
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Luz Campos
Montse Martínez
Concha de Soto
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Marielle Richon
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1372
Universitat Politècnica de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. España
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
E-mail: f o r u m @ f u u h.u pv.e s
Lanzan una campaña
contra el tráfico ilícito:
«Sus acciones cuentan:
sea un viajero responsable»
La Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT), la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas
contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas
para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) han aunado fuerzas para
promover una campaña mundial en la que se insta a los viajeros a apoyar la
lucha contra diversas formas de tráfico ilícito. La campaña se presentó al sector
turístico en la feria internacional de turismo de Berlín, la ITB, el 5 de marzo de
«Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable» aspira a sensibilizar al público respecto a los
bienes y servicios ilegales que con más frecuencia pueden encontrar los turistas en sus viajes. La
campaña ofrece orientación para reconocer posibles situaciones de tráfico de personas, especies
silvestres, artefactos culturales, drogas ilegales y falsificaciones, e invita a los viajeros a actuar, tomando decisiones de consumo responsables.
«Los turistas son ciudadanos globales y, cuando son más de 1.000 millones las personas que viajan
por el mundo cada año, deben convertirse en una fuerza benéfica. Tomar las decisiones éticas correctas como consumidores reduce la demanda de productos ilegales y contribuye a conservar los bienes
naturales y culturales que configuran una parte inestimable del patrimonio de las comunidades y las
poblaciones a las que visitan.», dijo el Secretario General de la OMT, Taleb Rifai, durante el lanzamiento de la campaña.
El Director Ejecutivo de la UNODC, Yury Fedotov, insistió mientras tanto en la importancia de informar a los viajeros del destino del dinero que pagan al comprar productos ilegales. «Los viajeros
tienen la responsabilidad de no contribuir a los beneficios que genera la delincuencia organizada.
Ya se trate de la venta de personas, productos de origen animal, drogas, artefactos culturales o falsificaciones, es importante que los viajeros entiendan perfectamente la naturaleza explotadora de
estas actividades. Las campañas de sensibilización, como esta, son esenciales para que los posibles
consumidores estén informados de los efectos adversos de sus decisiones de compra.
La Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, subrayó que proteger el patrimonio cultural es inseparable de proteger a las personas. «Los turistas son blancos fáciles para los traficantes que venden
artefactos culturales de procedencia dudosa», explicó, y añadió: «No suelen ser conscientes de que
esos “souvenirs” pueden ser un patrimonio robado, arrancado de su entorno original, extraído ilegalmente de un yacimiento arqueológico, o adquirido por personas sin escrúpulos que ofrecen un exiguo
pago a cambio. Su pérdida puede causar daño y aflicción considerables a sus propietarios legítimos,
para quienes esos elementos forman parte intrínseca de su identidad y de sus valores culturales.»
«Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable» contribuirá al objetivo de las Naciones Unidas de
combatir la delincuencia organizada, así como de cumplir el Código Ético Mundial para el Turismo de
la OMT.
La campaña se lanza con el apoyo de Marriott International y Sabre Holdings, las primeras empresas
turísticas que se asocian a la campaña para promover este importante mensaje entre sus millones
de clientes. Marriott compartirá el mensaje contra el tráfico ilícito con sus huéspedes, empleados y
miembros de Marriott Rewards a través de sus sitios web internos y externos y en nuevos boletines,
correos electrónicos de confirmación de reservas, revistas de los miembros de Marriott Rewards y
en blogs y medios sociales. Sabre apoyará la campaña con cuatro negocios y productos destinados al
consumidor: Travelocity,, TripCase y GetThere. Además, difundirá el mensaje externamente entre sus interlocutores e internamente entre sus empleados.
Además de los responsables de las tres organizaciones de las Naciones Unidas, participaron en el
evento el recientemente nombrado Presidente del Comité Mundial de Ética del Turismo y ex Director
General de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, Pascal Lamy, la Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva y Jefa de
Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales de Marriott International, Kathleen Matthews, y el Presidente y Director Gerente de Sabre Hospitality Solutions, Alex Alt.
Pascal Lamy ofreció su pleno apoyo a la iniciativa: «A la luz de número creciente de turistas internacionales, tenemos que promover comportamientos más éticos y responsables entre los viajeros. Por
eso he hecho que sea una prioridad del Comité apoyar esta campaña de sensibilización, dirigida por
las Naciones Unidas, para informar a los turistas de cómo pueden unirse a la lucha global contra el
tráfico ilícito», afirmó. «Uno de los objetivos principales del Comité será llegar a los jóvenes, difundir
Boletín FUUP -
el mensaje contra el tráfico ilícito entre las futuras generaciones de viajeros».
«Sabemos que nuestro sector puede desempeñar un papel importante y ayudar a detener el tráfico
ilícito, haciendo llegar el mensaje de esta campaña al público viajero. Marriott lo compartirá con más
de 80 millones de clientes y con una plantilla de aproximadamente 325.000 personas en todo el mundo. Invitamos a otros líderes del turismo a unirse a nosotros y a los organismos de las Naciones Unidas
en este esfuerzo crítico», dijo Kathleen Matthews.
Bruce Charendoff, Primer Vicepresidente de Relaciones Gubernamentales y Externas de Sabre, manifestó: «Luchar contra la trata de seres humanos es la iniciativa de responsabilidad social más importante de Sabre, y por eso aprovechamos la oportunidad de asociarnos a las Naciones Unidas para
sensibilizar a los millones de viajeros a los que damos servicio en todo el mundo respecto a este
delito tan extendido. Compartiremos ampliamente el mensaje de la campaña del «viajero responsable» en nuestras plataformas de reserva online de Travelocity y y en la aplicación
para dispositivos móviles TripCase, así como a través de nuestra solución de reservas corporativas
GetThere, en la que participan las empresas que así lo desean. Los traficantes a menudo utilizan en
sus actividades a actores turísticos incautos. Trabajando juntos, podemos educar a los viajeros y a los
agentes del sector y empezar a erradicar esta horrenda lacra. Podemos además ofrecer esperanza a
sus víctimas».
Enlaces de interés:
El Código Ético Mundial para el Turismo
Responsable de Prensa: Marcelo Risi
[email protected]
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60
Programa de Comunicación y Publicaciones de la OMT
[email protected]
Tel.: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218
Jefe de Comunicación y Sensibilización, UNODC: Alun Jones
[email protected]
Tel.: (+43) 699 1459 5726
Relaciones con los Medios, UNESCO: Sue Williams
[email protected]
Tel: (+33 1) 4568 17 06 / Móvil: (+33 6) 15 92 93 62
+ info:
Boletín FUUP -
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Premios y Reconocimientos
Premio Ecuatorial 2014
El Premio Ecuatorial 2014 reconocerá 25 iniciativas locales que demuestren liderazgo en promover soluciones locales
innovadoras para la gente, la naturaleza y las comunidades resistentes. Todas las iniciativas ganadoras serán premiadas
con el Premio Ecuatorial 2014 y 5.000 dólares. Cinco ganadores recibirán un reconocimiento especial y un total de
20.000 dólares cada uno. Los representantes de las comunidades ganadoras recibirán apoyo para participar en eventos
durante la Cumbre del Clima del Secretario General de la ONU y la Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos Indígenas en
Nueva York en septiembre de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Eisenberg, Amy (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
Abierta la convocatoria de 2014 para el Premio Campeones de la Tierra del PNUMA
La acción contra el cambio climático a examen mientras en el mundo se trabaja por llegar a un
nuevo pacto climático
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) ha abierto la convocatoria
para la presentación de candidaturas al Premio Campeones de la Tierra 2014, que reconoce la
labor de visionarios cuyas acciones y liderazgo hayan tenido un impacto positivo en el medio
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Eisenberg, Amy (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
The HERITAGE PLUS Joint Call is now open! Deadline 28 April 2014
The Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage and Global Change is pleased
to announce a new funding opportunity for transnational proposals in the area of
cultural heritage.
This Heritage Plus call is designed to generate new, research-based knowledge to
promote the sustainable use and management of cultural heritage and so to meet
societal challenges and contribute to the development on the society. The call aims
to fund excellent collaborative, transnational, interdisciplinary, innovative R&D projects focussed mainly on tangible cultural heritage research,
while not excluding the interlinked aspects of intangible and digital heritage.
+ info:
La Etiqueta del patrimonio europeo
La Etiqueta del patrimonio europeo es una iniciativa intergubernamental iniciada en 2006 por distintos Estados europeos.
Su objetivo es «reforzar el sentimiento de adhesión de los ciudadanos europeos a una identidad europea común y favorecer
el sentimiento de pertenencia a un
espacio cultural común». Para recibir esa Etiqueta, los parajes patrimoniales deben
resaltar su dimensión europea, y en su entrada debe colocarse una placa en la que figure el logotipo de la Etiqueta.
+ info:
Anuncio de los ganadores del premio UE de patrimonio Cultural / Premios EUROPA NOSTRA 2014 - Fecha límite para votar:
20 abril
La Comisión Europea y Europa Nostra anuncian hoy los ganadores del Premio Unión Europea de Patrimonio Cultural / Premios
Europa Nostra. Los veintisiete ganadores, seleccionados entre ciento sesenta proyectos nominados de treinta países, son
recompensados por sus logros en cuatro ámbitos: conservación; investigación; dedicación especial; educación, formación y
sensibilización. La ceremonia de entrega tendrá lugar el 5 de mayo en el Burgtheater de Viena, con el patrocinio de Heinz Fischer,
Presidente de Austria. Androulla Vassiliou, Comisaria Europea de Educación, Cultura, Multilingüismo y Juventud, y Plácido
Domingo, cantante de ópera y Presidente de Europa Nostra, presentarán conjuntamente los premios. Seis de los galardonados serán
proclamados ganadores del Gran Premio, dotado con 10 000 euros para cada
uno de ellos, y uno recibirá el Premio del Público, adjudicado
tras una encuesta en línea realizada por Europa Nostra. Además de celebrar la excelencia del trabajo sobre el patrimonio cultural, el Premio de
la UE tiene por objeto promover estándares de calidad en el ámbito de la conservación.
+ info:
2014 World Monuments Fund / Knoll Modernism Prize - Deadline: 30 June 2014
World Monuments Fund invites you to submit a nomination for the 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll
Modernism Prize. The prize will be awarded this fall to a design professional or firm in recognition of innovative
solutions that preserved and saved a modern landmark at risk. Nominated projects must have been completed in
the past five years.
The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes heroic efforts that preserve our modern heritage.[28/03/2014 12:20:27]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Submissions for projects that have enhanced a site's architectural, functional, economic, and environmental
sustainability while also benefiting the community are encouraged.
+ info:
Premio Cossío, 2014. Patrimonio Histórico Educativo - Fecha límite: 30 abril 2014
La Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo (S.E.P.H.E), con la colaboración del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural
de España, convoca el PREMIO MANUEL BARTOLOMÉ COSSÍO, dirigido a impulsar y valorar las iniciativas y trabajos que -desde la
dedicación a ese ámbito- concurran al desarrollo de la que constituye su fundamental finalidad: la protección, conservación, estudio e
investigación del patrimonio histórico-educativo, así como la promoción de acciones que estimulen tales tareas.
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 30 de abril de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Álvarez Domínguez, Pablo (España / Spain / Espagne)
Marie Curie Actions - Research Fellowship Programme
On these pages, you will find practical information on each of the Marie Curie actions including guidance on how to
apply for funding, information on progress of calls for proposals, evaluation and funding decisions. Marie Curie
Actions are open to researchers of all ages and levels of experience, regardless of nationality. To help you decide
which Marie Curie Action is most appropriate for your particular profile and needs, you are advised to consult the
Marie Curie Quick-Guide.
+ info:
2015-2016 NIAS Fellowships for International Scholars in Netherlands - Deadline: 15 April
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) offers residential fellowships from prominent researchers and senior scholars in
the humanities and social sciences. At least 3 years of post-PhD degree academic experience is required for eligibility. NIAS
fellowships are in principle awarded for advanced research during a full academic year. Fellows are offered an office at the
institute and a studio apartment or family apartment. Applications should be submitted till 15th April 2014.
+ info:
Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (MSP) - Islamic Development Bank. Deadline: 31 December
The objective of the programme is to develop technically qualified human resources in the IDB member countries by providing scholarships to
promising and outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced studies and research in the fields of applied science and
technology needed for the development of the member countries.
The Programme offers scholarships for study and research at two levels: (i) 3-year Ph.D. study/ research, and (ii) 6-12 months of Post-Doctoral
+ info:
2014 International Heritage Scholarship at Curtin University in Australia - Deadline: 18 July 2014
Curtin University is pleased to introduce Heritage Scholarships, which are open to citizens of Indonesia, Malaysia and
Vietnam. This scholarship category awards eligible students 25% of their first year of tuition. Curtin University recognises the
long-standing relationship it has with these major South East Asian nations and this scholarship aims to grow the trust and
confidence in Curtin University as a place for students to further their studies, careers and life experiences.
+ info:
Postgraduate Scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian Students in UK - Deadline: 31 July 2014
The Science Faculty is delighted to offer a number of scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian students. The scholarships
will be in the form of 20% fee reduction from any tuition fee but please note, it cannot be taken in conjunction with any
other fee reduction or bursary offered by the University. The scholarship is a one-off award towards a one year Masters
fees and is non-renewable and only valid for study on the courses.
+ info:
School of Modern Languages and Cultures Postgraduate Bursaries in UK - Deadline: 13 June 2014
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures, comprising the following disciplines and centres is offering bursaries for
students undertaking taught and research MAs and PhD programmes, full-time and part-time, starting in September/October
2014. Both Home/ EU and international students are eligible to apply. The School offers postgraduate teaching and supervision
by leading researchers in their fields within the disciplines and Centres. Part-fee bursaries at UK/EU fee levels may be
awarded to individual applicants at the discretion of the Scholarships Committee. Bursary applications are invited from highly
qualified prospective students of all nationalities for MA and PhD by research and for taught MA programmes. Applications will
be considered on academic merit alone.
+ info:
Educational tourism is enhancement of learning opportunities
...Study abroad experiences. Most major universities round the world promote some sort of foreign travel for his or
her students. Study abroad experiences give students with something from 6-week intensive study sessions to a full
year of cultural and linguistic immersion. US universities that have long seen themselves as student-exporters have
currently returned to comprehend that non-English speaking student’s look for US study abroad adventures too.
Students usually travel not solely among their destination country of alternative however throughout that county and
even to neighboring lands. The goal here is to widen the tutorial expertise so university students don’t solely grasp
their own culture however conjointly that of a minimum of one alternative nation…
+ info:
Marine Scholarship for International Students in China - Deadline: 30 April 2014
The ocean, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface, plays a primary role in addressing the climate change and supporting
the global economy, trade and livelihood. The sustainable ocean development has direct impact on the development and
prosperity of all coastal countries now and in the future. And it has become an inexorable trend worldwide that through
international cooperation and exchange we should deepen our understanding of the ocean and promote sustainable ocean
development to enhance regional and global economic prosperity. Under this consideration, the State Oceanic
Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China jointly initiate the program of Marine Scholarship of China[28/03/2014 12:20:27]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
(hereinafter called the Scholarship) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions
around the South China Sea, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a master’s or doctoral
degree in oceanography or other related specialties, cultivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing
international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China
Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship.
+ info:
Museum Studies Distance Learning Scholarships at University of Leicester in United Kingdom - Deadline: 31 March
The School of Museum Studies is pleased to offer five scholarships for April 2014 entry to its distance learning masters
degree programmes. The scholarships are available for 2 x £2,000 scholarships open to applicants currently working or
volunteering in UK museums and 3 x £1,000 scholarships open to all applicants.
Scholarships are provided in the fields of Museum Studies, Learning and Visitor Studies in Museums and Galleries, Digital
Heritage and Heritage and Interpretation offered by the University of Leicester in UK.
+ info:
M.Sc. Scholarship Program in Environmental & Energy Engineering at University of Genoa, Italy - Deadline: 30 June
The purpose of the Master of Science program in Environmental & Energy Engineering (Polytechnic School, University of
Genoa, Italy) is to offer advanced education in the fields of natural and industrial risk management, sustainable development
and sustainable and distributed energy. The latest topics associated with prediction, prevention and management of natural
hazards, indoor and outdoor pollution, waste disposal and site remediation, health risk assessment, C02 sequestration, water
supply and wastewater treatment, energy from waste, recycling, climate change dynamics, renewable energy production, fuel
cells, biofuels, smart power grids and low emission power plants are addressed by the M.Sc. program. Faculty members teaching in the
program have ongoing collaborations with excellent national and international industries and research institutes. The teaching activity of the
program takes place in the modern Campus located in the city of Savona, which is endowed with sport and accommodation facilities, library and
auditorium. Since 2010, a research center devoted to sustainable energy is also being established in the same Campus.
+ info:
Concursos - Nueve películas medioambientales premiadas durante el último Festival Internacional de Cine medioambiental – Francia
Durante el último Festival Internacional de películas medioambientales (FIFE), organizado por la región Ile-de-France del 4 al 11 de febrero de
2014, nueve películas, documentales y cortometrajes, han sido premiados. La selección se hizo sobre una centena de películas y una veintena
de webdocumentales, de cerca de 40 países, y que trataban el medio ambiente… …
+ info:
Competition - LAN Chosen to Revamp Paris’ Grand Palais - Paris (France)
After a nine-month long competition, LAN Architecture has been commissioned to restructure and extend the historic Grand
Palais in Paris. With the intent to “restore the building’s original coherence and sense of transparency,” LAN plans to revamp the
1900 World’s Fair building by resorting its unity and circulation, as well as the volume of its galleries around the Grand Nave and
the addition of a new entrance court…
+ info:
Three Finalists Announced for Moscow’s Ukraina Hotel Entryway Competition - Russian Federation
The Ukraina Hotel, with the support of the non-state educational institution Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and
Design, have announced the finalists for the Ukraina Hotel Entryway competition. Designs from ABD Architects
(Russia) in cooperation with Werner Sobek Moskwa (Russia), TPO Lesosplav (Russia) in cooperation with Malishev
Wilson Engineers (UK), and Studio 44 (Russia) have been chosen from a total of ten competing proposals, one of which
will now be implemented by the client. Offering the chance to design a new entrance to one of Moscow’s foremost
landmarks, the winning scheme will provide a rare opportunity to work with an unique example of Stalinist architectural
+ info:
Competition: Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape Call for Nominations - Deadline: 1 April
Do you know of threatened or at-risk examples of art and the landscape? It could be a group of ancient
petroglyphs, a sculpted earthwork, a Modernist installation or other examples.
There are just two weeks left to nominate a site for Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape, this year’s
iteration of The Cultural Landscape Foundation’s annual, thematic compendium of at-risk sites. Many of
these sites are endangered by development, neglect, vandalism, industrial operations and other threats. For
more than a decade, Landslide has successfully brought national attention to threatened sites, raised their
visibility, and promoted their informed stewardship…
+ info:
Arquitectura y Paisaje: “Memory Wound” – Monumento en homenaje a las victimas de la masacre en Noruega
Concebido como una “herida” o “fractura” de tres metros y medio en el paisaje, el poderoso monumento a aquellos
que perdieron sus vidas en la masacre de Utoya, el artista sueco Jonas Dahlberg, ganó la competencia para los
atentados del Memorial del 22 de Julio en Noruega. “Mi concepto para el Memorial Sørbråten propone una herida o
corte en la naturaleza. Éste interpreta la experiencia física de la pérdida, reflejando la repentina y permanente
pérdida de aquellos que murieron”, describió Dahlberg.
+ info:
Puesto de trabajo
English Heritage – Historic Places Adviser- Deadline for Applications 16 March 2014
The Historic Places Team will support local communities (including through local authority
partners) in appreciating the significance of their local historic environment and its potential to deliver benefits for the
community by: promoting the effective use of the planning system at
strategic and local levels; building capacity; engaging[28/03/2014 12:20:27]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
with communities to identify opportunities for enhancement; supporting networks; and championing historic places. It also
supports the HAR and Development Management teams.
+ info:
Job Offer - Heckington Windmill Regeneration Project: Project Manager (United Kingdom) Deadline for
Applications: 31 March 2014
Heckington Windmill is a Grade I listed building located in the heart of Lincolnshire and is the only 8 sailed working
windmill in Western Europe.
The Heckington Windmill Regeneration Project is a Heritage Lottery Funded project of just over £1m, which will restore
and develop the associated mill buildings on site into a first class heritage attraction.
The successful applicant will be required to manage, supervise and successfully deliver the capital works programme.
Experience of conservation buildings work, together with working with community groups and HLF funded projects is essential, as is a flexible
approach to working…
+ info:
Job Offer - Job Vacancy: Lecturer in Geoarchaeology. Deadline: 27 March
The UCL Institute of Archaeology is recognised as one of the leading academic departments of Archaeology not just in
the UK but globally. The Institute is the largest department in its field in the UK, with the largest graduate research
community, and the broadest range of coverage and offers a uniquely stimulating environment for the study of all fields of
archaeology, conservation and cultural heritage.
The post-holder will carry out teaching at BA/BSc level, at MSc level, especially as part of the MSc in Environmental
Archaeology, supervise or co-supervise MPhil/PhD students on geoarchaeological topics, organise student field trips, and
oversee the use of the Institute's sedimentology laboratory for research and teaching…
+ info:
Job Offer - Port Sunlight Village Trust – Conservation Adviser (United Kingdom) Deadline 30 March 2014
The Port Sunlight Village Trust is dedicated to the Conservation and Management of the extraordinary village of Port
Sunlight. With ownership of most of the principal buildings, 1/3rd of the cottages, all of the visible landscape and
covenants in force with all house owners, the Trust has a major role in securing the future of the village. We are
continuing with our work to help protect the village from further erosion of the heritage and a core aspect of this is
the establishment of this full time post…
+ info:
Call for proposal for a 3-day mission on Art Nouveau - Deadline: 13 June 2014
The Monuments and Sites Directorate of the Brussels-Capitale Region, project leader of the “Art Nouveau & Ecology” project, supported by the
Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Commission and organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, proposes to financially support
a scientific or technical mission of three days, in Belgium or in another country of the European Union, as long as the mission will be performed
before the end of March 2015 and it will provide a new element to our knowledge of the Art Nouveau of Brussels.
The proposals (to be developed on max. two A4 pages) must be sent by post to the following address, before 13 June 2014:
Conde-Reis Guy
Direction des Monuments et des Sites
CCN • Rue du Progrès, 80 bte 1 • 1030 Bruxelles
[email protected]
Only one proposal will be selected. The Monuments and Sites Directorate will cover the (capped) travel and accommodation expenses as well
as a fixed per-diem.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Alleaume, Anne-lise (Francia / France / France)
Job Offer - Croydon – Conservation Officer (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4 April 2014
Croydon is placed to be a major strategic force for growth and transformation in London and the South East. The Council has a vision to deliver
significant growth and town centre renewal over the next 20 years, as conveyed in the Croydon Local Plan, the Croydon Opportunuty Area
Planning Framework and supponrting masterplans, the most recent of which is focussed on Croydon's historic Old Town. Design quality, the
protection and enhancement of Croydon's rich and varied built heritage and the importance of local character are central to the delivery of this
This post offers a unique and exciting opportunity to join Croydon's Spatial Planning Service, which brings together the disciplines of planning
policy, architecture, urban design, conservation and landscapes architecture to support a coordinated approach to the planning and delivery of
appropriate and sustainable development over the next 20 years…
+ info:
Job Offer - HRBA updates - St James, Liverpool - seeking an architectural consultant
St James, Liverpool, grade 2* listed had been closed for 30 years. In May 2010 St James was officially handed over
from The Churches Conservation Trust to Liverpool Diocese.
The vision of the St James ‘Heritage & Hope’ project is to transform a derelict Grade II* listed Church building into a
welcoming and usable space, for the benefit of the local community. It is to inspire people to re-discover the hidden
heritage held within St James, to celebrate its history, diversity and character, to benefit from its rich cultural
heritage, bringing hope to a new generation.
A stage one bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was submitted on the 14th February 2014. They are now seeking to appoint an Architectural
Consultant for the restoration of a Grade II Church building and a new linked Heritage Centre estimated build cost £2.5m.
+ info:
Job Offer - Post Doctoral Research Associate with a specialism in geoarchaeology - University of York (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4
The AAREA Project (The Archaeology of Agricultural Resilience in Eastern Africa) is funded by a European Research Council ‘Starting Grant’,
and is hosted by the Department of Archaeology at the University of York in partnership with the Geography Department at Durham University,
with research collaborators across Europe and east Africa. The project seeks to employ a Post Doctoral Research Associate (or a researcher
with the equivalent of doctoral levels of experience) with a specialism in geoarchaeology to form a pivotal role within this research team. The[28/03/2014 12:20:27]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
post is for a fixed-term contract to the end of January 2018…
+ info:
Job Offers - English Heritage: Inspector Historic Buildings and Areas (United Kingdom) Closing date for applications: 1 April 2014
This is an opportunity for an Inspector of Historic Buildings and Areas to join our Development Management team based in Manchester. You will
deliver English Heritage advice in response to pre-application and formal consultations across the diverse and fascinating historic environment
of the North West. This is an opportunity to use your extensive knowledge of architectural history and apply it creatively using our ethos of
Constructive Conservation to help manage change to the most significant heritage assets in our region. You will be responsible for a heavy
workload of consultations and manage the performance and development of an Assistant Inspector while supporting the Heritage At Risk and
Historic Places teams deliver their objectives.
+ info:
Job Offer - Penang Heritage Trust Director
Penang Heritage Trust is a heritage conservation advocacy group actively working to preserve the George Town
World Heritage Site as well as other aspects of Penang’s cultural and natural heritage through public advocacy,
educational programmes and cultural mapping.
The Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) seeks a director to implement the strategic goals and objectives of the
organization. This individual must be creative and have a passion for heritage safeguarding and preservation. The
individual should have programme development experience to sustain the organization’s funding needs through
membership and corporate sponsorship, and the leadership experience and skills to manage staff and volunteers. This individual will be
responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization and its fiduciary needs.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Histórica visita del presidente chino Xi Jinping a la UNESCO
El presidente de la República Popular China, Xi Jinping, se convirtió hoy en el primer jefe de Estado chino en visitar la
UNESCO. El presidente Xi y la primera dama, Peng Liyuan, fueron recibidos en la sede parisiense de la Organización
por la Directora General, Irina Bokova, que describió la visita como “histórica” e hizo votos por que se fortalezcan aún
más los lazos que unen a China y a la UNESCO. Irina Bokova destacó que los lazos que unen a China y la UNESCO se han fortalecido mucho estos últimos años.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Arquitectura de tierra
Arquitectura de tierra
World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP)
Earthen architecture is one of the most original and powerful expressions of our ability to create a built environment
with readily available resources. It includes a great variety of structures, ranging from mosques, palaces and
granaries, to historic city centres, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites. Its cultural importance throughout the
world is evident and has led to its consideration as a common heritage of humankind, therefore deserving protection
and conservation by the international community. In 2011, over 10% of the World Heritage properties incorporate
earthen structures. The availability and economic quality of the material mean it bears great potential to contribute to
poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
+ info: began February 22, 2003 as the online research of Ronald Rael—an architect and Assistant Professor at the University of
California Berkeley. The compilation of the research on the earth architecture website led to the publication of Earth Architecture (Princeton
Architectural Press, 2008, paperback edition, 2010), which examines the contemporary history of the oldest and most widely used building
material on the planet—dirt. The research was funded by the Graham Foundation for Constructed Topographies: Earth Architecture in the
Landscape of Modernity, and the Architectural League of New York's Deborah Norden Competition for Wadi Hadramut: Cities of Earth.
+ info:
International Conference on Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage
20 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Gongju. República de Corea
Organizadores: ICOMOS-ISCS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 ago 2013
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Jornadas Internacionales de reflexión en patrimonio cultural 2014 "Tradición y contemporaneidad"
04 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizadores: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
VerSus 2014 - Congreso internacional sobre las Lecciones de la arquitectura vernácula para la sostenibilidad
11 septiembre - 13 septiembre 2014
Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vegas, Fernando. España
Terracruda e nanotecnologie. Tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilità
Curatore: Francesca Scalisi; Cesare Sposito[28/03/2014 12:20:30]
Arquitectura de tierra
ISBN-13 9788854860445
Editore: Aracne - Collana: Esempi di architettura
Año: 2013
Già con il Programma di ricerca nazionale PRIN 2006, dall'Unità di Ricerca UR/1, che fa capo all'Università degli Studi di
Palermo, era stata affrontata la ricerca sui materiali compositi nanostrutturati, mirati al recupero e alla conservazione del
patrimonio architettonico. E con Alberto Sposito, co-ordinatore nazionale e responsabile di una unità di ricerca, erano l'unità chimico-fisica di
Palermo e l'unità che faceva capo all'università di Messina. Con i fondi assegnati da tale PRIN l'Unità di Palermo ha organizzato nel 2009 il I
Convegno Internazionale dal titolo "Nanotech for architecture: innovative technologies, techniques and nanostructured materials", i cui atti sono
stati pubblicati da Luciano Editore (2009). Inoltre, lo stesso anno e con gli stessi tipi sono state pubblicate le risultanze della ricerca con il
titolo "Nanotecnologie & nanomateriali per l'architettura".
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Earth Architecture
By Ronald Rael
ISBN 9781568987675
University of California, Berkeley
Año: 2008
Currently it is estimated that one half of the world's population--approximately three billion people on six continents--lives or
works in buildings constructed of earth. And while the vast legacy of traditional and vernacular earthen construction has been
widely discussed, little attention has been paid to the contemporary tradition of earth architecture. Author Ronald Rael, founder of provides a history of building with earth in the modern era, focusing particularly on projects constructed in the last few
decades that use rammed earth, mud brick, compressed earth, cob, and several other interesting techniques. Earth Architecture presents a
selection of more than 40 projects that exemplify new, creative uses of the oldest building material on the planet…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Pintura Rupestre
Arte rupestre y patrimonio prehistórico
Laboratoire de recherche des monuments historiques de Champs sur Marne - France
Crée en 1970, à l’initiative de Jean Taralon, inspecteur général des monuments historiques
Un service à compétence nationale du Ministère de la Culture et de la communication (direction générale des patrimoines, sous-direction des
monuments historiques). Un laboratoire dédié à la recherche sur la conservation des monuments protégés au titre des monuments historiques.
Un centre de documentation avec des bases de données sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel (bibliographie et images), accessibles sur
+ info:
Ancient Buddhist caves in China could ‘turn to sand’
Urgent conservation work is needed to save a series of caves in northwest China containing ancient murals by
Buddhist monks, which are threatened with destruction from the forces of nature.
+ info:
Découverte des premiers dinosaures d'Arabie Saoudite
..."Les fossiles de dinosaures sont extrêmement rares dans la péninsule arabique, avec seulement une poignée
d'os très fragmentés répertoriés jusqu'ici. Cette découverte est importante non seulement en raison de l'endroit
où les vestiges ont été trouvés, mais aussi en raison de leur possibilité à être identifiés. En effet, ce sont les
premiers dinosaures taxonomiquement reconnaissables signalés dans la péninsule arabique", souligne Dr
Benjamin Kear de l'université d'Uppsala qui est également le directeur de ce projet.
+ info:
Los europeos de hace 7.000 años tenían piel oscura y ojos azules
La secuenciación del genoma de restos humanos del Mesolítico, encontrados en un yacimiento leonés, revela que los antiguos
cazadores recolectores europeos tenían los ojos claros y la piel oscura, una combinación que no existe en la Europa actual. Es
la primera vez que se recupera ADN completo de un individuo del viejo continente que vivió antes del Neolítico.
+ info:
Gastornis: un oiseau géant herbivore successeur des dinosaures
Quelques millions d'années après l’extinction des grands dinosaures, et avant la domination des mammifères, les
plus grands animaux terrestres vivant en Europe étaient des oiseaux. Le régime alimentaire de ces colosses
nommés Gastornis fait débat depuis plus de vingt ans. Une nouvelle étude combinant des analyses
morphologiques et géochimiques ont permis de trancher : Gastornis était herbivore. Ce résultat, issu de la
collaboration entre plusieurs équipes françaises coordonnées par Delphine Angst du Laboratoire de Géologie de
Lyon : Terre, planète et environnement vient d’être publié dans le journal Naturwissenschaften.
+ info:
New analyses verify the use of fire by Peking Man- China
Zhoukoudian Locality in northern China has been widely known for the discovery of the Middle Pleistocene human
ancestor Homo erectus pekinensis (known as Peking Man) since the 1920s. By 1931, the suggestion that the
Zhoukoudian hominins could use and control fire had become widely accepted. However, some analyses have cast
doubt on this assertion as siliceous aggregate (an insoluble phase of burned ash) was not present in ash remains
recovered from the site. New analyses of four ash samples retrieved from different positions of Zhoukoudian
Locality 1 during the excavations carried out in 2009, present evidence for the controlled use of fire by Peking Man,
according to an article published in the journal Chinese Science Bulletin 59.
+ info:
The nuraghe, an ancient building - Italy
The word “nurac”, as Attilio Mastino says in his report about a latin monumentary inscription of the I cent. A.D., written
on the the nuraghe Aidu Entos’architrave, appears for the first time in the epigraph as “nurac” and could be related to
the protosardo nickname used to define the megalithic building.
Before this period it was called Protonuraghe. The word “proto” comes from the Greek “prôtos”, meaning “first,
original”; a protonuraghe is a building believed to be the “ancestor” of a nuraghe. In the same way, the word
“protosardo” stands for the language spoken before the sardo language…
+ info:
Opération Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère - France
Retrouver la revue de presse du projet Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère et l'actualité des autres Grands Sites sur le lien suivant.[28/03/2014 12:20:31]
Pintura Rupestre
+ info:
Exposition - Si la vie nous était contée : les Gabonionta
12 marzo - 30 junio 2014
Viena. España
Organizadores: Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Vienne
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Primer Congreso Nacional de Arte Rupestre
10 septiembre - 12 septiembre 2014
Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina
Organizadores: Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Fátima Rut SOLOMITA BANFI. Argentina
Painted Caves - Palaeolithic Rock Art in Western Europe
By Andrew J. Lawson
ISBN: 9780199698226
Año: 2012
Painted Caves, a beautifully illustrated introduction to the oldest art of Western Europe, charts the historical background to the
acceptance of a Palaeolithic age for the very ancient paintings found in caves. Offering an up-to-date overview of the
geographical distribution of the sites found in southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, and examples known in Britain, Italy,
Romania, and Russia, Lawson's expert study is not restricted to the art in caves, but places this art alongside the engravings and sculptures
found both on portable objects and on rock faces in the open air.
Written from an archaeological perspective, the volume stresses how the individual images cannot be considered in isolation, but should rather
be related to their location and other evidence that might provide clues to their significance. Although many scholars have
put forward ideas as
to the meaning and function of the art, Lawson discusses some of the substantive theories and offers glimpses of his own experience in the
field and enduring fascination for the subject…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Creación de la reserva natural de Chaumes de Verniller - Francia
El decreto del 13 de febrero de 2014 que crea la reserva natural nacional de Chaumes de Verniller fue publicado al Boletín Oficial el 15 de
febrero de 2014. La reserva está situada en la Champagne berrichonne, en la zona periurbana de Bourges en el Cher, y cubre una superficie
total de aproximadamente 81 hectáreas. Se encuentra en el corazón de la zona industrial de las orquídeas, entre dos empresas de armamento
+ info:
Digitalizador para registro de dados sobre biodiversidade (Brasil)
O Núcleo de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade e Computação (BioComp) e o Laboratório de Automação Agrícola (LAA) do
Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Sistemas Digitais (PCS) da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São
Paulo (Poli/USP) lançou a Biodiversity Data Digitizer (BDD), ferramenta desenvolvida para facilitar a digitalização,
manipulação e publicação de dados sobre biodiversidade.
O digitalizador tem como objetivo construir bancos de dados, em laboratórios e instituições, mais completos e
organizados e que permitam a interação e manipulação simples dos dados, especialmente aqueles coletados em
campo e em pequenas coleções, que não justifiquem ou necessitem de um software de gerenciamento de coleções…
+ info:
Etude du Killifish pour comprendre l'évolution des espèces
...La question fondamentale de ce projet est dès lors de comprendre comment des mécanismes épigénétiques peuvent
palier à ce manque de diversité génétique afin d'expliquer l'extraordinaire faculté d'adaptation de cette espèce et de
comprendre les mécanismes évolutifs sous-
jacents. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs, plusieurs analyses de pointe seront
réalisées en partenariat avec des laboratoires américains à l'Université de Californie Davis (Prof. Küeltz et Prof.
Whitehead) ainsi qu'à l'Université d'Alabama (Prof. Earley).
+ info:
Marine Scholarship for International Students in China - Deadline: 30 April 2014
The ocean, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface, plays a primary role in addressing the climate change and supporting
the global economy, trade and livelihood. The sustainable ocean development has direct impact on the development and
prosperity of all coastal countries now and in the future. And it has become an inexorable trend worldwide that through
international cooperation and exchange we should deepen our understanding of the ocean and promote sustainable ocean
development to enhance regional and global economic prosperity. Under this consideration, the State Oceanic
Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China jointly initiate the program of Marine Scholarship of China
(hereinafter called the Scholarship) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions
around the South China Sea, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a master’s or doctoral
degree in oceanography or other related specialties, cultivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing
international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China
Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship.
+ info:
Argentinos que salvan elefantes
No es el título de una película, es la realidad que nos golpea a la cara, los elefantes africanos pueden desaparecer
de la faz de la tierra en 10 años si no se trabaja para evitarlo, su mayor enemigo es el hombre, que los mata por un
par de colmillos que serán vendidos en el mercado asiático para la realización de diversas piezas de adorno que
marcan la escala social de cada familia, en una sociedad híper avanzada en tecnología y que mantiene estas
inexplicables y estúpidas tradiciones.
Nicolás Davio sueña con “Salvar a los elefantes” o al menos aportar sus conocimientos y adentrarse en un
continente lleno de peligros para ayudarlos. Pero no es fácil porque no hay sponsor para una misión como esta.
El es médico veterinario, Medalla de Oro por los excelentes promedios en la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de La Plata, es
baraderense y el año pasado estuvo trabajando y estudiando tres meses en África, ayer fue portada de la Revista del Diario La Nación…
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Pataro, María Susana (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Whales Mean Business
Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of
tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should
consider attending and learning from.
+ info:
Kew's Millennium Seed Bank - United Kingdom[28/03/2014 12:20:34]
Kew is a global resource for plant knowledge. Our scientific expertise is focused on
plant and fungi identification and naming, comparative plant and fungal biology, plant
and fungi conservation and health, plus determination of ecosystem services provided
by plants and fungi. All our work contributes essential knowledge addressing the
global challenges of biodiversity loss, food security, poverty, disease and the changing
+ info:
Ambassadeurs du patrimoine « Biodiversité et paysages » -- France
Le réseau des ambassadeurs du patrimoine « Biodiversité et Paysages » à l’initiative du
Syndicat Mixte pour la protection et la gestion de la Camargue Gardoise réunit les acteurs du tourisme engagés dans une démarche de préservation du patrimoine naturel et de
transmission de
connaissances à leurs visiteurs. Par leurs engagements, les membres du
réseau assurent le respect des milieux naturels dans lesquels ils exercent leurs activités
culturelles et sportives.
+ info:
33e Congrès des réserves naturelles de France "Les Pyrénées-Orientales à l'honneur"
09 abril - 12 abril 2014
Argelès sur mer. Francia
Organizadores: Réserves Naturelles de France (RNF); le Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Orientales et La Région Languedoc Roussillon
Contacto: Leïla BONNET - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 8 mar 2014
+ info:
Congreso Mundial de Parques “Los Parques, la gente y el planeta: soluciones inspiradoras”
12 noviembre - 19 noviembre 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizadores: UICN - Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 jun 2014
+ info:
L’arbre champêtre, première matière
Arbre &Paysage 32
France : Association Arbre &Paysage 32
Año: 2014
L’association Arbre &Paysage 32, « opérateur de terrain pour les « arbres de pays » et l’agroforesterie », vient de publier un
livret destiné à faire découvrir ou à rappeler le rôle d’un arbre champêtre dans la transformation et la synthèse de la matière
dans son environnement ainsi que dans son amélioration.
+ info:
AfriMAB: les réserves de biosphère en Afrique subsaharienne, présentation du développement durable = AfriMAB:
Biosphere Reserves in Sub-Saharan Africa; showcasing sustainable development
Pool-Stanvliet, Ruida; Clüsener-Godt, Miguel
Pretoria,South Africa: Department of Environmental Affairs; Paris, France: UNESCO
ISBN 978-0-620-57142-5 (francés); 978-0-620-57141-8 (inglés)
Año: 2013
Cette publication représente une contribution importante des réserves de biosphère africaines envers l'exécution du
programme MAB sur le continent africain.
This publication represents an important contribution of African biosphere reserves towards the implementation of the
MAB Programme on the
continent of Africa.
+ info:
Panorama des services écologiques fournis par les milieux naturels en France - Volume 2.3 : les écosystèmes urbains
Rédaction : Marion Péguin et Justine Delangue, sous la coordination de Sébastien Moncorps, directeur du Comité français de
l’UICN, et de Guillemette Rolland, présidente de la Commission « Gestion des écosystèmes »
Paris, France : UICN France, 2013
ISBN 978-2-918105-
Año: 2013
Après les écosystèmes forestiers, le Comité français de l’UICN publie aujourd’hui une nouvelle brochure sur les services
écologiques fournis par les écosystèmes urbains français (métropole et outre-mer). Après une présentation de l’écosystème concerné et de ses
spécificités, sont illustrés l’ensemble des services selon la typologie définie dans le Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) : support,
approvisionnement, régulation, culturel.
+ info:
Biodiversité d’Outre-mer : une exceptionnelle richesse et une responsabilité mondiale de la France pour la protection de
la planète
Ouvrage coordonné par Olivier Gargominy et Aurélie Bocquet
Coédité par les éditions Roger Le Guen et le Comité français de l’UICN avec le soutien du Ministère des Outre-mer, du Centre
National du Livre, de l’Office National des Forêts et de la Fondation Nature et Découvertes.
ISBN 978-2- 915964-06-6
Año: 2013
Le Comité français de l’UICN publie « Biodiversité d’Outre-mer » un ouvrage de référence présentant les dernières connaissances scientifiques
sur la biodiversité terrestre et marine des collectivités françaises d’outre-mer ainsi que les actions mises en œuvre pour la protéger. Grâce à la
contribution de plus de 150 experts, il permet de mesurer les efforts accomplis depuis dix ans et de souligner les défis restant à relever pour la[28/03/2014 12:20:34]
conservation de la biodiversité.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Acidificación de los océanos: la experiencia eFoce se presentará en marzo
Hasta la primavera de 2015, los científicos de la experiencia eFoce se interesarán por los
impactos de la acidificación de los océanos sobre plantas acuáticas y sobre pequeños
organismos que viven en las cercanías.
Inicialmente programada para finales del año pasado, la experiencia eFoce, la observación de
los impactos de la acidificación del océano, finalmente se presentará en marzo. "En Navidad
sufrimos una tempestad devastadora en la rada: un pedazo de armazón de un barco varado
chocó y destruyó uno de nuestros acuarios, estamos en el período de reconstrucción", explica Frédéric Gazeau, coordinador del proyecto,
investigador en el laboratorio de Oceanografía de Villefranche. Los futuros sistemas serán diseñados para ser retirados más fácilmente, con el
fin de evitar este tipo de inconvenientes. Las experiencias deberían tener lugar hasta la primavera de 2015 …
+ info:
Articulación de las reglas francesas relativas a la calidad de las aguas interiores y de las aguas marinas – Francia
Mientras que Francia es destacada por Bruselas por la mala calidad de sus aguas marinas, el Ministerio de Ecología publicó el 24 de febrero
una instrucción relativa a la articulación entre la directiva-marco sobre el agua (DCE) y la directiva-marco estratégica para el medio marino
(DCSMM). El texto está destinado concretamente a los prefectos, a Onema, a las agencias del agua, a Ansas, a Ifremer y al CNRS.
Esta instrucción responde a la voluntad de la Comisión Europea de vincular ambos dispositivos, dado el fuerte lazo que existe entre la calidad
de las aguas interiores y de las aguas marinas. El ejemplo de la proliferación de las algas verdes sobre las costas bretonas a causa de la
presencia excesiva de nitratos en los ríos evidencia…
+ info:
Economie et espaces naturels
Depuis sa création en 1975, le Conservatoire a dépensé environ 800 M€ pour l'acquisition de sites. Chaque année, il investit près d’une
vingtaine de millions d'euros pour l'acquisition de nouveaux terrains et environ 10 M€ pour leur restauration ou leur entretien. Le Conservatoire
et ses gestionnaires lèvent des financements complémentaires (Europe, collectivités, agences de l’eau entreprises et fondations mécènes,
particuliers) à hauteur de 10 à 20 M€ par an. Les gestionnaires des sites investissent également en finançant l’entretien et la surveillance des
sites. Le domaine protégé, 154.000 ha à ce jour, dégage un peu plus de 1,2 M€ par an de redevances d'occupation ou d'usage.
+ info:
Bon état écologique du milieu marin : Bruxelles tire la sonnette d'alarme
La Commission européenne dresse un bilan alarmant de l'application de la directive, entrée en
vigueur en 2008, visant un bon état écologique des mers de l'UE en 2020. Bruxelles pointe le
manque d'ambition des Etats membres dont la France.
La Commission européenne a publié le 20 février un rapport dressant un premier bilan de
l'application de la directive européenne ''Stratégie pour le milieu marin'' par les Etats membres,
visant à parvenir à un ''bon état écologique'' des mers et des océans de l'UE d'ici 2020…
+ info:
Reviving the Dead Sea requires new approach scientists say
Why scientists question the longstanding plan to merge the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. Half a lifetime ago, in 1979, I traveled
with my college roommate to one of the wonders of the world, a giant salt lake linking Israel and Jordan called the Dead Sea.
We arrived at the nearby Ein Gedi Spa at the foot of the Judean Hills, donned swimsuits, and took a short stroll into an expanse
of iridescent blue 10 times saltier than the Atlantic back home. I splayed my arms and legs and bobbed in the sun like a buoy,
unsinkable in a legendary pool revered for its healing properties 1,338 feet below sea level, the lowest spot on Earth.
+ info:
Whales means business
Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of
tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should
consider attending and learning from.
+ info:
Postgraduate Scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian Students in United Kingdom Deadline: 31
The Science Faculty is delighted to offer a number of scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian
students. The scholarships will be in the form of 20% fee reduction from any tuition fee but please
note, it cannot be taken in conjunction with any other fee reduction or bursary offered by the
University. The scholarship is a one-off award towards a one year Masters fees and is nonrenewable and only valid for study on the courses.[28/03/2014 12:20:37]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Scholarships are provided within the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Engineering Geology, Geological and Environmental
Hazards, Environmental Geology and Contamination & Crisis and Disaster Management) and Department of Geography (Geographical
Information Systems and Coastal and Marine Resource Management) at University of Portsmouth.
+ info:
Marine Scholarship for International Students in China - Deadline: 30 April 2014
The ocean, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface, plays a primary role in addressing the climate change and supporting
the global economy, trade and livelihood. The sustainable ocean development has direct impact on the development and
prosperity of all coastal countries now and in the future. And it has become an inexorable trend worldwide that through
international cooperation and exchange we should deepen our understanding of the ocean and promote sustainable ocean
development to enhance regional and global economic prosperity. Under this consideration, the State Oceanic
Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China jointly initiate the program of Marine Scholarship of China
(hereinafter called the Scholarship) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions
around the South China Sea, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a master’s or doctoral
degree in oceanography or other related specialties, cultivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing
international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China
Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship.
+ info:
Con nuevo Parque Marino Tic-Toc Chile da un paso decisivo en la conservación de su mar y de especies
emblemáticas como la ballena azul
La protección de uno de los ecosistemas más prístinos del sur del mundo, cuya salud es clave para la vida de
ballenas azules y un sinnúmero de otras especies, y la proyección del desarrollo sustentable de la comunidad de
Raúl Marín Balmaceda, podrán hacerse efectivas gracias a la creación de una zona de protección marina de 87.500
ha, la más grande de Chile continental.
Se trata de un potente mosaico de conservación integrado por el Parque Marino Tic-Toc y el Área Marina Costera
Protegida (AMCP) de Pitipalena, el cual se ubica entre la costa de la provincia de Palena y la comuna de Puerto Cisnes, en el Golfo de
+ info:
Directive études d'impacts: la pollution sonore sous-marine prise en compte
Les ONG saluent le vote des eurodéputés qui prennent en compte les impacts de la prospection
pétrolière offshore sur la biodiversité marine dans la nouvelle directive relative à l'évaluation des
incidences sur l'environnement.
+ info:
Le corail rouge - Un modèle de biominéralisation
Un joyau de la Méditerranée. Le corail rouge est le squelette de Corallium rubrum, un organisme colonial avec de
nombreux polypes.
+ info:
Les mystères des nuits polaires
Que se passe-t-il sous la surface de l'océan lors de cette longue nuit polaire qui s'étale de novembre à mars ?
Est-ce que les espèces marines ont des capacités optiques particulières pour voir dans le noir ? Ce sont ces
questions qui ont poussées le professeur Jorgen Berge (University of Arctic, Tromso et University Centre in
Svalbard), Geir Johnsen (NTNU et UNIS) et Asgeir Sorensen (NTNU) à participer à l'encadrement de deux
cours interdisciplinaires organisés par l'UNIS et l'Université de Tromso.
+ info:
Etude de fréquentation et de mobilité sur le Grand Site Baie de Somme - France
La Baie de Somme est une destination Nature connue et réputée pour ses grands espaces, une faune et une flore
préservées. En tant qu’animateur et gestionnaire du label Grand Site, le Syndicat Mixte a souhaité disposer d’éléments
tangibles : combien de visiteurs accueillons-
nous chaque année sur les espaces de nature ? qui vient ? quelles sont les
attentes ? comment les visiteurs se déplacent t-ils? Une étude de fréquentation touristique et de mobilité a été lancée en
2013 et fait échos à une précédente étude menée en 2002.
Les résultats nous permettrons d’analyser l’évolution de la fréquentation, d’adapter les aménagements (parking,
signalétique, etc.) afin de mieux accueillir les visiteurs sans altérer la préservation des espaces fragiles.
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 junio - 08 julio 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Federación de Rusia
Organizadores: The European University at St Petersburg
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
Tenth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute
26 agosto - 11 septiembre 2014
Dalyan. Turquía
Organizadores: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014[28/03/2014 12:20:37]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Özhan, Erdal (Turquía / Turkey / Turquie)
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Congreso Mundial de Parques “Los Parques, la gente y el planeta: soluciones inspiradoras”
12 noviembre - 19 noviembre 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizadores: UICN - Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 jun 2014
+ info:
Panorama des services écologiques fournis par les milieux naturels en France - VOLUME 2.2 : Les écosystèmes marins et
Rédaction : Marion Péguin et Justine Delangue, sous la coordination de Sébastien Moncorps, directeur du Comité français de
l’UICN, et de Guillemette Rolland, présidente de la Commission « Gestion des écosystèmes »
Paris : UICN France / ISBN 978-2-918105-21-3
Año: 2014
Après les écosystèmes forestiers et les écosystèmes urbains, le Comité français de l’UICN publie aujourd’hui une nouvelle
brochure sur les services écologiques fournis par les écosystèmes marins et côtiers français (métropole et outre-mer). Après une présentation
de l’écosystème concerné et de ses spécificités, sont illustrés l’ensemble des services selon la typologie définie dans le Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment (MEA) : support, approvisionnement, régulation, culturels.
+ info:
Mondes marins : Voyage insolite au coeur des océans
DAVID, Bruno; OZOUF, Catherine. Préface : Isabelle AUTISSIER
Collection Beaux Livres
ISBN 978-2-7491-3395-9
Año: 2014
Des spécialistes des mondes marins issus des laboratoires du CNRS, des universités et d'autres organismes de recherche
français dressent un état des lieux des océans en présentant les travaux menés dans ce domaine et tracent les voies
prospectives de recherche pour les années à venir. Un livre pour tous les amoureux de l'océan !
Un ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Bruno David et Catherine Ozouf-Costaz et Marc Troussellier
Institut écologie et environnement (INEE) du CNRS.
+ info:
The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology
Edited by Alexis Catsambis, Ben Ford, and Donny L. Hamilton
ISBN: 9780199336005
Año: 2013
The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology is a comprehensive survey of the field as seen through the eyes of nearly fifty
scholars at a time when maritime archaeology has established itself as a mature branch of archaeology. This volume draws on
many of the distinct and universal aspects of maritime archaeology, bringing them together under four main themes: the research
process, ships and shipwrecks, maritime and nautical culture, and issues of preservation and management…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:37]
Università della Montagna e Federforeste sottoscrivono convenzione di collaborazione scientifica
Il Ge.S.Di.Mont. (Centro Interdipartimentale per la Gestione Sostenibile e la Difesa della Montagna) - Università della
Montagna di Edolo, sede distaccata dell’Università degli studi di Milano e Federforeste (Federazione Italiana delle
Comunità Forestali) hanno formalizzato un accordo, sottoscrivendo una “Convenzione di collaborazione scientifica”.
La collaborazione nasce dalla comune sensibilità relativa alle problematiche tipiche dell’area montana, con particolare
riferimento al settore agricolo e forestale, in un ottica di individuazione delle multifunzionalità, valorizzazione delle
produzioni agro-alimentari tradizionali e sviluppo economico sostenibile…
+ info:
Fund invests in Kenya forest project, boosts UN scheme
Luxembourg-based Althelia Climate Fund has invested $10 million in a Kenyan project that is part of a United
Nations scheme to take a market-based approach to curbing destruction of forests in developing nations.
+ info:
La Grande Muraille Verte : un projet africain qui concerne toute la planète
En février dernier, à l'occasion de la 4ème édition des Trophées du mécénat d'entreprise pour l'environnement et le
développement durable, le ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie a récompensé 8 projets
exemplaires. Parmi ceux-ci, le projet développé par le CNRS et l'Institut Klorane qui mise sur le potentiel de résistance et
d'adaptation au milieu hostile du Dattier du désert. Un projet ambitieux de développement durable qui comprend notamment
un volet de recherches universitaires sur la restauration écologique et la régénération forestière…
+ info:
REDD+ Global and Regional Programme Support Framework 2011- 2015
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countrie (UNREDD Programme)
Año: 2011
The UN-REDD Programme supports national REDD+ readiness efforts in two ways: (i) direct support to the design and implementation of UNREDD National Programmes; and (ii) complementary support to national REDD+ action through common approaches, analyses, methodologies,
tools, data and best practices developed through the UN-REDD Global Programme. By June 2013, total funding for these two streams of
support to countries totaled US$172.4 million.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:38]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
PPG Place / John Burgee Architects with Philip Johnson - Pittsburgh - USA
The design of PPG Place, by Philip Johnson and John Burgee, melds the notion of the modern corporate tower with a neo-gothic
monument. Clad in almost a million square feet of glass manufactured by the anchor tenant PPG industries, the architects
ingeniously rethought accepted practices in curtain wall design to create “the crown jewel in Pittsburgh’s skyline.” (1) The 1.57
million square foot complex was one in a series of high profile corporate projects completed during Johnson’s controversial foray
into postmodernism…
+ info:
Miami of India: The Forgotten Capital of Art Deco - Mumbai - Inda
While visitors to the Indian capital of entertainment and commerce generally flock to the city’s tourist and world heritage sites,
unknown to many, Mumbai has some of the finest examples of original Art Deco edifices anywhere in the world. A visual feast for
the design enthusiast, on the South side of the city, entire clusters of art deco office blocks, apartment buildings, hotels and
cinemas still remain standing in their timeless elegance, albeit in need of quite a few licks of paint.
+ info:
Job Offer - Croydon – Conservation Officer (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4 April 2014
Croydon is placed to be a major strategic force for growth and transformation in London and the South East. The Council has a vision to deliver
significant growth and town centre renewal over the next 20 years, as conveyed in the Croydon Local Plan, the Croydon Opportunuty Area
Planning Framework and supponrting masterplans, the most recent of which is focussed on Croydon's historic Old Town. Design quality, the
protection and enhancement of Croydon's rich and varied built heritage and the importance of local character are central to the delivery of this
This post offers a unique and exciting opportunity to join Croydon's Spatial Planning Service, which brings together the disciplines of planning
policy, architecture, urban design, conservation and landscapes architecture to support a coordinated approach to the planning and delivery of
appropriate and sustainable development over the next 20 years…
+ info:
Call for Papers - Creative Space. University of Chitkara (India) July - December 2014 - Deadline: 15 April
"Creative Space" is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal
online at The journal has a distinguished Editorial Board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the
journal maintains high academic standards. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and
+ info:
Cape Town : Historic Design Figures and Historic Waterfront Renewal
The article is dedicated to a South African crowd-funding platform Thundafund and aims to inspire future designers in
the Cape involved in private or public development to acknowledge its heritage in response to the city´s position as
World Design Capital 2014 as it has been named by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design.
+ info:
UNESCO: position paper on ‘World Heritage Cities’
UNESCO’S Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) has published a new paper aiming to promote discussion on the management of
WHS cities in Northwest Europe, addressing issues of integrated urban development and challenges in balancing cultural planning with
economic development.
+ info:
Exhibition - L’IMMAGINE DELLA CITTA' EUROPEA dal Rinascimento al Secolo dei Lumi
08 febrero - 18 mayo 2014
Venice. Italia
Organizadores: Museo Correr
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Congresso internacional "Os Centros Históricos no Novo Paradigma Urbano"
02 abril - 05 abril 2014
Lisboa. Portugal
Organizadores: LABART/Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias; Instituto de História de Arte Faculdade Letras Universidade
Lisboa; PROARQ/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro[28/03/2014 12:20:40]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 12 dic 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ramírez Blanco, Manuel. España
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 abril - 13 abril 2014
Austin, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Society of Architectural Historians
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
Taller de arquitectura y patrimonio "Fortificaciones y espacio publico"
03 junio - 11 julio 2014
Cartagena de Indias. Colombia
Organizadores: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 21 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
I Jornadas Latinoamericanas "Patrimonio e Inclusión"
17 junio - 19 junio 2014
Posadas, Misiones. Argentina
Organizadores: ICOMOS Argentina y UNaM Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Gayetzky de Kuna, Graciela Cecilia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
II Curso Internacional de Verano “Turismo Urbano, Globalización y Patrimonio”
01 julio - 12 julio 2014
Bogotá y en Villa de Leyva. Colombia
Organizadores: Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia en asociación con la red RIGPAC
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 11 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
IV Seminario Internacional de Patrimonio Agroindustrial (SIPA)
02 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
San Miguel de Tucumán. Argentina
Organizadores: El Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Moreno, Daniela (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Jornadas Internacionales de reflexión en patrimonio cultural 2014 "Tradición y contemporaneidad"
04 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizadores: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 septiembre - 26 septiembre 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizadores: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
Cultural HELP 2014 - ICORP Conference on Cultural Heritage and Loss Prevention
06 octubre - 07 octubre 2014
Porto. Portugal
Organizadores: ICOMOS ICORP. Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage. Ritsumeikan University
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014[28/03/2014 12:20:40]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
+ info:
5th ITSA Biennial Conference "Tourism, Cities and the Environment in the Asian Century"
16 noviembre - 29 noviembre 2014
Perth, Western Australia. Australia
Organizadores: International Tourism Studies Association, Washington DC, USA
Contacto: David Newsome: [email protected]
+ info:
Terracruda e nanotecnologie. Tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilità
Curatore: Francesca Scalisi; Cesare Sposito
ISBN-13 9788854860445
Editore: Aracne - Collana: Esempi di architettura
Año: 2013
Già con il Programma di ricerca nazionale PRIN 2006, dall'Unità di Ricerca UR/1, che fa capo all'Università degli Studi di
Palermo, era stata affrontata la ricerca sui materiali compositi nanostrutturati, mirati al recupero e alla conservazione del
patrimonio architettonico. E con Alberto Sposito, co-ordinatore nazionale e responsabile di una unità di ricerca, erano l'unità chimico-fisica di
Palermo e l'unità che faceva capo all'università di Messina. Con i fondi assegnati da tale PRIN l'Unità di Palermo ha organizzato nel 2009 il I
Convegno Internazionale dal titolo "Nanotech for architecture: innovative technologies, techniques and nanostructured materials", i cui atti sono
stati pubblicati da Luciano Editore (2009). Inoltre, lo stesso anno e con gli stessi tipi sono state pubblicate le risultanze della ricerca con il
titolo "Nanotecnologie & nanomateriali per l'architettura".
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
ARTICOLO 9 - La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica. Tutela il paesaggio e il
patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione
A cura di Alessia Bianco, Università di Reggio Calabria con un messaggio di Simonetta Valtieri
ISBN: 978-88-548-6804-5
Editore: Aracne
Año: 2013
L’Italia teme di essere un Paese tanto ricco di passato quanto povero di futuro. Questa collettanea, che tenta di raccogliere la
sfida che l’assunto di cui sopra ci pone, vuole proporre, attraverso uno spaccato necessariamente parzialissimo e decisamente variegato, il
lavoro di chi si occupa di ricerca scientifica e patrimonio storico artistico in Calabria, ossia nella parte d’Italia e quindi d’Europa tra le più
depresse, in termini economici, e più sottosviluppate, in termini di progresso. Operare in questi contesti, magari anche da lontano, come fanno
alcuni degli Autori, dà il vantaggio di imparare a esercitare e alimentare un ottimismo e una resilienza senza cui il superamento dell’assunto
iniziale non può nemmeno tentarsi. Chi proviene da questi contesti o vi opera è consapevole che necessità deve tradursi in capacità; tocca
insistere, resistere. Questo lavoro, articolato in quattro aree tematiche – quella delle idee (macro), quella dei processi (meso), quella delle
pratiche (micro) e quella dei fenomeni (nano) – vuole pertanto ambire a essere esplicitazione di questa capacità, attuandosi nei modi
probabilmente insufficienti di un libro ma che sono propri di chi quotidianamente vive la promozione della ricerca scientifica e la tutela del
patrimonio storico e artistico come un’urgenza di civiltà.
+ info:
Artículo - 1963-2013. 50 años del Instituto de las Investigaciones Estéticas hoy Instituto Carlos Avelaes Camacho para el
patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano de Bogotá
Por Olimpia Niglio
Año: 2014
El Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho para el Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbano, ICAC, es una unidad académica adscrita a la
Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, que propende por la conservación del patrimonio
cultural colombiano; contribuye al logro de la misión Javeriana por medio de la investigación, la generación y transmisión de
conocimientos, así como de la gestión y desarrollo de proyectos integrales en el manejo del patrimonio cultural, especialmente en el ámbito de
lo arquitectónico, urbanístico y paisajístico.
+ info:
Regeneration through Heritage: Understanding the development potential of Historic European Arsenals
Edited by Mark Stevenson (SHARP co-ordinator)
United Kingdom: English Heritage
ISBN 978 1 905624 57 7
Año: 2007
This report sets out clearly how the SHARP process has enabled each of the partners to exchange knowledge and ideas;
generate greater awareness and interest within their local communities; and highlight the collective importance of these features
of our European heritage. In addition, the SHARP project has set out a solid way forward for the regeneration of large complex sites, which can
be translated to other historic places across Europe. This report recognises that understanding and managing sensitively our heritage as
manifested in its buildings, spaces and stories is an essential component of achieving a sustainable future which can be enjoyed by generations
to come.
+ info:
Panorama des services écologiques fournis par les milieux naturels en France - Volume 2.3 : les écosystèmes urbains
Rédaction : Marion Péguin et Justine Delangue, sous la coordination de Sébastien Moncorps, directeur du Comité français de
l’UICN, et de Guillemette Rolland, présidente de la Commission « Gestion des écosystèmes »
Paris, France : UICN France, 2013
ISBN 978-2-918105-
Año: 2013
Après les écosystèmes forestiers, le Comité français de l’UICN publie aujourd’hui une nouvelle brochure sur les services
écologiques fournis par les écosystèmes urbains français (métropole et outre-mer). Après une présentation de l’écosystème concerné et de ses
spécificités, sont illustrés l’ensemble des services selon la typologie définie dans le Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) : support,
approvisionnement, régulation, culturel.
+ info:
Training Guide on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural heritage in Urban Areas[28/03/2014 12:20:40]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
By Rohit Jigyasu and Vanicka Arora
UNESCO Chair of the Ritsumeikan University in close cooperation with us and ICCROM
ISBN: 978-4-9907044-0-7
Año: 2014
This document is aimed to help institutions wishing to conduct training in this area of work to design and implement the related
courses and programmes. It is based on the experience of the international course delivered by the Ritsumeikan University over
the past six years (always in
close cooperation with WHC and ICCROM). Obviously, any new training activity developed in other regions and
contexts would need to be adapted with respect to the model presented here, but it is good to have a reference to start with.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:40]
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales y Fauna/Flora
Comercio Ilícito de Fauna y Flora Silvestres
Uganda to return 2.9 tonnes of impounded ivory to ivory trafficking suspects
A high court judge in Uganda has ordered 2.9 tonnes of seized African Elephant ivory be returned to a Congolese
national for onward export, despite the cargo having entered the country fraudulently declared as coffee and the
fact that any onward export would clearly be in stark contravention of international regulations under CITES (the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).
+ info:
Lucha contra la criminalidad vinculada al tráfico de las especies salvajes: firma de la Declaración de Londres
Dirigentes de 40 países y 11 organismos internacionales se comprometieron en la Declaración de Londres, para luchar contra el comercio
mundial ilegal de especies salvajes, durante la conferencia dedicada a este tema el 12 y 13 de febrero en la capital británica.
El documento incluye particularmente medidas para mejorar la aplicación de las leyes, el establecimiento de un marco jurídico e instrumentos
de disuasión eficaces o iniciativas para reducir la demanda de este tipo de productos en los países consumidores …
+ info:
Argentinos que salvan elefantes
No es el título de una película, es la realidad que nos golpea a la cara, los elefantes africanos pueden desaparecer
de la faz de la tierra en 10 años si no se trabaja para evitarlo, su mayor enemigo es el hombre, que los mata por un
par de colmillos que serán vendidos en el mercado asiático para la realización de diversas piezas de adorno que
marcan la escala social de cada familia, en una sociedad híper avanzada en tecnología y que mantiene estas
inexplicables y estúpidas tradiciones.
Nicolás Davio sueña con “Salvar a los elefantes” o al menos aportar sus conocimientos y adentrarse en un
continente lleno de peligros para ayudarlos. Pero no es fácil porque no hay sponsor para una misión como esta.
El es médico veterinario, Medalla de Oro por los excelentes promedios en la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de La Plata, es
baraderense y el año pasado estuvo trabajando y estudiando tres meses en África, ayer fue portada de la Revista del Diario La Nación…
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Pataro, María Susana (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
UK launches new programme to reduce demand for Tiger parts
The UK Government today announced its support for a programme to protect and recover wild Tigers by reducing the
demand for their bones and other body parts.
The commitment is part of the UK Government’s ongoing support for the Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP),
endorsed by all 13 Tiger range countries at the ‘Tiger Summit’ held in St Petersburg in 2010 and was made ahead of
the London Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade currently taking place and hosted by UK Foreign Secretary William
+ info:
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 - 24 junio 2014
Canterbury. Nueva Zelandia
Organizadores: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Labadi, Sophia. France
Agenda Publications[28/03/2014 12:20:42]
Comunicades del patrimonio
Comunicades del patrimonio News
Sierra Gorda Completes “Early Adopter” Assessment, Applying Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for
Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Mexico is the first Central American destination to complete the Global
Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) GSTC Early Adopters Program to test its new Criteria and Indicators for
Destinations, under the scope of the GSTC’s Destination Partner Program in collaboration with Sustainable Travel
International (STI).
During a 10-day span, Ms. Pessolano met with key stakeholders in Sierra Gorda to discuss tourism planning and
management, economic development, community involvement, heritage protection, and environmental conservation. As a result, the Evaluation
Report revealed that the destination has made considerable progress on some significant destination sustainability issues, highlighting: public
commitment to destination sustainability, rules and regulations to prevent visual and noise pollution, bringing artisans, local growers and
businesses into the tourism value chain and practices to promote local culture.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mullis, Brian T. (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 abril - 30 abril 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malasia
Organizadores: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 mayo 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
Congreso Internacional Arquitectura, Educación y Sociedad
04 junio - 06 junio 2014
Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 junio - 18 junio 2014
Izmir. Turquía
Organizadores: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contacto: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Montalegre. Portugal[28/03/2014 12:20:43]
Comunicades del patrimonio
Organizadores: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 septiembre - 26 septiembre 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizadores: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
YAMU - Revista de Desarrollo Sostenible Vol 2 - 2014
Oficina Universitaria de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Extremadura (OUMA) y su Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo
Sostenible (CUDSUEx)
ISSN: 2255-4661
Año: 2014
YAMU es una revista multidisciplinaria para la publicación y discusión de los problemas ambientales y ecológicos y el
desarrollo de políticas para la gestión ambiental en el marco de un crecimiento sostenible.
Su objetivo principal es impulsar la reflexión y diálogo sobre temas relacionados con el desarrollo sostenible, el medio ambiente y la
singularidad cultural en el ámbito científico y social.
+ info:
Proceedings of the MINaH colloquium
Año: 2013
This international conference was held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to
the 13th of September 2013 on the initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puyde-Dôme.
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an
'outside' which is either neglected or heavily impacted by human activity.
+ info:
Manual de creación y desarrollo de museos comunitarios
Autores: Cuauhtémoc Camarena y Teresa Morales con colaboraciones de Silvia Arze y Jennifer Shephard
ISBN: 978-99954-0-707-0
Año: 2009
La intención es ofrecer una serie de temas de reflexión que permitan a cada comunidad diseñar los pasos que son más
congruentes con su propia realidad. Comprende una introducción, una sección acerca del proceso de creación del museo
comunitario y otra sobre el desarrollo de un
museo existente. La sección acerca de la creación del museo enfatiza los pasos
iniciales, y está enfocada a sentar las bases sociales del museo a través de procesos amplios de consulta. También resume métodos para la
creación de exposiciones que buscan recoger la visión propia de la comunidad a través de procesos participativos.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: García Vicente, José Javier (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:43]
Conservación del patrimonio en situaciones de conflicto y post-conflicto
Conservación del patrimonio en situaciones de conflicto y post-conflicto
Blue Shield Statement on Ukraine
Following the civil conflict that has been shaking the Ukraine, the Blue Shield wishes to express its deep concern
regarding the safeguarding and protection of the country’s invaluable cultural and historical heritage, as well as the
institutions that house them and the people that care for them.
+ info:
War, the latest visitor to one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world: Palmyra- Syria
Syria's fabled desert Greco-Roman oasis of Palmyra saw its last tourist in September 2011, six months after the
uprising began. Its most recent visitors are violence and looting. Ancient Palmyra now bears the scars of modern
warfare but also greed in the form of pillaged tombs. The UNESCO-listed "pearl of the desert" world heritage site in
Homs province, just over 200 kilometres (130 miles) northeast of Damascus, was one of the most important cultural
centres of the ancient world. It retains its majesty today, despite the tall-columned Temple of Baal suffering damage
from shrapnel during artillery exchanges between rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. The
Hellenistic building's eastern wall, its most imposing, now bears whitened slashes where the stone has been gouged by shell blasts. Mortar fire
has damaged one entrance and its lintel resting on eight columns with fluted shafts. The perimeter wall has been damaged in several places.
The Corinthian capitals of three pillars of the colonnade to the south of the temple have crashed to the ground…
+ info:
Summer school on the International Protection of Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Threats and Challenges
16 junio - 27 junio 2014
Geneva. Suiza
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair on the Law of Cultural Heritage Protection of the University of Geneva
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mainetti, Vittorio (Italia / Italy / Italie)
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 junio - 24 junio 2014
Canterbury. Nueva Zelandia
Organizadores: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Labadi, Sophia. France
XXXIII Scientific Instrument Symposium "New Views on Old Instruments"
25 agosto - 29 agosto 2014
Tartu. Estonia
Organizadores: Scientific Instrument Commission (SIC) in collaboration with the University of Tartu Museum
Contacto: Janet Laidla: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Lourenço, Marta (Portugal / Portugal / Portugal)
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)[28/03/2014 12:20:44]
Conservación del patrimonio en situaciones de conflicto y post-conflicto
BOUNDARIES - New call for papers on Architectures for Emergencies - Deadline 21 March 2014
Año: 2014
We wish to deepen discussions and researches around the topic of architecture in emergencies situations, on which we started
working with Boundaries' issue n. 2.
Even if they are considered as special events – something rarely happening – emergencies are, in many cases, an everyday
reality around the globe : from natural to man-made disasters, architecture must face a broad variety of emergency
circumstances. Can we speak about “architecture” at a given historical moment or in certain geographic areas?
Which is the role and the status of architecture during the disaster – shelter, appropriation for other uses –, and after the emergency – in the
reconstruction of the city or a part of it, in the reorganization of the community for the future in the short and long term? How do architects
react to situations like: destruction – physical and/or of the memory –, presence of ruins, restoration and reconstruction, and how does all that
interacts with human perception of the environment?
Contributions on any aspect of these topics, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate, are encouraged.
All kinds of approaches
to this topic are welcomed, and papers can be case studies oriented, or methodological and/or theoretical in focus.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:44]
Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (MSP) - Islamic Development Bank. Deadline: 31 December
The objective of the programme is to develop technically qualified human resources in the IDB member countries by providing scholarships to
promising and outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced studies and research in the fields of applied science and
technology needed for the development of the member countries.
The Programme offers scholarships for study and research at two levels: (i) 3-year Ph.D. study/ research, and (ii) 6-12 months of Post-Doctoral
+ info:
Kit pedagógico sobre la lucha contra la desertificación
Responsables de la publicación: Thomas Schaaf (UNESCO) y Rajeb Boulharouf (UNCCD)
ISBN: 978-92-3-303892-9
Este conjunto de publicaciones constituye un verdadero soporte pedagógico para los docentes que enseñan en los
dos últimos grados de la escuela primaria y primeros años de la escuela secundaria, sobre todo en los países
afectados por la desertificación.
El kit ha sido concebido para enriquecer el programa escolar de manera personal, puesto que permite integrar
diferentes temas y métodos pedagógicos según se utilicen los diferentes elementos destinados al docente y a sus estudiantes: una guía
pedagógica, estudio de casos concretos en África, América Latina y Europa, así como una tira cómica y un póster para el aula que muestra la
desertificación en el mundo.
Un maletín encartonado de 22 × 30 cm. contiene todos los elementos del kit.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:45]
Economía del patrimonio
Economía del patrimonio News
Economie et espaces naturels
Depuis sa création en 1975, le Conservatoire a dépensé environ 800 M€ pour l'acquisition de sites. Chaque année, il investit près d’une
vingtaine de millions d'euros pour l'acquisition de nouveaux terrains et environ 10 M€ pour leur restauration ou leur entretien. Le Conservatoire
et ses gestionnaires lèvent des financements complémentaires (Europe, collectivités, agences de l’eau entreprises et fondations mécènes,
particuliers) à hauteur de 10 à 20 M€ par an. Les gestionnaires des sites investissent également en finançant l’entretien et la surveillance des
sites. Le domaine protégé, 154.000 ha à ce jour, dégage un peu plus de 1,2 M€ par an de redevances d'occupation ou d'usage.
+ info:
IHBC’s SC Branch pushes ‘duty of care’, VAT relief & more in Bill talks- United Kingdom
David Sutton of the IHBC’s Scotland Branch Committee highlighted the potential of a ‘duty of care’ and benefits of VAT reductions as part of his
evidence to the Scottish Local Government and Regeneration Committee at their recent meeting on the ‘Defective and Dangerous Buildings
(Recovery of Expenses) (Scotland) Bill’.
+ info:
Whales means business
Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of
tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should
consider attending and learning from.
+ info:
Sierra Gorda Completes “Early Adopter” Assessment, Applying Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for
Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Mexico is the first Central American destination to complete the Global
Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) GSTC Early Adopters Program to test its new Criteria and Indicators for
Destinations, under the scope of the GSTC’s Destination Partner Program in collaboration with Sustainable Travel
International (STI).
During a 10-day span, Ms. Pessolano met with key stakeholders in Sierra Gorda to discuss tourism planning and
management, economic development, community involvement, heritage protection, and environmental conservation. As a result, the Evaluation
Report revealed that the destination has made considerable progress on some significant destination sustainability issues, highlighting: public
commitment to destination sustainability, rules and regulations to prevent visual and noise pollution, bringing artisans, local growers and
businesses into the tourism value chain and practices to promote local culture.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mullis, Brian T. (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
IHBC welcomes Heritage4Media website launch & 15% IHBC discount - United Kingdom
Heritage4Media, a web-based listing for historic locations to access the filmmaking and media-profiling industries has now launched its new
website, and offers a 15% discount to IHBC members.
+ info:
Whales Mean Business
Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of
tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should
consider attending and learning from.
+ info:
Italy calls on private investors to help save Pompeii - Italy
Italy's new prime minister on Wednesday appealed to private investors to help restore the
damaged ruins of Pompeii, a UNESCO World Heritage landmark.
The culture sector in Italy has suffered from harsh budget cuts and a deep recession and
funds for culture are expected to be cut further to 1.4 billion euros ($1.9 billion) for 2014,
from 1.5 billion euros a year earlier. The government has already called on the private
sector to help restore other of its UNESCO monuments: in Rome, luxury shoemaker Tod's is
financing works at the Colosseum, while high-end fashion house Fendi is expected to refurbish the Trevi Fountain...
+ info:
Agenda[28/03/2014 12:20:47]
Economía del patrimonio
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 abril - 30 abril 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malasia
Organizadores: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 mayo - 09 mayo 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italia
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 mayo 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
International Scientific Committee Economics of Conservation
21 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Visby. Suecia
Organizadores: Christer Gustafsson
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 junio - 18 junio 2014
Izmir. Turquía
Organizadores: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contacto: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
II Curso Internacional de Verano “Turismo Urbano, Globalización y Patrimonio”
01 julio - 12 julio 2014
Bogotá y en Villa de Leyva. Colombia
Organizadores: Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia en asociación con la red RIGPAC
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 11 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Terracruda e nanotecnologie. Tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilità
Curatore: Francesca Scalisi; Cesare Sposito
ISBN-13 9788854860445
Editore: Aracne - Collana: Esempi di architettura
Año: 2013
Già con il Programma di ricerca nazionale PRIN 2006, dall'Unità di Ricerca UR/1, che fa capo all'Università degli Studi di
Palermo, era stata affrontata la ricerca sui materiali compositi nanostrutturati, mirati al recupero e alla conservazione del
patrimonio architettonico. E con Alberto Sposito, co-ordinatore nazionale e responsabile di una unità di ricerca, erano l'unità chimico-fisica di
Palermo e l'unità che faceva capo all'università di Messina. Con i fondi assegnati da tale PRIN l'Unità di Palermo ha organizzato nel 2009 il I
Convegno Internazionale dal titolo "Nanotech for architecture: innovative technologies, techniques and nanostructured materials", i cui atti sono
stati pubblicati da Luciano Editore (2009). Inoltre, lo stesso anno e con gli stessi tipi sono state pubblicate le risultanze della ricerca con il
titolo "Nanotecnologie & nanomateriali per l'architettura".
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
El Comercio y la cultura del mar. Alicante, puerta del Mediteráneo
Autores: Inmaculada Aguilar y Juan Ferrer
ISBN: 978-84-482-5887-0
Editado por la Conselleria d'Infraestructures, Territori i Medi Ambient de València (España)
Año: 2013
La publicación recoge 22 artículos presentados en tres áreas temáticas: las rutas del gran comercio; las mercancías: lujo y
necesidad; y viajeros, navegantes, ingenieros y empresarios. Y en ella han participado profesionales de acreditado prestigio de
diferentes campos como la historia, la economía, la ingeniería y la arqueología.
+ info:
ARTICOLO 9 - La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica. Tutela il paesaggio e il[28/03/2014 12:20:47]
Economía del patrimonio
patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione
A cura di Alessia Bianco, Università di Reggio Calabria con un messaggio di Simonetta Valtieri
ISBN: 978-88-548-6804-5
Editore: Aracne
Año: 2013
L’Italia teme di essere un Paese tanto ricco di passato quanto povero di futuro. Questa collettanea, che tenta di raccogliere la
sfida che l’assunto di cui sopra ci pone, vuole proporre, attraverso uno spaccato necessariamente parzialissimo e decisamente variegato, il
lavoro di chi si occupa di ricerca scientifica e patrimonio storico artistico in Calabria, ossia nella parte d’Italia e quindi d’Europa tra le più
depresse, in termini economici, e più sottosviluppate, in termini di progresso. Operare in questi contesti, magari anche da lontano, come fanno
alcuni degli Autori, dà il vantaggio di imparare a esercitare e alimentare un ottimismo e una resilienza senza cui il superamento dell’assunto
iniziale non può nemmeno tentarsi. Chi proviene da questi contesti o vi opera è consapevole che necessità deve tradursi in capacità; tocca
insistere, resistere. Questo lavoro, articolato in quattro aree tematiche – quella delle idee (macro), quella dei processi (meso), quella delle
pratiche (micro) e quella dei fenomeni (nano) – vuole pertanto ambire a essere esplicitazione di questa capacità, attuandosi nei modi
probabilmente insufficienti di un libro ma che sono propri di chi quotidianamente vive la promozione della ricerca scientifica e la tutela del
patrimonio storico e artistico come un’urgenza di civiltà.
+ info:
Entre nature universelle et cultures locales : comment gérer les sites naturels et habités inscrits au patrimoine
mondial de l’UNESCO ? Clermont-Ferrand - FRANCE - 11-13 septembre 2013
Actes Numériques du colloque / Digital copies from the conference
Held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to the 13th of September 2013 on the
initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puy-de-
Año: 2013
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an 'outside' which is either
neglected or heavily impacted by human activity. As a result of heightened attention nationally and internationally, nominated sites often see an
increase in tourist traffic, and they are also sometimes subject to multiple pressures likely to raise questions on the sustainability of the shared
Another consequence of inscription, less often discussed, involves natural, inhabited sites. The outstanding universal value of these areas
results from characteristics (biological, geological or landscape) which appear to be natural in visitors' eyes. But in fact this exceptional quality
originates partly from the practices of the inhabitants, even if the influences are difficult for the general public to discern. Thus there is a real
challenge to be faced in terms of balancing the globally-established conservation objectives with the interests and needs of the local
population, who are really the true preservers of the heritage. This was the reason for us wanting to organise the MINaH conference (Managing
Inhabited Natural Heritage).
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:47]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Erasmus Mundus Master in Archaeological Materials Sciences - University of Evora (Portugal) in Qatar
ARCHMAT is a 2-years Erasmus Mundus Master Course (120 European Credit Transfer Scheme - ECTS) within a consortium
of 3 HEI (Evora-UE, Rome-UNIROMA1, Thessaloniki-AUTH) as full partners, 5 HEI (Avignon-UA, Palermo-UNIPA, ZaragozaUNIZAR-ICMA, Fez-UF and Rio de Janeiro-UERJ) and 3 non HEI Research centres (Laboratorio Jose Figueiredo/Instituto dos
Museus e da Conservacao-IMC, Scientific Laboratory Musei Vaticani-MV, Archaeological Museum of AIANI) as associated
members, providing students with specialized skills in archaeology and analytical charaterization of materials from prehistory
(megalithic) to classical times (Greek and Roman).
+ info:
Conservation Studies MSc -- University College London Qatar
This MSc is a two-year course that covers a wide range of materials, from objects (metals, glass, stone,
ceramics) to textiles and contemporary art, plus archaeological sites. Students will be trained in the theory
and principals of conservation and will be able to specialise in a material of their choice in the second year.
There is a regional focus to the course, as well as substantial practical placements at museums, sites and
cultural heritage organisations across the region, in order to give students the transferrable skills required
to assume a leading position as a conservator or within the cultural heritage sector.
+ info:
Master degree programme in Sustainable Heritage Management -Aarhus University - Denmark
The MA programme in Sustainable Heritage Management (SHM) at Aarhus University provides you with the
competences needed to meet the multiple challenges of contemporary heritage management. Working with cultural
and natural heritage means taking responsibility for the links between humanity and its past. But heritage is also an
integral part of the present, and a resource for the future. Managing heritage is no easy task: it includes attending to
not only the survivability and inherent qualities of sites, objects and traditions, but also to the different claims and
stakes that often surround them. The SHM programme equips you, through theory and practice, to work in the
exciting and expanding as well as increasingly complex heritage field. You will be trained in a uniquely interdisciplinary environment to asses,
retain and sustain heritage and to develop, revise and innovate the future shapes of the sector.
+ info:
CORES - Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Course in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageUniversidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal
Interdisciplinary Course in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
+ info:
INTACH Centre for Conservation Training and Capacity Building-- New Dehli India
The INTACH Centre for Conservation Training and Capacity Building is envisioned
to be a centre of excellence for training and capacity building in the conservation
and management of cultural heritage in India. The Centre is being set up to
strengthen the implementation of the mission and objectives of INTACH across the
sub-continent and expand in the wider international context. It will run programmes
for training and capacity building in all aspects of heritage conservation and management.
+ info:
Club of Military History Beskydy Humenne- Slovak Republic
Club of Military History Beskydy Humenne was established 08. 04. 2004 by registration in the Home Office of Slovak Republic.
It's major goal was, already in the begining, to monitor and then reconstruct military cemeteries from World War 1 which are
located in the are of north-
eastern Slovakia. This goal was encouraged by two main reasons: first of all, condition of majority
of these cemeteries was more than terrible and without any interference, most of them would be forgotten forever. Secondly,
there was almost no information available about this cultural and historical heritage of our country…
+ info:
MA in the Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects-- Durham University - United Kingdom
Our two year, full time MA in the Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects is a professional training course led
by the Dr Chris Caple, the only trained field archaeologist and conservator in the world, in a department that counts two
Fellows of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works among its academic staff. This
programme is designed to give you the skills you will need to work as an archaeological and museum conservator, including
researching, analysing, cleaning, preserving, and caring for a broad range of objects. You will graduate equipped with a[28/03/2014 12:20:49]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
sound knowledge and critical understanding of current professional principles, good practice and contemporary debates in
+ info:
IHBC welcomes NHTG-led ‘hands on’ heritage skills training: for free! United Kingdom
A free course offering hands on training in traditional skills is being offered though the National Heritage Training Group (NHTG), covering the
repair and maintenance of pre-1919 buildings.
+ info:
Programa de Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio 2015-2016
Este programa académico corresponde a una necesidad regional y nacional de desarrollar y profundizar el estudio y
la valorización del Patrimonio Cultural. Este programa está dirigido a licenciados y/o a profesionales de las áreas del
Arte, Arquitectura, Ciencias Sociales y a fines que quieran formarse en la investigación integrada de los campos del
arte y el patrimonio desde una perspectiva contemporánea y latinoamericana.
La integración de áreas de investigación, tales como: Artes Visuales, Historia, Antropología, Estética, Literatura,
Geografía, Arquitectura y Urbanismo tiene por finalidad permitir un campo de estudio donde lo tangible e intangible
del patrimonio cultural se analice en conjunto. Cierre de postulaciones hasta el 28 de noviembre de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier (Chile / Chile / Chili)
Curso On-line - Interacciones de calidad: La experiencia educativa del museo
Profesor: Ricardo Rubiales
11 abril - 23 mayo 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Taller abierto MOOC “Sitios imperdibles de Buenos Aires”
Inscripción: desde el 7 hasta el 28 de abril
21 abril - 19 mayo 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Programa de Educación a Distancia, Universidad del Salvador (USAL)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Toselli, Claudia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Course: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites with Mosaics
28 abril - 16 mayo 2014
Paphos. Chipre
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute, United States
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 oct 2013
+ info:
II Congreso Internacional de Educación y Accesibilidad: Museos y Patrimonio "En y con todos los sentidos: hacia la integración social
en igualdad"
02 mayo - 04 mayo 2014
Huesca. España
Organizadores: Universidad de Zaragoza a través del Máster en Museos: Educación y Comunicación
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 mar 2014
+ info:
XVI edición del Curso Internacional sobre la tecnología de conservación de la madera - ICWCT 2014
21 mayo - 27 junio 2014
Oslo. Noruega
Organizadores: ICCROM; Riksantikvaren - Oficina noruega de patrimonio cultural, Noruega y la Universidad Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - YOCOCU 2014 "Los jóvenes en la conservación del patrimonio cultural"
28 mayo - 30 mayo 2014
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizadores: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 feb 2014
+ info:
Congreso Internacional Arquitectura, Educación y Sociedad
04 junio - 06 junio 2014
Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
Another IHBC School ‘Taster’: 2013 School Context online
05 junio - 07 junio 2014
Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Institut of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC)
Contacto: Joanna at [email protected][28/03/2014 12:20:49]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
+ info:!
2014 IHBC’s School: The Art of Conservation
05 junio - 07 junio 2014
Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC)
Contacto: Fiona Newton at: [email protected]
+ info:
08 junio - 20 junio 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Islandia
Organizadores: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
Profesora: Karina Durand
20 junio - 01 agosto 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 junio - 08 julio 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Federación de Rusia
Organizadores: The European University at St Petersburg
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
Rutgers University (USA) Summer programme: CHAPS Abroad
Prague (Czech Republic) & Krakow (Poland )
05 julio - 10 julio 2014
Organizadores: Rutgers’ Program in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies in collaboration with the Dartmore Institute
Contacto: Dan Loughrey - [email protected]
+ info:
Heritage Training Courses "Leading practice in museum and heritage place education"
14 julio - 18 julio 2014
Canberra. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Blair, Sandy (Australia / Australia / Australie)
Heritage training course "Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places"
02 agosto - 09 agosto 2014
Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Blair, Sandy (Australia / Australia / Australie)
International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper
25 agosto - 12 septiembre 2014
Tokyo. Japón
Organizadores: National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, (Tokyo) & ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation
and Restoration of Cultural Property)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte de Paisaje “Paisajes Alternativos”
07 octubre - 09 octubre 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. México
Organizadores: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C., el H. Ayuntamiento de Chapala, Jal., y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Año: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The[28/03/2014 12:20:49]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
The International mobility of students in Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand: UNESCO Office Bangkok, 2013
ISBN 978-92-9223-459-1
UNESCO publication
Año: 2013
[…] The mobility of students across borders has given rise to many concerns from policy makers and educators alike. The issues
are complex and extend beyond the realm of education.
In response to these concerns, this publication presents the results of a study conducted by members of the Education Research Institute
Network (ERI-net) in 2011. Following a common research framework, researchers from Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, the Republic of Korea and Thailand examined the drivers, consequences and implications of increased international student
mobility in their country. The reports shed light on many issues including the domestic and external factors affecting student mobility, countries
as popular study destinations or senders of students, the role of governments in shaping higher education and student mobility, rules and
regulations governing private and public education providers, modes of delivery of education, student financial aid and visa requirements. […]
+ info:
Designing for Luxury on the Bay of Naples. Villas and Landscapes (c. 100 BCE - 79 CE)
By Mantha Zarmakoupi
ISBN: 9780199678389
Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture & Representation
Año: 2014
This study explores Roman luxury villa architecture and the Roman luxury villa lifestyle to shed light on the villas' design as a
dynamic process related to cultural, social, and environmental factors. Roman villas expressed a novel architectural language
which was developed by designers appropriating the existing stylistic and thematic vocabularies of Hellenistic and Roman architecture.
Zarmakoupi seeks to describe and explain the ways in which this architecture accommodated the lifestyle of educated leisure and an
appreciation of the Roman landscape, and how, in doing so, it became a cultural phenomenon and a crucial element in the construction of
Roman cultural identity…
+ info:
Abierto el plazo de envío de artículos para la revista EARI No 5 - hasta el 31 mayo
Editor: Institut Universitari de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives
Universitat de València
ISSN: 1695-8403 / e-ISSN: 2254-7592
Año: 2014
La revista EARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigación, editada por el Instituto de Creatividad e Innovaciones
Educativas de la Universitat de València, es una publicación de periodicidad anual, dirigida a especialistas, investigadores y
profesionales del campo de la educación artística, el arte y la creatividad.
EARI usa la plataforma OJS Open Journal Systems en la que se pueden gestionar los envíos. Solamente hay que darse de alta como usuario.
La revisión de los trabajos es por pares ciegos.
Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al publico, lo
cual fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Huerta Ramón, Ricard (España / Spain / Espagne)
Reports of proceedings of a Conference (28 Nov 2013) and a Workshop (21 Dec 2013) held in Cairo on the Future of African World
Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS)
Cairo University
Año: 2013
These two events are part of the World Futures Learning Lab (LEALA) project which is part of the WFSF application for UNESCO Participation
Project 2012-2013 funding. This tri-regional project (Malaysia, Congo and Egypt), aims to develop and deliver blended (live and on-line)
courses in world futures thinking and practice, focusing especially on the needs of youth, Africa and other developing countries. The Egyptian
event coincided with the launch of the new Professional Master Programme at IARS on the Management of African World Heritage…
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:49]
Genealogía y Heráldica
Genealogía y Heráldica
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:51]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
L'expertise russe sur la recherche climatique en Arctique
Igor Semiletov est un chercheur de l'Institut océanologique du Pacifique de Vladivostok, où il dirige un laboratoire de géochimie
des zones polaires. En collaboration avec l'Université polytechnique de Tomsk, il va conduire un ambitieux programme de
recherches dans l'Arctique, prévu pour une durée de trois ans, et financé à hauteur de 100 millions de roubles (plus de 2
millions d'euros).
+ info:
Abierta la convocatoria de 2014 para el Premio Campeones de la Tierra del PNUMA
La acción contra el cambio climático a examen mientras en el mundo se trabaja por llegar a un
nuevo pacto climático
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) ha abierto la convocatoria
para la presentación de candidaturas al Premio Campeones de la Tierra 2014, que reconoce la
labor de visionarios cuyas acciones y liderazgo hayan tenido un impacto positivo en el medio
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Eisenberg, Amy (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
Premio Ecuatorial 2014
El Premio Ecuatorial 2014 reconocerá 25 iniciativas locales que demuestren liderazgo en promover soluciones locales
innovadoras para la gente, la naturaleza y las comunidades resistentes. Todas las iniciativas ganadoras serán premiadas
con el Premio Ecuatorial 2014 y 5.000 dólares. Cinco ganadores recibirán un reconocimiento especial y un total de
20.000 dólares cada uno. Los representantes de las comunidades ganadoras recibirán apoyo para participar en eventos
durante la Cumbre del Clima del Secretario General de la ONU y la Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos Indígenas en
Nueva York en septiembre de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Eisenberg, Amy (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
Réchauffement climatique: un cinquième des sites du patrimoine mondial pourraient être submergés
La montée des eaux causée par le réchauffement climatique pourrait amener plus d’une centaine de sites du patrimoine
mondial à disparaître. Ces crues pourraient également affecter une grande partie de la population.
+ info:[Planet-a-la-Une]-20140310
Comment seront les hivers en Norvège en 2100?
La chercheuse Reidun Gangsto de l'Institut de Météorologie d'Oslo [1] a synthétisé 6
différentes projections qui pourraient nous éclairer sur l'évolution de la pluviométrie
dans ce 21ème siècle. D'après elle, la Norvège peut s'attendre à recevoir une plus
grande quantité de pluie. La question qui se pose est de savoir si c'est l'est ou l'ouest
du pays qui en recevra le plus, et cela va dépendre de l'évolution des vents
+ info:
Strong El Nino years to double, scientists say
Climate change could double the rate of occurrences of the strongest El Niño events, one of the world’s most
destructive climate phenomena, climate scientists say.
El Niño occurs when the surface water of the Pacific Ocean warms up, changing rainfall patterns around the world.
Its effects include droughts in Africa, crop losses in Southeast Asia, floods in Peru and Ecuador, and forest fires in
the Amazon- problems that can represent billions of dollars in damage…
+ info:
Les incertitudes dans les scénarios du changement climatique
Dans le cadre du projet européen CLIMRUN, portant sur la recherche climatique, que Vegas Deluxe s’est vu
confier par Météo France / CNRM (Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques) la conception et la
réalisation d'un film de vulgarisation scientifique, sur les incertitudes dans les scénarios du changement
climatique. L’objectif est d’expliquer de façon ludique dans quelle mesure les incertitudes liées à l’évolution du
climat trouvent leur origine, à la fois dans les choix socio-économiques des décideurs de notre (la) planète, les
connaissances scientifiques actuelles et la part de variabilité qui n’est pas liée à l’action des Hommes.
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:20:52]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Modification du climat européen : quel est l'impact des éoliennes ?
Déployer massivement des installations de production d'énergie éolienne sous la forme de "fermes" a-t-il un impact
sur le climat européen ?
Des études récentes, s'appuyant sur des scénarios idéalisés de déploiement de fermes éoliennes géantes, avaient
montré que la circulation atmosphérique pouvait en effet être modifiée, tout comme les températures et les
précipitations. Toutefois, aucune étude n'avait encore tenté de quantifier cet effet des éoliennes sur le climat à
l'échelle d'un continent. Une question d'autant plus importante pour l'Europe que la production d'énergie éolienne
devrait doubler entre 2012 et 2020…
+ info:
11th International Conference Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
13 abril - 16 abril 2014
Prague. República Checa
Organizadores: Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee Meeting & Open Conference "The Future of Polar Heritage: Environmental challenges
in the face of climate change: detection and response"
25 mayo - 28 mayo 2014
Copenhagen. Dinamarca
Organizadores: The ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) and hosted by the National Museum of Denmark in association
with the Greenland National Museum.
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 nov 2013
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 junio - 18 junio 2014
Izmir. Turquía
Organizadores: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contacto: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
Tenth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute
26 agosto - 11 septiembre 2014
Dalyan. Turquía
Organizadores: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Özhan, Erdal (Turquía / Turkey / Turquie)
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
REDD+ Global and Regional Programme Support Framework 2011- 2015
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countrie (UNREDD Programme)
Año: 2011
The UN-REDD Programme supports national REDD+ readiness efforts in two ways: (i) direct support to the design and implementation of UNREDD National Programmes; and (ii) complementary support to national REDD+ action through common approaches, analyses, methodologies,
tools, data and best practices developed through the UN-REDD Global Programme. By June 2013, total funding for these two streams of
support to countries totaled US$172.4 million.
+ info:
El Informe Gap de Emisiones 2013
Published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)[28/03/2014 12:20:52]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
ISBN: 978-92-807-3353-2
Año: 2013
Si la comunidad internacional no emprende de inmediato acciones para reducir la brecha de las emisiones de gases con efecto
invernadero, disminuirán las posibilidades de seguir en el camino para mantener el aumento de la temperatura global por debajo
de los 2 ° C en este siglo, abriendo la puerta a toda una serie de desafíos.
El Informe Gap de Emisiones 2013- en el que participan 44 grupos científicos de 17 países y que está coordinado por el Programa de las
Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA)- ha sido publicado con motivo de la próxima reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes sobre
el Cambio Climático en Varsovia.
Éste concluye que si bien existen vías para alcanzar el objetivo de los 2 º C con emisiones más altas, no reducir la brecha exacerbará los
desafíos de mitigación a partir de 2020…
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Laboratoire de recherche des monuments historiques de Champs sur Marne - France
Crée en 1970, à l’initiative de Jean Taralon, inspecteur général des monuments historiques
Un service à compétence nationale du Ministère de la Culture et de la communication (direction générale des patrimoines, sous-direction des
monuments historiques). Un laboratoire dédié à la recherche sur la conservation des monuments protégés au titre des monuments historiques.
Un centre de documentation avec des bases de données sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel (bibliographie et images), accessibles sur
+ info:
Conference: FRESH BRUSH STROKES – contemporary practice and innovation in wall painting conservation
27 marzo 2014
London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: ICON The Institu of Conservation
Contacto: Clara Willett - [email protected]
+ info:
Online course about Conservation of globes
by Dr. Patricia Engel and Michael Højlund Rasmussen
31 marzo - 01 junio 2014
On-line. -
Organizadores: Hornemann Institute of University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Weyer, Angela (Alemania / Germany / Allemagne)
REHABEND 2014 - Congreso Mundial Latinoamericano "Patologías de la construcción, tecnología de la rehabilitación y gestión del
01 abril - 04 abril 2014
Santander. España
Organizadores: GTED- UC, Departamento de Ingeniría Estructural y mecánica , ETS Ingenieros de Caminos
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 may 2013
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 abril - 04 abril 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizadores: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
Aluminum: History, Technology and Conservation Conference
07 abril - 09 abril 2014
Washington DC. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, in partnership with the Lunder Conservation Center, Smithsonian
National Air and Space Museum, and the International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA)
19 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Los Angeles. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 dic 2013
+ info:
XVI edición del Curso Internacional sobre la tecnología de conservación de la madera - ICWCT 2014
21 mayo - 27 junio 2014
Oslo. Noruega
Organizadores: ICCROM; Riksantikvaren - Oficina noruega de patrimonio cultural, Noruega y la Universidad Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología
(NTNU)[28/03/2014 12:20:54]
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - YOCOCU 2014 "Los jóvenes en la conservación del patrimonio cultural"
28 mayo - 30 mayo 2014
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizadores: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 feb 2014
+ info:
08 junio - 20 junio 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Islandia
Organizadores: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
VerSus 2014 - Congreso internacional sobre las Lecciones de la arquitectura vernácula para la sostenibilidad
11 septiembre - 13 septiembre 2014
Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vegas, Fernando. España
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Color Science in the Examination of Museum Objects: Nondestructive Procedures
Johnston-Feller, Ruth
The Getty Conservation Institute, 2001 (Tools for Conservation)
ISBN 0-89236-586-2
Año: 2001
This volume presents the life work of the late Ruth Johnston-Feller, one of the nation's leading color scientists. It combines an
overview of basic theoretical concepts with detailed, hands-on guidance for the professional conservator and conservation
+ info:
Lazos de Alarife: Manual sobre técnicas y materiales tradicionales en Málaga y el Norte de Marruecos para la
recuperación de su patrimonio común
Autores: VEGAS, Fernando y MILETO, Camilla.
ISBN 978-84-15933-38-0
Año: 2013
La encomiable tarea llevada a cabo por Pedro Gurriarán Daza y Salvador García Villalobos en Málaga; Otman el Absi en la
medina de Tetuán; Antonio Bravo Nieto, Juan Antonio Bellver Garrido y Montaser Laoukuli en Nador; Rachid Taferssiti en
Tánger y Omar Lemallam en Al Hoceima se ajusta cabalmente a los principios fundamentales de la conservación de este patrimonio hispanomarroquí en la medida en que establece un inventario exhaustivo de los monumentos, lugares y edificios de estas ciudades de las dos orillas
del Estrecho. El conocimiento y amor a dicho patrimonio es la mejor garantía de su preservación.
Nada más útil que calar en el pasado para afrontar los retos de la creciente uniformidad del mundo “geobalizado” en el que vivimos…
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Fernando Vegas. España
La Ciencia y el Arte IV: Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
NIPO: 030-13-241-5
Año: 2013
Cuarto volumen de esta publicación que expone, de manera accesible, las posibilidades que las ciencias ofrecen en la mejora
de la investigación y la conservación de los bienes culturales.
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:20:54]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Legislación (nacional e internacional), Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Uganda to return 2.9 tonnes of impounded ivory to ivory trafficking suspects
A high court judge in Uganda has ordered 2.9 tonnes of seized African Elephant ivory be returned to a Congolese
national for onward export, despite the cargo having entered the country fraudulently declared as coffee and the
fact that any onward export would clearly be in stark contravention of international regulations under CITES (the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).
+ info:
Blue Shield Statement on Ukraine
Following the civil conflict that has been shaking the Ukraine, the Blue Shield wishes to express its deep concern
regarding the safeguarding and protection of the country’s invaluable cultural and historical heritage, as well as the
institutions that house them and the people that care for them.
+ info:
IHBC welcomes Scotland’s HE Strategy & Bill publication- United Kingdom
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation, the UK’s professional body for built and historic environment conservations specialists, has
welcomed the launch of Scotland’s Historic Environment Strategy (HES), ‘Our place in Time – Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland’,
alongside the Historic Environment Scotland Bill.
+ info:
UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 Workshop
14 abril - 18 abril 2014
Hiroshima. Japón
Organizadores: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
06 junio - 18 julio 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Summer school on the International Protection of Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Threats and Challenges
16 junio - 27 junio 2014
Geneva. Suiza
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair on the Law of Cultural Heritage Protection of the University of Geneva
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mainetti, Vittorio (Italia / Italy / Italie)
I Jornadas Latinoamericanas "Patrimonio e Inclusión"
17 junio - 19 junio 2014
Posadas, Misiones. Argentina
Organizadores: ICOMOS Argentina y UNaM Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Contacto: [email protected][28/03/2014 12:20:55]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Gayetzky de Kuna, Graciela Cecilia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 junio - 24 junio 2014
Canterbury. Nueva Zelandia
Organizadores: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Labadi, Sophia. France
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
ARTICOLO 9 - La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica. Tutela il paesaggio e il
patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione
A cura di Alessia Bianco, Università di Reggio Calabria con un messaggio di Simonetta Valtieri
ISBN: 978-88-548-6804-5
Editore: Aracne
Año: 2013
L’Italia teme di essere un Paese tanto ricco di passato quanto povero di futuro. Questa collettanea, che tenta di raccogliere la
sfida che l’assunto di cui sopra ci pone, vuole proporre, attraverso uno spaccato necessariamente parzialissimo e decisamente variegato, il
lavoro di chi si occupa di ricerca scientifica e patrimonio storico artistico in Calabria, ossia nella parte d’Italia e quindi d’Europa tra le più
depresse, in termini economici, e più sottosviluppate, in termini di progresso. Operare in questi contesti, magari anche da lontano, come fanno
alcuni degli Autori, dà il vantaggio di imparare a esercitare e alimentare un ottimismo e una resilienza senza cui il superamento dell’assunto
iniziale non può nemmeno tentarsi. Chi proviene da questi contesti o vi opera è consapevole che necessità deve tradursi in capacità; tocca
insistere, resistere. Questo lavoro, articolato in quattro aree tematiche – quella delle idee (macro), quella dei processi (meso), quella delle
pratiche (micro) e quella dei fenomeni (nano) – vuole pertanto ambire a essere esplicitazione di questa capacità, attuandosi nei modi
probabilmente insufficienti di un libro ma che sono propri di chi quotidianamente vive la promozione della ricerca scientifica e la tutela del
patrimonio storico e artistico come un’urgenza di civiltà.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:55]
Lenguas y Toponimia
Lenguas y Toponimia
School of Modern Languages and Cultures Postgraduate Bursaries in UK - Deadline: 13 June 2014
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures, comprising the following disciplines and centres is offering bursaries for
students undertaking taught and research MAs and PhD programmes, full-time and part-time, starting in September/October
2014. Both Home/ EU and international students are eligible to apply. The School offers postgraduate teaching and supervision
by leading researchers in their fields within the disciplines and Centres. Part-fee bursaries at UK/EU fee levels may be
awarded to individual applicants at the discretion of the Scholarships Committee. Bursary applications are invited from highly
qualified prospective students of all nationalities for MA and PhD by research and for taught MA programmes. Applications will
be considered on academic merit alone.
+ info:
Music, Language, and Human Evolution
Edited by Nicholas Bannan
ISBN: 9780199227341
Año: 2012
Why do human beings make music? No human society has ever existed without music, and people all around the world commit
considerable resources, including time, effort, and ingenuity, to musical participation and consumption. Yet until recently
archaeology has had little to say about the possible role of music in human evolution. This book examines the potential role of
musicality in human evolution and its consequences for human culture. Drawing on a growing body of research in archaeology, anthropology,
psychology, and musicology, it illustrates the inter-disciplinary necessity of accounting for the phenomenon of human music-making.
+ info:
Language. A Reader for Writers
By Gita DasBender
Año: 2013
Language: A Reader for Writers focuses on the central and complex topic of language, exploring the reality of our multilingual
world and the complexities of writing in a multilingual college classroom. It takes on key issues including the nature of language;
the effects of globalization; endangered languages; multilingualism and language diversity; language, politics, and power;
language and writing; language correctness; and the ways in which language shapes identity. The articles embody a range of
experiences, ideas, and strategies-from scientific research and powerful arguments to poetic reflection and playful celebration.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:56]
Montañas y glaciares
Università degli Studi di Milano e Uncem insieme per la promozione del territorio montano
Azioni per la promozione del tessuto imprenditoriale, lo sviluppo socio economico, per la sostenibilità e la
valorizzazione del territorio montano: sono questi i temi al centro del protocollo d'intesa firmato lo scorso 16 gennaio
tra Università della Montagna, sede di Edolo dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, e Unione dei Comuni, delle
Comunità e degli Enti montani. L’Università degli Studi di Milano ha attivato a Edolo il corso di laurea in
Valorizzazione e Tutela dell'Ambiente e del territorio montano e il Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Applicati per la
Gestione Sostenibile e la Difesa della Montagna (Ge.S.Di.Mont)…
+ info:
Presentato il video del progetto “Culture di donne in montagna: impresa, tradizioni, storia”
Il progetto “Culture di donne in montagna: impresa, tradizioni, storia”, co finanziato da Regione Lombardia – DG Culture,
Identità, Autonomie – portando alla luce l’operato e l’evoluzione della condizione femminile e coinvolgendo direttamente le
donne che vivono in montagna, intende, da un lato, promuovere lo sviluppo del capitale umano e sociale in montagna e,
dall’altro valorizzare il patrimonio culturale di specifiche tradizioni, identità e realtà imprenditoriali legate alla figura della
donna in montagna.
I partner del progetto sono: l’associazione Valtemo, Il Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Applicati per la Gestione
Sostenibile e la Difesa della Montagna GESDIMONT,la fondazione Lombardia Film Commission, la Cooperation Bancaire puor l’Europe (CBE) ,
l’ente Boston University – Metropolitan College con sede a Bruxelles e l’associazione GreenLight for girls.
+ info:
Università della Montagna e Federforeste sottoscrivono convenzione di collaborazione scientifica
Il Ge.S.Di.Mont. (Centro Interdipartimentale per la Gestione Sostenibile e la Difesa della Montagna) - Università della
Montagna di Edolo, sede distaccata dell’Università degli studi di Milano e Federforeste (Federazione Italiana delle
Comunità Forestali) hanno formalizzato un accordo, sottoscrivendo una “Convenzione di collaborazione scientifica”.
La collaborazione nasce dalla comune sensibilità relativa alle problematiche tipiche dell’area montana, con particolare
riferimento al settore agricolo e forestale, in un ottica di individuazione delle multifunzionalità, valorizzazione delle
produzioni agro-alimentari tradizionali e sviluppo economico sostenibile…
+ info:
L'expertise russe sur la recherche climatique en Arctique
Igor Semiletov est un chercheur de l'Institut océanologique du Pacifique de Vladivostok, où il dirige un laboratoire de géochimie
des zones polaires. En collaboration avec l'Université polytechnique de Tomsk, il va conduire un ambitieux programme de
recherches dans l'Arctique, prévu pour une durée de trois ans, et financé à hauteur de 100 millions de roubles (plus de 2
millions d'euros).
+ info:
Les mystères des nuits polaires
Que se passe-t-il sous la surface de l'océan lors de cette longue nuit polaire qui s'étale de novembre à mars ?
Est-ce que les espèces marines ont des capacités optiques particulières pour voir dans le noir ? Ce sont ces
questions qui ont poussées le professeur Jorgen Berge (University of Arctic, Tromso et University Centre in
Svalbard), Geir Johnsen (NTNU et UNIS) et Asgeir Sorensen (NTNU) à participer à l'encadrement de deux
cours interdisciplinaires organisés par l'UNIS et l'Université de Tromso.
+ info:
33e Congrès des réserves naturelles de France "Les Pyrénées-Orientales à l'honneur"
09 abril - 12 abril 2014
Argelès sur mer. Francia
Organizadores: Réserves Naturelles de France (RNF); le Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Orientales et La Région Languedoc Roussillon
Contacto: Leïla BONNET - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 8 mar 2014
+ info:
ForumAlpinum 2014
17 septiembre - 19 septiembre 2014
Darfo Boario Terme, Brescia. Italia
Organizadores: ISCAR - Comité scientifique international recherche alpine; Università della Montagna & Associazione per la Valorizzaziones
del Territorio Montano
Contacto: [email protected][28/03/2014 12:20:58]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
L'UICN publie une brochure sur le développement des énergies renouvelables dans les écosystèmes montagneux
Rédaction : Marion Péguin sous la coordination de Sébastien Moncorps et de Michel Fourcade puis Hélène Denis.
ISBN : 978-2-918105-34-3
Año: 2013
La brochure de 44 pages fait ainsi le tour des énergies renouvelables disponibles en montagne et leur potentiel : solaire, éolien,
hydroélectricité, bioénergies et géothermie. Les auteurs soulignent ici l'importance d'un développement encadré de ces énergies
qui peut influer sur les milieux naturels fragiles de la montagne. Et de préciser que « cette exploitation peut provoquer des
impacts potentiels importants, comme le déboisement pour la production de bois, les atteintes aux écosystèmes et aux espèces que certaines
installations hydroélectriques entraînent, les dérangements causés par les éoliennes sur la faune et leur impact sur les paysages, et de
manière plus générale, un processus de consommation d'espace ».
Pour chacune des sources d'énergie renouvelable, l'UICN évalue ses points forts et ses points faibles et en tire des recommandations pour
préserver l'environnement montagnard, en particulier la biodiversité et les paysages.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:20:58]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Museos, Museología, Interpretación y Patrimonio mueble
Exposition virtuelle sur Gustave Doré - Bibliothèque nationale de France
Cette exposition est réalisée par le musée d'Orsay et le musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa, en partenariat
avec la Bibliothèque nationale de France.
+ info:
Learning and Having Fun: Visitor Centers Imparting Knowledge Using a New Format -- Regensburg - Germany
Astrid Dumas, Susanne Hauer, Matthias Ripp, Andrew Lukat (Translation): Learning and Having Fun: Visitor Centers Imparting Knowledge
Using a New Format --Experience from the World Heritage Visitor Center in Regensburg
[Original article: Dumas, Astrid; Hauer, Susanne; Ripp, Matthias (2013): Spielerisch lernen: Besucherzentren als junges Format der
Wissensvermittlung. Erfahrungen mit dem Besucherzentrum Welterbe in Regensburg. In: Museum Heute. Nr. 44,2013, S. 51-54]
+ info:
Australian Army Museum Tasmania
The Military Museum of Tasmania is situated within Anglesea Barracks, Davey Street, Hobart. This Barracks precinct is
recognized as one of Australia’s most significant historical military precincts and its appearance today is much as it
was when the first buildings were constructed
in 1814.
The Museum is located in the Military Gaol which was built in 1847. This building is little changed from when it was fist
built even though over the years it has also been used as a Girls Reformatory, a married quarter, a store and offices.
Volunteers operate the Museum. Displays interpret the colonial period when the British Army occupied the site and the
various conflicts Tasmanian service men and women have been involved in from 1899 to the current operational deployments.
+ info:
Former slave trade town seeks to become African art hub - Benin
Until last year, the few tourists who visited the small west African town of Ouidah were likely headed to the Gateway
of No Return, a massive monument to the area's bleak history as a slave trading hub. But the town may soon
become known for an attraction of an entirely different sort: the first sub-Saharan Africa museum dedicated
exclusively to contemporary African art. The Zinsou Museum, installed in an ornate 100-year-old villa, has attracted
13,000 visitors since its launch in November -- an impressive tally for an out-of-the-way town in the sparsely visited
nation of Benin. The reputation -- and monetary value -- of contemporary African art has steadily risen in recent
years. Curators and collectors from North America and Europe frequently fly in to artistic hubs like Lagos, Nigeria seeking new talent and new
work by established names…
+ info:
Inheritage - European Platform for Heritage Interpretation and Inspiration
Inheritage is being developed to meet and inspire one another, to discuss and challenge, to show and to admire
examples of heritage communication (especially archeology, historic cities, landscapes and sites) throughout Europe.
After the start in 2011 it is still being developed. Inheritage is set up to dig up ‘cold cases’ in archaeological excavation
in order to make the results accessible for scientific research and to the wider audience.
+ info:
MA in the Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects-- Durham University - United Kingdom
Our two year, full time MA in the Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects is a professional training course led
by the Dr Chris Caple, the only trained field archaeologist and conservator in the world, in a department that counts two
Fellows of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works among its academic staff. This
programme is designed to give you the skills you will need to work as an archaeological and museum conservator, including
researching, analysing, cleaning, preserving, and caring for a broad range of objects. You will graduate equipped with a
sound knowledge and critical understanding of current professional principles, good practice and contemporary debates in
+ info:
Robo de cuadros del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Arequipa (Perú)
El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Arequipa, cumple con el deber de informar a la comunidad en general y a los amigos del
MAC en particular, el lamentable robo de tres valiosas obras pictóricas, producido el día 14 de febrero de 2014.
Se trata de obras pertenecientes a la exposición permanente que se exhiben regularmente en la planta superior del local: La
primera, “Cuarto de Auvers”, de Fernando de Szyszlo, acrílico sobre tela de 120 x 120 cm; la segunda, “Aves de totoritas”,
acrílico sobre tela de Gerardo Chávez, 114 x 146 cm y, la tercera, “Sueño del fuego”, óleo sobre tela de Venancio Shinki,
162 x 130 cm. Descubierto el robo de inmediato se procedió a la denuncia respectiva ante la DIVINCRI, cuyos peritos y
especialistas iniciaron la investigación pertinente con especial interés y diligencia…[28/03/2014 12:21:00]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Blaenavon World Heritage Centre - United Kingdom
The Blaenavon World Heritage Centre is the ideal starting point for your visit to the area. Located in the
sympathetically restored former St. Peter’s School, it provides an overview of how the stories of Blaenavon
Industrial Landscape are of global importance.
+ info:
Museum Studies Distance Learning Scholarships at University of Leicester in United Kingdom - Deadline: 31 March
The School of Museum Studies is pleased to offer five scholarships for April 2014 entry to its distance learning masters
degree programmes. The scholarships are available for 2 x £2,000 scholarships open to applicants currently working or
volunteering in UK museums and 3 x £1,000 scholarships open to all applicants.
Scholarships are provided in the fields of Museum Studies, Learning and Visitor Studies in Museums and Galleries, Digital
Heritage and Heritage and Interpretation offered by the University of Leicester in UK.
+ info:
Musei, storytelling e avventure social: CHESS ( Cultural Heritage Experience) Experience
CHESS è un acronimo per Cultural Heritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions and
Storytelling. Un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea per rendere interattiva, tecnologica e
coinvolgente la fruizione dei beni culturali, la visita ad un museo.
Negli ultimi anni abbiamo imparato a vedere i musei non più solo come barbosi contenitori di opere d’arte,
meravigliosi, ma pur sempre barbosi. Grazie anche a cinema e televisione, l’immagine dei musei è stata
connessa all’avventura, alla magia, al divertimento e all’interazione…
+ info:
Le retour des momies au musée Anne de Beaujeu - France
Le musée Anne de Beaujeu de Moulins va bientôt dévoiler ses deux momies entièrement restaurées. A partir
du 1er mars 2014, amateurs et curieux d'égyptologie auront le plaisir de découvrir des sarcophages en
parfait état. Pour l'occasion, le musée a conçu un protocole spécial de conservation et d'exposition.
+ info:
Heatherwick to Transform Cape Town’s Grain Silo into Contemporary Art Museum -- South Africa
Imagine forty-two, 33 meter high concrete tubes each with a diameter of 5.5 meters, with no open space to
experience the volume from within. The brief from the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA) for
London-based Heatherwick Studio was to “reimagine the Grain Silo Complex at Cape Town’s V&A Waterfront with
an architectural intervention inspired by its own historic character,” calling for a “solution unique for Africa” in
order to create “the highest possible quality of exhibition space for the work displayed inside.” Heatherwick’s
response will be the creation of a “a new kind of museum in an African context.”
+ info:
Will the Scots sack the British Museum?-- United Kingdom
If Scotland votes for independence later this year, some very important native artefacts in UK institutions could be heading north.
+ info:
Jewish Museum in Cologne- Germany
During the last decade archaeologists in Cologne have re-excavated the 700-year old synagogue with its adjacent
Mikveh. Now a major new museum is in the pipeline.
+ info:
Museo de Arte Nanjing Sifang / Steven Holl Architects - Nanjing, China
El nuevo museo está situado en la puerta de entrada a la Exposición Práctica
Contemporánea Internacional de Arquitectura en el exuberante paisaje verde de la
Primavera de la Perla cerca de Nanjing, China. El proyecto explora los puntos de vista
cambiantes, capas de espacio, y extensiones de la niebla y el agua, que caracterizan los
profundos misterios alternativos espaciales de la pintura china temprana. Este próximo
otoño, el Museo de Arte de Nanjing Sifang abrirá sus puertas al público…
+ info:
Blaenavon World Heritage Centre
The Blaenavon World Heritage Centre is the ideal starting point for your visit to the area. Located in the
sympathetically restored former St. Peter’s School, it provides an overview of how the stories of Blaenavon
Industrial Landscape are of global importance.
You can browse the traditional displays and videos that illustrate the extraordinary history of the area and you
can delve deeper into the history of Blaenavon by using interactive touch screens to explore a range of topics,
including standards of living, geology, transport systems and World
+ info:
Medieval Museum in Waterford / Waterford City Council Architects - 2013 (Ireland)
Waterford Medieval Museum is a new architectural landmark and major visitor destination in the Southeast of Ireland. The
Museum is located in the urban quarter, the oldest part of Waterford City and at its vibrant cultural heart, known as The Viking
Triangle. It houses a magnificent collection of artifacts and hosts numerous public events.
A diverse range of medieval, 18th, 19th and 20th century buildings constrain the site boundaries to a U-shape with the open end
facing directly onto eastern façade of Christ Church Cathedral.
The objective was to design a building that would strengthen the characteristic of the historic tissue while, at the same time,
creating something new and contrasting with the existing architecture…
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:00]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Exhibition - L’IMMAGINE DELLA CITTA' EUROPEA dal Rinascimento al Secolo dei Lumi
08 febrero - 18 mayo 2014
Venice. Italia
Organizadores: Museo Correr
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
University of Sydney photographic exhibition traces Pacific history
01 marzo - 01 noviembre 2014
Sydney, New South Wales. Australia
Organizadores: The University of Sydney
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exposition - Si la vie nous était contée : les Gabonionta
12 marzo - 30 junio 2014
Viena. España
Organizadores: Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Vienne
+ info:
Lechner Ödön és Kiskunfélegyháza
12 marzo 2014
Kiskunfélegyháza. Hungría
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
Exposition - Été 1914. Les derniers jours de l’ancien monde
25 marzo - 03 agosto 2014
Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Bibliothèque national de France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 abril - 04 abril 2014
Rome. Italia
Organizadores: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i
Beni Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso On-line - Interacciones de calidad: La experiencia educativa del museo
Profesor: Ricardo Rubiales
11 abril - 23 mayo 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
II Congreso Internacional de Educación y Accesibilidad: Museos y Patrimonio "En y con todos los sentidos: hacia la integración social
en igualdad"
02 mayo - 04 mayo 2014
Huesca. España
Organizadores: Universidad de Zaragoza a través del Máster en Museos: Educación y Comunicación
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 mar 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host
10 mayo - 13 mayo 2014
Primošten. Croacia
Organizadores: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
Université d'été 2014, la ville et le musée : les nouveaux enjeux territoriaux
11 mayo - 17 mayo 2014
Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Université d’été organisée conjointement par le CÉLAT
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Dubé, Philippe (Canadá / Canada / Canada)
WFFM 2014 - XVe Congrès International de la Fédération Mondiale d’Amis des Musées
15 mayo - 18 mayo 2014
Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: Fédération Allemande des Amis des Musées d’Art (GFFM)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
06 junio - 18 julio 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM[28/03/2014 12:21:00]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Innovate Heritage Internacional Conference
06 junio - 08 junio 2014
Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: World Heritage Studies programme at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Cadar, Simona (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
XV Universeum Meeting
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Hamburg. Bélgica
Organizadores: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
I Jornadas Latinoamericanas "Patrimonio e Inclusión"
17 junio - 19 junio 2014
Posadas, Misiones. Argentina
Organizadores: ICOMOS Argentina y UNaM Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Gayetzky de Kuna, Graciela Cecilia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 junio - 24 junio 2014
Canterbury. Nueva Zelandia
Organizadores: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Labadi, Sophia. France
Heritage Training Courses "Leading practice in museum and heritage place education"
14 julio - 18 julio 2014
Canberra. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Blair, Sandy (Australia / Australia / Australie)
XXXIII Scientific Instrument Symposium "New Views on Old Instruments"
25 agosto - 29 agosto 2014
Tartu. Estonia
Organizadores: Scientific Instrument Commission (SIC) in collaboration with the University of Tartu Museum
Contacto: Janet Laidla: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Lourenço, Marta (Portugal / Portugal / Portugal)
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Montalegre. Portugal
Organizadores: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
ICMS annual meeting on "Implementing & Maintaining Security & Safety at Cultural Institutions With Fewer or Limited Financial
Resources Today and in the Future”
08 septiembre - 12 septiembre 2014
Copenhagen. Dinamarca
Organizadores: ICOM International Committee for Museum Security (ICMS)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 may 2014
+ info:
X Congreso "Qué y cómo exponer en museos y espacios patrimoniales"
23 octubre - 24 octubre 2014
Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa. España
Organizadores: Universidad del País Vasco
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 12 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Arrieta Urtizberea, Iñaki (España / Spain / Espagne)
Revista digital del Sistema Nacional de Museos de Venezuela
ISSN: 224-8535
Instituto de las Artes de la Imagen y el Espacio
Año: 2014 es una revista digital especializada en Museología, editada por el Sistema Nacional de Museos de Venezuela. La
revista es un espacio virtual de encuentro para los profesionales que laboran en el área museística venezolana.[28/03/2014 12:21:00]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Su objetivo fundamental es difundir las experiencias que surgen de la dinámica del museo y los procesos que constituyen su
razón de ser: conservar, investigar, comunicar y exhibir el patrimonio cultural y natural de la nación.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: García Vicente, José Javier (España / Spain / Espagne)
Manual de creación y desarrollo de museos comunitarios
Autores: Cuauhtémoc Camarena y Teresa Morales con colaboraciones de Silvia Arze y Jennifer Shephard
ISBN: 978-99954-0-707-0
Año: 2009
La intención es ofrecer una serie de temas de reflexión que permitan a cada comunidad diseñar los pasos que son más
congruentes con su propia realidad. Comprende una introducción, una sección acerca del proceso de creación del museo
comunitario y otra sobre el desarrollo de un
museo existente. La sección acerca de la creación del museo enfatiza los pasos
iniciales, y está enfocada a sentar las bases sociales del museo a través de procesos amplios de consulta. También resume métodos para la
creación de exposiciones que buscan recoger la visión propia de la comunidad a través de procesos participativos.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: García Vicente, José Javier (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:00]
Paisajes Culturales
Paisajes Culturales
Biography of Richard Haag
Richard Haag was born in Louisville, Kentucky, the oldest of six children. His father, who owned and operated a nursery,
introduced him to fundamental aspects of landscape and ecology. When he was 18, he volunteered for military service.
+ info:
The Landscape Architecture Legacy of Dan Kiley
This year's Landslide, TCLF's annual thematic compendium of threatened and at-risk landscapes, is
dedicated to the life and work of Dan Kiley (1912-2004), one of the nation’s most important Post War
landscape architects.
+ info:
Job Offer - Port Sunlight Village Trust – Conservation Adviser (United Kingdom) Deadline 30 March 2014
The Port Sunlight Village Trust is dedicated to the Conservation and Management of the extraordinary village of Port
Sunlight. With ownership of most of the principal buildings, 1/3rd of the cottages, all of the visible landscape and
covenants in force with all house owners, the Trust has a major role in securing the future of the village. We are
continuing with our work to help protect the village from further erosion of the heritage and a core aspect of this is
the establishment of this full time post…
+ info:
Competition: Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape Call for Nominations - Deadline: 1 April
Do you know of threatened or at-risk examples of art and the landscape? It could be a group of ancient
petroglyphs, a sculpted earthwork, a Modernist installation or other examples.
There are just two weeks left to nominate a site for Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape, this year’s
iteration of The Cultural Landscape Foundation’s annual, thematic compendium of at-risk sites. Many of
these sites are endangered by development, neglect, vandalism, industrial operations and other threats. For
more than a decade, Landslide has successfully brought national attention to threatened sites, raised their
visibility, and promoted their informed stewardship…
+ info:
Job Offer - Croydon – Conservation Officer (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4 April 2014
Croydon is placed to be a major strategic force for growth and transformation in London and the South East. The Council has a vision to deliver
significant growth and town centre renewal over the next 20 years, as conveyed in the Croydon Local Plan, the Croydon Opportunuty Area
Planning Framework and supponrting masterplans, the most recent of which is focussed on Croydon's historic Old Town. Design quality, the
protection and enhancement of Croydon's rich and varied built heritage and the importance of local character are central to the delivery of this
This post offers a unique and exciting opportunity to join Croydon's Spatial Planning Service, which brings together the disciplines of planning
policy, architecture, urban design, conservation and landscapes architecture to support a coordinated approach to the planning and delivery of
appropriate and sustainable development over the next 20 years…
+ info:
Buttonwood Park’s Open Spaces Saved from Zoo Development - New Bedford Massachusetts- USA
Designed in 1895 by Charles Eliot, of Olmsted, Olmsted, and Eliot, Buttonwood Park is located
in the heart of historic New Bedford, Massachusetts. In 2011 TCLF added the picturesque, 97acre park to its list of at-risk landscapes in response to a proposed master plan for the
Buttonwood Park Zoo that would have doubled the zoo’s acreage.
+ info:
Arquitectura y Paisaje: “Memory Wound” – Monumento en homenaje a las victimas de la masacre en Noruega
Concebido como una “herida” o “fractura” de tres metros y medio en el paisaje, el poderoso monumento a aquellos
que perdieron sus vidas en la masacre de Utoya, el artista sueco Jonas Dahlberg, ganó la competencia para los
atentados del Memorial del 22 de Julio en Noruega. “Mi concepto para el Memorial Sørbråten propone una herida o
corte en la naturaleza. Éste interpreta la experiencia física de la pérdida, reflejando la repentina y permanente
pérdida de aquellos que murieron”, describió Dahlberg.
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:03]
Paisajes Culturales
Bonnet House Museum & Gardens- Fort Lauderdale - Florida - USA
Named for a lily that grows in the nearby Bonnet Slough, this 35-acre estate is built upon a barrier island with the
Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Intracoastal Waterway to the west. Early settler Hugh Taylor Birch purchased the
land in 1895 and gifted it to his daughter Helen and
her husband, Chicago artist Frederick Clay Bartlett, in 1919. The
couple designed a house that hybridized Mediterranean, Caribbean, and European styles wrapped by loggias and
surrounding a central courtyard. Following Helen’s death in 1925 Bartlett married Evelyn Fortune Lilly, also an artist,
and together they continued to develop the estate's diverse landscape.
+ info:
Biography of William Lyman Phillips-- 1885 - 1966 - USA
William Lyman Phillips was born in West Somerville, Massachusetts in 1885. He entered Harvard College after
graduating from Somerville Latin High School in 1904 then enrolled in Harvard’s newly established graduate program
in Landscape Architecture in 1908. At Harvard, he built a foundation that would later inform his more than fifty year
career in landscape architecture and planning. There, in a class taught by James Sturgis Pray, he learned about
Charles Eliot’s definition of the purpose of landscape architecture as the “art of arranging land and landscape for
human use, convenience, and enjoyment.” Phillips shared Eliot’s view that landscape architects should be
responsible for “the main lines” of the project, and Eliot's advocacy of unity as a dominant principle in which “the site, the scene, the
landscape,” and the buildings
should be studied as one composition.
+ info:
Cluett Memorial Garden- Palm Beach - Florida - USA
Originally conceived as “The Spanish Memorial Church” commemorating Ponce de Leon’s landing in Florida in 1513,
the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, a Spanish Gothic structure built in 1925, was designed by New York
architects Hiss and Weekes. In 1931 Nellie Cluett hired Walter Thomas of Philadelphia to design a garden in memory of
her parents, who were founding members of the church. The small garden, only 1/3 of an acre, reflects an Italian
influence, with water features, parterres, and tropical plants orchestrated on two highly-
detailed tiers.
+ info:
Rare Napa Valley Landscape by Pioneering Modernist Thomas Church Under ThreatSaint Helena - Califonia - USA
Napa Valley’s William Cole Vineyards, owned since 1999 by Bill and Jane Ballentine, includes
landscape and gardens designed by the great Modernist landscape architect Thomas Church.
For safety reasons, local officials are now requiring the Ballentines to widen the Churchdesigned service road – a move fire code consultants, engineers and preservationists say is
unnecessary – or they will shut the winery down.
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 abril - 04 abril 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizadores: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 abril - 13 abril 2014
Austin, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Society of Architectural Historians
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 Workshop
14 abril - 18 abril 2014
Hiroshima. Japón
Organizadores: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 abril - 30 abril 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malasia
Organizadores: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2014
Murcia. España
Organizadores: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
Cours - Du terrain à l'analyse visuelle et sonore du paysage
15 mayo - 16 mayo 2014
Angers. Francia
Organizadores: Siège social AGROCAMPUS OUEST[28/03/2014 12:21:03]
Paisajes Culturales
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Taller de arquitectura y patrimonio "Fortificaciones y espacio publico"
03 junio - 11 julio 2014
Cartagena de Indias. Colombia
Organizadores: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 21 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Congreso Internacional Arquitectura, Educación y Sociedad
04 junio - 06 junio 2014
Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
IV Seminario Internacional de Patrimonio Agroindustrial (SIPA)
02 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
San Miguel de Tucumán. Argentina
Organizadores: El Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Moreno, Daniela (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
26th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference
08 septiembre - 12 septiembre 2014
Gothenburg & Mariestad. Suecia
Organizadores: hosted by the University of Gothenburg.
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
VerSus 2014 - Congreso internacional sobre las Lecciones de la arquitectura vernácula para la sostenibilidad
11 septiembre - 13 septiembre 2014
Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vegas, Fernando. España
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte de Paisaje “Paisajes Alternativos”
07 octubre - 09 octubre 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. México
Organizadores: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C., el H. Ayuntamiento de Chapala, Jal., y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
XVIII Asamblea General de ICOMOS "Patrimonio y paisajes como valores humanos"
10 noviembre - 14 noviembre 2014
Florencia. Italia
Organizadores: ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 feb 2014
+ info:
ARTICOLO 9 - La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica. Tutela il paesaggio e il
patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione
A cura di Alessia Bianco, Università di Reggio Calabria con un messaggio di Simonetta Valtieri[28/03/2014 12:21:03]
Paisajes Culturales
ISBN: 978-88-548-6804-5
Editore: Aracne
Año: 2013
L’Italia teme di essere un Paese tanto ricco di passato quanto povero di futuro. Questa collettanea, che tenta di raccogliere la
sfida che l’assunto di cui sopra ci pone, vuole proporre, attraverso uno spaccato necessariamente parzialissimo e decisamente variegato, il
lavoro di chi si occupa di ricerca scientifica e patrimonio storico artistico in Calabria, ossia nella parte d’Italia e quindi d’Europa tra le più
depresse, in termini economici, e più sottosviluppate, in termini di progresso. Operare in questi contesti, magari anche da lontano, come fanno
alcuni degli Autori, dà il vantaggio di imparare a esercitare e alimentare un ottimismo e una resilienza senza cui il superamento dell’assunto
iniziale non può nemmeno tentarsi. Chi proviene da questi contesti o vi opera è consapevole che necessità deve tradursi in capacità; tocca
insistere, resistere. Questo lavoro, articolato in quattro aree tematiche – quella delle idee (macro), quella dei processi (meso), quella delle
pratiche (micro) e quella dei fenomeni (nano) – vuole pertanto ambire a essere esplicitazione di questa capacità, attuandosi nei modi
probabilmente insufficienti di un libro ma che sono propri di chi quotidianamente vive la promozione della ricerca scientifica e la tutela del
patrimonio storico e artistico come un’urgenza di civiltà.
+ info:
Revista Hereditas 19/20 (2013)
HEREDITAS • Tercera Época
Francisco Javier López Morales, Director
Año: 2013
El contenido del presente número de Hereditas, recoge una multiplicidad de visiones y revisiones del patrimonio cultural
material e inmaterial, como una voluntad de ofrecer al lector el amplio panorama y espectro en el cual hoy estamos inmersos:
desde la evaluación arqueológica y ecológica de un paisaje cultural como Las Cuevas Prehistóricas de Yagul y Mitla en los valles centrales del
estado mexicano de Oaxaca, hasta las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas para la difusión del patrimonio cultural.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Landscape and historical urban settlement along Tordino river valley (Italy)
by Stefano Brusaporci
Año: 2013
The landscape expresses the values of the historicized territory, intersection of natural environment and human activity.
Landscape restoration is founded on the knowledge of heritage values. Therefore the study of the territorial settlement along
the river Tordino has a peculiar importance, with particular regard to watermills, because they are indicators of architectural,
historical and cultural istances.
+ info:
Architectures and mechanisms - Water mills for cereal grinding and copper processing
Mario Centofanti, Stefano Brusaporci, Antonio Di Donato, Vittorio Lucchese
University of L’Aquila
IFToMM Workshop on History of MMS – Palermo 2013
Año: 2013
The paper presents a study on the mills on the Tordino river in the Abruzzo region (Italy). They are analysed as a synthesis of architecture,
hydraulic works and mechanisms. Watermills are related to the geographic and economic historical system, therefore they present
characteristics and typologies that changes both in relation to the development of manufacturing technologies, both in function of the
+ info:
Mellon Square: Discovering a Modern Masterpiece
Susan Rademacher
United States: Princeton Architectural Press
Not Yet Published. Release date: 28 October
ISBN 978-1-61689-13-36
Año: 2014
The second volume in our Modern Landscapes series examines the evolution of Pittsburgh's first modern garden plaza.
Completed in 1955 from a design by the acclaimed landscape design firm Simonds & Simonds and architects Mitchell & Ritchey, Mellon Square
functioned as an urban oasis that provided downtown office workers a much-needed respite from the city's infamous smoke pollution. Now,
more than six decades later, Mellon Square is undergoing a major restoration by Patricia O Donnell of Heritage Landscapes that aims to restore
this urban garden and help revitalize downtown Pittsburgh. Featuring new photography and archival material, Mellon Square is the only book to
showcase the development of this iconic urban landscape.
+ info:
L’arbre champêtre, première matière
Arbre &Paysage 32
France : Association Arbre &Paysage 32
Año: 2014
L’association Arbre &Paysage 32, « opérateur de terrain pour les « arbres de pays » et l’agroforesterie », vient de publier un
livret destiné à faire découvrir ou à rappeler le rôle d’un arbre champêtre dans la transformation et la synthèse de la matière
dans son environnement ainsi que dans son amélioration.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:03]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Patrimonio arqueológico
Conservation Studies MSc -- University College London Qatar
This MSc is a two-year course that covers a wide range of materials, from objects (metals, glass, stone,
ceramics) to textiles and contemporary art, plus archaeological sites. Students will be trained in the theory
and principals of conservation and will be able to specialise in a material of their choice in the second year.
There is a regional focus to the course, as well as substantial practical placements at museums, sites and
cultural heritage organisations across the region, in order to give students the transferrable skills required
to assume a leading position as a conservator or within the cultural heritage sector.
+ info:
Conservation and Outreach at San Bartolo, Guatemala
The Preclassic Maya site of San Bartolo, Guatemala is home to some of the most elaborate mural paintings discovered to date.
Since receiving funding from a special AIA Pledge Drive in 2013, the San Bartolo Mural Project has continued its work to
conserve these fragile paintings and share the wealth of knowledge they contain with the general public. Click here to read the
project's latest update from the field.
+ info:
FCGL - Forensic Computational Geometry Laboratory-- Heidelberg University- Germany
The FCGL is a Junior Research Group (JRG) established within the Zukunftskonzept (institutional strategy) of the 2nd German University
Excellency Initiative. This concept has the general goal to improve the understanding of complex material, cultural and social topics. The FCGL
matches this vision and bridges the well-established fields of the Computational Sciences and the Forensic Sciences by collaborative
development of new methods to answer questions arising from Humanities and Life Sciences.
+ info:
Laboratoire de recherche des monuments historiques de Champs sur Marne - France
Crée en 1970, à l’initiative de Jean Taralon, inspecteur général des monuments historiques
Un service à compétence nationale du Ministère de la Culture et de la communication (direction générale des patrimoines, sous-direction des
monuments historiques). Un laboratoire dédié à la recherche sur la conservation des monuments protégés au titre des monuments historiques.
Un centre de documentation avec des bases de données sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel (bibliographie et images), accessibles sur
+ info:
Erasmus Mundus Master in Archaeological Materials Sciences - University of Evora (Portugal) in Qatar
ARCHMAT is a 2-years Erasmus Mundus Master Course (120 European Credit Transfer Scheme - ECTS) within a consortium
of 3 HEI (Evora-UE, Rome-UNIROMA1, Thessaloniki-AUTH) as full partners, 5 HEI (Avignon-UA, Palermo-UNIPA, ZaragozaUNIZAR-ICMA, Fez-UF and Rio de Janeiro-UERJ) and 3 non HEI Research centres (Laboratorio Jose Figueiredo/Instituto dos
Museus e da Conservacao-IMC, Scientific Laboratory Musei Vaticani-MV, Archaeological Museum of AIANI) as associated
members, providing students with specialized skills in archaeology and analytical charaterization of materials from prehistory
(megalithic) to classical times (Greek and Roman).
+ info:
Ancient Buddhist caves in China could ‘turn to sand’
Urgent conservation work is needed to save a series of caves in northwest China containing ancient murals by
Buddhist monks, which are threatened with destruction from the forces of nature.
+ info:
Scientists from University of York unlock a 'microbial Pompeii' preserved on 1,000 year old teeth - Italy
An international team of researchers including scientists from the University of York have discovered a ‘microbial
Pompeii’ preserved on the teeth of skeletons around 1,000 years old. The key to the discovery is the dental calculus
(plaque) which preserves bacteria and microscopic particles of food on the surfaces of teeth, effectively creating a
mineral tomb for microbiomes. The research team discovered that the ancient human oral cavity carries numerous
opportunistic pathogens and that periodontal disease is caused by the same bacteria today as in the past, despite
major changes in human diet and hygiene…
+ info:
Damage found in ancient ruins of Pompeii; Areas affected have been closed the public- Italy
The Temple of Venus and walls of a tomb and shop in the long-neglected ruins of Pompeii near Naples have been[28/03/2014 12:21:07]
Patrimonio arqueológico
damaged, possibly due to heavy rain, officials said on Monday. Custodians found that a two-metre wall of an ancient
shop in the ruined city -- which had recently been restored -- had collapsed under the weight of another wall that
crumbled onto it. It followed the discovery Sunday that parts of an archway in the temple had fallen off and a wall in
the necropolis -- the biggest in the ancient Roman city -- had tumbled down. The areas affected have been closed
the public.
+ info:
Italian auditors have yet to approve Great Pompeii Project management post - Italy
Italian auditors have yet to approve Great Pompeii Project management post. As a wall tumbles on the site,
financial review could block appointment of archaeologist overseeing €105m restoration plan. It may be premature
to celebrate the progress made by the Italian ministry of
culture with the nomination of a new superintendent to
oversee the “Great Pompeii Project”, as a long list of problems, mainly tied to the country’s cripplingly slow
bureaucracy, still threatens to engulf the plan and sink it before it can be put into action.
+ info:
Job Offer - Job Vacancy: Lecturer in Geoarchaeology. Deadline: 27 March
The UCL Institute of Archaeology is recognised as one of the leading academic departments of Archaeology not just in
the UK but globally. The Institute is the largest department in its field in the UK, with the largest graduate research
community, and the broadest range of coverage and offers a uniquely stimulating environment for the study of all fields of
archaeology, conservation and cultural heritage.
The post-holder will carry out teaching at BA/BSc level, at MSc level, especially as part of the MSc in Environmental
Archaeology, supervise or co-supervise MPhil/PhD students on geoarchaeological topics, organise student field trips, and
oversee the use of the Institute's sedimentology laboratory for research and teaching…
+ info:
MA in the Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects-- Durham University - United Kingdom
Our two year, full time MA in the Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects is a professional training course led
by the Dr Chris Caple, the only trained field archaeologist and conservator in the world, in a department that counts two
Fellows of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works among its academic staff. This
programme is designed to give you the skills you will need to work as an archaeological and museum conservator, including
researching, analysing, cleaning, preserving, and caring for a broad range of objects. You will graduate equipped with a
sound knowledge and critical understanding of current professional principles, good practice and contemporary debates in
+ info:
Le retour des momies au musée Anne de Beaujeu - France
Le musée Anne de Beaujeu de Moulins va bientôt dévoiler ses deux momies entièrement restaurées. A partir
du 1er mars 2014, amateurs et curieux d'égyptologie auront le plaisir de découvrir des sarcophages en
parfait état. Pour l'occasion, le musée a conçu un protocole spécial de conservation et d'exposition.
+ info:
Saving Cultural Heritage, One Tweet at a Time
More often than not, papers are geared towards other academics, which is a necessary and critical practice to advance research
and gain awareness. However, when it concerns looting, smuggling, and trading illicit antiquities, there is an audience that
needs even more attention — the general public.
+ info:
A Treasure Found … and Lost
The recently announced discovery of a hoard of late Roman (circa 407-406 AD) gold and silver objects — dug up by an
unnamed metal detectorist in the forest near Ruelzheim, in Germany’s southwestern Rhineland-Palatinate state — is
both thrilling and appalling.
+ info:
Great Pyramid of Giza vandalised-- Egypt
Following accusations of vandalism and theft at the Great Pyramid of Giza, two researchers are under
investigation in Germany and six individuals have been detained in Egypt, including the head of a tour company,
archaeologists and local guards. Officials with the Ministry of Antiquities responsible for the pyramids have
reportedly already been transferred to other positions as punishment for negligence.
+ info:
War, the latest visitor to one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world: Palmyra- Syria
Syria's fabled desert Greco-Roman oasis of Palmyra saw its last tourist in September 2011, six months after the
uprising began. Its most recent visitors are violence and looting. Ancient Palmyra now bears the scars of modern
warfare but also greed in the form of pillaged tombs. The UNESCO-listed "pearl of the desert" world heritage site in
Homs province, just over 200 kilometres (130 miles) northeast of Damascus, was one of the most important cultural
centres of the ancient world. It retains its majesty today, despite the tall-columned Temple of Baal suffering damage
from shrapnel during artillery exchanges between rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. The
Hellenistic building's eastern wall, its most imposing, now bears whitened slashes where the stone has been gouged by shell blasts. Mortar fire
has damaged one entrance and its lintel resting on eight columns with fluted shafts. The perimeter wall has been damaged in several places.
The Corinthian capitals of three pillars of the colonnade to the south of the temple have crashed to the ground…
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:07]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Italy calls on private investors to help save Pompeii - Italy
Italy's new prime minister on Wednesday appealed to private investors to help restore the damaged ruins of Pompeii,
a UNESCO World Heritage landmark.
The culture sector in Italy has suffered from harsh budget cuts and a deep recession and funds for culture are
expected to be cut further to 1.4 billion euros ($1.9 billion) for 2014, from 1.5 billion euros a year earlier. The
government has already called on the private sector to help restore other of its UNESCO monuments: in Rome,
luxury shoemaker Tod's is financing works at the Colosseum, while high-end fashion house Fendi is expected to
refurbish the Trevi Fountain...
+ info:
Large Scale Riins of Ancient City Unearthed in Innner Mongolia
Chinese archaeologists unearthed ruins of a huge ancient city – Shengle (30 km south of Hohhot) which dates back to
the late Northen Wei Dynasty (386 - 534 AD) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
+ info:
Archaeologist suggests new evidence on collapse of Easter Island Culture - Chile
Bishop Museum’s assistant anthropologist, Dr. Mara Mulrooney, conducted a six year study on Rapa Nui
(Easter Island) about the island’s theoretical civilization collapse. Results from her groundbreaking doctoral
dissertation entitled “Continuity or Collapse? Diachronic Settlement
and Land Use in Hanga Ho‘onu, Rapa Nui
(Easter Island)” are outlined in an article published in the December issue of the Journal of Archaeological
This new evidence debunks previous theories that the islanders “self-destructed” before Europeans first visited
in 1722…
+ info:
Marseille : un nouvel atlas archéologique interactif vient d’être mis en ligne par l’Inrap - France
Après Besançon et Tours, l’Inrap (Institut national des recherches archéologiques préventives) vient de doter
Marseille d’un atlas archéologique interactif consultable en ligne.
Marseille, « 8000 ans de présence humaine au bord du Lacydon »
Cet outil dévoile le résultat des fouilles réalisées à Marseille dont la richesse archéologique et finalement historique
fut longtemps négligée, voire ignorée.
+ info:
Khachkars and Icons: Looting in pre - and post - Soviet Armenia
Located on the piedmont of the Caucasus mountain range, the country of Armenia illustrates an interesting paradox. It
is, on one hand, a nation-state born out of, and partly modeled by, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. However, it
is also a country that dogmatically identifies itself with civilizations more than 2000 years-old, and defends the idea of
an evolving yet continuous Armenian identity…
+ info:
The nuraghe, an ancient building - Italy
The word “nurac”, as Attilio Mastino says in his report about a latin monumentary inscription of the I cent. A.D., written
on the the nuraghe Aidu Entos’architrave, appears for the first time in the epigraph as “nurac” and could be related to
the protosardo nickname used to define the megalithic building.
Before this period it was called Protonuraghe. The word “proto” comes from the Greek “prôtos”, meaning “first,
original”; a protonuraghe is a building believed to be the “ancestor” of a nuraghe. In the same way, the word
“protosardo” stands for the language spoken before the sardo language…
+ info:
Course: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites with Mosaics
28 abril - 16 mayo 2014
Paphos. Chipre
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute, United States
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 oct 2013
+ info:
40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA)
19 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Los Angeles. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 dic 2013
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - YOCOCU 2014 "Los jóvenes en la conservación del patrimonio cultural"
28 mayo - 30 mayo 2014
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizadores: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 feb 2014
+ info:
Call for Participants, Excavations at Roman Carsulae (Italy)
08 junio - 19 julio 2014
San Gemini. Italia
Organizadores: Valdosta State University
Contacto: [email protected][28/03/2014 12:21:07]
Patrimonio arqueológico
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Curso - Turismo arqueológico: un nicho de turismo especializado en el mediterráneo
02 julio - 04 julio 2014
Maó, Menorca. España
Organizadores: UIMIR - Universitat Internacional de Menorca Illa del Rei
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
26th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference
08 septiembre - 12 septiembre 2014
Gothenburg & Mariestad. Suecia
Organizadores: hosted by the University of Gothenburg.
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
EAA 2014 Meeting
10 septiembre - 14 septiembre 2014
Istanbul. Turquía
Organizadores: European Association for Archaeologists (EAA)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 may 2014
+ info:
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 septiembre - 26 septiembre 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizadores: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting
08 enero - 11 enero 2015
New Orleans, Luisiana. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
El Comercio y la cultura del mar. Alicante, puerta del Mediteráneo
Autores: Inmaculada Aguilar y Juan Ferrer
ISBN: 978-84-482-5887-0
Editado por la Conselleria d'Infraestructures, Territori i Medi Ambient de València (España)
Año: 2013
La publicación recoge 22 artículos presentados en tres áreas temáticas: las rutas del gran comercio; las mercancías: lujo y
necesidad; y viajeros, navegantes, ingenieros y empresarios. Y en ella han participado profesionales de acreditado prestigio de
diferentes campos como la historia, la economía, la ingeniería y la arqueología.
+ info:
Night of the Living Dead: modern ruins and archaeology
By Maksymilian Frąckowiak, Kornelia Kajda, Dawid Kobiałka
Año: 2014
A spectre is haunting contemporary archaeologies – the spectre of the present. That is to say, one has recently been witnessing a shift in
archaeological approaches: a new, ‘neo-materialistic paradigm’ (so-called return to things) is slowly emerging on the scene. It indicates weak
aspects of post-processual perspective with its emphasis on the social, meaning, sings and analyses of discourse, among others. On the
contrary to post-processual approaches, here attention is mostly paid to materiality of things. What has also been clearly pointed out is the fact
more than ever before, the present slowly becomes more important and interesting for archaeologists than the distant past.
+ info:
Tyndaris e il suo territorio
by Michele Fasolo
ISBN-13: 978-88-908755-1-9
Año: 2013
Il volume è il primo di una ricerca finalizzata alla ricostruzione del paesaggio culturale e alla comprensione delle vicende
storiche del comprensorio dell’antica Tyndaris (Tindari, comune di Patti in provincia di Messina). Sono stati raccolti, con una
impostazione complessiva pluridisciplinare e plurimetodologica, dati dalla preistoria al medioevo…
+ info:
Agenda Publications[28/03/2014 12:21:07]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
The Montemartini Power Plant
By Simona Politini
The Montemartini Power Plant in Rome, where classic archeology meets industrial archeology
The plant was opened in 1912 and just the next year it was named in honour of the Officer for
Technology,Giovanni Montemartini. The extremely modern productive machinery (groups of diesel motors and
alternator steam-turbines) were provided by the Tosi firm. In 1963 part of the plant was decommissioned and a
few years later the whole plant ceased production. The building was restructures and transformed during the
1980s into an “ Art Centre”. Today the building houses a permanent exhibition of sculpture from the collection of the Musei Capitolini…
+ info:
Sass Muss is a Dolomiti Contemporanee Project
Posted by: Simona Politini
Dolomiti Contemporanee is one of 40 projects selected by the CheFare2 competition: Culture Award, 100.000 €
Dolomiti Contemporanee: abandoned industrial building become great art and contemporary culture centers over
the Dolomites - part of the UNESCO heritage site.
+ info:
The Carreau du Temple / studioMilou architecture -- 2014 - Paris - France
From the architect. The Carreau du Temple, a historic steel and glass market from 1868 located in the Marais
district of Paris, was reopened by the mayor of Paris on 20 February 2014. This building, with its
characteristically transparent architecture, is one of the few surviving structures from the nineteenth-century
tradition of metal framed architecture in Paris. It was listed on France’s heritage list in 1982, five years after the
demolition of the Paris Halles and its famous Baltard pavilions – a loss that is still bitterly regretted today.
+ info:
Il Molino Stucky a Venezia – ora Hilton Molino Stucky Venice-- Italy
Il Molino Stucky a Venezia è uno di quei siti di archeologia industriale in Italia nel quale l’efficienza si è
sposata con la volontà di erigere una “bella architettura”. Tra il 1882 ed il 1883, l’imprenditore svizzero
Giovanni Stucky scelse l’area estrema dell’isola della Giudecca nella laguna veneziana per dare l’avvio
all’attività del primo molino. Con precisione, l’area sul quale sorse era quella della chiesa e convento di S.
Biagio e Cataldo, soppresso da Napoleone nel 1809, situati tra il rio di S. Biagio, il canale della Giudecca e il
rio dei Lavranieri.
+ info:
Redesign Grain Silo for the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa - Cape Town - South Africa
The museum is the result of a partnership with the V&A and Jochen Zeitz, and the renowned Zeitz Collection will form the
museum’s founding collection, from which the museum also draws its name. Jochen will commit his collection in perpetuity
as well as underwriting the running and acquisition costs of the museum. Positioning itself as a significant international
cultural institution, the museum will focus on collecting, preserving, researching and exhibiting cutting-edge contemporary
art from Africa and its Diaspora.
+ info:
Marseille :La rotonde historique de Saint-Charles menacée
Un emblème historique et rare du patrimoine ferroviaire est menacé de destruction. Loin des regards, à l’abandon au bout de la
gare Saint-Charles, la rotonde Pautrier construite en 1889 pour le remisage, l’entretien et le pivotement des locomotives à vapeur
de la Compagnie des
chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (PLM) pourrait disparaître d’ici 2017, engloutie dans un
projet de réaménagement de la gare Saint-Charles.
+ info:
La Grande Miniera di Serbariu e il Museo del Carbone in Sardegna- Italy
La Grande Miniera di Serbariu, a Carbonia in Sardegna, oggi in parte fruibile e sede del Museo del Carbone, è
un bene prezioso del nostro patrimonio industriale e sito posto sotto gli auspici dell’UNESCO.
+ info:
Daoíz y Velarde Cultural Center / Rafael De La-Hoz - 2013 - Madrid - Spain
From the architect. As part of the Daoiz y Verlarde complex of former barracks the objective is to preserve the[28/03/2014 12:21:11]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
architecture; a representative sample of Madrid’s industrial and military heritage.
+ info:
Call for Papers: Journal of Heritage Tourism - Special issue on Heritage Transportation and Tourism
- Deadline: 30 May 2014
Since the Industrial Revolution, transportation modalities have been at the forefront of technological
advancement. As a result, the broad area of transportation has experienced significant change over the
past several centuries and as a consequence, left us with a rich diversity of heritage, both in terms of
physical elements as well as social and psychological impacts on people and societies. Within the context
of the study of tourism, the primary transport types are railways, ships and boats, automobiles, and
aircraft. All of these have a rich history and as such, provide the basis for encouraging or enhancing tourism, either directly or by providing
motivations for various forms of travel.
We invite contributions that advance understanding of the role of heritage transportation to the development and sustainability of tourism.
These contributions can be theoretical or applied in nature given the inherent issues and challenges facing heritage transportation in the
context of tourism.
+ info:
Heatherwick to Transform Cape Town’s Grain Silo into Contemporary Art Museum -- South Africa
Imagine forty-two, 33 meter high concrete tubes each with a diameter of 5.5 meters, with no open space to
experience the volume from within. The brief from the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA) for
London-based Heatherwick Studio was to “reimagine the Grain Silo Complex at Cape Town’s V&A Waterfront with
an architectural intervention inspired by its own historic character,” calling for a “solution unique for Africa” in
order to create “the highest possible quality of exhibition space for the work displayed inside.” Heatherwick’s
response will be the creation of a “a new kind of museum in an African context.”
+ info:
Le Officine Aeronautiche Caproni di Taliedo – Officine del Volo a Milano- Italy
Le Officine Aeronautiche Caproni di Taliedo di via Mecenate a Milano sono una delle testimonianze più
significative della grande Milano industriale. Oggi recuperate, regalano spazi unici per caratteristiche e storia.
+ info:
Cardiff Coal Exchange threats: IHBC asks if the rules are being followed? United Kingdom
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) has called for assurances that proper processes are being observed in decisions being
taken on the future of Cardiff’s Coal Exchange, a Grade II* listed building designed by Cardiff architect Edwin Seward from 1883 – during
Cardiff’s commercial heyday – which faces large-scale demolition following reports that it is in a dangerous state of repair.
+ info:
History of Railways
From their beginnings as a primitive system of track-ways for coal carts in the early 18th century, railways
quickly developed into the driving force behind the industrial revolution and the pivotal technology for modern
Britain, and a connected world. Rapid industrial growth during the early 19th century, coupled with the prospect
of vast profits, drove inventors and entrepreneurs to develop steam locomotives, metal tracks and an array of
daring tunnels, cuttings and bridges that created a nationwide system of railways in just 30 years. George
Stephenson's Liverpool and Manchester Railway became the model for future inter-city travel for the next
century and his fast, reliable locomotive, The Rocket, began a quest for speed that has defined our modern world.
+ info:
La Grande Miniera di Serbariu e il Museo del Carbone in Sardegna- Italy
La Grande Miniera di Serbariu, a Carbonia in Sardegna, oggi in parte fruibile e sede del Museo del Carbone, è
un bene prezioso del nostro patrimonio industriale e sito posto sotto gli auspici dell’UNESCO.
+ info:
Familistere Guise / h2o architectes - Homblières - France
From the architect. The Familistère is a vast housing complex founded by JeanBaptiste André Godin in 1859 in relation with the stove manufacturing business. Until
1968, this Social Palace was the theatre of a unique social experimentation in the
industrial world: the Familistère was a sort of utopia for an industrial society
composed like an urban transition between the town and the park of the city island
+ info:
Architects Rally to Save Moscow’s Historic Shukhov Tower - 1922 (Russian Federation)
Tadao Ando, Elizabeth Diller, Rem Koolhaas and Thom Mayne are among the many signing a petition to urge Russian president
Vladimir V. Putin to reconsider the fate of the neglected Shabolovka Radio Tower (Shukhov Tower), “a structure of dazzling
brilliance and great historical
importance,” as Norman Foster once described. Designed by Vladimir Shukhov and completed in
1922, the 160-meter hyperboloid structure is a 20th-century engineering feat that has served as a landmark of modernist
+ info:
Blaenavon World Heritage Centre
The Blaenavon World Heritage Centre is the ideal starting point for your visit to the area. Located in the
sympathetically restored former St. Peter’s School, it provides an overview of how the stories of Blaenavon
Industrial Landscape are of global importance.
You can browse the traditional displays and videos that illustrate the extraordinary history of the area and you
can delve deeper into the history of Blaenavon by using interactive touch screens to explore a range of topics,[28/03/2014 12:21:11]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
including standards of living, geology, transport systems and World
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2014
Murcia. España
Organizadores: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
5º Congreso Europeo de Turismo Industrial “Identidad, Industria y Cultura”
17 junio - 20 junio 2014
Ferrol, A Coruña. España
Organizadores: Dirección General de Empresa e Industria de la Comisión Europea, la Diputación de A Coruña, CCI FRANCE (Asamblea de las
Cámaras de Comercio e Industria francesas) y la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Toledo
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
IV Seminario Internacional de Patrimonio Agroindustrial (SIPA)
02 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
San Miguel de Tucumán. Argentina
Organizadores: El Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Moreno, Daniela (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Architectures and mechanisms - Water mills for cereal grinding and copper processing
Mario Centofanti, Stefano Brusaporci, Antonio Di Donato, Vittorio Lucchese
University of L’Aquila
IFToMM Workshop on History of MMS – Palermo 2013
Año: 2013
The paper presents a study on the mills on the Tordino river in the Abruzzo region (Italy). They are analysed as a synthesis of architecture,
hydraulic works and mechanisms. Watermills are related to the geographic and economic historical system, therefore they present
characteristics and typologies that changes both in relation to the development of manufacturing technologies, both in function of the
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:11]
Patrimonio construido
Patrimonio construido
How did a hot-tempered goldsmith create the most miraculous edifice of the Renaissance?
Experts today still don't agree about exactly how Filippo Brunelleschi constructed the iconic, soaring dome atop
Florence's Santa Maria del Fiore in the early 15th century. So for Nat Geo's for Senior Graphics Editor Fernando
Gomez-Baptista, creating graphics for a feature on Brunelleschi's Dome for the February issue of the magazine was
a challenge. The product of more than four months of research for Gomez-Baptista and his team, the end result
includes layer-by-layer drawings of Brunelleschi's progress, an interactive graphic comparing the designs of the
world's most iconic domes, and an illustrated video of the dome's construction.
+ info:
PPG Place / John Burgee Architects with Philip Johnson - Pittsburgh - USA
The design of PPG Place, by Philip Johnson and John Burgee, melds the notion of the modern corporate tower with a neo-gothic
monument. Clad in almost a million square feet of glass manufactured by the anchor tenant PPG industries, the architects
ingeniously rethought accepted practices in curtain wall design to create “the crown jewel in Pittsburgh’s skyline.” (1) The 1.57
million square foot complex was one in a series of high profile corporate projects completed during Johnson’s controversial foray
into postmodernism…
+ info:
Job Offer - Croydon – Conservation Officer (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4 April 2014
Croydon is placed to be a major strategic force for growth and transformation in London and the South East. The Council has a vision to deliver
significant growth and town centre renewal over the next 20 years, as conveyed in the Croydon Local Plan, the Croydon Opportunuty Area
Planning Framework and supponrting masterplans, the most recent of which is focussed on Croydon's historic Old Town. Design quality, the
protection and enhancement of Croydon's rich and varied built heritage and the importance of local character are central to the delivery of this
This post offers a unique and exciting opportunity to join Croydon's Spatial Planning Service, which brings together the disciplines of planning
policy, architecture, urban design, conservation and landscapes architecture to support a coordinated approach to the planning and delivery of
appropriate and sustainable development over the next 20 years…
+ info:
Miami of India: The Forgotten Capital of Art Deco - Mumbai - Inda
While visitors to the Indian capital of entertainment and commerce generally flock to the city’s tourist and world heritage sites,
unknown to many, Mumbai has some of the finest examples of original Art Deco edifices anywhere in the world. A visual feast for
the design enthusiast, on the South side of the city, entire clusters of art deco office blocks, apartment buildings, hotels and
cinemas still remain standing in their timeless elegance, albeit in need of quite a few licks of paint.
+ info:
Scottish Building Traditions - Words, Practices and Customs Associated with Traditional Scottish
Buildings - United Kingdom
Before tarmac became almost ubiquitous in the forming of Scottish streets there were various materials,
tools and practices associated with traditional street masonry. Cobbles were often referred to as
“cassies” or “causseys”. This should not be confused with a “sett” which was generally rectangular as
opposed to a cassie which was rounder or irregular in shape. The mason responsible for making these
cobblestones was known as a “cacier”. When cobbles or setts were being cut to shape the thin offcuts
which were produced were known as “cornisers” which were sometimes set vertically in the ground to form a surface which would be less
slippery for horses to travel on. This was also known as “horonising”.
+ info:
IHBC welcomes NHTG-led ‘hands on’ heritage skills training: for free! United Kingdom
A free course offering hands on training in traditional skills is being offered though the National Heritage Training Group (NHTG), covering the
repair and maintenance of pre-1919 buildings.
+ info:
Just So Stories on architecture’s origins
During the construction of a corniche road near Nice, in France, in the later 20th Century, a site was uncovered which
appeared, from its marks and scrapings on the ground, to indicate a very ancient hand at work. From the positioning and
relationship of stones and fragmentary traces which suggested man-made shapes, archaeologists reconstructed ‘the
earliest known buildings in the archaeological record,’ and named the place Terra Amata.
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:15]
Patrimonio construido
Job Offer - HRBA updates - St James, Liverpool - seeking an architectural consultant
St James, Liverpool, grade 2* listed had been closed for 30 years. In May 2010 St James was officially handed over
from The Churches Conservation Trust to Liverpool Diocese.
The vision of the St James ‘Heritage & Hope’ project is to transform a derelict Grade II* listed Church building into a
welcoming and usable space, for the benefit of the local community. It is to inspire people to re-discover the hidden
heritage held within St James, to celebrate its history, diversity and character, to benefit from its rich cultural
heritage, bringing hope to a new generation.
A stage one bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was submitted on the 14th February 2014. They are now seeking to appoint an Architectural
Consultant for the restoration of a Grade II Church building and a new linked Heritage Centre estimated build cost £2.5m.
+ info:
Programa de Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio 2015-2016
Este programa académico corresponde a una necesidad regional y nacional de desarrollar y profundizar el estudio y
la valorización del Patrimonio Cultural. Este programa está dirigido a licenciados y/o a profesionales de las áreas del
Arte, Arquitectura, Ciencias Sociales y a fines que quieran formarse en la investigación integrada de los campos del
arte y el patrimonio desde una perspectiva contemporánea y latinoamericana.
La integración de áreas de investigación, tales como: Artes Visuales, Historia, Antropología, Estética, Literatura,
Geografía, Arquitectura y Urbanismo tiene por finalidad permitir un campo de estudio donde lo tangible e intangible
del patrimonio cultural se analice en conjunto. Cierre de postulaciones hasta el 28 de noviembre de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier (Chile / Chile / Chili)
Lechner Ödön és Kiskunfélegyháza
12 marzo 2014
Kiskunfélegyháza. Hungría
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 abril - 04 abril 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizadores: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 abril - 13 abril 2014
Austin, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Society of Architectural Historians
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
First National Conference on Construction History
11 abril - 12 abril 2014
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Queen's College
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ago 2013
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 mayo - 09 mayo 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italia
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
International Scientific Committee Economics of Conservation
21 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Visby. Suecia
Organizadores: Christer Gustafsson
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
Taller de arquitectura y patrimonio "Fortificaciones y espacio publico"
03 junio - 11 julio 2014
Cartagena de Indias. Colombia
Organizadores: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 21 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Congreso Internacional Arquitectura, Educación y Sociedad
04 junio - 06 junio 2014
Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014[28/03/2014 12:21:15]
Patrimonio construido
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XV Universeum Meeting
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Hamburg. Bélgica
Organizadores: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Jornadas Internacionales de reflexión en patrimonio cultural 2014 "Tradición y contemporaneidad"
04 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizadores: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Historical Lab 5 "Consistency of inner and outer spaces in European Art Nouveau architecture"
05 septiembre 2014
Rīga. Letonia
Organizadores: Réseau Art Nouveau Network and the City of Rī ga in the framework of the project Art Nouveau & Ecology
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: ALLEAUME , Anne-lise. France
Defence Heritage 2014 - 2nd International Conference on Defence Sites Heritage and Future
17 septiembre - 19 septiembre 2014
Venice. Italia
Organizadores: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Arsenale Di Venezia Spa, Italy; University IUAV, Italy
Contacto: Belinda Lopez - [email protected]
+ info:
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 septiembre - 26 septiembre 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizadores: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
Terracruda e nanotecnologie. Tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilità
Curatore: Francesca Scalisi; Cesare Sposito
ISBN-13 9788854860445
Editore: Aracne - Collana: Esempi di architettura
Año: 2013
Già con il Programma di ricerca nazionale PRIN 2006, dall'Unità di Ricerca UR/1, che fa capo all'Università degli Studi di
Palermo, era stata affrontata la ricerca sui materiali compositi nanostrutturati, mirati al recupero e alla conservazione del
patrimonio architettonico. E con Alberto Sposito, co-ordinatore nazionale e responsabile di una unità di ricerca, erano l'unità chimico-fisica di
Palermo e l'unità che faceva capo all'università di Messina. Con i fondi assegnati da tale PRIN l'Unità di Palermo ha organizzato nel 2009 il I
Convegno Internazionale dal titolo "Nanotech for architecture: innovative technologies, techniques and nanostructured materials", i cui atti sono
stati pubblicati da Luciano Editore (2009). Inoltre, lo stesso anno e con gli stessi tipi sono state pubblicate le risultanze della ricerca con il
titolo "Nanotecnologie & nanomateriali per l'architettura".
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Landscape and historical urban settlement along Tordino river valley (Italy)
by Stefano Brusaporci
Año: 2013
The landscape expresses the values of the historicized territory, intersection of natural environment and human activity.
Landscape restoration is founded on the knowledge of heritage values. Therefore the study of the territorial settlement along
the river Tordino has a peculiar importance, with particular regard to watermills, because they are indicators of architectural,
historical and cultural istances.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:15]
Patrimonio Cultural
Patrimonio Cultural
The Church of the Meadows on the Loire - Val de Loire - France
Just five miles northwest of Saumur on the picturesque Loire River lies the small village of Chênehutte-les-Tuffeaux, part of
commune of Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault. Chênehutte was the site of a Gaulish oppidum and later an important Roman camp that
bivouacked half a legion, or around 3,000 men. The camp sat on a hill overlooking the Loire and guarded the road from Angers to
+ info:
The Carreau du Temple / studioMilou architecture -- 2014 - Paris - France
From the architect. The Carreau du Temple, a historic steel and glass market from 1868 located in the Marais
district of Paris, was reopened by the mayor of Paris on 20 February 2014. This building, with its
characteristically transparent architecture, is one of the few surviving structures from the nineteenth-century
tradition of metal framed architecture in Paris. It was listed on France’s heritage list in 1982, five years after the
demolition of the Paris Halles and its famous Baltard pavilions – a loss that is still bitterly regretted today.
+ info:
Vidéos en ligne du Réseau des Grands Sites de France ((RGSF)
La Chaine Youtube du Réseau des Grands Sites de France vous permet de retrouver toutes les vidéos du Réseau et des Grands Sites.
+ info:
Conservation Studies MSc -- University College London Qatar
This MSc is a two-year course that covers a wide range of materials, from objects (metals, glass, stone,
ceramics) to textiles and contemporary art, plus archaeological sites. Students will be trained in the theory
and principals of conservation and will be able to specialise in a material of their choice in the second year.
There is a regional focus to the course, as well as substantial practical placements at museums, sites and
cultural heritage organisations across the region, in order to give students the transferrable skills required
to assume a leading position as a conservator or within the cultural heritage sector.
+ info:
IHBC sponsors BEFS’ Inaugural Annual lecture: ‘Health’ - United Kingdom
To continue raising awareness of the positive health benefits of historic places, The Institute of Historic Building
Conservation (IHBC) has helped sponsor the Inaugural Annual Lecture of Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS),
which covered the topic of ‘Health and the Built Environment’, and was presented by Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer,
Sir Harry Burns.
+ info:
CORES - Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Course in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageUniversidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal
Interdisciplinary Course in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
+ info:
Former slave trade town seeks to become African art hub - Benin
Until last year, the few tourists who visited the small west African town of Ouidah were likely headed to the Gateway
of No Return, a massive monument to the area's bleak history as a slave trading hub. But the town may soon
become known for an attraction of an entirely different sort: the first sub-Saharan Africa museum dedicated
exclusively to contemporary African art. The Zinsou Museum, installed in an ornate 100-year-old villa, has attracted
13,000 visitors since its launch in November -- an impressive tally for an out-of-the-way town in the sparsely visited
nation of Benin. The reputation -- and monetary value -- of contemporary African art has steadily risen in recent
years. Curators and collectors from North America and Europe frequently fly in to artistic hubs like Lagos, Nigeria seeking new talent and new
work by established names…
+ info:
English Heritage – Historic Places Adviser- Deadline for Applications 16 March 2014
The Historic Places Team will support local communities (including through local authority
partners) in appreciating the significance of their local historic environment and its potential to deliver benefits for the
community by: promoting the effective use of the planning system at
strategic and local levels; building capacity; engaging
with communities to identify opportunities for enhancement; supporting networks; and championing historic places. It also[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
supports the HAR and Development Management teams.
+ info:
INTACH Centre for Conservation Training and Capacity Building-- New Dehli - India
The INTACH Centre for Conservation Training and Capacity Building is envisioned to be a centre of excellence for training
and capacity building in the conservation and management of cultural heritage in India. The Centre is being set up to
strengthen the implementation of the mission and objectives of INTACH across the sub-continent and expand in the wider
international context. It will run programmes for training and capacity building in all aspects of heritage conservation and
+ info:
2014 Call for proposals of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC) is now open - Deadline: 30 May
Are you an artist or creator? An NGO or a non-profit private or public body, whose activities contribute to the promotion of culture and artistic
creation? If your project is compliant with the criteria indicated in the Operational Guidelines of the International Fund for the Promotion of
Culture (IFPC), you can submit your project application and be considered in order to benefit from the financial support of the Fund.
+ info:
The HERITAGE PLUS Joint Call is now open! Deadline 28 April 2014
The Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage and Global Change is pleased
to announce a new funding opportunity for transnational proposals in the area of
cultural heritage.
This Heritage Plus call is designed to generate new, research-based knowledge to
promote the sustainable use and management of cultural heritage and so to meet
societal challenges and contribute to the development on the society. The call aims
to fund excellent collaborative, transnational, interdisciplinary, innovative R&D projects focussed mainly on tangible cultural heritage research,
while not excluding the interlinked aspects of intangible and digital heritage.
+ info:
Competition - LAN Chosen to Revamp Paris’ Grand Palais - Paris (France)
After a nine-month long competition, LAN Architecture has been commissioned to restructure and extend the historic Grand
Palais in Paris. With the intent to “restore the building’s original coherence and sense of transparency,” LAN plans to revamp the
1900 World’s Fair building by resorting its unity and circulation, as well as the volume of its galleries around the Grand Nave and
the addition of a new entrance court…
+ info:
Documentary on Cultural Heritage in Bangladesh
‘Meghdubi’ is a Documentary film on Folklife and Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh. It focuses on the diversified
traditional culture, rituals & folklife. Folklife is depicted with all genres of folk elements that contain the works of
farmers, artisans, weavers, craftsmen, potters, blacksmiths, folk singers and others, who are still maintaining
and preserving the diversified folk traditions of Bangladesh. Game is an amusing event in rural life. Some of the
indigenous games are also focused in the documentary. A symbolic story of folklife is narrated in the form of
poems and songs along with English subtitle. Peace and harmony in village life irrespective of casts and
religions, gender balance, dignity of girls and women, recognition of their works in the society--.are specially highlighted in the documentary.
+ info:
Heritage at Risk in Wales - United Kingdom
For many years Cadw has funded local planning authorities across Wales to survey their stock of listed buildings and to prepare
a register indicating which of these buildings — of all grades — are at risk. A grant covering eighty per cent of the cost of the
survey by an outside provider is offered, provided that the survey records a minimum of information according to a template
designed by Cadw. As a result, as of October 2009, all authorities bar one have a Buildings at Risk Register.
+ info:
Call for proposal for a 3-day mission on Art Nouveau - Deadline: 13 June 2014
The Monuments and Sites Directorate of the Brussels-Capitale Region, project leader of the “Art Nouveau & Ecology” project, supported by the
Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Commission and organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network, proposes to financially support
a scientific or technical mission of three days, in Belgium or in another country of the European Union, as long as the mission will be performed
before the end of March 2015 and it will provide a new element to our knowledge of the Art Nouveau of Brussels.
The proposals (to be developed on max. two A4 pages) must be sent by post to the following address, before 13 June 2014:
Conde-Reis Guy
Direction des Monuments et des Sites
CCN • Rue du Progrès, 80 bte 1 • 1030 Bruxelles
[email protected]
Only one proposal will be selected. The Monuments and Sites Directorate will cover the (capped) travel and accommodation expenses as well
as a fixed per-diem.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Alleaume, Anne-lise (Francia / France / France)
SURVEY - “Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe” Project: Towards a European Index for
Valuing Cultural Heritage
The “Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe” project aims to present persuasive arguments for
convincing policy- and decision-makers of the impact and multiple benefits of investing in
European cultural heritage. In order to achieve this goal, a broad mapping procedure has been
implemented beginning in February 2014 to collect evidence-based research conducted in the
European Union Member States on the social, economic, cultural and environmental impact of
immovable cultural heritage.[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
The project’s final report will be based on the identified fields of heritage’s impact, accompanied by case studies. The report, to be published in
June 2015, will also include policy recommendations and suggestions for further research needs that will have been developed by the research
teams and the Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe
Steering Committee.
+ info:
Musei, storytelling e avventure social: CHESS ( Cultural Heritage Experience) Experience
CHESS è un acronimo per Cultural Heritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions and
Storytelling. Un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea per rendere interattiva, tecnologica e
coinvolgente la fruizione dei beni culturali, la visita ad un museo.
Negli ultimi anni abbiamo imparato a vedere i musei non più solo come barbosi contenitori di opere d’arte,
meravigliosi, ma pur sempre barbosi. Grazie anche a cinema e televisione, l’immagine dei musei è stata
connessa all’avventura, alla magia, al divertimento e all’interazione…
+ info:
Shadows of Grandeur
This post is based on an exchange with Trish Worth on our post “The Capitals of Conques” last week. She wonders what the
original builders would think with the current unpainted versions of their masterpieces. “We find them beautiful, but they probably
wouldn’t. But then some of your commenters have said they don’t like the colours. Yet, if we could see all these sculptures in
their bright colours, we probably wouldn’t use the term ‘dark ages’ any more.”
+ info:
Miami of India: The Forgotten Capital of Art Deco - Mumbai - Inda
While visitors to the Indian capital of entertainment and commerce generally flock to the city’s tourist and world heritage sites,
unknown to many, Mumbai has some of the finest examples of original Art Deco edifices anywhere in the world. A visual feast for
the design enthusiast, on the South side of the city, entire clusters of art deco office blocks, apartment buildings, hotels and
cinemas still remain standing in their timeless elegance, albeit in need of quite a few licks of paint.
+ info:
European Commission - Research and Innovation - Research Areas - Cultural Heritage
Europe has significant cultural diversity together with exceptional ancient architecture, built environment and artefact
collections which attract millions of tourists every year to its historical cities and sites, museums, libraries, etc..
However, despite this richness, we have failed in our duty to take sufficient care of historical physical artefacts – both
indoors and outdoors. In particular, environmental change – further complicated by the increasing influence of climate
change – presents one significant threat to the sustainability of Europe’s cultural heritage.
+ info:
A Collection of Striking Soviet Bus Stop Designs
Over a decade ago on a cycling trip across Europe, photographer Christopher Herwig stumbled upon a curious
phenomenon that would become his obsession for years: bus stops. Curiously for a regime usually associated – both
architecturally and otherwise – with uniformity and with sameness, the bus stops built by the Soviet Republic display
remarkable diversity and creativity. Herwig made it his mission to photograph as many of these remarkable structures
as possible, travelling through Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia; Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
and Kazakhstan; Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and Abkhazia.
+ info:
Kew Palace and the Royal Kitchens - Kew Royal Gardens (United Kingdom)
Kew Palace has a rich history spanning nearly 400 years – from its modest beginnings as the home to a rich Flemish merchant, through to the
arrival of the royal family and the ‘madness' of King George III. Step inside and explore this intimate and beautiful royal retreat.
The first royal residents were George II, his wife Queen Caroline and their ever-growing family. However, Kew Palace will always be associated
with the ‘madness’ of George III. The palace was purchased by the Georgian King as an annex to the White House (which sadly no longer
stands) to accommodate his expanding family, and somewhere for George III to be shut away during his infamous episodes of ‘madness’. Come
and decide for yourself if the King really was mad…
+ info:
Saving Cultural Heritage, One Tweet at a Time
More often than not, papers are geared towards other academics, which is a necessary and critical practice to advance research
and gain awareness. However, when it concerns looting, smuggling, and trading illicit antiquities, there is an audience that
needs even more attention — the general public.
+ info:
IHBC welcomes Scotland’s HE Strategy & Bill publication- United Kingdom
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation, the UK’s professional body for built and historic environment conservations specialists, has
welcomed the launch of Scotland’s Historic Environment Strategy (HES), ‘Our place in Time – Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland’,
alongside the Historic Environment Scotland Bill.
+ info:
La Etiqueta del patrimonio europeo
La Etiqueta del patrimonio europeo es una iniciativa intergubernamental iniciada en 2006 por distintos Estados europeos.
Su objetivo es «reforzar el sentimiento de adhesión de los ciudadanos europeos a una identidad europea común y favorecer
el sentimiento de pertenencia a un
espacio cultural común». Para recibir esa Etiqueta, los parajes patrimoniales deben
resaltar su dimensión europea, y en su entrada debe colocarse una placa en la que figure el logotipo de la Etiqueta.
+ info:
Scottish Building Traditions - Words, Practices and Customs Associated with Traditional Scottish
Buildings - United Kingdom
Before tarmac became almost ubiquitous in the forming of Scottish streets there were various materials,
tools and practices associated with traditional street masonry. Cobbles were often referred to as
“cassies” or “causseys”. This should not be confused with a “sett” which was generally rectangular as
opposed to a cassie which was rounder or irregular in shape. The mason responsible for making these
cobblestones was known as a “cacier”. When cobbles or setts were being cut to shape the thin offcuts
which were produced were known as “cornisers” which were sometimes set vertically in the ground to form a surface which would be less[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
slippery for horses to travel on. This was also known as “horonising”.
+ info:
IHBC welcomes NHTG-led ‘hands on’ heritage skills training: for free! United Kingdom
A free course offering hands on training in traditional skills is being offered though the National Heritage Training Group (NHTG), covering the
repair and maintenance of pre-1919 buildings.
+ info:
The Wilkins House will be demolished unless you act fast - Greenville - South Carolina - USA
The Wilkins Mansion is a significant example of the Italianate Villa architecture and one of
the few, if not only, surviving examples in Greenville and Upstate SC . The symmetrical façade with its central tower
and paired round arch windows, quoins, and elaborate eave
brackets are hallmarks of designs promoted by designers like Asher Benjamin and Samuel
Sloan. The Wilkins Mansion retains a high degree of its historic integrity even after decades of commercial use and
should be restored to the showplace it once was.
+ info:
Job Offer - HRBA updates - St James, Liverpool - seeking an architectural consultant
St James, Liverpool, grade 2* listed had been closed for 30 years. In May 2010 St James was officially handed over
from The Churches Conservation Trust to Liverpool Diocese.
The vision of the St James ‘Heritage & Hope’ project is to transform a derelict Grade II* listed Church building into a
welcoming and usable space, for the benefit of the local community. It is to inspire people to re-discover the hidden
heritage held within St James, to celebrate its history, diversity and character, to benefit from its rich cultural
heritage, bringing hope to a new generation.
A stage one bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was submitted on the 14th February 2014. They are now seeking to appoint an Architectural
Consultant for the restoration of a Grade II Church building and a new linked Heritage Centre estimated build cost £2.5m.
+ info:
The EUheritage TOUR
Cultural Heritage is widely recongnized as a vehicle for cultural identity. EUheritage Tour project aims to create a
transnational route to UNESCO cultural heritage sites across Europe, contributing to the differentiation of the European
tourism as well as to the promotion of shared cultural heritage, thus stimulating a greater sense of European identity.
+ info:
Boletín de información de la Fundación del Patrimonio n° 72 | 17/03/2014 (en francés)
La Fundación del Patrimonio tiene por objeto esencial salvaguardar y valorizar el patrimonio rural no protegido. Casas,
iglesias, puentes, lavaderos, molinos, patrimonio industrial, mobiliario y naturaleza… todos los tipos de patrimonio de
proximidad son admisibles a la acción de la Fundación. Al lado del Estado y principales actores del sector, ayuda a los
propietarios públicos y asociaciones a financiar sus proyectos, permite a los propietarios privados eximir de impuestos todo
o parte de sus trabajos, y moviliza el mecenazgo de empresa.
+ info:
Anuncio de los ganadores del premio UE de patrimonio Cultural / Premios EUROPA NOSTRA 2014 - Fecha límite para votar:
20 abril
La Comisión Europea y Europa Nostra anuncian hoy los ganadores del Premio Unión Europea de Patrimonio Cultural / Premios
Europa Nostra. Los veintisiete ganadores, seleccionados entre ciento sesenta proyectos nominados de treinta países, son
recompensados por sus logros en cuatro ámbitos: conservación; investigación; dedicación especial; educación, formación y
sensibilización. La ceremonia de entrega tendrá lugar el 5 de mayo en el Burgtheater de Viena, con el patrocinio de Heinz Fischer,
Presidente de Austria. Androulla Vassiliou, Comisaria Europea de Educación, Cultura, Multilingüismo y Juventud, y Plácido
Domingo, cantante de ópera y Presidente de Europa Nostra, presentarán conjuntamente los premios. Seis de los galardonados serán
proclamados ganadores del Gran Premio, dotado con 10 000 euros para cada
uno de ellos, y uno recibirá el Premio del Público, adjudicado
tras una encuesta en línea realizada por Europa Nostra. Además de celebrar la excelencia del trabajo sobre el patrimonio cultural, el Premio de
la UE tiene por objeto promover estándares de calidad en el ámbito de la conservación.
+ info:
Job Offers - English Heritage: Inspector Historic Buildings and Areas (United Kingdom) Closing date for applications: 1 April 2014
This is an opportunity for an Inspector of Historic Buildings and Areas to join our Development Management team based in Manchester. You will
deliver English Heritage advice in response to pre-application and formal consultations across the diverse and fascinating historic environment
of the North West. This is an opportunity to use your extensive knowledge of architectural history and apply it creatively using our ethos of
Constructive Conservation to help manage change to the most significant heritage assets in our region. You will be responsible for a heavy
workload of consultations and manage the performance and development of an Assistant Inspector while supporting the Heritage At Risk and
Historic Places teams deliver their objectives.
+ info:
Programa de Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio 2015-2016
Este programa académico corresponde a una necesidad regional y nacional de desarrollar y profundizar el estudio y
la valorización del Patrimonio Cultural. Este programa está dirigido a licenciados y/o a profesionales de las áreas del
Arte, Arquitectura, Ciencias Sociales y a fines que quieran formarse en la investigación integrada de los campos del
arte y el patrimonio desde una perspectiva contemporánea y latinoamericana.
La integración de áreas de investigación, tales como: Artes Visuales, Historia, Antropología, Estética, Literatura,
Geografía, Arquitectura y Urbanismo tiene por finalidad permitir un campo de estudio donde lo tangible e intangible
del patrimonio cultural se analice en conjunto. Cierre de postulaciones hasta el 28 de noviembre de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier (Chile / Chile / Chili)
18º Festival de la Imaginación[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
07 marzo - 01 junio 2014
Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Maison des Cultures du Monde
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Lechner Ödön és Kiskunfélegyháza
12 marzo 2014
Kiskunfélegyháza. Hungría
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
INFO DAY: Horizonte 2020 y Patrimonio Cultural: Investigación e Innovación
31 marzo 2014
Madrid. España
Organizadores: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España y Fundación Ars Civilis
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: López Sánchez, Mónica (España / Spain / Espagne)
Curso - Espacios del patrimonio natural y cultural argentino
07 abril - 28 abril 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Dictado por: Prof. Claudio Bertonatti y Prof. Carlos Fernández Balboa. Organizado por la Asociación Amigos del Museo
Nacional de Belllas Artes
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
First National Conference on Construction History
11 abril - 12 abril 2014
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Queen's College
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ago 2013
+ info:
15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar
26 abril 2014
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The Cambridge Heritage Research Group
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 abril - 30 abril 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malasia
Organizadores: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
II Congreso Internacional de Educación y Accesibilidad: Museos y Patrimonio "En y con todos los sentidos: hacia la integración social
en igualdad"
02 mayo - 04 mayo 2014
Huesca. España
Organizadores: Universidad de Zaragoza a través del Máster en Museos: Educación y Comunicación
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 mar 2014
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 mayo - 09 mayo 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italia
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
3rd ENCATC Academy on “Culture in External Relations: Focus on Asia”
06 mayo - 08 mayo 2014
Brussels. Bélgica
Organizadores: ENCATC European Network and Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Cogliandro, Giannalia (Bélgica / Belgium / Belgique)
International Congress - Authentification in Art
07 mayo - 09 mayo 2014
The Hague. Países Bajos
Organizadores: The Authentication in Art Foundation (AiA)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Curso online - Desarrollo y comercialización del Producto Turístico Cultural
Profesor: Luis Gustavo Patrucco
09 mayo - 20 junio 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host
10 mayo - 13 mayo 2014
Primošten. Croacia
Organizadores: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
13ª Sesión del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU
12 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Consejo Económico y Social de la ONU
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 mayo 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
International Scientific Committee Economics of Conservation
21 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Visby. Suecia
Organizadores: Christer Gustafsson
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
4th Annual Coordination Meeting of the Category 2 Institutes/ Centres
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2014
Shanghai. China
Organizadores: World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under auspices of UNESCO (WHITR-AP)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 mar 2014
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - YOCOCU 2014 "Los jóvenes en la conservación del patrimonio cultural"
28 mayo - 30 mayo 2014
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizadores: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 feb 2014
+ info:
Congreso Internacional Arquitectura, Educación y Sociedad
04 junio - 06 junio 2014
Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
2014 IHBC’s School: The Art of Conservation
05 junio - 07 junio 2014
Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC)
Contacto: Fiona Newton at: [email protected]
+ info:
Another IHBC School ‘Taster’: 2013 School Context online
05 junio - 07 junio 2014
Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Institut of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC)
Contacto: Joanna at [email protected]
+ info:!
Innovate Heritage Internacional Conference
06 junio - 08 junio 2014
Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: World Heritage Studies programme at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Cadar, Simona (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
06 junio - 18 julio 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso - Estado de situación y conservación del patrimonio (in situ y ex situ)[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
09 junio - 30 junio 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Dictado por: Prof. Claudio Bertonatti y Prof. Carlos Fernández Balboa. Organizado por la Asociación Amigos del Museo
Nacional de Belllas Artes
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XV Universeum Meeting
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Hamburg. Bélgica
Organizadores: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Summer school on the International Protection of Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Threats and Challenges
16 junio - 27 junio 2014
Geneva. Suiza
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair on the Law of Cultural Heritage Protection of the University of Geneva
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mainetti, Vittorio (Italia / Italy / Italie)
5º Congreso Europeo de Turismo Industrial “Identidad, Industria y Cultura”
17 junio - 20 junio 2014
Ferrol, A Coruña. España
Organizadores: Dirección General de Empresa e Industria de la Comisión Europea, la Diputación de A Coruña, CCI FRANCE (Asamblea de las
Cámaras de Comercio e Industria francesas) y la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Toledo
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
I Jornadas Latinoamericanas "Patrimonio e Inclusión"
17 junio - 19 junio 2014
Posadas, Misiones. Argentina
Organizadores: ICOMOS Argentina y UNaM Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Gayetzky de Kuna, Graciela Cecilia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
Profesora: Karina Durand
20 junio - 01 agosto 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 junio - 24 junio 2014
Canterbury. Nueva Zelandia
Organizadores: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Labadi, Sophia. France
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 junio - 08 julio 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Federación de Rusia
Organizadores: The European University at St Petersburg
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
II Curso Internacional de Verano “Turismo Urbano, Globalización y Patrimonio”
01 julio - 12 julio 2014
Bogotá y en Villa de Leyva. Colombia
Organizadores: Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia en asociación con la red RIGPAC
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 11 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Rutgers University (USA) Summer programme: CHAPS Abroad
Prague (Czech Republic) & Krakow (Poland )
05 julio - 10 julio 2014
Organizadores: Rutgers’ Program in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies in collaboration with the Dartmore Institute
Contacto: Dan Loughrey - [email protected][28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
+ info:
Heritage training course "Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places"
02 agosto - 09 agosto 2014
Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Blair, Sandy (Australia / Australia / Australie)
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 agosto - 23 agosto 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizadores: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Jornadas Internacionales de reflexión en patrimonio cultural 2014 "Tradición y contemporaneidad"
04 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizadores: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Historical Lab 5 "Consistency of inner and outer spaces in European Art Nouveau architecture"
05 septiembre 2014
Rīga. Letonia
Organizadores: Réseau Art Nouveau Network and the City of Rī ga in the framework of the project Art Nouveau & Ecology
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 mar 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: ALLEAUME , Anne-lise. France
Journées européennes du patrimoine 2014 "Patrimoine culturel, patrimoine naturel"
20 septiembre - 21 septiembre 2014
Organizadores: El Consejo de Europa
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Cultural HELP 2014 - ICORP Conference on Cultural Heritage and Loss Prevention
06 octubre - 07 octubre 2014
Porto. Portugal
Organizadores: ICOMOS ICORP. Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage. Ritsumeikan University
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Seminario "Experiencias del patrimonio mundial en África"
14 octubre - 16 octubre 2014
Rabat. Marruecos
Organizadores: African World Heritage Fund con el auspicio del Centro del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y la Dirección del Patrimonio
Cultural del Ministério de Cultura del Reino de Marruecos
Contacto: Karalyn Monteil - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Richon, Marielle (Francia / France / France)
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
XVIII Asamblea General de ICOMOS "Patrimonio y paisajes como valores humanos"
10 noviembre - 14 noviembre 2014
Florencia. Italia
Organizadores: ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 feb 2014
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
ARTICOLO 9 - La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica. Tutela il paesaggio e il
patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione
A cura di Alessia Bianco, Università di Reggio Calabria con un messaggio di Simonetta Valtieri
ISBN: 978-88-548-6804-5
Editore: Aracne
Año: 2013
L’Italia teme di essere un Paese tanto ricco di passato quanto povero di futuro. Questa collettanea, che tenta di raccogliere la
sfida che l’assunto di cui sopra ci pone, vuole proporre, attraverso uno spaccato necessariamente parzialissimo e decisamente variegato, il
lavoro di chi si occupa di ricerca scientifica e patrimonio storico artistico in Calabria, ossia nella parte d’Italia e quindi d’Europa tra le più
depresse, in termini economici, e più sottosviluppate, in termini di progresso. Operare in questi contesti, magari anche da lontano, come fanno
alcuni degli Autori, dà il vantaggio di imparare a esercitare e alimentare un ottimismo e una resilienza senza cui il superamento dell’assunto
iniziale non può nemmeno tentarsi. Chi proviene da questi contesti o vi opera è consapevole che necessità deve tradursi in capacità; tocca
insistere, resistere. Questo lavoro, articolato in quattro aree tematiche – quella delle idee (macro), quella dei processi (meso), quella delle
pratiche (micro) e quella dei fenomeni (nano) – vuole pertanto ambire a essere esplicitazione di questa capacità, attuandosi nei modi
probabilmente insufficienti di un libro ma che sono propri di chi quotidianamente vive la promozione della ricerca scientifica e la tutela del
patrimonio storico e artistico come un’urgenza di civiltà.
+ info:
Terracruda e nanotecnologie. Tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilità
Curatore: Francesca Scalisi; Cesare Sposito
ISBN-13 9788854860445
Editore: Aracne - Collana: Esempi di architettura
Año: 2013
Già con il Programma di ricerca nazionale PRIN 2006, dall'Unità di Ricerca UR/1, che fa capo all'Università degli Studi di
Palermo, era stata affrontata la ricerca sui materiali compositi nanostrutturati, mirati al recupero e alla conservazione del
patrimonio architettonico. E con Alberto Sposito, co-ordinatore nazionale e responsabile di una unità di ricerca, erano l'unità chimico-fisica di
Palermo e l'unità che faceva capo all'università di Messina. Con i fondi assegnati da tale PRIN l'Unità di Palermo ha organizzato nel 2009 il I
Convegno Internazionale dal titolo "Nanotech for architecture: innovative technologies, techniques and nanostructured materials", i cui atti sono
stati pubblicati da Luciano Editore (2009). Inoltre, lo stesso anno e con gli stessi tipi sono state pubblicate le risultanze della ricerca con il
titolo "Nanotecnologie & nanomateriali per l'architettura".
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Informe de Actividades 2012-2013 Oficina de la UNESCO en La Habana (Cuba)
Año: 2014
Resúmen de las actividades desarrolladas a lo largo de 2012-2013 por esta Oficina Regional de la UNESCO.
Las actividades referidas a CULTURA comienzan en la pagina 30 y específicamente aquellas sobre Patrimonio Mundial pueden
ver las páginas números 31 a 36
+ info:
YAMU - Revista de Desarrollo Sostenible Vol 2 - 2014
Oficina Universitaria de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Extremadura (OUMA) y su Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo
Sostenible (CUDSUEx)
ISSN: 2255-4661
Año: 2014
YAMU es una revista multidisciplinaria para la publicación y discusión de los problemas ambientales y ecológicos y el
desarrollo de políticas para la gestión ambiental en el marco de un crecimiento sostenible.
Su objetivo principal es impulsar la reflexión y diálogo sobre temas relacionados con el desarrollo sostenible, el medio ambiente y la
singularidad cultural en el ámbito científico y social.
+ info:
Revista digital del Sistema Nacional de Museos de Venezuela
ISSN: 224-8535
Instituto de las Artes de la Imagen y el Espacio
Año: 2014 es una revista digital especializada en Museología, editada por el Sistema Nacional de Museos de Venezuela. La
revista es un espacio virtual de encuentro para los profesionales que laboran en el área museística venezolana.
Su objetivo fundamental es difundir las experiencias que surgen de la dinámica del museo y los procesos que constituyen su
razón de ser: conservar, investigar, comunicar y exhibir el patrimonio cultural y natural de la nación.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: García Vicente, José Javier (España / Spain / Espagne)
Revista Hereditas 19/20 (2013)
HEREDITAS • Tercera Época
Francisco Javier López Morales, Director
Año: 2013
El contenido del presente número de Hereditas, recoge una multiplicidad de visiones y revisiones del patrimonio cultural
material e inmaterial, como una voluntad de ofrecer al lector el amplio panorama y espectro en el cual hoy estamos inmersos:
desde la evaluación arqueológica y ecológica de un paisaje cultural como Las Cuevas Prehistóricas de Yagul y Mitla en los valles centrales del
estado mexicano de Oaxaca, hasta las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas para la difusión del patrimonio cultural.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Entre nature universelle et cultures locales : comment gérer les sites naturels et habités inscrits au patrimoine
mondial de l’UNESCO ? Clermont-Ferrand - FRANCE - 11-13 septembre 2013
Actes Numériques du colloque / Digital copies from the conference[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
Held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to the 13th of September 2013 on the
initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puy-de-
Año: 2013
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an 'outside' which is either
neglected or heavily impacted by human activity. As a result of heightened attention nationally and internationally, nominated sites often see an
increase in tourist traffic, and they are also sometimes subject to multiple pressures likely to raise questions on the sustainability of the shared
Another consequence of inscription, less often discussed, involves natural, inhabited sites. The outstanding universal value of these areas
results from characteristics (biological, geological or landscape) which appear to be natural in visitors' eyes. But in fact this exceptional quality
originates partly from the practices of the inhabitants, even if the influences are difficult for the general public to discern. Thus there is a real
challenge to be faced in terms of balancing the globally-established conservation objectives with the interests and needs of the local
population, who are really the true preservers of the heritage. This was the reason for us wanting to organise the MINaH conference (Managing
Inhabited Natural Heritage).
+ info:
Artículo - 1963-2013. 50 años del Instituto de las Investigaciones Estéticas hoy Instituto Carlos Avelaes Camacho para el
patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano de Bogotá
Por Olimpia Niglio
Año: 2014
El Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho para el Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbano, ICAC, es una unidad académica adscrita a la
Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, que propende por la conservación del patrimonio
cultural colombiano; contribuye al logro de la misión Javeriana por medio de la investigación, la generación y transmisión de
conocimientos, así como de la gestión y desarrollo de proyectos integrales en el manejo del patrimonio cultural, especialmente en el ámbito de
lo arquitectónico, urbanístico y paisajístico.
+ info:
Landscape and historical urban settlement along Tordino river valley (Italy)
by Stefano Brusaporci
Año: 2013
The landscape expresses the values of the historicized territory, intersection of natural environment and human activity.
Landscape restoration is founded on the knowledge of heritage values. Therefore the study of the territorial settlement along
the river Tordino has a peculiar importance, with particular regard to watermills, because they are indicators of architectural,
historical and cultural istances.
+ info:
Proceedings of the MINaH colloquium
Año: 2013
This international conference was held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to
the 13th of September 2013 on the initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puyde-Dôme.
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an
'outside' which is either neglected or heavily impacted by human activity.
+ info:
Revue PATRIMÒNI n°49
Año: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
Conclusiones del Encuentro Internacional Convenciones UNESCO: Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica
Editores: Francisco Javier López Morales y Francisco Vidargas
© Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
ISBN: 978-607-484-460-3
Año: 2013
Estas son las conclusiones al congreso celebrado del 22 al 25 de octubre, 2013 en la Ciudad Universitaria del Instituto Nacional
de Antropología e Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México que ha permitido compartir una serie de
experiencias que en el ámbito de las convenciones culturales de la UNESCO y a nivel Iberoamericano, se han venido
desarrollando, en los que el Patrimonio Cultural, Natural, Inmaterial y Subacuático, así
como la Diversidad Cultural, han adquirido un lugar estratégico como fuerza motriz en
el proceso de desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades, así como en la cultura de la
protección patrimonial.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Le patrimoine tunisien au péril du sectarisme[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural
by Marc-Antonio Barblan
Tunisian online newspaper KAPITALIS
Año: 2013
A propos de la candidature de l’île de Djerba au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO
"Competing for an inscription on the World Heritage List implies that one abides by basic material and conceptual requirements.
Definitely, heritage and sectarianism are incompatible."
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:22]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Australian Army Museum Tasmania
The Military Museum of Tasmania is situated within Anglesea Barracks, Davey Street, Hobart. This Barracks precinct is
recognized as one of Australia’s most significant historical military precincts and its appearance today is much as it
was when the first buildings were constructed
in 1814.
The Museum is located in the Military Gaol which was built in 1847. This building is little changed from when it was fist
built even though over the years it has also been used as a Girls Reformatory, a married quarter, a store and offices.
Volunteers operate the Museum. Displays interpret the colonial period when the British Army occupied the site and the
various conflicts Tasmanian service men and women have been involved in from 1899 to the current operational deployments.
+ info:
Daoíz y Velarde Cultural Center / Rafael De La-Hoz - 2013 - Madrid - Spain
From the architect. As part of the Daoiz y Verlarde complex of former barracks the objective is to preserve the
architecture; a representative sample of Madrid’s industrial and military heritage.
+ info:
Club of Military History Beskydy Humenne- Slovak Republic
Club of Military History Beskydy Humenne was established 08. 04. 2004 by registration in the Home Office of Slovak Republic.
It's major goal was, already in the begining, to monitor and then reconstruct military cemeteries from World War 1 which are
located in the are of north-
eastern Slovakia. This goal was encouraged by two main reasons: first of all, condition of majority
of these cemeteries was more than terrible and without any interference, most of them would be forgotten forever. Secondly,
there was almost no information available about this cultural and historical heritage of our country…
+ info:
Job Offers - The War Memorials Trust - two new Conservation Officer posts. Deadline: 24 March
War Memorials Trust is recruiting two new Conservation Officers with initiative, enthusiasm and experience to join its Conservation Team which
delivers and develops the Trust’s conservation, advisory and grant-making activities. A part-time Listing post will support the designation of war
memorials and a full-time post will manage the War Memorials Online website and its associated casework. The full-time post will be London
based with the part-time Listing position based either in London or remotely…
+ info:
Seminario - De la torre vigía al refugio antiaéreo. La gestión de la Arquitectura defensiva en los proyectos de Intervención
06 marzo - 08 marzo 2014
Valencia. España
Organizadores: Master en Conservación del Patrimonio de la Universitat Politècnica de València
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Tormo Esteve, Santiago (España / Spain / Espagne)
15th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar
26 abril 2014
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The Cambridge Heritage Research Group
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 junio - 08 julio 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Federación de Rusia
Organizadores: The European University at St Petersburg
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:
Defence Heritage 2014 - 2nd International Conference on Defence Sites Heritage and Future
17 septiembre - 19 septiembre 2014
Venice. Italia[28/03/2014 12:21:25]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Organizadores: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Arsenale Di Venezia Spa, Italy; University IUAV, Italy
Contacto: Belinda Lopez - [email protected]
+ info:
Regeneration through Heritage: Understanding the development potential of Historic European Arsenals
Edited by Mark Stevenson (SHARP co-ordinator)
United Kingdom: English Heritage
ISBN 978 1 905624 57 7
Año: 2007
This report sets out clearly how the SHARP process has enabled each of the partners to exchange knowledge and ideas;
generate greater awareness and interest within their local communities; and highlight the collective importance of these features
of our European heritage. In addition, the SHARP project has set out a solid way forward for the regeneration of large complex sites, which can
be translated to other historic places across Europe. This report recognises that understanding and managing sensitively our heritage as
manifested in its buildings, spaces and stories is an essential component of achieving a sustainable future which can be enjoyed by generations
to come.
+ info:
Châteaux et forteresse de France : la fortification des origines à nos jours
Yves Barde
Paris, France : Citédis Editions, 192 p.
ISBN 978-2911920356
Año: 2014
Très complet et abondamment illustré, ce livre de 192 pages offre au lecteur un voyage à travers la France et les époques
destiné à faire découvrir la richesse d’une architecture et d’un patrimoine militaires dont notre pays est un conservatoire. De fait,
Châteaux et forteresse de France : la fortification des origines à nos jours constitue, comme le dit Alain Montferrand, président de l’association
Vauban, « une excellente introduction à la fortification en même temps qu’un guide précieux ».
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:25]
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Hungary ratifies the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage
On 21 March 2014, the Permanent Delegation of Hungary to UNESCO, in the person of the Ambassador H. E. Mrs
Katalin Bogyay, submitted the instruments of ratification of the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater
Cultural Heritage to the UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova. In accordance with the Convention, the international
treaty shall enter into force in the territories of Hungary in three months.
+ info:
Sharks' Underwater World Revealed by New Camera Footage [VIDEO]
In an attempt to learn more about the behaviors of sharks, researchers from the University of Hawaii and
University of Tokyo outfitted a variety of sharks with cameras and sensors to learn more about how the
predatory fishes spend their time.
The equipment offers a "sharks-eye view" into a little understood world, with video providing a rare glimpse at
what sharks see, and an array of sophisticated sensors measuring where sharks are going and how they are
getting there.
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Congreso Mundial de Parques “Los Parques, la gente y el planeta: soluciones inspiradoras”
12 noviembre - 19 noviembre 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizadores: UICN - Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 jun 2014
+ info:
Informe de Actividades 2012-2013 Oficina de la UNESCO en La Habana (Cuba)
Año: 2014
Resúmen de las actividades desarrolladas a lo largo de 2012-2013 por esta Oficina Regional de la UNESCO.
Las actividades referidas a CULTURA comienzan en la pagina 30 y específicamente aquellas sobre Patrimonio Mundial pueden
ver las páginas números 31 a 36
+ info:
Conclusiones del Encuentro Internacional Convenciones UNESCO: Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica
Editores: Francisco Javier López Morales y Francisco Vidargas
© Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
ISBN: 978-607-484-460-3
Año: 2013
Estas son las conclusiones al congreso celebrado del 22 al 25 de octubre, 2013 en la Ciudad Universitaria del Instituto Nacional
de Antropología e Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México que ha permitido compartir una serie de
experiencias que en el ámbito de las convenciones culturales de la UNESCO y a nivel Iberoamericano, se han venido
desarrollando, en los que el Patrimonio Cultural, Natural, Inmaterial y Subacuático, así
como la Diversidad Cultural, han adquirido un lugar estratégico como fuerza motriz en
el proceso de desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades, así como en la cultura de la
protección patrimonial.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)[28/03/2014 12:21:26]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Exposition virtuelle sur Gustave Doré - Bibliothèque nationale de France
Cette exposition est réalisée par le musée d'Orsay et le musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa, en partenariat
avec la Bibliothèque nationale de France.
+ info:
Hippolyte Arnoux y sus fotos del Canal de Suez - Egipto
DOCUMENTAR, este es el reto que asumió el fotógrafo de origen francés Hippolyte Arnoux desde su estudio en la
plaza de Ferdinand de Lesseps en Port-Said (Egipto), en aquellos años entre 1860 y 1870 en los que el mismo
Lesseps dirigió las obras de construcción del Canal de Suez.
+ info:
A Collection of Striking Soviet Bus Stop Designs
Over a decade ago on a cycling trip across Europe, photographer Christopher Herwig
stumbled upon a curious phenomenon that would become his obsession for years: bus stops.
Curiously for a regime usually associated – both architecturally and otherwise – with
uniformity and with sameness, the bus stops built by the Soviet Republic display remarkable
diversity and creativity. Herwig made it his mission to photograph as many of these
remarkable structures as possible, travelling through Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia;
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan; Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and Abkhazia.
+ info:
University of Sydney photographic exhibition traces Pacific history
01 marzo - 01 noviembre 2014
Sydney, New South Wales. Australia
Organizadores: The University of Sydney
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exposition - Été 1914. Les derniers jours de l’ancien monde
25 marzo - 03 agosto 2014
Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Bibliothèque national de France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XV Universeum Meeting
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Hamburg. Bélgica
Organizadores: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
80º Congreso internacional de IFLA "Bibliotecas, Ciudadanía, Sociedad, una confluencia de conocimientos"
16 agosto - 22 agosto 2014
Lyon. Francia
Organizadores: Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios (IFLA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
10th Islamic Manuscript Conference
31 agosto - 02 septiembre 2014
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 11 nov 2013
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"[28/03/2014 12:21:27]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Plan de seguridad en bibliotecas: la protección del patrimonio documental
Por Juan José Prieto Gutiérrez, Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Doctor en Biblioteconomía y Ciencias de la
ISBN. 978-84-9704-696-1
Año: 2013
El creciente goteo de desafortunados acontecimientos, muchas veces intencionados, sobre determinados fondos documentales
generan destrucciones y desaparecidos del patrimonio, a veces único e irreparable.
La lectura del libro ofrece alternativas y soluciones a estos sucesos
a través de la implementación de programas adaptados a las necesidades
de cada institución. Para ello, se presenta un plan modelo de seguridad que las instituciones deben comprometerse a poner en práctica.
Dichos planes se pueden ajustar y utilizar por otras instituciones culturales, tales como archivos, museos y centros de documentación.
La monografía se divide en cinco capítulos: i. Elementos que hay que proteger. ii. Sistemas generales de seguridad. iii. La protección del
patrimonio bibliográfico. iv. Plan de seguridad documental. v. Seguridad de los documentos electrónicos.
El prologuista de la obra, Arsenio Sánchez Hernampérez de Biblioteca Nacional de España, confirma la necesidad de proteger el patrimonio
documental , cada vez más efímera , frágil y querido.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Prieto Gutiérrez, Juan José (España / Spain / Espagne)
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:27]
Patrimonio Geológico
Patrimonio Geológico
Job Offer - Job Vacancy: Lecturer in Geoarchaeology. Deadline: 27 March
The UCL Institute of Archaeology is recognised as one of the leading academic departments of Archaeology not just in
the UK but globally. The Institute is the largest department in its field in the UK, with the largest graduate research
community, and the broadest range of coverage and offers a uniquely stimulating environment for the study of all fields of
archaeology, conservation and cultural heritage.
The post-holder will carry out teaching at BA/BSc level, at MSc level, especially as part of the MSc in Environmental
Archaeology, supervise or co-supervise MPhil/PhD students on geoarchaeological topics, organise student field trips, and
oversee the use of the Institute's sedimentology laboratory for research and teaching…
+ info:
Postgraduate Scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian Students in UK - Deadline: 31 July 2014
The Science Faculty is delighted to offer a number of scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian students. The scholarships
will be in the form of 20% fee reduction from any tuition fee but please note, it cannot be taken in conjunction with any
other fee reduction or bursary offered by the University. The scholarship is a one-off award towards a one year Masters
fees and is non-renewable and only valid for study on the courses.
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
24e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre
27 octubre - 31 octubre 2014
Pau. Francia
Organizadores: L’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, sous l’égide de la Société de la Société Géologique de France
Contacto: Charles Aubourg - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 3 abr 2013
+ info:
Revue PATRIMÒNI n°49
Año: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
Harmonization of World Heritage Tentative Lists in North and East Africa, Proceedings of Twin Workshops, Cairo (Egypt)
March and May 2010
Editor: Prof. Samir Ghabbour[28/03/2014 12:21:28]
Patrimonio Geológico
Publisher: Egyptian National UNESCO Commission, Ministry of Higher Education
Año: 2013
In the words of Mr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the African World Heritage Fund, these twin workshops organized by the Egyptian
UNESCO Commission, should provide an opportunity for African countries to participate in the nomination of more sites for
inclusion on the WH List and to improve chances of success of nomination files of these sites and strengthen the efforts of heritage
conservation and good management. They stress the necessity of activating the role of civil society in conservation programmes and awareness
raising. They also stress the great importance of heritage management in the support of sustainable development and the eradication of
poverty. Furthermore he pointed out that the world heritage status could greatly contribute in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The
vision and mission are in identifying
heritage sites that must be placed on the WH List. The key obligations are:
1. Complete and even add to the work of the World Heritage Committee.
2. Develop a workplan period of ten years to ensure capacity building in African heritage.
3. Strategic planning for the next three years focusing on the preliminary support for conservation and management of sites and for the process
of rehabilitation of these sites.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Reports of proceedings of a Conference (28 Nov 2013) and a Workshop (21 Dec 2013) held in Cairo on the Future of African World
Institute of African Research & Studies (IARS)
Cairo University
Año: 2013
These two events are part of the World Futures Learning Lab (LEALA) project which is part of the WFSF application for UNESCO Participation
Project 2012-2013 funding. This tri-regional project (Malaysia, Congo and Egypt), aims to develop and deliver blended (live and on-line)
courses in world futures thinking and practice, focusing especially on the needs of youth, Africa and other developing countries. The Egyptian
event coincided with the launch of the new Professional Master Programme at IARS on the Management of African World Heritage…
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Samir, Ghabbour (Egipto / Egypt / Egypte)
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:28]
Patrimonio Intangible
Patrimonio Intangible
The magic of Carrasecare - Sardegna - Italy
From the 16th of January, when lots of fires are lit to celebrate S. Anthony of Egypt’s Day, the magic of Carnival begins, and
goes on until the Ash Wednesday. That mysterious Carnival, with mournful and dark wooden masks, belongs to Filonzana e
MerduleBarbagia, a central area of Sardinia, and is called Carrasecare.
+ info:
Documentary on Cultural Heritage in Bangladesh
‘Meghdubi’ is a Documentary film on Folklife and Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh. It focuses on the diversified
traditional culture, rituals & folklife. Folklife is depicted with all genres of folk elements that contain the works of
farmers, artisans, weavers, craftsmen, potters, blacksmiths, folk singers and others, who are still maintaining
and preserving the diversified folk traditions of Bangladesh. Game is an amusing event in rural life. Some of the
indigenous games are also focused in the documentary. A symbolic story of folklife is narrated in the form of
poems and songs along with English subtitle. Peace and harmony in village life irrespective of casts and
religions, gender balance, dignity of girls and women, recognition of their works in the society--.are specially highlighted in the documentary.
+ info:
Programa de Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio 2015-2016
Este programa académico corresponde a una necesidad regional y nacional de desarrollar y profundizar el estudio y
la valorización del Patrimonio Cultural. Este programa está dirigido a licenciados y/o a profesionales de las áreas del
Arte, Arquitectura, Ciencias Sociales y a fines que quieran formarse en la investigación integrada de los campos del
arte y el patrimonio desde una perspectiva contemporánea y latinoamericana.
La integración de áreas de investigación, tales como: Artes Visuales, Historia, Antropología, Estética, Literatura,
Geografía, Arquitectura y Urbanismo tiene por finalidad permitir un campo de estudio donde lo tangible e intangible
del patrimonio cultural se analice en conjunto. Cierre de postulaciones hasta el 28 de noviembre de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier (Chile / Chile / Chili)
18º Festival de la Imaginación
07 marzo - 01 junio 2014
Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Maison des Cultures du Monde
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host
10 mayo - 13 mayo 2014
Primošten. Croacia
Organizadores: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
13ª Sesión del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU
12 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Consejo Económico y Social de la ONU
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Innovate Heritage Internacional Conference
06 junio - 08 junio 2014
Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: World Heritage Studies programme at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:30]
Patrimonio Intangible
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Cadar, Simona (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Summer school on the International Protection of Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Threats and Challenges
16 junio - 27 junio 2014
Geneva. Suiza
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair on the Law of Cultural Heritage Protection of the University of Geneva
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mainetti, Vittorio (Italia / Italy / Italie)
I Jornadas Latinoamericanas "Patrimonio e Inclusión"
17 junio - 19 junio 2014
Posadas, Misiones. Argentina
Organizadores: ICOMOS Argentina y UNaM Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Gayetzky de Kuna, Graciela Cecilia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
IV Seminario Internacional de Patrimonio Agroindustrial (SIPA)
02 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
San Miguel de Tucumán. Argentina
Organizadores: El Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Moreno, Daniela (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Jornadas Internacionales de reflexión en patrimonio cultural 2014 "Tradición y contemporaneidad"
04 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizadores: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 septiembre - 26 septiembre 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizadores: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Informe de Actividades 2012-2013 Oficina de la UNESCO en La Habana (Cuba)
Año: 2014
Resúmen de las actividades desarrolladas a lo largo de 2012-2013 por esta Oficina Regional de la UNESCO.
Las actividades referidas a CULTURA comienzan en la pagina 30 y específicamente aquellas sobre Patrimonio Mundial pueden
ver las páginas números 31 a 36
+ info:
Revista Hereditas 19/20 (2013)
HEREDITAS • Tercera Época
Francisco Javier López Morales, Director
Año: 2013
El contenido del presente número de Hereditas, recoge una multiplicidad de visiones y revisiones del patrimonio cultural
material e inmaterial, como una voluntad de ofrecer al lector el amplio panorama y espectro en el cual hoy estamos inmersos:
desde la evaluación arqueológica y ecológica de un paisaje cultural como Las Cuevas Prehistóricas de Yagul y Mitla en los valles centrales del
estado mexicano de Oaxaca, hasta las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas para la difusión del patrimonio cultural.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Revue PATRIMÒNI n°49[28/03/2014 12:21:30]
Patrimonio Intangible
Año: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
Conclusiones del Encuentro Internacional Convenciones UNESCO: Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica
Editores: Francisco Javier López Morales y Francisco Vidargas
© Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
ISBN: 978-607-484-460-3
Año: 2013
Estas son las conclusiones al congreso celebrado del 22 al 25 de octubre, 2013 en la Ciudad Universitaria del Instituto Nacional
de Antropología e Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México que ha permitido compartir una serie de
experiencias que en el ámbito de las convenciones culturales de la UNESCO y a nivel Iberoamericano, se han venido
desarrollando, en los que el Patrimonio Cultural, Natural, Inmaterial y Subacuático, así
como la Diversidad Cultural, han adquirido un lugar estratégico como fuerza motriz en
el proceso de desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades, así como en la cultura de la
protección patrimonial.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:30]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Sass Muss is a Dolomiti Contemporanee Project
Posted by: Simona Politini
Dolomiti Contemporanee is one of 40 projects selected by the CheFare2 competition: Culture Award, 100.000 €
Dolomiti Contemporanee: abandoned industrial building become great art and contemporary culture centers over
the Dolomites - part of the UNESCO heritage site.
+ info:
PPG Place / John Burgee Architects with Philip Johnson - Pittsburgh - USA
The design of PPG Place, by Philip Johnson and John Burgee, melds the notion of the modern corporate tower with a neo-gothic
monument. Clad in almost a million square feet of glass manufactured by the anchor tenant PPG industries, the architects
ingeniously rethought accepted practices in curtain wall design to create “the crown jewel in Pittsburgh’s skyline.” (1) The 1.57
million square foot complex was one in a series of high profile corporate projects completed during Johnson’s controversial foray
into postmodernism…
+ info:
Vandalismo causa daños irreparables en la Capilla de Ronchamp de Le Corbusier
El viernes pasado, una monja hizo un llamado avisando que la Capilla de Ronchamp de Le Corbusier, considerada
por muchos como una de las obras arquitectónicas fundamentales del siglo pasado, había sido objeto de
vandalismo. Cuando la policía llegó a la escena, se encontraron
con que el acceso había sido forzado, además de
un vitral roto y daños en el hormigón. Una evaluación inicial del departamento de monumentos históricos dice que el
vitral -que sería una ilustración original del arquitecto- ya no puede repararse, generando un daño invaluable y
dejando en evidencia el deterioro general del edificio…
+ info:
Three Finalists Announced for Moscow’s Ukraina Hotel Entryway Competition - Russian Federation
The Ukraina Hotel, with the support of the non-state educational institution Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and
Design, have announced the finalists for the Ukraina Hotel Entryway competition. Designs from ABD Architects
(Russia) in cooperation with Werner Sobek Moskwa (Russia), TPO Lesosplav (Russia) in cooperation with Malishev
Wilson Engineers (UK), and Studio 44 (Russia) have been chosen from a total of ten competing proposals, one of which
will now be implemented by the client. Offering the chance to design a new entrance to one of Moscow’s foremost
landmarks, the winning scheme will provide a rare opportunity to work with an unique example of Stalinist architectural
+ info:
Prizes - 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize. Deadline: 30 June 2014
World Monuments Fund invites you to submit a nomination for the 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll
Modernism Prize. The prize will be awarded this fall to a design professional or firm in recognition of innovative
solutions that preserved and saved a modern landmark at risk. Nominated projects must have been completed in
the past five years.
The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes heroic efforts that preserve our modern heritage.
Submissions for projects that have enhanced a site's architectural, functional, economic, and environmental
sustainability while also benefiting the community are encouraged.
+ info:
Competition: Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape Call for Nominations - Deadline: 1 April
Do you know of threatened or at-risk examples of art and the landscape? It could be a group of ancient
petroglyphs, a sculpted earthwork, a Modernist installation or other examples.
There are just two weeks left to nominate a site for Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape, this year’s
iteration of The Cultural Landscape Foundation’s annual, thematic compendium of at-risk sites. Many of
these sites are endangered by development, neglect, vandalism, industrial operations and other threats. For
more than a decade, Landslide has successfully brought national attention to threatened sites, raised their
visibility, and promoted their informed stewardship…
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture[28/03/2014 12:21:31]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
03 abril - 04 abril 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizadores: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 abril - 13 abril 2014
Austin, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Society of Architectural Historians
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info:
Congreso Internacional Arquitectura, Educación y Sociedad
04 junio - 06 junio 2014
Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Ponencias del Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura Contemporánea en Ciudades Históricas, Sevilla 17-19 de septiembre de 2013
Año: 2014
Del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2013 tuvo lugar en Sevilla el Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura Contemporánea en Ciudades Históricas,
que reunió a un significativo número de académicos del más alto nivel, profesionales de diversos campos, responsables políticos y críticos
para ofrecer todas las perspectivas de esta problemática y plantear nuevos instrumentos y herramientas que puedan permitir la toma de
decisiones a los profesionales del urbanismo, la arquitectura y la conservación del patrimonio de una forma más racional y objetiva. Las
ponencias presentadas pueden consultarlas directamente en la web del Encuentro .
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: GARCÍA VICENTE, José Javier. España
Interwar architecture with reinforced concrete structure exposed to multihazard in European context - Intervention in the
Romanian and Italian context
Author: Maria Bostenaru Dan
ISBN: 978-3-643-90366-2
Año: 2013
The theme of this work is between the response to environmental hazards such as earthquakes of housing of the so-called "other
Modernism" , over issues of conservation of historical materials in the final investigation of this kind of sustainable urban
development, including inhabitant's participation. It is important to preserve memory, and we used the knowledge of art, a multimedia
installation, and the role of photography as an example of virtual witness. We put in dialogue traditional earthquake resistant natural materials
with modern construction. From here we learn lessons for retrofit.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria. Romania
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:31]
Patrimonio mundial
Patrimonio mundial
The Church of the Meadows on the Loire - Val de Loire - France
Just five miles northwest of Saumur on the picturesque Loire River lies the small village of Chênehutte-les-Tuffeaux, part of
commune of Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault. Chênehutte was the site of a Gaulish oppidum and later an important Roman camp that
bivouacked half a legion, or around 3,000 men. The camp sat on a hill overlooking the Loire and guarded the road from Angers to
+ info:
36 « fenêtres sur la Loire » dans l’agglomération de Blois- France
Engagée dans une démarche paysagère forte et dans la valorisation de la Loire et de ses paysages
inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, Agglopolys a identifié des "Fenêtres sur Loire", percées
visuelles à renforcer ou à créer sur les bords de Loire.
Depuis dix ans, de nombreux itinéraires de promenade ont été créés en bord de Loire ou à proximité du
fleuve (voies vertes, pistes cyclables, sentiers de randonnée pédestre...). Cependant, le développement
de la végétation sur les berges (arbres, arbustes) masque souvent la visibilité du fleuve depuis ces
+ info:
How did a hot-tempered goldsmith create the most miraculous edifice of the Renaissance?
Experts today still don't agree about exactly how Filippo Brunelleschi constructed the iconic, soaring dome atop
Florence's Santa Maria del Fiore in the early 15th century. So for Nat Geo's for Senior Graphics Editor Fernando
Gomez-Baptista, creating graphics for a feature on Brunelleschi's Dome for the February issue of the magazine was
a challenge. The product of more than four months of research for Gomez-Baptista and his team, the end result
includes layer-by-layer drawings of Brunelleschi's progress, an interactive graphic comparing the designs of the
world's most iconic domes, and an illustrated video of the dome's construction.
+ info:
Learning and Having Fun: Visitor Centers Imparting Knowledge Using a New Format -- Regensburg - Germany
Astrid Dumas, Susanne Hauer, Matthias Ripp, Andrew Lukat (Translation): Learning and Having Fun: Visitor Centers Imparting Knowledge
Using a New Format --Experience from the World Heritage Visitor Center in Regensburg
[Original article: Dumas, Astrid; Hauer, Susanne; Ripp, Matthias (2013): Spielerisch lernen: Besucherzentren als junges Format der
Wissensvermittlung. Erfahrungen mit dem Besucherzentrum Welterbe in Regensburg. In: Museum Heute. Nr. 44,2013, S. 51-54]
+ info:
The Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property
Consisting of eleven sites spread throughout Australia in Tasmania, New South Wales, Western Australia and on
Norfolk Island, the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property tells the epic story of Australia’s convict
heritage. Each site in the Property represents a different aspect of the convict system and are the most
significant examples in Australia’s history of forced migration. Almost half of the Sites in the inscription are in
Tasmania. For technical reasons, Woolmers and Brickendon Estates are included as a single site but in reality
they are two separate properties, which although adjacent, each offer their own unique visitor experience.
+ info:
Scientists from University of York unlock a 'microbial Pompeii' preserved on 1,000 year old teeth - Italy
An international team of researchers including scientists from the University of York have discovered a ‘microbial
Pompeii’ preserved on the teeth of skeletons around 1,000 years old. The key to the discovery is the dental calculus
(plaque) which preserves bacteria and microscopic particles of food on the surfaces of teeth, effectively creating a
mineral tomb for microbiomes. The research team discovered that the ancient human oral cavity carries numerous
opportunistic pathogens and that periodontal disease is caused by the same bacteria today as in the past, despite
major changes in human diet and hygiene…
+ info:
Damage found in ancient ruins of Pompeii; Areas affected have been closed the public- Italy
The Temple of Venus and walls of a tomb and shop in the long-neglected ruins of Pompeii near Naples have been
damaged, possibly due to heavy rain, officials said on Monday. Custodians found that a two-metre wall of an ancient
shop in the ruined city -- which had recently been restored -- had collapsed under the weight of another wall that
crumbled onto it. It followed the discovery Sunday that parts of an archway in the temple had fallen off and a wall in
the necropolis -- the biggest in the ancient Roman city -- had tumbled down. The areas affected have been closed[28/03/2014 12:21:37]
Patrimonio mundial
the public.
+ info:
Inheritage - European Platform for Heritage Interpretation and Inspiration
Inheritage is being developed to meet and inspire one another, to discuss and challenge, to show and to admire
examples of heritage communication (especially archeology, historic cities, landscapes and sites) throughout Europe.
After the start in 2011 it is still being developed. Inheritage is set up to dig up ‘cold cases’ in archaeological excavation
in order to make the results accessible for scientific research and to the wider audience.
+ info:
Italian auditors have yet to approve Great Pompeii Project management post - Italy
Italian auditors have yet to approve Great Pompeii Project management post. As a wall tumbles on the site,
financial review could block appointment of archaeologist overseeing €105m restoration plan. It may be premature
to celebrate the progress made by the Italian ministry of
culture with the nomination of a new superintendent to
oversee the “Great Pompeii Project”, as a long list of problems, mainly tied to the country’s cripplingly slow
bureaucracy, still threatens to engulf the plan and sink it before it can be put into action.
+ info:
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park - Australia
Rising out of the surrounding Central Australian desert, Uluru and Kata Tjuta dominate the landscape. The spectacular
red rocks and domes are millions upon millions of years old. You’ll find Uluru and Kata Tjuta about 450 kilometres, or a
four and a half hour drive from Alice Springs, the nearest major town. Though in a remote desert, a nearby town Yulara
has been built to provide accommodation, restaurants, a supermarket, petrol and other essential services.
+ info:
Blaenavon World Heritage Centre - United Kingdom
The Blaenavon World Heritage Centre is the ideal starting point for your visit to the area. Located in the
sympathetically restored former St. Peter’s School, it provides an overview of how the stories of Blaenavon
Industrial Landscape are of global importance.
+ info:
Patrimoine de l’humanité de l'Unesco : grandes causes, petits arrangements financiers…
Le label « Patrimoine de l’humanité » de l'UNESCO révèle au grand jour des beautés du monde. Toutefois, l'enjeu
économique dépasse largement le but initial de ce label qui a pour premier objectif la préservation d’un patrimoine
mondial. Christian Orofino, co-président de l'OBGET revient dans cette chronique, sur les grandes causes, et les
petits arrangements…
+ info:
Great Pyramid of Giza vandalised-- Egypt
Following accusations of vandalism and theft at the Great Pyramid of Giza, two researchers are under
investigation in Germany and six individuals have been detained in Egypt, including the head of a tour company,
archaeologists and local guards. Officials with the Ministry of Antiquities responsible for the pyramids have
reportedly already been transferred to other positions as punishment for negligence.
+ info:
Italy calls on private investors to help save Pompeii - Italy
Italy's new prime minister on Wednesday appealed to private investors to help restore the damaged ruins of Pompeii,
a UNESCO World Heritage landmark.
The culture sector in Italy has suffered from harsh budget cuts and a deep recession and funds for culture are
expected to be cut further to 1.4 billion euros ($1.9 billion) for 2014, from 1.5 billion euros a year earlier. The
government has already called on the private sector to help restore other of its UNESCO monuments: in Rome,
luxury shoemaker Tod's is financing works at the Colosseum, while high-end fashion house Fendi is expected to
refurbish the Trevi Fountain...
+ info:
War, the latest visitor to one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world: Palmyra- Syria
Syria's fabled desert Greco-Roman oasis of Palmyra saw its last tourist in September 2011, six months after the
uprising began. Its most recent visitors are violence and looting. Ancient Palmyra now bears the scars of modern
warfare but also greed in the form of pillaged tombs. The UNESCO-listed "pearl of the desert" world heritage site in
Homs province, just over 200 kilometres (130 miles) northeast of Damascus, was one of the most important cultural
centres of the ancient world. It retains its majesty today, despite the tall-columned Temple of Baal suffering damage
from shrapnel during artillery exchanges between rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. The
Hellenistic building's eastern wall, its most imposing, now bears whitened slashes where the stone has been gouged by shell blasts. Mortar fire
has damaged one entrance and its lintel resting on eight columns with fluted shafts. The perimeter wall has been damaged in several places.
The Corinthian capitals of three pillars of the colonnade to the south of the temple have crashed to the ground…
+ info:
Kew Palace and the Royal Kitchens - Kew Royal Gardens (United Kingdom)
Kew Palace has a rich history spanning nearly 400 years – from its modest beginnings as the home to a rich Flemish merchant, through to the
arrival of the royal family and the ‘madness' of King George III. Step inside and explore this intimate and beautiful royal retreat.
The first royal residents were George II, his wife Queen Caroline and their ever-growing family. However, Kew Palace will always be associated
with the ‘madness’ of George III. The palace was purchased by the Georgian King as an annex to the White House (which sadly no longer
stands) to accommodate his expanding family, and somewhere for George III to be shut away during his infamous episodes of ‘madness’. Come
and decide for yourself if the King really was mad…
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:37]
Patrimonio mundial
Réchauffement climatique: un cinquième des sites du patrimoine mondial pourraient être submergés
La montée des eaux causée par le réchauffement climatique pourrait amener plus d’une centaine de sites du patrimoine
mondial à disparaître. Ces crues pourraient également affecter une grande partie de la population.
+ info:[Planet-a-la-Une]-20140310
The EUheritage TOUR
Cultural Heritage is widely recongnized as a vehicle for cultural identity. EUheritage Tour project aims to
create a transnational route to UNESCO cultural heritage sites across Europe, contributing to the
differentiation of the European tourism as well as to the promotion of shared cultural heritage, thus
stimulating a greater sense of European identity.
+ info:
L’UICN approuve de l’engagement de Total de ne pas mener d’opérations dans les sites du Patrimoine
La société Total a confirmé qu’elle ne mènera pas d’opérations extractives dans les sites naturels du Patrimoine
mondial, comprenant le parc national des Virunga. L’UICN approuve cette décision et demande à toutes les sociétés
pétrolières et gazières de suivre cet engagement.
+ info:
UNESCO: position paper on ‘World Heritage Cities’
UNESCO’S Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) has published a new paper aiming to promote discussion on the management of
WHS cities in Northwest Europe, addressing issues of integrated urban development and challenges in balancing cultural planning with
economic development.
+ info:
Opération Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère - France
Retrouver la revue de presse du projet Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère et l'actualité des autres Grands Sites sur le lien suivant.
+ info:
Job Offer - Penang Heritage Trust Director
Penang Heritage Trust is a heritage conservation advocacy group actively working to preserve the George Town
World Heritage Site as well as other aspects of Penang’s cultural and natural heritage through public advocacy,
educational programmes and cultural mapping.
The Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) seeks a director to implement the strategic goals and objectives of the
organization. This individual must be creative and have a passion for heritage safeguarding and preservation. The
individual should have programme development experience to sustain the organization’s funding needs through
membership and corporate sponsorship, and the leadership experience and skills to manage staff and volunteers. This individual will be
responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization and its fiduciary needs.
+ info:
Blaenavon World Heritage Centre
The Blaenavon World Heritage Centre is the ideal starting point for your visit to the area. Located in the
sympathetically restored former St. Peter’s School, it provides an overview of how the stories of Blaenavon
Industrial Landscape are of global importance.
You can browse the traditional displays and videos that illustrate the extraordinary history of the area and you
can delve deeper into the history of Blaenavon by using interactive touch screens to explore a range of topics,
including standards of living, geology, transport systems and World
+ info:
The nuraghe, an ancient building - Italy
The word “nurac”, as Attilio Mastino says in his report about a latin monumentary inscription of the I cent. A.D., written
on the the nuraghe Aidu Entos’architrave, appears for the first time in the epigraph as “nurac” and could be related to
the protosardo nickname used to define the megalithic building.
Before this period it was called Protonuraghe. The word “proto” comes from the Greek “prôtos”, meaning “first,
original”; a protonuraghe is a building believed to be the “ancestor” of a nuraghe. In the same way, the word
“protosardo” stands for the language spoken before the sardo language…
+ info:
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 abril - 04 abril 2014
Rome. Italia
Organizadores: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i
Beni Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso - Espacios del patrimonio natural y cultural argentino
07 abril - 28 abril 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Dictado por: Prof. Claudio Bertonatti y Prof. Carlos Fernández Balboa. Organizado por la Asociación Amigos del Museo
Nacional de Belllas Artes
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
UNITAR Management & Conservation of World Heritage Sites 2014 Workshop
14 abril - 18 abril 2014
Hiroshima. Japón
Organizadores: The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office
Contacto: [email protected][28/03/2014 12:21:37]
Patrimonio mundial
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 mayo 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
International Scientific Committee Economics of Conservation
21 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Visby. Suecia
Organizadores: Christer Gustafsson
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Bostenaru Dan, Maria (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
4th Annual Coordination Meeting of the Category 2 Institutes/ Centres
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2014
Shanghai. China
Organizadores: World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under auspices of UNESCO (WHITR-AP)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 mar 2014
+ info:
Curso - Estado de situación y conservación del patrimonio (in situ y ex situ)
09 junio - 30 junio 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Dictado por: Prof. Claudio Bertonatti y Prof. Carlos Fernández Balboa. Organizado por la Asociación Amigos del Museo
Nacional de Belllas Artes
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Heritage training course "Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places"
02 agosto - 09 agosto 2014
Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Blair, Sandy (Australia / Australia / Australie)
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 agosto - 23 agosto 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizadores: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Journées européennes du patrimoine 2014 "Patrimoine culturel, patrimoine naturel"
20 septiembre - 21 septiembre 2014
Organizadores: El Consejo de Europa
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Seminario "Experiencias del patrimonio mundial en África"
14 octubre - 16 octubre 2014
Rabat. Marruecos
Organizadores: African World Heritage Fund con el auspicio del Centro del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y la Dirección del Patrimonio
Cultural del Ministério de Cultura del Reino de Marruecos
Contacto: Karalyn Monteil - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Richon, Marielle (Francia / France / France)
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
XVIII Asamblea General de ICOMOS "Patrimonio y paisajes como valores humanos"
10 noviembre - 14 noviembre 2014
Florencia. Italia[28/03/2014 12:21:37]
Patrimonio mundial
Organizadores: ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 feb 2014
+ info:
Congreso Mundial de Parques “Los Parques, la gente y el planeta: soluciones inspiradoras”
12 noviembre - 19 noviembre 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizadores: UICN - Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 jun 2014
+ info:
YAMU - Revista de Desarrollo Sostenible Vol 2 - 2014
Oficina Universitaria de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Extremadura (OUMA) y su Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo
Sostenible (CUDSUEx)
ISSN: 2255-4661
Año: 2014
YAMU es una revista multidisciplinaria para la publicación y discusión de los problemas ambientales y ecológicos y el
desarrollo de políticas para la gestión ambiental en el marco de un crecimiento sostenible.
Su objetivo principal es impulsar la reflexión y diálogo sobre temas relacionados con el desarrollo sostenible, el medio ambiente y la
singularidad cultural en el ámbito científico y social.
+ info:
Revista Hereditas 19/20 (2013)
HEREDITAS • Tercera Época
Francisco Javier López Morales, Director
Año: 2013
El contenido del presente número de Hereditas, recoge una multiplicidad de visiones y revisiones del patrimonio cultural
material e inmaterial, como una voluntad de ofrecer al lector el amplio panorama y espectro en el cual hoy estamos inmersos:
desde la evaluación arqueológica y ecológica de un paisaje cultural como Las Cuevas Prehistóricas de Yagul y Mitla en los valles centrales del
estado mexicano de Oaxaca, hasta las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas para la difusión del patrimonio cultural.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Informe de Actividades 2012-2013 Oficina de la UNESCO en La Habana (Cuba)
Año: 2014
Resúmen de las actividades desarrolladas a lo largo de 2012-2013 por esta Oficina Regional de la UNESCO.
Las actividades referidas a CULTURA comienzan en la pagina 30 y específicamente aquellas sobre Patrimonio Mundial pueden
ver las páginas números 31 a 36
+ info:
Entre nature universelle et cultures locales : comment gérer les sites naturels et habités inscrits au patrimoine
mondial de l’UNESCO ? Clermont-Ferrand - FRANCE - 11-13 septembre 2013
Actes Numériques du colloque / Digital copies from the conference
Held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to the 13th of September 2013 on the
initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puy-de-
Año: 2013
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an 'outside' which is either
neglected or heavily impacted by human activity. As a result of heightened attention nationally and internationally, nominated sites often see an
increase in tourist traffic, and they are also sometimes subject to multiple pressures likely to raise questions on the sustainability of the shared
Another consequence of inscription, less often discussed, involves natural, inhabited sites. The outstanding universal value of these areas
results from characteristics (biological, geological or landscape) which appear to be natural in visitors' eyes. But in fact this exceptional quality
originates partly from the practices of the inhabitants, even if the influences are difficult for the general public to discern. Thus there is a real
challenge to be faced in terms of balancing the globally-established conservation objectives with the interests and needs of the local
population, who are really the true preservers of the heritage. This was the reason for us wanting to organise the MINaH conference (Managing
Inhabited Natural Heritage).
+ info:
Landscape and historical urban settlement along Tordino river valley (Italy)
by Stefano Brusaporci
Año: 2013
The landscape expresses the values of the historicized territory, intersection of natural environment and human activity.
Landscape restoration is founded on the knowledge of heritage values. Therefore the study of the territorial settlement along
the river Tordino has a peculiar importance, with particular regard to watermills, because they are indicators of architectural,
historical and cultural istances.
+ info:
Proceedings of the MINaH colloquium
Año: 2013
This international conference was held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to[28/03/2014 12:21:37]
Patrimonio mundial
the 13th of September 2013 on the initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puyde-Dôme.
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an
'outside' which is either neglected or heavily impacted by human activity.
+ info:
Conclusiones del Encuentro Internacional Convenciones UNESCO: Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica
Editores: Francisco Javier López Morales y Francisco Vidargas
© Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
ISBN: 978-607-484-460-3
Año: 2013
Estas son las conclusiones al congreso celebrado del 22 al 25 de octubre, 2013 en la Ciudad Universitaria del Instituto Nacional
de Antropología e Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México que ha permitido compartir una serie de
experiencias que en el ámbito de las convenciones culturales de la UNESCO y a nivel Iberoamericano, se han venido
desarrollando, en los que el Patrimonio Cultural, Natural, Inmaterial y Subacuático, así
como la Diversidad Cultural, han adquirido un lugar estratégico como fuerza motriz en
el proceso de desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades, así como en la cultura de la
protección patrimonial.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Quality Control and Conflict Management at World Heritage Sites
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
Año: 2012
The papers and examples in this brochure from national and international experts – not all of whom think along the same lines –
provide a graphic illustration of the multiplicity of challenges that have to be addressed in the preservation of the historical
heritage. I am delighted that our financial assistance programme and the events organized under its auspices can make a
contribution towards preserving our historical heritage for the future and arousing subsequent generations’ fascination with the
built environment heritage.
+ info:
Le patrimoine tunisien au péril du sectarisme
by Marc-Antonio Barblan
Tunisian online newspaper KAPITALIS
Año: 2013
A propos de la candidature de l’île de Djerba au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO
"Competing for an inscription on the World Heritage List implies that one abides by basic material and conceptual requirements.
Definitely, heritage and sectarianism are incompatible."
+ info:
AfriMAB: les réserves de biosphère en Afrique subsaharienne, présentation du développement durable = AfriMAB:
Biosphere Reserves in Sub-Saharan Africa; showcasing sustainable development
Pool-Stanvliet, Ruida; Clüsener-Godt, Miguel
Pretoria,South Africa: Department of Environmental Affairs; Paris, France: UNESCO
ISBN 978-0-620-57142-5 (francés); 978-0-620-57141-8 (inglés)
Año: 2013
Cette publication représente une contribution importante des réserves de biosphère africaines envers l'exécution du
programme MAB sur le continent africain.
This publication represents an important contribution of African biosphere reserves towards the implementation of the
MAB Programme on the
continent of Africa.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
36 « fenêtres sur la Loire » dans l’agglomération de Blois- France
Engagée dans une démarche paysagère forte et dans la valorisation de la Loire et de ses paysages
inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, Agglopolys a identifié des "Fenêtres sur Loire", percées
visuelles à renforcer ou à créer sur les bords de Loire.
Depuis dix ans, de nombreux itinéraires de promenade ont été créés en bord de Loire ou à proximité du
fleuve (voies vertes, pistes cyclables, sentiers de randonnée pédestre...). Cependant, le développement
de la végétation sur les berges (arbres, arbustes) masque souvent la visibilité du fleuve depuis ces
+ info:
Economie et espaces naturels
Depuis sa création en 1975, le Conservatoire a dépensé environ 800 M€ pour l'acquisition de sites. Chaque année, il investit près d’une
vingtaine de millions d'euros pour l'acquisition de nouveaux terrains et environ 10 M€ pour leur restauration ou leur entretien. Le Conservatoire
et ses gestionnaires lèvent des financements complémentaires (Europe, collectivités, agences de l’eau entreprises et fondations mécènes,
particuliers) à hauteur de 10 à 20 M€ par an. Les gestionnaires des sites investissent également en finançant l’entretien et la surveillance des
sites. Le domaine protégé, 154.000 ha à ce jour, dégage un peu plus de 1,2 M€ par an de redevances d'occupation ou d'usage.
+ info:
Vidéos en ligne du Réseau des Grands Sites de France ((RGSF)
La Chaine Youtube du Réseau des Grands Sites de France vous permet de retrouver toutes les vidéos du Réseau et des Grands Sites.
+ info:
Creación de la reserva natural de Chaumes de Verniller - Francia
El decreto del 13 de febrero de 2014 que crea la reserva natural nacional de Chaumes de Verniller fue publicado al Boletín Oficial el 15 de
febrero de 2014. La reserva está situada en la Champagne berrichonne, en la zona periurbana de Bourges en el Cher, y cubre una superficie
total de aproximadamente 81 hectáreas. Se encuentra en el corazón de la zona industrial de las orquídeas, entre dos empresas de armamento
+ info:
Concursos - Nueve películas medioambientales premiadas durante el último Festival Internacional de Cine medioambiental – Francia
Durante el último Festival Internacional de películas medioambientales (FIFE), organizado por la región Ile-de-France del 4 al 11 de febrero de
2014, nueve películas, documentales y cortometrajes, han sido premiados. La selección se hizo sobre una centena de películas y una veintena
de webdocumentales, de cerca de 40 países, y que trataban el medio ambiente… …
+ info:
M.Sc. Scholarship Program in Environmental & Energy Engineering at University of Genoa, Italy - Deadline: 30 June
The purpose of the Master of Science program in Environmental & Energy Engineering (Polytechnic School, University of
Genoa, Italy) is to offer advanced education in the fields of natural and industrial risk management, sustainable development
and sustainable and distributed energy. The latest topics associated with prediction, prevention and management of natural
hazards, indoor and outdoor pollution, waste disposal and site remediation, health risk assessment, C02 sequestration, water
supply and wastewater treatment, energy from waste, recycling, climate change dynamics, renewable energy production, fuel
cells, biofuels, smart power grids and low emission power plants are addressed by the M.Sc. program. Faculty members teaching in the
program have ongoing collaborations with excellent national and international industries and research institutes. The teaching activity of the
program takes place in the modern Campus located in the city of Savona, which is endowed with sport and accommodation facilities, library and
auditorium. Since 2010, a research center devoted to sustainable energy is also being established in the same Campus.
+ info:
Marine Scholarship for International Students in China - Deadline: 30 April 2014
The ocean, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface, plays a primary role in addressing the climate change and supporting
the global economy, trade and livelihood. The sustainable ocean development has direct impact on the development and
prosperity of all coastal countries now and in the future. And it has become an inexorable trend worldwide that through
international cooperation and exchange we should deepen our understanding of the ocean and promote sustainable ocean
development to enhance regional and global economic prosperity. Under this consideration, the State Oceanic
Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China jointly initiate the program of Marine Scholarship of China
(hereinafter called the Scholarship) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions
around the South China Sea, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a master’s or doctoral[28/03/2014 12:21:41]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
degree in oceanography or other related specialties, cultivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing
international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China
Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship.
+ info:
Sierra Gorda Completes “Early Adopter” Assessment, Applying Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for
Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Mexico is the first Central American destination to complete the Global
Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) GSTC Early Adopters Program to test its new Criteria and Indicators for
Destinations, under the scope of the GSTC’s Destination Partner Program in collaboration with Sustainable Travel
International (STI).
During a 10-day span, Ms. Pessolano met with key stakeholders in Sierra Gorda to discuss tourism planning and
management, economic development, community involvement, heritage protection, and environmental conservation. As a result, the Evaluation
Report revealed that the destination has made considerable progress on some significant destination sustainability issues, highlighting: public
commitment to destination sustainability, rules and regulations to prevent visual and noise pollution, bringing artisans, local growers and
businesses into the tourism value chain and practices to promote local culture.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mullis, Brian T. (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
The EUheritage TOUR
Cultural Heritage is widely recongnized as a vehicle for cultural identity. EUheritage Tour project aims to create a
transnational route to UNESCO cultural heritage sites across Europe, contributing to the differentiation of the European
tourism as well as to the promotion of shared cultural heritage, thus stimulating a greater sense of European identity.
+ info:
Ambassadeurs du patrimoine « Biodiversité et paysages » -France
Le réseau des ambassadeurs du patrimoine « Biodiversité et Paysages
» à l’initiative du Syndicat Mixte pour la protection et la gestion de la
Camargue Gardoise réunit les acteurs du tourisme engagés dans une
démarche de préservation du patrimoine naturel et de transmission de
connaissances à leurs visiteurs. Par leurs engagements, les membres
du réseau assurent le respect des milieux naturels dans lesquels ils exercent leurs activités culturelles et sportives.
+ info:
Opération Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère - France
Retrouver la revue de presse du projet Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère et l'actualité des autres Grands Sites sur le lien suivant.
+ info:
Etude de fréquentation et de mobilité sur le Grand Site Baie de Somme - France
La Baie de Somme est une destination Nature connue et réputée pour ses grands espaces, une faune et une flore
préservées. En tant qu’animateur et gestionnaire du label Grand Site, le Syndicat Mixte a souhaité disposer d’éléments
tangibles : combien de visiteurs accueillons-
nous chaque année sur les espaces de nature ? qui vient ? quelles sont les
attentes ? comment les visiteurs se déplacent t-ils? Une étude de fréquentation touristique et de mobilité a été lancée en
2013 et fait échos à une précédente étude menée en 2002.
Les résultats nous permettrons d’analyser l’évolution de la fréquentation, d’adapter les aménagements (parking,
signalétique, etc.) afin de mieux accueillir les visiteurs sans altérer la préservation des espaces fragiles.
+ info:
Programa de Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio 2015-2016
Este programa académico corresponde a una necesidad regional y nacional de desarrollar y profundizar el estudio y
la valorización del Patrimonio Cultural. Este programa está dirigido a licenciados y/o a profesionales de las áreas del
Arte, Arquitectura, Ciencias Sociales y a fines que quieran formarse en la investigación integrada de los campos del
arte y el patrimonio desde una perspectiva contemporánea y latinoamericana.
La integración de áreas de investigación, tales como: Artes Visuales, Historia, Antropología, Estética, Literatura,
Geografía, Arquitectura y Urbanismo tiene por finalidad permitir un campo de estudio donde lo tangible e intangible
del patrimonio cultural se analice en conjunto. Cierre de postulaciones hasta el 28 de noviembre de 2014.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier (Chile / Chile / Chili)
Cours - Caractérisation des zones humides sur la base de critères pédologiques
20 marzo - 21 marzo 2014
Angers. Francia
Organizadores: Siège social AGROCAMPUS OUEST
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso - Espacios del patrimonio natural y cultural argentino
07 abril - 28 abril 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Dictado por: Prof. Claudio Bertonatti y Prof. Carlos Fernández Balboa. Organizado por la Asociación Amigos del Museo
Nacional de Belllas Artes
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
33e Congrès des réserves naturelles de France "Les Pyrénées-Orientales à l'honneur"
09 abril - 12 abril 2014
Argelès sur mer. Francia
Organizadores: Réserves Naturelles de France (RNF); le Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Orientales et La Région Languedoc Roussillon[28/03/2014 12:21:41]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Contacto: Leïla BONNET - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 8 mar 2014
+ info:
11th International Conference Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
13 abril - 16 abril 2014
Prague. República Checa
Organizadores: Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host
10 mayo - 13 mayo 2014
Primošten. Croacia
Organizadores: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
4th Annual Coordination Meeting of the Category 2 Institutes/ Centres
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2014
Shanghai. China
Organizadores: World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under auspices of UNESCO (WHITR-AP)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 mar 2014
+ info:
Congreso Internacional Arquitectura, Educación y Sociedad
04 junio - 06 junio 2014
Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saura Carulla, Magda. España, Spain, Espagne
Innovate Heritage Internacional Conference
06 junio - 08 junio 2014
Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: World Heritage Studies programme at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Cadar, Simona (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
08 junio - 20 junio 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Islandia
Organizadores: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
Curso - Estado de situación y conservación del patrimonio (in situ y ex situ)
09 junio - 30 junio 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Dictado por: Prof. Claudio Bertonatti y Prof. Carlos Fernández Balboa. Organizado por la Asociación Amigos del Museo
Nacional de Belllas Artes
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
Profesora: Karina Durand
20 junio - 01 agosto 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature
27 junio - 08 julio 2014
Several cities, Estonia &. Federación de Rusia
Organizadores: The European University at St Petersburg
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 mar 2014
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:41]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
II Curso Internacional de Verano “Turismo Urbano, Globalización y Patrimonio”
01 julio - 12 julio 2014
Bogotá y en Villa de Leyva. Colombia
Organizadores: Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia en asociación con la red RIGPAC
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 11 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Heritage training course "Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places"
02 agosto - 09 agosto 2014
Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Blair, Sandy (Australia / Australia / Australie)
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 agosto - 23 agosto 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizadores: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Tenth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute
26 agosto - 11 septiembre 2014
Dalyan. Turquía
Organizadores: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Özhan, Erdal (Turquía / Turkey / Turquie)
Jornadas Internacionales de reflexión en patrimonio cultural 2014 "Tradición y contemporaneidad"
04 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Bogotá D.C.. Colombia
Organizadores: Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de la Salle
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Journées européennes du patrimoine 2014 "Patrimoine culturel, patrimoine naturel"
20 septiembre - 21 septiembre 2014
Organizadores: El Consejo de Europa
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte de Paisaje “Paisajes Alternativos”
07 octubre - 09 octubre 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. México
Organizadores: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C., el H. Ayuntamiento de Chapala, Jal., y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Seminario "Experiencias del patrimonio mundial en África"
14 octubre - 16 octubre 2014
Rabat. Marruecos
Organizadores: African World Heritage Fund con el auspicio del Centro del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y la Dirección del Patrimonio
Cultural del Ministério de Cultura del Reino de Marruecos
Contacto: Karalyn Monteil - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Richon, Marielle (Francia / France / France)
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
XVIII Asamblea General de ICOMOS "Patrimonio y paisajes como valores humanos"
10 noviembre - 14 noviembre 2014
Florencia. Italia[28/03/2014 12:21:41]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Organizadores: ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 feb 2014
+ info:
Congreso Mundial de Parques “Los Parques, la gente y el planeta: soluciones inspiradoras”
12 noviembre - 19 noviembre 2014
Sydney. Australia
Organizadores: UICN - Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 jun 2014
+ info:
5th ITSA Biennial Conference "Tourism, Cities and the Environment in the Asian Century"
16 noviembre - 29 noviembre 2014
Perth, Western Australia. Australia
Organizadores: International Tourism Studies Association, Washington DC, USA
Contacto: David Newsome: [email protected]
+ info:
Informe de Actividades 2012-2013 Oficina de la UNESCO en La Habana (Cuba)
Año: 2014
Resúmen de las actividades desarrolladas a lo largo de 2012-2013 por esta Oficina Regional de la UNESCO.
Las actividades referidas a CULTURA comienzan en la pagina 30 y específicamente aquellas sobre Patrimonio Mundial pueden
ver las páginas números 31 a 36
+ info:
Revista Hereditas 19/20 (2013)
HEREDITAS • Tercera Época
Francisco Javier López Morales, Director
Año: 2013
El contenido del presente número de Hereditas, recoge una multiplicidad de visiones y revisiones del patrimonio cultural
material e inmaterial, como una voluntad de ofrecer al lector el amplio panorama y espectro en el cual hoy estamos inmersos:
desde la evaluación arqueológica y ecológica de un paisaje cultural como Las Cuevas Prehistóricas de Yagul y Mitla en los valles centrales del
estado mexicano de Oaxaca, hasta las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas para la difusión del patrimonio cultural.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
YAMU - Revista de Desarrollo Sostenible Vol 2 - 2014
Oficina Universitaria de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Extremadura (OUMA) y su Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo
Sostenible (CUDSUEx)
ISSN: 2255-4661
Año: 2014
YAMU es una revista multidisciplinaria para la publicación y discusión de los problemas ambientales y ecológicos y el
desarrollo de políticas para la gestión ambiental en el marco de un crecimiento sostenible.
Su objetivo principal es impulsar la reflexión y diálogo sobre temas relacionados con el desarrollo sostenible, el medio ambiente y la
singularidad cultural en el ámbito científico y social.
+ info:
Revista digital del Sistema Nacional de Museos de Venezuela
ISSN: 224-8535
Instituto de las Artes de la Imagen y el Espacio
Año: 2014 es una revista digital especializada en Museología, editada por el Sistema Nacional de Museos de Venezuela. La
revista es un espacio virtual de encuentro para los profesionales que laboran en el área museística venezolana.
Su objetivo fundamental es difundir las experiencias que surgen de la dinámica del museo y los procesos que constituyen su
razón de ser: conservar, investigar, comunicar y exhibir el patrimonio cultural y natural de la nación.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: García Vicente, José Javier (España / Spain / Espagne)
Entre nature universelle et cultures locales : comment gérer les sites naturels et habités inscrits au patrimoine
mondial de l’UNESCO ? Clermont-Ferrand - FRANCE - 11-13 septembre 2013
Actes Numériques du colloque / Digital copies from the conference
Held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to the 13th of September 2013 on the
initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puy-de-
Año: 2013
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an 'outside' which is either
neglected or heavily impacted by human activity. As a result of heightened attention nationally and internationally, nominated sites often see an
increase in tourist traffic, and they are also sometimes subject to multiple pressures likely to raise questions on the sustainability of the shared
Another consequence of inscription, less often discussed, involves natural, inhabited sites. The outstanding universal value of these areas
results from characteristics (biological, geological or landscape) which appear to be natural in visitors' eyes. But in fact this exceptional quality
originates partly from the practices of the inhabitants, even if the influences are difficult for the general public to discern. Thus there is a real
challenge to be faced in terms of balancing the globally-established conservation objectives with the interests and needs of the local
population, who are really the true preservers of the heritage. This was the reason for us wanting to organise the MINaH conference (Managing[28/03/2014 12:21:41]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Inhabited Natural Heritage).
+ info:
Proceedings of the MINaH colloquium
Año: 2013
This international conference was held at the Auvergne Institute for the Development of Territories from the 11th to
the 13th of September 2013 on the initiative of the universities of Clermont-Ferrand and the local council of the Puyde-Dôme.
By identifying sites as elements of world heritage which show 'outstanding universal value' (OUV), UNESCO confers a
new status on these areas. They are effectively transformed into special areas, with a sacred 'interior', and an
'outside' which is either neglected or heavily impacted by human activity.
+ info:
REDD+ Global and Regional Programme Support Framework 2011- 2015
The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countrie (UNREDD Programme)
Año: 2011
The UN-REDD Programme supports national REDD+ readiness efforts in two ways: (i) direct support to the design and implementation of UNREDD National Programmes; and (ii) complementary support to national REDD+ action through common approaches, analyses, methodologies,
tools, data and best practices developed through the UN-REDD Global Programme. By June 2013, total funding for these two streams of
support to countries totaled US$172.4 million.
+ info:
AfriMAB: les réserves de biosphère en Afrique subsaharienne, présentation du développement durable = AfriMAB:
Biosphere Reserves in Sub-Saharan Africa; showcasing sustainable development
Pool-Stanvliet, Ruida; Clüsener-Godt, Miguel
Pretoria,South Africa: Department of Environmental Affairs; Paris, France: UNESCO
ISBN 978-0-620-57142-5 (francés); 978-0-620-57141-8 (inglés)
Año: 2013
Cette publication représente une contribution importante des réserves de biosphère africaines envers l'exécution du
programme MAB sur le continent africain.
This publication represents an important contribution of African biosphere reserves towards the implementation of the
MAB Programme on the
continent of Africa.
+ info:
Panorama des services écologiques fournis par les milieux naturels en France - Volume 2.3 : les écosystèmes urbains
Rédaction : Marion Péguin et Justine Delangue, sous la coordination de Sébastien Moncorps, directeur du Comité français de
l’UICN, et de Guillemette Rolland, présidente de la Commission « Gestion des écosystèmes »
Paris, France : UICN France, 2013
ISBN 978-2-918105-
Año: 2013
Après les écosystèmes forestiers, le Comité français de l’UICN publie aujourd’hui une nouvelle brochure sur les services
écologiques fournis par les écosystèmes urbains français (métropole et outre-mer). Après une présentation de l’écosystème concerné et de ses
spécificités, sont illustrés l’ensemble des services selon la typologie définie dans le Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) : support,
approvisionnement, régulation, culturel.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:41]
Patrimonio Vernáculo
Patrimonio Vernáculo
Job Offer - Heckington Windmill Regeneration Project: Project Manager (United Kingdom) Deadline for
Applications: 31 March 2014
Heckington Windmill is a Grade I listed building located in the heart of Lincolnshire and is the only 8 sailed working
windmill in Western Europe.
The Heckington Windmill Regeneration Project is a Heritage Lottery Funded project of just over £1m, which will restore
and develop the associated mill buildings on site into a first class heritage attraction.
The successful applicant will be required to manage, supervise and successfully deliver the capital works programme.
Experience of conservation buildings work, together with working with community groups and HLF funded projects is essential, as is a flexible
approach to working…
+ info:
Documentary on Cultural Heritage in Bangladesh
‘Meghdubi’ is a Documentary film on Folklife and Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh. It focuses on the diversified
traditional culture, rituals & folklife. Folklife is depicted with all genres of folk elements that contain the works of
farmers, artisans, weavers, craftsmen, potters, blacksmiths, folk singers and others, who are still maintaining
and preserving the diversified folk traditions of Bangladesh. Game is an amusing event in rural life. Some of the
indigenous games are also focused in the documentary. A symbolic story of folklife is narrated in the form of
poems and songs along with English subtitle. Peace and harmony in village life irrespective of casts and
religions, gender balance, dignity of girls and women, recognition of their works in the society--.are specially highlighted in the documentary.
+ info:
Heritage at Risk in Wales - United Kingdom
For many years Cadw has funded local planning authorities across Wales to survey their stock of listed buildings and to prepare
a register indicating which of these buildings — of all grades — are at risk. A grant covering eighty per cent of the cost of the
survey by an outside provider is offered, provided that the survey records a minimum of information according to a template
designed by Cadw. As a result, as of October 2009, all authorities bar one have a Buildings at Risk Register.
+ info:
Scottish Building Traditions - Words, Practices and Customs Associated with Traditional Scottish
Buildings - United Kingdom
Before tarmac became almost ubiquitous in the forming of Scottish streets there were various materials,
tools and practices associated with traditional street masonry. Cobbles were often referred to as
“cassies” or “causseys”. This should not be confused with a “sett” which was generally rectangular as
opposed to a cassie which was rounder or irregular in shape. The mason responsible for making these
cobblestones was known as a “cacier”. When cobbles or setts were being cut to shape the thin offcuts
which were produced were known as “cornisers” which were sometimes set vertically in the ground to form a surface which would be less
slippery for horses to travel on. This was also known as “horonising”.
+ info:
Boletín de información de la Fundación del Patrimonio n° 72 | 17/03/2014 (en francés)
La Fundación del Patrimonio tiene por objeto esencial salvaguardar y valorizar el patrimonio rural no protegido. Casas,
iglesias, puentes, lavaderos, molinos, patrimonio industrial, mobiliario y naturaleza… todos los tipos de patrimonio de
proximidad son admisibles a la acción de la Fundación. Al lado del Estado y principales actores del sector, ayuda a los
propietarios públicos y asociaciones a financiar sus proyectos, permite a los propietarios privados eximir de impuestos todo
o parte de sus trabajos, y moviliza el mecenazgo de empresa.
+ info:
Opération Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère - France
Retrouver la revue de presse du projet Grand Site Vallée de la Vézère et l'actualité des autres Grands Sites sur le lien suivant.
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2014
Murcia. España
Organizadores: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 ene 2014[28/03/2014 12:21:43]
Patrimonio Vernáculo
+ info:
13ª Sesión del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU
12 mayo - 23 mayo 2014
Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Consejo Económico y Social de la ONU
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
08 junio - 20 junio 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Islandia
Organizadores: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
IV Seminario Internacional de Patrimonio Agroindustrial (SIPA)
02 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
San Miguel de Tucumán. Argentina
Organizadores: El Instituto de Historia y Patrimonio de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Moreno, Daniela (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Montalegre. Portugal
Organizadores: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
VerSus 2014 - Congreso internacional sobre las Lecciones de la arquitectura vernácula para la sostenibilidad
11 septiembre - 13 septiembre 2014
Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vegas, Fernando. España
Architectures and mechanisms - Water mills for cereal grinding and copper processing
Mario Centofanti, Stefano Brusaporci, Antonio Di Donato, Vittorio Lucchese
University of L’Aquila
IFToMM Workshop on History of MMS – Palermo 2013
Año: 2013
The paper presents a study on the mills on the Tordino river in the Abruzzo region (Italy). They are analysed as a synthesis of architecture,
hydraulic works and mechanisms. Watermills are related to the geographic and economic historical system, therefore they present
characteristics and typologies that changes both in relation to the development of manufacturing technologies, both in function of the
+ info:
Revue PATRIMÒNI n°49
Año: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)[28/03/2014 12:21:43]
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos
Vandalismo causa daños irreparables en la Capilla de Ronchamp de Le Corbusier
El viernes pasado, una monja hizo un llamado avisando que la Capilla de Ronchamp de Le Corbusier, considerada
por muchos como una de las obras arquitectónicas fundamentales del siglo pasado, había sido objeto de
vandalismo. Cuando la policía llegó a la escena, se encontraron
con que el acceso había sido forzado, además de
un vitral roto y daños en el hormigón. Una evaluación inicial del departamento de monumentos históricos dice que el
vitral -que sería una ilustración original del arquitecto- ya no puede repararse, generando un daño invaluable y
dejando en evidencia el deterioro general del edificio…
+ info:
Damage found in ancient ruins of Pompeii; Areas affected have been closed the public- Italy
The Temple of Venus and walls of a tomb and shop in the long-neglected ruins of Pompeii near Naples have been
damaged, possibly due to heavy rain, officials said on Monday. Custodians found that a two-metre wall of an ancient
shop in the ruined city -- which had recently been restored -- had collapsed under the weight of another wall that
crumbled onto it. It followed the discovery Sunday that parts of an archway in the temple had fallen off and a wall in
the necropolis -- the biggest in the ancient Roman city -- had tumbled down. The areas affected have been closed
the public.
+ info:
Italian auditors have yet to approve Great Pompeii Project management post - Italy
Italian auditors have yet to approve Great Pompeii Project management post. As a wall tumbles on the site,
financial review could block appointment of archaeologist overseeing €105m restoration plan. It may be premature
to celebrate the progress made by the Italian ministry of
culture with the nomination of a new superintendent to
oversee the “Great Pompeii Project”, as a long list of problems, mainly tied to the country’s cripplingly slow
bureaucracy, still threatens to engulf the plan and sink it before it can be put into action.
+ info:
Heritage at Risk in Wales - United Kingdom
For many years Cadw has funded local planning authorities across Wales to survey their stock of listed buildings and to prepare
a register indicating which of these buildings — of all grades — are at risk. A grant covering eighty per cent of the cost of the
survey by an outside provider is offered, provided that the survey records a minimum of information according to a template
designed by Cadw. As a result, as of October 2009, all authorities bar one have a Buildings at Risk Register.
+ info:
Cardiff Coal Exchange threats: IHBC asks if the rules are being followed? United Kingdom
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) has called for assurances that proper processes are being observed in decisions being
taken on the future of Cardiff’s Coal Exchange, a Grade II* listed building designed by Cardiff architect Edwin Seward from 1883 – during
Cardiff’s commercial heyday – which faces large-scale demolition following reports that it is in a dangerous state of repair.
+ info:
Strong El Nino years to double, scientists say
Climate change could double the rate of occurrences of the strongest El Niño events, one of the world’s most
destructive climate phenomena, climate scientists say.
El Niño occurs when the surface water of the Pacific Ocean warms up, changing rainfall patterns around the world.
Its effects include droughts in Africa, crop losses in Southeast Asia, floods in Peru and Ecuador, and forest fires in
the Amazon- problems that can represent billions of dollars in damage…
+ info:
Rare Napa Valley Landscape by Pioneering Modernist Thomas Church Under ThreatSaint Helena - Califonia - USA
Napa Valley’s William Cole Vineyards, owned since 1999 by Bill and Jane Ballentine, includes
landscape and gardens designed by the great Modernist landscape architect Thomas Church.
For safety reasons, local officials are now requiring the Ballentines to widen the Churchdesigned service road – a move fire code consultants, engineers and preservationists say is
unnecessary – or they will shut the winery down.
+ info:
Architects Rally to Save Moscow’s Historic Shukhov Tower - 1922 (Russian Federation)
Tadao Ando, Elizabeth Diller, Rem Koolhaas and Thom Mayne are among the many signing a petition to urge Russian president[28/03/2014 12:21:45]
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos
Vladimir V. Putin to reconsider the fate of the neglected Shabolovka Radio Tower (Shukhov Tower), “a structure of dazzling
brilliance and great historical
importance,” as Norman Foster once described. Designed by Vladimir Shukhov and completed in
1922, the 160-meter hyperboloid structure is a 20th-century engineering feat that has served as a landmark of modernist
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 abril - 04 abril 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizadores: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 mayo - 09 mayo 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italia
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Summer school on the International Protection of Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Threats and Challenges
16 junio - 27 junio 2014
Geneva. Suiza
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair on the Law of Cultural Heritage Protection of the University of Geneva
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mainetti, Vittorio (Italia / Italy / Italie)
VerSus 2014 - Congreso internacional sobre las Lecciones de la arquitectura vernácula para la sostenibilidad
11 septiembre - 13 septiembre 2014
Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ene 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vegas, Fernando. España
Cultural HELP 2014 - ICORP Conference on Cultural Heritage and Loss Prevention
06 octubre - 07 octubre 2014
Porto. Portugal
Organizadores: ICOMOS ICORP. Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage. Ritsumeikan University
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
3ª Conferencia Mundial para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres
14 marzo - 18 marzo 2015
Sendai. Japón
Organizadores: Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (UNISDR) y el Gobierno de Japón
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conclusiones del Encuentro Internacional Convenciones UNESCO: Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica
Editores: Francisco Javier López Morales y Francisco Vidargas
© Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia[28/03/2014 12:21:45]
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos
ISBN: 978-607-484-460-3
Año: 2013
Estas son las conclusiones al congreso celebrado del 22 al 25 de octubre, 2013 en la Ciudad Universitaria del Instituto Nacional
de Antropología e Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México que ha permitido compartir una serie de
experiencias que en el ámbito de las convenciones culturales de la UNESCO y a nivel Iberoamericano, se han venido
desarrollando, en los que el Patrimonio Cultural, Natural, Inmaterial y Subacuático, así
como la Diversidad Cultural, han adquirido un lugar estratégico como fuerza motriz en
el proceso de desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades, así como en la cultura de la
protección patrimonial.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Training Guide on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural heritage in Urban Areas
By Rohit Jigyasu and Vanicka Arora
UNESCO Chair of the Ritsumeikan University in close cooperation with us and ICCROM
ISBN: 978-4-9907044-0-7
Año: 2014
This document is aimed to help institutions wishing to conduct training in this area of work to design and implement the related
courses and programmes. It is based on the experience of the international course delivered by the Ritsumeikan University over
the past six years (always in
close cooperation with WHC and ICCROM). Obviously, any new training activity developed in other regions and
contexts would need to be adapted with respect to the model presented here, but it is good to have a reference to start with.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:45]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
The Carreau du Temple / studioMilou architecture -- 2014 - Paris - France
From the architect. The Carreau du Temple, a historic steel and glass market from 1868 located in the Marais
district of Paris, was reopened by the mayor of Paris on 20 February 2014. This building, with its
characteristically transparent architecture, is one of the few surviving structures from the nineteenth-century
tradition of metal framed architecture in Paris. It was listed on France’s heritage list in 1982, five years after the
demolition of the Paris Halles and its famous Baltard pavilions – a loss that is still bitterly regretted today.
+ info:
Redesign Grain Silo for the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa - Cape Town - South Africa
The museum is the result of a partnership with the V&A and Jochen Zeitz, and the renowned Zeitz Collection will form the
museum’s founding collection, from which the museum also draws its name. Jochen will commit his collection in perpetuity
as well as underwriting the running and acquisition costs of the museum. Positioning itself as a significant international
cultural institution, the museum will focus on collecting, preserving, researching and exhibiting cutting-edge contemporary
art from Africa and its Diaspora.
+ info:
Daoíz y Velarde Cultural Center / Rafael De La-Hoz - 2013 - Madrid - Spain
From the architect. As part of the Daoiz y Verlarde complex of former barracks the objective is to preserve the
architecture; a representative sample of Madrid’s industrial and military heritage.
+ info:
Competition - LAN Chosen to Revamp Paris’ Grand Palais - Paris (France)
After a nine-month long competition, LAN Architecture has been commissioned to restructure and extend the historic Grand
Palais in Paris. With the intent to “restore the building’s original coherence and sense of transparency,” LAN plans to revamp the
1900 World’s Fair building by resorting its unity and circulation, as well as the volume of its galleries around the Grand Nave and
the addition of a new entrance court…
+ info:
Rehabilitación y adaptación de Capilla en Brihuega / Adam Bresnick - 2012 (España)
La iglesia del Convento de las Jerónimas de Brihuega fue construida en 1596. Fue hospital durante una batalla de la Guerra
de Sucesión Española en 1710 y posteriormente saqueada en la Guerra de la Independencia. Sobrevivió las vicisitudes de
los años y finalmente fue abandonada por las monjas en 1969, debido a su estado ruinoso.
La bóveda que cubría la nave se había derrumbado y se sustituyó por cerchas metálicas. Los muros portantes estaban
fisurados y la vegetación crecía entre sus grietas. Aún más problemática era la situación de
los dañados arcos torales
encargados de soportar la cúpula. Como consecuencia del colapso de la estructura de madera del cimborrio, se había
derrumbado un cuarto de la cúpula. El interior se encontraba despojado de todo adorno a excepción de las pilastras y cornisas. Las ventanas
rotas y las goteras completaban la escena…
+ info:
Anuncio de los ganadores del premio UE de patrimonio Cultural / Premios EUROPA NOSTRA 2014 - Fecha límite para votar:
20 abril
La Comisión Europea y Europa Nostra anuncian hoy los ganadores del Premio Unión Europea de Patrimonio Cultural / Premios
Europa Nostra. Los veintisiete ganadores, seleccionados entre ciento sesenta proyectos nominados de treinta países, son
recompensados por sus logros en cuatro ámbitos: conservación; investigación; dedicación especial; educación, formación y
sensibilización. La ceremonia de entrega tendrá lugar el 5 de mayo en el Burgtheater de Viena, con el patrocinio de Heinz Fischer,
Presidente de Austria. Androulla Vassiliou, Comisaria Europea de Educación, Cultura, Multilingüismo y Juventud, y Plácido
Domingo, cantante de ópera y Presidente de Europa Nostra, presentarán conjuntamente los premios. Seis de los galardonados serán
proclamados ganadores del Gran Premio, dotado con 10 000 euros para cada
uno de ellos, y uno recibirá el Premio del Público, adjudicado
tras una encuesta en línea realizada por Europa Nostra. Además de celebrar la excelencia del trabajo sobre el patrimonio cultural, el Premio de
la UE tiene por objeto promover estándares de calidad en el ámbito de la conservación.
+ info:
Online course about Conservation of globes
by Dr. Patricia Engel and Michael Højlund Rasmussen[28/03/2014 12:21:47]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
31 marzo - 01 junio 2014
On-line. -
Organizadores: Hornemann Institute of University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Weyer, Angela (Alemania / Germany / Allemagne)
Curso on-line sobre Teorías y Métodos de Restauración desde 1945 hasta la actualidad
31 marzo - 01 junio 2014
On-line. -
Organizadores: HORNEMANN INSTITUTE. Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Artisticas
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Weyer, Angela (Alemania / Germany / Allemagne)
REHABEND 2014 - Congreso Mundial Latinoamericano "Patologías de la construcción, tecnología de la rehabilitación y gestión del
01 abril - 04 abril 2014
Santander. España
Organizadores: GTED- UC, Departamento de Ingeniría Estructural y mecánica , ETS Ingenieros de Caminos
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 may 2013
+ info:
Congresso internacional "Os Centros Históricos no Novo Paradigma Urbano"
02 abril - 05 abril 2014
Lisboa. Portugal
Organizadores: LABART/Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias; Instituto de História de Arte Faculdade Letras Universidade
Lisboa; PROARQ/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 12 dic 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ramírez Blanco, Manuel. España
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 abril - 04 abril 2014
Rome. Italia
Organizadores: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i
Beni Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference “Concrete Actions 2014: Conservation of Modern Architecture
03 abril - 04 abril 2014
Chandigarh. India
Organizadores: Chandigarh College of Architecture
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Prafulla Tarachand, Janbade. India
Course: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites with Mosaics
28 abril - 16 mayo 2014
Paphos. Chipre
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute, United States
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 oct 2013
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 mayo - 09 mayo 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italia
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2014
Murcia. España
Organizadores: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
XVI edición del Curso Internacional sobre la tecnología de conservación de la madera - ICWCT 2014
21 mayo - 27 junio 2014
Oslo. Noruega
Organizadores: ICCROM; Riksantikvaren - Oficina noruega de patrimonio cultural, Noruega y la Universidad Noruega de Ciencia y Tecnología
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - YOCOCU 2014 "Los jóvenes en la conservación del patrimonio cultural"
28 mayo - 30 mayo 2014
Agsu. Azerbaiyán
Organizadores: YOCOCU young professionals, students and researchers
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 feb 2014
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:21:47]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
08 junio - 20 junio 2014
Íslenski bærinn. Islandia
Organizadores: Íslenski Bærinn/Turf House, Iceland Academy of the Arts, University of Iceland, University of Aberdeen and Háskólafélag
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Hafsteinsson, Sigurjon Baldur. Iceland
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
I Jornadas Latinoamericanas "Patrimonio e Inclusión"
17 junio - 19 junio 2014
Posadas, Misiones. Argentina
Organizadores: ICOMOS Argentina y UNaM Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Gayetzky de Kuna, Graciela Cecilia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
Experimental Mechanics in Art and Conservation
07 julio - 11 julio 2014
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The British Society for Strain Measurement on behalf of the European Society for Experimental Mechanics
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 nov 2013
+ info:
International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper
25 agosto - 12 septiembre 2014
Tokyo. Japón
Organizadores: National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, (Tokyo) & ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation
and Restoration of Cultural Property)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 mar 2014
+ info:
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 septiembre - 26 septiembre 2014
Hong Kong. China
Organizadores: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info:
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Terracruda e nanotecnologie. Tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilità
Curatore: Francesca Scalisi; Cesare Sposito
ISBN-13 9788854860445
Editore: Aracne - Collana: Esempi di architettura
Año: 2013
Già con il Programma di ricerca nazionale PRIN 2006, dall'Unità di Ricerca UR/1, che fa capo all'Università degli Studi di
Palermo, era stata affrontata la ricerca sui materiali compositi nanostrutturati, mirati al recupero e alla conservazione del
patrimonio architettonico. E con Alberto Sposito, co-ordinatore nazionale e responsabile di una unità di ricerca, erano l'unità chimico-fisica di
Palermo e l'unità che faceva capo all'università di Messina. Con i fondi assegnati da tale PRIN l'Unità di Palermo ha organizzato nel 2009 il I
Convegno Internazionale dal titolo "Nanotech for architecture: innovative technologies, techniques and nanostructured materials", i cui atti sono
stati pubblicati da Luciano Editore (2009). Inoltre, lo stesso anno e con gli stessi tipi sono state pubblicate le risultanze della ricerca con il
titolo "Nanotecnologie & nanomateriali per l'architettura".
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Agenda Publications[28/03/2014 12:21:47]
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Ancient Buddhist caves in China could ‘turn to sand’
Urgent conservation work is needed to save a series of caves in northwest China containing ancient murals by
Buddhist monks, which are threatened with destruction from the forces of nature.
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
5º Congreso Europeo de Turismo Industrial “Identidad, Industria y Cultura”
17 junio - 20 junio 2014
Ferrol, A Coruña. España
Organizadores: Dirección General de Empresa e Industria de la Comisión Europea, la Diputación de A Coruña, CCI FRANCE (Asamblea de las
Cámaras de Comercio e Industria francesas) y la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Toledo
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
El Comercio y la cultura del mar. Alicante, puerta del Mediteráneo
Autores: Inmaculada Aguilar y Juan Ferrer
ISBN: 978-84-482-5887-0
Editado por la Conselleria d'Infraestructures, Territori i Medi Ambient de València (España)
Año: 2013
La publicación recoge 22 artículos presentados en tres áreas temáticas: las rutas del gran comercio; las mercancías: lujo y
necesidad; y viajeros, navegantes, ingenieros y empresarios. Y en ella han participado profesionales de acreditado prestigio de
diferentes campos como la historia, la economía, la ingeniería y la arqueología.
+ info:
Revue PATRIMÒNI n°49
Año: 2014
En ce début de millénaire, la prise de conscience en faveur de notre patrimoine est forte.
Nous sommes nombreux à nous investir dans sa découverte, sa protection, sa mise en valeur. Patrimòni a été créé le 1° mars
2006. Il se veut un journal d’expression des acteurs du patrimoine aveyronnais : associations, particuliers, collectivités…, un
"lieu" de rencontre entre eux et un journal d’informations pour tous. Pour respecter un environnement il faut le connaître.
Connaître ses racines est important pour soi-même, mais, aussi, pour pouvoir s’ouvrir à l’autre. Le patrimoine c’est bien sûr
l’histoire, l’architecture, la faune, la flore, la langue..., mais aussi les recettes traditionnelles, les métiers anciens, les légumes oubliés... Ses
pages sont ouvertes à tous ces patrimoines. L’Aveyron est un grand département riche de ses différents "pays", Patrimòni les fait
Ce journal est un outil entre vos mains, faites-le vivre, il a besoin de vous, de vos articles, de vos informations. Ensemble prenons soin de
notre héritage afin de le transmettre aux générations futures.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Verdié, Bernard (Francia / France / France)
Agenda Publications[28/03/2014 12:21:48]
Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el patrimonio
Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el patrimonio
FCGL - Forensic Computational Geometry Laboratory-- Heidelberg University- Germany
The FCGL is a Junior Research Group (JRG) established within the Zukunftskonzept (institutional strategy) of the 2nd German University
Excellency Initiative. This concept has the general goal to improve the understanding of complex material, cultural and social topics. The FCGL
matches this vision and bridges the well-established fields of the Computational Sciences and the Forensic Sciences by collaborative
development of new methods to answer questions arising from Humanities and Life Sciences.
+ info:
Vidéos en ligne du Réseau des Grands Sites de France ((RGSF)
La Chaine Youtube du Réseau des Grands Sites de France vous permet de retrouver toutes les vidéos du Réseau et des Grands Sites.
+ info:
Musei, storytelling e avventure social: CHESS ( Cultural Heritage Experience) Experience
CHESS è un acronimo per Cultural Heritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions and
Storytelling. Un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea per rendere interattiva, tecnologica e
coinvolgente la fruizione dei beni culturali, la visita ad un museo.
Negli ultimi anni abbiamo imparato a vedere i musei non più solo come barbosi contenitori di opere d’arte,
meravigliosi, ma pur sempre barbosi. Grazie anche a cinema e televisione, l’immagine dei musei è stata
connessa all’avventura, alla magia, al divertimento e all’interazione…
+ info:
Saving Cultural Heritage, One Tweet at a Time
More often than not, papers are geared towards other academics, which is a necessary and critical practice to advance research
and gain awareness. However, when it concerns looting, smuggling, and trading illicit antiquities, there is an audience that
needs even more attention — the general public.
+ info:
IHBC welcomes Heritage4Media website launch & 15% IHBC discount - United Kingdom
Heritage4Media, a web-based listing for historic locations to access the filmmaking and media-profiling industries has now launched its new
website, and offers a 15% discount to IHBC members.
+ info:
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 abril - 04 abril 2014
Rome. Italia
Organizadores: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i
Beni Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
WorldCIST'14 - World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
15 abril - 18 abril 2014
Madeira Island. Portugal
Organizadores: WorldCIST Secretariat
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 nov 2013
+ info:
II Congreso Internacional de Educación y Accesibilidad: Museos y Patrimonio "En y con todos los sentidos: hacia la integración social
en igualdad"
02 mayo - 04 mayo 2014
Huesca. España
Organizadores: Universidad de Zaragoza a través del Máster en Museos: Educación y Comunicación
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 mar 2014
+ info:
Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference - PPC 2014
05 mayo - 09 mayo 2014
Monza and Mantua. Italia[28/03/2014 12:21:51]
Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el patrimonio
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair for PRECOMOS, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 feb 2014
+ info:
Innovate Heritage Internacional Conference
06 junio - 08 junio 2014
Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: World Heritage Studies programme at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Cadar, Simona (Rumania / Romania / Roumanie)
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Experiencing Augmented Reality as an Accessibility Resource in the UNESCO Heritage Site called "La Lonja", Valencia
Autor: Marina Puyuelo, José Luís Higón, Lola Merino, Mónica Val, Manuel Contero
Editor: Procedia Science Direct
ISBN-ISSN ISSN 1877-0509
Año: 2013
This paper presents the design of an augmented reality application for the Gothic Silk Market Building called the "Lonja de la Seda"
in Valencia (UNESCO Monument Heritage Site, 1996) and the results of the experiments carried out "in-situ" to observe its usability
as an accessibility resource. The objective of this project has been to use and validate augmented reality (AR) as a tool to increase the
accessibility to the architectural elements of this monumental setting. The AR application aims to resolve the perception issues derived from
poor lighting, the distance in relation to the multiple details, access, etc. 145 individuals of different ages and diverse origin, making the visit to
the monument with or without guide used the AR application. When visitors had used the application as they wished, interviews were conducted
individually in order to receive their feedback about the AR experience. Users enjoyed identifying and selecting the motifs they were going to
visualize with the AR tool. In general, the experience was very positively evaluated by participants, promoting a favourable and renewed image
of the monument.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Marina Puyuelo. España
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:21:51]
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales y Fauna/Flora
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales y Fauna/Flora
Lanzan una campaña contra el tráfico ilícito: «Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable»
La Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT), la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) y la
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) han aunado fuerzas para
promover una campaña mundial en la que se insta a los viajeros a apoyar la lucha contra diversas formas de tráfico ilícito.
La campaña se presentó al sector turístico en la feria internacional de turismo de Berlín, la ITB, el 5 de marzo de 2014.
«Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable» aspira a sensibilizar al público respecto a los bienes y servicios
ilegales que con más frecuencia pueden encontrar los turistas en sus viajes. La campaña ofrece orientación para reconocer posibles
situaciones de tráfico de personas, especies silvestres, artefactos culturales, drogas ilegales y falsificaciones, e invita a los viajeros a actuar,
tomando decisiones de consumo responsables.
+ info:
Robo de cuadros del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Arequipa (Perú)
El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Arequipa, cumple con el deber de informar a la comunidad en general y a los amigos del
MAC en particular, el lamentable robo de tres valiosas obras pictóricas, producido el día 14 de febrero de 2014.
Se trata de obras pertenecientes a la exposición permanente que se exhiben regularmente en la planta superior del local: La
primera, “Cuarto de Auvers”, de Fernando de Szyszlo, acrílico sobre tela de 120 x 120 cm; la segunda, “Aves de totoritas”,
acrílico sobre tela de Gerardo Chávez, 114 x 146 cm y, la tercera, “Sueño del fuego”, óleo sobre tela de Venancio Shinki,
162 x 130 cm. Descubierto el robo de inmediato se procedió a la denuncia respectiva ante la DIVINCRI, cuyos peritos y
especialistas iniciaron la investigación pertinente con especial interés y diligencia…
+ info:
War, the latest visitor to one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world: Palmyra- Syria
Syria's fabled desert Greco-Roman oasis of Palmyra saw its last tourist in September 2011, six months after the
uprising began. Its most recent visitors are violence and looting. Ancient Palmyra now bears the scars of modern
warfare but also greed in the form of pillaged tombs. The UNESCO-listed "pearl of the desert" world heritage site in
Homs province, just over 200 kilometres (130 miles) northeast of Damascus, was one of the most important cultural
centres of the ancient world. It retains its majesty today, despite the tall-columned Temple of Baal suffering damage
from shrapnel during artillery exchanges between rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. The
Hellenistic building's eastern wall, its most imposing, now bears whitened slashes where the stone has been gouged by shell blasts. Mortar fire
has damaged one entrance and its lintel resting on eight columns with fluted shafts. The perimeter wall has been damaged in several places.
The Corinthian capitals of three pillars of the colonnade to the south of the temple have crashed to the ground…
+ info:
Great Pyramid of Giza vandalised-- Egypt
Following accusations of vandalism and theft at the Great Pyramid of Giza, two researchers are under
investigation in Germany and six individuals have been detained in Egypt, including the head of a tour company,
archaeologists and local guards. Officials with the Ministry of Antiquities responsible for the pyramids have
reportedly already been transferred to other positions as punishment for negligence.
+ info:
Khachkars and Icons: Looting in pre - and post - Soviet Armenia
Located on the piedmont of the Caucasus mountain range, the country of Armenia illustrates an interesting paradox. It
is, on one hand, a nation-state born out of, and partly modeled by, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. However, it is also a country that dogmatically identifies itself with civilizations more than 2000 years-old, and defends the idea of
an evolving yet continuous Armenian identity…
+ info:
Summer school on the International Protection of Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Threats and Challenges
16 junio - 27 junio 2014
Geneva. Suiza
Organizadores: UNESCO Chair on the Law of Cultural Heritage Protection of the University of Geneva
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 may 2014[28/03/2014 12:22:52]
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales y Fauna/Flora
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mainetti, Vittorio (Italia / Italy / Italie)
International Conference ‘New Approaches to Heritage Ethics: Interdisciplinary conversations on crime, conflicts and rights in relation
to heritage’
23 junio - 24 junio 2014
Canterbury. Nueva Zelandia
Organizadores: Centre for Heritage at Kent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 3 feb 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Labadi, Sophia. France
Conclusiones del Encuentro Internacional Convenciones UNESCO: Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica
Editores: Francisco Javier López Morales y Francisco Vidargas
© Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
ISBN: 978-607-484-460-3
Año: 2013
Estas son las conclusiones al congreso celebrado del 22 al 25 de octubre, 2013 en la Ciudad Universitaria del Instituto Nacional
de Antropología e Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México que ha permitido compartir una serie de
experiencias que en el ámbito de las convenciones culturales de la UNESCO y a nivel Iberoamericano, se han venido
desarrollando, en los que el Patrimonio Cultural, Natural, Inmaterial y Subacuático, así
como la Diversidad Cultural, han adquirido un lugar estratégico como fuerza motriz en
el proceso de desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades, así como en la cultura de la
protección patrimonial.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vidargas Acosta, Francisco (México / Mexico / Mexique)
Agenda Publications
Ir a arriba[28/03/2014 12:22:52]
Turismo: Gestión del patrimonio y Ecoturismo
Turismo: Gestión del patrimonio y Ecoturismo
Vidéos en ligne du Réseau des Grands Sites de France ((RGSF)
La Chaine Youtube du Réseau des Grands Sites de France vous permet de retrouver toutes les vidéos du Réseau et des Grands Sites.
+ info:
Tourisme durable - Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Découvrez 6 séquences vidéos de 2 à 3 minutes de la collection "Quel tourisme dans les Grands Sites? Les professionnels témoignent..."
Guide nature, ambassadeur du patrimoine, gérante d'un hôtel-restaurant, des professionnels du tourisme, engagés dans une démarche
d'accueil des publics et un esprit de préservation du patrimoine, agissent aux côtés des gestionnaires de Grands Sites pour un tourisme
+ info:
Whales means business
Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of
tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should
consider attending and learning from.
+ info:
Lanzan una campaña contra el tráfico ilícito: «Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable»
La Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT), la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) y la
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) han aunado fuerzas para
promover una campaña mundial en la que se insta a los viajeros a apoyar la lucha contra diversas formas de tráfico ilícito.
La campaña se presentó al sector turístico en la feria internacional de turismo de Berlín, la ITB, el 5 de marzo de 2014.
«Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable» aspira a sensibilizar al público respecto a los bienes y servicios
ilegales que con más frecuencia pueden encontrar los turistas en sus viajes. La campaña ofrece orientación para reconocer posibles
situaciones de tráfico de personas, especies silvestres, artefactos culturales, drogas ilegales y falsificaciones, e invita a los viajeros a actuar,
tomando decisiones de consumo responsables.
+ info:
Three Finalists Announced for Moscow’s Ukraina Hotel Entryway Competition - Russian Federation
The Ukraina Hotel, with the support of the non-state educational institution Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and
Design, have announced the finalists for the Ukraina Hotel Entryway competition. Designs from ABD Architects
(Russia) in cooperation with Werner Sobek Moskwa (Russia), TPO Lesosplav (Russia) in cooperation with Malishev
Wilson Engineers (UK), and Studio 44 (Russia) have been chosen from a total of ten competing proposals, one of which
will now be implemented by the client. Offering the chance to design a new entrance to one of Moscow’s foremost
landmarks, the winning scheme will provide a rare opportunity to work with an unique example of Stalinist architectural
+ info:
Educational tourism is enhancement of learning opportunities
...Study abroad experiences. Most major universities round the world promote some sort of foreign travel for his or
her students. Study abroad experiences give students with something from 6-week intensive study sessions to a full
year of cultural and linguistic immersion. US universities that have long seen themselves as student-exporters have
currently returned to comprehend that non-English speaking student’s look for US study abroad adventures too.
Students usually travel not solely among their destination country of alternative however throughout that county and
even to neighboring lands. The goal here is to widen the tutorial expertise so university students don’t solely grasp
their own culture however conjointly that of a minimum of one alternative nation…
+ info:
Sierra Gorda Completes “Early Adopter” Assessment, Applying Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for
Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Mexico is the first Central American destination to complete the Global
Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) GSTC Early Adopters Program to test its new Criteria and Indicators for
Destinations, under the scope of the GSTC’s Destination Partner Program in collaboration with Sustainable Travel
International (STI).
During a 10-day span, Ms. Pessolano met with key stakeholders in Sierra Gorda to discuss tourism planning and
management, economic development, community involvement, heritage protection, and environmental conservation. As a result, the Evaluation[28/03/2014 12:22:54]
Turismo: Gestión del patrimonio y Ecoturismo
Report revealed that the destination has made considerable progress on some significant destination sustainability issues, highlighting: public
commitment to destination sustainability, rules and regulations to prevent visual and noise pollution, bringing artisans, local growers and
businesses into the tourism value chain and practices to promote local culture.
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Mullis, Brian T. (Estados Unidos de América / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
Call for Papers: Journal of Heritage Tourism - Special issue on Heritage Transportation and Tourism
- Deadline: 30 May 2014
Since the Industrial Revolution, transportation modalities have been at the forefront of technological
advancement. As a result, the broad area of transportation has experienced significant change over the
past several centuries and as a consequence, left us with a rich diversity of heritage, both in terms of
physical elements as well as social and psychological impacts on people and societies. Within the context
of the study of tourism, the primary transport types are railways, ships and boats, automobiles, and
aircraft. All of these have a rich history and as such, provide the basis for encouraging or enhancing tourism, either directly or by providing
motivations for various forms of travel.
We invite contributions that advance understanding of the role of heritage transportation to the development and sustainability of tourism.
These contributions can be theoretical or applied in nature given the inherent issues and challenges facing heritage transportation in the
context of tourism.
+ info:
Patrimoine de l’humanité de l'Unesco : grandes causes, petits arrangements financiers…
Le label « Patrimoine de l’humanité » de l'UNESCO révèle au grand jour des beautés du monde. Toutefois, l'enjeu
économique dépasse largement le but initial de ce label qui a pour premier objectif la préservation d’un patrimoine
mondial. Christian Orofino, co-président de l'OBGET revient dans cette chronique, sur les grandes causes, et les
petits arrangements…
+ info:
Whales Mean Business
Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of
tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should
consider attending and learning from.
+ info:
The Most Visited Countries in the World Visualized
If you've ever wondered which country was the most popular tourist destination, wonder no longer—this map shows
which countries get the most visitors every year.
+ info:
Etude de fréquentation et de mobilité sur le Grand Site Baie de Somme - France
La Baie de Somme est une destination Nature connue et réputée pour ses grands espaces, une faune et une flore
préservées. En tant qu’animateur et gestionnaire du label Grand Site, le Syndicat Mixte a souhaité disposer d’éléments
tangibles : combien de visiteurs accueillons-
nous chaque année sur les espaces de nature ? qui vient ? quelles sont les
attentes ? comment les visiteurs se déplacent t-ils? Une étude de fréquentation touristique et de mobilité a été lancée en
2013 et fait échos à une précédente étude menée en 2002.
Les résultats nous permettrons d’analyser l’évolution de la fréquentation, d’adapter les aménagements (parking,
signalétique, etc.) afin de mieux accueillir les visiteurs sans altérer la préservation des espaces fragiles.
+ info:
The Digital Future of World Heritage Symposium
02 abril - 04 abril 2014
Rome. Italia
Organizadores: University of Notre Dame and the UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), in collaboration with Soprintendenza Speciale per i
Beni Archeologici di Roma and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Taller abierto MOOC “Sitios imperdibles de Buenos Aires”
Inscripción: desde el 7 hasta el 28 de abril
21 abril - 19 mayo 2014
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Programa de Educación a Distancia, Universidad del Salvador (USAL)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Toselli, Claudia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
IFLA Asia Pacific 2014 Congress “A Greener Tomorrow”
28 abril - 30 abril 2014
Kuching, Sarawak. Malasia
Organizadores: International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in conjunction with World Landscape Architecture Month and Malaysia
Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso online - Desarrollo y comercialización del Producto Turístico Cultural
Profesor: Luis Gustavo Patrucco[28/03/2014 12:22:54]
Turismo: Gestión del patrimonio y Ecoturismo
09 mayo - 20 junio 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
IX Congreso Internacional de Molinología
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2014
Murcia. España
Organizadores: La Asociación para la Conservación de la Huerta de Murcia (HUERMUR) junto a ACEM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 ene 2014
+ info:
International Conference on Heritage Interpretation and Tourism "Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host
10 mayo - 13 mayo 2014
Primošten. Croacia
Organizadores: Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shalaginova, Iryna. Germany, Alemania, Allemagne
Université d'été 2014, la ville et le musée : les nouveaux enjeux territoriaux
11 mayo - 17 mayo 2014
Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Université d’été organisée conjointement par le CÉLAT
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Dubé, Philippe (Canadá / Canada / Canada)
ACFAS 2014 - Colloque "Développement local et patrimoine mondial: attirer les touristes ou intégrer les habitants ?"
13 mayo 2014
Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti (Université de Montréal), en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO Culture,
Tourisme, Développement et l'EIREST (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 feb 2014
+ info:
4th Annual Coordination Meeting of the Category 2 Institutes/ Centres
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2014
Shanghai. China
Organizadores: World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under auspices of UNESCO (WHITR-AP)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 mar 2014
+ info:
Curso online - Planificación Estratégica para museos y otras organizaciones culturales
Profesores: Claudio Gómez y Cecilia Jaña
06 junio - 18 julio 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti"
12 junio - 14 junio 2014
Capri. Italia
Organizadores: Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.
Regional Studies Association European Conference "Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories"
16 junio - 18 junio 2014
Izmir. Turquía
Organizadores: Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Business Izmir, Turkey
Contacto: Elizabeth Mitchell - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 feb 2014
+ info:
I Jornadas Latinoamericanas "Patrimonio e Inclusión"
17 junio - 19 junio 2014
Posadas, Misiones. Argentina
Organizadores: ICOMOS Argentina y UNaM Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Gayetzky de Kuna, Graciela Cecilia (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)
5º Congreso Europeo de Turismo Industrial “Identidad, Industria y Cultura”
17 junio - 20 junio 2014
Ferrol, A Coruña. España
Organizadores: Dirección General de Empresa e Industria de la Comisión Europea, la Diputación de A Coruña, CCI FRANCE (Asamblea de las
Cámaras de Comercio e Industria francesas) y la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Toledo
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info:[28/03/2014 12:22:54]
Turismo: Gestión del patrimonio y Ecoturismo
Curso online - Hacer turismo especializado en el espacio patrimonial
Profesora: Karina Durand
20 junio - 01 agosto 2014
Organizadores: Fundación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
II Curso Internacional de Verano “Turismo Urbano, Globalización y Patrimonio”
01 julio - 12 julio 2014
Bogotá y en Villa de Leyva. Colombia
Organizadores: Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia en asociación con la red RIGPAC
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 11 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Italia / Italy / Italie)
Curso - Turismo arqueológico: un nicho de turismo especializado en el mediterráneo
02 julio - 04 julio 2014
Maó, Menorca. España
Organizadores: UIMIR - Universitat Internacional de Menorca Illa del Rei
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Tresserras, Jordi Juan. España
Heritage training course "Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places"
02 agosto - 09 agosto 2014
Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Blair, Sandy (Australia / Australia / Australie)
7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
20 agosto - 23 agosto 2014
Tallinn. Estonia
Organizadores: Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 ene 2014
+ info:
Tenth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute
26 agosto - 11 septiembre 2014
Dalyan. Turquía
Organizadores: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Özhan, Erdal (Turquía / Turkey / Turquie)
2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communitites
03 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014
Montalegre. Portugal
Organizadores: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development and Newcastle University
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 dic 2013
+ info:
IV Congreso de Ciencia y Arte de Paisaje “Paisajes Alternativos”
07 octubre - 09 octubre 2014
Chapala, Jalisco. México
Organizadores: La ACAMPA, Academia Mexicana de Paisaje, A.C., el H. Ayuntamiento de Chapala, Jal., y la Universidad de Guadalajara
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Conference “The Right to (World) Heritage”
23 octubre - 25 octubre 2014
Cottbus. Alemania
Organizadores: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V. (IAWHP e.V.) together with the Faculty for Environmental Studies
and Process Engineering of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Financial support is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2014
+ info:
Enviado por miembro FUUP: Shakhmatova, Khrystyna (Ucrania / Ukraine / Ukraine)
V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection"
03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014
Limassol. Chipre
Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of
Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquities, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2014
+ info:
5th ITSA Biennial Conference "Tourism, Cities and the Environment in the Asian Century"
16 noviembre - 29 noviembre 2014
Perth, Western Australia. Australia
Organizadores: International Tourism Studies Association, Washington DC, USA
Contacto: David Newsome: [email protected][28/03/2014 12:22:54]
Turismo: Gestión del patrimonio y Ecoturismo
+ info:
YAMU - Revista de Desarrollo Sostenible Vol 2 - 2014
Oficina Universitaria de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Extremadura (OUMA) y su Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo
Sostenible (CUDSUEx)
ISSN: 2255-4661
Año: 2014
YAMU es una revista multidisciplinaria para la publicación y discusión de los problemas ambientales y ecológicos y el
desarrollo de políticas para la gestión ambiental en el marco de un crecimiento sostenible.
Su objetivo principal es impulsar la reflexión y diálogo sobre temas relacionados con el desarrollo sostenible, el medio ambiente y la
singularidad cultural en el ámbito científico y social.
+ info:
Agenda Publications
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